Constable CommodificationIntimacyMarriage 2009

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The Commodification of Intimacy: Marriage, Sex, and Reproductive Labor

Author(s): Nicole Constable

Source: Annual Review of Anthropology , 2009, Vol. 38 (2009), pp. 49-64
Published by: Annual Reviews

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The Commodification of
Intimacy: Marriage, Sex,
and Reproductive Labor
Nicole Constable
Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260;

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2009.38:49-64

Key Words
First published online as a Review in Advance on
domestic work, sex work, cross-border marriage, gendered migration,
June 12, 2009
The Annual Review of Anthropology is online at Abstract
This article's doi:
Over the past three decades, scholars have paid greater attention to the
intensification and complex interConnectivity of local and global pro
Copyright ? 2009 by Annual Reviews. cesses. Anthropological studies of cross-border marriages, migrant do
All rights reserved
mestic workers, and sex workers have burgeoned, demonstrating grow
ing scholarly interest in how social relations have become evermore
geographically dispersed, impersonal, mediated by and implicated in
broader political-economic or capitalist processes. At the same time,
intimate and personal relations?especially those linked to households
and domestic units, the primary units associated with reproductive
labor?have become more explicitly commodified, linked to commodi
ties and to commodified global processes (i.e., bought or sold; packaged
and advertised; fetdshized, commercialized, or objectified; consumed;
assigned values and prices) and linked in many cases to transnational
mobility and migration, presenting new ethnographic challenges and
opportunities. This review highlights contemporary anthropological
and ethnographic studies of the transnational commodification of inti
macy and intimate relations, related debates, themes, and ethnographic


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INTRODUCTION or services that previously existed outside of the
market (Marx 1978). This review focuses on
The proliferation of consumption practices
and domains in late capitalism, including how anthropologists have recently contributed
to analyses of the real or imagined commodifi
the commodification even of fetuses and the

means of reproduction, creates doubts as to cation of intimate relations, particularly those

what?if anything?exists outside of com involving marriage, sex, and reproductive la
modity exchange.
bor. By commodification, I refer to the ways
in which intimacy or intimate relations can be
-Russ 2005, p. 142
treated, understood, or thought of as if they
In employment market terms, European de have entered the market: are bought or sold;
mand is strong for migrant women in three packaged and advertised; fetishized, commer
areas: cleaning, cooking and housekeeping cialized, or objectified; consumed or assigned
inside private houses; caring for sick, dis values and prices; and linked in many cases to
abled, elderly and young people inside private transnational mobility and migration, echoing
houses; and providing sex in a wide variety of a global capitalist flow of goods.
locales. The term intimate relations refers here to
-Augustin 2007a, p. 53 social relationships that are?or give the im
To label a payment as a gift (tip, bribe, char pression of being?physically and/or emotion
ity, expression of esteem) rather than an enti ally close, personal, sexually intimate, private,
tlement (pension, allowance, rightful share of caring, or loving. Such relationships are not
gains) or compensation (wages, salary, bonus, necessarily associated with or limited to the do
commission) is to make claims about the rela mestic sphere, but discourses about intimacy
tionship between payer and payee. are often intertwined with ideas about gender
and domesticity, gifts as opposed to markets.
-Zelizer 2000, p. 826
In many cases, intimate relations are related to
Over the past three decades, anthropologists reproductive labor or care work in the broad
have paid attention to the intensification and est sense including, most notably, child care,
complex interconnectivity of local and global nursing, and hospice care (Hochschild 1983,
processes (Appadurai 1996, B?sch et al. 1994, Russ 2005) and also to entertainment such as
Gupta & Ferguson 1992). They have criti stripping, erotic dancing, hostessing, and other
cized and analyzed the myriad ways in which types of sex work. This review draws selec
social relations have become evermore geo tively and not exhaustively from a vast and
graphically dispersed, impersonal, mediated by rapidly growing literature on transnational in
and implicated in broader political-economic timacies, including intimate labor and intimate
or capitalist processes. Scholars have examined relations, although much of the literature is
the ways in which aspects of intimate and per not self-identified as such or unified around
sonal relations?especially those that are linked this theme. Topically, primary examples are
to households and domestic units, the primary taken from three broad types of intimate rela
units associated with reproductive labor?are tions: cross-border marriages, migrant domes
increasingly and evermore explicidy commod tic workers and care workers, and migrant sex
ified, seemingly linked to commodities and to workers, as they relate directly or indirectly
commodified global processes, or under assault to commodification. These three broad cate
by "market biographies" or lives that are shaped gories represent of course only a small range
by market demands that characterize moder of possible intimate relations that are related
nity (Beck & Beck-Gernscheim 1995, Shumway to reproductive labor, but these are three areas
2003, Zelizer 2005). in which a significant literature has developed in
In Marxist terms, commodification refers to recent years. This review focuses on the ways in
the process of assigning market value to goods which ethnographic scholarship contextualizes,

