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Thesis Proposal
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement for Degree of bachelor of
Education in English Education

Farid Muhammad Faqih Kadarusman
Std. ID Number: 119060028

Nunung Nurjanah, S.Pd., M.Hum.
NIDN. 0407022770
NIK. 0407022770



Farid Muhammad Faqih Kadarusman


Approved to be submitted to the examination board by:


Nunung Nurjanah, S.Pd., M.Hum.

NIDN. 0407022770

Acknowledged by:
Head of Department of English Department

Hendriwanto, S.Pd., M.Pd

NIDN. 0422078602

1. Background of The Study
Reading is a part of language skills. It closely linked to other skills such as
speaking, writing and listening. These language skills cannot be separated each
other. The important of reading is beside the knowledge of letters and
punctuation, reader need skill to comprehend a text. This is intended to encourage
students to enjoy reading and have a comprehension skill of reading.
Reading becomes important because it will bring some advantages. By
reading, the students will gain a lot of information from various sources that can
add their insights to the world and its development. They also get more additional
knowledge which has not gained from lessons at school from the teacher’s
Reading comprehension is an important skill in learning English especially
in countries where English as a Foreign or Second Language (EFL/ESL).
Browton in Nursucyanti (2007) states the reading is very important to the students
because reading helps to solidify students’ lack of vocabulary, structure, and
complements of other language skills.
Proficient reading comprehension depends on the ability to recognize word
quickly and effortlessly. If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of
their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their
ability to comprehend what is read. Sometimes reading is seen as a simple
activity, but actually it is a complex activity. We do not just speak of symbols that
from of writing but also to understand the purpose of the text. In reading, students
are expected to observe, understand and think.
Reading comprehension is also an interactive process in at least two ways,
first, the various processes involved in reading are carried out virtually
simultaneously. While to recognizing word very rapidly and keeping them active
in our working memories, it also to analyzing the structure of sentences to
assemble the most logical clause – level meaning, building a main idea model of

text comprehension, monitoring comprehension and so on. Lastly, reading is
fundamentally a linguistic process. (Grabe, 2009).
Looking at the importance of reading as elaborated earlier, based on the
writer experienced. There are still many students who have problems in reading
text. They still have problem in answering the question related to the text, finding
the main idea the finding the specific information in the text. Some of the students
get difficulties in comprehend the text also. They get difficulty in understanding
the difficult word unfamiliar for them.
Besides, sometime are afraid of making a mistake and feel shy to read to
English text due to their bad pronunciation. When students have no good wiling
in reading, then, they can do nothing by reading. As a result, their capability in
English is categorized low. Therefore, students could not appear their
brainstorming before reading the text, so that they could not understand about
what they read.
From the explanation and problems above, teaching reading for the students
especially in Senior School needs appropriate method so that the students can be
more active and creative in reading class. Teaching English needs creative effort
from the English teacher in order to provide the students with fun and enjoyable
learning so that the students will be more interested to learn.
The important point when students’ read about something is the purpose
about what they read. Students’ should have purpose for what they read and what
they want to do after reading a text. If the students ‘do not have purpose before
reading something, they will not get the point of the sentence not get the
information text.
Therefore, dealing with students’ problem, Students’ Teams Achievement
Division (STAD) method would be one of good solutions because it make
students enjoy in learning teaching and they will get active in reading process by
sharing and discussion. Previous research also conducted by Nursucyanti (2007)
shows that (STAD) method has good contribution in developing the students’
reading comprehension, While Zaenul Wafa found that the students’ writing who

taught by STAD method has significant effect to improve students’ writing
ability. In other words, this method could make students more active, create, fun,
have high self-confidence, and high motivation when do the task. In which they
have to work hard to become the best team. The writer expects the students to be
more active with their friends. It will influence the conduciveness of class and the
achievement of students. A conductive class means the condition where students
in the class motivated, interested, and active in teaching learning process.
In STAD method students’ are assigned to four or five member learning
teams that are mixed in performance level, gender and ethnicity. The teacher
presents a lesson, and then students’ work with their teams to make sure that all
team members have mastered the lesson. Finally all the students’ take individual
quizzes, which they may not help one another. Students quiz scores are compared
to their own past averages and point are awarded on the basis of degree to which
students meet or exceed their own earlier performance. (Slavin, 2009).
Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested to conduct the
research paper entitled Students’ Perception of Students’ Teams Achievement
Division (STAD) Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension.
2. Research Questions
1) What are the students’ perceptions of STAD toward students’ Reading
2) How does STAD work to improve the students’ Reading Comprehension?

