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Belgavi-590018, Karnataka, India


Submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Award of the Degree
Submitted by
Under the guidance of
Mr. D.N Jagadeesh
Assistant Professor
Bangalore Institute of Technology





This is to certify that Report of “Activity Points”,Bonafide work carried out by RAKESH T J
(1BI20ME072) student of Bangalore Institute of Technology in full fillment for the AICTE activity
points programmed under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2023-
2024. The report has been approved as it satisfies the requirements in respect of Activity.

Submitted By, Proctor, Dr. T.V Sreerama Reddy

RAKESH T.J D.N. Jagadeesh, Professor and HOD
1BI20ME072 Assistant Professor Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Bangalore Institute of Technology
Bangalore Institute of Technology. Bangalore Institute of Technology.


I, Rakesh T J(1BI20ME072) student of 8th semester B.E in the Department of Mechanical

Engineering , Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, hereby declare that the activity points
submitted to the Visvesvaraya Technological University during the academic year 2023-24, is a
work done under the guidance of Niranjan E, N. S. S. Officer, Bangalore Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru. This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the
degree of Bachelors of Engineering in Electronics & Communication Engineering.

Place: Bengaluru

Rakesh T J


The knowledge & satisfaction that accompany the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without mention of the people who made it possible, whose guidance and
encouragement crowned my effort with success. I would like to thank all and acknowledge the help
I have received to carry out this technical seminar.
I am deeply indebted to , Kartheek B. S., N. S. S. Officer, Bangalore Institute of Technology, for
his immense and invaluable support, guidance and encouragement throughout the course of my
Activity Points work.I would also like to thank Mr. Diwakar Babu, Co-Founder and Director of
NGO named AVISHA for his constant supervision throughout the course and also Mr.Milinda. S
Mageri, Project Co-ordinator, Campus 2 Community, Yuvaka Sangha for giving permission and
encouraging us to be a part of volunteer expirence in Yuvaka Sangha.
I extend my heart full thanks to my proctor,Mr. D.N. Jagadeesh Assistant Professor, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Bangalore Institute of Technology, for his constant revitalization,
motivation and recommendations in preparation of documentation and continuous process of
activity work.
I would also like to thank Dr. T V Sree Rama Reddy, Professor and Head of the Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Bangalore Institute of Technology, for his constant encouragement and
for making me believe in myself.
I would like to convey my sincere thanks to our college the Bangalore Institute of Technology
,Dr. Aswath M.U., Principal, Bangalore Institute of Technology for being kind enough to provide
me this opportunity.
I would also take this opportunity to thank my friends and family for their constant support and
help. I am very much pleased to express my sincere gratitude for the friendly cooperation shown
by all the staff members of the Mechanical Department ,BIT.



➢ To establish and develop the Institute as a Centre of higher learning, ever abreast with
expanding horizon of knowledge in the field of engineering and technology, with
entrepreneurial thinking, leadership excellence for life-long success and solve societal


➢ Provide high quality education in the engineering disciplines from the undergraduate to
doctoral levels with creative academic and professional programs.
➢ Develop the Institute as a leader in Science, Engineering, Technology andmanagement,
Research and apply knowledge for the benefit of society.
➢ Establish mutual beneficial partnerships with industry, alumni, local, state and central
governments by public service assistance and collaborative research.
➢ Inculcate personality development through sports, cultural and extracurricular activities and
engage in the social, economic, and professional challenges.



➢ Mechanical Engineering Department Strive to Transform the Students Technically

Educated, Broadly Knowledge and Competent Mechanical Engineers.


➢ Create an Environment as a Center of Learning

➢ Train the Staff to Ensure the Students to get an Excellent Education at par with Latest
➢ Provide an Effective Means of Learning, Advance Knowledge, and Facilitates Personal
Commitment to the Educational Success of Students.
➢ Preparing the Students for Productive Careers Globally.
➢ Inspire Hope and Contribute to Society by Providing the Best Practices
➢ Prepares the Students for Research and Advanced Problem Solving Technique Needed to
Address Complex Mechanical Engineering Problems.
➢ Educate Students to become Highly Successful Alumni who contribute to the Profession in
the Global Society.