50 Constable

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problematizes, and theorizes the commodifica Hochschild 2003). The articles in Global Woman
tion and consumption of intimate reproductive illustrate how globalization has resulted in in
labor, especially within an increasingly global creased opportunities for intimacy across and
or transnational context since the 1980s and despite vast geographic distances.
concludes with a discussion of possible future Numerous studies and analyses of global
directions.1 relationships and processes point to wide
variations in gendered patterns of mobility
that involve men as well as women. Men
GENDERED MIGRATION from poorer regions of the so-called Global
Gender is a central topic and primary subject South migrate for work?as in the case of
of criticism in the literature on transnational construction workers and seamen from the
marriage migration, sex work, and care work. Philippines and Indonesia?to the oil-rich
Since the 1970s, studies of migration were crit countries of the Middle East. Immigrant male
icized for focusing almost exclusively on male doctors provide intimate care, and men are also
migrants (without attention to gender) or for involved in sexual and reproductive labor. But
treating female migrants as though they were such men, with few notable exceptions (e.g.,
simply appendages of migrant men (Brettell Espiritu 2002; Margold 1995; Padilla 2007a,b),
& deBerjeois 1992; Hondagneu-Sotelo 1994; are rarely approached as a gendered topic of
Morokvasic 1983, 1984; Piper 2006). Since study. The issue of intimacy is far more often
applied to the physical and emotional labor of
then, many influential studies have focused on
the feminization of migrant labor (Ehrenreich women (Augustin 2007a,b; Donato et al. 2006;
& Hochschild 2003, Parrenas 2001, Sassen Ehrenreich & Hochschild 2003).
2000). More recendy, the scholarly focus on mi Scholars have attempted to shift the analyt
grant women (instead of gender) as well as the ical focus away from "women" per se toward
heteronormative focus of most migrant studies gendered analyses more broadly. Building on
have also been subject to criticism, pointing in cultural geographer Massey's notion of "power
new directions for future research (Babb 2006, geometry" (Massey 1994), in which some peo
Donato et al. 2006, Mahler & Pessar 2006, ple are in charge of mobility (their own and
Manalansan 2006). that of others), Pessar & Mahler (2001) call for
In her influential essay entided "Love and attention to "gendered geographies of power"
Gold," Hochschild argues that the care and love in which one's social location relative to power
provided by third world women is a resource influences opportunities for geographic mobil
that is not unlike "the nineteenth-century ex ity. Massey, Pessar & Mahler, and others query
traction of gold, ivory, and rubber from the the variety of factors that determine who moves
Third World" (2003a, p. 26; 2003b). In the con and who controls or influences the move
temporary version of imperialist extraction, she ments of others. Following Appadurai's notion
argues, love and care are "the new gold" because of global ethnoscapes (1996), scholars have ex
emotional labor is extracted from poorer re amined a variety of "marriage-scapes" (e.g.,
gions of the world to benefit richer ones at a low Abelmann & Kim 2005; Chao 2005; Constable
cost (2003a). The edited volume Global Woman 2005a,b; Freeman 2005; Oxfeld 2005; Schein
focuses primarily on such feminized labor and 2005; Suzuki 2005; Thai 2005) and "sex-scapes"
is apdy subtitled "Nannies, Maids, and Sex (Brennan 2004, 2007).
Workers in the New Economy" (Ehrenreich & Ethnographic research thus describes var
ied patterns of gendered marital mobility and
gendered sex and care work in a global con
drawing from Hochschild's work on emotional labor
text, illustrating new gendered geographies of
(1983), Frank uses the term "commodification of intimacy" to
refer to the "authentic experience" that is created for regular power in which certain women have opportu
male customers at a U.S. strip club (2002). nities for mobility that are unavailable to men, The Commodification of Intimacy 51

