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8G / C15 /grb3tw916-208 Grave 8 BIOLOGY Nome: _ Roll No. Div. Date /__— reaease 7025260 Topic: Variation and inheritance: Variation within a species b) What is similar between the ears of Dog 1 and Dog 4? Uhe 9 cans ave srw ) Choose one other characteristic of the dogs. Describe how it varies. Abe ons oth actoustics of the do ix the. en cha: L. 4 a asa ol ou * 4, ‘The table shows the number of nails on the front feet of elephant species. Elephant species Number of nails on front teeth ‘African forest elephant 5 ‘African savanna elephant 4 Asian elephant 5 a) Explain why this data shows discontinuous variation. ink Voluss ane di b) Drawa bar chart to show the data. 4, 5 ¢) How does your graph indicate that the data shows discontinuous variation? Wh gaps beliirenn tor bad ‘d)) Some human ID cards contain information about variation. when a person uses the card, a computer checks the variations in the real person with the information stored in the card. Is it better to use continuous or discontinuous variation about humans for ID cards? Explain your reasoning. ean bin abou chatro ts _distinek ~ 7 me pret pantera Grane 8 =e a i BIOLOGY raease 203560 amis270 Topic: Variation and inheritance: Variation within a species st Wo. G5. Activity: Investigating discontinuous variation. Do the activity as listed on page 35 of your textbook, choose 15 people for your activity. Write the answers to Al to A3 below. ‘Al. Draw a table to show the number of people who have attached bent little fingers and the number who have straight little fingers. Nuinrbes = a a make a | | Sterogie \ panpes table A2. Present your data using a suitable chart or graph. if 86 CAS / eb aWi6-20 Grave 8 BIOLOGY Nome: RollNo.:____ Div:_ Dote__/_/____ 21250 2025360 226270 Topic: Variation and inheritance: Variation within a species Wkst No. 6. The data below, shows the individual weights of a group of athletes. 46.3kg, 37.9kg, 40.7kg, 33.4kg, 41.5 kg, 43.3kg, 39.2kg, 35.6kg, 34.8kg, 47.4kg a) State the range ofthedata, - 42-U332= 1-0kg b) Explain what is meant by range of data? ‘She df eo_bughest to Lowsest yolus sce Ho dolor 7. Activity: Investigating continuous variation. Do the activity as listed on page 37 of your textbook, choose 15 others from your class for your activity. Write the answers to Al to A8 below. ‘AL. Collect height measurements from others in your class. Write them below. 154, lob, 152 N08, 16q ISS, ISS, 153,163, 1Ub ISB 1u8; LoS, Ie! 157, 164, 153, 164, Jou, 162, lou 1UU,1S8,)S6 A2. State the range of the measurements. JU to J64- @&* Design groups for the measurements. A4. Draw a tally chart for your data. <2 wep! | | nsrise |! eg ist | HH f Or 16% we | 4 . : or \ | é 3 AS. Present your data using a bar chart. yA J 133 18e- Mer 168-71) 06 / CAS 8b 01670 Grave 8 BIOLOGY Nome: Roll No, Topic: Variation and inheritance: Variation within a species wnae ime rnerse 2015260. 26270 West No. ‘A6. Make a conclusion about which heights are most common. 182 4015S anal I6utol67 ame bet hi wahicl are nual” ~rovrrnor by wheror st all ore below _ |A7. Does your conclusion work for everyone in your school? Explain your reasoning. or Sueight imovered arco No_b. m" a weg ali rior Of gosudag & A8. 8. ‘The table below gives descriptions of features of a hydrangea plant, Tick the correct column to show whether each feature is an example of inherited or environmental variation. Description of feature Example of ‘Example of inherited variation environmental variation Flat, pointed leaves i | Leaves that have tuned oo yellow due to lack of ‘Magnesium in soil Blue flowers due to acidie soil — a) Why is human skin colour an example of both inherited variation and environmental variation? Huron Skin colon a oan y wtdaonilaok varaliica. Quod ennunenmrontah vanralious beause wk Cats _be aun ged us th eliglade 8G C15 /ee08 2021-22 nome: Kaan A. Jamia — - rotino: + Ov: dateld (12/23 Grave 8 BIOLOGY (BE Bomb: eke roazae 220m purse 2035260) aez70 West No. | Learning outcomes: 1s To describe how a chromosome contains a molecule of DNA, some | + chromosome | sections of which are genes. + DNA 1. To describe the role of genes in inherited variation. | + gene » To understand that models and analogies can change according to «+ genetic material scientific evidence. La — _ EH r NOTES 1 pentagon 784 J St 1a geek ¢ Funds make Ava ) Chsomatls —> genes > Ana 1 (chromoseens) 1. Explain the terms. a) Chromosome _sthxclie ioinung a —naod edule al Dold ¢ of ch carewiod Fes, AO sanford oli Cua Ww ae L& Ae DNA Stor th ©) Gene geetiow dina that coulnels sha dovelrsptik- ag jc chara clisti. 2. The diagram shows a plant cell. Where is most of the DNA found? 