1.1 Activity Table 1

2.2 Waste Segregation Drive 2

2.3 SVEEP 6

2.4 Plastic Ban Awareness 11

2.5 Women Empowerment 15

2.6 Swatch Bharat Activity 19





AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24



1.1 Activity Table

Sl. No. Activity Points Earned

1. Women Empowerment 20

SVEEP (Systematic Voters Education And

2. Electoral Participation For Compulsory Voting 20

3. Swatch Bharat Activity 20

4. Waste Segregation Drive 20

5. Plastic Ban Awareness 20

Department of Mechanical Engineering, B.I.T, Bengaluru 1

AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

1.2 Waste Segregation Drive

1.2.1 Objective of the Activity:

The primary objective of the initiative is to promote a heightened sense of awareness within the
community regarding the critical importance of segregating dry, wet, and electronic waste. By
highlighting the significant negative impacts stemming from improper waste disposal practices, the
campaign aims to cultivate a sense of responsibility and environmental consciousness among
individuals. Through a combination of educational initiatives and outreach programs, the goal is to
empower community members with the knowledge and understanding necessary to make informed
decisions about waste management. Furthermore, the campaign seeks to sustain its impact over
time by continuously engaging with the community, offering ongoing education on the adverse
effects of electronic waste, and advocating for the adoption of responsible waste disposal habits.
By encouraging active participation and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship, the
initiative endeavors to create a lasting and positive impact on the community.

1.2.2 Description of the Activity:

The initiative conducted by the team focused on raising awareness about waste management
practices among residents living along Singanayakanahalli road. Through a structured survey, the
team engaged with 200 households, aiming to educate them about the importance of segregating
dry, wet, and electronic waste. The activity emphasized the negative impacts associated with
improper waste disposal practices, such as environmental pollution and health hazards. During the
survey, the team interacted with residents to discuss waste segregation, sanitary hygiene practices,
and proper disposal methods. They provided information and resources to help community
members understand the significance of responsible waste management and encouraged them to
adopt sustainable habits. Through this initiative, the team sought to empower community members
with knowledge and understanding, enabling them to make informed decisions about waste
disposal. Furthermore, the campaign aimed to sustain its impact over time by continuously
engaging with the community through educational endeavors and outreach programs.
By encouraging active participation and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship, the
initiative aimed to create a lasting and positive impact on both the community and the environment.

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

Overall, the survey activity served as a crucial step in promoting environmental consciousness and
responsible waste management practices among residents along Singanayakanahally road.

1.2.3 Outcome of the Activity:

The outcome of the survey on waste management conducted by our team along
Singanayakanahalli Road was highly promising. Through engaging with 200 households, we
successfully raised awareness about the importance of segregating dry, wet, and electronic waste.
Community members showed a keen interest in learning about proper waste disposal practices and
expressed a willingness to adopt responsible habits. As a result of the survey, residents
demonstrated an improved understanding of waste segregation, sanitary hygiene practices, and
proper disposal methods. Many households indicated their intent to implement these practices in
their daily routines, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment in the community.
Furthermore, the survey served as a catalyst for ongoing education and outreach efforts. By
providing valuable information and resources to residents, we laid the foundation for sustained
engagement and continued awareness-building initiatives. Through regular follow-ups and
additional educational endeavors, we aim to reinforce the importance of responsible waste
management and further empower community members to take positive action. Overall, the
outcome of the survey reflects a significant step forward in fostering a heightened sense of
environmental consciousness and responsibility within the community. By encouraging active
participation and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship, the initiative has laid the
groundwork for creating a lasting and positive impact on both the community and the environment.
1.2.4 Gallery

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.2.5 Certificate

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

2.1 SVEEP (Systematic Voters Education And Electoral Participation

For Compulsory Voting Awareness Drive)

