HR Management Audit, Open College Executive Mba Indonesia (R.arvin I.miracelova@opencollegefutureleaders-Portmancollege2024)

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Open College Executive MBA Indonesia

@Dr(Hon)R.Arvin I.Miracelova,AA,SE,MBA,CAPM,CPFD
(Co Founder Open College Future Leaders,Ltd –UK )
• Wirausaha bidang edukasi saat ini :
– Founder NusaArts College Community (Creative and Arts International Certified School).
– Co-Founder Javawood Studios Academy Yogyakarya, (Lab Kerajinan IP Prosthetic)mitra R.Arvin I.Miracelova
Kemenpora RI, Kemendikbud RI, Kemenparekraf RI.
(lecturer today)
– Co-Founder Open College Future Leaders,Ltd - UK.
– Local authority and assessor PORTMAN College Malaysia.
• Pengalaman aktivitas edukasi masyarakat :
– Host Talk with Arvin TV DESA satelit FTA (Kemendes RI), merajut Pengetahuan dan Budaya
– Seniman Mengajar Kemendikbud Ristek RI.
– Dosen Praktisi Mengajar Kemendikbud Ristek RI.
– Kordinator jejaring Pondok Cerdas Warga Koramil TNI.
– Superkids Camp Character Development & Schools Visiting Studio Academy .
– Pendiri Jalur Sutera Film Nusantara, pengembangan Lab IP Kultural karakter film reka ulang
mitologi daerah bersama beberapa kampus daerah dan sanggar (seni budaya)transformasi
lab film, sebagai kekuatan baru industri film daerah Nusantara.
– Counterpart Kedaireka Kemenristek RI.
– Founder program tayang Student Music TV kolaborasi Indie community dan school projects
(Konsorsium Jejaring TV Lokal & TV cable daerah se Indonesia), 2009-2013.
• Wirausaha bidang ekonomi kreatif :
– STDC Miracelova – Baliwood Films, Bali (OTT Series worldwide/Indonesia).Laurels selected
from all over the world's film festivals.
– Miracelova Screen Institute NGO ,Theater and Publisher.
– Professional director/producer film (independent films), & also musical theater with over a
hundred cast scale experiences in TIM.
• Dedication to support Government :
– CEO TV Satelit TNI (Puspen TNI) dan Direktur FFN Mabes TNI 2015-2018, sprint/st
Kapuspen & Panglima TNI.
– Tenaga Ahli Modul Ekraf PPSDM Kemenparekraf RI 2022-23.
– Counterpart program-program kawalan khusus Tim budaya KSP RI.
• International Awards :
– 1st winner IYCE (Intl.Young Creativepreneur Winner) British Council Awards & Nokia, International
Screen Category 2011.
– Honorable FEB Universitas Airlangga Alumni Awards in Community Development 2018 and Rising R.Arvin I.Miracelova
Star Awards 2017.
– Honoris Causa ATU (American Trinity University) USA, Film/Screen Community based development
(Lecturer today)
• Pendidikan, lifelong learner spirit :
– Henry Clay High School, Lexington , KY,USA in his excellence awards..
– S1 Manajemen SDM, FEB Universitas Airlangga.
– Open College Executive MBA Open College & PORTMAN College based on full of recognition
previous study himslef : Academy MBA Europe Open University , MM STIE ABI, Online MSc Business
Studies & MA Social Studies of School of Business SoBAT, Micro MBA Quantic School, USA.
– Ongoing Master in Business Data & Intelligence ENEB-Isabel University Spain, & MSc Financial
Engineering Worldquant Univ, USA.
– Associate of Arts (AA) in Cinematography and Film Directing & Certified Professional Film Director
(CPFD) Open College – PORTMAN College Malaysia. Dan Diploma in Multimedia Development and a
Diploma in Film Studies (NPTEL,IISC/IITD).
– Certified Associate Project Management (CAPM : Certs School & European Associate of CPD /
Continuing Professional Development), and Certified Media Planner (CMP).
– Professional Certifications: Islam Scriptures, World Literature (Harvard Univ), Educational
Technology (MIT), Cyberwar-Surveillance-Security (The University of Adelaide), The Psychology of
Criminal Justice (The University of Queensland), Military Ethics (UNSW Canberra), Terrorism study &
Counter-terrorism (Leiden Univ), Asean Study (Open Univ/ Universitas Terbuka), Bioethics (Harvard),
Honor Code Journalism for Social Change (Berkeley), Diving A2 (POSSI), Combat Journalism (Puspen
TNI - Kostrad Army), Public Speaking, Distance Learning (Univ Terbuka),Cinematography & film
literacy (British Film Institute), Film production (Creative Skillset-LFS), Digital Storytelling -
(Birmingham Univ &BBC Academy), Acting class (City Academy London), Green Economy (United
Nations Institute for Training and Research / UNITAR).
– Independent international researcher and innovator (Silver badge Innocentive,Global Innovation
Center, MA-USA).
Motto pribadi : Lebih politik edukasi masyarakat daripada edukasi politik .
Istri : Indah Rezeki P. Miracelova, A.A, CMMF ,
Children : Yusuf Jacka Ardana S.Tr.Sn (Sutradara di Sinemaku Pictures PH owned by Prilly L), Yusuf Satria
Ardana A.A (Seniman Kinetik Tech dunia), Aisyah Miracelova Putri Ardana (Putri Indonesia Lingkungan,1st
winner), Adzkia T.Miracelova Putri Ardana (Emas Olimpiade).
Notes consideration, perencanaan skenario HRM :
1. Perencanaan taktis (jangka waktu)
2. Perencanaan strategis (holistic views, model 7 S : structure,
strategy, system, skills, staff, style, shared values)
3. Perencanaan operasional (sustainable concept)
4. Perencanaan cadangan (contingency alternative)
Notes consideration:

Adapatif terhadap Teknologi disruptif.

Contoh dulu perusahaan berbasis server lokal , sekarang
cloud computing hingga assets blockchain.

Jika tidak adaptif terhadap disrupsi perubuhan maka

namanya status quo, namun jika adaptif maka mendorong
eksplorasi dan kebangkitan dibutuhkan antusiasme sert
komitmen. .
Master HRM Verma
HRM AUDIT 360 Degree

• HR Audit 360 PARAMETER

• Number of
improvement INTERVAL

• Prog orientasi
karyawan baru
HR Mapping Competency based Audit 360 degree

• Leadership : delegasi, pengembangan Tujuan

HRM Assessment • Analatikal : problem solving, knowledge, 1.Perbaikan proses
Center : planning and execution jobdesc seleksi .
ANALISIS 2.Rewarding prestasi
BEHAVIOURAL • Dinamisme :self confidence, decision
atau karya.
(Competency making, progressive, initiative,
profiling) 3. Estafet
persuasive, communication kepemimpinan.
360 degree feedback (verbal/writing) 4. Pelatihan skill and
• Interpersonal :teamwork, cultural knowledge yang
awareness, personal relation, maintain lebih efektif di masa
network , integrity depan.
• Business Awareness : strategi,inovasi, 5.Teamwork
orientasi improvement
termasuk personal
• Business Operations : improvement, development.
sense pelanggan, global thinking local 6.Productivity
action improvement.
7.Mitigasi resiko.
HR Mapping Competency based Audit 360 degree
Pendekatan Assessment Center : HR Professional yang
HRM Assessment
Center : 1. Knowledge Performance ikut berperan di
ANALISIS 2. Skill ability Performance Assessment center
BEHAVIOURAL 3. Aptitude (bakat) Performance should be understand:
4. Attitude Performance
profiling) 1. Good business
knowledge + prog
360 degree feedback First 90 degree : analisa Jobdesc. securing knowledge
, apakah :
by senior .
Matching seleksi Second 90 degree : analisa performance by HR Scorecard 2. HR practices
kompetensi , (Sistem SDM-work system-delivereables), delivery(penguasaa
mempertahankan bisa didukung semisal berbagai analisa pertimbangan an praktek2 sdm
SDM berbakat/ ,contoh oleh Analisis medan daya/force field analysis : termasuk delegasi)
berkompetensi kekuatan pendorong vs kekuatan penghambat 3. Manajemen
(mendukung manajemen perubahan), Analisis jalur kritis perubahan dan
Or (critical path analysis) kinerja proyek, analisis SWOT, design thinking .
analisis kesenjangan kinerja (past,present and future), KPI 4. Manajemen budaya
Gap inisiatif
(key performance Indicator)/IKU (Indikator kinerja utama), perusahaan,
lingkungan belajar
hingga MBO (Management by Objectives) 5. Kredibilitas.
karyawan : training
development, 6. Kepemimpinan
external learning, Third 90 degree : interview insight, target , ekspetasi . situasional.
group learning, 7. Manajemen konflik.
knowledge sharing
system. , Fourth 90 degree : benchmark improvement ineternal 8. Rantai nilai dan
/eskternal. proses bisnis.
HR Mapping Competency based Audit 360 degree


