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Final Course Output

Part I


Ethics is what guides us to tell the truth, keep our promises, or help someone in need. There is a
framework of ethics underlying our lives on a daily basis, helping us make decisions that create
positive impacts and steering us away from unjust outcomes. Ethics refers to the concepts of
right and wrong conduct. Furthermore, ethics is basically a branch of philosophy dealing with the
issue of morality. Moreover, ethics consist of the rules of behavior. It certainly defines how a
person should behave in specific situations.
Happy day! I'm Lourenz-Abegail S. Goloyugo, and I'm from Libertad Tayug in Pangasinan. I
was born on December 24, 2001. We are a family of two siblings. The oldest child, I am. Mrs.
Janette S. Goloyugo is my mother, and Mr. Avelino O. Goloyugo is my father. I attended
Natividad Central School for my elementary education, and Natividad National High School for
my secondary education.
I've been curious and eager to learn ever since I was a young child, and my older friends were
always willing to share their recollections and life lessons with a young, inquisitive girl.
To me, life is about having close friends and family who you can rely on. I consider myself to be
generally cheerful, but like other teenagers, I do have my "days of," which refers to times when I
feel down or unhappy. I have a few friends here that sort of watch out for me, and I can talk to
someone at school when I'm having a difficult day. I keep my school days moving by planning
out the next hour, my activities for the evening or weekend, or both.

Family Hierarchy

Father- Mr. Avelino O. Goloyugo

Mother-Mrs. Janette S. Goloyugo

Me-Lourenz-Abegail S. Goloyugo

Brother- Christian Avelino S. Goloyugo

Part II

 What were your earliest recollections of making judgments between right or wrong?

Learning the difference between right and wrong is a part of everyone's life. For me, in a
man's life, he has his own trial, and here God tests us to learn from our life decisions,
whether they are right or incorrect. Because no one is born flawless in the world, we make
errors and do the right thing at times, but our families are there to guide and educate us what
is right and wrong from the time we are little. Because they were the first to learn in life
before we were born in this earth. Sometimes in our lives, we believe we can do what is right
even when it is wrong in the sight of others.

Moral Development History

1. As a child, did your parents teach you the difference between right and wrong?

When I was younger, yes. They began to educate me about right and wrong when I first formed a
feeling of them.

2. Aside from your parents, who were your first teacher and what things you learned from them?

My second parents are my instructors at school, and I have learnt a lot from them.

3. What were your first offenses as a child? Describe it briefly.

I used to be able to speak hurtful things and lie to my parents when I was younger.

4. As you grow up, does your perceptions concerning right or wrong change?

Yes, as I grow older, I become more conscious of what is good and bad. For example, I used to
think what I was doing was right, but as I grew older, I recognized it was wrong, so I changed it.

5. Did your friends influence you in one way or another?

Yes, I will continue to do it as long as I believe it is good and right. But, even if they are friends,
I am not easily swayed.

6. Did the environment you grew up influenced your value of judgment?

No, because I will not mimic terrible conduct, and such behavior should not be permitted.

Describe your:

 First sorrowful experience

I tried to commit myself after realizing I was harming myself out of emotion at the time,
but I refrained from doing so since I know eventually I'll be happy without acting it.

 Joyful experience as a kid

I remember very little of my childhood because it was so long ago, but I was just a simple
girl. I had a lot of childhood pals who were all now content with their simple lives.

Give your reaction:

 Values are taught and caught

For instance, if you find someone in need of assistance, provide it to them so

they can emulate you or even just look at you and do so based on what they observe.

 The quality of life is determined by its activity

The focus or establishing your mindset to follow the desire determines the quality of life.
Even if the failures, life will continue to be active in life or tough activity in life but will
not give up.

Complete the following statement:

 I want to say that...

I want to work hard in school and reach one goal in life.

 One thing I want to accomplish in life is...

I will do my best and draw inspiration from my surroundings to achieve my objectives

and goals for this lifetime.
 I can touch someone else’s life...

With my life experiences

 My philosophy in life...
 My life philosophy is that you should enjoy every moment of existence and grant others
the same right. Since we all make poor decisions, we shouldn't criticize others for their
decisions. You should live your life whatever you want as long as it makes you happy
and doesn't affect anyone else.

If I am a song it would be...

Listen, Since we should hear their side of the story before passing judgment on them and
because mother earth is telling us to stop throwing trash.

 The things I interested the most...

I want to study so that I might have a better and more promising future.

Part III

Questions to ponder:

1. What weakness/weaknesses in man’s nature emerged in this tale?

Sometimes we think what we say doesn't affect others, but we don't know how much it hurts
them on the inside.

2. How can you possibly overcome such weakness/weaknesses? Cite a

particular examples when necessary.

I'll simply let them do their thing as long as I'm not doing anything wrong, and if someone comes
to me and asks for forgiveness, I'll forgive them.

3. As emphasized in one of our discussions, man is a historical being. If there is something in

your past that you would want to go back to and change (or fix), what would it be? Feel free to

I wouldn’t change anything in my life, because it would have a negative effect on who I am
right now. One's memories shape people. Because of all that has happened in the past, I am who
I am today. Every single event that has ever happened to me was meant to be. I sometimes fell
off my bike, but it gave me the confidence to keep trying. I got bad grades on tests, but that
motivated me to study harder in the future. I received better grades in return. I believe in the
butterfly effect – a single occurrence, no matter how small, can have a huge impact on life later.

Put yourself in the situation below:

Your father is terminally ill and has been in the hospital for one month. The doctor says he’s
hopeless case. As the eldest child what will you do?

Being the eldest child of the family is not easy and it is a big responsibility. Our parents project
us to be a role model for our younger siblings, you are always expected to set the perfect
example for every kid in the family in able to guide them in the future to the right path. But if i
were in that situation i will do my best to prolonged my father's life until of his last breathe,
because it is hard to lose a parent that will guide in our everyday lives. I will prepare myself to
be mature, strong and independent in every situation. I will manage the household and make
difficult decisions for my siblings, all while dealing with my own grief and anxiety. I will do my
best to provide my family's needs, and I will making sure that they're okay.
Part III

What would I be:

 Three years from now?

In three years, I pictured myself as a college graduate. I told my parents as I crossed the
stage to accept my diploma, "Mom and Dad, I made it thanks of your hard work, and I
 Ten years from now?
In ten years, I want to be working for the company of my dreams, doing what I truly
love. I also envision myself repaying my parents for all they gave up to offer me a better
life and a promising future.My teachers are continuously telling me that working hard in
class can help you succeed. Sincerity be told, a lot of folks I know got the careers of their
dreams because they worked hard in school. So, I think that after ten years, with the
effort I'm putting into my education, I'll also be able to work for the company of my
 At the twilight of my existence?

I will be happy to have achieved my dreams in life

What are your point of views regarding:

 Ethics (as your subject)

The subject of Ethics is about applying natural law to the environment of law and explaining
what he can do or the policy of each legislation. Ethics is concerned with the advancement of
man and the laws that regulate how to socialize others.

 Your teacher (as your facilitator)

Thank you very much, Mam, for teaching us. We learned a lot. Your patience, good teaching
and kind we appreciated it so much.
Part IV


We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our kind and patient instructor
Ma’am Mae Ann P. Ochinang who gave us the opportunity to do this wonderful project in which
helps us to collaborate and to be independent through research based learning. We want to
express our gratitude to you, for everything you did to help us learn and we will never forget
your efforts to teach us. We sincerely appreciate you and your time, and we are grateful for the
knowledge and learning that you have given to us in these subject. We thoroughly appreciated
your lectures and your wonderful sense of humor.

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