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PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk

Project Doc. No.: NPE-VD-ELE-IOM-AXNE300-0001
Client Work No.

Toyo Work No.
51-008-01 Date:
27 SEP 2018
Vendor Work No.
Vendor Doc. No.: 1000043149-151_IOM Page 1 of 2

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk


Purchase Order No: 51-008-01 AXNE300

IOM (Installation, Operation and

Maintenance) manual


System No. Equipment No. FWBS/AWBS

9501 9501-SWM-6001 F13

2 27 SEP 2018 Final D. Karnis V.Cech P.Juricek J.Braun

1 24 MAY 2018 For Review D. Karnis V.Cech P.Juricek J.Braun

0 23 MAR 2018 For Approval D. Karnis V.Cech P.Juricek J.Braun


PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk
IOM manual
Client Work No.
Project Doc. No.: NPE-VD-ELE-IOM-AXNE300-0001 Security level 2
PO No.
Toyo Work No.
27 SEP 2018
Vendor Work No.
Vendor Doc. No.: 1000043149-151_IOM Page 2 of 2

Revision History

Rev.0: First Issue

Rev.1: For Review
Rev.1: Final

Me diu m v olt ag e prod uct s

UniGear ZS1
Installation, operation and maintenance instruction manual

1. Your safety first – at all times! ................................... 1

2. Sum m ary ................................ ................................. 2
2.1 Introduction ................................ .......................... 2
2.2 General ................................ ................................ 2
2.3 Standards and specifications .................................. 2
2.4 Operating conditions ................................ .............. 2
3. T echnical data ................................ .......................... 4
3.1 Electrical data ................................ ...................... 4
3.2 Resistance to internal arc faults .............................. 5
3.3 Dim ensions and weights ......................................... 6
4. Panel design and equipm ent ...................................... 8
4.1 Basic structure and v ariants ................................... 8
4.2 Enclosure and partitioning ...................................... 8
4.3 Com partm ents in the panels ................................. 1 4
4.4 Interlock/protection against incorrect operation ...... 1 9
4 .5 Plug connector coding ................................ ......... 2 4
4.6 Ith Lim iters ................................ ......................... 2 5
5. Dispatch and storage ................................ .............. 2 6
5.1 Condition on delivery ................................ ........... 2 6
5.2 Pack ing ................................ .............................. 2 6
5.3 T ransport ................................ ........................... 2 6
5.4 Deliv ery ................................ ............................. 2 6
5.5 Interm ediate storage ................................ ............ 2 7
5.6 Handling ................................ ............................ 2 7
6. Assem bly of the sw itchgear at site ............................ 3 1
6.1 General ................................ .............................. 3 1
6.2 Foundations ................................ ........................ 3 1
6.3 Assem bly of the sw itchgear panels ........................ 4 9 7.3 Serv ice truck s ..................................................... 9 7
6.4 Procedure for setting -up the doors ........................ 5 0 8. Com m issioning ....................................................... 9 9
6.5 Installation of the bushing .................................... 5 4 8.1 Preparatory w ork ................................................. 9 9
6.6 Fixing of the panels ............................................. 5 5 8.2 Measurem ents and tests ................................ ..... 1 0 0
6.7 Installation of the busbars .................................... 5 6 9. Maintenance ......................................................... 1 0 1
6.8 Installation of t he top -m ounted boxes .................... 6 6 9.1 Maintenance strategies ................................ ...... 1 0 1
6.9 Pressure relief ducts ................................ ........... 7 3 9.2 Prev entive m aintenance ................................ ..... 1 0 1
6.10 Cable connection ................................ ............... 7 5 9.3 Inspection ......................................................... 1 0 2
6.11 Earthing the sw itchgear ................................ ...... 8 1 9.4 Serv icing ................................ .......................... 1 0 5
6.12 Installation of interconnecting bundles ................. 8 1 9.5 Repairs ............................................................ 1 0 8
6.13 Final erection work ................................ ............ 8 2 9.6 Risk -Based m aintenance ................................ .... 1 0 9
7. Operation of the sw itchgear ..................................... 8 3 9.7 Spare parts, auxillar y m aterials and lubricants ...... 1 0 9
7.1 Sw itching operations ................................ ........... 8 3 9.8 Operating accessories ................................ ....... 1 1 0
7.2 Test procedure ................................ .................... 9 4 10. Product quality and env ironm ental protection ......... 1 1 1
1. Your safety first – at all times!
That is w hy our instruction manual begins w ith the If you have any further questions about this instruction
follow ing recommendations: manual, ABB’s field service team will be pleased to
Only install switchgear in closed rooms suitable for provide the required information.
electrical equipment.
Ensure that installation, operation and maintenance is W e reserve all rights to this publication. Misuse,
only carried out by qualified competent elec tricians. including in particular, duplication and making this
Fully comply with the legally recognized standards manual - or extracts thereof available to third parties
(IEC or local), the connection conditions of the local is prohibited. W e do not accept any responsibility for
electrical utility and the relevant safety at work the information provided, which is subject to change.
Observe the relevant information in the instruction
manual for all actio ns involving switchgear.

Pay special attention to the hazard notes in the
instruction manual marked w ith this w arning
 Make sure that the specified criteria are not
exceeded under switchgear operating
 Ensure the instruction manual is accessible to
all personnel involved in installation, operation
and maintenance.
 The user’s personnel must act responsibly in
all matters relating to safety at w ork and
correct handling of the switchgear.

 Alw ays follow the instruct ion manual and
respect the rules of good engineering practice!
 Hazardous voltage can cause electrical shocks
and burns.
 Disconnect pow er, then earth and shortcircuit
before proceeding w ith any w ork on this

Using of safety clothes like safety gloves
according to EN 388 Blade cut resistance class 5,
long sleeved w ork jacket or safety sleeves, safety
shoes is recommended during all activities done
with the switchgear.

2. Summary
2.1 Introduction 2.4 Operating conditions
The instructions in this publication refer to UniGear 2.4.1. Normal operating conditions
ZS1 medium voltag e switchgear with either The switchgear is b asically suitable for normal
withdrawable apparatus or switch -disconnector. For operating conditions for indoor switchgear in
correct use of the apparatus, please read the manual accordance with IEC 62271-200. Among other
carefully. considerations, the following limiting values apply:
Thanks to the advanced design of ABB switchgear,
UniGear ZS1 is suitable not only for many different
applications, but also allows for further technical and Amb i en t temp e ratu re:
construction modifications to suit any installation Max i mu m + 40 °C
requirements. Consequently, this manual may not Max i mu m 24 h av era ge + 35 °C
include some specific instructions concerning special Mi ni mu m (acc ordi ng t o " mi nus 5 door class ") - 5 °C
apparatus configurations. In these cases, it is
therefore strongly recommended to consult both this
manual and the latest technical documentation (circuit Amb i en t h u mi d i ty:
and wiring diagrams, foundation plans and any Max i mu m 24 h av era ge of relat i v e humid it y 95 % RH
protection selectivity studies). Max i mu m 24 h av era ge of wat e r v apour pressure 2. 2 k Pa
Max i mu m mon ht l y av erage of r elat iv e hu mi dit y 90 % RH
Max i mu m mon ht l y av erage of w at er v apour pressur e 1. 8 k Pa

2.2 General
The normal operational altitude is up to 1000 m above
UniGear ZS1 is three-phase, metal-enclosed, air- sea level. The indoor ambient conditions are free of
insulated, LSC-2B switchgear and all the panels are significant pollution, such as dust, smoke, corrosive
factory-assembled, type-tested and suitable for indoor and/or flammable gases, vapors or salt, etc.
applications up to 24 kV. The panels are designed as
withdrawable modules and are fitted with a single
busbar system. The withdrawable parts are equipped
with circuit-breakers and contactors.
Details of the technical design and configuration of
individual switchgear, such as the technical data,
detailed equipment lists for the individual panels and
comprehensive circuit documentation etc., can be
found in the relevan t order documents.

2.3 Standards and specifications

UniGear switchgear panels comply with the standards
and specifications for factory -assembled, metal -
enclosed and type tested high voltage switchgear to
IEC publications 62271 -200 (2011) and 62271 -1
(2007). In addition, in accordance with IEC 60529, the
switchgear panels have the following degrees of
IP 4X for the enclosure and IP 2X for the partitions.
All other corresponding IEC publications, national or
local safety at work regulations and safety regulations
for production materials must be followed during
erection and operation of these systems. Above and
beyond this, the order -related data from ABB must be
taken into account.

2.4.2. Special operating conditions
The switchgear is suitable for operation in the W Da
type of climate according to IEC 60721 -2-1.
Special operating conditions must be discussed with
ABB in advance. For example:
 At site altitudes above 1000 m, the effects of the
reduction in dielectric strength of the air on the
insulation level must be taken into account (Figure
 Increased ambient temperatures must be
compensated in the design of the busba rs and
branch conductors, otherwise the current carrying
capacity will be limited.

Note on special climatic operating conditions:

W hen switchgear is operated in areas with high
humidity and/ or major rapid temperature fluctuations,
there is a risk of dew deposits which must be excluded
under normal operating conditions for indoor
switchgear. Preventive action (e.g. suitable ventilation
and proper air conditioning of the building or housing,
use of dehumidifying equipment, etc.) must be taken
into consideration with ABB to avoid this condensation
phenomenon and any resulting corrosion or other
adverse effects.

F i g u re 1: Cu rve fo r d etermi n in g th e al ti tu d e facto r k in

rel ati o n to th e al ti tud e H.

3. Technical data
3.1 Electrical data
M ai n p arameter s fo r p an el s w i th ci rcu i t b reake rs
Rat ed v olt age [ k V] 7. 2 / 12 17. 5 24 ( 1 )
Rat ed p ower f req uenc y w it hst a nd v olt age [ k V 1 min] 28 ( 2 ) 38 ( 2 ) 50
Rat ed li ght n ing i mpuls e wit hst a nd v olt age [ k V] 75 95 125
Rat ed f req uenc y [ Hz] 50 / 60 50 / 60 50 / 60
Ma in bus bar rat e d current [ A] . . . 4000 . . . 4000 . . . 3150
Circuit - br eak er rat ed curre nt [ A] . . . 4000 . . . 4000 . . . 3150
Peak current [ k A] . . . 125 . . . 125 . . . 80
Int ern al arc wit hst and curr ent [ k A 1 s] . . . 50 . . . 50 . . . 31. 5
Rat ed sh ort t ime w it hst and curr ent [ k A 3 s] . . . 50 . . . 50 . . . 31. 5
( 1 ) 2 7 . 6 kV w i t h V D 4 a c c o r d i n g t o C S A C 2 2 . 2 N o 3 1 - 1 0 i s a v a i l a bl e
( 2 ) 4 2 kV ( G B / D L )

M ai n p arameter s fo r Un i G ear 17. 5 kV w i th VD4G

UniG ear Z S1 wit h UniG ear Z S1 wit h UniG ear Z S1 wit h
VD4G - 25 VD4G - 40 VD4G - 50
Rat ed v olt age [ k V] 17. 5
Max i mu m serv ice v olt age [ k V] 15
T est v olt age (50/ 6 0 H z) [ k V 1 min] 38
I mpu lse wit hst a nd v olt age [ k V] 95
Rat ed f req uenc y [ Hz] 50 / 60
Rat ed sh ort - t ime w it hst an d curr ent [ k A 3 s] 25 40 50
Symmet ric al short - circ uit curre nt
[ k A] 16 25 50
Iscg Cl ass G 1
Symmet ric al short - circ uit curre nt
[ k A] 16 25 37
Iscg Cl ass G 2
Peak wit hst and curre nt [ k A] 68. 5 115 137
Int ern al arc wit hst and curr ent [ k A 1 s] 25 40 50
Rat ed curre nt of t he ma in bus b ars [ A] …4000 …4000 …4000
F eeders rat e d current wit h n at u ral 1250 2000
[ A]
v ent ilat ion 3150 3150
F eeders rat e d current wit h f orc ed
[ A] 4000 4000
v ent ilat ion
U ni G e a r Z S 1 pa ne l w i t h V D 4 G c i r c ui t - br e a ke r c a n be c o u p l e d w i t h s t a nd a r d
U ni G e a r Z S 1 pa ne l w i t h V D 4 / P c i r c ui t - br e a ke r

M ai n p arameter s fo r p an el s w i th sw i tch -d i sco n n ecto r N AL F

Rat ed v olt age [ k V] 7. 2 / 12 17. 5 24
Rat ed p ower f req uenc y w it hst a nd
[ k V 1 min] 28 38 50
v olt age
Rat ed li ght n ing i mpuls e wit hst a nd
[ k V] 75 95 125
v olt age
Rat ed f req uenc y [ Hz] 50 / 60 50 / 60 50 / 60
Rat ed curre nt of busbars [ A] . . . 4000 . . . 4000 …3150
Rat ed curre nt of branch es [ A] . . . 630 . . . 630 . . . 630
Rat ed bre ak ing curre nt of swit ch -
[ A] . . . 630 . . . 630 . . . 630
discon nect or (p ower f act or = 0. 7)
Rat ed sh ort t ime w it hst and curr ent
[ k A] . . . 25 . . . 25 . . . 25
of swit ch - disco nn ect or 1 s
Rat ed sh ort circuit mak ing curr ent [ k A] . . . 40 . . . 40 …50
Rat ed p eak wit hst and curre nt [ k A] . . . 62. 5 . . . 62. 5 . . . 63
Auxili ar y v olt age DC [ V] 24 / 48 / 110 / 220 24 / 48 / 110 / 220 24 / 48 / 110 / 220
Auxili ar y v olt age AC [ V] 110 / 230 110 / 230 110 / 230

M ai n p arameter s fo r p an el s w i th vacu u m co n tacto r VSC7/ P VSC12/ P
Rat ed v olt age [ k V] 7. 2 12
Rat ed ins ul at ion v olt age [ k V] 7. 2 12
Rat ed p ower f req uenc y w it hst a nd v olt age [ k V 1 min] 20 ( 3 ) 28 ( 3 )
Rat ed li ght n ing i mpuls e wit hst a nd v olt age [ k V] 60 75
Rat ed f req uenc y [ Hz] 50 / 60 50 / 60
Rat ed sh ort t ime w it hst and curr ent ( 1 ) [ k A] . . . 50 . . . 50
Peak current [ k A] . . . 125 . . . 125
Int ern al arc wit hst and curr ent ( 2 ) [ k A 1 s] . . . 50 . . . 50
Max i mu m rat ed curr ent of t he cont act or [ A] 400 400
( 1 ) L i m i t e d b y t he f us e s .
( 2 ) T he i nt e r na l a r c w i t hs t a nd v a l u e s a r e g ua r a nt e e d i n t he c o m pa r t m e nt s o n t he s u p pl y s i d e o f t he f us e s ( b us ba r s a nd a p pa r a t us ) b y t he
s t r uc t ur e o f t he s w i t c h ge a r a nd o n t he l o a d s i d e ( f e e d e r ) b y t he l i m i t i n g p r o pe r t i e s o f t he f us e s .
( 3 ) V S C 7 / P G f o r 3 2 kV po w e r f r e q ue nc y w i t hs t a nd v o l t a ge a nd V S C 1 2 / P G f o r 4 2 kV po w e r f r e q ue nc y w i t hs t a nd v o l t a ge a r e a v a i l a b l e o n
r e q ue s t i n a d e d i c a t e d pa ne l .

3.2 Resistance to internal arc faults

The fault w ithstand capacity is as follow s: The switchgear panels have been tested according to
IEC 62271-200 standard (Annex A, accessibility type
 12 kV - 50 kA 1 s A, IAC classification FLR) and also to PEHLA
 17.5 kV - 50 kA 1 s recommendation no. 4. In individual cases, depending
 24 kV - 31.5 kA 1 s on the configuration of the switchgear panels and/or
the switchroom conditions (e.g. low ceiling height),
additional measures may be necessary to ensure
compliance with criterion 5.

3.3 Dimensions and weights
Di men si o n s o f 12 / 17. 5 kV p an el s
Di men si o n [mm]
Heig ht A 2200 / 25 95 ( 1 )
W idt h:
- F eeder pa nels u p t o 1250 A ( ≤ 31. 5 k A) ( 4 )
- F eeder pa nels u p t o 1250 A ( ≥ 31. 5 k A) B 800
- F eeder pa nels 1 600 - 20 00 A 800 ( 2 )
- F eeder pa nels a bov e 200 0 A 1000
Dept h:
- Up t o 2500 A, 31. 5 k A
- 3150 A, 40 k A 1355
- 4000 A, 40 k A 1390
- 3150 A, 50 k A 1390
- 4000 A, 50 k A 1455
D 2100
Heig ht of t he basic part of pa n el
E 1495
(1) H e i g ht o f t he l o w v o l t a ge c o m p a r t m e nt i s 7 0 5 / 1 1 0 0 m m .
(2) 1 0 0 0 m m o n r e q ue s t .
(3) D e e pe r u ni t s a r e a v a i l a bl e o n r e q ue s t .
(4) F e e d e r s e q u i p pe d w i t h t he V S C c o n t a c t o r a r e 6 5 0 m m w i d e u p t o t he 5 0 kA s ho r t t i m e c ur r e n t a nd u p t o 1 2
kV r a t e d v o l t a ge .

Di men si o n s o f 24 kV p an el s
Di men si o n [mm]
Heig ht A 2325 / 27 20 ( 1 )
W idt h:
800 ( 2 )
- F eeder pa nels u p t o 1250 A B
- F eeder pa nels a bov e 125 0 A 1000
Dept h C(3) 1700 ( 4 )
D 2200
Heig ht of t he basic part of pa n el
E 1620
(1) H e i g ht o f t he l o w v o l t a ge c o m p a r t m e nt i s 7 0 5 / 1 1 0 0 m m .
(2) 1 0 0 0 m m o n r e q ue s t .
(3) D e e pe r u ni t s a r e a v a i l a bl e o n r e q ue s t .
(4) F o r s ho r t - t i m e c ur r e n t u p t o 2 5 kA a 1 5 6 0 m m d e p t h v e r s i o n i s a v a i l a bl e .

W ei g h t o f th e p an el in cl u di n g w i thd raw abl e ci rcu i t - b reaker p art

Rated cu rren t 12 / 17. 5 kV 24 kV
. . . 1250 A 800 - 85 0 k g 1000 - 1 050 k g
1600 A 850 - 90 0 k g 1200 k g
2000 A 850 - 90 0 k g 1200 k g
2500 A 1200 k g 1200 k g
3150 A 1200 k g 1300 k g
4000 A 1400 k g x

Di men si o n s o f p an el w i th th e sw i tch -d i sco n n ecto r

Di men si o n 12 / 17. 5 kV 24 kV
Heig ht [ mm] A 2200 / 25 95 ( 1 ) 2325 / 27 20 ( 1 )
W idt h - O ut going an d inco ming panels: [ mm] B 800 ( 3 ) 1000
Dept h [ mm] C 1340 1700 ( 2 )
D 2100 2200
Heig ht of t he basic part of pa n el [ mm]
E 1495 1620
N o t e : T he d i m e ns i o ns m us t b y v e r i f i e d a c c o r d i n g t o t he r e l e v a nt o r d e r d o c um e nt a t i o n .
N o t e : W e i gh t o f pa ne l i nc l ud i n g o f s w i t c h - d i s c o n ne c t o r ( 1 2 a nd 1 7 . 5 / 2 4 kV ) i s c c a 7 5 0 / 9 5 0 k g .
( 1 ) H e i g ht o f l o w v o l t a ge c o m pa r t m e n i s 7 0 5 / 1 1 0 0 m m .
( 2 ) 1 5 6 0 m m d e pt h v e r s i o n a v a i l a bl e o n r e q ue s t .
( 3 ) 6 3 0 A ( m a x . c ur r e n t o f s w i t c h - d i s c o n ne c t o r pa ne l l i m i t e d b y c o o r d i na t e d f us e s ) .

F i g u re 2: Di men si on s o f UniG ear Z S1 p an el .
4. Panel design and equipment
4.1 Basic structure and variants
The basis for the UniGear panel is the incoming / screws on one longitudinal side and on the other
outgoing feeder panel with SF6 or vacuum circuit- longitudinal side with plastic screws. In the case of
breaker using insertion technology. It is divided into internal overpressure, the plastic screws are the
busbar compartment I., circuit breaker compartment rupture point.
II., cable compartment III. and low voltage Arc fault current limitation can be achieved by
compartment IV. for the secondary equipment. Apart undelayed circuitbreaker release, carried out by
from this, there are variants for all operating needs. auxiliary switches operated by the pressure wave. The
switchgear can be equipped with Ith limiter: the
For busbar sectionalising, two panels are necessary, auxiliary switches (Figure 28) are operated by the
the coupling panel with the withdrawable circuit - pressure relief flaps.
breaker part and a bus riser panel (optional with The necessary safety measures to counteract the
busbar metering and earthing). In equipment without effects of an internal arc fault must be ensured in
busbar sectionalising, a direct bar connection between relation to the ceiling height. In individual cases, this
the busbars will be established. may require additional operator protection measures
The UniGear switchgear also includes the variant of on the switchgear panels. These measures include:
incoming / outgoing panel with the NALF switch - 1. Mounting a pressure relief duct 1 (Figure 124) on
disconnector with the stationary mounting of the the top of the switchgear, with further channels
switch-disconnector. The panel is divided into busbar leading out of the switchgear room in a form
compartment A, switch -disconnector compartment appropriate for the design of the building. The shock
including cables B and low voltage compartment for wave and arc discharge are channelled off in ducts.
the secondary equipment D. 2. Mounting a pressure relief duct with blow -out
Further details about installation and switchgear apertures located above the duct at the ends of the
equipment can be obtained from the relevant order switchgear and pointing towards the centre of the
documents. switchgear (diverter duct). The shock wave and arc
discharge then emerge in an extremely attenuated
form and in a location which is not critical for the
operating personnel.
4.2 Enclosure and partitioning
The rear wall of the busbar compartment 12 (Figure
The enclosure and internal partitions of the panels are
3), intermediate wall 19, mounting plate 13 with
of 2 mm thick high quality galvanized steel sheets.
shutters 20/24 and horizontal partition 29, form part of
The three high voltage compartments (busbar
the internal partitioning . The internal partition ing
compartment, circuit -breaker compartment and cable
makes safe access to the circuit -breaker and cable
connection compartment) are equipped with top-
compartments possible even when the busbars are
mounted and secured pressure relief flaps. These
open in the case of overpressure due to an internal
The low voltage compartment for the secondary
arc fault. The front of the panel is closed off by
equipment is completely protected from the high
pressure resistant doors which open to an angle of
voltage area thanks to its steel -sheet casing.
On the end sides, cover plates ensure a good
Cable and circuit-breaker compartments have their
appearance and are mechanically and thermally arc
own doors, both compartments can be equipped with
fault proof should such an event occur in the end
inspection windows made of security glass.
Neighbouring panels are partitioned from one another
Doors and cover plates are thoroughly cleaned and
by the side walls of each panel and, as a result of the
treated against corrosion before receiving a high
design, the air cushion remains between these walls
quality double coating of paint. The finishing coat is in
when the panels are jointed together.
the standard RAL 7035 color (special colors by
The enclosure is completed on the roof by top -
agreement). Stoving completes the procedure and
mounted pressure relief flaps which, according to the
provides considerable resistance to impact and
rated branch conductor current, are made of sheet
corrosion. The circuit-breaker compartment and cable
steel or expanded metal and at the base by means of
connection compartment doors are pressure resistant
floor-covering 18 (Figure 3), made of Al sheet.
and can either be fitted with screws or manual closing
The pressure-relief flaps are secured with steel
systems (central handle).

Ventilation of the panels by flap 27 in the horizontal partition 29. For outgoing
Openings in the outer enclosure are needed for air, the pressure relief flaps 8 incorporate vents which
ventilation in the case of certain rated currents in the provide the IP4X degree of protection (Figure 3).
busbars and branch bars. In cases of higher ambient temperature (> 40 °C) it is
For incoming air to the circuit -breaker compartment, necessary to apply derating of rated current. It is
the horizontal partition is provided with air -vents 28 necessary to use forced fan ventilation in 3600 A and
IP4X degree of protection and safety in the case of 4000 A panels for 12 / 17.5 kV rated voltage and in
any release of hot gas due to an arc fault is provided 3150 A panels for 24 kV rated voltage.

I n stru cti o n fo r sw i tch in g o f co o l in g fan s:

I n co mer, 12 / 17. 5 kV, 3600 A
Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt F AN 1 F AN 2
t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. Circuit Current Not e
40°C) 45°C) 50°C) 55°C) Break er t ransf ormers
f an is
< 3200 A < 3070 A < 2940 A < 2800 A No -
st oppe d
f an st art s
≥ 3200 A ≥ 3070 A ≥ 2940 A ≥ 2800 A Yes -
operat i on

I n co mer, 12 / 17. 5 kV, 4000 A

Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt F AN 1 F AN 2
t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. Circuit Current Not e
40°C) 45°C) 50°C) 55°C) Break er t ransf ormers
bot h f ans
< 3200 A < 3070 A < 2940 A < 2800 A No No
are st opp ed
bot h f ans
≥ 3200 A ≥ 3070 A ≥ 2940 A ≥ 2800 A Yes Yes st art
operat i on

I n co mer, 24 kV, 2500 A

Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt F AN 1 F AN 2
t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. Circuit Current Not e
40°C) 45°C) 50°C) 55°C) Break er t ransf ormers
f an is
< 2200 A < 2110 A < 2020 A < 1920 A No -
st oppe d
f an st art s
≥ 2200 A ≥ 2110 A ≥ 2020 A ≥ 1920 A Yes -
operat i on

I n co mer, 24 kV, 3150 A

Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt Current (a mb ie nt F AN 1 F AN 2
t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. t emp erat ure max. Circuit Current Not e
40°C) 45°C) 50°C) 55°C) Break er t ransf ormers
f an is
< 2700 A < 2590 A < 2480 A < 2360 A No -
st oppe d
f an st art s
≥ 2700 A ≥ 2590 A ≥ 2480 A ≥ 2360 A Yes -
operat i on

F i g u re 3: Uni G ear feed er p an el 17. 5 kV, 31. 5 k A.
A Busbar co mp art ment 13 Mo unt in g pl at e
B Circuit - br eak er compart me nt 14 Isol at ing bush ing
C Cabl e co mp art ment 15 Eart hing sw it ch
D Low v olt age co mpart ment 16 Current t ransf or mer
17 Volt age t ra nsf or mer
1 Spind le mec han is m 18 F loor cov er – split
2 Spigot o n spin dle 19 Part it ion – re mov able
3 Hole i n spi ndl e f or insert io n lev er 20 T op shut t er
4 Vent ilat i on gr id 22 Cont rol w irin g pl ug con nect or
5 Eart hing sw it ch op erat in g mech anis m 23 Cont rol w irin g duct
6 O perat ing s haf t f or eart hing sw it ch 24 Lower sh ut t er
7 Slide 26 Vent ilat i on gr id
8 Pressure rel ief f lap 27 Back f lap
9 Enclosur e 29 Hori zo nt al p art it ion, re mov abl e
10 Branch co nduct or 31 Cont rol w irin g duct
11 Busbar 32 Cabl e sea lin g end
12 Part it ion 34 Ma in eart h in g bar

F i g u re 4: Un i G ear Di g i tal p anel (vo l tag e meteri n g i n cab l e co mp artmen t).
A Busbar co mp art ment 12 Mo unt in g pl at e
B Circuit - br eak er compart me nt 13 Isol at ing bush ing
C Cabl e co mp art ment 14 Eart hing sw it ch
D Low v olt age co mpart ment 15 Volt age s ensor i n cabl e co mpar t ment
16 F loor cov er – split
1 Spind le mec han is m 17 Part it ion – re mov able
2 Spigot o n spin dle 18 T op shut t er
3 Hole i n spi nd l e f or insert io n lev er 19 Cont rol w irin g pl ug con nect or
4 Eart hing sw it ch op erat in g mech anis m 20 Cont rol w irin g duct
5 O perat ing s haf t f or eart hing sw it ch 21 Lower sh ut t er
6 Slide 22 W it hdrawable part
7 Pressure rel ief f lap 23 Current sens or
8 Enclosur e 24 Hori zo nt al p art it ion, re mov abl e
9 Branch co nduct or 25 Cabl e sea lin g end
10 Busbar 26 Cabl e cla mp
11 Part it ion 27 Ma in eart h in g bar

F i g u re 5: Uni G ear Di g i tal p anel (vo l tag e meteri n g i n b u sb ar co mp artmen t).
A Busbar co mp art ment 12 Mo unt in g pl at e
B Circuit - br eak er compart me nt 13 Isol at ing bush ing
C Cabl e co mp art ment 14 Eart hing sw it ch
D Low v olt age co mpart ment 15 Volt age s ensor i n cabl e co mpar t ment
16 F loor cov er – split
1 Spind le mec han is m 17 Part it ion – re mov able
2 Spigot o n spin dle 18 T op shut t er
3 Hole i n spi ndl e f or insert io n lev er 19 Cont rol w irin g pl ug con nect or
4 Eart hing sw it ch op erat in g mech anis m 20 Cont rol w irin g duct
5 O perat ing s haf t f or eart hing sw it ch 21 Lower sh ut t er
6 Slide 22 W it hdrawable part
7 Pressure rel ief f lap 23 Current sens or
8 Enclosur e 24 Hori zo nt al p art it ion, re mov abl e
9 Branch co nduct or 25 Cabl e sea lin g end
10 Busbar 26 Cabl e cla mp
11 Part it ion 27 Ma in eart h in g bar

F i g u re 6 : Pan el w i th 12 / 17. 5 kV sw i tch - d i sco nn ecto r w i th fu ses an d earth i n g sw i tch.
A Busbar co mp art ment 6 Cabl e cla mp
B Swit ch- disc on nect or an d cabl e compart ment 7 Posit ion i nd icat or of swit ch - d is connect or
C Low v olt age co mpart ment 8 O perat ing mecha nis m of swit ch - discon nect or
9 Slide
1 Pressure rel ief f laps 10 Posit ion i nd icat or of eart hi ng s wit ch
2 Branch co nduct or 11 O perat ing mecha nis m of eart hi ng swit c h
3 Bushin g 12 Slide
4 Eart hing sw it ch
5 Swit ch- disc on nect or

4.3 Compartments in the panels
There are six types of electronic instrument
transformers for UniGear Digital:
 KEVA 17,5B2x – voltage sensor with ratio 10000:1
 KECA 80C104 – current sensor with ratio
 KECA 80C165 – current sensor with ratio
150mV@80A (for nominal voltage up to 17,5kV)
 KEVA 24B2x – voltage sensor with ratio 10000:1
 KECA 80C184 – current sensor with ratio
 KECA 80C216 – current sensor with ratio
150mV@80A (for nominal voltage 24kV)

4.3.1 Busbar compartment

The busbars have a flat cross -section made of copper
and are laid in sections from panel to panel. For
higher rated currents (3150, 3600 and 4000 A), the
busbars have a open D-shaped cross-section.
According to the current rating, either single or double
configuration is used. They are held in place by the
flat branch conductor and, if installed, by busbar
bushings (chapter 6.5). No special connection clamps
are needed.
Busbars and branch conductors for 17.5 and 24 kV are
insulated by means of shrink -on sleeves. The bolt
connections in the 17.5 and 24 kV busbar system are
covered by insulating covers (chapter 6.7). The F i g u re 7: Vo l tag e sen so rs i n b u sb ar co mp artmen t i n
busbars for 12 kV panels up to 2500 A do not have Un i G ear Di g i tal .
shrink-on sleeves. Open D-shaped busbars 3150,
3600 and 4000 A are insulated and the connections
are covered.
By means of bushing plates and busbar bushings
(chapter 6.5), partitions can be created between
panels. These partitions are necessary for higher
rated short-time currents, see table below.

Un Ik Parti ti o n s
Ev ery lat eral p an el; f rom 1 2
pane ls ad dit io nal p art it on i n
25 k A t he mi ddl e; f rom 2 1 pan els on e
addit i on al part it i on in e ach
12 / 17. 5 k V t hird of t he swit chg ear
Ev ery lat eral p an el an d ev ery
31. 5 k A
t hird pan el
40, 50 k A Ev ery pan el
Ev ery lat eral p an el; f rom 1 2
pane ls ad dit io nal p art it on i n
25 k A t he mi ddl e; f rom 2 1 pan els on e
24 k V addit i on al part it i on in e ach
t hird of t he swit chg ear
31. 5 k A Ev ery pan el
Mar ine/ Se is mic
All rat ings Ev ery pan el
v ersion

According to customer requirements, this separation

into individual panels by means of busbar bushings
and bushing plates (chapter 6.5) can also be provided
in switchgear panels where it is not technically
necessary. Top-mounted boxes with busbar earthing
switches, or busbar voltage transformers can be
placed above the panels.

4.3.2 Circuit-breaker compartment
The circuit-breaker compartment contains all the
necessary equipment for reciprocal operation of the
withdrawable part and the panel. Like the busbar
compartment, it is metallically partitioned on all sides.

