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Case Study 1

Company XYZ is a large multinational corporation operating in the technology

sector. With over 10,000 employees across various departments and locations, the
company faces frequent employee movement and separation scenarios. The human
resources (HR) department plays a crucial role in managing these transitions.

Question: What are the common reasons for employee movement within an
organization like Company XYZ?

Question: How can Company XYZ effectively manage employee promotions?

Question: What challenges might arise during employee transfers and how can they
be addressed?

Question: How should Company XYZ handle employee terminations?

Question: What strategies can Company XYZ adopt to minimize negative impacts
on the organization during employee separations?

Case study two

Company XYZ is a multinational corporation operating in the technology sector.

Over the years, the company has experienced significant growth, resulting in the
need for various employee movements and separations. This case study explores
three scenarios involving employee movement and separation within Company
XYZ and provides suitable solutions.

Scenario 1: Internal Employee Transfer

John is an experienced software engineer working in the Research and

Development (R&D) department. Due to his exceptional performance, the
management has decided to transfer him to the Product Development department.
The goal is to leverage John's skills to enhance the company's product offerings.

Scenario 2: Voluntary Resignation

Sarah, a marketing manager, has decided to resign from her
position at Company XYZ due to personal reasons. She has
been with the company for five years and has made significant
contributions to various marketing campaigns. Scenario 3:
Involuntary Termination

Mark, a sales executive, has consistently failed to meet his

sales targets despite receiving warnings and performance
improvement plans. As a result, the company has decided to
terminate his employment.

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