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POSSIBLE QUESTIONS IN ● Furthermore, this study delves not only into

RESEARCH PROPOSAL DEFENSE the legal aspects of DPA application but

also into how data protection influences the
NOTE: effectiveness of employees in a business
Please input the questions you think may be context. It combines both legal and
asked during our research proposal. Thank you! business perspectives, aiming to unveil the
correlations between these two variables.

● What prompted you to propose this _________________________________________

○ State the research gap
■ Is there a study similar to ● What motivated you to conduct the
yours? study?
■ Cite or refer to some ○ What made you decide to choose
evidence that explains the this study?
absence of existing research ○ The answer could be found in the
similar to your study. last part/paragraph of the
○ Prove/State that the study is background of the study
research worthy ■ Rationale
● Reason/Argument
Possible Answer: why you came up
● Despite the availability of various online with the study
studies discussing the DPA, such as
'Employees Workplace Protection' and Possible Answer:
'Perception of a certain group on the DPA,' (Parang applicable din yung answer doon
local research on this topic is limited. After sa previous question na “how did you come up with
conducting extensive research, we have not this study?” Iniba lang yung construction ng
encountered any study that assesses the question).
impact of the DPA on employees' job
performance. _________________________________________
● This study is research worthy as it offers a
fresh perspective on how the DPA could ● What is the background of the study?
influence an individual's work performance ○ The background refers to the context
within an organization. Undertaking this of the study
study could not only benefit individuals ■ Elements/Things relating to
within the organization but also those the study
outside it, shedding light on the crucial role ● Effects of the issue on
of the DPA in establishing a strong sense of the study’s subject
security that ultimately contributes to the Possible Answer:
success of an organization. ● The study centers on the independent
variable (DPA) and the dependent variable
_________________________________________ (Employees’ Job Performance). It explores
transparency in the workplace, the
● How did you come up with this study? significance of data protection awareness,
○ Why is there a need to conduct this the security of collected data, and
study? challenges related to DPA. The aim is to
emphasize the importance of privacy and to
Possible Answer: assess whether a sense of security in the
● We initiated this study to explore the workplace impacts employee job
significance of DPA in the workplace and to performance.
assess its actual impact on employee job
performance. _________________________________________
● What possible contributions can this _________________________________________
study yield?
○ Who can specifically benefit from the ● How is your theory or concept relevant
study? to your study?
○ How can the study help in ○ State the theory's core idea
developing or improving systems concisely, and explain its relevance
related to the mentioned variables? to the issue the study aims to
Possible Answer:
● This study can significantly contribute to Possible Answer:
ensuring organizations' compliance with the ● The Altman Theory illustrates various
Data Protection Act (DPA). Undertaking this aspects of privacy applicable in specific
study within the Korben Corporation would organizational setups. This theory holds
be particularly advantageous, as it can significance in our study as it outlines how
foster a secure workplace, influencing privacy at different levels defines the
employees' attitudes toward their work. boundaries or scope of an entity's access to
● Moreover, this study can enlighten personal employee information.
employees about the importance of ● The multidimensional framework for
understanding not only the extent to which assessing job performance encompasses
the company processes data but also how it three main areas that gauge an employee's
is secured. Additionally, it will benefit the effectiveness in the workplace. Its
institution (SSC-R) by broadening students' significance in our study lies in its
knowledge about the significance of the illumination of how management perceives
DPA, not just for individuals but for the employee effectiveness, encompassing task
entire organization. performance, contributions to the
● Furthermore, this study will serve as a organization, and the evaluation of actions
valuable reference for future researchers that could potentially jeopardize the
interested in delving deeper into this topic. organization.
Finally, it will be beneficial for us, the ● The conceptual framework holds
researchers, as it will contribute to our significance in the study as it encapsulates
knowledge and experience in conducting the study's core, focusing on evaluating the
this research. impact of the DPA on employees’ job
performance. Understanding the
_________________________________________ relationship between these variables
necessitates analyzing factors, specifically
● What are the variables of your study? addressing the statement of the problem.
○ Please state the independent and
dependent variables and explain _________________________________________
why one is considered the
independent variable and the other ● How did you formulate your Statement of
is considered the dependent the Problem?
variable. ○ Is the stated SOP sufficient to meet
the objectives of the study?
Possible Answer:
● In this study, we examine two variables: the Possible Answer:
independent variable, which is the Data
Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012, and the
dependent variable, which is Employees’
Job Performance. The DPA is considered
the independent variable because it
influences the dependent variable; however,
it cannot be manipulated as it is a law. The
Employees’ Job Performance, on the other
hand, is the dependent variable, and its
relationship is significantly influenced by the
● With the guidance of our research adviser, Possible Answer:
we developed five research questions. ● We are advised to utilize the DV-IDV
Initially, we focus on the respondents' framework because it is more suitable for
profiles, followed by assessing the impact of the study we are conducting, focusing on
DPA on employees’ job performance. assessing the respondents' answers
Subsequently, using the gathered data, we regarding the presence of a significant
aim to determine the existence of a relationship between the variables. In
significant relationship between the contrast to the IPO framework, this study
variables. Additionally, we explore the does not encompass the development of an
specific challenges experienced by output.
respondents concerning how the DPA _________________________________________
affects their performance. Finally, we aim to
devise strategies based on our findings.
This process will enable us to establish ● What is your end goal?
whether our null hypothesis is acceptable
and consequently assert whether a Possible Answer:
significant relationship exists between the ● Our goal is to create a reliable study
variables. through a collaborative process among
_________________________________________ group members, aiming to improve our
understanding of the Data Protection Act
● How is workplace transparency (DPA) and its influence on employee
incorporated/treated using the Data performance. Additionally, we aim to
Privacy Act? produce a study that will not only benefit the
specific company under research but also
Possible Answer: assist similar organizations in enhancing
● Transparency plays a crucial role in DPA, workplace security, potentially leading to
wherein the employer explicitly informs improved work performance.
employees about the importance of the
personal information to be collected and _________________________________________
how the organization will protect it.
Simultaneously, the employee provides ● How does your data answer or inform
consent to share this personal information. your research question(s)?
This transparency is evident through clear ○ Explain how the survey
and open communication between the questionnaire will help the
parties involved in the data collection researchers address the research
process. questions/statement of the problem