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and certain classes of men and women have their U.S. working-class husbands, and in the
the ability to determine their own mobility and gendered desires of men who seek "traditional
that of others. Despite the burgeoning num wives" abroad and women who seek "modern
ber of studies of caregivers, domestic workers, husbands" (Constable 2003, 2005b; Thai
and cross-border marriages, studies of migrant 2005, 2008). In a fascinating study of Brazilian
sex workers, particularly of male sex workers, erotic dancers in New York City, Maia (2007)
male care givers, and same sex-intimacy, have illustrates the class/gender complexities of the
been slower to appear (Augustin 2007a; Cheng situation as educated middle-class Brazilian
2005,2007,2010; Constable 2000; Manalansan women opt to work as dancers in nightclubs
2003; Padilla 2007a,b; Sim 2007, 2009). (as opposed to working as maids) where they
Gendered geographies of mobility point to provide intimate labor for working-class?or
different class ends of the migratory spectrum. less-educated middle-class?U.S. men. In
On one end are elite "astronaut families" (in such cases, class identity is an important
which the family members are divided across re mediating factor in constructing and resisting
gions; for example, the male breadwinner may commodified migrant subjectivities.
go work in one country and the wife accompa Ethnographies of migrant workers have ex
amined a single ethnic group/nationality of
nies the children to another country to facilitate
their education) and immigrant professionals workers in one location, for example, Filipina
(Ong 1999; Piper & Roces 2003; Shen 2005, domestic workers in Hong Kong (Constable
2008; Shih 1999; Yeoh et al. 2005), many of 1997) or Mexican and Central American maids
whom have the privilege to choose to remain at in Los Angeles (Hondagneu-Sotelo 2001).
home or whose "home" becomes multiple and More recent studies have adopted more ambi
flexible. On the other end of the spectrum are tious multisited research methodologies includ
growing numbers of documented and undocu ing multiple destinations, sending and receiving
mented women and men from poorer countries countries, and migrant workers as well as fam
who provide benefits for the more privileged ily members who are left behind (Cheng 2007,
residents of wealthier regions (Ong 2006) as 2010; Frantz 2008; Gamburd 2000; Parrenas
maids (Anderson 2000, Adams & Dickey 2000, 2001, 2005a,b; Sim & Wee 2009). As Liebelt
Lan 2006, Parrenas 2001, Sim & Wee 2009), sex (2008) argues, migrant maids and caregivers of
workers (Augustin 2007a,b; Cheng 2007, 2010; ten do not simply move back and forth from
Parrenas 2008), wives (Constable 2003, 2005a; home to a single migrant destination and back
Oxfeld 2005; Roces 2003; Thai 2005, 2008), or again, but rather on and on from one destina
adoptees (Cohen 2007, Dorow 2006, Volkman tion to another that is higher on the global hier
2005), all of whom contribute to what Parrenas archy of employment possibilities, thus requir
has called a "chain of love." ing mobile research methodologies.
Studies of contemporary global migra Clearly not all geographic mobility involves
tory processes point to the importance of travel or migration of women or men from
socioeconomic class transformations and poorer countries to wealthier ones for work.
related conflicts for workers and employers or A rich area of research examines movements
clients. The "middle-class" educated identity of of residents of richer countries, as in the case
Filipina maids, for example, may be threatening of tourists (Brennan 2004; Padilla 2007a,b;
to Taiwan or Hong Kong employers when the Wilson 2004) and astronaut families described
home is also an intimate workplace (Constable above (Ong 1999, 2006; Piper & Roces 2003;
2007b, Lan 2006) or can increase their per Yeoh et al. 2005). Men and women tourists
ceived value relative to other nationalities of from wealthy countries of Asia-Pacific, Western
workers (de Regt 2008, Lan 2006). Conflicts Europe, North America, and elsewhere travel
exist between the class and educational identity to regions of Southeast Asia, the Caribbean,
of migrant Vietnamese or Chinese wives and Latin America, Eastern Europe, the former