3. Aims of The Research

1) To find out the students’ perception of STAD towards the students’ Reading
2) To describe how STAD works on the students’ Reading Comprehension.

4. Scope and Limitation
This study is limited to the investigation of the students’ perception on STAD
learning model, and how it works in teaching and learning process focusing on
reading comprehension of recount text.

5. Significance of The Study

This study is expected to bear excellent investigation outcomes, and give useful
description of how STAD learning model works on reading class, so it can be
good information and refference for teachers and learners in exploring various
kinds of learning model; therefore, this will also encourage them to conduct more
studies about STAD and other learning models.

1. Previous Study
The first previous a thesis was conducted by Iin Afriyanti Umar. The title of her
research is “Applying Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) Technique to
Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension In Discussion Text (A Classroom Action
Research in the Third of SMA Fatahillah Jakarta)”. The formulation of the problem is
“How does the researcher improve the students’ reading comprehension in discussion
text of the third grade students at SMA Fatahillah Jakarta trough Student Team
Achievement Division (STAD) Technique?”
The result of the research is 1.) The students cold improve their reading
comprehension of discussion text trough Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)
technique in two cycles, 2.) The students’ score reading comprehension of discussion text
improve significantly trough STAD technique. The data is 86.66% of the students. In
short, the score of students’ quality in learning have good level.
The second previous conducted by Micheal Mvan Wyk. The title of his research is
“The Effects of the STAD Cooperative Learning Method on Student Achievement,
Attitude, and Motivation in Economic Education”. This study was then guided by the
following specific research questions: 1) is there a significant difference between the
effects of STAD as a cooperative learning in approach and the direct instruction approach
on student teachers’ economics education achievement scores? 2) Is there a significant

difference between the effects of STAD as a cooperative learning in approach and the
direct instruction approach on student teachers’ economics education attitude scores? 3)
When compared to students receiving direct instruction, do students in STAD as a
cooperative learning approach (a) display higher levels of achievement (b) report being
more learning more goal oriented (c) have greater positive self-efficacy beliefs regarding
their abilities in economic education (d) display greater intrinsic valuing of economics,
and (e) report the use of deeper cognitive processing strategies?. This study aimed to
explore whether there was any significant difference between the means of the pre-and
posttests of the students of the STAD and control groups’ achievement, attitude and
motivation. Independent t-tests and paired t-tests for both achievement and attitude tests
comparing the mean scores of the pretest and the posttest between the experimental group
and control group were computed to determine if a significant difference existed.
Compared to both previous researches, there some similarities and differences
between those researches and this present research. In the first previous study the
researcher tried investigate of improving students reading comprehension in discussion
text using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Technique. That the variable X
is the same with this present study. In the second previous research, it tried to know the
effect of STAD cooperative learning method on students’ achievement, attitude, and
motivation in economic education.

2. Theoretical Framework
a. Definition Students’ Perception
Perception is the process that occurs within an individual from the receipt of
excitatory stimuli until it is acknowledged and understood by the individual,
allowing the individual to recognize himself and his environment.(Walgito,
2015) Individuals use perception to try to make sense of their surroundings,
including objects, people, and events. Based on the explanation by Walgito, it
can be concluded students’ perception is the process by which the students
selects, organizes, and interprets information inputs and previous experiences
before interpreting them to produce the entire description.

b. Reading Comprehension
1) Definition of Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is reading with knowing, absorbing, and
understanding. The understanding of written text means extracting
information from it as efficient as possible. A reader will understand a text
after comprehending it, because comprehension occurs when a reader
understand and get the meaning and information from the text. Reading
comprehension is the process of making meaning of text. The goal is to gain
an overall understanding of what described in the text rather than to obtain
meaning from isolated words or sentences (Wolley, 2011: 15).
Furthermore, reading comprehension is a process that involves the
orchestration of the readers’ prior knowledge about the world and about the
language. It involves such as predicting, questioning, summarizing,
determining meaning of vocabulary in context, monitoring one’s own.
comprehension and reflecting. The process also involves such is governed by
a specific context, and it is independent on social interaction. It is the
integration of a specific context, and it is independent on social interaction. It
is the integration of all there processes that account for comprehension
(Weaver, 1994 as cited in Ahmad, 2013:3).
In summary, reading comprehension is reading with understanding in order to
get an overall understanding of a written language and can implement the
information appropriately.