3. Label the diagram below to show the following: * pairs of chromosomes \ ‘nucleus + genes (Segment of DNA) J 4. What is the substance that makes up the genetic material in plants and animals? AWA rakes wp the genetic rasdoriOl iy pleads orrol of me) 86/615 /gr8082021-22 Grave 8 BIOLOGY vins:ro( 22 } All rabbits have 44 chromosomes. However, rabbits have many different fur 5. L% colours. vat! Explain how a rabbit's genes result in inherited variation in their fur colour. evox sclivioul tuna specias has Sat nevoatoree of —Chatanososne However the goncd oi, “Oe OY threw. Evocur pam. Nome: _ Rollo. Ow, Dote__f__/___ Topic: Variation and inheritance: Chromosomes, genes and DNA von2ye 208 AA wolste fy Colour 6. _ In the 1940's, scientists knew that DNA was a very important molecule. However, they did not know about its structure. In the 1950's, two scientists, Franklin and Wilkins, studied DNA using X-rays, franklin and Wilkins were experts in a technique called X-ray diffraction. Granklin produced an X-ray photograph that gave them important clues about the structure of DNA) This allowed two other scientists, Watson and Crick, to What questions were all the scientists trying to answer? What 15 the semetladaed Stouclined fiat - 2) Hos do genes poo ere -p fost plz —_ oo iy a3D model of DNA. b) Give one piece of evidence that Watson and Crick used to Produce their model. ) | y Explain how the work of Watson and Crick was made possible by other Scientists, & & 7 D 4) Watson and Crick produced a 31) model of DNA. Explain why scientists often use models to represent thei ir ideas in science, ele ik \ rl the nepdel res es tg 28 Nome: Kost A baer be GRADE ey = pono: 7 Ou: A_ Dotelu (12/2024 BIOLOGY nmaie 048] Topic: Variation and inheritance: Fertilisation and 2026-270 inheritance Wst No Learning outcom« | Key terms: To describe how fertilisation in humans occurs. + eggcell + gamete | 12 to explain why organisms inherit features from both their parents. /|+ sexcell | sperm cell | «To describe the role of the XX and XY chromosomes in human sex | | sexual reproduction | determination. + fertilisation | ‘To describe the uses, strengths and limitations of models and + embryo analogies. + fertilised egg cell + sex chromosome + sex deter | . To decide whether evidence from first-hand experience or secondary | |+ inheritance | sources should be used. | 1, What is the purpose of the reproductive system? Tick one box. 1 to produce energy 1 to produce hormones LE to produce offspring 1 tohelpa person grow 2, Complete the table to show the names of the male and female gametes and where they are made. Name of gamete Number of chromosomes Males Spoam alls B® aa Femal cll emales | 4 pp ad 3. Explain the terms. 2) fertilisation b) embryo ¢) inheritance Each have some specific features. Label the diagram to show the features of each. a) _ Explain why the long tail of the sperm is important for its function, The the Speron is unriporti for us ag Write one difference between the genes in the ¢ 88 and sperm cells and the genes that are present in all other cells of the body. toms Grave 8 foto: ___ixs__ote__/_/. BIOLOGY amine 103.48 22250 2025260 Topic: Variation and inheritance: Fertilisation and inheritance Wist No, 5. a) Explain how an embryo gets a full set of genes. 5b fess A tus, On 4g cotl fesus the nother asd Speem all lap i thotsstaciass the og oud spasm coll yogetls gue tt aanbosy ott Lk cot sf geod q q td b) Many parents have more than one child, Explain why all their children are different, ft because it baste do wrt genes taal evo Hoyo, don J r 6. How many chromosomes do your body cells contain? Ab chramotasse —cuncl Spann coll and ge call hos A Chatina OS dias - 7: Explain what happens during fertilisation. an fpr a soe of the fablpion tube fom T agote 8. Explain why a sperm cell and egg cell only have half the number of chromosomes found in a normal body cell. "ois te praducicl os a assull of msisay State the combination of sex chromosomes that determine the sex ‘of a male and VV female, wy A chrousnsasrse fase the sper Urethsse bX ory fetes oath the WObOinng tre He 9a coll. 10. Female egg cells contain one X chromosome. Explain how determines the sex of the baby. a man’s sperm cell fh Sj -wecievled Auathea X Chrome sour fom tla pean the. Spervon. Ah the sesul 3 fro he ahueot Y 11. Aman and woman have identical twin daughters. Explain what causes identical twins to look exactly the same as each other. 12.” A fruit fly body cell contains 8 chromosomes, How many chromosomes will be in a fruit fly sperm cell? F cheung rawrd 13. Look at the figures below, Identify the figures in which the fertilised egg cell will grow into a girl and which grow into a boy. Bay Giat A: wv Ce sosys/pstsawo5as (BRE Bombay Grave 85 (Zee Comae | sone Kalai A. Shaye. ——— HeoE Gat Toyo, piv: A_ dare 13. /42./ 200 BIOLOGY ee ease J Topic: Val a 2026-27. development wast no 25 } I Learning outcomes: | To describe the development of the fetus. | + To explain how the fetus is protected and nourished. «+ To discuss the ways in which a mother’s health and lifestyle choices (diet, smoking and drugs) can affect the development of a fetus. ‘To interpret results and form conclusions using scientific knowledge and understanding + drug + stillborn * Drug 2 SHU boon 1. Complete the sentences using words from the list.” creases menstruation | {cell division cell respiration decreases a) When aneggis fertilised, cell division. happens to make more cells. b) This__incxwanos the size of the embryo, making it grow. 2. Explain the term - specialisation : So nncboWr. pa. orwi Fonmenk 3. The table shows the length of a foetus at different times during a pregnancy. eo) a 9 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 24 | 28 | 32 | 34 | 40 Ww

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