52 Constable

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Soviet Union, and elsewhere for sex and in prospective spouses to develop online intimacy
search of spouses. Whereas women also partake before they meet face to face (Constable 2007a).
in sex tourism, and local men provide sexual in Since the early 1990s when so-called mail
timacy to men and women, men from wealthy order bride catalogs began to be published and
regions of the globe are widely depicted as the accessible online, the number of introduction
main beneficiaries and the consumers of such agencies geared toward English speakers has
global intimacies (Brennan 2004; Cheng 2010; rapidly proliferated (Constable 2005b). Recent
Frohlick 2007; Kelsky 2001; Padilla 2007a,b). studies of cross-border marriages, courtships,
Such studies increasingly consider new mobil dating, and sexual partnerships of various sorts
ity patterns of elites and nonelites, the "costs have pointed to new patterns of commodifica
and benefits" both to those who move and those tion and to rapid growth of profit-oriented and
who remain at home (Gamburd 2000, Parrenas electronically mediated forms of matchmak
2005a), and, as discussed below, the role of new ing or marital introduction that facilitate wider
technologies in patterns, and the notions of love global patterns of cross-border relationships
and authenticity that such relationships entail. (Johnson 2007, Johnson-Hanks 2007). Some
marriage brokers promote international mar
riage partners as though they were commodi
ties or offer services to facilitate the process of
meeting and selecting partners from a wider
globally defined "marriage market" (Constable
Arranged marriages and marriages based on 2003, 2005a; Freeman 2005, 2006; Piper &
correspondence are not new, nor is the em Roces 2003; Simons 2001; Thai 2008; Wang
ployment of migrant maids or sex workers. & Chang 2002).
New technologies offer unique methodologi Processes of online and electronic commu
cal and theoretical challenges to ethnographers nication have influenced the purchase of sex
of transnational intimacies while also trans ual services because individual sex workers in
forming the landscape of intimacy. The In creasingly advertise online and communicate
ternet plays a striking role in the prolifera with prospective clients via the internet and
tion of businesses that promote international without the need for middlemen or interme
marital introduction services (or offer mail diaries (Agustin 2007a,b; Bernstein 2007a). As
order brides). It shapes new procedures for re Bernstein's sensitive and fine-grained analysis
cruiting, interviewing, and employing foreign shows, electronic communication leads to new
maids across great geographic distances, and it opportunities and possibilities for intimate en
proffers new opportunities to advertise and lo counters and individual businesses and have lit
cate sexual services. Internet technology plays erally redefined the spaces of sexual labor. As
a central role in the commodification of inti opposed to depending on older assumptions
macy and in shaping new movements and ge about red light districts and street walkers, pa
ographic and electronic landscapes of intimacy trons and clients can now advertise and locate
for individuals who are otherwise geographi one another invisibly and privately through the
cally dispersed (Brennan 2004; Constable 2003, Internet.
2007a). New technologies offer migrant work The Internet has also had a major impact
ers new means to create and maintain a sense on the marketing and consumption of migrant
of intimacy with family members far away, domestic workers (Constable 2007b, Julag-Ay
as in the case of "long distance mothering" 1997, Lan 2006, Tyner 2009). Internet tech
(Parrenas 2005a,b; Yeoh et al. 2005), to fa nology is one tool of domestic worker employ
cilitate intimate communications between sex ment agencies (replacing videotapes and CDs
workers and boyfriends/clients (Brennan 2004, with live Internet interviews). As is the case with
Cohen 1986), and to provide opportunities for online escort and dating services and marriage The Commodification of Intimacy 53