2) Components of Reading Comprehension

In comprehending the reading material, the most important thing that needs to
be considered is the components of reading. According to Hoover (2008:10)
there are five essential components of reading, those are:
a) Phonemic awareness
Before mastering reading skills, knowing phonemic awareness is needed
as the foundation of reading. Phonemic awareness is described as the

ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the individual sounds-phonemes-
in spoken words. It is also part of phonological awareness such as
syllables and rhymes.
b) Phonics
To be master of reading, students also should have ability to recognize the
relationship between letters and sound in spoken language and how to
apply that knowledge in reading words. That ability is called as phonics.
c) Fluency
In reading, fluency is vital to comprehension. Fluency is the ability to read
text quickly, accurately and with expression. By having good fluency in
reading, the words and group words can be recognized by the students
automatically during the reading process.
d) Vocabulary
Before the students can understand the meaning of spoken or written text,
knowing the words mean is needed by the students. Knowledge of the
meaning, use and pronunciation of individual words is known as
vocabulary. In order to communicate effectively, the students should have
good vocabulary skills.
e) Comprehension
In teaching reading, comprehension is identifies as the primary goal of
reading. Comprehension is the ability to understand what one is reading,
to relate a text to what one already knows while also constructing new
knowledge and understanding.

Based on the previous explanation, it can be concluded that the major

components of reading comprehension influence students in comprehending a
text. Each student has interpretation based on his understanding of a text. It is
built by some components such as phonic awareness, phonic, fluency,
vocabulary and comprehension. The students will comprehend the text if they
master the major components of reading comprehension.

c. Students Teams Achievement Diivisions (STAD)
Cooperative Learning has numerous kinds of techniques, as Slavin stated on
his book, “There are general cooperative learning methods adaptable to most
subject and grade level: the Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD),
the Teams Games-Tournament (TGT) and the Jigsaw II‖.” As it has been
stated before, this research focuses on using the STAD technique in reading
This kind of teaching method let the team work learning has a goal that every
team should reach including the reward that they will get so that it will create
a spirit and unconsciously having an interaction among students. In STAD
student will not only has a responsibility of his or her own learning yet the
other‘s learning as well as long as they are a part of their team.
STAD might be the simplest technique and applicable technique in
cooperative learning method that the teachers can use if they are new in
Cooperative Learning methods as Slavin said, “STAD is one of the simplest
of all cooperative learning methods, and is a good model to begin with for
teachers who are new to cooperative learning approach‖.” Kagan and Kagan
also stated on their book about the STAD as, “STAD is an extremely well-
searched, effective approach to mastery of basic facts and information.”
Research of STAD has also revealed very positive effects on ethnic relations
and various types of prosocial development. Furthermore Khan also stated,
which cited from Rai (2007) stated that, “STAD (Students Team
Achievement Division) is one of the many strategies in cooperative
learning, which helps promote collaboration and self-regulating learning
skills‖.” Furthermore, Arends also highlights that the STAD technique is a
technique developed by Slavin which is the simplest and most basic technique
in cooperative learning. Students are given the materials each week or in
regular basis. Then students will be divided into a group and each group

