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BGP Route Attributes

BGP routes come with several attributes that influence path selection. The primary
attributes are:

1. **AS-PATH**: A list of ASes (Autonomous Systems) a route has traversed. Shorter

AS-PATHs are generally preferred.

2. **NEXT-HOP**: The IP address of the next hop to reach a route. This attribute is
crucial for routing traffic correctly.

3. **LOCAL_PREF**: Local preference is used within an AS to select a preferred

path. Higher values are preferred over lower ones.

4. **MED (Multi-Exit Discriminator)**: Used to influence the inbound traffic from

neighboring ASes. Lower values are preferred.

5. **COMMUNITY**: Tags that can be used for applying routing policies across
multiple routers.

Understanding and manipulating these attributes allow network administrators to

control routing behavior effectively.

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