The tulip isolating contacts 4 (Figure 165), together

with the fixed isolating contacts, are located in
mounting plate 13 (Figure 3). The metal shutters 2/4
(Figure 9), covering the insertion openings, are also
included. The shutters are opened by the actuating
bars of the withdrawable circuit -breaker part, using
the lever when inserting into the service position, and
are closed when the latter is removed. In the test /
disconnected position of the withdrawable part,
partitioning by separation is established in the main
current circuit. Connection of the control wiring,
required for test purposes, need not be interrupted
when in the test / disconnected position. In the test /
disconnected position, the withdrawable part is still
completely inside the panel with the door closed. The
ON / OFF pushbutton located on the circuit -breaker,
and the mechanical indicators for ON / OFF and
CHARGED / DISCHARGED can be observed through
an inspection window. If the circuit break er is in
service position.
The switching operations are carried out with the
doors closed. Installation of an additional mechanical
switching device for manual operation of the circuit -
breaker in the service position is also possible (Figure F i g u re 9: Vi ew in to th e ci rcu it - b reake r co mp art men t.
11). The socket 1 (Figure 9) for the control wiring is 1 Cont rol w irin g sock et
mounted in the circuit -breaker compartment. 2 T op shut t er
3 Duct cov er, t op right
4 Lower sh ut t er
5 Right - h an d t rav el rail

F i g u re 8: W i thd raw abl e p art w ith VD4 typ e ci rcu i t - b reak er ,

p o l e si d e.

F i g u re 10: Ci rcu i t - b reaker co mp artmen t, o p en .

W it hdrawable part in t est posit io n, cont ro l w irin g p lu g
connect or ope n
1 Cont r ol w irin g pl ug
2 W it hdrawable part
3 Square s pig ot
F i g u re 13: Cu rren t sen so rs K EC A 80C 16 5 mo u n ted in th e
ci rcu i t b reake r co mp artm en t i n Un i G ear Di g i tal.

F i g u re 11: Pu sh b u tto n fo r mech an i cal O N/ O F F b reaker

o p erati o n w ith th e d oo r cl o sed (o n req u est).
If t he wit hdr awa ble p art is i n t he serv ice posit i on, o per at ion is
carried o ut using t he k nob wh i ch swings a p ush rod ext e nsio n
out .
1 Mec han ical push but t on
2 T urning k nob F i g u re 14: Cu rren t sen so rs K EC A 80C 10 4 mo u n ted in th e
ci rcu i t b reake r co mp artm en t i n Un i G ear Di g i tal.

F i g u re 12: Vi ew o f th e p u sh ro d exten si o n sw un g o u t b y
th e kn o b at th e fro n t, w i th the w i th d raw ab l e ci rcu i t -b reake r
p art i n servi ce p o si ti o n and th e d o o r o p en .
1 Swiv ellin g pus h rod

4.3.3 Withdrawable parts
1. W ithdrawable circuit -breakers
The withdrawable circuit -breaker forms a complete
module consisting of the vacuum circuit -breakers type
VD4 or VM1, SF6 circuit -breaker type HD4 the
withdrawable assembly 1 (Figure 15), isolated contact
arm 3 with contact system 2 (Figure 165) and control
wiring plug 1 (Figure 10).
The withdrawable assembly and the circuit -breaker
are coupled via a multi -pole control wiring plug
The withdrawable assembly establishes the
mechanical connection between the panel and the
circuit-breaker. The fixed part is connected to the
panel by a forked connection, which is form coded on
both sides. The moving part with the circuit -breaker is
moved either manually or by a motor by means of a
spindle, between the service or test / disconnected
positions with the front doors closed. Service and test
/ disconnected positions are set precisely by means of
auxiliary switches, which register the final position
reached and the angular position of the spindle. The
earthing connection between the withdrawable part
and the panel is establish ed by its rollers and travel
rails 5 (Figure 9), which are bolted onto the panel.
W ithdrawable parts of the same design and electrical
parameters are interchangeable. In the case where
the withdrawable parts have the same dimen sions, but
different electrical parameters, the control wiring plug
coding prevents any incorrect connections between F i g u re 15: Wi th d raw ab l e p art w i th ci rcu i t - b reaker, t yp e
the withdrawable part and the panel. VD4, o p erati n g mech an i sm si d e.
1 W it hdrawable asse mb l y
2. Other withdrawable parts
The withdrawable part can also be fitted with the
following trucks:
 Metering voltage transformers truck with fuses.
 Earthing truck without making capacity (for main
busbar system and power cables).
 Earthing truck with making capacity (for main
busbar system and power cables).
 Power cable testing truck.
 Isolation truck.
 Isolation truck with fuses.
 Shutter lifting truck.

3. W ithdrawable contactors
In place of the circuit -breaker type, the withdrawable
part can also be fitted with the VSC type vacuum F i g u re 16: Wi th d raw ab l e assemb l y fo r ci rcu i t - b re ake r, w i th
contactor. VSC is fitted with MV fuses 1 (Figure 157) au xi l i ary sw i tch es.
and can be used for rated voltage up to 12 kV. All the 1 T est posit ion i ndic at or
data stated in this chapter for circuit -breakers also 2 Serv ice posit io n ind icat or
applies to the contactors. 3 Square s pig ot

4.3.4 Cable connection compartment there is an easily accessible auxiliary switch for the
The cable compartment contains current transformers control wiring plug.
16 (Figure 3), fixed and withdrawable voltage Secondary wiring inside the panel is in a duct on the
transformers 17, and earthing switch 15, according to right side of the panel. The left side of the panel is for
individual operating requirements in each case. the external wiring. The ducts are co vered with steel
The cable compartment is constructed for installation sheet 2, 4 (Figure 73). There are holes for sliding in
of three current transformers. Should all three current the ring conductors at the side of the low voltage
transformers not be required, dummies will be compartment.
installed in their place, using the same installation and
connection procedures. The fixed voltage transformers
are connected on the primary side with flexible, fully - 4.3.6 Sw itch-disconnector and cable compartment
insulated cables which are connected to the in the panel w ith switch-disconnector
transformers. The switch-disconnector and cable compartment is
The removable voltage transformers are fitted with merged. The stationary switch -disconnector is
HRC fuses. The earthing switch can be used with connected to busbars. The interconnection to the
either a manual or motor -operated mechanism. Its busbar compartment is carried out by bushings, which
switching position will be indicated both mechanicall y secures the separation of busbar compartment from all
by indication on the shaft and electrically by means of other switchgear compartments. The switch-
the auxiliary switch. Three fixed surge arresters can disconnector and cable compartment is also separated
be mounted instead of one position of single -core from other compartments by metal partitions. The
cables. switch-disconnector can optionally contain an
integrated earthing switch. The switching positions of
the integrated earthing switch type E can be indicated
by an auxiliary switch. The closing and opening of the
switch-disconnector is performed manually by a lever
with the door closed. On request, the device can be
also mounted for the motor operation of the switch -
disconnector. The switchdisconnector can therefore be
operated both locally and remotely.
The earthing switch is always operated locally by the
operating lever.
The switchgear is constructed for the use of single -
core cables as standard. The cable compartment
usually contains supporting insulators for the
fastening of cables. On request the cable
compartment can contain the instrument current
transformers instead of the supporting insulators. If all
F i g u re 17: Vol tag e sen so rs K EV A 1 7. 5B 20 mo u n ted i n th e three current transformers are not required, the
cab l e co mp artm en t i n Uni G ear Di g i tal .
relevant insulators are installed instead of them.
Cable connection in the panels for 12 kV, 17.5 kV and
24 kV: In the panel with switch -disconnector plastic
Cable connection of 12 / 17.5 kV panels: single-core cable can be connected on each phase
In the 650 mm wide panel, up to three parallel plastic with a cross-section up to 240 mm 2 as standard.
cables can be connected with single -core cable
protection and push on sealing ends with a maximum Important note:
cross-section of 630 mm 2 . In the 800 or 1000 mm wide In the case of any non standard cable connections an
panel, up to six parallel plastic cables can be agreement must be reached between the customer
connected with single-core cable protection and push - and ABB during the technical preparation stage of the
on sealing ends with a maximum cross -section of 630 order.
mm 2 .
Customer requests regarding connections to bars,
three-core cables, special cables or sealing ends of
different types must be considered during the order -
planning stage.
Cable connection of 24 kV panels:
In the 800 mm wide panel, up to three parallel plastic
cables can be connected with single -core cable
protection and push on sealing ends with a maximum
cross-section of 500 mm 2 . In the 1000 mm wide panel,
up to six parallel plastic cables can be connected with
single-core cable protection and pushon sealing ends
with a ma ximum cross-section of 500 mm 2 . For more
information regarding cable connection (chapter 6.10).

4.3.5 Low voltage compartment

The height of the low voltage compartment is 705 /
1100 mm (chapter 3.3). If the secondary devices are
not intended for door installation, they are mounted on
DIN RAILS that enable any subsequent changes to the
wiring. In the lower part of the low voltage
compartment, there are three rows of DIN RAILS on
the swivelling DIN RAIL S holder and, below these,

4.4 Interlock/protection against incorrect operation
4.4.1 Panel internal interlocking
To prevent hazardous situations and incorrect
operation, there is a series of interlocks to protect
both personnel and equipment:
 The withdrawable part can only be moved from the
test / disconnected position (and back) when the
circuit-breaker and earthing switch are off (i.e. the
switch must be off before hand.) In the
intermediate position, the switch is mechanicall y
interlocked. W hen the circuit-breakers have an
electrical release, the interlock is also electrical.
 The circuit-breaker can only be switched on when
the withdrawable part is in the test or service
position. In the intermediate position, the switch is
mechanically interlocked. W hen the circuit -
breakers have an electrical release, the interlock
is also electrical.
 If required, prevention of malfunction of the switch
can also be achieved by means of the control
terminal (i.e. Relion®).
 In the service or test positions, the circuit -breaker
can only be switched off manually when no co ntrol
voltage is applied and it cannot be closed
(electromechanical interlock).
 Connecting and disconnecting the control wiring
plug 2 (Figure 142) is only possible in the test / F i g u re 18: A) Cl o sed p o si ti on o f d o o r’ s h an d l e; B) No t
disconnected position of the withdrawable part. cl o sed p o si tio n o f do o r’ s h and l e.
 The earthing switch 15 (Figure 3) can only be
switched on if the withdrawable part is in the test /
disconnected position or outside of the panel 4.4.3 Interlocks betw een panels
(mechanical interlock).
 The busbar earthing switch can only be closed
 If the earthing switch is on, the withdrawable part
when all the withdrawable parts in the relative
cannot be moved from the test / disconnected
busbar section are in the test / disconnected
position to the service position (mechanical
position (electromechanical interlock).
 W hen the busbar earthing switch is closed, the
 Optionally there can be interlocking on shutters to
withdrawable parts in the earthed bus bar section
prevent manual opening. If it is applied then a
cannot be moved from the test / disconnected
shutter device must be specified.
position to the service position (electromechanical
 Details of other possible interlocks, e.g. in
connection with a locking magnet on the
withdrawable part and / or earthing switch drive,
can be obtained from the relevant order
documents. 4.4.4 Locking devices
 The shutters 2/4 (Figure 9) can be secured
independently of each other with padlocks when
4.4.2 Door interlocking the withdrawable circuit -breaker part has been
The panels are equipped with the following interlocks: removed.
 Access to the operating -shaft 30 (Figure 3) of the
 The apparatus (circuit -breaker or contactor) can
earthing switch can be restricted with a padlock.
not be racked-in if the apparatus compartment
door is open.  Access to the circuit -breaker racking slot can be
restricted with a padlock.
 The apparatus compartment door cannot be
opened if the apparatus (circuit -breaker or  Access to the circuit -breaker compartment and the
contactor) is in service or in an undefined position. cable compartment can be restricted with a
 The earthing switch cannot be operated if the
cable compartment door is open.
 The cable compartment door cannot be opened if
the earthing switch is open - please see warning
about door’s handle in section 4.4.4 Locking
devices. W ARNING
 The locking magnet is not installed in the case
Note: of a motor operator; busbar earthing sw itches
W hen the interlocking for circuit-breaker is used then or the w ithdrawable parts are electricall y
it is necessary to use the OFF push button on the door locked. The manual emergency sw itch is not
to provide emergency switching OFF. locked!
 This interlock is not available for
motoroperated w ithdrawable apparatus as a
mechanical device.

 The door’s handle w hich is an integral part of
doors has to be push to its final close position
– see (Figure 18) of closed and not closed
position of door’s handle.
 In case the door’s handle is not in its final
close position the doors are not cl osed yet. In
this case the interlock function cannot be

4.4.5 Internal interlocking of panel w ith switch -

To prevent hazardous situations and incorrect
operation, there is a series of interlocks to protect
both personnel and equipment:
 The switch-disconnector can only be switched on if
the earthing switch is off. The earthing switch can F i g u re 19: Sw itch - d i sco nn ecto r co mp artmen t - o p en
only be switched on if the switch -disconnector is p o si ti on . I n su l atin g p l ate i n th e i so l ati ng di stan ce o f
off. The switch-disconnector and earthing switch sw i tch -d i sco n n ecto r.
are mutually mechanically interlocked. 1 Posit ion i nd icat or of swit ch - d is connect or
 The door of the lower HV cable part of the panel 2 Swit ch- disc on nect or
can only be opened if the earthing switch is on. 3 Mov abl e ins ulat i on pl at e
During the closing of the earthing switch the 4 Insu lat io n part it i on wa ll
insulating plate 26 (Figure 6) is automatically
inserted in the isolating distance of switch-
disconnector, which increases safety. This plate is
automatically removed again during the opening of
the earthing switch.
 The earthing switch can only be operated if the
cable compartment door is closed.
 If the control voltage is not connected, the switch -
disconnector can be open and closed only
manually. The manual operation of switch -
disconnector and earthing switch can be prevented
if the slides 10 and 14 (Figure 6) of the operating
openings are locked up.
 In panels with digital control techniques the
protection against incorrect operation is basically
carried out by the panel software. But the earthing
switch is operated locally by the operating lever 1
(Figure 20). The mechanical interlocking between
the switch-disconnector and earthing switch is still
in operation.
 Details of other possible interlocks, e.g. in
connection with a locking magnet on the switch-
disconnector, can be obtained from the releva nt
order documents.

The door of the upper HV part of the panel can only
be opened if the off -circuit condition of the switch - F i g u re 20: Prep arati o n fo r the o p erati o n o f earth i n g sw itch
disconnector is verified. This means that the off- i n p an el w i th th e sw itch - d i sco n n ecto r.
circuit condition must be unconditionally verified
both on the upper and low er contacts of the O perat ing l ev er prepar ed f or t he O F F operat ion
1 O perat ing l ev er
sw itch-disconnector.

Types of interlocks
Stan d ard safet y i n terl o cks (m an d ato ry)
T yp e Desc ri p ti o n Co n d i tio n to b e fu l fil l ed
A Apparat us rack ing - in/ o ut Apparat us in O F F posit ion
B Apparat us closi ng Def ine d t ruck posit ion
A Apparat us rack ing - in Apparat us mult i - co nt act plug p l ugge d
B Apparat us mult i - co nt act plug u nplu gg ing T ruck in t est posit ion
A Eart hing sw it ch clos ing T ruck in t est posit ion
B Apparat us rack ing - in Eart hing sw it ch in O F F posit ion
A Apparat us co mpart me nt door o peni ng T ruck in t est posit ion
B Apparat us rack ing - in Apparat us co mpart me nt door cl osed
A F eeder co mp art ment do or ope n ing Eart hing sw it ch in O N pos it ion
B Eart hing sw it ch op eni ng Cabl e co mp art ment door cl ose d
N o t e : A p pa r a t us a r e c i r c ui t - br e a ke r s a nd c o n t a c t o r s .

Ke ys (o n req u est)
6 Apparat us rack ing - in l ock Can on l y be re mov ed wit h t he t ruck in t he rack ed - out posit ion
7 Eart hing sw it ch clos ing l ock Can on l y be re mov ed wit h t he eart hin g swit ch o pen
8 Eart hing sw it ch op eni ng lock Can on l y be re mov ed wit h t he eart hin g clos ed
9 Insert i on of t he ap parat us rak in g - in/ out cra nk lev er Can al wa ys b e re mov ed
10 Insert i on of t he eart h ing sw it ch operat in g lev er Can al wa ys b e re mov ed

Pad l o cks
11 Apparat us co mpart me nt door o peni ng
12 Cabl e co mp art ment door o pen i ng
13 Insert i on of t he ap parat us rak in g - in/ out cra nk lev er
14 Insert i on of t he eart h ing sw it ch operat in g lev er
15 Shut t ers ope nin g or closi ng
I t i s ne c e s s a r y t o us e pa d l o c ks w i t h 5 - 8 m m ha s p d i a m e t e r

L o cki n g mag n ets (on req u est)

16 Apparat us rack ing - in/ o ut Ma gnet e nerg i zed
17 Eart hing sw it ch O N/ O F F Ma gnet e nerg i zed

Ac ce sso r y d e vi ces
T he dev ice lock s t he shut t ers in t he close d posit i on wh en t he appar at us is re mov ed f ro m t he
18 Shut t ers f ail - saf e compart ment . T he operat or can not ope n t he shut t ers manu al l y. T he shut t ers can onl y b e
operat e d b y t he ap parat us t ruck or t he serv ice t ruck s.
Apparat us - swit ch gear T he apparat us mult i - c ont act pl ug an d relat iv e swit chg ear un it sock et are equip ped w it h a
19 unit co mpat i bi lit y mec han ical mat rix, t hat disabl e s apparat us rack ing - in i nt o a swit chge ar un it wit h an
mat rix inap pro priat e rat e d current .
T he apparat us co mp art ment is equi pp ed wit h a mec han ical de v ice, t hat enables circu it - break er
Circuit - br eak er
closin g an d/ or ope nin g direct l y by me ans of t he f ront oper at in g mech anis m p ush but t ons, k eepi ng
20 mec han ical oper at ing
t he door cl osed. T he cont rols can be o perat e d wit h t he circu it - break ers in t he op erat io n an d
mec han is m
rack ed- out posit i on.

F i g u re 21: Ci rcu i t - b reaker co mp artmen t d o o r en ab l i ng d evi ce ( A) an d d o o r l o cki ng pi n (B).

F i g u re 22: Ci rcu i t - b reaker tr u ck en ab l i n g sl o t (A).

F i g u re 23: Ci rcu i t - b reaker co mp artmen t d o o r l o cki n g d evice (B).

F i g u re 24: Cab l e co mp artme n t d oo r en ab l in g d evi ce (C).

F i g u re 25: Cab l e co mp artme n t d oo r en ab l in g slo t an d earth i n g sw i tch en abl i ng pi n .

F i g u re 26: Cab l es co mp artm en t d o o r l o cki n g p in (D).

4.5 Plug connector coding
The control wiring plug connector coding allows
withdrawable parts for switching devices to be
assigned to particular panels. This ensures, for
example, that withdrawable parts with different rated
currents or different control wiring circuits can only be
used in the panels they are intended for. Coding pins
are fitted in the control wiring sockets (Figure 10) or
control wiring plugs and engage with the
corresponding bores of the relevant plug 1 (Figure 10)
or socket 3 when the two parts are connected.
The plug connector coding is order -related, and is
noted in the relevant wiring documentation.

F i g u re 27: Co n trol w i ri n g p lug co n n ecto r co di n g, sh ow n

fo r a 58 - p o l e co n n ecto r .
1 Bore f or act uat in g pin of t he co nt rol wiri ng pl ug f or
cont roll ing t h e auxi liar y sw it ch
2, 4 Cent eri ng st rik ing t abs
3 Cont rol w irin g sock et

The corresponding coding designation for the control
wiring plug is given in brackets. The co ding pins can
be fitted in the control wiring socket 3 (Figure 27)
and/or in the control wiring plug.

Basic design:
The number of sockets is optional, but the basic
assignment is 1, 8, 10, 20, 21, 31, 33 and 40. Sockets
and pins can be mixed as required in the control
wiring socket 3 and control wiring plug.

4.6 Ith Limiters
It is additional safety feature on the top of each panel.
The microswitch generates an immedi ate fault signal
when the overpressure flap is opened. Reaction time
is less than 15 ms. The signal from the microswitch
can be sent directly to trigger the circuit-breaker OFF.

F i g u re 30: Val id fo r mi cro sw itch o f typ e Cro u zet.

1 It h li mit er
2 Pressure rel ief f lap

F i g u re 28: Au xi l i ar y I th l i mi ter sw i tch . I t may b e n eces sar y

to mo ve th e a u xi i ary sw i tch es i n to th ei r servi ce p o si ti o n
w h en th e l i ftin g eyeb o l ts h ave b een remo ved .

It is necessary to adjust the centre of the switch knob

of the auxiliary switch to the centre of the pressure
relief flap’s hole. Correct value of the adjustment of
the auxiliary switches’ height in the pressed position
according to the particular type of the switch is
indicated in following pictures.

F i g u re 31: Val id fo r mi cro sw itch o f typ e M 1S 6610.

1 It h li mit er
2 Pressure rel ief f lap

F i g u re 29: Val id fo r mi cro sw itch o f typ e L XW 37.

5. Dispatch and storage
5.1 Condition on delivery
At the time of dispatch, the UniGear panels are factory
assembled, the withdrawa ble parts are in the test
position and the doors are closed. The factory-
assembled panels are checked for completeness in
terms of the order and simultaneously subjected to
routine testing (normally without AC voltage testing of
the busbars) to IEC public ation 62271-200, and are
therefore tested for correct structure and function. The
busbars are not assembled. The busbar material,
fasteners and accessories are packed separately.

5.2 Packing
Available packing methods:
F i g u re 32: Han d li n g b y cran e .
 Polythene foil - storage time 1/2 year in clean and
dry environment.
 OSB boards - storage time 1/2 year in outdoor
environment according to IEC.
 W ood boxes - storage time 1 year in outdoor 5.4 Delivery
environment according to IEC.
The responsibilities of the customer when the
According to the kind of transport and country of switchgear arrives at s ite include, but are not limited
destination, the panels remain unpacked or are to, the following:
packed in seaworthy crates. A drying agent is
provided to protect them against moisture:  Checking the delivery for completeness and
damage (e.g. also for moisture and its detrimental
 Panels with basic packing or without packing. effects). In case of doubt, the packing must be
 Panels with seaworthy or similar packing (including opened and then properly resealed, inserting new
packing for containerised shipments): drying agent bags, when intermediate storage is
-Sealed in polyethylene sheeting. necessary.
-Transport drying agent bags included.  If any quantities are short, or defects or transport
damage are noted, these must be documented on
the respective shipping document and notified to
the relevant carrier or forwarding agent
immediately in accordance with the relative liability
5.3 Transport
The transport units normally comprise individual Note:
panels and, in exceptional cases, small groups of Always take photographs to document any major
panels. The panels are each fitted with four lifting damage.
Transport panels upright. Take the high centre of
gravity into account. Only ever carry out loading
operations when it has been ensured that all
precautionary measures to protect personnel and
materials have been taken and use the following:
 Crane
 Fork-lift truck and/or manual trolley jack

Loading by crane:
 Fit lifting ropes of appropriate load capacity with
spring catches (eyebolt diameter: 30 mm)
 Keep an angle of at least 60° from the horizontal
for the ropes leading to the crane hook
 Suspend the unit using ALL four eyebolts!

For detailed information on switchgear handling,

please refer to (chapter 5.6).

5.5 Intermediate storage
Optimum intermediate storage, where this is -Lift the cubicles by the crane following the
necessary, without any negative consequences instructions below.
depends on compliance with a number of minimum -Remove the pallet.
conditions for the panels and assembly materials. -Position the unloading shims.
-Put the switchgear on the loading shims using the
1. Panels with basic packing or without packing: crane.
 A dry well-ventilated store room with a climate in After unpacking, lift the panel groups by crane (Figure
accordance with IEC 62271-1. 32). Use the eyebolts and the safety ropes.
 The room temperature must not fall below –5 °C. After installation of the panels, remove the eyebolts
 There must not be any other negative used for lifting.
environmental influences.
 Store the panels upright and do not stack panels.
 Panels with basic packing - Open the packing, at
least partially. W ARNING
 Panels without packing
- loosely cover with protective sheeting.  Only use a suitable balanced lifting system.
- ensure that there is sufficient air circulation.  Should an accidental fault cause a leakage of
 Check regularly for any condensation until SF6, ventilate the room and caref ully follow the
installation is started. safety procedures prescribed in the IEC 1634
2. Panels with seaworthy or similar packing with
internal protective sheeting:
 Store the transport panels:
- protected from the weather.
- in a dry place.
- safe from any damage.
 Check the packing for damage.
 Check the drying agent (chapter 5.2).
- on arrival of the delivery.
- subsequently at regular intervals.
 W hen the maximum storage period, starting from
the date of packing, has been exceeded:
- the protective function of the packing can no
longer be guaranteed.
- take suitable action if intermediate storage is to

Do not w alk on the roof of the panels (rupture
points in pressure relief devices!). The pressure
relief devices and/or Ith Limiters could be

5.6 Handling
5.6.1 Sw itchgear
The switchgear sections are usually fixed to wooden
pallets. Handling should be carried out by overhead or
mobile cranes. Otherwise, use rollers or fork lift
trucks. W eights and dimensions of each section are
listed in the shipping documents and in the plant F i g u re 33: Han d li n g th e sw i tch g ear i n th e w oo d en crate.
drawings. Handling w ith overhead crane or mobile
crane and unpacking - Handling the sw itchgear in
the w ood packing.
The switchgear must be lifted by crane and circular
slings. The slings must be inserted according to the
lifting symbols marked on the crate. W eight and lifting
opening angle must be taken into account when
choosing the circular slings.

-Remove the nails and crate lid and sides.
-Open the compartment door and loosen the bolts
fixing the switchgear to the pallet.

27 Handling by rollers Handling by transpallet or fork lift trucks
Lift the switchgear section by overhead or mobile To guarantee stability, the switchgear must not be
crane or using jacks; remove the wooden pallet lifted too high. Check the alignment of the forks.
loosening the screws fixing it to the switchgear
section base. Put a sturdy metal sheet between the
rollers and the panel base and place the switchgear
on the sliding rollers.

Only use rollers on a level floor. Move the Only use transpallets or fork lift trucks on a level
sw itchgear section avoiding any possible tilting. floor. Move the sw itchgear section avoiding any

F i g u re 34: Han d li n g b y ro l l ers. F i g u re 35: Sw itch i ng h and l ing .

1 Slidi ng rol lers

2 Met a l sheet

5.6.2 Apparatus
The apparatus can be handled by cranes, fork lift
trucks or using the truck provided by ABB. For each
piece of apparatus follow the instructions below.

 While handling do not put any stress on the
insulating parts and on the apparatus
 Before handling the apparatus, make sure that
the operating mechanism springs are
discharged and that the apparatus is in the
F i g u re 36: Li fti ng sw i tchg ear p acked i n a w oo d en crate.
open position.

28 Handling by crane
Hook the lifting bolts to the relevant supports (Figure
37). W hile handling, pay the utmost attention not to
put any stress on the insulating parts or on the circuit -
breaker terminals (Figure 38). Before putting into
service, remove all the lifting eyebolts.

To lift the contactor use removable support shown on
(Figure 39).

F i g u re 37: Co rrect h an d l in g .
F i g u re 39: M ou n tin g th e l i ftin g eq ui p men t. Handling by fork-lift trucks

Handling by fork-lift trucks can be carried out only
after the apparatus has been positioned on a sturdy
support. W hile handling, pay the utmost attention not
to put any stress on the insulating pa rts or on the
circuit-breaker terminals.

Do not insert the truck forks straight underneath
the apparatus but put the apparatus on a sturdy

F i g u re 38: W ron g h an d li n g.

F i g u re 40: Han d li n g b y fo rk - l i ft tru cks.

29 Handling by service truck Further w arnings
For handling and inserting the apparatus into the W hen moving the switchgear on cylinders always put
switchgear, use the service truck (Figure 43). the cylinders collinear (in parallel) with t he front side
of the switchgear and always keep the switchgear in
In order to handle the circuit -breaker with the relevant the vertical position!
truck, follow the instructions below.
 Hook the lifting bolts to the circuit -breaker
supports and align it above the truck (1).
 Press the handles (2) towards the circuit -breaker
centre (*) to insert the horizontal check pins (3).
 Put the circuit-breaker on the truck.
 Push the circuit -breaker towards the circuit-
breaker compartment and insert the truck into the
guides until the handles (2) are released (**) Do not try to open the cable or the circuit -breaker
outwards and the horizontal locking pins go into compartment doors, close the earthing switch or
the slots (4), locking the circuit-breaker. withdraw the circuit breaker if an auxiliary voltage is
not connected to the switchgear! Do not step on the
pressure relief flaps!

 Do not use the service truck for any purpose
other than handling ABB’s apparatus.
 Fix the circuit -breaker to the truck before
moving it.

F i g u re 44: (*) Han d li n g d i recti o n fo r h o ri zo n tal l o cki n g p in

en tr y, (**) Han d l i n g d i recti o n fo r exi t o f th e h o ri zon tal
l o cki n g p i n s.

F i g u re 43: Servi ce tru ck.

6. Assembly of the switchgear at site
To carry out the optimum installation sequence and 2. Further structural data guidelines given provide a
ensure high quality standards, site installation of the rough calculation of the space required and the
switchgear should only be carried out by spe cially plan for designing the room for a switchgear
trained and skilled personnel, or at least by personnel project.
supervised and monitored by responsible people.
In case higher IP is needed please follow the If seismic resistance is not required, it is not
instructions described in manual 1VLG100101 - necessary to attach each switchgear panel to the f loor
available on request. or frame, but it suffices to fix outside panels in each
row of switchgear only.

If seismic resistance is required, it is necessary to

6.1 General attach each switchgear panel to the floor or frame. To
achieve seismic resistance the special fixing system is
On commencement of installation on site, the switch -
used. This system preferably uses a steel floor frame
room must be completely finished, provided with
with “C” profile shape but moreover with an addition
lighting and the electricity supply, lockable, dry and
special fixing element – please contact ABB for
with facilities for ventilation. All the necessary
preparations, such as wall openings, ducts, etc., for
laying the power and control cables up to the
W hen the final building construction documents are
switchgear must already be complete. W here
drawn up, the binding data supplied by ABB for a
switchgear panels have top -mounted structures for
particular case must always be taken into account!
earthing switches or instrument transformers, it must
be ensured that the ceiling height is sufficient for the
opening travel of the pressure relief plates. The
Di men si o n ch art o f stru ctu ral d ata - p an el s 12 / 17. 5 kV
ceiling must be high enough to allow the assembly of
Panel w idt h F T [ mm] 650 800 1000
the pressure relief duct and/or top mouted VT box and
earting switch box. See table in (chapter 6.7). Aisle wi dt h G ( 1 ) [ mm] 1150 1300 1500
Compliance with the cond itions for indoor switchgear Swit chge ar roo m d oor
[ mm] 850 1000 1200
widt h
according to IEC 62271-1, including the conditions for
Swit chge ar roo m d oor
the indoor temperature class must be ensured. heig ht ( 2 )
[ mm] 2400 2400 2400

O penin g in ce iln ing if t ransp ort ed t hrou gh roof :

6.2 Foundations W idt h [ mm] 1000 1000 1200
Lengt h [ mm] 1500 1500 1500
The following three basic methods of installing Ceil ing l oa d ( 3 ) [ k g/ m 2 ] 1200 1400 1400
switchgear in the switchroom are identified:
Di men si o n ch art o f stru ctu ral d ata - p an el s 24 kV
Method A – installation on C profile for concrete Panel w idt h F T [ mm] 800 1000
Aisle wi dt h G ( 1 ) [ mm] 1300 1500
As standard, it is recommended to install the
Swit chge ar roo m d oor wi dt h [ mm] 1000 1200
switchgear on “C” profile base irons set into the
Swit chge ar roo m d oor he ight ( 2 ) [ mm] 2525 2525
concrete floor of the switchroom. In this case, the
panels are fastened using the special bolt blocks (ABB
deliv ers these on request). O penin g in ce iln ing if t ransp ort ed t hrou gh roof :
W idt h [ mm] 1000 1200
Method B – installation on anchoring bolts Lengt h [ mm] 1800 1800
Installation directly on the levelled concrete floor Ceil ing l oa d ( 3 ) [ k g/ m 2 ] 900 850
makes much higher demands on the floor levelling, ( 1 ) M i ni m um d i m e ns i o ns . P a y a t t e n t i o n t o a p pr o pr i a t e na t i o na l
s t a nd a r d s .
which must, in this case, fulfil the same tolerances as
( 2 ) A p pl i e s t o l o w v o l t a ge c o m pa r t m e n t s o f s t a nd a r d he i g ht .
the base irons during me thod A installation. Fastening
is carried out by anchoring bolts in the concrete floor. ( 3 ) A p pr o x i m a t e n u m be r s d e pe nd i n g o n t he t y pe o f pa ne l s .

Method C – installation on bolts for raised floor

In this case, fastening of the panels is carried out by
welding outside panels to the steel floor frame in the
places where the frame is larger than the base of the
switchgear, i.e. on the outside lateral walls of the
panel row. This method of installation is not
recommended if seismic resistance is required.