KINERJA (SMK) BERKELANJUTAN. pengelolaan kendala
HRM Assessment sistem HRM
Center :
Menilai penuh based on kinerja dari 1. Hulu
BEHAVIOURAL performance .Mengukur progress 2. Proses
(Competency individu. 3. Hilir

360 degree feedback 5 disiplin (the fifth

Menilai :1. Sistem perencanaan discipline of Peter
EVP : Employee 2.Sistem monitoring pelaksanaan Senge book, 1990):
Value Proposition
3.Sistem evaluasi 360 degree : umpan 1. Learning
(rewards, role, commitment
opportunities, balik konstruktif, diskusi perkembangan,
welfare, sense of laporan harian, tujuan lebih tinggi 2. Mental model.
belongs, big future)
4. Sistem rewards dan pembelajaran 3. Design thinking.
(mikro:mandiri vs makro:training dev) 4. Learning
5. Vision
Homework by Teamwork
• How to write a case study review?
• Before you begin writing, follow these guidelines to help you
prepare and understand the case study:
• Read and examine the case thoroughly. Take notes, highlight
relevant facts, and underline key problems.
• Focus your analysis. Identify two to five key problems. ...
• Uncover possible solutions. ...
• Select the best solution.
Bagaimana cara menulis review studi kasus?
Sebelum Anda mulai menulis, ikuti panduan berikut untuk membantu Anda mempersiapkan dan memahami
studi kasus:
-Baca dan periksa kasusnya secara menyeluruh.
-Catat, soroti fakta-fakta yang relevan, dan garis bawahi masalah-masalah utama.
-Fokuskan analisis Anda. Identifikasi dua hingga lima masalah utama. ...
-Temukan solusi yang mungkin. ...
-Pilih solusi terbaik.
Homework by Teamwork

BUSINESS CASE, Apa saja kira-kira?

• Kasus strategis
• Kasus komersial
• Kasus economic
• Kasus global
• Kasus finansial
• Kasus manajemen
Case study dari HRM Audit 360 degree

• Bisa saja ditemukan kinerja perusahaan terdampak daripada

banyaknya rapat internal manajemen yang tidak efektif :
– Tidak melahirkan inovasi
– Tidak memecahkan masalah
– Tidak adanya pengambilan keputusan
– Tidak ada penyerapan ide
– Tidak ada knowledge sharing
– Tidak uptodate situasi terkini
(HR Audit Checklist and Preparation)
HR Management Audit Checklist

• Employee Relations
• Recruitment and Selection
• Compensation and Benefit
• Training and Development
HR Performance Measurement (1)

• Employee turn PARAMETER

• Training and Dev
• Recruitment and INTERVAL

• Absensi
• Prestasi kerja
• Supervisory role
HR Performance Measurement (2)
• HR Management PARAMETER
• Salary review
• Database
• Kesehatan,
rekreasi karyawan
HR Performance Measurement (3)

• Accessment PARAMETER
• Kaderisasi
• Job Desc
• Job Analysis
• Kecelakaan kerja
• Loyalitas dan
Alur dan Dokumentasi Audit SDM (1)

1.Surat Keputusan Direksi Audit SDM , berisikan

: Menimbang, memutuskan.
2.Proposal summary Prosedur Audit SDM berisi:
Tujuan, kebijakan, tugas dan tanggung jawab
pelaksanaan, metodologi, lingkup aplikasi,
defenisi audit SDM, prosedur teknis dan
struktur pelaksana audit SDM.
Alur dan Dokumentasi Audit SDM (2)

