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Member Fund Credit Estimate

Personal Information
Surname: Geere First Name: Heidi Initials: HV
Gender: Female Date of birth: 25 Sep 1972 Marital Status: Married
Id Number: 7209250164084
Contact Details

Cell: 082 810 2660

Cell: 069 601 9348 Email: 0828102660
Cell: 073 162 6211 Email: 828393468
Cell: 067 173 4550 Email:
Cell: 082 839 3468

Active Memberships

Retirement Investments 77 583.11

- Netcare 1999 Provident Fund - (M22044441) Calculation Date: 9 Mar 2024 77 583.11
Date Joined Fund: 1 May 2022
Fund Credit (Base Exchange
Portfolio Name Vested Non Vested Fund Credit
Currency) Rate
77 583.11 0.00 77 583.11 -- 77 583.11
Netcare Prov Inflation Target Portfolio Fund Credit % #Unit Unit Price
100.00 474.49 163.51

Memberships Total: 77 583.11

General Notes
The information reflected above is the latest information held for the member of the fund.

All particulars are provided for information/quotation purposes only and no liability can be held against the fund or Alexforbes for this statement, as all rights of
members are embodied in the official rules and policies.

All benefit payments will be subject to tax in terms of the relevant tax legislation applicable at the time that the benefit accrues to you.

This document is not a statement of the member’s pension interest for the purpose of Section 7(8) of the Divorce Act 1979.


The figures quoted herein are an estimate and are provided for illustrative purposes only. The prices used in the calculation of the above values are based on the
latest available unit prices as supplied by the management companies. This will differ to the actual price that investments and disinvestments are transacted at. The
final benefit entitlement may also change for a number of other reasons, some of which are: correctness of the data used, taxation, the effective date of calculation,
and deductions in terms of Section 37D of the Pension Funds Act.

While Alexforbes has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information contained herein is true and correct, in the event of a dispute, the
benefit in terms of the current Rules of the Fund, will prevail.

This Investment Statement is not a benefit statement. The benefits that you will receive from your Fund are set out in the Rules of your Fund. In particular, if you
withdraw from your Fund prior to retirement, depending on the Rules of your Fund, your withdrawal benefit from your Fund may be lower than your Investment Value
shown. For more information, refer to your benefit statement or member booklet.

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