Generally, the following procedure for switchgear

anchoring can be recommended for any of the
installation methods mentioned:

1. The switchgear panels are bolted together in the

front and rear part to make one unit.

6.2.1 Method of installation A – Installation on C  Level the panels and then bolt them together in the
profile for concrete floor front and rear part.
The general foundation drawing is given in following  To attach them to the base irons, insert specially
figures according to the parameters of the panels. prepared bolt blocks in the fixing holes in the
bottom of the panels and tighten them.
 The “C" shaped base irons can be suppl ied by ABB
together with the switchgear. Their installation is
usually carried out by personnel on site and
should, if possible, be performed under
supervision of an ABB specialist. The base irons
must be installed in the slab before finishing the
 Rest the irons in the specified position on the
concrete floor as shown in the relevant foundation
drawing and mark out the places for drilling the
holes. Then drill the holes for anchoring bolts, i.e.
for plugs for fixing the base irons in the floor. Then
put the plugs in the holes and attach the base
irons to the floor loosely with bolts, without final
tightening so that any required levelling is
 Carefully level the base irons both longitudinall y
and transversally over the entire length and to t he
correct height by putting strips of suitable F i g u re 45: Fi xi n g to th e fl oo r - M eth o d A - I n stal l ati o n o n C
thickness under them and using a levelling p ro fi l e fo r con rete fl o o r.

Tolerances for laying the floor frame are:

- Evenness tolerance ± 1 mm over a measuring length
of 1 m
- Straightness tolerance 1 mm per 1m, but not more
than 3 mm over the entire length of the frame.
 After levelling the base irons, tighten bolts 13. The
adjusted position of the base irons on the concrete
floor must not be changed during this operation!
Check again and, if necessary, correct any
dev iations.
 W eld Individual parts of the base irons together
inside the “C" profile at the seams so that there is
a mutual conductive connection.
 Take any necessary measures for perfect earthing
of the base irons with galvanized steel strips with
minimum dimensions of 30 x 4 mm. Two earthing
connections are recommended for a panel ro w
longer than approx. 5 panels.
 W hen the floor top covering is applied, carefully
backfill the floor frame, leaving no gaps. The top
edge of the floor frame should be 2 mm above th e
finished floor surface; the tolerance of this value is
within the limits of 0 to 5 mm. This facilitates
erection and alignment of the switchgear panels. In
some cases, this means that the material thickness
of an additional floor covering to be fitted la ter
must be taken into account separately.
 The base irons must not be subjected to any
harmful impact or pressure, particularly during the
installation phase. If these conditions are not
respected, problems during assembly of the
switchgear and possibly wi th movement of the
withdrawable parts, as well as opening and closing
of the doors cannot be ruled out.

Attachment of the panels to the “C" shape base

The switchgear is attached to the base irons by
special bolt blocks, which can be supplied on request.
 Place the individual panels of the switchgear in
sequence onto correctly levelled and installed
base irons and level them according to the
relevant foundation drawings.

6.2.2 Method of installation B – Installation on 6.2.3 Method of installation C – Installation on
anchoring bolts bolts for raised floor
The general foundation drawing is given in following The general foundation drawing is given in (Figure 48)
according to the parameters of the units. - (Figure 72) according to the parameters of the
panels. In most cases, the floating floor is created by
 Clean the switchgear installation area carefully a steel structure in which the welded steel frame is
 On the slab, v isibly trace the perimeter of all the installed. A frame produced using suitable steel
units making up the switchgear according to the profiles is used. ABB does not supply this frame.
relevant drawing, taking the minimum wall and - Evenness tolerance ± 1 mm over a measuring length
obstacle clearances into account of 1 m.
 Level the floor both longitudinally and - Straightness tolerance 1 mm per 1 m.
transversally, evenness tolerance is ± 1mm over a
measuring length of 1 m  Clean the installation area.
 Drill the floor at the intended fixing points,  After installation of the frame, take any necessar y
referring to the slab drilling drawings. To make the measures for perfect earthing of the frame with
holes, use a hammer drill with a bit according to galvanized steel strips with min. dimensions 30 x
the steel plugs used 4mm. Two earthing connections are recommended
 Insert the plugs in the holes and put the individual for a panel row longer than approx . 5 panels.
panels on the traced perimeters of the units to  Place the panels on the frame according to the
create the switchgear relevant foundation drawings, taking the minimum
 Level the units and then bolt them together in the wall and obstacle clearances into account.
front and rear part  Level the panels and then bolt them together in the
 Fix the units with bolts with special washers (the front and rear part.
coupling material is supplied on request)  Carry out attachment by welding the outside
 In the case of a metal floor, use the attachment panels to the steel floor frame in the place where
according to the figure. To make the holes, use a the frame juts out from the switchgear bottom, i.e.
drill with a suitable bit for the type of fixing to be on the outside lateral walls of the unit row. This
made (through or threaded hole) method of installation is not recommended if
seismic resistance is required.
 In the case of a metal floor, use attachment
according to the figure. To make the holes, use a
drill with a suitable bit for the type of fixing to be
made (through or threaded hole).

F i g u re 46: Fi xi n g to th e fl oo r - M eth o d B - In stal l ati o n o n F i g u re 47: Fi xi n g to th e fl oo r - M eth o d C - In stal l ati o n o n

an ch o ri n g b o l ts. b o l ts fo r rai sed flo o r.

F i g u re 48: Un iG ear 12 / 17. 5 kV u p to th e no mi n al cu rren t o f T - o ffs 2500 A. G u i d el in e stru ctu ral d ata fo r fo u nd ati o n frame
o n co n crete fl o o r. I t i s n o t val i d fo r th e p an el w i th sw i tch -d i sco n n ecto r.
C T ypical pa ne l dept h C = 13 40 mm – ho wev er alw a ys consi der annot at i on 2)
G W idt h of operat ing ais le (chapter 6.2)
FT Panel w idt h (chapter 6.2)
TB Door wi dt h = FT + 200 mm
TH Door he ig ht = panel h eig ht + 200 mm

1 Rear cov er
2 Door
3 Side en d cov er
4 Screw
5 St eel dow el

1) Mi ni mu m d i mens ions; rec o mme nded s pace 5 00 mm.

2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied in d ocu ment at i on of t he rel ev ant order.

F i g u re 49: Un iG ear 12 / 17. 5 kV fo r th e n o min al cu rren t o f T - o ffs 3150 / 4000 A an d / o r 50 k A. G u i d el i n e stru ctu ral d ata fo r
fo u n d atio n frame o n con crete fl o o r. I t i s n o t val i d fo r th e pan el w i th sw i tch - di sco n n ector.
C T ypical pa ne l dept h C = 13 90 mm – ho wev er alw a ys consi der annot at i on 2)
G W idt h of operat ing ais le (chapter 6.2)
FT Panel w idt h (chapter 6.2)
TB Door wi dt h = FT + 200 mm
TH Door he ig ht = panel h eig ht + 200 mm

1 Rear cov er
2 Door
3 Side en d cov er
4 Screw
5 St eel dow el

1) Mi ni mu m d i mens ions; rec o mme nded s pace 5 00 mm.

2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied in d ocu ment at i on of t he rel ev ant order.

F i g u re 5 0: Un iG ear 24 kV. G u i d el i n e stru ctu ral d ata fo r fo un d ati o n frame o n co n crete fl oo r I t i s n o t val id fo r th e p an el
w ith sw itch - d i sco nn ecto r.
C T ypical pa ne l dept h C = 17 00 mm (F or short - t i me curre nt up t o 25 k A, 1560 mm de pt h v ersion is av ailab le)
- howev er alw a ys consi der an n ot at ion 2)
G W idt h of operat ing ais le (chapter 6.2)
FT Panel w idt h (chapter 6.2)
TB Door wi dt h = FT + 200 mm
TH Door he ig ht = panel h eig ht + 200 mm

1 Rear cov er
2 Door
3 Side en d cov er
4 Screw
5 St eel dow el

1) Mi ni mu m d i mens ions; rec o mme nded s pace 5 00 mm.

2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied in d ocu ment at i on of t he rel ev ant order.

F i g u re 51: Un iG ear 12 / 17. 5 kV w i th NAL sw i tch - d i sco nn ecto r. G u id el i n e stru ctu ral d ata fo r fo u nd ati o n frame o n con crete
fl o o r.
C T ypical pa ne l dept h C = 13 40 mm – ho wev er alw a ys consi der annot at i on 2)
G W idt h of operat ing ais le (chapter 6.2)
FT Panel w idt h (chapter 6.2)
TB Door wi dt h = FT + 200 mm
TH Door he ig ht = panel h eig ht + 200 mm

1 Rear cov er
2 Door
3 Side en d cov er
4 Screw
5 St eel dow el

1) Mi ni mu m d i mens ions; rec o mme nded s pace 5 00 mm.

2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ed in d ocu ment at i on of t he rel ev ant order .

F i g u re 52: Un iG ear 24 kV w i th N AL sw i tch -di sco n n ecto r. G u i d eli n e stru ctu ral d ata fo r fo u n d atio n frame o n con crete fl o o r.
C T ypical pa ne l dept h C = 17 00 mm – ho wev er alw a ys consi der annot at i on 2)
G W idt h of operat ing ais le (chapter 6.2)
FT Panel w idt h (chapter 6.2)
TB Door wi dt h = FT + 200 mm
TH Door he ig h = pane l hei ght + 20 0 mm

1 Rear cov er
2 Door
3 Side en d cov er
4 Screw
5 St eel dow el

1) Mi ni mu m d i mens ions; rec o mme nded s pace 5 00 mm.

2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied in d ocu ment at i on of t he rel ev ant order.

F i g u re 53: Examp l e o f 12 / 17. 5 kV sw i tch g ear fo r 2500 A o n fo un d ati on frame o n co n crete fl o o r. Pan el w i th examp l es o f
g as d u ct i n clu d in g chi mn ey s o r p ressu re r el i ef to th e ou tsid e.
A T ypical pa ne l dept h A = 13 40 mm – ho wev er alw a ys consi der annot at i on 2)

1) Mi ni mu m d i mens ions; rec o mme nded s pace 5 00 mm

2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied acc ordin g t o docu ment at io n of t he relev ant order

F i g u re 5 4: Examp l e o f 12 / 17. 5 kV sw i tch g ear fo r 3150 / 40 00 A o n fo u n d ati on frame o n co n crete fl o o r. Pan el w ith
examp l e s o f g as d u ct in cl u din g ch i mn eys o r p ressu r e rel i ef to th e ou tsi d e.
B T ypical pa ne l dept h B = 13 40 mm – ho wev er alw a ys onsi der annot at ion 2)

1) Mi ni mu m d i mens ions; rec o mme nded s pace 5 00 mm

2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied acc ordin g t o docu ment at io n of t he relev ant order

F i g u re 55: Examp l e o f 12 / 17. 5 kV, 40 / 50 k A sw i tchg ear o n fo un d ati on frame o n co n crete fl o o r. Pan el w i th examp l es o f
g as d u ct i n clu d in g chi mn eys o r p ressu re r el i ef to th e ou tsid e.
C T ypical pa ne l dept h C = 13 90 mm – ho wev er alw a ys consi der annot at i on 2).

1) Mi ni mu m d i mens ions; rec o mme nded s pace 5 00 mm.

2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied acc ordin g t o docu ment at io n of t he relev ant order.

F i g u re 56: Examp l e o f 24 kV, 25 k A sw i tch g ear o n fo un d ati o n frame o n con crete fl o o r. Pan el w i th examp l es o f g as d u ct
i n cl u di n g ch i mn eys o r p res su re rel i ef to th e o u tsid e.
D T ypical pa ne l dept h D = 15 60 mm – ho wev er alw a ys consi der annot at i on 2).

1) Mi ni mu m d i mens ions; rec o mme nded s pace 5 00 mm.

2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied acc ordin g t o docu ment at io n of t he relev ant order.

F i g u re 57: Examp l e o f 24 kV, 31. 5 k A sw i tch g ear o n fo u ndati o n frame o n co n crete fl o o r. Pan el w ith examp l es o f g as d u ct
i n cl u di n g ch i mn eys o r p res su re rel i ef to th e o u tsid e.
E T ypical pa ne l dept h E = 17 00 mm (F or short -t i me curre nt up t o 25 k A a 1560 mm d ept h v ersion is av aila ble)
– howev er al wa ys cons ider a nn ot at ion 2).

1) Mi ni mu m d i mens ions; rec o mme nded s pace 5 00 mm.

2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied acc ordin g t o docu ment at io n of t he relev ant order.

F i g u re 58: Gu i d eli n e stru ctu ral d ata fo r a rai sed fal se fl o or.
A Larger d i me nsio n is v alid f or t he cubicl e wit h circ uit break er H D4 incl udi ng co mbin at ion w it h t he m,
in ot her cas es small er di me nsi ons are v alid – h owev er alw a ys consider a nn ot at ion 2).
G W idt h of operat ing ais le
FT Panel w idt h
TB Door wi dt h = FT + 200 mm
TH Door he ig ht = panel h eig ht + 200 mm

1) Mi n. di mens io ns.
x) Max. di mensi ons.
2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied in d ocu ment at i on of t he rel ev ant order.
3) In case of re ar access or ins pe ct ion win do w on t he rear cov er mi n. reco mme n de d dist anc e f rom t he wa ll is 50 0 mm.

Stru ctu ral d ata fo r a rai sed fa l se fl o o r

Un [kV] Pan el d ep th A 2 ) B C1)
12 / 17. 5 up t o 250 0 A 1340 / 13 00 1235 135
12 / 17. 5 - 3150 / 400 0 A 1390 / 13 50 1235 185
12 / 17. 5 - 40 / 50 k A 1390 1235 185
24 1700 / 15 60 / 1520 1590 / 14 50 140

F i g u re 59: 12 / 17. 5 kV u p to 40 k A – 6 50 / 800 / 1000 m m w id e p an el s – A) An ch o ri n g bo l ts B) C p ro fil e fo r co n crete fl o o r.

An ch o ri n g b o l ts fi xi n g syst e m
F T w id th [mm] A [m m] B [mm]
650 440 450
800 590 600
1000 790 800

F i g u re 60: 12 / 17. 5 kV, 50 k A, 1250 - 2 000 A, 80 0 mm w i d e pan el s - A) An ch o ri n g b ol ts B) C p ro fi l e fo r con crete fl o o r.

F i g u re 61: 12 / 17. 5 kV, 50 k A, 2500- 3 600 A, 10 00 mm w i d e p an el s - A) An ch o ri n g bo l ts B) C p ro fi l e fo r co n crete fl o o r.

F i g u re 62: 12 / 17. 5 kV, 50 k A, 4000 A, 100 0 mm w i d e p an els - A) An ch o ri n g b ol ts B) C p ro fi l e fo r con crete fl o o r.

F i g u re 63: 24 kV, 25 k A, 80 0 mm w id e p an el s - A) An ch o ri n g bo l ts B) C p ro fi l e fo r con crete fl o o r.

F i g u re 64: 24 kV, 25 k A, 10 00 mm w i d e p an el s - A) An ch o ri n g bo l ts B) C p ro fi l e fo r con crete fl o o r.

F i g u re 65: 24 kV, 31. 5 k A – 8 00 mm w i d e p an el s - A) An ch o ri n g b o l ts B) C p ro fi l e fo r con crete fl o o r.

F i g u re 66: 24 kV, 31. 5 k A – 1 000 mm w i d e p an el s - A) An c h o ri n g b ol ts B) C p ro fil e fo r co n crete fl o o r.

F i g u re 67: 12 / 17. 5 kV cu b i cle w i th sw itch - d i sco nn ecto r - A) An ch o ri n g b o l ts B) C p ro fil e fo r co n crete fl o o r.

F i g u re 68: 24 kV – cu b i cl e w ith Sw i tch -d i sco n n ecto r - A) An ch o ri n g b ol ts B) C p ro fil e for co n crete fl o o r.

F i g u re 69: An ch o ri n g b o l ts F i g u re 70: C p ro fi l e fo r con crete fl o o r

F i g u re 71: Th ro u gh ho l e on metal stru ctu re. F i g u re 72: Th read ed h o l e o n metal stru ctu re.

6.3 Assembly of the switchgear panels
Use screws of tensile class 8.8. The maximum Any tightening torques t hat deviate from those in the
recommended tightening torques based on each type general tables (e.g. for contact systems or device
of connection are given in the following tables: terminals) must be taken into account as stated in
the detailed technical documentation.
It is recommended that the threads and head contact
T i g h teni n g to rq u es fo r cop p er b ars o r co mb i n ed bu sb ar surfaces of bolts should be lig htly oiled or greased to
co n n ecti o n s achieve the precise tightening torque (column Oil or
M ax. reco mmen d ed ti g h teni ng to rq u e Nm ( 1 ) grease in table).
T h read ( 2 )
W it hout (ƞ=0. 14) O il of grease (ƞ= 0. 10)
M5 ( 3 ) 2. 5 - The preparation work for installation is as follows:
M6 ( 3 ) 10 8
 Remove withdrawable parts 1 (Figure 145) from
M8 25 20
the switchgear panels and store them with
M1 0 50 40
suitable protection.
M1 2 85 69
 Dismantle lifting eyebolts.
M1 6 200 170
 Transport the switchgear panels to the prepared
installation point following the sequence shown on
T i g h t. to rqu es fo r co p p er b ar co n n ecti o n s co mb in ed w ith
the switchgear plan.
ep o xy i n su l ato rs
M ax. reco mmen d ed ti g h teni ng to rq u e Nm ( 1 )
 Remove covers 2 and 4 (Figure 73) from the
T h read ( 2 ) vertical control wiring ducts at the front left of the
W it hout (ƞ=0. 14) O il of grease (ƞ= 0. 10)
M8 15 12
M1 0 32 26
M1 2 45 36
M1 6 110 90
M2 0 220 180

T i g h t. to rqu es fo r co p p er b ar co n n ecti o n s co mb in ed w ith

M ax. reco mmen d ed ti g h teni ng to rq u e Nm ( 1 )
T h read ( 2 )
W it hout (ƞ=0. 14) O il of grease (ƞ= 0. 10)
M1 2 70 57

T i g h t. to rqu es fo r co p p er b ar o r cab l e co n n ecti o n s

co mb i n ed w ith AB B VT s
M ax. reco mmen d ed ti g h teni ng to rq u e Nm ( 1 )
T h read ( 2 )
W it hout (ƞ=0. 14) O il of grease (ƞ= 0. 10)
M1 0 20 16

T i g h teni n g to rq u es fo r cop p er co n tact p i n s in si d e ep o xy

sp o u t
M ax. reco mmen d ed ti g h teni ng to rq u e Nm ( 1 )
T h read ( 2 )
W it hout (ƞ=0. 14) O il of grease (ƞ= 0. 10)
M1 0 46 37
M2 0 250 200
N o t e : T h r e a d a nd he a d c o n t a c t s u r f a c e l u br i c a t e d .
( 1 ) T he r e c o m m e nd e d m a x i m um t i g ht e n i n g t o r q ue s a r e ba s e d o n a
c o e f f i c i e nt o f f r i c t i o n f o r t he t h r e a d o f 0 . 1 4 ( w i t ho ut l u br i c a t i o n ) o r
0 . 1 0 ( w i t h l u b r i c a t i o n) .
( 2 ) T he t i g ht e n i n g t o r q ue s a r e r e c o m m e nd e d f o r s c r e w s IS O 4 0 1 4 -
4 0 1 8 a nd IS O 4 7 6 2 ( t e ns i l e c l a s s 8 . 8 ) . If us i n g o t he r t y pe s o f s c r e w s
pl e a s e c o nt a c t A B B f o r c l a r i f i c a t i o n .
( 3 ) A p pl i c a b l e o n l y f o r f i x i n g o f s u b s i d i a r y c o v e r s o r t e r m i na l
c o n ne c t i o ns .
F i g u re 73: Vi ew i n to th e h i gh vo l tag e area at th e fro n t.
1 Block ing ad just ab le pi n
2 Duct cov er f or ext ernal cont rol cables
3 Hori zo nt al p art it ion, re mov abl e
4 Duct cov er f or ext ernal cont rol cables

6.4 Procedure for setting-up the doors
Instructions from the standpoint of the safety at work:  Mount the left lateral cover of the control cables.
The relevant work and adjustments must be carried The screw tightening torque must not exceed 2,5
out by trained specia lists familiar with the installation, Nm.
taking into account all relevant safety regulations  Insert the withdrawable part with circuit -breaker /
according to IEC and other relevant professional contactor in the circuit-breaker compartment and
bodies, and other local and works regulations and leave in the test / disconnected pos ition.
instructions.  Close the door and verify the door blocking
The switchgear doors are always mounted and set up function by operation with the withdrawable part.
at the factory. It is always necessary to reset these
doors on site and to do this before commissioning the b) The cable compartment door:
switchgear. During setting -up, the switching station
must be connected to the control voltage, otherwise it  Loosen (but do not dismantle) 2 M6 lock screws
will not be possible to operate the with drawable part (Figure 74) on the lateral side of the door - this
with circuit-breaker / contactor and earthing switch. releases the blocking stop and it is possible to
The working method: open the door.
 W ithdraw the withdrawable part with measuring
a) The circuit-breaker compartment door: voltage transformers (if the switchgear is equipped
with them) from the cable compartment outside of
 Loosen (but do not dismantle) 2 lock screws M6 the switchgear (Figure 81).
(Figure 74) on the lateral side of the door - this  Dismount the left lateral cover of the control
releases the blocking stop and it is possible to cables (Figure 82).
open the door.  W ithdraw the left lateral cover of the control cables
 W ithdraw the withdrawable part with circuit - from the cable compartment outside of the
breaker / contactor from the circuit-breaker switchgear (Figure 83).
compartment onto the service truck and move it  Loosen (but do not dismantle) all M8 screws at all
outside of the switchgear. hinges (Figure 77).
 Dismount the left lateral co ver of the control  The setting up of the door position is based on
cables (Figure 75). rotating the door in the opening on an axis of the
 W ithdraw the left lateral cover of the control cables middle hinge (the second hin ge from the bottom
from the circuit-breaker compartment outside of edge of door in the case of a door with 4 hinges).
the switchgear (Figure 76).  Set up the door in the position in which its upper
 Loosen (but do not dismantle) all M 8 screws at all edge of door will be parallel with the upper edge of
hinges (Figure 77). the separating cover (Figure 84).
 The setting-up of the door position is based on  Tighten the upper hing e and check the correct
rotating the door in the opening on an axis of the door function including the insertion of the
middle hinge (the second hinge from the bottom blocking lever in the door slot with the blocking
edge of door in the case of a door with 4 hinges). stop.
 Set up the door in the position in which its upper  If the door closes correctly, tighten all screws at
edge is parallel with the gap between the circuit- all hinges to a torque of 20 Nm.
breaker compartment and the low voltage  Set up the blocking stop so that its lower edg e is
compartment (Figure 78). in the range of 29.8 -30.3 mm above the level of
 Tighten the upper hinge and check the correct the lower edge of the slot in the door draw bar
function of the door including the insertion of when the door handle is closed (Figure 79),
blocking lever in the door slot with the blocking (Figure 80). The required stop position can be set
stop. up by insertion of the jig OCA0071, drw.No.
 If the door closes correctly, tighten all screws at 1VL7611226P0101.
all hinges to a torque of 20 Nm.  Check that the door closes correctly.
 Set up the blocking stop so that its lower edge is  Mount the left lateral cover of the control cables.
in the range of 29.8 -30.3 mm above the level of The screw tightening torque must not exceed 2.5
the lower edge of the slot in the door draw b ar Nm.
when the door handle is in the closed position  Insert the withdrawable part with measuring
(Figure 79) (Figure 80). The required position of voltage transformers (if the switchgear is equipped
the stop can be set up by insertion of the jig with them) in the cable compartment.
OCA0071, drw.No. 1VL7611226P0101.  Close the door and verify the door blocking
 Check that the door closes correctly. function by operation with the earthing switch.

F i g u re 74: Screw s on l ateral si d e o f do o r. F i g u re 75: L ateral co ver o f co n tro l cab l es.

F i g u re 76: CB co mp artmen t w ith ou t l ateral co ver. F i g u re 77: M 8 screw s.

F i g u re 78: Co rrect p o si ti on of CB co mp artmen t d o o r. F i g u re 79: Setti ng up ri gh t po si ti o n.

F i g u re 80: Setti ng up ri gh t po si ti o n. F i g u re 81: Wi th d raw ab l e p art w i th measu ri n g vo l tag e

tran sfo rme rs.

F i g u re 82: L ateral co ver o f co n tro l cab l es in cab l e F i g u re 83: Cab l e co mp artme n t w i th o u t l ateral co ver.
co mp artmen t.

F i g u re 84: Co rrect p o si ti on of cab l e co mp artmen t d o o r.

6.5 Installation of the bushing
Before fixing the panels side by side (according to the 6.5.2 Bushing of 24 kV panels
general drawings) bushings (12 ÷ 24 kV) must be fixed Assembly procedure for bushings – main (upper)
(for switchgear with busbar partitioning only). busbar system:
Insert bushing 1 for the lower busbar into bushing
plate 5 from the right side, and for the middle and
6.5.1 Bushing of 12 / 17.5 kV panels upper busbar from the left side.
Lower bus-tie system
Insert bushing 1 for the lower rear bus -tie into bushing Lower bus-tie system:
plate 5 from the right side in contrast to the procedure Insert bushing 1 for the lower rear bus -tie into bushing
for the other two bushings. plate 5 from the right side in contrast to the procedure
for the other two bushings.

F i g u re 87: 24 kV p an el - fi xi ng b u shi n g s.
1 nr. 1 bu shi ng
2 nr. 8 10x25 scre ws
3 nr. 8 M10 w ash er
5 nr. 12 M1 0 nut
6 nr. 1 bushi ng pl at e

F i g u re 85: 12 / 17. 5 kV p an els - fi xi n g b u shi n g s.

1 nr. 1 bushi ng
2 nr. 8 8x30 screws
3 nr. 8 M8 was her
4 nr. 3 Rubb er part it io n (busb ar support )

F i g u re 88: 24 kV p an el - fi xi ng b u shi n g s.
1 nr. 1 bushi ng
2 nr. 8 10x25 scre ws
3 nr. 8 M10 w ash er
4 nr. 3 Rubb er part it io n (busb ar support )
5 nr. 12 M1 0 nut
6 nr. 1 bushi ng pl at e

F i g u re 86: 12 / 17. 5 kV p an l els - fi xi n g b u shi n g s.

1 nr. 1 bushi ng
2 nr. 8 8x30 screws
3 nr. 8 M8 was her
4 nr. 3 Rubb er part it io n (busb ar sup port )
5 nr. 12 M8 n ut
6 nr. 1 bushi ng pl at e

6.6 Fixing of the panels

Before fixing the panels side by side be sure that
the bushings are fixed according to (chapter 6.5).

Fit and screw down the side covers.

Align the switchgear panels on the floor frame for
correct positioning and vertical alignment (deviations
of the panel edges from the vertical must not exceed 2
mm, especially at the front) and bolt the pa nels
together (Figure 89). It is advisable to start from the
centre when assembling switchgear with more than 10

The junction points where the panels should be fix are

as follows:
 Nr.6 in the front side
 Nr.4 in the middle part
 Nr.5 in the rear side

The nuts are already fixed on the right side of the

panel (except in the middle part); on the left side there
is the an empty space where the screws are to be
fixed. The screws needed are:
 10 x 30 screws (complete with M10 washer)

F i g u re 89: Vi ew o f th e fi xi ng p o i n ts.

6.7 Installation of the busbars
6.7.1 Preparation of the material
 Clean the insulation on the busbar sections with a
soft, dry cloth, and check for any insulation
damage. Remove greasy or adhesive dirt.
 Busbar connections:
– The silver-plated surfaces of the connections
must be cleaned with a metal -free non-woven
cleaning cloth and thinly and evenly coated with
SYN-setral-EK 339 grease
– The non silver-plated surfaces of the
connections are either brushed with a wire brush,
preserving the grease film, or cleaned with a
metal-free non-woven cleaning cloth and evenly
greased with a thin coat of SYN-setral-EK 339
 Prepare insulating covers 2 (Figure 90) and lids 3
to suit the relevant busbar connections and pull
them on the busbar. (For insulated busbars only)

F i g u re 90: 12 / 17. 5 kV p an els, i n stal ati o n o f th e b u sb ars. T h e l ow er p i ctu re sh ow s th e in stal l ati o n at th e b u sb ar en ds.
1 Busbar b ushi ng
2 Insu lat in g cov er
3 Lid
4, 7 Support f or cov er (at end pan el s onl y)
5 W asher, ISO 7089
6 W asher, 25 mm d ia met er

F i g u re 91: 24 kV p an el s - Arr an g emen t o f t h e bu sb ar an d b ran ch co n d u cto rs at th e b u sb ar en d s. I n co n tin u ou s b u sbars,
th e co n n ecti o n s are si mi l ar, b u t w ith ou t th e l i d h ol d er an d w i tho u t th e sp acer p l ate. Du ri n g assemb l y, cu t o u t th e
i n su l ati ng co ver an d li d to fi t th e cro ss - se cti o n o f th e feeder b a r o f b u sb ar.

F i g u re 92: 24 kV p an el s, 1250 A b ran ch cu rr en t an d 1600 o r 2500 A b u sb ar cu rr en t - Ar ran g emen t o f th e b u sb ar an d

b ran ch co n d u cto rs at th e b u sb ar en d s. I n co n tin u ou s bu sb ars, th e co n n ecti o n s are si mi l ar, b u t w i th o u t th e li d h o ld er 2
an d w i th o u t th e sp acer p l ate 13.

F i g u re 93: 24 kV p an el s 2500 A b ran ch an d b u sb ar cu rren t - Arr an g emen t o f th e b u sb ar an d b ran ch co nd u cto rs at th e

b u sb ar en d s. In co n ti n uo u s b u sb ars, th e co n n ecti on s are si mi l ar, b u t w i th o u t th e li d ho l d er 2 an d w i tho u t th e sp acer
p l ate 13.
1, 7 Lid f or insu lat i ng cov er
2 Lid ho ld er
3, 4 10 mm sprin g was her
5 Insu lat in g cov er
6 Branch co nduct or
8 Busbar sect i on
9) W asher ISO 7089
10 M1 0 hexa go n sock et head scre w
11 M1 0 nut
12 W asher 25 mm dia met er
13 Spacer pl at e (on l y f or 2500 A b ranch an d bus bar
current )

6.7.2 Busbar compartment access
Access to the busbar compartment is possible either
from the top of the panel after dismounting the
pressure relief plate 8 (Figure 3) before the mounting
of the gas duct, or from the front of the circuit -breaker
After circuit-breaker has been withdrawn from the
panel, it is possible to dismount the horizontal
partition 1 (Figure 95) by unscrewing 4 screws holding
the partition from the inside. After that, the partition
can be dismantled and taken out of the panel, which
makes access to busbars from the circuit -breaker
compartment possible.

F i g u re 95: Acc essi n g b u sb ar co mp artmen t.

1 Hori zo nt al p art it ion
2, 3 Cov er

6.7.3 Busbars installation
 Install the busbars panel by panel according to the
rating of the switchgear. Screw on the individual
busbar elements one above the other (dependi ng
on the system layout) and in line with the flat
branch conductor. For the tightening torque please
refer to the (chapter 6.3). Use tightening material
supplied by ABB.
 Bolt one holder to each end of the busbars to
support insulating cover. The screws for holder
must be tightened with a lower torque (for
insulated busbars only).
 Position insulating covers and lids over the
relevant bolted joint, and slide the lid onto the
cover until it clicks into place (for insulated
F i g u re 96: W ash er b efo re ti gh ten i n g.
busbars only).

Busbar connection is carried out with “stabilized
connections”. This means that the quality of the
copper busbar connections does not deteriorate
according to the operating time and therefore it is not
necessary to inspect tightness of busbar connections
regularly. But this is on condition that correct
assembly is carried out as described above and
especially that all connections are tightened with the
prescribed torque according to the table.
W e recommend only checking tightness of busba r
connections during inspections (chapter 9.3)

In case that busbars insertion seems to be difficult
then can be exceptionally used appropriate amount of
the DOW CORNING TORAY DC4 silicone grease F i g u re 97: W ash er after ti g h ten i n g .
compound applied on th e busbar insulation. After
insertion busbars the rest of DC4 silicone grease
compound on the insulation surface has to be properly
cleaned up by soft dry cloth.
The usage of any other types of grease for insertion of
busbars through the busbar partitioning bushing &
rubber partition is strictly forbidden!

Busbars for 12 / 17.5 kV panels Bushings are held in bushing plates. For 12 kV, the
Busbars are made of copper and have a flat cross- busbars are bare (without insulation) and without
section for rated current up to 2500 A. For 3150, 3600 insulating covers up to 2500 A.
and 4000 A, the busbars have a double D -shaped 3150, 3600 and 4000 A open D -shaped busbars are
cross-section. Branch conductors always have a flat insulated by shrink fitting sheaths and are fitted with
cross-section. insulating covers. For 17.5 kV, the busbars are
12 / 17.5 kV bushings are made of ep oxy resin insulated and fitted with covers over the whole current
castings and are arranged as a single casting for all range.
three phases. For bustie panels the bushings are
single and are arranged in the lower part of the panel.