3. Pengadaan form proses audit SDM , berisikan

: waktu pelaksanaan, unit/dept/div yang
diaudit, penanggung jawab audit, scope audit
work , reference standard, auditor conclusion
4. Form spesifik temuan audit SDM dan log book
: temuan, bukti objektif, ketidak sesuaian,
reference,turunan log book temuan PIC
auditor status dan criticalitynya.
Alur dan Dokumentasi Audit SDM (3)

5. Logbook oustanding audit SDM.

6. Form tindakan koreksi audit SDM : temuan,

hasil audit, penyebab, koreksi yang dilakukan,
tindakan pencegahan ke depan, kondisi
setelah koreksi (perubahan/perbaikan job
Alur dan Dokumentasi Audit SDM (3)

7. Tambahan form questioner dengan nilai

peringkat efektifitas dan pemahaman visi misi
organisasi SDM serta strategi perusahaan per
departement :
Budaya perusahaan, kompetensi, konsekuensi,
governance, proses kerja, adaptasi perubahan,
Kunci pikiran inovasi bagi SDM menurut ALBERT Einstein

• Berpikirlah seperti Anak-anak ,

lihat sisi Anak-anak dalam diri
• Anak-anak selalu ingin tahu.
• Einstein selalu ingin tahu tentang
ruang, waktu dan Tuhan.
• Teori struktur kedalaman bahasa
menurut Noam Chomskly dari MIT
seperti yang terjadi di anak-anak,
yang memiliki rasa ingin tahu
sangat besar, hal ini justru
mendorong ide-ide inovasi.
Arvin’s One big circle “p” and FOUR smaller “P” , HR
formula for innovation projects in business:

• Big Circle of Process “P” = Rp

• praying 4 “p”
• passion
• patient
• performance
• Then Rp : Reach Paid (Satisfaction)
“Semua orang genius, tetapi jika Anda menilai ikan berdasarkan
kemampuan berenangnya dan tupai dari memanjat pohon saja, seumur
hidup Anda percaya bahwa mereka bodoh”

(Albert Einstein)
MengkombinasI Bakat dalam teamwork inovasi

• Kantor hak paten melihat bahwa Einstein

berterima kasih kepada istrinya membantu
pengembangan ide paling orisinal dari karya
paling inovatif Einstein.
• Einstein selalu mengatakan teori kita di dalam
suratnya yang penuh hasrat kepada istrinya,
• Pemikir otak kiri (left brainers) menghasilkan ide-
ide praktis, konvesional dan logis.
• Pemikir otak kanan (right brainers) menghasilkan
ide-ide aneh, di luar kebisaaan dan tidak masuk
• Kelompok kolaboratif yang berhasil dalam sebuah
organisasi , mereka yang berhasil
mengintegrasikan ide-ide logis dengan ide-ide di
luar kebisaaan.
Tipe Kepribadian SDM dalam Pekerjaan
Understanding personality type HR, by Isabel Briggs Myers
(Gifts Differing book, 1980)
3.Perencana Mendukung peran tim (Management team
4.Komandan book , 1981, by Dr.Meredith Belbin) :
6.Penyembuh 1.Plant and Innovator
7.Arsitek 2.Resource Investigator
8.Visioner 3.Cordinator
9.Penampil 4.Shaper dynamic
10.Komposer 5.Monitor
11.Perajin 6.Implementer
12.Dinamo 7.Team worker
13.Pemberi 8.Specialist
14.Pelindung 9.Finisher
Pengembangan Tim berbasis FSNP membangun
Komptensi Inti SDM

Kompetensi Inti :
1. Teamwork capability.
2. Decision maker capability.
3. Good work ethics.
4. Thinking ability : analytic, innovative.
SMART Management

• Specific
• Measureable
• Achieveable
• Realistic
• Time-based
Kompilasi Infographic 1
HR Audit
Contoh Materi Bagian
Konsultan Audit
HR Strategy Map
Drive Long term
Shareholder Value

Enhance ROI of HR Strategic Enhance Employee

Initiatives Productivity

Enhance “Internal
Create Positive Work
Customer” (Employee)

