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 Trabajo en parejas.

 Piense en problemas ambientales, por ejemplo, "calentamiento global", "deforestación"

especies en peligro de extinción "," lluvia ácida, "contaminación", etc.
 Busca en Internet sobre problemas ambientales: ¿Qué harías para ayudar al medio
ambiente? ¿Qué evidencia del cambio climático ha notado? , ¿Qué está haciendo
nuestro gobierno local al respecto? ¿Cómo reacciona la gente al cambio climático en
nuestro país? ¿Está la vida en nuestro planeta en peligro de extinción? Ventajas y
desventajas de vivir en la ciudad y en el campo.
 Escriba una descripción de aproximadamente tres párrafos para este tema: Problemas
ambientales y preséntela al maestro antes del 12 de agosto.
 Presta atención a las sugerencias del profesor para redactar el texto final.
 Su producto final contiene una parte escrita (use alrededor de 70-100 palabras) y una
presentación oral final.
 Para la presentación oral final utiliza un recurso digital con fotos y prepara una
conversación con tu compañero para hablar sobre los problemas ambientales: Explica
las actividades que son buenas o malas para el medio ambiente.

Talking about climate change today must be a great moment to be able to join us all to this global
concern about the great modifications that we have generated to ecosystems and, above all, with
what has generated these natural phenomena with tragedies, with human losses, victims,
displaced, loss of wealth of many families

The climate change. As many already know, it is the variation of the climate on the earth, they
occur naturally. it is that in recent years the actions of people have caused them to change
abruptly and suddenly, and they can also occur in all weather parameters.

The main causes of these changes in weather is global warming and this in turn is caused by the
greenhouse effect, which despite being a natural process to maintain ideal temperatures on earth,
occurs excessively due to the actions of humanity. Some of these actions are: Burning fossil fuels,
cutting down the trees, Waste and gases produced by factories, etc. These heat the planet and
endanger our survival and that of all living beings.

The consequences are: melting of the ice mass at the poles, which in turn causes sea level rise,
leading to flooding. It also causes more violent meteorological phenomena, droughts, fires, the
death of animal and plant species, overflows in rivers and lakes. Things like this can affect the
economy and agricultural subsistence of a third world country like ours.

The measures are: Things like continually recycling our waste, taking care of how much water we
use and our electric light, buying or making ecological products, Promote reforestation, Conserve
natural resources, people must walk and use bicycles instead of cars, etc. All this will contribute to
the reduction of climate change, believe it or not.

Advantages of living in the city are: have many labor opportunities, have more access to cultural
attractions, have a variety of services such as restaurants, health centers, schools, universities
etc.), have access to media of transport, etc. Disadvantages are: The cost of living is often high,
there is more contamination, there is more traffic, hectic and stressful rhythm of life, Crime is
usually high
Advantages of living in the country are: prices are cheaper, calm rhythm of life, be in contact with
nature, there isn’t pollution, less stress, have a healthy life, it’s much safer, etc. Disadvantages are:
not having access to technology, Lifestyle can get monotonous, Less access to health services and
media of transportation, Less job opportunities, etc.

The ex-president of Peru, Martín Vizcarra, promulgated the Framework Law on Climate Change, a
regulation that strengthens the role of the Ministry of the Environment (Minam) in the
management and prevention of climate change, with the participation of other ministries and
regional and local governments. Thanks to this rule, all investment projects in Peru will have to
submit a risk study on the effects of climate change. The initiative was achieved after four years of
analysis and citizen discussion of various civil society actors. The law establishes specific
obligations in the regions and sectors, with which it will be possible to define concrete adaptation
and mitigation actions, reducing the vulnerability of the country by increasing the adaptive
capacity of the population, ecosystems, productive systems and infrastructure.

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