F i g u re 98: 12 kV p an el s - T -off 630 - 125 0 A, b u sb ars 125 0 A.

1 nr. 4 10x35 scre ws
2 nr. 8 M10 w ash ers
3 nr. 4 M10 n ut s

F i g u re 99: 12 / 17. 5 kV p an els - T - o ff 630 - 1250 A, b u sb ars 1600, 20 00, 250 0 A.

1 nr. 4 10x60 scre ws
2 nr. 8 M10 w ash ers
3 nr. 4 M10 n ut s
4 nr. 1 spacer (15 mm)

F i g u re 100: 12 / 17. 5 kV p an el s - T - o ff 630, 1250 A, b u sb ar s 315 0, 3600, 40 00 A.
1 nr. 4 10x60 scre ws
2 nr. 8 M10 w ash ers
3 nr. 4 M10 n ut s
4 nr. 1 spacer (15 mm)

F i g u re 101: 12 / 17. 5 kV p an el s - T - o ff 630, 1250 A, b u sb ar s 315 0, 3600, 40 00 A, o p en D.

1 nr. 4 10x60 scre ws
2 nr. 8 M10 w ash ers
3 nr. 4 M10 n ut s
4 nr. 1 spacer (15 mm)

F i g u re 102: 12 / 17. 5 kV p an el s - T - o ff 1600, 200 0, 2500 A, b u sb ars 160 0, 2000, 25 00 A.
1 nr. 4 10x60 scre ws
2 nr. 8 M10 w ash ers
3 nr. 1 spacer (5 mm)
4 nr. 4 M10 n ut s

F i g u re 103: 12 / 17. 5 kV p an el s - T - o ff 1600 - 400 0 A, b u sb ars 31 50, 36 00, 400 0 A.

1 nr. 4 10x60 scre ws
2 nr. 8 M10 w ash ers
3 nr. 1 spacer (5 mm)
4 nr. 4 M10 n ut s

F i g u re 104: 12 / 17. 5 kV p an el s - T - o ff 630, 1250 A, b u sb ar s 315 0, 3600, 40 00 A, o p en D.
1 nr. 4 10x60 scre ws
2 nr. 8 M10 w ash ers
3 nr. 1 spacer (5 mm)
4 nr. 4 M10 n ut s

Busbars for 24 kV panels be connected to the busbar. Busbars for 24 kV pan els
Busbars and branches are made of copper and both are insulated by means of shrink fitting sheaths and
have a flat cross -section. The bushings are different the connection points are covered by insulating
from the 12 / 17.5 kV versions. They are single for covers.
each phase and have an electrode inside, which must

F i g u re 105: 24 kV p an el s - T -o ff 1250 A, b u sb ar s 125 0 A.

1 nr. 4 10x35 scre ws
2 nr. 8 M10 w ash ers
3 nr. 4 M10 n ut s

F i g u re 106: 24 kV p an el s - T -o ff 1250 A, b u sb ar s 250 0 A.
1 nr. 4 10x6 0 screws
2 nr. 8 M1 0 was hers
3 nr. 4 M1 0 nut s

F i g u re 107: 24 kV p an el s - T -o ff 2500 A, b u sb ar s 250 0 A.

1 nr. 4 10x6 0 screws
2 nr. 8 M1 0 was hers
3 nr. 4 M1 0 nut s

F i g u re 108: 24 kV p an el s - T -o ff 3150 A, b u sb ar s 315 0 A.
1 nr. 4 10x6 0 screws
2 nr. 8 M1 0 was hers
3 nr. 4 M1 0 nut s

Important note:
The contact springs must be inserted during the
installation of busbars. These contact springs
make the connection betw een the busbar and the
metal tube and prevent damage caused by partial
discharges inside the bushing on live busbars .

Important note:
Alw ays check that there is good contact betw een F i g u re 109: 24 kV p an el s - d etai l o f th e b u sb ar bu sh i ng ,
the metal tube in the bushing a nd the busbars via secti o n al vi ew
contact spring. Ensure that the contact spring is in 1; 2 Cont act sprin g
the correct position!

6.8 Installation of the top-mounted boxes
For ease of transportation top mounted boxes are to (Figure 111) (Figure 113). However, if
delivered separate from the panel in pre -assembled necessary, the additional spacer plate 2 (Figure
sections. 111) and threaded plate 9 (Figure 113), as well as
the screw fixing material from the “top -mounted
6.8.1 Voltage transformer for busbar metering box for metering” set of bags must be used .
 Top-mounted box 1 (Figure 115) with screw fixing  Insulating cover 2 (Figure 87) must be placed into
material in the set of bags “Top -mounted box for position as is described in (chapter 6.5).
metering” must be mounted on the busbar  Intermediate box (Figure 115) (Figure 116) with
compartment. the screw fixing material from the “top -mounted
In panels without busbar bushing plate 5 (Figure box for metering” set of bags must be mounted on
87), the partition between the bu sbar compartment the low voltage compartment. Conduction tube
and the topmounted box is necessary. They are must be positioned and inserted in reducer rings.
installed at the factory in the top-mounted box.  Secondary circuits from the voltage transformers
As far as equipment with busbar partitioning is must be led to the te rminal strips and connected
concerned (i.e. with bushing plate 5), the space according to the cable core markings and circuit
between the busbar compartment and the top - diagram.
mounted box must remain open for pressure relief.
 Connecting bars 1 with branch conductors 5 at the
junction point must be screwed together according

F i g u re 110: Pan el s 12 / 17. 5 kV - Bar co n n ecti o n to th e top -mo u n tin g b o x. T h e fig u re sh ow s th e arran g emen t i n p anel s th e
b u sb ar e n d s.

F i g u re 111: Pan el s 12 / 17. 5 kV - Bar co n n ecti o n to th e top - mo u n tin g b o x. T h e fig u re sh ow s th e arran g emen t i n p anel s th e
b u sb ar en d s.
1 Conn ect io n bar
2 Spacer pl at e, 8 mm t hick
3 T apped plat e
4 Spacer pl at e, 5 mm t hick
5 Branch co nduct or

F i g u re 112: Pan el s 12 / 17. 5 kV - Bar co n n ecti o n to th e top - mo u n ted b o x.

F i g u re 113: Pan el s 24 kV - Bo l ted bu sb ar jo i n t fo r to p - mou n ted bo x, sh ow n fo r l eft - h and b u sb ar en d. In co n ti n uo u s
b u sb ars th e co n n ecti o n i s simi l ar, b u t w i tho u t th e l id ho l der a n d w i tho u t th e sp acer p l ate.
1 Conn ect io n bar 12 Busbar sect i on
5 Branch co nduct or 13 Lid ho ld er
6 Lid f or insu lat i ng cov er 14 W asher 3 mm
7 Spacer pl at e 15 M1 0 hexa go n sock et head scre w
8 W asher 2 mm 16 10 mm spr ing w ash er
9 T hreaded pl at e 17 Spacer pl at e, 10 mm t hick
10 Insu lat in g cov er
11 Cylin der screw

F i g u re 114: Pan el s 24 kV - Bar co n n ecti o n to th e top - mo un ted b o x.

F i g u re 115: Pan el s 12 / 17. 5 kV - T o p - mou n ted b o x w ith vo l tag e tran sfo rmers fo r b u sb ar mete ri n g . Th e fi gu re sh ow s th e
arran g em en t i n p an el s w itho ut th e b u sb ar bu sh i ng s p l ate.
1 T op mount e d box wit h v olt age t ransf or mer
2 Cond uct or t ube
3 Part it ioni ng
4 Reduc er rin g
5 Int er me diat e bo x

F i g u re 116: 24 kV p an el s - Ar ran g emen t o f th e b u sb ar an d b ran ch co n d u cto rs at th e b u sb ar en d s. I n co n tin u ou s bu sb ars,

th e co n n ecti o n s are si mi l ar, b u t w ith ou t th e l i d h ol d er an d w i tho u t th e sp acer p l ate.
1 T op- mount e d box
2 Cond uct or t ube
3 Reduc er rin g
4 Int er me diat e box
5 Pressure rel ief f lap
6 Conn ect io n bar
7 Bushin g pl at e

6.8.2 Earthing sw itch for busbar earthing
 Top-mounted box 1 (Figure 117) with screw fixing The auxiliary switches for the earthing switch are
material from the “top-mounted box for earthing” adjusted at the factory. Correct operation is onl y
set of bags must be mounted on the busbar guaranteed if the working elements on the hexagonal
compartment. shaft are correctly mounted. During final installation of
 Operating mechanism box 3 with screw fixing the earthing switch and operating mechanism on site,
material from the “top -mounted box for earthing” it may be necessary to make precise adjustment of the
set of bags must be mounted on the low voltage auxiliary switches. In this case, the following is
compartment. important:
 Pre-mounted single parts of hexagonal shaft 2
must be removed. Please pay attention to the  The auxiliary switch OFF 1 (Figure 118) must be
sequence and angling of the parts! operated before slide 3 has uncovered half of the
 The hexagonal shaft from the operating opening in front of the hexagonal shaft and before
mechanism box must be pushed through into the the lower edge of the slide has touched the anchor
bevel gear of the earthing switch. The sequence of locking magnet 4.
and angles of the part must be restored!  The auxiliary switch ON 2 must be operated before
 Connecting bars 4 (Figure 119) with the branch the toggle spring of the earthing switch has
conductors at the junction point must be screwed reached its dead centre point.
together according to (Figure 111), (Figure 113).  The push-rod of the auxiliary switch must still have
However, if necessary, additional spacer plate 2 about 0.5 mm to go to the end position in the
(Figure 111) and threaded plate 9 (Figure 113), as operated position.
well as the screw fixing material from the “top -
mounted box for earthing” set of bags must be
 Insulating cover 10 (Figure 113) must be brought
into position as described in (chapter 6.7).

F i g u re 117: Bu sb ar earth i n g sw i tch.

1 T op- mount e d box
2 Cond uct or t ube
3 O perat ing mecha nis m box

F i g u re 118: Pan el s 12 / 17. 5 kV - T o p - mou n ted b o x w ith earth i n g sw itch fo r b u sb ar earth i n g.
1 Auxili ar y swit ch O F F
2 Auxili ar y swit ch O N
3 Slide
4 Lock ing mag net

F i g u re 119: Pan el s 24 kV - To p - mo u n ted b o x w i th earth i ng sw i tch fo r b u sb ar earth i n g. th e arran g emen t i s th e sam e as th e

fi g u re ab o v e.
1 T op- mount e d box
2 Cond uct or t ube
3 O perat ing mecha nis m box
4 Conn ect io n bar

6.8.3 Ultra fast earthing switch UFES
For more information see document 1VLG100128
Manual for installation of UFES into UniGear ZS1.

F i g u re 120: T op - mo u n ted b ox w i th UF ES.

2 T op- mount e d box
3 Cond uct or t ube
4 Reduc er rin g
5 Int er me diat e box

6.8.4 Anti-ferroresonant resistor for voltage

transformers open delta connection
W hen using a ferroresonance resistor for VTs open
delta connection is necesary to adjust the position of
this resistor during site installation.
The ferroresonance resistor is placed on the top of
switchgear on the CB relief flap for the transportation
(Figure 121). W hen moving the resistor from relief flap
to LV compartment (LVC) please follow pictogram
(Figure 122) on the top of LVC. The resistor has to be
fixed by means of screws on th e top of the LVC
(Figure 123).
Assemble resistor prior to instalation of preassure
relief gas duct. Pay attention to the resistor’s wires
whilst installing gas duct.
F i g u re 121: T ran sp o rt po si tio n o f an ti - ferro reso n an t
resi sto r.

F i g u re 122: Pi cto g ram o n th e to p o f L VC. F i g u re 123: Co rrect p o si ti o n o f an ti - ferro reso n an t resi sto r .

6.9 Pressure relief ducts
The pressure relief duct is supplied dismantled in
single components. The rear and front wall
correspond, as far as length is concerned, with the
appropriate panel width.
The screw fixing material is contained in the “pressure
relief duct” set of bags. Rivet nuts are already
provided in the metal sheets.
Detailed instructions for gas exhaust duct assembly
are described in document Assembly manual

The rear pressure relief flap must be mounted
according to (Figure 124). Details regarding
connection to the wall and a discharge grating for
pressure relief outside the switchroom will be agreed F i g u re 126: F i xin g p o in ts o n th e rear.
on with the customer.

F i g u re 124: Sch emati c d i ag ram o f th e p ressu re rel i ef d u ct.

F i g u re 127: As semb l y o f p ressu re rel i e ve fl ap s w i th o u t g as
1 Pressure rel ief duct d u ct.
2) If t he swit ch gear is eq uip ped wit h a press ure re lie f
duct , t he press ure r eli ef f lap f or t he c ab le co nnect i o n
compart ment is f ixe d t o t he rea r side of t he pan el an d wil l op e n Note:
t o t he f ront (int o t he duct ) in ca se of an arc f ault . This side of the preassure relief flaps has to be fixed
by plastic screws. The marked screws must be plastic.

6.9.1 Gas duct w ith outlet

Once the panels are bolted up, and busbars are
installed, it is possible to start fixing the gas duct on
the top of the switchgear. Every panel has three fixing
points in the front part (Figure 125) and three fixing
points on the rear part (Figure 126).

F i g u re 128: As semb l y o f p ressu re rel i e ve fl ap s w i th g as

d u ct.

If a gas duct is used turn off the cable compartment
flap according to figure. The marked screws must be
F i g u re 125: F i xin g p o in ts o n th e fro n t plastic.

6.9.2 Gas duct w ith top chimneys Note:
In order to mount the gas duct with top chimneys For UniGear ZS1 24 kV; 31,5 kA with gas duct with top
please follow the appropriate instructions. The chimneys for a duct height of 5 00 mm it is necessar y
difference between the two solutions is that in this to use a deflector. Insert the deflector onto gus duct -
case there are no side exits, but the gas generated open side in direction of LVC. For fixation use
from an internal the arc exits from the duct through connecting parts included in gas duct assembly.
the top chimneys located on the top part of the gas Deflector is designed to divert hot gas away of rear
duct on each panel. part of panel to shield a st aff behind the panel. It is
On the top of the gas duct there are two openings not necessary to aply the deflector in case of placing
(Figure 130); for each opening the perforated metal panels directly to wall. No access from rear side.
plate must be fixed with 6 spacers (Figure 131).

F i g u re 129: O p eni n g s o n to p o f th e g as du ct.

F i g u re 132: Defl ecto r.

F i g u re 130: Net an d sp acers o f to p ch i mn eys.

F i g u re 131: T op co ver o f top ch i mn eys.

6.10 Cable connection
6.10.1 Pow er cables
The standard method for entry of power cables in the
switchgear is shown in (Figure 133). The cables are
conveyed from below through floor covering 2, which
is divided at the cable entry point.
The cables go through rubber reducer rings 3, which
can be adapted to the required cable diameter in a
range from 27 to 62 mm. Cables are fastened in the
panel by means of cable clamps mounted on cable
strips, which are part of the panel floor covering.
The clamps make it possible to fasten cables with
diameters between 35 and 54 mm.

F i g u re 134: Vi ew in to cab l e co n n ecti o n co mp artmen t, max.

F i g u re 133: Parti al vi ew o f the cab l e co mp artm en t, si x p aral l el cab l es p o ssi b l e.
p rep ared h ere fo r co n n ecti o n o f tri pl e cab l es.
1 Eart hing sw it ch pos it ion i ndic at or
1 Ma in eart h in g bar 2 Cabl e con nect io n bar
2 F loor cov er, split 3 Cabl e cla mp
3 Reduc er rin g 4 Reduc er rin g
4 Eart hing c onn ect io n p in 5 F loor cov er, split

Cable termination kits are mounted on the cable

cores according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It
is possible to use cable termination kits from different Important note:
manufacturers (e.g. Prysmian, Raychem etc.), but it is The cable connection bars are equipped w ith holes
necessary to keep the same length of the cable ends, for M16 screws.
including cable termination kits, which is given by the
distance of cable connecting bars (Figure 133) from
the panel floor covering.
These bars have different versions, which differ in
their number of parallel cab les and the values of rated
and short-circuit currents.
The bars are equipped with holes for M16 screws. The
earthing of cable screens is carried out on the strip -
holding cable clamps. The cable strip is connected to
the earth potential.
It is also possible to place the removable arrangement
of voltage transformers in the cable compartment.
These can be fitted with HV fuses similar to those in
the measuring panel.
Three fixed mounted surge arresters can also be
installed here. In both cases the number of parallel
cables that can be installed is reduced - (see table).

Co n n ecti o n o f cab l es i n typ i cal p an el s
Rated Pan el w i d th M ax. nu mb e r o f p aral l el M ax. cro ss secti o n o f Ran g e o f cab l e Ran g e o f red u cer
vo l ag e [kV] [mm] cab l es i n p h ase cab l es [mm 2 ] cl amp [mm] ri n g [mm]
650 3(1)
≤ 17. 5 800 630 35 - 54 27 - 62
800 3(1)
24 500 35 - 54 27 - 62
1000 6(2)
(1) I n c a s e s w he r e t he r e a r e r e m o v a bl e v o l t a ge t r a ns f o r m e r s o n t he t r uc k , o r s ur ge a r r e s t e r s a r e us e d , t he n um be r o f pa r a l l e l c a bl e s i s r e d uc e d
to a m a x . o f 2 pe r p ha s e .
(2) I n c a s e s w he r e t he r e a r e r e m o v a bl e v o l t a ge t r a ns f o r m e r s o n t he t r uc k , o r s ur ge a r r e s t e r s a r e us e d , t he n um be r o f pa r a l l e l c a bl e s i s r e d uc e d
to a m a x . o f 4 pe r p ha s e .

Cab l e co n n ecti o n i n th e p an el w i th sw i tch -d i sco n n ecto r

Rated Pan el w i d th M ax. nu mb er o f p aral l el M ax. cro ss secti o n o f Ran g e o f cab l e Ran g e o f red u cer
vo l ag e [kV] [mm] cab l es i n p h ase cab l es [mm 2 ] cl amp [mm] ri n g [mm]
≤ 17. 5 800 1 240 35 - 54 27 - 62
24 1000 1 240 35 - 54 27 - 62

Important note:
Connection w ith single-core plastic insulated
cables is presumed in typical panels. In the case of
any atypical cable connections or of special cables
(e.g. three-core cables, cables w ith paper or
special insulation etc.), an agreement must be
reached betw een the customer and ABB.

Mounting procedure for power cables (Figure 134):

 It is possible to achieve more space - see chapter
 Power cables must be inserted, cut to length and
 Reducer rings 4 must be adapted to the cable
diameter and fitted onto the cable.
 Cable termination kits must be prepared and
mounted on cable cores according to
manufacturer’s instructions.
 Cable eyes must be connected to the prepared
connection bars 2 with strain relief.
 Earthing of cables must be connected.
 Individual parts of the floor covering must be
 Reducer rings 4 must be moved down so that nuts
in the rings fit into the corresponding recesses in
the floor coverings. In this way, the cable
passages are sealed.
 Cables must be fastened into the prepared cable
clamps 3 (the maximum tightening torque
applicable to the clamp screws is 9 +2 Nm).

F i g u re 135: Di men si o n o f pow er cab l e co nn ecti o n o f Un igear 12 / 17. 5 kV p an el s.
D T ypical pa n e l dept h 1 340 ( 139 0 ) mm. Di mens ion must be v erif i ed accord in g t o t he relev ant order docu ment at i on.

1 Cabl e con nect io n bar

2 Reduc er rin g
3 Cabl e cla mp

Di men si o n s o f pow er cab l e co n n ecti o n s 12 / 17, 5 kV

M ax. nu mb er o f cab l es p er p hase
I n [A] W i d th [mm] I th [k A] A [m m] B [mm] C [mm]
si n g l e co re tri p l e co re
630 3 3 840 -
1000 650 31. 5 535
1250 3 3 480 180
1250 40 / 50 465
1600 800
1600 31. 5 / 40 / 50 440
2000 6 6 460 100
2500 1000
40 / 50 455

F i g u re 136: Di men si o n o f pow er cab l e co nn ecti o n o f Un igear 24 kV, 25 k A p an el s.
D T ypical pa ne l dept h 1 700 mm ( 1560 mm v ersion is av ail abl e b ut dimensi on must be v erif ied a ccordin g t o t he
relev ant order d ocu me nt at ion)

1 Cabl e con nect io n bar

2 Reduc er rin g

Di men si o n o f p ow er cab l e con n ecti o n 24 kV, 25 k A

M ax. nu mb er o f cab l es p er p hase
I n [A] W i d th [mm] I th [k A] A [m m] B [mm] C [mm]
singl e core t riple core
3 3 497 608 180
1250 25
1600 1000
2000 6 6 432 645 100

F i g u re 137: Di men si o n o f pow er cab l e co nn ecti o n o f Un igear 24 kV, 31. 5 k A p an el s.
D T ypical pa ne l dept h 1 700 mm ( F or short -t ime curr ent up t o 25 k A a 1560 mm de pt h v ersion is av ailabl e.
But dimensi on must be v erif ied accordi ng t o t he rel ev ant order docu me nt at io n)

1 Cabl e con nect io n bar

3 Cabl e cla mp

Di men si o n s o f pow er cab l e co n n ecti o n s 24 kV, 31. 5 k A

M ax. nu mb er o f cab l es p er p hase
I n [A] W i d th [mm] I th [k A] A [m m] B [mm] C [mm]
si n g l e co re tri p l e co re
IF 800 6 6 465 700 100
Up t o 1250 31. 5
IF M 8 00 2 2 460 740 118
IF 1000 5 5 425 770 120
Up t o 3150 31. 5
IF M 1 000 6 6 415 690 100

F i g u re 138: Di men si o n o f cab l e co n n ecti on in p an el s o f Un i g ear sw i tch g ear w i th 12 / 17. 5 kV sw i tch d i sco n n ecto r.
D T ypical pan el dept h is 134 0 (1 390) mm. T he di mensi on must be v erif ied accor din g t o t h e rel ev ant order docu ment at io n.

1 Cabl e con nect io n bar

2 Reduc er rin g
3 Cabl e cla mp

F i g u re 139: Di men si o n o f cab l e co n n ecti on in p an el s o f Un i g ear sw i tch g ear w i th 24 kV sw i tch d i sco nn ecto r.
D T ypical pa ne l dept h is 1 700 mm. T he dime nsio n must be v erif ied accor di ng t o t he relev ant or der docu ment at i on.

1 Cabl e con nect io n bar

2 Reduc er rin g
3 Cabl e cla mp

6.10.2 Control cables
The control cables are conveyed into the panel 6.11 Earthing the switchgear
through the control wiring duct 23 (Figure 3) on the Connect main earthing bar 6 with connections 2
left hand panel side. Mounting procedure: provided in every panel (Figure 133).
 Insert the cables into the control wiring duct on the Ensure protection for the wiring connection of the floor
lefthand side. The duct is covered by covers 2, 4 frame or the erected raised false floor.
(Figure 73). Connect the earthing conductor from the earth
 Fasten the control cables at the top end of the electrode, preferably via a removable bolted
duct, strip the insulation and convey cable control connection for testing purposes, to the main earthing
cores into the low voltage compartment, after the bar 6 of the switchgear.
terminal strip frame has been swung up (Figure
 Connect control cables to the terminal strip 6.12 Installation of
according to the circuit diagram.
 Make the control wiring connections to adjacent interconnecting bundles
panels using bushing.
The interconnecting bundles are supplied rolled up in
the low voltage compartment or in the accessories.
They are marked and fitted with ferrules or
connectors at both ends. Openings are provided in the
side walls of the low voltage compartment for these
lines to be looped through from panel to panel.

F i g u re 140: L i ft -u p termi n al frame sw un g u p fo r co n n ecti on

w o rks.

F i g u re 141: F i xed termi n al frame.

6.13 Final erection work

 Check painted areas of the switchgear for possible

damage, touching up where required
 Check bolt connections and tighten w here
required, in particular all those carried out during
on-site erection of the busbars and earthing
 After the lifting eyebolts have been removed, the
Ith limiter auxiliary switch (if delivered) must be
mounted and adjusted:
- The auxiliary swit ch holder is fixed by screws in
the panel
- The auxiliary switch holder must be positioned
- The control pin of the auxiliary switch must be
moved to the centre of the hole in the pressure
relief flap
- Adjust the auxiliary switch
- If the auxiliary switch is mounted and adjusted
according to the above instructions, checking
during regular inspections is not necessary
 Clean the switchgear thoroughly
 Remove all foreign bodies from the panels
 Correctly replace all coverings, etc. removed
during erection and connection
 In the enclosure, any remaining openings must be
closed if they are no longer needed
 Check the isolating contacts and interlocking
mechanisms for smooth motion, and grease again
with SYN-setral-EK 339 where necessary
 W ithdrawable circuit -breaker parts must be
inserted and the control wirings connected
 Panels doors must be properly closed

7. Operation of the switchgear
Note on safety at w ork
All relative work and operating procedures must be
carefully carried out by trained specialists familiar
with the installation, taking into account all the
relative safety regulations according to the IEC and
other relevant professional bodies, as well as any
local and work regulations and instructions.

Do not walk on the top surfaces of the switchgear
panels as they contain rupture points for pressure
relief w hich could be damaged!
F i g u re 142: Co n tro l w i rin g p lu g co nn ecto r b l o cked to
p reven t d i sco n n ecti o n w i th th e w i thd raw abl e p art i n th e
servi c e p o si ti o n.
7.1 Switching operations 1 Int erl ock
2 Cont rol w irin g pl ug
3 Cont rol w irin g sock et

Carry out sw itching operations w ith the front doors

7.1.1 Withdrawable apparatus

Manual insertion from the test / disconnected position
to the service position:
 Connect control wiring plug 2 (Figure 142).
 Close the front door.
 Ensure that the apparatus is in the OFF position.
 Fit hand crank 1 (Figure 144) on square spigot 3
(Figure 16) of the spindle mechanism 26 (Figure
3), after opening the aperture for them by turning
slide (Figure 143).
 Turn the crank clockwise (approx. 20 turns at 12 -
17.5 kV and 30 at 24 kV) until the stop is reached
and the withdrawable part is in the service
 Observe the position indicator.
 Remove hand crank.

It must be noted that the spring loaded pin head 1

(Figure 16) will lie completely on the rear side of the
panel door when the hand crank is moved from square
spigot of spindle mechanism. This ensures that the
rear part of the pin head has been shifted onto the
hexagonal cap of the spindle and prevents
unintentional wrenching of the spindle during panel
service. W renching may lead to the circuitbreaker F i g u re 143: Befo re i n serti n g th e h an d cran k, i t i s
blocking. n ecess ar y to o p en th e ap eratu re fo r i t - tu rn th e sli d e b y
u si n g th e key.
The withdrawable part must not be stopped in any
intermediate position in the travel range between the
service and test / disconnected position!

Motorized movement of the withdrawable part:
 Briefly operate the electrical control for insertion
or withdrawal (the withdrawable part then
automatically moves into the opposite position).
 Observe the position indicator.

W hen the drive motor is faulty, the withdrawable part
can be moved using the emergency manual operation.
If the drive motor fails during movement of the
withdrawable part, the withdrawable part must be
moved into a limit position using emergency manual
operation. Emergency manual operation is carried out
with hand crank 1 (Figure 144) on spindle mechanism
26 (Figure 3), in a similar way to operation of a
withdrawable circuit-breaker with manual systems.
-Switch off the auxiliary power (m.c.b.), since the
motor would otherwise be braked electrically.
-Turn hand crank in the required direction. W hen the
withdrawable part moves, the motor turns. In this
case, the motor functions like a generator, i.e. it can
lead to reserve voltages in the terminals. The motor
fuse must not be changed from the specified type and
rated value, otherwise the behaviour of the permanent
F i g u re 144: M o vemen t o f th e w ith d raw ab l e p art b etw een
th e test / d i sco nn ected p o si tio n an d th e servi ce p o si ti o n, magnet motor could be irreversibly damaged!
cl o ckw i se up to th e sto p to the servi ce p o si ti o n and an ti -
cl o ckw i se fo r th e test / d i scon n ected p o si tio n .
1 Hand cra nk

In emergency manual operation of a motorized
Manual withdrawal from the service position into the
withdrawable circuit -breaker part, the interlock
test / disconnected position:
with the earthing switch is not effective!
 Ensure that the apparatus is in the OFF position.
 Reverse the procedure described above for
insertion into the service position. W ithdrawal from the test / disconnected position onto
the service truck:
 Open the door of the circuit-breaker compartment.
 Release control wiring plug 2 (Figure 142) and
place it in the storage position on the withdrawable
Important note:
 Position service truck 4 (Figure 146) with guide pin
Insertion and w ithdrawal of circuit-breakers (and
1 (Figure 147) of the adjustable bench top at the
other w ithdrawable parts) must be gradual, in
correct height facing the panel front, and allow
order to avoid any shocks w hich could deform the
catch pin 2 to engage.
mechanical interlock. If the operations are
prevented, do not force the interlocks and check  Move sliding handles 2 ( (Figure 145) inwards
that the operating sequence is correct. The force against the springs to release withdrawable part 1,
normally applied to the insertion / withdrawing draw the withdrawable part out onto the service
lever is 260 N. In any ca se, the maximum applied truck and secure it in the catches on the truck.
force must never exceed 400 N. Please also refer to  Press release lever 1 (Figure 146) (at the front
the technical documentation of the circuit -breakers underneath the bench top) and release the service
for installation operations. truck from the switchge ar panel.
 Secure the position of the shutters with padlock.

Insertion from the service truck into the test /

disconnected position:
 Carry out the procedure described above for
Caution: withdrawal in reverse order.
The insertion and withdraw al must always be
carried out w ith the apparatus open! Do not use
force to move w ithdrawable parts with locking
magnet Y0 or RL2 in the event of an auxiliary
voltage drop. If this occurs, they are locked along
the w hole travel range betw een the service and
test positions. To remove the interlock, consult the
technical documentation of the circuit-breakers.

F i g u re 145: Servi ce tru ck en g ag ed w i th th e sw itch g ear F i g u re 146: W i th d raw ab l e p art stan d i n g o n servi ce tru ck
p an el . Wi th d raw ab l e p art rel e ased fo r w i th d raw al w i th th e an d secu red i n t h e catch es.
h an d l es sl i d i nw ard s.
1 Rele ase l ev er f or cat ch pin
1 W it hdrawable part 2 Cat ch (conn ect ed t o sli din g ha ndle)
2 Slidi ng h and le 3 Heig ht adj ust er
3 Serv ice t ruck 4 Serv ice t ruck

F i g u re 147: Po si tio n in g th e servi ce tru ck w i th th e gu id e F i g u re 148: Sh u tters secu red w i th p ad lo ck to p reven t

p i n s on th e ad ju stab l e h eig h t b en ch top at th e co rrect u n au th o ri zed o p erati o n.
h ei g h t fo r ap p ro ach to th e sw i tch g ear p an el , an d en g ag in g
th e catch . 1 Lock ing of low er shut t er
2 Lock ing of upp er shut t er
1 G uide pi n
2 Cat ch pin

7.1.2 Circuit-breaker - type VD4 and VD4G
Charging the stored energy spring system:
 Charging of the circuit-breaker is carried out
automatically by the charging motor. If the
charging motor should fail, the charging procedure
can be carried out or completed manually.
 If mechanical charging is necessary open the door
with the withdrawable part in the test position,
insert charging lever 3 into the recess and pump
for approx. 25 strokes until the charged condition
is indicated.
 On breakers where the charging lever is
integrated, take the lever and pump 10 times.
 W hen the charged condition is reached, the
charging mechanism is automatically disengaged,
and any further strokes of the lever have no effect
(Figure 149). Pumping is effective if the lever is
moved over an angle of 90°.