2.1.1 Objective of the Activity:

The objective of the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) initiative
is to enhance voter education, foster voter awareness, and promote literacy regarding electoral
processes across India. Since its inception in 2009, SVEEP has aimed to prepare and empower
India's electorate by providing essential knowledge about the electoral process. With the
overarching goal of encouraging greater participation in the democratic process, SVEEP seeks to
equip citizens with the necessary information and resources to make informed decisions during
elections. One of the key objectives of the program is to advocate for the importance of casting
votes in upcoming elections, emphasizing the role of every individual in strengthening the
democratic fabric of the nation. Through various outreach initiatives and educational campaigns,
SVEEP endeavors to instill a sense of civic duty and responsibility among citizens, thereby
contributing to the advancement of a vibrant and inclusive democracy in India.

2.1.2 Description of the Activity:

The Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) initiative, initiated by the
Election Commission of India, is a comprehensive program aimed at enhancing voter education,
fostering voter awareness, and promoting literacy regarding electoral processes throughout India.
Since its establishment in 2009, SVEEP has remained steadfast in its dedication to preparing and
empowering India's electorate by providing essential knowledge about the electoral process. At its
core, SVEEP seeks to encourage greater participation in the democratic process by equipping
citizens with the necessary information and resources to make informed decisions during elections.
This involves conducting various outreach initiatives and educational campaigns across the nation.
The program emphasizes the importance of casting votes in upcoming elections, underscoring the
significant role that every individual plays in strengthening the democratic fabric of the nation.
Through targeted outreach efforts, SVEEP aims to instill a sense of civic duty and responsibility
among citizens, thereby contributing to the advancement of a vibrant and inclusive democracy in

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

SVEEP activities include organizing voter awareness campaigns through various media channels
such as television, radio, print, and digital platforms. Furthermore, SVEEP collaborates with civil
society organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders to reach a
wider audience and maximize its impact. The initiative also leverages social media platforms and
innovative communication strategies to engage with citizens, especially the youth, and encourage
their active participation in the electoral process. Overall, the SVEEP initiative is a concerted effort
to promote a culture of electoral literacy, participation, and responsibility among citizens across
India, thereby strengthening the foundations of democracy in the country.

2.1.3 Outcome of the Activity:

The outcome of the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) initiative,
led by the Election Commission of India, has been profound and multifaceted, contributing
significantly to the enhancement of voter education, awareness, and participation across the nation.
1. Increased Voter Awareness: SVEEP has led to a noticeable increase in voter awareness among
citizens throughout India. Through its various outreach initiatives and educational campaigns, the
program has effectively communicated essential information about the electoral process, voter
registration, and voting procedures to a wide audience. As a result, citizens are more informed
about their rights and responsibilities as voters, leading to greater engagement in the democratic
process. 2. Enhanced Electoral Literacy: SVEEP has played a pivotal role in promoting electoral
literacy among diverse segments of society. By conducting workshops, seminars, and interactive
sessions in schools, colleges, and communities, the initiative has equipped citizens with the
knowledge and skills needed to participate effectively in elections. This has contributed to a more
informed electorate capable of making informed decisions during elections. 3. Increased Voter
Turnout: One of the key objectives of SVEEP is to encourage greater participation in the democratic
process. The initiative's efforts to advocate for the importance of casting votes in upcoming
elections have yielded positive results, leading to an increase in voter turnout across various
electoral constituencies. By emphasizing the significance of every individual's role in strengthening
the democratic fabric of the nation, SVEEP has motivated citizens to exercise their right to vote
actively. 4. Strengthened Democratic Values: Through its emphasis on instilling a sense of civic
duty and responsibility among citizens, SVEEP has contributed to the advancement of democratic
values in India. By promoting a culture of electoral participation and civic engagement, the
initiative has fostered a vibrant and inclusive democracy where every voice matters. This has

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

helped to build trust in the electoral process and strengthen the foundations of democracy in the
country. Overall, the outcome of the SVEEP initiative has been highly positive, leading to increased
voter awareness, enhanced electoral literacy, greater voter turnout, and strengthened democratic
values across India. By empowering citizens with the necessary information and resources to
participate effectively in elections, SVEEP has played a crucial role in advancing the democratic
process and promoting a more inclusive and participatory democracy in the nation.

