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Honey Bees

The Wonderful World of Bees Honey bees belong to the insect family. Like all insects the bee has three body parts, the head the thorax and the abdomen. It has other parts too like the antennae and the spiracles plus the legs and the other parts. Bees have a proboscis too just like the butterfly. The proboscis is the tongue of the bee or of any insect. But the head the thorax and the abdomen are the major parts. Honey bees are social insects, they live like a community. I'll name some other social insects, bumble bees, paper wasps, ants and more. Honey bees have a life cycle. The queen bee lays eggs. When a baby bee hatches it kind of looks like a maggot. The nurse bees feed the larva different food depending on what kind of bee it is. Then it is sealed in a cell along with some food, that means it's going through a metamorphosis. Then when it comes out, it is a house bee. After three days it becomes a nurse bee. Ten days later it becomes a wax making bee. It's job is to make wax of course! A few weeks later it becomes a guard bee. This is the last job a bee has and that is the forager bee. That is the most important job because that bee collects nectar to give to the rest of the colony. When the hive gets too full the queen bee allows another queen larva to live. She then takes the drone bees and some worker bees off to start another colony. Bees zip from flower to flower collecting nectar to bring back to the hive to make into honey. Honey bees make honey by eating nectar and then they make a frame shaped like a hexagon out of wax. They fill the hexagons with honey. They also eat the honey. People eat honey too. It would be cool to watch a bee eat. The honey bees home is called a hive. The beehive is made of something called beeswax. Bees wax is something that a bee makes. Bees use their back legs to pass wax to their front legs. It would be cool to watch a bee do that! The inside of a bees hive looks like a bunch of six sided shapes. A bees enemies are a spider, a praying mantis and sometimes fish. Another enemy could be people.

Honey bees help a lot of plants survive that would be endangered by now. Bees help seeds develop by collecting pollen and taking it from flower to flower. That is called pollinating the flower or plant. Bees talk by dancing in a figure eight. When a bee finds nectar for the colony, she finds her way home. To tell the rest of the bees where the nectar is it dances in a figure eight. Her dance tell the rest of the forager bees how close or far away the food is to the hive. Different dances mean different things. Usually bees sting once and then they die. But the queen can sting, pull the stinger out and sting again. A queen can also live three to five years. A regular bee lives three to five months but some live longer.

Honey Bees Honey Bees are insects because they have an abdomen, head and a thorax. Honey bees also have antennae, wings and six legs. They have complete metamorphosis. The Honey bees have no backbone, so we call them invertebrates. The queen lays the larva. After three days the larva hatches. First they are a worker bee. And then they are a wax making bee. Then they are a part of the court that takes care of the queen. Then a forager bee. Then two bees

fight to be queen. They eat a lot of honey. Their babies eat bee milk and then bee bread. Queen larva gets royal jelly. They live in a bee hive, or in a bee hive box. It is box shaped. There is stuff called honeycomb inside. Praying mantis is one of their predators and spiders eat them. Sometimes bears take honey because they are honey lovers. Humans are predators. Beeswax is in gum, lipsticks, crayons and inks. They use dances to tell things. They don't just go buzzzz!! They have really sharp stingers.

The Amazing Things About Bees Bees belong to the insect family. Insects have six legs, three body sections, (called the head, the thorax and the abdomen) usually wings, and antennae. All bees have stingers. Bees have a stomach called a honey stomach that carries nectar and pollen. Bees are also invertebrates. First, the queen lays the egg. After three days the egg turns into a larva and a nurse bee feeds it. Five days later seals it's cell with wax. Then the larva turns into a pupa. Then the pupa turns into a bee and comes out from it's

cell. This takes twenty one days in total. The bee's home is called a nest or hive. Here are some types of beehives: wildhive, skep, box beehive, hollow log hive, and a clay pot hive. Inside the hive, worker bees chew up honey to make wax for the honeycomb cells. The bees need a hive with lots of storage space. The nurse bee feeds the larva beemilk and beebread. Queen bee larva eats royal jelly. Adult bees eat nectar and pollen from flowers. Bears are bees enemies when they try to get the honey, the bees defend the hive and sting the bear and die. Skunks and dragonflies eat worker bees. The worker bees are always female, like the queen but smaller. The queen bee can lay over a thousand eggs a day. When the nurse bee feeds a female larva royal jelly, it becomes a queen. If there are two queens the stronger queen will sting her victim and then pull her stinger out and sting again.

About Honey Bees The honey bees body parts are the head , thorax and the abdomen. There's even the legs and the antennas on a honey bee. The honey has no backbone it's called an invertebrate. The honey bee is part of the insect family.

Here's how the life cycle of the honey bee goes. First the queen honey bee mates with a drone bee. The queen honey bee goes back to the hive with the drone. Then the queen honey bee lays her eggs in the cells that the worker bees made. When they're ready to come out there's about a couple of hundred drones, and about a thousand worker bees and two queens. The queens fight until one of the queen's is left. The queen that is still alive will be the new queen. The honey bee has hair on his or her legs to collect pollen from the middle of the flowers. They she takes it to the hive. Then she put it into a honey cell. The honey cell is for honey. Honey bees live in hives. The bee hive is full of cells. Most of the cells are for the bees and some are for the honey. They gather honey for the winter. They only have enough food for the winter. Their enemies are bears, praying mantis' and sometimes humans. When it is winter the workers and the queen stay in the hive. They kick the drones out when it is winter. Then the workers and the queen eat the honey. In summer the queen mates with a drone and the cycle begins again!

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