Opening and closing the circuit-breaker:

 Opening and closing operations with the
withdrawable part in the service position should
only be performed with the door closed.
 Operate the local or remote electrical control.
 Observe the switch position indicator. The
switching operation counter 4 for the circuit-
breaker automatically increases by one unit with
each operating cycle. An additional control F i g u re 149: M an u al o p erati on o f w i thd raw abl e p art w i th
mechanism fitted in the door of the circuit -breaker VD4 ci rcu i t - b rea ker.
compartment enables mechanical operation of the
1 Mec han ical sw it ch pos it ion i ndi cat or
circuit-breaker with the door closed and with the 2 Charg ing c ond it ion i ndic at or
withdrawable part in either position. 3 Charg ing l ev er
 Press the relevant mechanical pushbutton, having 4 Mec han ical oper at ing c ycl e cou nt er
previously turned knob 2 (Figure 11) anti-clockwise
to the stop if the withdrawable part is in the
service position.
 Observe the switch positi on indicator. For further
details regarding operations and maintenance of
VD4 circuit-breakers, see instruction manuals BA
460-06, BA 414-06

The new VD4G is the upgraded version of VD4

vacuum circuit-breaker for generator (GCB)
The VD4G is suitable for the small power plants as
well as for industrial, oil and gas applications in which
generators are connected to the MV distribution of the
plant. Operation of VD4G is identical to standard VD4
circuit breaker.
VD4G must be used only in t he dedicated panel

7.1.3 Circuit-breaker - type VM1 operating lever 1 (Figure 151) onto the spigot of
The maintenance-free VM1 circuit-breaker applies a the emergency shaft 3 (Figure 150) in the front
combination of moulded -in vacuum interrupters, a plate and turn it anticlockwise to open the circu it-
magnetic actuator and an electronic controller without breaker. Just before the final stop is reached, a
auxiliary switches and with sensors . Before slight resistance on the emergency shaft has to be
connecting the primary voltage: overcome.
 Closing on failure of the auxiliary power supply:
 Connect the auxiliary voltage. OFF command Closing is not appropriate and not possible.
(closed – circuit release) and the closing lock-out
 After each operating cycle (ON -OFF), the
must be energized before the circuit -breaker can
operating cycle counter 1 (Figure 150) increases
be closed. The auxiliary voltage has been
by one full digit. On termination of a switching
established when the (Ready) LED 5 (Figure 150)
operation, the position indicator 2 in the window of
lights up.
the front plate displays the related switch position.
 Carry out the closing and opening test of the
 Anti-pumping system: The circui t-breaker
circuit-breaker by pressing pushbuttons 6 and 7
controller ensures that circuit-breaker closing is
(Figure 150).
locked when an opening command is active. W hen
 Closing: By remote control via closing contacts or closing on a subsequent opening command, further
locally by pressing ON pushbutton 6. closing with the closing command still active is
 Opening: By remote control via closing contacts or locked. The closing command must be given again
locally by pressing OFF push button 7. for the next closing operation.
 Opening on failure of the auxiliary power supply:
Electrical opening is still possible within the first For details, refer to manual BA 433/E.
200 s. After a period of 200 s, emergenc y manual
opening is necessary to insert emergency manual

F i g u re 150: W i th d raw ab l e p art w i th VM 1 typ e ci rcu i t - F i g u re 151: Emerg en c y man u al sw i tch - o ff.
b reake r - o p erati n g mech an i sm si d e.
1 Recess f or e merg enc y ma nua l open in g lev er
1 Mec han ical oper at ing c ycl e cou nt er 2 Emer genc y ma nu al op eni ng lev er
2 Mec han ical sw it ch pos it ion i ndi cat or
3 Cat ch f or emerg enc y man ual o perat in g lev er
4 F ront cov er plat e
5 “Read y” d ispl a y
6 O N pushb ut t on
7 O F F pushbut t on

7.1.4 Circuit-breaker - type HD4 closing release, the operation can also be carried out
Manual operation for spring charging: by means of a control circuit. The indicator 2 shows
To manually charge the closing springs, fully insert that closing has been accomplished.
charging lever into seat 3 (Figure 152) and turn it until
the yellow indicator 2 appears. Circuit-breaker opening:
Electrical operation for spring charging: For manual opening, press pushbutton 1 (Figure 153).
The circuit-breaker can be fitted with the following W hen there is a shunt opening release, the operation
accessories for electrical operation: can also be carried out with remote control by means
of a control circuit. The indicator 2 shows that open ing
 Geared motor for automatic charging of the closing has been accomplished. An additional control
springs. mechanism fitted in the door of the circuit -breaker
 Shunt closing release. compartment enables mechanical operation of the
 Shunt opening release. circuit-breaker with the door closed and with the
withdrawable part in either position.
The geared motor automatically recharges the springs
after each closing operation until the yellow indicator  Press the relevant mechanical pushbutton, having
2 appears. Should there be no voltage during previously turned knob 2 (Figure 11) anti-clockwise
charging, the geared motor stops and then starts to the stop, if the withdrawable part is in the
recharging the springs automatically when the voltage service position.
is on again. In any case, it is always possible to  Observe the switch position indicator.
complete the charging operation manually.
Detailed information about installation and
Circuit-breaker closing: maintenance can be found in instruction manual
This operation can only be carried out with the closing 647016.
springs completely charged. For manual closing press
pushbutton 4 (Figure 153). W hen there is a shunt

F i g u re 152: HD4 typ e ci rcu i t - b reake r - si d e vi ew . F i g u re 153: O p erati n g an d sig n al l in g p arts o f HD4 ci rcu i t -
b reake r.
1 Cont rol w irin g pl ug
2 Signa lin g dev ice 1 O penin g pus hbut t on
3 Shaf t f or man ual cl osin g sprin g chargin g 2 O perat ion c ount er
4 W it hdrawable asse mb l y 3 Circuit - br eak er ope n/ close d ind icat or
4 Closi ng p ushb ut t on

7.1.5 Withdrawable metering parts 7.1.6 Vacuum contactor - VSC
Handling of the withdrawable metering part in the The VSC vacuum contactor is ideal for controlling AC
metering panel is as described in (chapter 7.1), installations requiring a high number of operations.
without, however, the switching operations and The contactors basically consist of a mould ed resin
interlocking functions. W ithdrawable metering parts in monoblock, housing the vacuum interrupters, moving
incoming and outgoing feeder panels are moved into apparatus, control electromagnet, multivoltage control
the cable compartment using a ramp. They reach their feeder and auxiliary accessories. The monoblock is
service position immediately and engage in the panel also the support for assembly of the fuse -holder
earthing by two locking pins at the sides. The voltage frame. Closing of the main contacts is ca rried out by
transformers used correspond to the type used in the the control electromagnet. Opening is carried out by a
metering panel, and therefore HRC fuses can also be special opposing spring. The contactor can be
used along with the voltage transformers. equipped with electrical or mechanical latching. The
fuses are positioned in special supports to be
connected in series between the contactor and the
user. The supports can house fuses in compliance
with DIN or BS standards. For details, please refer to
manual 6497011.

F i g u re 154: W i th d raw ab l e p art w i th meteri n g p an el . F i g u re 156: VSC typ e va cu u m co n tacto r - fro n t vi ew .

1 Cast resin t ub e (wit h f use cart r idge) 1 Signa lli ng d ev ice O N/ O F F

2 Volt age t ra nsf or mer 2 O perat ing c ycl e cou nt er

F i g u re 155: M i ni ci rcu i t b rea kers o f tran sfo rm er s eco n d ar y F i g u re 157: VSC typ e va cu u m co n tacto r - p o l e sid e.
ci rcu i ts.
1 MV f uses

7.1.7 Earthing sw itch - type EK6 and ST -E
The earthing switch has a snap closing mechanis m
which is independent of the rotation of the drive shaft. Caution:
An earthing switch 15 (Figure 3) allocated to a circuit-
breaker is only enabled for switching when  During emergency manual operation of a motor -
withdrawable part 1 (Figure 145) is in the test / operated earthing switch, the interlock is not
disconnected position or removed from the switchgear functional!
panel. Only turn earthing switches on when the doors  On emergency manual operation, coupling with
are closed. the motor operator is automatically released.
To disengage the coupling to the motor
Manual opening and closing: operator, first turn the lever further in the pre-
Press slide 2 (Figure 158) downwards onto the selected direction up to the relative stop
operating lever recess socket. (W hen the switch is (turning through a small angle). On the next
closed, it is already in this position! ) operation w ith the motor operator after its
function has been restored, the coupling
automatically re-engages.

Caution: Note:
If the operation is prevented, d o not force the The lever may only be fitted temporarily to carry out
interlock and check that the operation sequence is an emergency manual switching operation. The power
correct. Fit operating lever 1 (Figure 159) onto to the motor operator must be switched off for the
hexagonal shaft 2 (Figure 158),w hich is now duration of any breakdown.
released for operation.

Position operating lever 1 (Figure 159) to point up or
down on the hexagonal shaft so that there is sufficient
room for movement of the operating lever even if
space is limited at the sides.
 Turn the lever clockwise through approx. 180 ° until
the stop is reached to close the earthing switch, or
anti-clockwise until the stop is reached to open the
earthing switch
 Observe the mechanical/electrical switch position
 Remove operating lever 1. Slide 2 (Figure 158)
remains open if the earthing switch is in the closed
position. Make sure that the operating lever is
turned right up to the stop in the opening process,
to ensure that the earthing switch is in its defined
limit position. The manual operating mechanism
can also be fitted with a locking magnet

Opening and closing with motor operator (EK6 only):

The earthing switch can also be fitted with a motor
operator. Briefly operate the electrical control for
opening or closing. The earthing switch is then
switched automatically into the opposite position.

Emergency manual operation:

If a fault should occur in the motor operator, the
earthing switch can be switched to emergency manual F i g u re 158: Prep arati o n fo r op erati o n o f b ran ch earth i n g
operation with lever 1, in a similar way to manually sw i tch - p ress th e sl i d e dow nw ard s.
operated earthing switches. 1 Hexag on al shaf t of ES operat i n g mec han is m
2 Slide

F i g u re 15 9: Prep arati o n fo r op erati o n o f b ran ch earth i n g F i g u re 160: Sh u tter li fti ng tru ck i n ci rcu i t - b reaker
sw i tch - op erati n g l ever p rep ared fo r sw i tchi n g o n/ o ff. co mp artmen t.
1 O perat ing l ev er 1 Shut t er lif t ing t ruck
2 Isol at ed o perat i on rod

7.1.8 Busbar earthing sw itch

To earth the busbars, EK6 earthing switches are also
used. Their operating mechanism is identical t o that of
the branch earthing switches. The conditions for panel
to panel interlocking of the busbar earthing switches
(chapter 4.4).

7.1.9 Shutter lifting truck

Shutter lifting truck (optional accessories) can be
used for access to spouts after removing the circuit -
breaker from the circuit-breaker compartment:
 Place the shutter lifitng truck 1 (Figure 160) into
the rails for the circuit -breaker truck in circuit -
breaker compartment
 Push the shutter lift ing truck in using the isolated
operation rod 2 (Figure 160) and open the shutters
for access to spouts
 Rotate the operation rod to lock the truck and pull
the truck out when finished Actuating bars must be
bolted in the top posit ion (for operation of the
bottom shutters) or in the bottom position (for
operation of the top shutters), as required.

Caution: F i g u re 161: O p eni n g sh u tters.

Never operate shutter lifting truck only by hand.

fuses will be required, the current -carrying bars will be
inserted in holders instead of the MV fuses to maintain
the same location of the earthing switch.

The switch-disconnector and earthing switch can only
be operated with the switchgear panel door closed.
The switch-disconnector and earthing switch are
mutually mechanically interlocked.

Ran g e o f fu ses
Un [ kV ] I n mi n. [ A ] I n max. [ A ]
7. 2 6 200
12 6 125
17. 5 6 160
24 6 125

F i g u re 162: I so l ated o p erati o n ro d .

7.1.10 NALF sw itch-disconnectors

The NALF switch -disconnectors, combining a switch-
disconnector with fuses and E type earthing switches F i g u re 163: Prep arati o n fo r th e o p erati o n o f earth i n g
are intended for indoor use in switchboards. The sw i tch i n p an el w i th th e sw i tch - d i sco n n ecto r op erati n g
switch-disconnectors can open and close loaded and l ever p rep a red fo r th e O N o p erati o n .
unloaded inductive and capacitive circuits. In the open 1 Lock able o perat i ng ha nd le – pa dlock
position the device has a visible isolating distance. 2 Posit ion i nd icat or of eart hi ng s wit ch
The switch-disconnectors are used in combination with 3 O perat ing s haf t f or t he eart hin g swit ch
power fuses as short -circuit protection. This
combination excludes two -phase power supply,
because the interruption of any fuse link causes the
opening of the switch-disconnector by its tripping
The E type earthing switches are constructed with a
snap closing mechanism. They can close and carry
short-circuit currents.

Operating mechanism of the switch-disconnector for

use in UniGear switchgear:

Operating mechanism A – with two springs.

The opening spring is always charged before the
closing of the switch-disconnector. This means, that
the closed switch -disconnector always has stored
energy in the opening spring and the openin g follows
immediately with the manual lever, opening shunt F i g u re 164: Prep arati o n fo r th e o p erati o n o f earth i n g
release or fuse tripping mechanism. This mechanism sw i tch i n p an el w i th th e sw i tch - d i sco n n ecto r op erati n g
facilitates remote opening and in combination with the l ever p rep a red fo r th e O F F operati o n .
motor operating mechanism makes completely remote 1 O perat ing l ev er
control possible.

The E type earthing switch is always operated locally

by the operating lever 1 (Figure 164).

To secure the protection of connected MV equipment

the UniGear switchgear with switch -disconnector uses
CEF medium voltage fuses. The UniGear switchgear
with NALF switch-disconnector can be equipped with a
range of fuses according to the following table.

In cases that the switch -disconnector without MV

Closing and opening of NALF switch-disconnector.  Turn the lever anti -clockwise through approx. 90°
until the stop is reached to open the earthing
 The switch-disconnector can only be switched on if switch.
the earthing switch is open.
 Observe switch positioning indicator 7 (Figure 6).
 Put operating lever 1 (Figure 164) in position
pointing up or down on the grooved shaft of the Closing and opening of NALF switch-disconnector wit h
switch-disconnector so that there is sufficient room the motor operating mechanism.
for movement of the operating lever even if space The switch-disconnector can also be equipped with
is limited at sides. the UEMC 40 K3 motor operating mechanism.
 Turn the lever clockwise through approx. 180° to
charge the opening spring.  Briefly operate the control buttons for closing or
 Turn the lever anti-clockwise to charge the closing opening. The switch-disconnector is then switched
spring and to close the switch-disconnector. automatically or the spring s of the switch-
 Turn the lever clockwise through approx. 20° to disconnector are charged.
open the switch-disconnector.
 Observe switch positioning indicator 7 (Figure 6). Emergency manual operation
If a fault should occur in the motor operating
mechanism, the switch -disconnector can be switched
manually with the operating lever 1 (Figure 164)
directly on the shaft of the switch-disconnector.
Until the latch of the opening or closing spring Notice:
actuates, the lever w ill be returned back into the  After the manual operation the motor operating
starting position through the spring action. mechanism will not be synchronous with the
Proceed w ith caution during this operation to switch-disconnector, which means that it must be
prevent the slipping of lever from hand - RISK OF manipulated twice to reach synchronization, e.g.
INJURY. opening – closing.
 W e recommend using a protective circuit -breaker
in the supply circuit of the motor operating
Closing and opening of integrated E type earthing mechanism. The opening time of mechanism A
switch. operated with motor operating mechanism is
 The earthing switch can only be switched on if the approx. 1s. If faster opening is required, it is
switch-disconnector is open and opening spring is necessary to equip the mechanism A with an
charged. opening coil.
 Put operating lever 1 (Figure 164) in position
pointing left or up on the grooved shaft of the
earthing switch so that there is sufficient room for
movement of the operating lever even if space is
limited at the sides. Caution:
 Turn the lever clockwise through approx. 90° until The operating lever may only be fitted temporarily
the stop is reached to close the earthing switch. to carry out an emergency manual sw itching
operation – RISK OF INJURY.

7.2 Test procedure
7.2.1 Testing the off-circuit condition 7.2.2 Current and voltage tests
In switchgear panels which are not equipped with The testing and earthing module is available for
capacitive voltage indication, checking the off -circuit carrying out current and voltage tests. It is also
condition is carried out with a HV tester on the suitable for supplying primary current to any current
isolating contacts in the isolating tulips, after the transformers which may be fitted during
corresponding upper shutter or lower shutter has been measurements in the protection circuit and, for
opened. Shutter opening can be carried out by means example, for application of a test voltage during
of a module. If the panels are equipped with insulating tests.
capacitive voltage indication, this can be used to
check the off -circuit condition. In this case, proceed  Isolate and secure the working area in accordance
according to the manufacturer’s instructions or the with the IEC safety regulations.
indicators. (Optionally, switchgear can be equipped  For primary current supply, fix the connecting
with various types of indicators from differents cable of the est transformer to the contact pins.
manufacturers). In case of any doubt about correct  For AC voltage tests, ball is required on the
operation of capacitive voltage indication, the off- contact pin. The bore in the ball is used for
circuit condition must be checked using a HV tester. connection of the voltage supply.
 For current tests, for example of small connected
Checking the off -circuit condition must always be generators, the short-circuit bridge must be fixed
carried out in compliance with the relevant safety onto the contact pins.
regulations and local operating conditions!
W ith voltage tests at power frequency withstand
voltage and/or impulse voltage, carry out the following
Disconnect any voltage transformers and surge
arresters and cover them with an insulating plate.

F i g u re 165: W i th d raw ab l e p art d u ri n g i n serti o n i n to th e F i g u re 166: Vi ew in si d e th e ci rcu i t - b reaker co mp artm en t,

servi c e p o si ti o n, sh u tters n o t yet fu l l y o p en . w ith d raw ab l e p art remo ved , s h u tters o p en .
1 T op shut t er 1 Isol at ing t u lip
2 Cont act syst e m 2 Isol at ing c ont act
3 Isol at ion t u lip 3 Lower sh ut t er
4 Cont act ar m, wit h ins ulat i ng sle ev e

7.2.3 Pow er cable test  Connect the cable test equipment to the test points
The power cable test can be carried out by AC (contact pins in the CB compartement – 2 (Figure
voltage, DC voltage or AC voltage applicable for ve ry 166)) and to the main earth busbar.
low frequency (VLF) testing at 0,1Hz. For maximum  Swith OFF earthing switch. (see par. 7.1.7).
cable test voltage see table onthe next page.  Carry out the cable test as required.

Voltage applied during cable testing can damage
voltage transformers, surge arresters if fitted. It is Note:
therefore necessary to disconnect them f rom the Pictures show the shutters lifting truck for panel 12 kV
circuit before performing cable test.The below 650mm. Shutters lifting truck for other configurations
described procedure shall be used to carry outcable may be slightly different but functionality is preserved.
test on the power cables without disconnecting the
cables from the switchgear.

All the operations below must be carried out b y
qualified and skilled personnel w ith in -depth
know ledge of the panel and apparatus.

Procedure described below must be followed to

accesscable test points
 Switch OFF the circuit breaker.
 Rack out the circuit breaker from service to test
 Open CB door.
 W ithdraw the circuit breaker from the panel (see
par. 7.1.1).
 De-energise the cable.
 Switch ON the earthing switch (see par. 7.1.7).
 Test the off -circuit condition (see par. 7.2.1).
 Disconnect voltage transformers, surge arresters if
 Insert modified shutters lifting truck inside the CB
 Push modified shutters lifting truck to service
position by insulating operating handle. The lower
(cable connection) shutter shall open. Cable test
F i g u re 167: M o di fi ed shu tters l i fti ng tru ck i n serted i n CB
points (contact pins) shall be accessibl e. Shutters co mp artmen t.
lifting truck manipulation is described in par. 7.1.9.

F i g u re 168: Sh u tters l i fti n g tru ck w i th al l actu ati n g F i g u re 169: M o di fi ed shu tters l i fti ng tru ck after
el emen ts. d emo u n ti ng o f b o tto m actu ati n g el emen ts.

Pow er cab l e test - M axi mu m ap p l i ed vo l tag e
Rat ed v olt age of t he swit ch ge a r Ur [ k V] 12 17. 5 24
Rat ed p ower - f re que nc y cabl e t est v olt age, max. durat i on 1 mi n Uct (AC) [ k V] 22. 4 30. 4 40
Rat ed DC ca bl e t est v olt age, max. Durat ion 15 min Uct (DC) [ k V] 36 36 48
Rat ed AC ca ble t est v olt age ap plica ble f or VLF t est ing at 0. 1 Hz, max. durat i on 6 0 min Uct ( A C -
[ k Vrms] 19. 2 26. 1 36
N o t e : T he t e s t c i r c ui t i s d e s i g ne d f o r a m a x i m um a p pl i e d v o l t a ge i n t h e t a bl e .

The test circuit is designed for a maximum applied
voltage of table below .

To restore normal operating conditions:

 De-energise cable connection. Switch-ON the
earthing switch.
 Test the off -circuit condition (see in par. 7.2.1).
 Disconnect the cable test equipment.
 Connect voltage transformers, surge arresters if
 Switch-OFF earthing switch.
 Insert the circuit breaker into CB compartment.
 Close CB door.
 If needed rack-in the circuit breaker from test to
service position.
 If needed switch -ON cir cuit breaker.

After testing, the test connections may retain a
lethal electrical charge after the test equipment is
sw itched OFF. Discharge the test points using a
safety ground (e.g. earthing sw itch to earthed ON
position) and ensure that the test connections are
dead before disconnecting the cable test
equipment. In all cases, ensure that the test points
are really dead.

7.3 Service trucks
Instead of earthing, short-circuiting and testing with the circuit-breakers, such as full making capacity and
module 9 (Figure 171) it is possible to use the service opening of the live circuits under fault conditions.
trucks. These trucks are divided into four different They are used to ensu re extremely effective earthing
types: on circuits stressed by a fault. They allow opening and
closing operations to be carried out rapidly with
Earthing truck w ithout making capacity remote electric control.
These trucks carry out the same function as the The use of these trucks anticipates removal of the
earthing switches without making capacity. Therefore switching device from the switchgear (ci rcuit-breaker
they do not have any capacity to earth the live circuits or contactor) and its replacement with the truck. The
under fault conditions. They are used to ensure fixed panels preset for use of earthing trucks are fitted with
additional earthing, as required by the plant service a key lock which, if activated, prevents their racking -
and maintenance procedures, as a further safety in. This truck is available in two versions:
measure for personnel. The use of these trucks
anticipates removal of the switching device from the  Main busbar system earthing.
switchgear (circuit -breaker or contactor) and its  Power cable earthing.
replacement with the truck. The panels preset for use
of earthing trucks are fitted with a key lock which, if During the racking-in phase, the main busbar earthing
activated, prevents their racking -in. This truck is truck only lifts the top shutter and presets the contacts
available in two versions: connected to the top branches (and therefore the main
busbar system) for closing to earth by the control.
 Main busbar system earthing.
During the racking-in phase, the power cable earthing
 Power cable earthing. truck only lifts the bottom shutter and presets the
contact connected to the bottom branches (and
During the racking-in phase, the main busbar earthing therefore to the power cables) for closing to earth by
truck only lifts the top shutter and earths the contacts the control. These trucks can also be used in bus -tie
connected to the top branches (and therefore to the panels. In this case, they earth the two sides of the
main busbar system) by the switchgear structure. main busbar system.
During the racking-in phase, the power cable earthing
truck only lifts the bottom shutter and earths the
contacts connected to the bottom branches (and
Pow er cable test truck
therefore to the power cables) by the switchgear
structure. These trucks can also be used in the bus-tie These trucks allow the insulation tests to be carried
panels. In this case, they earth the two sides of the out on the power cables without accessing the feeder
main busbar system. panel or disconnecting the cables from the switchgear.
The use of these trucks anticipates removal of the
switching device from the switchgear (circuit -breaker
or contactor) and its replacement with the truck.
During the racking-in phase, the truck only lifts the
bottom shutter and, by the connectors it is fi tted with,
allows connection of the test apparatus cables. This
truck can only be used in the incoming / outgoing
Isolation truck
The isolation truck allows the switchgear top and
bottom contacts to be connected directly. Connection
is made extremely safe by using the poles of the HD4
circuit-breakers to insulate the connection bars from
the external environment. In the incoming / outgoing
panels, it connects the main busbar system to the
power cables, whereas in the bus -tie panels, it
connects to the two sides of the busbar system.
This truck is used in the UniGear switchgear to make
incoming / outgoing panels without circuit -breakers in
radial networks, to make cable connections between
F i g u re 170: Earth i n g tro l l ey w ith ou t sh o rt ci rcu i t sw i tch ing two switchgear panels placed in front of each other,
cap ab i l i ty. and for constructing interconnection panels and
1 Cont act syst e m creating bus-tie-riser panels with double insulation (in
2 Cont act ar ms this case, both the panels are made from bus -ties, the
3 Act uat ing b ars first fitted with a circuit -breaker and the other with an
4 Eart hing c ont act isolation truck).
5 Eart hing mo du le wit h out short circuit swit chi ng
capab ilit y Earthing and short-circuiting w ith earthing module
(Figure 171)

Earthing truck w ith making capacity  Isolate the area to be earthed and secure it
These trucks carry out the same function as the against reconnection.
earthing switches with making capacity. They consist  Carefully follow all safety regulations.
of circuit-breakers only fitted with top (main busbar  Remove the withdrawable circuit -breaker part from
earthing) or bottom (power cable earthing) terminals. the relevant switchgear panel.
The contacts without terminals ar e short-circuited by  Secure the shutter in front of the live contact pins
means of a copper bar and connected to earth by the by means of the padlock. Screw on the earthing
apparatus truck. They keep all the characteristics of module 9 actuating bars 4 as follows: To the top

position for opening of bottom shutter and to the cable 10 under one of three screws M12, with
bottom position for opening of top shutter. which short circuit link 7 is connected to contact
 Further screw on the earthing module 9 insulating pins 6. Connect the second end of this cable to the
plate 1 with three removable bushings as follows: earthing terminal in the panel.
 Insert the earthing module 9 with short -circuit link
- Contact arms 3 in the bottom position for 7 mounted and earthing cable 10 returned from the
earthing of cable output feeder. test / disconnected posi tion into the service
- Contact arms 3 in the top position for earthing of position in the panel with hand crank. For safety
busbars. reasons, insert the module only with the circuit-
 Insert the earthing module 9 into the test / breaker compartment door closed and with door
disconnected position and then move it into the catches locked.
service position with the hand crank (Figure 193).  Display earthing warning label on the switchgear
 Using a high voltage tester, check that the contact panel door.
pins 6 of the earthing module are definitely off -  Secure neighboring areas to prevent inadvertent
circuit. contact with live parts (e.g. feeder cables).
 W ithdraw the earthing module back into the test /
disconnected position (chapter 7.1). The procedure for removing earthing is the same, only
 Mount a complete short circuit link 7 on the in reverse order.
earthing module 9. Connect one end of earthing

F i g u re 171: T esti n g an d earth i n g mo d ul e.

Act uat ing b ars, remov able 1 Insu lat in g pl at e wit h 3 re mov ab le bush in ghs
- t op posit io n f or bot t om sh ut t e 2 Cont act syst e ms
- bot t om pos it io n f or t op shut t er 3 Cont act ar ms (3 pcs. )
4 Act uat ing b ars (1 pair)
Cont act ar ms, remov able 5 Bushin gs
- bot t om pos it io n f or cable ar ea 6 Cont act pi n
- t op posit io n f or busbar ar ea 7 Short - circuit i ng co nnect i on, co mp let e
8 Ball ha nd les (3 pcs. )
Insu lat in g p lat e w it h a lt ernat iv e mou nt ing posit i ons f or c abl e or 9 T est ing and eart hi ng mod ule w i t h man ual
busbar e art hi ng (t urn t hrou gh 1 80° f or busb ar eart hi ng). mec han is m
10 Eart hing c abl e
Cont act s yst e ms, repl acea b le f or dif f ere nt cont act pi n
dia met ers o n t he swit c hge ar. Ball h and les, re mov able, f o r
v olt age t est s.

Short - circuit i ng c o nnect i on - ca n be repl ace d wit h ba ll ha nd les .

8. Commissioning
8.1 Preparatory work
In preparation for commissioning, the following work
must be carried out :
 Check the general condition of the switchgear for
any damage or defects.
 Visually inspect the switching devices,
withdrawable parts, isolating contacts, insulating
parts, etc.
 Check connection of the main earthing bar to the
installation earthing conductor (following the
appropriate safety regulations).
 Check the paintwork for damage and, where
necessary, touch up as described in (chapter 9.5).
 Remove all residues of materials, foreign bodies
and tools from the switchgear.
 Clean the switchgear, rubbing down insulating F i g u re 172: W i th d raw ab l e p art w i th VD4 typ e h i g h cu rren t
parts with a soft, dry, clean, non -fraying cloth. ci rcu i t - b reake r, p o l e si d e.
Remove any greasy or sticky dirt as described in
1 T ransport caps (t o be remov ed on co mmisi oni ng)
(chapter 9.4).
2 Lif t ing e yebo lt (t o be remov ed on co mmissi oni ng)
 Correctly remount all covers etc. removed during
assembly and testing procedures.
 Transport caps on heavy duty vacuum circuit -
breakers if applicable - must be removed.
 Lifting eyebolts on high current vacuum
circuitbreakers must be removed if still fitted.
 Preparatory works for SF6 circuit-breakers:
-Clean the insulating parts with clean dry cloth
-Check that the upper and lower terminals are
clean and free of any deformation caused by
shocks received during transport and storage
-It is advisable to check the SF6 gas pressure
 In switchgear panels with an additional ventilation
system for high current circuit -breakers (required
for ambient temperature higher than > 40 °C
and/or higher frequency 60 Hz - according to
(chapter 2.3) and (Figure 172), (Figure 173), flap F i g u re 173: F i tti n g o f h o ri zon tal p arti ti on w ith add i tio n al
hanging in partition must rest loosely against leaf ven ti l ati o n fo r h ig h cu rren t circu i t - b reake rs, req u i red d u e
spring (with the centrifugal fan at a standstill, if to i n creased amb i en t temp era tu re (>40 °C) an d / o r i n crease d
freq u en c y (60 Hz) a cco rd i n g to secti o n 2. 3. T h e in tern al
fitted). This is not standard. fl ap i s sh ow n i n th e servi ce p o si ti o n (o p en ). Sid e vi ew , b u t
w ith ou t th e w i nd van e w i th mi cro - sw i tch req u i red w ith a
To check: fan . No t stan d ard .

 Insert a suitable screwdriver through opening 4 1 Hori zo nt al p ar t it ion

2 Leaf sprin g
(Figure 173) in horizontal partition 1 and into
3 Brack et
bracket 3 on flap 5. 4 Insp ect io n apert ur e
 Swing flap 5 upwards and allow it to rest loosely 5 F lap
again on leaf spring 2. 6 Cent rif ug al f an
 If the flap is in the locked position, use the
screwdriver to press leaf spring 2 downwards by
approx. 5 mm to release the lock before swinging
the flap.
 If any centrifugal fans controlled in relation to
primary current are fitted, also check that these
function correctly.

On motorized withdrawable parts, c heck the direction

of rotation of the travel motor. For any other matters
regarding operation of the withdrawable circuit-
breaker part and testing facilities for the withdrawable

F i g u re 174: Ho ri zo n tal p arti tio n w ith add i tio n al ven til ati o n
faci l i ti es. Ch ecki n g un i mp ed ed mo vemen t o f th e in tern al
fl ap .
1 Insp ec t io n ope nin g

8.2 Measurements and tests

Tests at site are mandatory prior to energization of
the switchgear.
The main purpose of site tests in general is to make
sure the switchgear is ready for energization, not to
repeat the factory testing and conf irm the factory
results. For manufacturer’s recommendation of test
scope and method please contact ABB’s Service
Department. After performing the tests, make sure
that all normal service conditions are restored.

 The check is only successful if all the above
tests have been passed successfully.
 If the inspection gives negative results,do not
put the apparatus into service but, if necessary,
contact ABB’s Customer Service Department.
 Only energise the sw itchgear w it h all the
withdrawable parts in the test position and with
the circuit-breaker open.

9. Maintenance
9.1 Maintenance strategies 9.2 Preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance is maintenance carried out Maintenance serves to prese rve trouble-free operation
at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed and achieve the longest possible working life of the
criteria, aimed at reducing the failure risk or switchgear. It comprises the following closely related
performance degradation of the equipment. This activities:
method is based on scheduled activities performed on
the out-of-service equipment including: visual checks, Inspection: Determination of the actual condition.
apparatus cleaning, mechanical components Servicing: Measures to preserve the specified
lubrication, worn parts replacement and routine tests. condition.
Repair: Measures to restore the specified condition.

Risk-based maintenance is maintenance carried out

by integrating analysis, measurement and periodic Note:
test activities with stand ard preventive maintenance. W hen carrying out all maintenance work, the
The gathered information is viewed in the context of regulations in the country of installation must be
the environmental, operation and process condition of strictly complied with. Maintenance work may only be
the equipment in the system. The aim is to perform performed in a careful manner by t rained personnel
the asset condition and risk assessment and define familiar with the characteristics of the individual
the appropriate mai ntenance tasks. Please refer to switchgear, in accordance with all relevant IEC safety
next chapters for details of preventive and risk -based regulations and those of other technical authorities,
maintenance programs. and with other over -riding instructions. It is
recommended that ABB service pe rsonnel be called in
to perform the servicing and repair work detailed
below. The inspection and servicing intervals for some
of the equipment / components (e.g. parts subjects to
W ARNING - Alw ays follow 7 safety steps: wear) are determined by fixed criteria, such as
switching frequency, length of service and number of
 Clearly identify the w ork location short-circuit breaking operations. On the other hand,
 Disconnect and secure against reconnection for other parts the length of the intervals may depend,
 Protect against any other live parts for example, on the different modes of operation in
 Take special precautions w hen close to bare individual cases, the degree of loading, and also
conductors environmental influences (including pollution and
 Check the installation is dead aggressive air).
 Carry out earthing and short circuiting
 Issue a permit to w ork The following operating instructions must also be
followed, together with this instruction manual in the
individual cases concerned:
 Vacuum circuit-breaker: type VD4 (1VCP000001).
 Vacuum circuit-breaker: type VD4 - high current.
 Vacuum circuit-breaker with magnetic actuator:
type VM1.
 Gas circuit-breaker: type HD4.
 Vacuum contactor: type VSC.
 Switch-disconnector NAL - catalogue.
 Switch-disconnector - installation, service and
maintenance instruction manual.
 Operating mechanisms of the circuit-breakers with
high voltage - catalogue.
 Motor operator UEMC 40 K3 - installation, service
and maintenance instruction manual (for panels
with NALFE earthing switch).