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introduction services, the success of the busi or sperm donation, and local and international
ness is based on creating and anticipating the adoption that aim at facilitating the creation
desires of consumers or clients. The more "high of families (Bharadwaj 2003; Franklin 1995;
quality" products or services they offer, the bet Ginsburg & Rapp 1995; Inhorn & Birenbaum
ter the chance of selling the agency's services. Carmeli 2008; Modell 1994; Nahman 2006;
A number of scholars have examined the role Ragone 1994, 1996; Sharp 2001; Strathern
of domestic worker recruitment and employ 1985, 1992a,b). Work remains to be done to
ment agencies in marketing and selling prod link the insights relating to the reproductive
ucts, distinguishing among different nationali technologies with technologically mediated
ties of workers, objectifying workers by offering and transnational intimacies.
specials, sales, markdowns, free replacements,
and guarantees?in short, using the language
of commodity markets to refer to workers?
but less has been done in terms of analyzing its
importance in creating new markets and trans The commodification of social relations in the
forming the spaces of labor. Unlike Bernstein's era of industrial capitalism stands in supposed
study of the spaces of sex work and the histori contrast to Marx's nostalgic ideal of the "social
cal impact of technological change on both the character" of familial labor in precapitalist
meaning and consumption of sexual services, peasant families (Marx 1978, p. 326). Yet
parallel analyses have yet to be produced in despite common idealization of precapitalist
relation to domestic labor and the terrain of social relations, social relationships that are
marriage. represented and defined by gifts, bride wealth,
An intellectual bridge is also needed to dowry, and payments are not unambiguous, free
connect the technology of marriage, domestic of conflict, or unmarked by inequality or in
work, and sex work to transformations and strumentalism (Bloch & Parry 1989, Comaroff
redefinitions of the meaning of family, drawing 1979, Mauss 1967). Commodification is
from the many insights of studies of technolog likewise rarely simply given, unambiguous, or
ically assisted parenting and the reproduction complete, as illustrated by Zelizer's analysis
of children. Adoption and new reproductive of monetary exchanges, intimate social rela
technologies have provided a rich arena for tions, and legal disputes in the West (2000,
anthropologists to revisit older theories of 2005). The social science perspective that
kinship and definitions of family (Edwards places moral boundaries between market and
et al. 1993; Franklin & McKinnon 2000, 2002; domestic spheres has been labeled the "hostile
Franklin & Ragone 1998; Schneider 1968). worlds view" (Zelizer 2000). The conflation of
Commodified processes of reproductive labor intimate social relations with monetary value
have led to important studies of diverse family is criticized by those who imagine a more
forms that challenge prevailing patterns of altruistic or authentic precapitalist past or who
heteronormativity (Lewin 1993, Weston 1991). view the domestic sphere as a proper shelter
New critiques of biologically deterministic from the harsh and impersonal world of market
theories of kinship have offered insights capitalism. Yet the question remains of how
about commodified global and transnational the commodification of intimate relations is
processes (Bowie 2005, Cohen 2007, Dorow understood and experienced by those involved
2006, Howell 2003, McKinnon 2005, Orobitg in such relationships and processes. A key con
& Salazar 2005, Padilla et al. 2007, Volkman cern is-as the title of Brennan's (2004) study of
2005). Anthropologists have examined the so sex workers in the Dominican Republic aptly
ciocultural and political-economic implications puts it?What's Love Got to do With It?
of new procreative or reproductive services and The historical meaning and construction
mechanisms such as surrogate parenthood, egg of love, its performance and authenticity, are

54 Constable

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rich and promising areas of inquiry, as the These examples suggest that commodifi
following diverse examples illustrate. Whereas cation of intimacy is not an analytical end
Brennan (2004, 2007) approaches Dominican in itself, but instead offers a valuable start
women's relationships with foreign men, some ing point for analyses of gendered social rela
of which result in marriage, as "performances" tions, cultural meanings, social inequalities, and
in which sex workers feign love to mask the capitalist transformations (Appadurai 1986).
economic exchange and the benefits they re In a provocative volume on modernity, com
ceive, other scholars define them in terms of panionate marriage, and romantic courtship,
"bounded authenticity" (Bernstein 2007a,b) or Hirsch & Wardlow illustrate the promise
in terms of historical constructions of romantic of such comparative ethnographic analyses
intimacy (Giddens 1992, Hirsch 2007, Padilla (Hirsch & Wardlow 2006). In her study of the
etal. 2007). Huli of Papua New Guinea, Wardlow notes
Numerous studies examine cultural con that Seventh-Day Adventist missionaries crit
structions of love and romance in a variety of icized the Huli (as other Christian missionar
geographic settings (Jankowiak 1995), consid ies did of other groups) for the exchange of
ering how they are commodified in terms of bride wealth, which they argued "commoditizes
material expectations, gift exchanges, and mass women and weakens the proper bonds of mar
mediated images of modern romance (Ahearn riage" (Wardlow 2006, p. 66). Yet the decline
2001, Hirsch 2004, Hirsch & Wardlow 2006, of bride wealth among the Huli and in other
Illouz 1997,Jankowiak 1995, Padilla etal. 2007, societies has not meant that within "the con
Rebhun 1999). Commodification may be hid text of capitalism, the home becomes ideologi
den, disguised, mystified, denied, or reinter cally demarcated as the safe haven of emotional
preted as a gift or experienced as liberating intimacy, a place where one recovers from the
and modern (Russ 2005). In the context of alienation of the marketplace" (Wardlow 2006,
Europe and the United States, Bernstein ar p. 74). Instead, the meanings and importance of
gues that "traditional 'procreative'" and "mod commodities are transformed in relation to par
ern 'companionate'" models of sexuality are in ticular local understandings of modernity as re
creasingly being supplanted by a "recreational lated to subjectivity and intimate relationships
sexual ethic" that differs from marital or on (Ahearn 2001, Chao 2005, Rebhun 1999).
going relationships and is defined by "physical Faier's work on professions of love among
sensation and from emotionally bounded erotic Filipina entertainers who marry Japanese men
exchanges" (2007b, p. 6). She argues that the is groundbreaking. Instead of questioning the
"girlfriend experience" increasingly offered by authenticity of women's professions of love for
sex workers and often located via the Internet is their husbands, or treating them as feigned per
an example of "bounded authenticity" in which formances, Faier asks how such declarations are
not only eroticism but also an "authentic rela "made meaningful through global processes"
tionship" (albeit within a bounded frame) is for (2007, p. 148). Faier argues that Filipinas' pro
sale in the marketplace (Bernstein 2007b, p.7). fessions of love serve to counteract the stigma
Allison's research among Japanese salary men of their work and to define their transnational
who frequent hostess clubs and engage prosti subjectivities. Love is also associated with the
tutes focuses on how hostesses serve to make care (including gifts and monetary remittances
men "feel like men" and that men gain satis for their families) and understanding offered to
faction from "care" they receive and the lack of women by their husbands. Following Rebhun's
ongoing responsibility that accompanies pay view of Christian love in opposition to financial
ment for sexual and intimate attention in host gain, Faier stresses women's constructions of
ess clubs and on sex tours abroad, in contrast new gendered and sexualized subjectivities
with their domestic lives and relationships with in relation to modernity, Christianity, and
their wives (Allison 1994). Philippine notions of utang ng hob (a debt of The Commodification of Intimacy 55

