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Applied Natural Sciences and Cultural Studies

Master Master Electrical and Microsystems Engineering

Student ID: ____________________ Time Allowed: 90 Minutes

Student Name: ____________________ Course: Technical Project Management (ProMa)

Course Code: MEM_I1_PM Semester: WS23

Exam Date: 16.01.2023 Student Signature:

Examiner: Dr.-Ing. Peter Burda


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• Keep your eyes on your own paper.
• Switch off your mobile phones completely.

Specific instructions:
• Calculator Allowed, Closed Book.
• No extra sheet will be given. Use the available space wisely.
• Use a blue or black ball point or fountain pen. Please do not use lead pencils or red color.
• Provide final answers in the space provided. You may use blank back side for rough work.
• In multiple choice questions, every wrong or not checked answer deducts 1 point.
Negative points are not possible.

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(Student Signature)

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Q1 (2 points)

What are typical characteristics of traditional project management

X Process is traced through milestones X The project manager tries to minimize


Budget and schedule cannot be changed Working with changing requirements is a

main scope

X The project is broken down to phases Only high potential team members are

The client is directly participating X Planning is done from rough to detail

Q2 (1 point)

What type of process of model is the V-Model?


X Sequential


Q3 (1 point)

When is a V-Model typically chosen as a project process model

For security critical projects

For automotive project

Q4 (2 points)

Explain the difference between Verification and Validation

Verification: Was the development done correctly?

Validation: Did I develop the right product: Do I meet the client’s expectations and demands?
Is the project outcome coherent to the customer’s expectations

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Student ID: Signature:

Q54 (3 points)

Name two advantages and two disadvantages of each process model: Waterfall, Spiral Model and V-

Advantages Disadvantages
Easy to understand Rigid and inflexible
Clearly structured No parallelization possible/allowed if
High quality is ensured through enforced
phase/quality gates Phase results are only assessed at the
Strict separation of phases phase ending,
simplifies configuration earlier feedback to developer or client is
management not planned
High documentation effort
Structured approach to unstable or Risk of extra efforts and high delays if
unclear problems occur
requirements that impact later work that was started
Deliberately step in advance
by step concretization of the project Enforced step
Spiral Model
subject by step approach can lead to
High quality can be ensured expectation that change requests have to
through iterative be integrated
development and assessment and therefore delayed project ending
(feature creep)
Easy to understand, Clearly Phase results are only assessed at the
structured phase ending,
High quality is ensured through earlier feedback to developer or client is
enforced not planned
validation/verification High documentation effort
Great complex development efforts
with a high degree
of novelty

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