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Melodica Music Academy

Recruitment Interview Process | WhatsApp: +971 50 958 4387

----------------------------------------- Initial Interview ----------------------------------------------

In the initial interview, candidates will discuss their music teaching experiences, skills, and
relevant information that enhances their suitability for music teaching.
The interviewer will provide an overview of Melodica, offering insights into the job, its
benefits, and the potential opportunities within the company.

Interview Preparation Guidelines:

- Ensure proper lighting and a noise-free environment.
- Verify a stable internet connection.
- Emphasize conversational skills as effective communication plays a pivotal role in the process.
- Dress professionally or in attire appropriate for a video interview.
- Have your resume and any relevant documents on hand for reference.
- Be ready to discuss how your experiences align with the position's requirements.
- Demonstrate enthusiasm and a genuine interest in music education.
- Prepare thoughtful questions about Melodica and the role.
- Familiarize yourself with the company's mission and values.

------------------------------------------ Technical Interview ------------------------------------------

In this phase, candidates who passed the initial interview will be assessed on both their
instrumental proficiency and teaching capabilities. The Melodica Music Manager will lead
the interview, posing questions about music knowledge, lesson planning, and teaching

Pre-Interview Preparation:
- Ensure your musical instrument is readily available, as it will be a vital part of the interview.
- Disable the noise cancellation feature in the video call settings to prevent the filtering of instrument
- If possible, use a laptop or tablet for a more extensive sightreading experience. Alternatively, use
landscape mode on mobile phones.
- Find a well-lit, quiet location for the interview to eliminate distractions.
- Join the meeting five minutes ahead of the schedule to address any potential connectivity issues.
- Establish communication with your recruiter through WhatsApp, both before and after the technical
interview for any necessary updates.
-------------------- Post-Technical Interview - Offer Letter Process --------------------
If you successfully pass the technical interview, the next step is to prepare and send you the
official offer letter through email. To facilitate this process, we require a copy of your
passport or a clear photo of it for identification purposes.

Upon Receiving the Offer Letter:

- Carefully review the employment agreement and joining forms included in the email.
- Note down any questions or concerns that may arise during your review.
- Coordinate with your assigned recruiter through WhatsApp for any necessary clarifications.
- If further discussions are required to address questions or negotiate aspects of the offer, an offer letter
discussion can be arranged to provide additional information and clarification.

----------------------------- Final Interview - Last Application Step ----------------------------

In the final interview with the Hiring Manager, you'll discuss your role suitability and the
possibility of relocating to the UAE. Specific branch allocation may be considered if you
meet our standards.

Interview Preparation Guidelines:

- Find a well-lit, quiet location for the interview to eliminate distractions.
- Join the meeting five minutes ahead of the schedule to address any potential connectivity issues.
- Research and Preparation: Prepare to discuss how your qualifications align with the role.
- Relocation: Be ready to discuss your willingness to relocate.
- Communication Skills: Demonstrate professional communication skills.
- Enthusiasm and Adaptability: Show enthusiasm and adaptability.
- Questions and Inquiries: Prepare any questions or concerns.
- Follow-Up Plan: Coordinate with your recruiter through WhatsApp for next steps.

That concludes the recruitment interview process of the Melodica Recruitment Team. We
hope that candidates successfully navigate each stage and join our team. Throughout the
interviews, our recruiters may request additional information or provide further guidelines.
To ensure a smooth and efficient process, please maintain open communication through
WhatsApp or email with your assigned recruiter.

Additionally, please ensure you have Microsoft Teams downloaded, as it will be the primary
platform for video meeting interviews. You can download Microsoft Teams from this link:

We appreciate your interest in Melodica and look forward to the possibility of welcoming
you to our team.


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