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gratitude) that encompass the meaning of love migrant women's activism, their subtle or ex
(Faier 2007, p. 156) in relation to the notion of plicit protests, and their resistance and agency
shame, which results from a failure to respect within the context of structural factors that limit
and repay one to whom it is owed. As discussed the opportunities and often disempower for
below, Faier's analytical approach to love also eign brides, migrant domestic workers, and sex
has important implications for the debate workers (Brennan 2004; Constable 1997, 2009;
about migrant women as agents or victims of Kempadoo 2005; Kempadoo & Doezema 1998;
trafficking. Parker 2005; Parrenas 2008).
As scholarship on transnational intimacies Unlike popular media depictions of traf
illustrates, relationships assumed to be based ficked women as commodities devoid of agency,
primarily on paid work for money are often un anthropologists point to subde and complex
derstood to involve complex forms of intimacy, forms of power and agency within the house
love, or emotion, and those assumed to be based hold, in public spaces, and in the wider global
on love are linked in new and evolving ways to context. Studies of care workers reposition
commercial practices and material desires. older arguments about emotional labor as a
gift or commodity in terms of, for example,
BEYOND TRAFFICKED VICTIMS the "commodity candidacy" of care, the rela
tionality of partners in exchange, or the phe
A central theme in critical popular media
nomenology of gift and commodity in rela
and certain activist and feminist depictions of
tion to the self (Appadurai 1986, Ehrenreich &
women who migrate from poorer countries to
Hochschild 2003, Kopytoff 1986, Russ 2005,
wealthier ones as maids, brides, or sex workers is
Valeri 1994).
that they are powerless "victims of trafficking."2
Scholarship on gendered migration points
So-called mail-order brides are depicted as
to striking contrasts between the gendered mi
though they are literally bought and sold and
gration of (mosdy girl) babies who are adopted
connected to human trafficking, although little
from China and elsewhere by European and
actual evidence exists to support this position
North American middle-class, mosdy white
(Constable 2005c, Vance 2005).
and heterosexual, parents and the migration of
Building on Foucault's idea that power is ev
foreign brides and workers who face a markedly
erywhere, much anthropological attention has
different migration process. Whereas form
been paid in recent decades to revealing in
ing a family through adoption is viewed as
stances of resistance and agency among the rel
the right and privilege of middle-class fami
atively powerless (Martin 1987, Ortner 2006,
lies, and transnational adoptees are assumed
Parker 2005). In opposition to popular me
to grow up to be privileged citizens, other
dia images of helpless victims, ethnographic
types of immigrants face vasdy different cir
research has provided numerous examples of
cumstances. Whereas adoptees, like migrant
brides and workers, are sometimes character
2 In an earlier publication, I argued against "unwarranted
ized as trafficked or as part of a commodified
blurring" of different categories of migrant women, specif process, adoptees are more likely to be depicted
ically brides, sex workers, and domestic workers, due to the as the fortunate beneficiaries of such a process
self-ascribed subjectivities that divide them and the tendency
in popular literature to gloss them all as "victims" or "traf (Anagnost 2000, Cohen 2007, Constable 2003,
ficked women" (Constable 2006). However, studies of these Dorow 2006, Volkman 2005). In her study of
three broad and overlapping categories of migrants can pro
U.S. adoptions of Chinese children, Dorow
vide key insights for scholarly understandings and assump
tions about the consumption and commodification of rela
considers how discourse and processes of com
tionships that are often assumed to be naturally or ideally modification are counterbalanced and opposed
based on emotional ties, love, or caring but that increasingly
to parental understandings of children as gifts
involve impersonal relations, complex commercial and in
creasingly bureaucratic mediating processes, material bene
who will also receive the gift of good life and
fits, and wages. opportunity (Dorow 2006).