2.1.4 Gallery

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2.1.5 Certificate

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

3.1 Plastic Ban Awareness

3.1.1 Objective of the Activity:

The objective ofthe outreach efforts waste educate both shop owners and households in rural
villages about the detrimental effects of plastic usage and the importance of waste management.
The mission aimed to raise awareness about the implications of plastic bags and promote
responsible waste management practices, including waste segregation and proper disposal
techniques. By engaging in direct conversations during door-to-door visits, the volunteers aimed
to inspire behavioural change at the grassroots level and encourage individuals to adopt more
environmentally friendly practices.

3.1.2 Description of the Activity:

The outreach activity undertaken by our team involved a meticulous approach to engaging with
residents and shop owners in rural villages, with the aim of addressing the pressing issue of plastic
pollution and promoting responsible waste management practices. Throughout the initiative, our
dedicated volunteers conducted a total of 51 visits to homes and shops, ensuring direct and
personalized interactions with community members. During these visits, our volunteers engaged
in meaningful conversations with residents and shop owners,fostering open dialogue about the
detrimental effects of plastic usage on the environment and human health. Armed with knowledge
about the environmental hazards posed by plastic pollution, our team advocated for the cessation
of plastic usage and emphasized the importance of adopting sustainable alternatives. Furthermore,
our volunteers tailored their message to resonate with the unique circumstances and perspectives
of each household and shop owner. Recognizing that effective communication requires a
personalized approach, our team engaged with community members in a manner that addressed
their specific concerns and priorities. Through these personalized interactions, our volunteers
empowered individuals with the knowledge and tools needed tomake informed decisions about
waste management and plastic usage.By fostering a sense of agency and ownership over
environmental stewardship, our team sought to inspire behavioral change at the grassroots level
and cultivate a culture of sustainability within rural communities.
In summary, the activity involved direct engagement with residents and shop owners in rural
villages, with the goal of raising awareness about plastic pollution and promoting responsible waste

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

management practices. Through personalized interactions, our volunteers aimed to empower

individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to make a positive impact on the environment
and contribute to a more sustainable future.

3.1.3 Outcome of the Activity:

The outcome of the door-to-door visits conducted by our volunteers in rural villages had a profound
and tangible impact on the community, fostering a significant shift in mindset towards waste
management and plastic usage. Through direct engagement with residents and shop owners on a
personal level, our volunteers were able to effectively raise awareness about the detrimental effects
of plastic usage and inspire meaningful behavioral change. One of the most notable outcomes of
the activity was the heightened awareness among community members about the environmental
consequences of plastic pollution. By engaging in open and empathetic conversations, our
volunteers succeeded in conveying the urgent need to address plasticpollution and its adverse
impacts on ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. Residents gained a deeper understanding of
the importance of reducing plastic usage and adopting more sustainable alternatives. Furthermore,
the interactions during the door-to-door visits equipped individuals with practical knowledge about
waste segregation and proper disposal techniques. Our volunteers provided valuable guidance on
how to effectively manage different types of waste, including plastics, organic waste, and
recyclables. By empowering community members with the tools needed to implement responsible
waste management practices, we facilitated the transition towards a more sustainable approach to
waste disposal. Importantly, the activity also instilled a sense of responsibility towards
environmental conservation among community members. Through personalized interactions and
tailored messaging, our volunteers encouraged individuals to take ownership of their role in
protecting the environment and preserving natural resources. This sense of responsibility translated
into a willingness to adopt more sustainable practices and make positive changes in daily routines.
As a result of these efforts, the community demonstrated increased awareness and willingness to
embrace more sustainable practices. Residents showed a genuine commitment to reducing plastic
usage, implementing waste segregation, and adopting eco-friendly alternatives. This collective
shift in mindset towards sustainability contributed to a cleaner and more sustainable environment
in ruralvillages, paving the way for long-term environmental stewardship and conservation efforts.
In summary, the outcome of the door-to-door visits was marked by a tangible transformation in
community attitudes and behaviors towards waste management and plastic usage. Through

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

education, empowerment, and advocacy, our volunteers succeeded in inspiring meaningful change
and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility within rural villages.