Intervals for inspection, servicing and repairs number of rated and short -circuit current switching
Time intervals for maintenance work to be carried out operations, ambient temperature, pollution etc. W e
always depend on the operating conditions of the recommend carrying out the maintenance work at the
switchgear, and mainly on the mode of operation, the following intervals:

Act iv it y See sect io n T ime int erv al i n years Accordin g t o nu mb er of swit chi ng op erat io ns
Insp ect io n 9. 3 4(1) As require d ( 3 )
Serv icing 9. 4 4(2) As require d ( 3 )
Repa ir 9. 5 As require d As require d
( 1 ) I n m o r e d e m a nd i n g s e r v i c e c o n d i t i o ns , w e r e c o m m e nd r e d uc i n g t h i s i nt e r v a l s u i t a b l y – a l s o s e e s e c t i o ns 1 a nd 2 .
( 2 ) A c c o r d i n g t o t he r e s u l t s o f t he i ns pe c t i o n.
( 3 ) S e e t he i ns t r uc t i o n m a n ua l s o f t he s w i t c hi n g d e v i c e .

9.3 Inspection
Inspection is primarily to carry out a visual check for  Basic checking with temporary operation of the
grime, corrosion and moisture: centrifugal fan with an external power supply of
230 V AC.
 Effects of high temperature on the main circuits.
 In both cases, check for unimpeded normal running
 Traces of partial discharge on the insulating of the fan and listen for any unusual bearing noise.
material parts. Remove any dirt on the fan rotor.
 Traces of leakage current on the insulating  Check unimpeded operation of the wind vane and
material parts. microswitch by starting the fan several times.
 Surfaces of the contact systems.  The wiring to removable horizontal partition 29
(Figure 3) can be disconnected behind the right -
However, inspection must also include correct hand side duct cover. Follow the circuit diagram
mechanical / electrical operation of the following and carefully reconnect the wiring again on
parts: switching devices, actuating, interlocking, completion.
protection and signalling devices.

Special conditions
On panels with additional ventilation devices due to
increased ambient temperature (chapter 2.3).
With regard to the sw itching devices, their
 Check flap 27 (Figure 3) for correct operation, also separate Instruction manuals should be followed.
(Figure 173).
 The centrifugal fan (if fitted) does not require any
special maintenance. Its working life – depending
on the service conditions, and one significant Visual inspection of busbar compartment
parameter being the room temperature - is approx.
 By gaining access from the circuit -breaker
between 20,000 and 30,000 operating hours.
compartment, remove bulkhead 3 (Figure 178),
unscrewing 7 x M8 screws.
Checking readiness for operation can be carried out
 After removal of the bulkhead from the circuit -
as follows:
breaker compartment, the main busbars are
 Load-dependent functional test with controllable visible.
primary current supply of the relative instrument  Visually check that the top monoblocks 4 (Figure
transformer. On current rise: 178), where the tulip isolating contact is housed,
-to approx. 70 % of the rated instrument are fully intact and do not show any sign of
transformer current, the fan m ust start. damage.
-to 80 % of the rated instrument transformer  Visually check that the insulating covering of the
current, the fan must have reached the required main busbars and the insulating joining cover of
minimum air flow. Corresponding monitoring the busbars are fully intact a nd do not show an y
(signalling) by the wind vane with microswitch. sign of damage.

Cleaning and checking the auxiliary connections
 Open the miniature circuit -breakers 1 (Figure 175)
positioned inside the low v oltage compartment to
remove the auxiliary power supply to the panel.
 Carry out a visual inspection on all the cabling,
terminal boxes 2 and check for any presence of
 Manually check correct insertion of the cabling in
the terminal box.

F i g u re 177: T esti n g i n terl o ck co n d i ti o n s.

1 Door int er lock s
2 F ail saf e

1. The withdrawable part must only be movable from

the test / disconnected position into the service
position when the circuit-breaker is open and the
earthing switch is open. Check the following
conditions individually:
F i g u re 1 75: Au xi l i ar y co n n ec ti o n s.  W ith the circuit-breaker closed, insertion of the
withdrawable part towards the service position
1 Circuit bre ak er must be locked after only half a turn of the crank in
2 T erminals
the clockwise direction, and it must not be possible
to switch on the travel motor on motor -operated
withdrawable parts.
Testing interlock conditions  W ith the earthing swit ch closed, insertion of the
Carry out a visual inspection of the mechanical parts withdrawable part towards the service position
of the interlocks (key locks 1 , door interlocks 1 , fail must be locked after only two clockwise turns of
safe 2) and check for any presence of humidity and the crank, and it must not be possible to switch on
signs of corrosion on the moving parts. the travel motor on motor-operated parts.

Use no force! Also see the note in (chapter 7.1)!

2. The withdrawable part must only be movable from

the service position into the test / disconnected
position with the circuit-breaker open
Check this condition as follows:
 W ith the circuit -breaker closed, withdrawal
movement of the withdrawable part must be locked
after only half a turn of the crank in anti -clockwise
direction, and it must not be possible to switch on
the travel motor on motor -operated withdrawable

3. Closing of the circuit-breaker must only be

possible when the withdrawable part is in the
F i g u re 176: T esti n g i n terl o ck co n d i ti o n s. defined test / disconnected position or service
1 Key l ock s position. The control wiring plug 2 (Figure 142)
must previously have been inserted
Check this condition as follows:
 It must not be possible to close the circuit -breaker
with the withdrawable part in any position between
the test / disconnected position and the service
position. Enabling of switching when the
withdrawable part moves into the service position
is carried out electrical ly by operation of auxiliar y
switch (Figure 16) in the withdrawable assembly,
and slightly earlier mechanically - this corresponds
to a position approximately half a turn of the crank
before the stop.
 For movement into the test / disconnected
position, the same enabling conditions apply in the
same way, in this case by means of auxiliary
switch (Figure 16) in the withdrawable assembly.

7. Operation of the earthing switch must only be
possible when withdrawable part 1 (Figure 145) is
4. It must only be possible to open the circuit -breaker in the test / disconnected position or the removed
(manually) when the withdrawable part is in the position (subject to any additional electro-magnetic
service position or test / disconnected position and interlocks in individual cases).
the control voltage has failed. Check this Check this condition:
 W ith the withdrawable part in the test /
disconnected position, it must be possible to press
5. W ithdrawable parts with order -related locking
slide 2 (Figure 158), in front of the earthing switch
magnet Y0 may not be moved in case of control
operating shaft 1, downwards to the opening
power failure, or wh en there is no control power.
position. The earthing switch can then be
Do not forcibly move locked withdrawable parts!
The locking magnet Y0 is only present on manually
 W ith the slide pressed down, it must also be
operated withdrawable parts. Releasing the locking
impossible to start the travel motor on motor -
magnet Y0:
driven withdrawable parts.
 Remove front plate.
 If the slide is pressed down slightly when the
 Disengage locking magnet Y0 by pulling the
travel motor is running, the motor must then
magnet armature.
automatically switch off immediately. The selected
 W hile doing so, turn crank (Figure 193) about one travel direction is continued by pressing the button
half turn (either direction of rotation is It is only possible to press slide 2 (Figure 158)
permissible). The locking magnet is only active in down fully with a running travel motor when the
the test position and ser vice position. In latter is in the start-up phase.
intermediate positions it has no effect.
 W hen the withdrawable part is moved inwards
towards the service position, pressing down of
6. Disconnection of the control wiring plug 2 (Figure slide 2 (Figure 158) must be locked after only one
142) as well as later insertion must be locked in and a half clockwise turns on the crank.
the withdrawable part service position. Check this

9.4 Servicing
W hen, during an inspection as per (chapter 9.3), the 9.4.2 Maintenance in cable compartment
need to carry out cleaning operations is noted, Checking tightening of the cable busbar connections
proceed as follows:
 Open the cable compartment door; the cable
 Clean the surfaces: busbar connections are visible.
Remove any dry dust deposits which are not  Using a dynamometric spanner, check tightness of
strongly adherent using a soft dry cloth. all the screws. Refer to the table on page 51 for
Remove any more adhering dirt with ETHANOL F the tightening values.
25 M.
 Clean the insulating surfaces and the conductive Note
components with ETHANOL F 25 M. The cable compartment door cannot be opened if the
 After cleaning, rinse with clean water and dry earthing switch is open.
 Should any partial discharges occur as a
consequence of the condensation phenomenon, a
temporary remedy which is often effective is
application of a thin layer of silicone over the
surface involved. For a permanent remedy to this
type of unusual pr oblem, contact the ABB service

9.4.1 Maintenance in busbar compartment

Checking of the tightening main busbars
 By accessing through the circuit -breaker
compartment, remove the bulkhead 3 (Figure 178)
unscrewing 7 x M8 screws.
 After the removal of the bulkhead from the circuit -
breaker compartment, the main busbars are
 Using a dynamometric spanner, check tightness of
all the screws. Refer to the (chapter 6.3) for the
tightening values.

F i g u re 179: I n tern al vi ew o f th e cab l e co n n ecti o n

co mp artmen t, w i th a maxi mu m n u mb er o f si x cab l es i n
p aral l el .
1 Eart hing sw it ch pos it ion i ndic at or
2 Cabl e bus bar con nect io n
3 F airlea d
4 Slot t ed bot t o m pl at e

F i g u re 178: Vi ew o f th e b u sbar co mp artm en t, sh ow n

w ith ou t in su l ati ng co vers.
1 Busbars
2 Branch co nduct or
3 Bulk head, re mov abl e
4 T ulip isolat in g cont act

Earthing sw itches – type EK6; ST-E
Cleaning the kinematics to prevent faults on the Cleaning and checking of the voltage transformers and
signalling contacts anti-ferroresonance circuit.
Fixed version voltage transformers:
 Carry out a visual inspection of the kinematics and
check for any presence of dirt, humidity and signs  Open the cable compartment door.
of corrosion on the moving parts.  Remove the circuit-breaker plate (Figure 182) to
 Manually check correct changeover of the earthing get larger access.
switch signalling contacts (Figure 181).  Visually check the voltage transformer
 Remove any deposits of dust using a dry cloth that connections.
does not leave any deposits on the treated  Using a dynamometric spanner check tightne ss of
surfaces (do not use woollen cloths). all the screws. Refer to the table in (chapter 6.3)
 If necessary, grease the mechanical moving parts for the tightening values.
by applying a thin layer of mechanical grease for  Carry out a visual inspection of the transformers
moving parts. and check for any presence of dirt.
 Carry out a visual inspection on the toothed wheel  Remove any deposits of dust using a dry cloth that
and pinion 2 (Figure 180) and check any presence does not leave any deposits on the treated
of dirt, humidity and signs of corrosion on the surfaces (do not use woollen cloths).
moving parts.
Voltage transformers in removable version:
 Open the cable compartment door.
 Manually withdraw the VT truck.
 Carry out a visual inspection of the transformers
and check for any presence of dirt.
 Remove any deposits of dust using a dry cloth that
does not leave any deposits on the treated
surfaces (do not use woollen cloths).

Voltage transformers in withdrawable version:

 Open the cable compartment door.
 Manually withdraw the VT truck.
 Carry out a visual inspection of the transformers
and check for any presence of dirt.
 Remove any deposits of dust using a dry cloth that
does not leave any deposits on the treated
F i g u re 180: M an u al earth i ng sw i tch o p erati n g mech an i sm. surfaces (do not use woollen cloths).
1 Driv e shaf t
2 Auxili ar y cont act

F i g u re 182: Remo vab l e ci rcu i t - b reaker p l ate.

F i g u re 181: Ch an g eo ver o f the earth i n g sw i tch sig n al li n g

co n tacts.

Instrument transformers
Cleaning and checking of the current transformers.
 Open the cable compartment door.
 Remove the circuit -breaker plate (Figure 182) to
get larger access.
 Visually check the connections of the current
 Using a dynamometric spanner, check the
tightness of all the screws. Refer to the table in
(chapter 6.3) for the tightening values.

Cleaning and checking the anti-ferroresonance circuit. 9.4.3 Maintenance in circuit -breaker compartment
 Open the miniature circuit -breakers 1 (Figure 175) Lubrication of the isolating contacts:
positioned inside the low voltage compartment to
remove the auxiliary power supply to the panel.  Remove any deposits of dust using a dry cloth that
 Carry out a visual inspection on the anti - does not leave any deposits on the treated
ferroresonance resistors and check for any surfaces (do not use woollen cloths).
presence of dirt.  If necessary, grease the mechanica l moving parts
 Manually check correct insertion of the cabling. by applying a thin layer of mechanical grease for
moving parts.

F i g u re 183: An ti - ferro re so n a n ce resi sto r.

Cleaning and checking of the fuses.

 W ith the VT truck withdrawn, manually hook up the
fuses contained in the resin tube of the voltage
 Carry out a visual inspection on the fuses and
check for any presence of dirt.
 Remove any deposits of dust using a dry cloth that
does not leave any deposits on the treated
surfaces (do not use woollen cloths).

F i g u re 184: W i th d raw ab l e p art w i th measu remen t p an el .

1 Resin t ub e (wit h f use)
2 F use
3 Volt age t ra nsf or mer

9.5 Repairs
9.5.1 Repair on sw itchgear assemblies Repair on earthing switch signaling contact Repair of surface damage: The auxiliary switches of the interchangeable groups
are adjusted at the factory. W hen final installation of
 Carry out repair work immedi ately after a defect the earthing switch and operator takes place on site, it
has been discovered. may be necessary to carry out further precise
 Completely remove all rust from damaged adjustment of the auxiliary switch. In this case, the
paintwork areas on steel sheet and other steel following should be taken into account:
parts by mechanical means, e.g. with a wire brush.
 Lightly grind the surrounding paint coat and  There must be a run -on of 0.5 mm in the fully
carefully degrease the entire a rea. Then operated position before the plunger reaches the
immediately apply an anti -rust primer and, after an stop (for safety reasons).
appropriate hardening time, apply the top coat.  Auxiliary limit switch 4 (Figure 187) for earthing
Only use suitable and compatible paint products. switch ON must be operated in the range of
 Apply the top coat in standard RAL 7035 colour, or movement of the lever 5° - 10° before the end
the relevant special colour. position.
 Carefully remove any white rust on high quality  Auxiliary limit switch 1 for earthing switch OFF
galvanized steel surfaces with a wire brush or must be:
cleaning pad, e.g. Scotch-Brite, and clean loosely - operated on earthing switches with manual
adhering particles with a dry, non-fraying cloth. mechanisms during the opening movement of slide
Next treat the cleaned parts with zinc spray or zinc 2 before half of the hexagonal shaft has become
powder paint and, finall y, treat with aluminium visible, or 1 mm before the tab of the slide makes
spray for colour matching. contact with the armature of the de-energised
 Carefully remove any white rust from passivated locking magnet.
operating parts and rust formation on phosphatised - operated on earthing switches with motor
parts with a wire brush or metal -free cleaning pad, operator (no slide 2 fitted) immediately after the
e.g. Scotch-Brite, and clean with a dry cloth. Then toggle spring mechanism has passed the dead
grease evenly (with mechanical grease for moving centre position during rotation to the OFF position.
parts).  In cases where there has been an internal arc is
necessary to repair and clean the whole
Replacement of the contact pins when the surface is substation.
damaged. After any required replacement of contact
pins, the latter should be retightened using the socket
head bolts - see table (chapter 6.3).

F i g u re 186: Vi ew o f in si d e circu i t - b reake r co mp art men t, F i g u re 187: M an u al earth i ng sw i tch o p erati n g mech an i sm
w ith d raw ab l e p art remo ved , s h u tters o p en . w ith au xil i ary co n tact s, si d e p ro tecti o n remo ved .
1 Isol at ing t u lip 1 Q 8S1 auxil iar y co nt act – eart hi ng swit ch O F F
2 Isol at ing c ont act 2 Slidi ng clos ure
3 Lower sh ut t er 3 Ca m plat e, a djust a ble
4 Q 8S2 auxil iar y co nt act – eart hi ng swit ch O N

9.6 Risk-Based maintenance
ABB supports UniGear users with optimized and cost
effective strategies to ensure that the correct actions
are implemented at the right time. Asset managers are
fully supported in moving from conventional
approaches (‘Corrective maintenance’ and ‘Preventive
maintenance’) to advanced strategies (‘Risk -based
maintenance’ and ‘Condition -based maintenance’).
In this way, the service activity is no longer driven by
predefined timeframes, observations and past
experiences, but takes into account the actual
condition of the equipment, the required reliability
level and the expetation for life time extension.
This assessment is performed by trained technicians
as part of risk-based maintenance programs or is
carried out automatically by on-line monitoring
systems for condition-based maintenance solutions.
Please refer to brochure 1VCP000427 - Maintenance
by ABB for more details on Risk -Based maintenance.

9.7 Spare parts, auxillary

materials and lubricants
Spare parts
A spare parts list is available on request for
F i g u re 188: Earth i n g sw i tch mo to r o p erato r w i th au xi l i ary procurement of spare parts. It basically includes
co n tacts i n stal l ed , p ro tecti ons remo ved . moving parts and parts subject to wear. W hen parts
are required, the serial number of the relevant
1 Lock ing disk
2 Ca m switchgear or switching device should always be
3 Q 8S2 auxil iar y co nt act – eart hi ng swit ch O F F quoted.
4 Q 8S1 auxil iar y co nt act – eart hi ng swit ch O N
Auxiliary materials, lubricants
 Lubricant - SYN-setral-EK 339
9.5.2 Repairs on w ithdrawable parts
 DOW CORNING TORAY DC4 silicone grease
W hen functional tests are carried out on withdrawable
parts, compliance with the conditions listed below  Halogen-free cleansers (optional) - ETHANOL F 25
should also be checked. The following operating M (for general cleaning)
instructions must also be followed, together with this  Touch-up paint (optional) - Standard colour RAL
instruction manual in the individual cases concerned: 7035.

 Vacuum circuit-breaker: type VD4

 Vacuum circuit-breaker: type VD4 - high current
 Vacuum circuit-breaker with magnetic actuator:
type VM1
 Gas circuit-breaker: type HD4
 Vacuum contactor: type VSC
 Operating mechanisms of the circuit-breakers with
high voltage - catalogue

Apparatus in general:
 Follow the maintenan ce instructions in the
manuals for individual equipment components.
 Check that the bolt connections at the contact
points in the busbar system and the earth
connections are tight, and that the contact system
functions correctly.
 W here necessary, grease slide plates and bearings
in the panel again or thoroughly clean them. Then
grease them again with mechanical grease for
moving parts lubricant.
 Top up grease on contact areas in the contact
system when corroded or otherwise as nec essary,
or, when lubrication is inadequate or missing,
thoroughly clean the areas concerned and grease
them again with mechanical grease for moving
parts lubricant.

9.8 Operating accessories

F i g u re 189: Ch arg i n g l ever (fo r HD4 F i g u re 190: Do u bl e b i t ke y (to u se th e F i g u re 191: M an u al emerg en c y

typ e ci r cu i t - b rea ker) cen tral l o cki n g d evi c e an d the screw o p erati n g l ever (to remo ve vo l tag e to
typ e d o o r l o ck) VM 1 typ e ci rcu i t - b reake r)

F i g u re 192: O p erati n g l ever (fo r F i g u re 193: Cran k h an d l e (to mo ve th e F i g u re 194: O p erati n g l ever (fo r
earth i n g sw i tch ) w ith d raw ab l e p art i n si d e th e p an el ) sw i tch -d i sco n n ecto r)

10. Product quality and environmental
The UniGear panels are produced in compliance with The duty of company is to facilitate subsequent
the requirements of international standards for the recycling or disposal at the end of product life.
quality management system and environmental
management system. In these fields, the level of During disposal of the product, it is always necessary
excellence achieved is documented by quality to act in accordance with local legal requirements in
certificates according to ISO 9001 and by the EMS force.
according to ISO 14 001.
The following methods of disposal are possible:
End of life of product Disposal can either be carried out thermally in an
ABB is committed to complying with the relevant legal incineration plant or by storing on a waste site.
and other requirements for environmental protection
according to the ISO 14 001 standard.

Raw materi al Reco mm en d ed meth o d o f d i sp o sal

Met a l mat eria l (F e, Cu, Al, Ag, Z n, W , ot hers) Separat i oi n and rec yc lin g
T hermopl ast Rec ycli ng or dis posa l
Epox y resin Separat i on of met al a nd t he d is posal of rest
Rubb er Dispos al
O il as diel ect ric (t ransf or mer o i l) Drain ing f or e qui p ment an d f urt her rec ycli lng or disp osal
SF 6 gas Dischar gin g f rom equ ip me nt an d f urt her recyc lin g or dis ipos al
Pack ing mat eria l - wood Rec ycli ng or dis pos al
Pack ing mat eria l - f oil Rec ycli ng or dis pos al

1 V L M 0 0 0 3 6 3 - C, E N - In s t r u c ti on m a n u a l - 2 0 1 7 . 0 9 ( Un i g e a r Z S1 ) ( g s )

Y o u r s a l e s c o n t a c t : w w w . a b b . co m / c o n t a c t s
M o r e p r o d u c t i n f o r m at i o n : w w w. a b b . c o m / p r o d u c t g u i d e

T h e d a t a a n d i llu s t r a t i o n s a r e n o t b i n d i n g . W e r e s e rv e t h e r i g h t to
m a k e c h a n g e s wi t h o u t n o t i c e i n t h e c o u r s e o f t e c h n i c a l
d e v e lo p m e n t o f t h e p r o d u c t.

© Co p yr i g h t 2 0 1 7 A B B .
A ll r i g h t s r e s e rv e d .
M ed iu m vo l tag e p rod u ct

UniGear MCC
Installation, operation and maintenance instruction manual

1. Your safety first - at all tim es! .................................... 1

2. Sum m ary ................................ ................................. 2
2.1 Introduction ................................ ......................... 2
2.2 General ................................ ............................... 2
2.3 Standards and specifications ................................. 3
2.4 Operating condition ................................ .............. 3
3. T echnical data ................................ .......................... 4
3.1 Electrical data ................................ ...................... 4
3.2 Resistance to internal arc faults ............................. 4
3.3 Dim ensions and weights ................................ ........ 5
4. Panel design and equipm ent ...................................... 7
4.1 Construction featur e s ................................ ........... 7
4.2 T ypical com partm ents ................................ ........... 7
4.3 Main com ponents ................................ ............... 1 1
4.4 Optional applications .......................................... 1 3
4.5 Interlock s/lock s .................................................. 1 4
5. Dispatch and storage ................................ .............. 1 6
5.1 Condition on delivery .......................................... 1 6
5.2 Pack ing ................................ ............................. 1 6
5.3 T ransport ................................ .......................... 1 6
5.4 Control on receipt ................................ .............. 1 6
5.5 Storage ................................ ............................. 1 7
5.6 Handling................................ ............................ 1 8
6. Assem bly of the sw itchgear at site ............................ 2 1
6.1 General ................................ ............................. 2 1
6.2 Foundations ................................ ....................... 2 1
6.3 Assem bly of the sw itchgear panels ....................... 2 9
6.4 Fixing of the panels ................................ ............ 3 1
6.5 Installation of the busba rs ................................... 3 2
6.6 Pressure relief ducts .......................................... 3 3
6.7 Cable connection ................................ ............... 3 5
6.8 Final erection work ............................................. 3 5 8.2 Measurem ents and tests ................................ ...... 3 9
7. Operation of the sw itchgear ..................................... 3 6 9. Maintenance ........................................................... 4 0
7.1 Rem ove position ................................ ................ 3 6 9.1 General ............................................................. 4 0
7.2 Test position ................................ ...................... 3 7 9.2 Inspection .......................................................... 4 0
7.3 Serv ice position ................................ ................. 3 7 9.3 Serv icing ........................................................... 4 1
7.4 Em ergency operation .......................................... 3 8 9.4 Repairs ............................................................. 4 2
7.5 Door closing ................................ ...................... 3 8 9.5 Spare parts ........................................................ 4 3
8. Com m issioning ................................ ....................... 3 9 9.6 Operating accessories ................................ ......... 4 3
8.1 Prelim inary operations ................................ ........ 3 9 10. Product quality and env ironm ental protection ........... 4 4
1. Your safety first - at all times!
That is w hy our instruction manual begins w ith the If you have any further questions about this instruction
follow ing recommendations: manual, ABB’s field service team will be pleased to
Only install switchgear in closed rooms suitable for provide the required information.
electrical equipment.
Ensure that installation, operation and maintenance is W e reserve all rights to this publication. Misuse,
only carried out by qualified competent electricians. including in particular, duplication and making this
Fully comply with the legally recognized standards manual - or extracts thereof available to third parties
(IEC or local), the connection conditions of the local is prohibited. W e do not accept any responsibility for
electrical utility and the relevant safety at work the information prov ided, which is subject to change.
Observe the relevant information in the instruction
manual for all actions involving switchgear.

Pay special attention to the hazard notes in the
instruction manual marked w ith this warning
 Make sure that the specified criteria are not
exceeded under switchgear operating
 Ensure the instruction manual is accessible to
all personnel involved in installation, operation
and maintenance.
 The user’s personnel must act responsibly in
all matters relating to safety at w ork and
correct handling of the switchgear.

 Alw ays follow the instruction manual and
respect the rules of good engineering practice!
 Hazardous voltage can cause electrical shocks
and burns.
 Disconnect pow er, then earth and shortcircuit
before proceeding w ith any w ork on this

Using of safety clothes like safety gloves
according to EN 388 Blade cut resistance class 5,
long sleeved w ork jacket or safety sleeves, safety
shoes is recommended during all activities done
with the switchgear.

2. Summary
2.1 Introduction
ABB’s well known UniGear switchgear family has now in category AC3 with 100,000 operations (closing -
been completed by the addition of a new motor contro l opening), 400 A interrupted.
solution, the UniGear MCC (motor control center). The
instructions in this publication refer to the UniGear The use of medium voltage protection fuses strongly
MCC with compact contactor with fuses. limits the fault let -through energy, allowing the
The UniGear MCC is designed for the highest degree contactor to be used in installations even with high
of safety and reliability and provides for maximum fault currents. This feature also helps to safeguard the
ease of use. All operations and maintenance activities levels of insulation and increase the electrical life of
are carried out from the front of panel, which is the cables and of the connected equipment. For the
equipped with mechanical safety interlocks between same reason, the switchgear unit can use earthing
vacuum contactor and earthing switch. The vacuum switches for the power cables with reduced making
contactor is the well proven VSC type with magnetic capacities compared to the rest of the switchgear
actuator. components, but suitable in any case for the fault
The UniGear MCC is designed to be used in current available on the load side of the fuses. The
combination with other versions of UniGear swithgear limiting properties of the fuses also allow cables with
as ZS1, 550 and 500R. reduced cross-sections to be used for the connection
between the switchgear and the equipment to be
protected (reductions between 60 and 80% can be
obtained), leading to a considerable reduction in
2.2 General costs. UniGear MCC has the same overall dimensions
(height and depth) and the same main busbars
The UniGear range is now completed by the UniGear
arrangement as UniGear ZS1 with a maximum current
MCC (motor control center) with compact contactor
of 4000 A.
unit with fuses. UniGear MCC is the result of many
years of experience with the design, manufacturing
The unit can be coupled directly to other UniGear
and application of vacuum contactors across the
models: ZS1, 550 and 500R - without using an adaptor
entire range of industrial and utility installations.
panel; providing a very flexible solution.
The panel uses a magnetically actuated vacuum
It is possible for this panel to be positioned against a
contactor and it is designed specifically for motor,
wall. In fact, the switchgear does not require access
transformer and capacitor bank switching and
from the rear for the installation and maintenance
protection for rated voltages up to 12 kV and rated
procedures. All the service operations are carried out
currents up to 400 A. It provides true 400 A load
from the front. As a standard solution, it is possible to
current capability with double fuses per phase in a
connect up to two cables per phase (maximum cross -
400 mm wide panel.
section of 240 mm 2 ). The connection height of the
The vacuum contactors are capable of frequent
cables in relation to bottom of the switchgear is 600
switching with low switching overvoltages. The
mm. As an option, the surge arresters can also be
switchgear can be configured to meet the actual
located in the cable area.
process requirements. The use of fuses as the main
UniGear MCC uses ring core current transformers as
means of protection enables it to be used in
the standard solution, which are fixed onto “CT Rods”.
installations with f ault currents up to 50 kA. This unit
Sensor instruments can also be fixed on the same CT
combines maximum accessibility of all the components
rod. The UniGear MCC switchgear is fitted with all the
within the limited dimensions usually available for
interlocks and accessories needed to guarantee a high
medium voltage switchgear. The innovative integration
level of safety for equipment and personnel as well as
of the components offers a solution with extremel y
reliability for the installation.
reduced weight and footprint, allowing efficient use of
The operations on the vacuum contactor are
space in electrical installations.
performed with the front door closed.
The key feature characteristic of this unit is its
The contactor position is defined as follows:
compactness, at just 400 mm wide. It is ideally suited
for installations with a high number of contactor  Service: Contactor in operating position with
outgoing feeders or in situations where very limited earthing switch open. The contactor/cable door is
space is available. The use of the contactor unit with closed and interlocked.
fuses is preferable to the use of circuit -breakers when  Test: Contactor in the middle position with
a high number of daily operations is required. The earthing switch open. The contactor/cable door is
interrupters for use in the contactor guarantee an closed and interlocked.
extremely high number of closing and opening  Remove: Contactor in extracted position with
operations under normal load conditions and with a earthingswitch closed. Manipulation with
maximum rated short -time withstand current of 6 kA. contactor/cable door is possible (open – close).

The electrical life of the contactor is defined as being

2.3 Standards and specifications
UniGear switchgear panels comply with the standards 2.3.2. Special operating conditions
and specifications for factory -assembled, metal - The switchgear is suitable for operation in the W Da
enclosed and type tested high v oltage switchgear to type of climate according to IEC 60721 -2-1.
IEC publications 62271 -200 (2011) and 62271 -1 Special operating conditions must be discussed with
(2007). In addition, in accordance with IEC 60529, the ABB in advance. For example:
switchgear panels have the following degrees of
protection:  At site altitudes above 1000 m, the effects of the
IP 4X for the enclosure and IP 2X for the partitions. reduction in dielectric strength of the air on the
All other correspo nding IEC publications, national or insulation level must be taken into account (Figure
local safety at work regulations and safety regulations 1).
for production materials must be followed during  Increased ambient temperatures must be
erection and operation of these systems. Above and compensated in the design of the busbars and
beyond this, the order -related data from ABB must be branch conductors, otherwise the current carrying
taken into account. capacity will be limited.

Note on special climatic operating conditions:

W hen switchgear is operated in areas with high
2.4 Operating condition humidity and/ or major rapid temperatur e fluctuations,
there is a risk of dew deposits which must be excluded
2.3.1. Normal operating conditions under normal operating conditions for indoor
The switchgear is basically suitable for normal switchgear. Preventive action (e.g. suitable ventilation
operating conditions for indoor switchgear in and proper air conditioning of the building or housing,
accordance with IEC 62271-200. Among other use of dehumidifying equipment, etc.) must be taken
considerations, the following limiting values apply: into consideration with ABB to avoid this condensation
phenomenon and any resulting corrosion or other
adverse effects.
Amb i en t temp e ratu re:
Max i mu m + 40 °C
Max i mu m 24 h av era ge + 35 °C
Mi ni mu m (acc ordi ng t o “minus 5 indo or class”) - 5 °C

Amb i en t h u mi d i ty
Max i mu m 24 h av era ge of relat i v e humid it y 95 % RH
Max i mu m 24 h av era ge of wat e r v apour pressure 2. 2 k Pa
Max i mu m mont h l y av erage of r elat iv e hu mi dit y 90 % RH
Max i mu m mont h l y av erage of w at er v apour pressur e 1. 8 k Pa

The normal operational altitude is up to 1000 m above

sea level. The indoor ambient conditions are free of
F i g u re 1: Cu rve fo r d etermi n in g th e al ti tu d e facto r k in
significant pollution, such as dust , smoke, corrosive rel ati o n to th e al ti tud e H.
and/or flammable gases, vapors or salt, etc.