56 Constable

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Anthropologists, sociologists, and feminist motivations," thus offering an important ad
scholars have examined migratory patterns that vance over the dead-end question of depict
build on or contrast with older forms of ar ing women migrants as either passive vic
ranged marriage and matchmaking, have re tims who lack the ability to make choices or
considered older patterns of gift exchange active agents who have full control of their
and marriage payments, and have criticized circumstances. Faier's analysis illustrates un
Levi-Straussian structural assumptions about equal global power relations within the context
the "traffic in women" (Bloch & Parry 1989, of women's self-definitions. Loving their hus
Comaroff 1979, MacCormack & Strathern bands resonates with their sense of self as moral
1980, Rubin 1975). More recent scholarly re and modern women and wives. The lure of the
search on sex work, sex tourism, prostitution, Japanese entertainment industry for poor and
and comfort women points to the fluidity be unemployed Filipinas, the opportunities that
tween paid sexual labor and marital relations such employment offers for intimate socializa
and to interconnections between paid forms tion with Japanese men, and the shortage of
of intimacy and those that are assumed to Japanese brides in rural regions of Japan illus
be "free" (Bernstein 2007a,b; Brennan 2004; trate ways in which capitalist processes promote
Cabezas 2004; Cheng 2007; Cohen 1982,1986; new opportunities for intimacy and marriage
Liechty 2005; Padilla 2007a,b; Piper & Roces that are influenced by, but not entirely defined
2003; Zelizer 2000). by, the entertainment or sex work industry.
The agent-victim binary has proven to be
a dead end of sorts. Whereas certain feminist
scholars and activists argue that all sex workers
are victims, other scholars and feminists can
respond with endless examples of agency and Recent studies of the changing local and
choice. Instead, scholars such as Augustin global patterns, processes, and relations of
(2007a,b), Bernstein (2007a,b), Vance (2005), intimacy build on and borrow from older
and others take on a critical analysis of the critiques of overly binary models of public
notion of trafficking, considering its historical and private, intimate and impersonal, mate
specificity and the parallels between late rial and emotional, love and money, local
twentieth-century anxiety about trafficking and global, nature and culture (Franklin 2003;
and nineteenth-century hysteria about white Franklin & McKinnon 2000, 2002; Levine
slavery. Several scholars have drawn attention 2003; McKinnon & Silverman 2005; Zelizer
to both sex workers and their middle-class "so 2000). Some such studies refine older Marx
cial helpers" or nongovernmental workers and ist notions of commodification and reproduc
volunteers who often aim to help or rescue sex tive labor or point to the ongoing importance
workers in misguided ways (Augustin 2007a, of Maussian insights about gift exchange and
Bloch 2003, Cheng 2005). Anthropologists the intimacy of social relationships. Collectively
have also addressed methodological challenges they draw on symbolic and interpretive anal
associated with research on trafficking and have yses, critical global and feminist perspectives,
criticized rhetorical conflations of trafficking and new anthropological insights that are linked
with prostitution (Brennan 2005, 2008; Vance to wider multisited and transnational ethno
2005). graphic research that looks beyond local-global
Faier's work (2007) discussed above offers dichotomies, yet draws insight from older as
a valuable alternative to the victim-agent bi sumptions about kinship and social relations
nary. She focuses on the transnational gendered within increasingly global, mobile, and techno
and sexual subjectivities of migrant women and logically mediated contexts.
successfully steers an analytical course away Current anthropological studies demon
from the question of "true love versus material strate that in some contexts commodification The Commodification of Intimacy 57