3.1.4 Gallery

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3.1.5 Certificate

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

4.1 Women Empowerment


Women, throughout history, have faced a myriad of challenges stemming from systemic gender
inequality. Despite significant advancements in women's rights and gender equality movements,
numerous issues persist globally. These problems encompass various aspects of women's lives,
including economic, social, political, and cultural spheres. Feminism, as a socio-political movement
advocating for gender equality, has been instrumental in addressing these issues and promoting
women's rights.
Economically, women encounter disparities in employment opportunities, wages, and access to
resources. The gender pay gap remains a prevalent issue in many countries, with women earning
less than men for comparable work. Additionally, women are often concentrated in lower-paying
sectors and face barriers to career advancement. This economic inequality perpetuates a cycle of
financial dependence and limits women's autonomy and economic empowerment.
Socially, women face discrimination, stereotypes, and societal expectations that dictate their roles
and behaviors. Gender norms often reinforce the idea of women as caregivers and homemakers,
restricting their opportunities for personal and professional fulfillment. Moreover, women
experience higher rates of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and
harassment. These forms of violence not only inflict physical and emotional harm but also
undermine women's sense of safety and autonomy.
Politically, women are underrepresented in positions of power and decision-making processes.
Despite progress in increasing female political participation, women remain disproportionately
represented in legislative bodies, governments, and corporate leadership roles. This lack of
representation perpetuates policies and structures that marginalize women's interests and concerns.
Culturally, women encounter barriers to education, healthcare, and other essential services. Gender
biases often result in unequal access to education, limiting women's opportunities for personal
development and economic empowerment. Furthermore, women's reproductive rights are
frequently contested, denying them control over their bodies and

reproductive choices. Cultural practices such as child marriage and female genital mutilation further
perpetuate gender inequality and violate women's rights.

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

Feminism, as a movement for gender equality, seeks to address these issues and challenge the
patriarchal systems that perpetuate them. Feminist advocacy efforts aim to dismantle discriminatory
policies, challenge societal norms, and empower women to assert their rights and agency.
Intersectional feminism recognizes the interconnected nature of oppression based on gender, race,
class, sexuality, and other intersecting identities, advocating for the rights of all marginalized
Feminist activism takes various forms, including grassroots organizing, advocacy campaigns, legal
challenges, and cultural interventions. These efforts have led to significant gains in women's rights,
including legal protections against discrimination, advancements in reproductive rights, and
increased awareness of gender-based violence. However, challenges persist, requiring continued
activism and collective action to achieve gender equality.
Promoting gender equality requires concerted efforts from governments, institutions, communities,
and individuals. Policies that promote equal pay, parental leave, affordable childcare, and access to
education and healthcare are essential for advancing women's rights and opportunities. Furthermore,
challenging gender stereotypes, promoting diversity and inclusion, and amplifying women's voices
and leadership are crucial steps toward achieving gender equality.
In conclusion, women continue to face numerous challenges stemming from gender inequality
across various domains of life. Feminism serves as a vital force in addressing these issues,
advocating for women's rights, and challenging oppressive systems and norms. Achieving gender
equality requires sustained commitment and collaboration to create a more just and equitable society
for all genders.