3. Technical data
3.1 Electrical data
I EC el ectri cal ch ar acte ri sti cs
Rat ed v olt age [ kV ] 7. 2 12
Power f requ enc y wit hst and v olt age [ kV ] 20 28
Rat ed li ght n ing w it hst and v olt a ge [ kV ] 60 75
Rat ed f requ enc y [ Hz ] 50 / 60 50 / 60
Rat ed mai n bus bar curre nt (40° C) ( 3 ) [ A ] . . . 4000 . . . 4000
Rat ed f ee der curre nt (40°C) ( 1 ) [ A ] . . . 400 . . . 400
Rat ed short - t i me wit hst a nd cur rent ( 1 ) [ k A 3s] . . . 50 . . . 50
Arc proof wit hst and c urrent [ k A 1s] . . . 50 . . . 50
T ype of const ruct ion - I nt erna l arc classif icat i on IAC AF LR IAC AF LR
( 1 ) L i m i t e d b y t he f us e s .

( 2 ) T he i n t e r na l w i t hs t a nd c ur r e n t v a l ue s a r e g ua r a n t e d o n t he b us ba r c o m pa r t m e nt ; t he s u p pl y s i d e . T he f a ul t c ur r e n t i n t he
c o nt a c t o r a nd c a b l e c o m pa r t m e n t i s l i m i t e d b y f us e s .

( 3 ) 4 0 0 0 A i s a c h i e v e d w i t h U n i G e a r Z S 1 c o m bi na t i o n.

( 4 ) 3 2 kV ( G B / D L ) .

3.2 Resistance to internal arc faults

The fault withstand capacity is as follows:
- IEC version: 50 k A x 1 s

The internal withstand values are guaranted on the

busbar compartment; the supply side. The fault in
contactor and cable compartment is limited by fuses.
The switchgear units have been tested according to
IEC 62271-200 Standards (appendix A, accessibility
type A, criteria 1 to 5).

3.3 Dimensions and weights

F i g u re 2: M ain d i men si o n s of UG M CC p an el .

Di men si o n s o f th e u n i ts Di men si o n [mm]

wit h 635 mm LV co mpart ment 2200
Heig ht wit h 735 mm LV co mpart ment A 2300
wit h 103 0 mm L V co mpart me nt 2595
gas duct wit h o ut let 2533
Heig ht of unit wit h gas d uct D
gas duct wit h t op ch i mne ys 2533
W idt h B 400
unit up t o 31. 5 k A 1340
Dept h unit up t o 40 k A C 1340
unit up t o 50 k A 1390

Un i t W ei g h t
F eeder pa ne l 380 k g

F i g u re 3: Uni t OF - O u tg o in g feed er.
1 Spindl e mecha nis m 10 Current t ransf ormer
2 Int erlock ing h and le 11 F loor cov er split
3 Eart hing swit ch l ock 12 Shut t er
4 Pressure relief f la p 13 Cont rol wiri ng d uct
5 Enclosure 14 W it hdrawabl e part
6 Branch cond uct or 15 Cable se ali ng en d
7 Part it ion – remov able 16 Cable cl a mp
8 Mono bl ock 17 Main eart hi ng bar
9 Eart hing swit ch

F i g u re 4: Examp l e o f UG M CC typ i cal u n i ts.

4. Panel design and equipment
4.1 Construction features 4.2 Typical compartments
UniGear MCC is medium voltage switchgear for indoor 4.2.1 Low voltage compartment
applications with a metal enclosure. Each cubicle is The low voltage compartment houses all the standard
divided into the following metallic segregated low voltage equipment:
compartments (Figure 5):
 Terminal boards and cables.
A - Low voltage compartment  Measurement instruments, voltage presence
B - Busbar compartment indicating system, protection relays, signalling and
C - Contactor and cable compartment operating devices on the low voltage compartment
D - Gas duct channel door.
 Cable outgoing passage interconnecting the
According to the IEC 62271-200 Standard, the cubicle panels.
switchgear is classified LSC2A -PM.
The switchgear is provided with pressure relief fla ps A wiring duct between t he various units and external
placed on the roof of the switchgear leading to a gas apparatus is installed on the side of the low voltage
duct channel. cubicle.
The cubicles are all factory -wired. Installation only
requires external power and auxiliary connections and
wiring between the various sections.

Before performing any maintenance and
replacement of spare parts, take care to
deenergise the sw itchgear.

F i g u re 5: Examp l e o f Un i G ear M CC. F i g u re 6: L ow vo l tag e co mp artmen t.

4.2.2 Busbar compartment 4.2.3 Contactor / cable compartment
The busbar compartment contains the power circuit The metal structure, provided with metallic
main busbar system. segregation on all sides, houses the following
There is a single busbar compartment along the whole components:
length of the switchgear. There is no option for busbar
partitions between the busbar compartments.  Vacuum contactor type V -contact VSC /PN.
Busbars are made of copper and have a flat cross -  Automatic earthing switch.
section for rated current up to 2500 A. For 3150 A or  Ring core current transformer type KORI DF.
4000 A main busbar rated current they have a double  Voltage presence indicator (optional).
open D-shape crosssection. Branch conductors always  Surge arrestor (optional).
have a flat cross -section. The connection between  Power cable terminals.
main busbar and branch connector is not covered by
insulating cover. Only in case where the UniGear MCC The withdrawable vacuum contactor is operated
panel is the end panel of the switchgear the insulating through the closed door by cranking from REMOVE to
cover is applied on L1 or L3 (depends if the end panel TEST and from TEST to SERVICE position.
is from left or right side).
The insulating three-pole type of monoblock in the
busbar compartment contains the contacts for
connecting the contactor.

F i g u re 7: Bu sb ar co mp artmen t. F i g u re 8: Vacu u m con tacto r.

REMOVE position SERVICE position
The withdrawable contact or is inside the panel and Next, 15 turns of the crank move the withdrawable
should be connected manually to the auxiliary voltage. part from the TEST position to the SERVICE position.
The automatic earthing switch is connected to the The contactor /cable compartment door are
cable connection and the shutter system is closed. interlocked, the automatic earthing switch is opened
The contactor/ cable door must be closed for racking and the shutter system is opened as well. The
in (Figure 9). contactor is connected to the main current path by
linear contacts (Figure 11).
The cable connection arrangement allows for cables to
be connected from the front. The connection bars are
equipped with holes for M12 screws.

F i g u re 9: Remo ve p o si tio n o f co n tacto r.

TEST position
Five turns of the crank move the withdrawable part to F i g u re 11: Servi ce p o si ti on of co n tacto r.
the TEST position. The contactor/cable compartment
door are interlocked, the automatic earthing switch is
opened and the shutter system is also opened (Figure M ax. nu mb er o f
Rated M ax. cro ss secti o n
10). p aral l el cab l es i n
vo l tag e [kV] o f cab l es [mm2]
p h ase
12 2 240

Important notice:
Connection with single-core plastic insulated cables is
assumed for a typical panel. In cases whe re there is
an atypical cable connection or special cables (e.g.
threecore cables, cables with paper or special
insulation etc.) an agreement must be reached
between the customer and manufacturer.
Using ring core current transformers that can be
accessed from the front of the panel combined with
the possibility of front -assembly of the cables makes it
possible to use UniGear MCC as a wall-standing

F i g u re 10: T est po si ti on o f co n tacto r.

4.2.4 Gas duct channel
The gas duct channel is positioned above the
switchgear and runs along its whole length.
Each power compartment is fitted with a flap on its top
surface. The pressure generated by the IAC fault
makes it open, allowing the gas to pass into the duct.
It is usually necessary to arrange for hot gases and
incadescent particles produced by the internal arc to
be evacuted from the room.
The UniGear MCC switchgear can be configured for all
requirements, either with evacuation directly at the
end of switchgear, or with front or rear solutions.
Some installations, such as marine applications, do
not allow evaquation of the gases to the outside of the
room and therefore a dedicated solution has been
realised to guarantee personnel safety and conformity
with the Standards, such as longitudinal evacuation
chimneys. Please contact ABB for further details.
The UniGear MCC switchgear uses two types of gas
duct channels:
gas duct with top chimneys (Figure 12) and gas duct
with outlet. (Figure 13).

F i g u re 12: Examp l e o f g as du ct ch an n el .

F i g u re 13: Examp l e o f g as du ct ch an n el .

4.3 Main components
4.3.1 V-contact VSC / PN vacuum contactor 4.3.2 Fuses
V-Contact VSC contactors comply with the Standards The contactor is fitted with medium voltage fuses for
of the major industrialised countries and in particular protection of the operated feeders. Coordination
with the IEC 62271 -106 (2011) Standards. between the contactor, fuses and protection unit is
V-contact VSC /PN medium voltage contactors are guaranteed in accordance with the IEC 62271-106
suitable for alternating current applications are are (2011) Standards for apparatus in class C.
usually used to control feeders which require a high The fuse-holder frame is usually preset for installation
number of operations per hour. They are suitable for of a set of two fuses per phase with average
operating and protecting motors, transformers and dimensions and type of striker, according to the
power factor correction banks. Fitted with appropriate following Standards:
fuses, they can be used in circuits with fault levels up
to 1000 MVA.  DIN 43625
 BS 2692

VSC/PN is also suitable for the installation of two BS

2692 fuses in parallel per phase. VSC contactors
cannot be used with ABB C EF-BS and BB CMF-BS
fuses. The following fuses can be applied:
 DIN type with a length of 192, 292 and 442 mm
 BS type with a length of 235, 305, 410, 454 and
553 mm

The fuse-holder frames are fitted with a device for

automatic opening when even just one fuse blows.
This same device does not allow contactor closing if
even a single fuse is missing.
The ABB range of DIN fuses for transformer protection
is called CEF, while the CMF range is for motors and

F i g u re 14: Vacu u m co n tacto r o n servi ce tru ck.

Due to their magnetic actuator, V -Contact VSC

contactors have a negligible auxiliary power
requirement in all configurations (15 W inrush – 5 W
continuous for all configurations). The V-contact
VSC/PN is available, on request, in one of the
following versions.

SCO (single command operation). Closed by

supplying auxiliary power to the special input of the
multivoltage feeder. It opens when the auxiliary power
is either voluntarily cut off (by means of a command)
or involuntarily (due to lack of auxiliar y power in the

DCO (double command operation). Closed by

supplying the closing command input of the apparatus
with a closing impulse. It is opened by supplying an
opening command impulse to the relevant input. All
configurations are suit able for 1,000,000 mechanical
For detailed information please see the relevant
technical catalogue 1VCP000165 and the installation
and service instructions 1VCD600192.

4.3.3 Ring core current transformer 4.3.4 Earthing sw itch
A low voltage current instrument transformer, without The earthing swith in the UniGear MCC panel is
primary conductor. KORI 071 DF 12 current automatically switched on or switched off according to
transformers can be assembled on the bushing with the position of the withdrawable part in the panel. The
their own insulation. earthing switch is switched on when the withdrawable
Transformers of this type enable measuring and part is in the REMOVE position (Figure 17).
protection functions and are designed for use in The earthing switch is switched off when the
indoor installations. The number of secondary withdrawable part is in the TEST position or in the
windings (1 or 2) depends on the combination of the SERVICE position or in the intermediate position
technical parameters (such as the accuracy class, (Figure 18).
load, short-circuit current and overcurrent factor) and
have the posibility to be reconnectable on the
secondary side.
The assembly procedure of the transformers on the
bushings in UniGear MCC is exactly specified (Figure
These transformers comply with IEC 61869 -1, IEC
61869-2 which have fully replaced previous standard
IEC 60044-1.
For detailed information please see the relevant
technical catalogue 1VLC000546.

F i g u re 17: Earth i ng sw i tch - sw i tch ed o n.

F i g u re 15: Cu rren t i n stru ment tran sfo rmer.

F i g u re 18: Earth i ng sw i tch - sw i tch ed o ff.

F i g u re 16: T ri ang l e po si ti on o f tran sfo rmers.

4.3.5 Ith Limiters
The sensors consist of micro -switches positioned on 4.4 Optional applications
the top of the switchgear near the gas exhaust flap of Voltage presence indicating system
the the busbar compartment. The capacitive dividers for voltage signalling are
The shock wave makes the flap open and operates the integrated in post insulators which are connected to
micro-switches connected to the shunt opening the cable connection. The low voltage side of the
release of the contactor. capacitive dividers is connected to a device containing
Reaction time is less than 15 ms. Rapid elimination of the signalling lamps for checking of concordance.
the fault, together with the metal segregation between The lights of the voltage lamps can either be steady or
compartments drastically reduces any possible flashing. Voltage valves can be supplied on request.
The centre of the switch knob of the auxiliary switch
must be adjusted to the centre of the pressure relief
flap hole.

Before handling the system connections, make
sure that the relevant line is disconnected and
cables are earthed.

F i g u re 19: I th Li mi ter.

F i g u re 21: Vol tag e p resen ce i n d i cati ng syste m.

F i g u re 20: Po si ti o n o f I th l i mi ter.
1 It h li mit er
2 Pressure rel ief f lap

4.5 Interlocks/locks
4.5.4 Keys
Earthing switch can be locked in closed position: the
key (position 5 in (Figure 22)) can be removed when
the contactor truck is in Remove position and slide
W ARNING (position 7 in (Figure 22)) is fully closed. Therefore,
The operation must be carry out by applying the contactor truck cannot be moved and thus, the
normal force (not more than 450 N), using the earthing switch remains closed.
special tools only. Earthing switch can be locked in open position: the
Should they prevent operation, do not force the key (position 6 in (Figure 22)) can be removed when
mechanical interlocks and check that the operating the contactor truck is between Test and Service
sequence is correct. position and the interlocking handle is in Test-Service
position. Therefore the earthing switch remains
4.5.1 Panel internal interlocking
To prevent hazardous situations and erroneous
operation, there is a series of interlocks to protect
both personnel and equipment.
 The withdrawable part can be put into the
REMOVE position only if all mechanical interlocks
are in the right position.
 The contactor can be only switched on when the
withdrawable part is in the REMOVE, TEST or
SERVICE position. In the intermadiate position,
the contactor is mechanically interlocked. W hen
contactors have an electrical release, the interlock
is also electrical.
 The withdrawable part can be moved from the
REMOVE position to TEST position only if the
contactor is switched off and the door is closed.
 The contactor/cable compartment door is F i g u re 22: F ron t vi ew
mechanically interlocked when the contactor is out
of the REMOVE position.
 The withdrawable part can be moved from the
TEST position to the SERVICE position only if the
contactor is switched off.
 The shutter system is mechanically interlocked
when the withdrawable part is in the REMOVE
position or the withdrawable part is out of the
 Connecting and disconnecting the control wiring
plug is only possible in the REMOVE position.

4.5.2 Door interlocking

The panels can be equipped with the following
 The contactor cannot be racked -in if the
contactor/cable door is open.
 The contactor/cable door cannot be opened if the
withdrawable part is out of the REMOVE position.

4.5.3 Locking devices

 The shutter can be secured in the open position by
padlocking when the withdrawable part is out of
the panel.
 Access to the contactor/cable compartment can be
restricted with lock or padlock.
 Access to the contactor racking slot can be
restricted with lock or padlock.
 The possibility to move the withdrawable part from
the TEST position to the REMOVE position can be
restricted with a lock.

Stan d ard safet y i n terl o cks (m an d ato ry)
L o ck Desc ri p ti o n Co n d i tio n to b e fu l fi l l ed
A Cont act or rack ing - i n/ out Cont act or op en
B Cont act or clos in g Def ine d cont act or p osit io n
A Cont act or rack ing - i n Cont act or mult i - c ont act pl ug pl ugge d
2 Cont act or mult i - c ont act pl ug
B Cont act or re mov e pos it ion
unpl ug gin g
A Eart hing sw it ch closi ng Cont act or re mov e pos it ion
B Cont act or rack ing - i n Eart hing sw it ch op en
Cont act or/ cab les
A Cont act or in re mov e posit io n
4 compart ment d oor op eni ng
B Cont act or rack ing - i n Cont act or/ cab les co mpart ment door clos ed

Ke ys (o n req u est)
Eart hing sw it ch in cl osed Key (p osit io n 5 in F ig ure 22) ca n onl y b e remov ed whe n t he co nt act or is in t he Re mov e
posit io n posit io n an d slid e is f ull y clos e d
Eart hing sw it ch in o pen Key (p osit io n 6 in F ig ure 22) ca n be re mov ed wh en t he cont act or t ruck is bet ween T est
posit io n and Serv ice pos it ion a nd t he i n t erlock ing ha ndl e is in T est - Serv ice posit ion

Pad l o cks
Apparat us c o mpart me nt door
open in g
Cabl e co mpart me nt door
open in g
N o t e : I t i s ne c e s s a r y t o us e pa d l o c ks w i t h 5 - 8 m m ha s p d i a m e t e r

L o cki n g mag n ets

9 Cont act or rack ing - i n/ out Ma gnet e nerg i zed

Door unblock
Use the unblock plate only for installation the panel
when the contactor is not inside the panel.

5. Dispatch and storage
5.1 Condition on delivery
At the time of dispatch, the UniGear panels are factory exceed 4 m. The groups must be fixed to the vehicle
assembled, the withdrawable parts are in the test by means of ropes so as to avoid any violent impact or
position and the doors are closed. The factory- tilting over in the case of sharp turns or sudden stops.
assembled panels are checked for completeness in Moreover, the vehicle must be fitted with a canvas
terms of the order and simultaneously subjected to covering the whole load. The load capacity of the
routine testing (normally without AC voltage testing of lifting equipment must guarantee proper weight
the busbars) to IEC publication 62271 -200, and are distribution.
therefore tested for correct structure and function. The If the apparatus is unloaded in the warehouse or in
busbars are not assembled. The busbar material, the installation room, the area must be at least 3 x 2
fasteners and accessories are packed separately. m wide with another area at the same level (chapter
5.6). Small differences in level can be compensated
with temporary
structures made using wooden boards. Unloading
5.2 Packing must be carried out with the utmost care using
suitable lifting equipment for the weight of each unit
Available packing methods:
group, especially in the presence of energised
 Polythene foil - storage time 1/2 year in clean and overhead lines.
dry environment.
 OSB boards - storage time 1/2 year in outdoor
environment according to IEC.
 W ood boxes - storage time 1 year in outdoor
5.4 Control on receipt
environment according to IEC.

According to the kind of transport and country of W ARNING

destination, the panels remain unpacked or are Do not put stress on the insulating parts while
packed in seaworthy crates. A drying agent is handling the cubicles.
provided to protect them against moi sture: Before performing any operation, make sure that
 Panels with basic packing or without packing. the contactor is in the open position.
 Panels with seaworthy or similar packing (including
packing for containerised shipments):
-Sealed in polyethylene sheeting. On receipt, immediately check the packing and
-Transport drying agent bags included. apparatus conditions. Open the packing (chapter 5.6),
handling with care, and check that no damage has
occurred during transport and make sure that the
nameplate data (Figure 25) corresponds to those
listed in the ABB order acknowledgement and on the
5.3 Transport bill of freight.
For shipping reas ons, the switchgear is usually Should any damage or imperfection in the delivery be
dispatched in 1000 mm-long sections. noticed, report this immediately to ABB (directly or
In case of switchgear lengths exceeding 1000 mm, through the agent or the supplier) and to the carrier
several sections must be provided and the cubicles who delivered the goods. Notification of any possible
must be coupled in the installation room. No special irregularity, even after receipt, must indicate the
devices are required, as assembly is carried out by switchgear construction year and the relevant order
aligning all the relevant sections. This equipment must acknowledgement number, which are indicated on the
be carefully checked on receipt, packed again and switchgear nameplate. The switchgear is supplied
properly stored until final installation. Please refer to complete with the accessories as specified in the
the relevant apparatus documentation for correct order form and confirmed in the order
installation. acknowledgement sent by ABB.
Each switchgear section (or unit group) is packed
according to the customer’s shipping and storage The documents enclosed in the packing are:
requirements. Each group is protected by a plastic  Adhesive labels showing the addresses and
wrap so as to avoid any water infiltration while loading product type.
and unloading and to protect each component from  This instruction manual.
dust while stored.
 The test report.
The vehicle for transporting a unit group must be fitted
 The electrical diagram.
with an anti-slip, friction-resistant loading platform no
higher than 1.5 m and the total vehicle height must not

5.5 Storage
5.4.1 Nameplate data
Note: For identification of the substation one If the apparatus has to be stored before installation,
nameplate is located on the lower door of the first unit suitable packing must be provided.
on the left side: On receipt, the switchgear must be unpacked and
checked as described in “Control on receipt” (chapter
Panel nameplate 5.2).
Note: Each panel is fitted with one panel nameplate In the case of storage, th e switchgear must be packed
which is located inside of LV compartment door (not up again using the original materials. The switchgear
visible from outside) – (Figure 25). must be stored in a dry, dust -free, noncorrosive place,
at a temperature between – 5 °C to + 45 °C and not
affected by any significant variations.
If this is not possible, store the switchgear in a well -
ventilated room, cover the apparatus with tarpaulins or
waterproof sheets (e.g. polyethylene) and provide
anti-condensation heaters. The package contains
dehydrating bags that must be replaced every six
Please do not hesitate to contact ABB for any further

F i g u re 25: UG M CC n amep l ate.

Panel nameplate
Note: Each panel is fitted with contactor nameplates
(Figure 26) which are located:
 Inside the low voltage compartment door.
 On the contactor (not visible from outside).

F i g u re 26: Vacu u m co n tacto r n amep l ate.

5.6 Handling
5.6.1 Sw itchgear
The switchgear sections are usually fixed to wooden
pallets. Handling should be carried out by overhead or
mobile cranes. Otherwise, use rollers or fork lift
trucks. W eights and dimensions of each section are
listed in the shipping documents and in the plant
drawings. Handling w ith overhead crane or mobile

crane and unpacking - Handling the sw itchgear in
the w ood packing.
The switchgear must be lifted by crane and circular
slings. The slings must be inserted according to the
lifting symbols marked on the crate. W eight and lifting
opening angle must be taken into account when
choosing the circular slings.

-Remove the nails and crate lid and sides.
-Open the compartment door and loosen the bolts
fixing the switchgear to the pallet.
-Lift the cubicles by the crane following the
instructions below.
-Remove the pallet.
-Position the unloading shims.
-Put the switchgear on the loading shims using the

After unpacking, lift the panel groups by crane (Figure

28). Use the eyebolts and the safety ropes.
After installation of the panels, remove the eyeb olts
used for lifting.
F i g u re 27: Han d li n g th e sw i tch g ear i n th e w oo d en crate.

Only use a suitable balanced lifting system.

F i g u re 28: Han d li n g b y cran e .

1 lif t ing eyeb olt

18 Handling by rollers Handling by transpallet or fork lift trucks
Lift the switchgear section by overhead or mobile To guarantee stability, the switchgear must not be
crane or using jacks; remove the wooden pallet lifted too high. Check the alignment of the forks.
loosening the screws fixing it to the switchgear
section base. Put a sturdy metal sheet between the
rollers and the panel base and place the switchgear
on the sliding rollers.

Only use rollers on a level floor. Move the Only use transpallets or fork lift trucks on a level
sw itchgear section avoiding any possible tilting. floor. Move the sw itchgear section avoiding any

Move the sw itchgear section very slow ly and do
not brake suddenly. Quick movements and sudden
breaking lead to the unit toppling over.

F i g u re 30: Li fti ng sw i tchg ear p acked i n a w oo d en crate.

5.6.2 Apparatus
F i g u re 29: Han d li n g b y ro l l ers. The apparatus can be handled by cranes, fork lift
trucks or using the truck provided by ABB. For each
piece of apparatus follow the instructions below.

 While handling do not put any stress on the
insulating parts and on the apparatus
 Before handling the apparatus, make sure th at
the operating mechanism springs are
discharged and that the apparatus is in the
open position.

19 Handling by crane
 Insert the lifting plates, detail 1.
 Lift. W ARNING
 After the unpacking and lifting operations, remove Do not use the service truck for any purpose other
the lifting accessories. than handling ABB’s apparatus.
Fix the contactor to the truck before moving it.
Please pay attention to safety instruction and
handle the service truck carefully. Avoid the risk of

F i g u re 31: M ou n tin g th e l iftin g eq ui p men t.

F i g u re 32: Co n tacto r on servi ce tru ck. Handling by fork-lift trucks
Handling by fork-lift trucks can be carried out only
after the apparatus has been positioned on a sturdy Further w arnings
support. W hile handling, pay the utmost attention not W hen moving the switchgear on cylinders always put
to put any stress on the insulating parts or on the the cylinders collinear (in parallel) with the front side
circuit-breaker terminals. of the switchgear and always keep the switchgear in
the vertical position!

Do not insert the truck forks straight underneath
the apparatus but put the apparatus on a sturdy
support. Handling by service truck Do not try to open the cable or the circuit -breaker
For handling and inserting the apparatus into the compartment doors, close the earthing switch or
switchgear, use the service truck . withdraw the circuit breaker if an auxiliary voltage is
In order to handle th e contactor with the relevant not connected to the switchgear! Do not step on the
truck, follow the instructions below: pressure relief flaps!

 Press the handles 2 towards the circuit -breaker

centre (*) to insert the horizontal check pins.
 Put the contactor on the truck 1.
 Push the contactor towards the contactor
compartment and i nsert the truck into the guides
until the handles 2 are released (**) outwards and
the horizontal locking pins go into the slots,
locking the contactor.

6. Assembly of the switchgear at site
6.1 General
Di men si o n ch art o f stru ctu ral d ata - p an el s 7. 2/ 12 kV
Correct installation is of paramount importance. The
Panel w idt h F T [ mm] 650 800 1000
instructions provided by the manufacturer must be
thoroughly studied and followed. Aisle wi dt h (1) G [ mm] 1450 1600 1800
Installation must be carried out either by ABB Swit chge ar roo m do or widt h [ mm] 850 1000 1200
personnel or by suitably qualified and skilled customer Swit chge ar roo m do or he ight
[ mm] 2400 2400 2400
personnel. All necessary personal protection devices (2)
must be used. O p en i ng in cei l ni n g i f tran spo rted th ro u gh ro of:
W idt h [ mm] 1000 1000 1200
Lengt h [ mm] 1500 1500 1500
Ceil ing l oa d (3) [ k g/ m2] 1200 1400 1400
W ARNING 1 ) P a y a t t e n t i o n t o a p p r o p r i a t e na t i o na l s t a nd a r d s .
Do not stand or w alk on the sw itchgear. 2 ) A p p l i e s t o l o w v o l t a ge c o m pa r t m e nt s o f s t a nd a r d he i g ht .
3 ) A p pr o x i m a t e n um be r s d e pe nd i n g o n t he t y pe o f pa ne l s .

6.2 Foundations 6.2.1. Installation Method A – Installation on C

profile for concrete floor.
There are three main methods of installing switchgear The general foundation drawing is shown in following
in the switchroom: figures according to the specifications of the units.
Installation Method A – Installation on C profile for  The “C” profile iron bases can be supplied by ABB
concrete floor. together with the switchgear. Their installation is
As standard, it is recommended that the switchgear is usually carried out by personnel on site and
installed on iron bases with a “C” profile set into the should, if possible, be performed under
concrete floor of the switchroom. In this case, the supervision of an ABB specialist. The iron bases
units are secured in p osition using special bolt blocks must be installed in the slab before finishing the
(provided by ABB on request). floor.
 Locate the iron bases in the spe cified position on
Installation method B – Installation on anchoring the concrete floor, as shown in the relevant
bolts. foundation drawing, and mark out the places for
Installation directly on a levelled concrete floor makes drilling holes. Then drill the holes for anchoring
much higher demands on the need for floor levelling, bolts, i.e. for plugs 14 for fixing the iron bases
which must fulfil t he same tolerances as the iron irons into the floor. Then put the plugs i n the holes
bases used in method A. The units are secured in and attach the iron bases to the floor loosely with
position by anchoring bolts in the concrete floor. bolts 13, without final tightening so that any
required levelling is possible.
Installation method C – Installation on bolts for  Carefully level the iron bases both longitudinall y
raised floor. and transversally over the entire length and to the
In this case, the units are secured in position by correct height by putting shims of suitable
welding outside panels to the steel floor frame in thickness under them and using a levelling
places where the frame is larger than the switchgear instrument.
base, i.e. on the outside lateral walls of the unit row.
Tolerances for laying the floor frame
Generally, the following procedure for switchgear Evenness tolerance: ± 1 mm over a measuring length
anchoring is recommended, especially for the of 1 m.
installation methods mentioned above: Straightness tolerance: 1 mm per 1 m, but not more
than 3 mm over the entire length of the frame.
1. The switchgear panels are bolted together at the
front and rear to make one unit  After levelling the iron bases, tighten bolts 13. The
2. Structural data guidelines make it possible to correct position of the iron bases on the concrete
estimate the space required in order to design a floor must not be moved during this operation!
room plan for a switchgear project. Check again and, if necessary, correct an y
W hen the final building construction plans are created  W eld individual parts of the iron bases together
it is vital to take into account the essential criteria inside the “C” profile at the seams so that there is
provided by ABB for each particular case! a mutual conductive connection.
 Take any necessary measures for perfect earthing
of the iron bases with galvanized steel strips with
minimum dimensions of 30 x 4 mm. Tw o earthing
connections are recommended for a panel ro w
longer than approx. 5 panels.
 W hen the floor top covering is applied, carefully
backfill the floor frame, leaving no gaps. The top
edge of the floor frame should be 2 mm above the
finished floor surface; the tolerance of this value is

within the limits of 0 to 5 mm. This facilitates holes, use a hammer drill with a bit appropriate to
erection and alignment of the switchgear panels. In the steel plugs used.
some cases, this means that the material thickness  Insert the plugs in the holes and position the
of an additional floor covering to be fitted later individual panels on the traced perimeters of the
must be taken into account separately. units to create the switchgear.
 The iron bases must not be subjected to any  Level the units and then bolt them together at the
harmful impact or pre ssure, particularly during the front and rear.
installation phase. If these conditions are not  Fix the units with bolts with special washers (the
respected, problems during assembly of the coupling material is supplied on request).
switchgear and possibly with movement of the
withdrawable parts, as well as opening and closing
of the doors cannot be ruled out.
6.2.3 . Installation method C – Installation on bolts
Attachment of the units to the “C” shaped iron for raised floor.
bases The general foundation drawing is shown in following
The switchgear is attached to the iron bases by figures according to the specification of the units. In
special bolt blocks, which can be supplied on request. most cases, the floating floor is created by a steel
structure in which the welded steel frame is installed.
 Place the individual units of the switchgear in A frame produced using suitable steel profiles is used.
successive steps onto correctly levelled and ABB does not supply this frame.
installed iron bases and level them according to
the relevant foundation drawings.  Clean the installation area.
 Level the units and then bolt them together at the  After installation of the frame, take any necessar y
front and rear. measures for perfect earthing of the frame with
 To attach them to the iron bases, insert specially galvanized steel strips with min. dimensions 30 x 4
prepared bolt blocks in the fixing holes in the mm. Two earthing connections are recommended
bottom of the units and tighten them. for a panel row longer than approx. 5 panels.
 Position the units on the frame according to the
relevant foundation drawings, taking the minimum
wall and obstacle clearance s into account.
6.2.2. Installation method B – Installation on  Level the units and then bolt them together at the
anchoring bolts. front and rear.
The general foundation drawing is shown in following  Carry out the attachment by welding the outside
figures according to the specification of the units. panels to the steel floor frame in the places where
 Clean the switchgear installation area carefully. the frame projects out from the switchgear base,
i.e. on the outside late ral walls of the unit row.
 On the slab, visibly trace the perimeter of all the
This method of installation is not recommended if
units making up the switchgear according to the
seismic resistance is required.
relevant drawing, taking the minimum wall and
obstacle clearances into account.  W here a metal floor is used, use the attachment
method according to the following figures. To make
 Level the floor both longitudinally and
the holes, use a drill with a suitable bit for t he type
transversally, evenness tolerance is ± 1m m over a
of fixing to be made (through or threaded hole).
measuring length of 1 m.
 Drill the floor at the indicated fixing points,
referring to the slab drilling drawings. To make the

F i g u re 35: Examp l e o f Uni G ear M CC 7. 2 kV, 31. 5 k A o n fo un d ati o n frame o n co n crete fl oo r.
A Dept h of MCC pa ne l (T ypical d ept h is 13 40 mm)
FT Panel w idt h (4 00 mm)
1 O perat or aisl e
2 Heig ht of cable b ase – as req ui red
3 Concret e
4 O penin g f or pow er cabl es
5 Door
6 W all openi ng f or pressur e
7 Pressure rel ief duct
1) Mi n. di mens io ns .
2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied in t he doc ument at i on f or t he relev ant order.

F i g u re 36: Examp l e o f Uni G ear M CC 7. 2 kV, 40 k A o n fo u nd ati o n frame o n con crete fl o or.
A Dept h of MCC pa ne l (T ypical d ept h is 13 40 mm)
FT Panel w idt h (4 00 mm)
1 O perat or aisl e
2 Heig ht of cable b ase – as req ui red
3 Concret e
4 O penin g f or pow er cabl es
5 Door
6 W all openi ng f or pressur e reli ef
7 Pressure rel ief duct
1) Mi n. di mens io ns.
2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied in t he doc ument at i on f or t he relev ant order .