Apply Excellent Develop Strategic Implement Best Optimize

Recruitment Employee Talent Management Performance
Process Competencies Practices Management System
HR Internal


Develop Internal HR Deploy HRIS System

HR Scorecard

Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators

Drive Long term • Shareholder value

Shareholder Value • Shareholder value growth

• ROI of HR Strategic Programs

Enhance ROI of HR
and Initiatives
Strategic Initiatives

Enhance Employee • Profit per Employee

Productivity • Revenue per Employee
HR Scorecard

Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators

Create Positive • Ranking in “Best Place to Work Annual

Work Environment Survey” (conducted by Fortune
• % of Employee Turn Over

Enhance “Internal • Employee Satisfaction Index

Customer” (Employee)
HR Scorecard

Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators

Apply Excellent • Average lead time to recruit employees

Recruitment Process • Recruiting cost per employee
• Performance of New Recruits during
the First Two Years of Employment

• Average Lead Time to Develop Strategic

Develop Strategic Competencies
• Average Lead Time to Close Strategic
Competencies Gap
• % of Strategic Competencies Available
within the Organization
HR Scorecard

Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators

• Number of Qualified Talents per

Implement Best Talent
Strategic Positions
Management Practices
• Progress of Talent Development Plan
(actual vs. plan)
• % of Senior Managers who Have Been
Promoted Internally

• Average Competency Assessment

Optimize Performance
Management System
• Number of Performance Feedback
Session Conducted per Year
HR Scorecard

Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators

• % of HR Employees who Develop

Develop Internal HR
Individual Development Plan
• % of HR Employees who Fully
Execute Their Individual
Development Plan

• Progress of HR Portal
Deploy HRIS System Implementation (actual vs. plan)
• Accuracy Level of HR Database
Table” for HR
Template : KPI Table for HR Manager
Template : KPI Table for HR Manager

Key result areas are the main

goals that HR manager needs
to accomplish. In this sample,
we have four key result
Template : KPI Table for HR Manager

• Key performance
indicators are measurable
indicators used to
evaluate your
performance level
• Every Key Result Areas
must have at least one
• Total number of KPIs
shoud be 8 – 10 items.
Template : KPI Table for HR Manager

Weight of each KPI

should be defined.
Weight of KPI is
determined based on
the scale of priority.
Total weight should
be 100.
Template : KPI Table for HR Manager
Targets are
defined based
on historical
data and future
Targets can be
number, or
score –
depending on
the type of
Template : KPI Table for HR Manager

Actual is the actual

results. Or target
We should develop
reporting system to
capture these results.
ROI of Training
Training Process

Training Training Training

Need Objectives Evaluation

What are Objective Techniques Measure

the training should be include on- reaction,
needs for measurable the-job- learning,
this person and training, behavior,
and/or job? observable action and results
learning, etc.
The Four Levels of Evaluation

Level 1 - Reaction

Level 2 - Learning
Four Levels
of Training
Level 3 – Behavior Effectiveness

Level 4 – Business
The Four Levels of Evaluation

Evaluate trainees’ reactions to Level 1 - Reaction

the program. Did they like the
program? Did they think it

Test the trainees to determine if Level 2 - Learning

they learned the principles,
skills, and facts they were to
The Four Levels of Evaluation

Ask whether the trainees’ behavior on the job Level 3 – Behavior

changed because of the training program. For Application
example, are employees in the store’s complaint
department more courteous toward disgruntled
customers than previously?

What final results were achieved in terms of the Level 4 – Business

training objectives previously set? Did the number Impact
of customer complaints about employee drop? Did
the reject rate improve? Was turnover reduced,
and so forth.
The Four Levels of Evaluation

Value of Frequency of Use Difficulty of

Information Assessment
Least Frequent Easy
I. Reaction valuable

II. Learning

III. Behavior

Most Infrequent Difficult

IV. Results valuable
Level 1 - Reaction

Evaluate trainees’
reactions to the program:
Did they like the program?
Level 1 - Did they like the
Did they like the training
accommodation and
Guidelines for Evaluating Learning

1. Use a control group if practical

2. Allow time for behavior change and application to take
3. Evaluate both before and after the program if practical
4. Survey and/or interview one or more of the following :
trainees, their immediate supervisor, their subordinates,
and others who often observe their behavior
5. Get 100 percent response or a sampling
6. Repeat the evaluation at appropriate times
7. Consider cost versus benefits
Example of Survey to Measure Behavior Application
The objective of this questionnaire is to determine the extent to which those who
attended the recent program on Leadership have applied the principles and techniques
that they learned there to the job.