Women empowerment entails enabling women to exert control over their lives, exercise autonomy,
and participate actively in social, economic, and political realms. It involves expanding women's
access to resources, opportunities, and decision-making processes while challenging and
dismantling structures of discrimination and inequality. Empowering women is indispensable for
achieving gender parity and fostering overall societal progress. Education plays a pivotal role,
equipping women with knowledge, skills, and confidence

to challenge societal norms and stereotypes. Economic empowerment ensures women's

independence through equal pay, access to financial services, entrepreneurship opportunities, and

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

participation in the formal labor market. Political empowerment involves bolstering women's
representation and leadership in governance and policymaking. Moreover, safeguarding women's
health, reproductive rights, and legal protections against discrimination and violence are integral
components of empowerment initiatives. Collaborative efforts among governments, civil society,
the private sector, and international organizations are crucial for advancing women's empowerment
globally. Ultimately, women empowerment not only enhances the lives of individual women but
also fosters more equitable and inclusive societies for all, promoting sustainable development and
social justice.

4.1.3 Gallery

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4.1.4 Certificate

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

5.1 Swatch Bharat Activity

5.1.1 Objective of the Activity:

The Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) Phase II sets out ambitious objectives aimed at consolidating
the gains made in Phase I while addressing the challenges that remain. At its core, the primary
objective is to ensure the sustained adoption of open defecation free (ODF) behaviors across rural
India. Achieving this involves more than just the construction of toilets; it requires a fundamental
shift in societal norms and behaviors towards sanitation practices.
One of the key objectives is to leave no one behind, ensuring that all segments of society, including
marginalized communities, have access to and adopt proper sanitation practices. This entails not
only providing infrastructure but also addressing socio-economic barriers that may hinder access
to sanitation facilities. By prioritizing inclusivity, the mission aims to promote social equity and
improve the overall well-being of rural communities.
Another critical objective is the establishment of accessible solid and liquid waste management
facilities. Proper waste management is essential for maintaining environmental sustainability and
public health. By focusing on waste management alongside sanitation, the mission seeks to address
the broader issue of environmental pollution in rural areas.
Additionally, the mission aims to encourage the adoption of cost-effective and appropriate
technologies for ecologically safe and sustainable sanitation. This involves promoting innovative
solutions that are tailored to the specific needs and contexts of rural communities. By leveraging
technology, the mission can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of sanitation interventions,
ultimately leading to better outcomes.
Furthermore, the mission seeks to develop community-managed sanitation systems, particularly
focusing on scientifically sound solid and liquid waste management practices. Community
involvement is crucial for ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of sanitation initiatives. By
empowering communities to take ownership of sanitation facilities and practices, the mission aims
to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility, leading to long-term behavior change.
Overall, the objectives of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) Phase II are ambitious yet essential
for advancing rural sanitation and environmental sustainability in India. By addressing the root
causes of poor sanitation and waste management, the mission aims to create lasting change that
benefits both current and future generations.

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

5.1.2 Description of the Activity:

Under Phase II of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), a series of activities are being
implemented to achieve the overarching objectives outlined above. These activities encompass a
wide range of interventions, including community mobilization, infrastructure development,
capacity building, and behavior change communication.
One of the key activities is community mobilization, which involves engaging with local
communities to raise awareness about the importance of sanitation and waste management. This
includes organizing community meetings, conducting door-to-door campaigns, and involving local
leaders and influencers in promoting sanitation practices.
Infrastructure development is another crucial aspect of the mission. This involves the construction
of household-owned and community-owned toilets, as well as the development of solid and liquid
waste management facilities. Infrastructure development is essential for providing access to
sanitation facilities and ensuring proper waste disposal.
Capacity building plays a vital role in ensuring the sustainability of sanitation initiatives. This
includes training local stakeholders, such as government officials, community leaders, and
sanitation workers, in various aspects of sanitation and waste management. Capacity building helps
to build local expertise and ensure that communities have the knowledge and skills necessary to
maintain sanitation facilities and practices.
Behaviour change communication is a key strategy for promoting ODF behaviors and encouraging
the adoption of proper sanitation practices. This involves using various communication channels,
such as mass media, interpersonal communication, and community events, to disseminate
information about sanitation and hygiene. Behavior change communication aims to challenge
existing norms and attitudes towards sanitation, fostering a culture of cleanliness and hygiene.
Overall, the activities under Phase II of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) are designed to be
comprehensive and holistic, addressing multiple dimensions of rural sanitation and waste
management. By implementing a combination of interventions, the mission aims to create
sustainable change that improves the health, well-being, and environment of rural communities.