F i g u re 37: Examp l e o f Uni G ear M CC 7. 2 kV, 40 k A o n fo u nd ati o n frame o n con crete fl o or.
A Dept h of MCC pa ne l (T ypical d ept h is 134 0 mm)
FT Panel w idt h (4 00 mm)
1 O perat or aisl e
2 Heig ht of cable b ase – as req ui red
3 Concret e
4 O penin g f or po w er cabl es
5 Door
6 W all openi ng f or pressur e reli ef
7 Pressure rel ief duct
1) Mi n. di mens io ns.
2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied in t he doc ument at i on f or t he relev ant order.

F i g u re 38: Gu i d eli n e stru ctu ral d ata
C Panel d ept h w it h cont act or VS C/ P N inclu din g co mb inat i on of pane l up t o 40 k A – 1340 mm
and p ane l f or 50 k A - 1390 mm
G W idt h of operat ion ais le
FT Panel w idt h
TB Door wi dt h = FT + 200 mm
TH Door he ight = pa nel h eig ht + 200 mm
1 Door
2 Rear cov er
3 Side en d cov er
4 Scr ew
5 St eel dow el
1) Mi n. di mens io ns.
2) Di mens ion must b e v erif ied in t he doc ument at i on f or t he relev ant order.

F i g u re 39: Un iG ear M CC p anel 7, 2 kV, 31, 5 k A / 40 k A. A) An ch o ri n g b o l ts B) C p ro fil e fo r co n crete fl o o r.

F i g u re 40: Un iG ear M CC p anel 7, 2 kV, 50 k A. A) An ch o ri n g b ol ts B) C p ro fi l e fo r con crete fl o o r.

F i g u re 41: An ch o ri n g b o l ts F i g u re 43: Th ro u gh ho l e on metal stru ctu re.

F i g u re 42: C p ro fi l e fo r con crete fl o o r F i g u re 44: Th read ed h o l e o n metal stru ctu re.

6.3 Assembly of the switchgear panels
6.3.2. Coupling cubicles
Use screws of tensile class 8.8. The tightening
W ARNING torques for the busbar screw connections with dished
Installation must be carry out either by ABB washer are as follows:
personnel or by suitably qualified skilled
customer personnel w ith in-depth know ledge of
sw itchgear installation. T i g h teni n g to rqu es fo r co p p er b ars o r co mb i n ed bu sb ar
co n n ecti o n s
M ax. reco mmen d ed ti g h teni ng to rq u e Nm ( 1 )
T h read ( 2 )
6.3.1. Checking connections and contact surfaces W it hout (ƞ=0. 14) O il of grease (ƞ= 0. 10)
The switchgear room must be clean, dry and complete
M5 ( 3 ) 2. 5 -
with all the necessary fixtures and fittings (cable (3)
duct, gas outlets etc.). Moreover: M6 10 8
M8 25 20
 Make sure that the switchgear units are clean and
M1 0 50 40
not damaged or deformed by any possible impact
during shipping or storage. M1 2 85 69
 Make sure that the connection connectors are M1 6 200 170
clean and not deformed.
 Make sure that the circuit -breaker auxiliary
T i g h t. to rqu es fo r co p p er b ar co n n ecti o n s co mb in ed w ith
contacts and the three-position disconnector
ep o xy i n su l ato rs
monoblocks are clean and not deformed by any
possible impact during shipping or storage. M ax. reco mmen d ed ti g h teni ng to rq u e Nm ( 1 )
T h read ( 2 )
 Make sure that the contact surfaces of the W it hout (ƞ=0. 14) O il of grease (ƞ= 0. 10)
earthing busbar connections are perfectly flat, M8 15 12
without any burrs, oxidation traces or M1 0 32 26
deformations caused by po ssible impacts.
M1 2 45 36
 Choose the conductor section according to the
rated normal current and to the short -circuit M1 6 110 90
current of the apparatus. M2 0 220 180

a) Connection surface treatment

The connections are made either of bare copper or of T i g h t. to rqu es fo r co p p er b ar co n n ecti o n s co mb in ed w ith
silverplated copper. The surface treatment must have
a constant, uniform thickness. M ax. reco mmen d ed ti g h teni ng to rq u e Nm ( 1 )
T h read ( 2 )
W it hout (ƞ=0. 14) O il of grease (ƞ= 0. 10)
b) Mounting procedures M1 2 70 57
Carry out the following operations:
 Make sure that the connection contact surfaces T i g h t. to rqu es fo r co p p er b ar o r cab l e co n n ecti o n s
are perfectly flat, without any burrs, oxidation co mb i n ed w ith AB B VT s
traces or deformations caused by possible d rilling
M ax. reco mmen d ed ti g h teni ng to rq u e Nm ( 1 )
or impacts. T h read ( 2 )
W it hout (ƞ=0. 14) O il of grease (ƞ= 0. 10)
 Perform the operations shown in the table below
on the conductor contact surface. M1 0 20 16
 Silver-plated copper conductor.
 Clean by means of a fine file or emery cloth.
T i g h teni n g to rqu es fo r co p p er co n tact p i n s in si d e ep o xy
 Fully tighten. sp o u t
M ax. reco mmen d ed ti g h teni ng to rq u e Nm ( 1 )
c) Copper conductor T h read ( 2 )
W it hout (ƞ=0. 14) O il of grease (ƞ= 0. 10)
 Clean by means of a rough, dry cloth. M1 0 46 37
 Only in the case of tough oxidation traces, clean
M2 0 250 200
with a very fine emery cloth, taking care not to
N o t e : T h r e a d a nd he a d c o n t a c t s u r f a c e l u br i c a t e d .
remove the surface layer.
 Should it be necessary to carry out another ( 1 ) T he r e c o m m e nd e d m a x i m um t i g ht e n i n g t o r q ue s a r e ba s e d o n a
c o e f f i c i e nt o f f r i c t i o n f o r t he t hr e a d o f 0 . 1 4 ( w i t ho u t l u br i c a t i o n ) o r
surface treatment, please contact ABB. 0 . 1 0 ( w i t h l u b r i c a t i o n) .
( 2 ) T he t i g ht e n i n g t o r que s a r e r e c o m m e nd e d f o r s c r e w s IS O 4 0 1 4 -
4 0 1 8 a nd IS O 4 7 6 2 ( t e ns i l e c l a s s 8 . 8 ) . If us i n g o t he r t y pe s o f s c r e w s
pl e a s e c o nt a c t A B B f o r c l a r i f i c a t i o n .
( 3 ) A pp l i c a b l e o n l y f o r f i x i n g o f s u b s i d i a r y c o v e r s o r t e r m i na l
c o n ne c t i o ns .

Any tightening torques which deviate from those in 6.3.4 Primary earthing busbar
the general table (e.g. for the contact systems or All the switchgear cubicles are equipped with a copper
device terminals) must be ta ken into account as stated base earthing busbar with a 252 mm 2 - section up to
in the detailed technical documentation. It is 31,5 kA and with 400 mm 2 up to 50 kA.
recommended that the threads and head contact The earthing busbar joints must be connected to the
surfaces of bolts be lightly oiled or greased, so as to coupling points of the switchgear unit groups,
achieve a precise rated tightening torque (column oil removing any oxidation traces from the busbar contact
or grease in table). surface beforehand by means of an emery cloth.
The cubicles to be coupled must be positioned on the The earthing busbar runs longitudinally along the rear
foundation layout and lined up; they must be fixed b y bottom part of the whole switchgear. The screws and
means of screws. bolts must be tightened to the prescribed torque value
to prevent any loosening due to operational vibrations.

6.3.3. Positioning the cubicles

Follow these steps: 6.3.5 Auxiliary circuit connection
After fixing and coupling the switchgear cubicle
 Lift the cubicle groups and place them on the groups, connect the auxiliary interconnections. The
foundation layout. auxiliary connection wires, fitted with female faston
 Fix the central cubicle group to the foundations, terminals and detached from the terminal box of the
according to the foundation system selected. coupling cubicle, are rolled up and temporarily placed
 Check that the side cubicle group alignment is next to the cubicle. Each terminal shown has th e
correct and couple them to the central cubicle indication for connection of the wires between the
group and finally fix them to the foundations. various cubicles.

In order to find the precise positions, note where the
screws are located in the cubicles already coupled in
the factory.
In case of any query, please do not hesitate to contact
the ABB Customer Service Department.

Should it be necessary to dis mantle any central
cubicles, contact the ABB Customer Service

It is advisable to draw a line parallel to the switchgear

front and keep a constant distance from this line while
positioning and fixing the units to guarantee correct
alignment of the different sections. The various
sections must be fixed to the floor starting either from
the central section or from the switchgear central
cubicles and then proceeding to the side cubicles.
After positioning the first group of cubicles, the
following groups must be positioned and lined up as
described above.

6.4 Fixing of the panels
Fit and screw down the side covers. The junction points where the panels should be fix are
Align the switchgear panels on the floor frame for as follows:
correct positioning and vertical alignment (deviations
of the panel edges from the vertical must not exceed 2  Nr.6 in the front side (A-B-C-D-E-F).
mm, especially at the front) and bolt the panels  Nr.4 in the middle part (L-M-N-O).
together (Figure 45). It is advisable to start from the  Nr.5 in the rear side (G-H-I-J-K).
centre when assembling swit chgear with more than 10
panels. The nuts are already fixed on the right side of the
panel (except in the middle part); on the left side there
is the an empty space where the screws are to be
fixed. The screws needed are 10 x 30 screws
(complete with M10 washer).

F i g u re 45: Vi ew o n th e fi xin g p o in ts.

6.5 Installation of the busbars
6.5.1. Busbar connections
Preparation of the material.
1. Clean the insulation on the busbar sections with a
soft, dry cloth, and check for any insulation
damage. Remove greasy or adhesive dirt.
2. Busbar connections:
-The silver-plated surfaces of the connections
must be cleaned with a metal -free non-woven
cleaning cloth and thinly and evenly coated with
SYN-setral-EK 339.
-The non silver-plated surfaces of the connections
are either brushed with a wire brush, preserving
the grease film, or cleaned with a metal -free non-
woven cleaning cloth and evenly greased wi th a
thin coat of SYN-setral-EK 339.
3. Apply insulating covers on end panels.

Busbar installation F i g u re 47: Asse mb l y o f mai n b u sb ars – 1600 A, 20 00 A,

Install the busbars panel by panel according to the 2500 A.
switchgear ratings - Screw on the individual busbar
elements one above the other (depending on the
system layout) and in line with the flat branch

For rated current up to 2500 A the busbars have a flat
cross section, for 3150 A and 4000 A the busbars
have a double open D -shaped cross section. Branch
conductors always have a flat cross section.

For the tightening torque (chapter 6.3) use two dished

washers for each screw. Use screws of tensile class
For 7.2 kV the busbars are bare (without insulation)
and fitted with covers only on the end set.

Busbar access
Access to the busbar compartment is possible from
the top of the panel afer dismounting the pressure
relief plate befor mounting the gas duct. F i g u re 48: Asse mb l y o f mai n b u sb ars – 3150 A.

F i g u re 46: Asse mb l y o f mai n b u sb ars - 1250 A. F i g u re 49: Asse mb l y o f mai n b u sb ars – 4000 A.

6.6 Pressure relief ducts
The pressure relief duct is supplied dismantle d in Note:
single components. The rear and front wall For any queries or special installation needs do not
correspond, as far as length is concerned, with the hesitate to contact ABB.
appropriate panel width. There is a possibility to
mount one pressure relief duct on each pair of panels.
6.6.2 Gas duct w ith outlet
The screw fixing material is contained in the “p ressure Once the panels are bolted up, and busbars are
relief duct” set of bags. Rivet nuts are already installed, it is possible to start fixing the gas duct on
provided in the metal sheets. the top of the switchgear. Every panel has three fixing
Detailed instructions for gas exhaust duct assembly points in the front part (Figure 50) and four fixing
are described in document Assembly manual points on the rear part (Figure 51).

6.6.1. Releasing the gas overpressure due to an

internal arc

 Do not access the gas exhaust duct outlets with
the sw itchgear energised.
 Do not install any apparatus in the gas exhaust
area w hich has not been provided by ABB.
 Do not w alk on the switchgear.

The highly unlikely event of an internal arc in

switchgear generates overpressures in the related
compartment with consequent outlet of hot gases and
F i g u re 50: Fi xi n g p oi n ts on th e fro n t
particles of material. This outlet must be suitably
controlled in order to protect people and objects from
any injury or damage.
Evacuation of the gases from the switchgear takes
place in different ways according to the specific site
installation. In the upper part of the switchgear the
standard arc-proof version features a duct for
collecting and conveying internal arc gases.
The duct ends are extended to safeguard operators
working either on the front of the switchgear or on the
accessible sides. This configuration complies with IEC
62271- 200 Standards, Annex A.
In cases where a gas duct with outlet is used, the duct
will onvey the exhaust gases either towards rooms
accessible to personnel or other apparatus / plant, the
duct end must be extended so as to convey the gases
externally to a safe area.
The duct extensions must be made using metallic
sheet capable of withstanding a minimum pressure of F i g u re 51: Fi xi n g p oi n ts on th e rear
60 kPa, with a cross -section of at least the same size
as the existing duct section and, (only if necessary)
with curves suitably supported and of the largest
possible radius.
The best solutio n for preventing deposit of gases and
overpressures inside the installation room is to extend
the duct outside (laterally or upwards). In this case,
utmost attentiom must be paid to the access to the
gas outlet area with protection of the external outlet t o
prevent ingress of water, dust, animals or other
foreign bodies.
W here a gas duct with top chimneys is used there are
no side exits, and the exhaust gases pass out from
the duct through the chimneys located on the top part
of the gas duct inside the in stallation room.
Both solutions complies with IEC 62271 -200
Standards, Annex A.

6.6.3 Gas duct w ith top chimneys
In order to mount the gas duct with top chimneys
please follow the appropriate instructions.
The difference bet ween the two solutions is that in
this case there are no side exits, but the gas
generated from an internal the arc exits from the duct
through the top chimneys located on the top part of
the gas duct on each panel.
On the top of the gas duct there is on e opening; for
opening the perforated metal plate must be fixed with
8 spacers (Figure 52).

F i g u re 52: G as du ct w i th top ch i men ys.

6.7 Cable connection 6.8 Final erection work

 Check painted areas of the switchgear for possible

damage and touch up where required.
 Before w orking on the sw itchgear terminals  Check bolt connections, in particular all those
make sure that the cables are earthed. And that made during the on -site erection of the busbars
the w ithdrawable part with contactor is out of and earthing system. Tighten if required.
the panel.  Thoroughly clean the switchgear.
 Follow the instructions from the terminal  Remove all foreign bodies from the panels.
manufacturer to make the connections.  Correctly replace all coverings, etc. removed
 All components removed (ins ulation covers during erection and connection.
etc.) must be remounted in their original  In the enclosure, any remaining openings must be
position. closed if they are no longer needed.
 Operationally moveable parts for ease of motion, if
The feeder cubicle terminals are provided for cable necessary relubricate with SYN-setral-EK 339.
connection. The cubicle incoming cables must be
locked and fixed to the switchgear frame so as to
safeguard the terminals against any mechanical
stresses. Depending on the cable type (section,
insulation, terminal type, etc.) 1 or 2 cables per phase
can be connected in parallel to the switchgear (see
part 4.2.3).

Follow the instructions provided by the terminal
manufacturer for the mechanical and electrical
distances between cables.
A [m m] B [mm]
St andard UG MCC p an el 566 328

F i g u re 53: Di men si o n s o f cab l e co n n ecti on in stan d ard MCC p an el .

D St andard pan el de pt h is 13 90 mm – ho wev er alwa ys co nsi der a nnot at i on 1)
1 Cabl e cla mp
2 Cabl e con nect io n bar
1) Di mens ion must b e v eri f ied acc ordin g t o t he relev ant order d o cument at io n.

7. Operation of the switchgear
7.1 Remove position
The REMOVE position is the basic position of UniGear
MCC switchgear. The earthing switch is swithched on,
the cable connection is earthed and the shutter
system is closed and mechanically interlocked against
Before insertion of the withdrawable part into the
switchgear it is necessary to check the position of the
main interlocking shaft (Figure 54).
W hen the main interlocking shaft is in the position
(Figure 54), the withdrawable part with c ontactor can
be put into the REMOVE position by means of the
service truck. The withdrawable part is fixed to
sidewalls by means of mechanical pins located on the
withdrawable part (Figure 55), (Figure 56).
The mechanical pins must be fixed in rectangular
holes in the left and right sidewalls.
Subsequently it is necessary to connect the flexible
control wiring plug to the bottom of the contactor and F i g u re 56: M ech an i cal pi n o n th e w i th d raw ab l e p art.
fix it in position with the fixing spring (Figure 58).
For the movement of the withdrawable part the
contactor/cable door must be closed.

Important notice:
Please check the position of the interlocking handle
on the door. The interlocking handle must be in the
REMOVE position (Figure 62). Otherwise the
contactor/cable door cannot be closed.
W hen closing the door, please push the top and
bottom right corner of the door.

F i g u re 57: Rectan g u l ar h ol e fo r mech an i cal p i n .

F i g u re 54: M ai n i n terl o cki ng sh aft.

F i g u re 58: Fi xi n g sp ri n g

F i g u re 55: M ech an i cal pi n o n th e w i th d raw ab l e p art.

The movement of the withdrawable part from the
REMOVE to the TEST position and vice versa can be 7.2 Test position
done only through the closed door of the The TEST position is the second position of the
contactor/cable compartment. withdrawable part in the UniGear MCC switchgear.
Before inserting the hand crank it is necessary to The earthing switch is switched off, the cable
open the hole for it – turn the slide by means of the connection is not earthed and the shutter is open. The
key (Figure 60). contactor/cable door is interlocked against opening.
Movement of the withdrawable part between the The contactor can be electrically tested in this
REMOVE position and the TEST position, clockwise position.
up to the stop to the TEST position and anticlockwise
for the REMOVE position (5 turns) – (Figure 61).

7.3 Service position

The contactor must be switched off before it is moved
from the TEST position to the SERVICE position.
The interlocking handle must be moved into the
SERVICE position before the movement of the
withdrawable part between the TEST position and the
SERVICE position (Figure 62).
Movement of the withdrawable part between the TEST
position and the SERVICE position, clockwise up to
the stop to the SERVICE position and anticlockwise
for the TEST position (15 turns).
The withdrawable part with the contactor is connected
to the fixed contact of the UniGear MCC in the

Important notice:
The movement of the withdrawable part from one
position to other shall be always fully finished,
especially between the REMOVE and the TEST
F i g u re 59: In terl o cki n g h an d le. position.

F i g u re 60: Cl o sed and op en ed h ol e fo r h and cran k.

F i g u re 62: Servi ce p o si ti on .

F i g u re 61: M o vemen t o f th e w ith d raw ab l e p art.

7.4 Emergency operation
In case of any unpredictable problems is neccesary to
move the withdrawable part with the contactor is
moved to the REMOVE position. If it not possible to do
this due to the contactor being switched on then the
contactor must be switched off. If this cann ot be done
electrically than it is necessary do it manually using
the special tool (Figure 63). Unscrew the screw on the
compartment/cable door. Insert a special tool and
rotate it clock-wise.

Before any emergen cy operation, make sure that
the relevant line is disconnected and cables are F i g u re 64: Emerg en c y d o o r op en i n g

In cases where the withdrawable part with contactor is

inside the panel but the doors need to opened due to 7.5 Door closing
some unexpected problems than is necessary to
ensure: Please push when closing door – see the label on the
pictures below:
 The upstream circuit breaker is disconnected.
 Cable earthing.

W hen the above mentioned conditions are fulfilled,

insert a suitable screwdriver into the hole on the
compartment/cable door (Figure 64). Press the
screwdriver and ope n the door handle.

F i g u re 65: Pu sh w h en cl o si ng d oo r.

F i g u re 63: Sp eci al to o l fo r sw itch o ff th e co ntacto r.

8. Commissioning
The switchgear is shipped finished and checked.
Before putting the switchgear into service, all the 8.2 Measurements and tests
apparatus installed must be checked and tested as Tests at site are mandatory prior energization of the
prescribed below. Test extent and test methods are switchgear.
given by international standards, local regulations a nd The main purpose of site tests in general is to make
manufacturer recommendations. sure the switchgear is ready for energization, n ot to
Further procedures are to be established by the plant repeat the factory testing and confirm the factory
technical manager. results.
For manufacturer’s recommendation of test scope and
method please contact ABB Service Department. After
performing the tests, make sure that all normal service
conditions are restored.
All operations for putting into service must be
carried out either by ABB personnel or by ABB
trained personnel.
Should the oper ations be prevented, do not force W ARNING
the mechanical interlocks but make sure that the The check is only successful if all the above tests
operating sequence is correct. have been passed successfully.
If the inspection gives negative results, do not put
the apparatus into service but, if necessary,
8.1 Preliminary operations contact the ABB Customer Service Department.
Only energise the sw itchgear w ith all
disconnectors in the OFF position and with the
circuit-breaker open.
 Make sure there is no evident damage and remove
any foreign bodies (such as tools or test
connections forgotten during installation);
 Make sure that both the internal metal
segregations (if supplied) and the external closing
panels are present.
 Make sure that any insulating barriers or hoods
previously removed have been remounted.
 Check connection tightness (see table in par.
5.6.2.) and power circuit continuity.
 Make sure that the sheets have been properly
mounted and have not been deformed.
 Make sure that all the metallic frame screws have
been properly tightened.
 Thoroughly clean the sheets and the insulating
components by means of brushes and clean, dry
cloths. Avoid any compressed air blasts unless
these are dry and free of lubricating-oil.
 Remove dust and dirt from any air vent grid and
ventilation ducts.
 Check tightness and co ntinuity of the switchgear
earthing busbar as well as the earthing connection.
 Make sure that the contactor vacuum interrupters
have not been accidentally damaged.
 Feed the auxiliary circuits.
 Make sure that the value of the circuit power
supply ranges bet ween 85% and 110% of the
apparatus rated voltage value. If all the above
tests are successful, carry out the inspection and
testing procedures (chapter 8.2).

Should any problem arise, please do not hesitate to
contact the ABB Quality Department.

9. Maintenance
9.1 General
individual switchgear, in accordance with all relevant
IEC safety regulations and those of other technical
Warning: Alw ays follow 7 safety steps. authorities, and with other overriding instructions. It is
recommended that ABB service personnel be called in
 Clearly identify the w ork locat ion. to perform the servicing and repair work detailed
 Disconnect and secure against reconnection. below.
 Protect against any other live parts. The inspection and servicing intervals for some of the
 Take special precautions w hen close to bare equipment/components (e.g. parts subjects to wear)
conductors. are determined by fixed criteria, suc h as switching
 Check the installation is dead. frequency, length of service and number of short -
 Carry out earthing and short circuiting. circuit breaking operations. On the other hand, for
 Issue a permit to w ork. other parts the length of the intervals may depend, for
example, on the different modes of operation in
Maintenance preserves trouble -free operation and individual cases, the degree of load ing, and also
helps achieve the longest possible working life of the environmental influences (including pollution and
switchgear. It comprises the following closely related aggressive atmospheres).
activities: The operating instructions of V -contact VSC/PN
contactor must also be followed.
Inspection: Determination of the actual condition. If necessary, further details can be taken from the
Servicing: Measures to prese rve the specified technical documentation for the switchgear installation
condition. (including, for example, any special operating
Repair: Measures to restore the specified condition. conditions).
Intervals for inspection and repairs
Time intervals for maintenance work to be carried out
always depend on the operating conditions of the
W hen carrying out all maintenance work, the
switchgear, and mainly on the mode of operation, the
regulations in the country of installation must be
number of rated and short -circuit current switching
strictly complied with. Maintenance work may only be
operations, ambient temperature, pollution etc. W e
performed in a careful manner by qualified competent
recommend carrying out the maintenance work at the
personnel familiar with the characteristics of the
following intervals:

Ac ti vi t y p erfo rmed Ac co rd i n g to secti o n T i me i n terval i n year s Ac co rd i n g to n u mb er o f sw itch i n g o p erati o n s

Insp ect io n 9. 2 4(1) As require d ( 3 )
Serv icing 9. 3 4(2) As require d ( 3 )
Repa ir 9. 4 As require d As require d
( 1 ) I n m o r e d e m a nd i n g s e r v i c e c o n d i t i o ns , w e r e c o m m e nd r e d uc i n g t h i s i nt e r v a l s u i t a b l y.
( 2 ) A c c o r d i n g t o t he r e s u l t s o f t he i ns pe c t i o n.
( 3 ) S e e t he i ns t r uc t i o n m a n ua l s o f t he s w i t c hi n g d e v i c e .

9.2 Inspection
W here necessary, the working area must be isolated  Surfaces of the contact systems.
and secured against reconnection in accordance with
the Safety Regulations specified by IEC and However, inspection must also include correct
appropriate national standards before inspection. mechanical / electrical operation of the followin g
Correct condition of the switchgear should be parts: switching devices, actuating, interlocking,
monitored by regular inspections. protection and signalling devices.
Under normal operating conditions, inspection should
be carried out once every four years by qualified
competent electricians. Under abnormal operating
conditions (including adverse climatic conditions) Caution
and/or special environmenta l stresses (heavy pollution With regard to the sw itching devices, their
and aggressive atmosphere, among others), individual instruction manuals should be follow ed.
inspection may be necessary at shorter intervals.
Inspection is primarily to carry out a visual check for
grime, corrosion and moisture:
 Effects of high temperature on the main circuit s.
 Traces of partial discharge on the insulating
material parts.
 Traces of leakage current on the insulating
material parts.

9.3 Servicing
W hen, during an inspection (chapter 9.2), the need to  Remove any dust deposits using a dry cloth that
carry out cleaning operations is noted, proceed as does not leave any deposits on the treated
follows: surfaces (do not us e woollen cloths).
 If necessary, grease the mechanical moving parts
 W here necessary, the work area must be
by applying a thin layer of mechanical grease.
disconnected and locked against reconnection in
 Check all the interlocks between panel and
conformity with the safety standards specified in
withdrawable parts (chapter 4.5)
the IEC directive and in the relative national
Cleaning and checking the auxiliary connections
 Clean the surfaces:
- Remove any dry dust deposits which are not  Remove withdrawable part with contactor from
strongly adherent using a soft dry cloth. panel.
- Remove any more adherient dirt wi th a low  Open the miniature circuit -breakers positioned
alkaline detergent or with ETHANOL F 25 M. inside the low voltage compartment to disconnect
 Clean the insulating surfaces and the conductive the auxiliary power supply to the panel.
components with ETHANOL F 25 M.  Carry out a visual inspection on all the cabling,
 After cleaning, rinse with clean water and dry terminal boxes and check for any presence of dirt.
carefully.  Manually check correct insertion of the cabling in
 Should any partial discharges occur as a the terminal box.
consequence of the condensation phenomenon, a
temporary remedy which is often effective is the
application of a thin layer of silicone over the
surface involved. For a permanent remedy to this
type of unusual proble m, contact the ABB after-
sales assistance department.

9.3.1 Maintenace in busbar and contactor/cable

Checking the tightening of main busbars.
 Remove withdrawable part with contactor from
 Remove the rear closing panels.
 Using a dynamometric spanner, check tightness of
all screws - see table (chapter 6.3).

Visual inspection of the insulating material

 Remove withdrawable part with contactor from
 Remove the rear closing panels.
 Visually check that the three pole monoblock is
integral and does not show any breakages.
Visually check of traces of partial discharge on the
insulating material parts.

Cleaning the kinematics and the main contacts

 Remove withdrawable part with contactor from
 Carry out a visual inspection of the mechanical
connections and check for any presence of dirt,
humidity and signs of corrosion on the main
operating shaft and on the contact parts of the
 Remove any dust deposits using a dry cloth that
will not leave an y deposits on the treated surfaces
(do not use woollen cloths).
 If necessary, grease the moving mechanical parts
by applying a thin layer of mechanical grease.

Cleaning and greasing and checking the

 Remove withdrawable part with contactor fro m
 Carry out a visual inspection of the kinematics and
check for any presence of dirt, humidity and signs
of corrosion on the moving parts.

9.4 Repairs
Sw itchgear in general
Repair of surf ace damage:
 Carry out repair work immediately after a defect
has been discovered.
 Completely remove all rust from damaged
paintwork areas on steel sheet and other steel
parts by mechanical means, e.g. with a wire brush.
 Lightly grind the surrounding coat of paint and
carefully degrease the entire area. Then
immediately apply an anti -rust primer and, after an
appropriate hardening time, apply the top coat.
Only use suitable and compatible paint products.
 Apply the top coat in standard RAL 7035 colour, or
the relevant special colour.
 Carefully remove any white corrosion on high
quality galvanized steel surfaces with a wire brush
or cleaning pad, e.g. Scotch -Brite, and clean
loosely adhering particles with a dry, nonfraying
cloth. Next treat the cleaned parts with zinc spray
or zinc powder paint and, finally, treat with
aluminium spray for colour matching.
 Carefully remove any white corrosion from
passivated operating parts and rust formation on
phosphatised parts with a wire brush or metal-free
cleaning pad, e.g. Scotch- Brite, and clean with a
dry cloth. Then grease evenly (with mechanical
grease for moving parts).

Apparatus in general:
 Follow the maintenance instructions in the
manuals for individual equipment components.
 Check that the bolt connections at the contact
points in the busbar system and the earth
connections are tight, and that the contact system
functions correctly.
 W here necessary, grease slide plates in the panel
again or thoroughly clean them. Then grease them
again with mechanical grease for moving parts.
 Top up grease on contact areas in the contact
system when corroded or otherwise as necessary,
or, when lubrication is inadequate or missing,
thoroughly clean the areas concerned and grease
them again with mechanical grease for moving

9.5 Spare parts 9.6 Operating accessories
Standard completion accessories. The switchgear is
usually supplied with:
 Side panels for closing the switchgear ends.
 Either our personnel or qualified skilled  Operating levers for the withdrawable parts.
customer personnel must install the spare parts  Project diagrams and drawings.
and/or the accessories, carefully follow ing the  Instructions for installation, operation and
supplied instructions. maintenance.
 Before performing any operation, make sure
that all the apparatus is open and deenergised Completion accessories on request.
(main and auxiliary circuits). On request, the switchgear can be supplied with the
following accessories:
For any enguiry about spare part availability and
orderering contact the ABB Service Department.  Iron bases for fixing the switchgear to the floor.
 Expansion and anchoring bolts for fixing the
For the apparatus, refer to the relevant installation, switchgear to the floor.
service and maintenance instructions. Other  Support shelf for levers and handle.
components must be stocked according to use and  Lifting bolts.
assessed each time:  Anti-condensation heaters and thermostats (rated
voltage values: 110 -220 V).
 protection relays  Protection and auxiliary relays, control knobs,
 auxiliary relays position indicators, flag relays, circuit-breakers
 control knobs and fuses, terminal boxes, e tc.
 position indicators  Low voltage compartment lighting lamp plus 220 V
 auxiliary contactors AC socket.
 sockets

Consumable materials, such as indicator lamps, fuses,

and terminals for terminal boxes must be stocked in
suitable quantities.

Auxiliary materials, lubricants

 Lubricant - SYN-setral-EK 339
 Halogen-free cleansers (optional) - ETHANOL F 25
M (for general cleaning)
 Touch-up paint (optional) - Standard colour RAL

F i g u re 66: Do ub l e bi t key (to u se th e cen tral l o cki n g d evi c F i g u re 67: Cran k h an d l e (to mo ve th e w i th d raw ab l e p art
e an d th e screw typ e d o o r l o ck) i n si d e th e p an el )

10. Product quality and environmental
The UniGear panels are produced in compliance with The duty of company is to facilitate subsequent
the requirements of international standards for the recycling or disposal at the end of product life.
quality management system and environmental
management system. In these fields, the level of During disposal of the product, it is always ne cessary
excellence achieved is documented by quality to act in accordance with local legal requirements in
certificates according to ISO 9001 and by the EMS force.
according to ISO 14 001.
The following methods of disposal are possible:
End of life of product Disposal can either be carried out thermally in an
ABB is committed to complying with the r elevant legal incineration plant or by storing on a waste site.
and other requirements for environmental protection
according to the ISO 14 001 standard.

Raw materi al Reco mm en d ed meth o d o f d i sp o sal

Met a l mat eria l (F e, Cu, Al, Ag, Z n, W , ot hers) Separat i oi n and rec yc lin g
T hermopl ast Rec ycli ng or disp osa l
Epox y resin Separat i on of met al a nd t he d is posal of rest
Rubb er Dispos al
Pack ing mat erial - wo od Rec ycli ng or dis pos al
Pack ing mat erial - f oil Rec ycli ng or dis pos al

1 V L M 0 0 0 0 6 2 - C, E N - In s t r u c ti on M a n u a l - 2 0 1 6 . 1 1 ( Un i G e a r ) ( gs )

Y o u r s a l e s c o n t a c t : w w w .a b b . c o m / c o n t a c t s
More product information:

T h e d a t a a n d i llu s t r a t i o n s a r e n o t b i n d i n g . W e r e s e rv e t h e ri g h t
t o m a k e c h a n g e s wi t h o u t n o t i c e i n t h e c o u r s e o f t e c h n i c a l
d e v e lo p m e n t o f t h e p r o d u c t.

© C o p yr i g h t 2 0 1 6 A B B .
A ll r i g h t s r e s e rv e d .

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