consists of four to five members who represent sexes, various racial or ethnic
groups and high average, and low achievers on each team. Each groups are
learning through worksheet or other devices and help each other to master the
academic materials. The weekly quizzes are given for students individually.
There are three concepts which are central in student team learning methods
including STAD from Sharan which is proposed by Slavin, they are;
1) Team Rewards
Teams may earn rewards if they achieve above a designated criterion.
2) Individual Accountability
Referring to the fact in all students team learning methods, the team‘s
success depends on the individual learning of all team members
3) Equal Opportunities for Success
What students contribute to their teams is based on their improvement
over their past performance.
It can be inferred from some statements above that this kind of technique let
the students work cooperatively with their friends so that it will make the
students as the center of learning activity. Students could share the materials
that the teachers have already given in group and each member are
responsible of the group progress whether they have already understood the
materials or not. The achievement of the lesson will be seen individually from
the students‘ individual test.
The STAD technique is different and has its own characteristics from all
others cooperative learning methods, one of its characteristic is that it has an
individual quiz. This quiz is intended to show how far students‘ understanding
of the materials individually without having any help from others. Besides,
the STAD also has its own components procedure.
There are five major components in the STAD technique which proposed by
Robert Slavin:
1) Class Presentation

The material is presented in the classroom as a primarily phase of STAD
technique. In this case teacher gives the material directly or as a lecture –
discussion. Students need to pay a careful attention during the teacher
presentation so that it will help them later on the quiz.
2) Teams
There are about four or five students in each teamswho represent a cross
section in the class including academic performance, sex and race or
ethnicity. The members use the worksheet or any devices to help each
other mastering the material.
3) Quizzes
The quiz is taken by students individually after they got the teacher
presentation and team practice. Students are not allowed to help their
friends of the team during the quiz in order to know they have responsible
in knowing the materials individually.
4) Individual Improvement Scores
Each student is given a ‗base‘ score, derived from the student‘s average
performance on similar quizzes.
5) Team Recognition
The team which has reached the average score exceeded certain criteria
will get the reward

The procedures used by the researcher to carry out this study are described in this
chapter. The idea explanation in this study is broken down into 4 sections:
research design, data and data sources, technique of collecting the data, along
with technique of analyzing the data.

1. Research Design
This is a qualitative study that used the case study method. According to
(Obeng, 2016) case studies are empirical research that looks at a
contemporary occurrence in its natural setting. Whenever the boundaries are

not clear; and when a few sources of data are used. A case study method
chooses a relatively small area or a number of individuals to study. In this
situation, describe to the class the type of teacher-student contact that occurred
during the interaction.

2. Data and Data Sources

The subject of this research was students in the class X MIPA 1 with 32
students. They would be learning English with the topic narrative text,
especially interviewing resource person in Senior high school class tenth.
Furthermore, another subject was the researcher as a teacher teaching English
in the class and the English teacher in here as the observer to observe the
researcher. The researcher employed collaborative learning and participant
observation in this research.

3. Technique of Collecting the Data

There were three types of collecting data by the researcher 1) Observation, the
researchers collected these observational data, as a result, the researcher
became aware of all of the actions that students engaged in while learning In
this research, the researcher worked with the English teacher at the school to
collect data through observation. 2) Questionnaire, the researcher used
questionnaire close-ended question. According to (Dawadi et al., 2021)
closed-ended question is one in which the researcher poses a question and
gives the participant pre-set response alternatives. Here the students had the
right to fill freely and honestly. 3) Interview, there were 10 questions about
how students felt about STAD. The researcher gave some question which was
relevance about STAD learning model in teaching writing process. The type
of this interview is semi-structured, according to (Adams, 2015) A semi-
structured interview is appropriate for a range of beneficial activities,
especially when several of the open-ended questions need follow-up queries.

4. Technique of Analyzing the Data
To conduct a thorough, comprehensive, and correct analysis of the data, the
researcher utilized the descriptive methodology. The intention of using this type of
data analysis is to assist the researcher in providing correct interpretations of the
data. There were three processes for data analysis, including data reduction,
data display, and deriving conclusions and verification by Miles and
Huberman in Sugiyono (2016). 1) Data reduction. Data reduction was a
delicate thinking process that necessitates intelligence as well as a wide range
and depth of insight. The first step was to condense the data that the
researcher has gathered. 2) Data Display. The data can be presented in the
form of a short narrative. In the past, narrative text was the most common type
of display data for qualitative research data. Researchers will be able to better
examine and interpret the data that has been reduced if the data is displayed.
3) Conclusion and Verification. Conclusion and verification were the final
steps in data analysis. The initial conclusions put forward were still
temporary, and will change if no strong evidence is found.

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