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24

5.1.3 Outcome of the Activity:

The implementation of Phase II of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) has yielded significant
outcomes, with tangible impacts on rural sanitation and environmental sustainability. One of the
most notable achievements is the substantial increase in access to sanitation facilities, particularly
household toilets. Over the past years, millions of households have gained access to toilets,
contributing to a significant reduction in open defecation.
Moreover, the focus on usage rather than mere infrastructure has led to the creation of Open
Defecation Free (ODF) communities and villages, where no one defecates in the open. This
represents a fundamental shift in behavior towards proper sanitation practices, with far-reaching
implications for public health and environmental conservation.
In addition to improving sanitation, the mission has also made strides in solid and liquid waste
management. The establishment of waste management facilities has helped to reduce
environmental pollution and improve overall cleanliness in rural areas. By promoting safe and
sustainable waste management practices, the mission has contributed to the preservation of natural
resources and the protection of public health.
Furthermore, the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) has had a significant impact on gender equality
and social inclusion. By prioritizing the needs of marginalized communities and involving women
in decision-making processes, the mission has helped to promote social equity and empower
vulnerable groups. This has led to greater participation of women in sanitation initiatives and
improved access to sanitation facilities for all members of society.
Overall, the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) Phase II has been instrumental in advancing
rural sanitation and environmental sustainability in India. Through its comprehensive approach and
concerted efforts, the mission has achieved remarkable progress towards its objectives, laying the
foundation for a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for rural communities.

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5.1.4 Gallery

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5.1.5 Certificate

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24



Engagement in activities aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
is not merely a commendable endeavour but a crucial step towards fostering a more sustainable
future for humanity. By actively participating in initiatives geared towards achieving these goals,
individuals contribute to addressing pressing global challenges while simultaneously fostering
positive change in both economic and social realms.
The 17 SDGs provide a comprehensive framework for tackling various interconnected issues,
ranging from poverty alleviation and gender equality to climate action and sustainable
consumption. By dedicating time and effort to activities aligned with these goals, individuals play
a part in advancing these crucial agendas, thereby contributing to the betterment of society as a
Moreover, such engagement often entails interaction with diverse groups of people from different
social, religious, and cultural backgrounds. This exposure fosters cross-cultural understanding and
empathy, enabling individuals to navigate and thrive in increasingly interconnected and
multicultural environments. By learning to adapt to new cultures and working environments,
individuals not only broaden their perspectives but also develop crucial skills for collaborating
effectively in diverse settings.
On a personal level, involvement in SDG-related activities fosters a sense of responsibility and
civic duty. By actively working towards promoting social and economic equality, individuals
recognize their role in shaping a more just and equitable society. This heightened awareness
translates into tangible actions aimed at creating positive change, whether through advocacy,
community engagement, or sustainable practices in daily life.
In essence, enrollment in organizations dedicated to advancing the SDGs represents more than just
a commitment to sustainability; it signifies a broader commitment to fostering positive societal
transformation. By actively participating in initiatives aligned with these goals, individuals not only
contribute to addressing global challenges but also cultivate essential skills, broaden their
perspectives, and embrace their roles as responsible global citizens. Ultimately, it is through
collective action and a shared commitment to sustainability that we can strive towards a more
equitable, prosperous, and sustainable future for all.

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AICTE Activity Points Program 2023-24


• For information about the Swach Bharat Mission (Gramin):

Official website of the Swach Bharat Mission:
• For information about the impact of the Swach Bharat Mission on environment:
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India: https://jalshakti-
• For information about personality development programs and initiatives:
National Youth Policy, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India:
• National Skill Development Corporation, Government of India:
• For information about community-led initiatives and volunteer projects:
National Service Scheme (NSS), Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of

Department of Mechanical Engineering, B.I.T, Bengaluru 23

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