Circle the answer that you consider appropriate for each question.
5 = Much more 4 = More 3 = Same 2 = Less 1 = Much less

Time and energy spent after the prgram

compared to time and energy spent before
the program
Understanding and Motivating
1. Trying to understand my subordinates 5 4 3 2 1
2. Listening to my subordinates 5 4 3 2 1
3. Praising good work 5 4 3 2 1
4. Talking with subordinates about
5 4 3 2 1
their family and personal interests
5. Asking my subordinates for their ideas 5 4 3 2 1
6. Applying "Management by Walking Around" 5 4 3 2 1
Level 4 – Business Results

• Indicate the extent to which you

think this program has
influenced each of these
measures in your work unit,
Level 4 – department, or business unit:
Business • Productivity
Results • Quality
• Customer Response Time
• Cost Control
• Employee Satisfaction
• Customer Satisfaction
• Other
Example : Measuring Training Results

Program : TQM 200.00


Results after 3 150.00

120 units
months of training,
number of defects
80 units
dropped to 80



Before training After training

Example : Measuring Training Results

Program : 50.00

Sales Training

Results after 3 40.00

months training, 30 units

number of sales per 30.00

salesman increase to 20 units

30 units/month. 20.00



Before training After training

Return on Investment of Training
Level 5 : Return on Investment of Training

Level 1 - Reaction

Level 2 - Learning

Level 3 – Behavior
Level 4 –
Business Impact

Level 5 – Return
on Investment of
ROI of Training Model

Isolate the Effects Convert Data to

Data of Training Monetary Values

Intangible Calculate ROI of
Benefits Training

Recruitment Strategy
and Recruitment Plan
7 Recruitment Strategies to
Improve Your Hiring Process

1. Develop a clear
employer brand
An important strategy for
your recruiting process
relies on your employer
brand. Your employer
brand is what will set you
apart from other hiring
companies and show
candidates why they
should work for you.
2. Optimize
Your Career
Having a well-crafted careers page is
non-negotiable. It really is an
essential element of every
recruitment strategy for a few
reasons. First, candidates expect to
find a careers page on your website.
Second, it’s a great resource to
promote open roles, share content
and provide information on the
company’s mission, culture and
3. Share Company
Culture on Social
Social media recruiting
is still very much alive
and well. Here are a
few companies that
have leveraged social
media as a way to
attract passive
candidates on the
platforms they spend
the most time on.
4. Create an employee referral
5. Improving the Hiring Process
with Data and Metrics
How to Build a Recruitment Plan – Nine Fool-
Proof Steps to Make Better Hires, Faster
What is a recruitment plan?
A recruitment plan is a properly defined strategy for attracting,
hiring, and onboarding the right talent. A strategic recruitment plan
will typically cover:
• Your recruitment goals
• Headcount planning
• Ideal candidate profiles
• Your employee value proposition
• Your recruitment marketing strategy
• Your selection process
• Your onboarding process
• Tools and technology
• Your recruitment budget
A well thought through recruitment plan
 Save you time + Ensure you make the best use of your
recruitment budget
 Help you make better hiring decisions
 Make sure your recruitment objectives are aligned to
broader company objectives
 Ensure your recruiters and hiring teams are working to
the same common goals
 Focus your efforts on building the right talent pipeline
 Help you secure the budget you need to hit your goals
1. Define your goals
The first step to creating your recruitment plan is to get clear on
your recruitment goals. It’s all about high level goals at this point.

Whilst every organization is different, some of the common goals

we see amongst our clients include:
• Growing headcount
• Improving diversity
• Reducing the cost of making a new hire
• Reducing the time taken to make a new hire
• Streamlining recruitment processes and reducing repetitive
• Empowering hiring managers to be more involved in the
hiring process
• Improving employee retention
• Becoming less reliant on external recruiters
• Building a stronger talent pipeline
2. Forecast future hiring
Now that you have some high-
level goals in place, it’s important
to get a feel for the number of
roles you’re going to need to hire
over the next 12 months.