_________________________________________ _________________________________________

● Since you’ve mentioned in your study ● What do you think the weakness of your
that employers are the PIC in the study is?
company, what is the relevancy or its
significance? Possible Answer:
○ How will you ensure that employers ● Possibility of company disapproval for
are abiding by the DPA? conducting the study.
● Time constraints.
● Limited manpower, insufficient number of
_________________________________________ members.
● Existing academic commitments.
● What made you decide to use Dependent ● Predominance of foreign studies as
and Independent variables in your sources.
Conceptual Framework rather than the
IPO method? _________________________________________
● What limitations of your research do you
wish you could have included? ● What was your hypothesis, and how did
you form it?
Possible Answer: ○ Why chose the null hypothesis
(Parang applicable din yung answer doon rather than the alternative
sa previous question na “What do you think the hypothesis?
weakness of your study is?” Iniba lang yung
construction ng question).


● What are the main issues or debates in

your chosen topic based on your related

Possible Answer:
● Employer's heightened responsibility in
safeguarding employees' personal
● Importance of employees' awareness
regarding their privacy rights.
● Implementation of data protection
● Impact of adhering to the DPA on employee
job performance.


● What made you choose your sample?

○ Why did you choose to focus on the
employees of the Korben
○ Why did you choose to use the
Purposive Sampling Technique?

Possible Answer:
● We decided to focus on Korben Corporation
for several reasons. Firstly, most of our
group members are familiar with the
company. Additionally, the company has
been in business for 56 years, offering a
valuable long-term perspective.
Furthermore, as an external entity, it
provides us with the opportunity to explore
beyond the school premises and collaborate
with a Filipino-owned business We are
interested in assessing the effectiveness of
DPA implementation within their
● We opted for the purposive sampling
technique because it allows us to select
respondents based on specific profiles,
such as job positions and years of
employment. This approach enables us to
collect data from a variety of perspectives.


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