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of social relations are welcomed and interpreted reexamining assumptions about domesticity,
as modern progress, as in the cases of child care marriage, and gender that are deeply held by
and elderly care, which were once the responsi research subjects and researchers. Berlant's call
bility of family members but can now be del for cataloging "intimacy's norms, forms and
egated to paid service providers. Yet even in crimes," asking "how public institutions use
such cases, commodification, or "the purchase issues of intimate life to normalize particular
of intimacy" (Zelizer 2000, 2005), is not the forms of knowledge and practice and to create
end point of the analysis nor is it devoid of compliant subjects" (1998, p. 188) is well worth
countervailing personalized processes, assump considering.
tions, and anxieties. Instead, commodification The value of future research therefore lies
and the accompanying notions of impersonal not in bemoaning the downfall of the sanctity
pragmatic market relations are often denied, of the domestic sphere or the demise of authen
mystified, mediated, transformed, or disguised. tic relations outside the realm of capital, but in
As the scope of commodification expands more stead, in continuing to attend to the multiple,
deeply into various realms of intimacy, it in complex, transnational, and also transgressive
volves a range of countervailing discourses and and transformative ways in which emotional
actions involving reciprocity and gift giving, ties and relationships are understood, formu
claims to altruism, assertions of love, and claims lated, or prohibited within and beyond local and
to bounded authenticity. global spaces. Studies such as those of Bernstein
This review has outlined some of the (2007a,b) and Faier (2007) point to the impor
key contributions of the literature on cross tance of fine-grained historically and cultur
border marriages, domestic work, and sex work ally specific studies of intimacy in relation to
that addresses the commodification of inti new technologies and opportunities for mobil
macy. Methodologically, there is a marked shift ity. Such studies continue to ask how authentic
toward multisited research away from nar ity is understood and experienced, offering op
row "area studies" approaches, toward border portunities as well as constraints. Globalization
crossing topics that require mobility as well as does not simply result in greater commodifica
online and "deterritorialized" research (Gupta tion of intimate sexual, marital, and reproduc
& Ferguson 1992). Promising new research has tive relationships; it also offers opportunities for
shifted from single nationalities and single lo defining new sorts of relationships and for re
cations, moving beyond binary constructions of defining spaces, meanings, and expressions of
sending and receiving locations to multiple hi intimacy that can transform and transgress con
erarchies of sites and subjectivities. ventional gendered spaces and norms.
Another key issue has been and continues Future research would benefit by further ex
to be gender and sexuality. Studies of transna amining the pairing of commodification and in
tional intimacies echo the shift in anthropology timacy, casting them as the main topic rather
and migration studies more broadly, from the than separating out topical foci on marriage,
earliest topics of men as unexamined gendered household work, sex work, nursing, adoption,
subjects, to women, to gender more broadly. etc. We must ask not only what differenti
Still lacking are studies of men as intimate gen ates erotic dance and hospice care, but also
dered subjects, as providers of care work and what such multiple and varied examples can
intimacy, and not just as consumers of sexual tell us about the meaning of intimacy for all
services. A fruitful direction for future research involved. The focus on transnational mobility
is also to question and move beyond the frames of both elites and nonelites within neoliberal
and assumptions of heteronormativity that areglobalization and the ongoing tension between
inherent in much of the research on transna more complex microlevel patterns of power and
tional intimacies. As Babb (2006) proposes, agency and broader macro patterns of global in
"queering" love and globalization requires equality are also key. Research on the structural


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factors and the experiences and meanings of mi the notion of commodification. This notion
grant work and marriage have made important both offers a way to illuminate power relations
inroads, allowing us to avoid the pitfalls of inherent in a variety of intimate relations but
overly binary notions of victim and agent, pub also can overdetermine the political-economic
lic and private, or the trap of defining all women frame, thus masking the multiplicity of power
migrants or sex workers as trafficked victims. and the potentially liberating and transforma
Yet there are risks and benefits associated with tive aspects of intimate subjectivities.

The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might
be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

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