Whilst this will never be 100%

accurate, the aim is to make a
sensible prediction so that (1) you
can start attracting and nurturing
the right talent proactively and (2)
you can plan your approach and
budget effectively.
Recruitment Strategy
and Recruitment Plan
7 Recruitment Strategies to
Improve Your Hiring Process

1. Develop a clear
employer brand
An important strategy for
your recruiting process
relies on your employer
brand. Your employer
brand is what will set you
apart from other hiring
companies and show
candidates why they
should work for you.
2. Optimize
Your Career
Having a well-crafted careers page is
non-negotiable. It really is an
essential element of every
recruitment strategy for a few
reasons. First, candidates expect to
find a careers page on your website.
Second, it’s a great resource to
promote open roles, share content
and provide information on the
company’s mission, culture and
3. Share Company
Culture on Social
Social media recruiting
is still very much alive
and well. Here are a
few companies that
have leveraged social
media as a way to
attract passive
candidates on the
platforms they spend
the most time on.
4. Create an employee referral
5. Improving the Hiring Process
with Data and Metrics
How to Build a Recruitment Plan – Nine Fool-
Proof Steps to Make Better Hires, Faster
What is a recruitment plan?
A recruitment plan is a properly defined strategy for attracting,
hiring, and onboarding the right talent. A strategic recruitment plan
will typically cover:
• Your recruitment goals
• Headcount planning
• Ideal candidate profiles
• Your employee value proposition
• Your recruitment marketing strategy
• Your selection process
• Your onboarding process
• Tools and technology
• Your recruitment budget
A well thought through recruitment plan
 Save you time + Ensure you make the best use of your
recruitment budget
 Help you make better hiring decisions
 Make sure your recruitment objectives are aligned to
broader company objectives
 Ensure your recruiters and hiring teams are working to
the same common goals
 Focus your efforts on building the right talent pipeline
 Help you secure the budget you need to hit your goals
1. Define your goals
The first step to creating your recruitment plan is to get clear on
your recruitment goals. It’s all about high level goals at this point.

Whilst every organization is different, some of the common goals

we see amongst our clients include:
• Growing headcount
• Improving diversity
• Reducing the cost of making a new hire
• Reducing the time taken to make a new hire
• Streamlining recruitment processes and reducing repetitive
• Empowering hiring managers to be more involved in the
hiring process
• Improving employee retention
• Becoming less reliant on external recruiters
• Building a stronger talent pipeline
2. Forecast future hiring
Now that you have some high-
level goals in place, it’s important
to get a feel for the number of
roles you’re going to need to hire
over the next 12 months.

Whilst this will never be 100%

accurate, the aim is to make a
sensible prediction so that (1) you
can start attracting and nurturing
the right talent proactively and (2)
you can plan your approach and
budget effectively.
Full version of these amazing PPT slides can be
downloaded at :

You can copy the above link and paste into your browser – to get the
full version of our slides
Kompilasi Infographic 2
HR Audit
Contoh Materi Bagian
Konsultan Audit
Homework by Teamwork
• How to write a case study review?
• Before you begin writing, follow these guidelines to help you
prepare and understand the case study:
• Read and examine the case thoroughly. Take notes, highlight
relevant facts, and underline key problems.
• Focus your analysis. Identify two to five key problems. ...
• Uncover possible solutions. ...
• Select the best solution.
Bagaimana cara menulis review studi kasus?
Sebelum Anda mulai menulis, ikuti panduan berikut untuk membantu Anda mempersiapkan dan memahami
studi kasus:
-Baca dan periksa kasusnya secara menyeluruh.
-Catat, soroti fakta-fakta yang relevan, dan garis bawahi masalah-masalah utama.
-Fokuskan analisis Anda. Identifikasi dua hingga lima masalah utama. ...
-Temukan solusi yang mungkin. ...
-Pilih solusi terbaik.

Open College Executive MBA Indonesia

@Dr(Hon)R.Arvin I.Miracelova,AA,SE,MBA,CAPM,CPFD
(Co Founder Open College Future Leaders,Ltd –UK )

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