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I. Causes and manifestations.

1. Why does Gender Discrimination exist in society?

- Gender discrimination exists in society for a number of reasons:
• Culture and traditions: Cultural traditions in some societies may define the roles
and functions of men and women. For example, in some cultures, men are often
seen as the adulterers and the main breadwinners in the family, while women are
seen as the caretakers of the family and doing household chores.
• Traditional job assignment: Traditional job assignment also creates gender
stereotypes. Men are often involved in heavy work, scientific and technical work,
while women are often involved in caring for and raising the family
Social discrimination: It’s based on gender also contributes to the maintenance of
gender stereotypes. Through observation and role-playing from a young age,
children form views and stereotypes about the roles of each gender
• Advertising and media: Advertising and media contribute greatly to maintaining
gender stereotypes.
- Gender discrimination exists in society due to the influence of culture, tradition,
work division, social segregation and the media.
2. Gender discrimination is common in the workplace. In the workplace, injustice
and discrimination will mostly occur in every environment. Especially for women,
although more and more women are working, the amount of work they have to
shoulder shows no signs of being reduced. At the same time, the wage gap between
women and men remains significant in most countries. Inequality in workplace
relationships will cause a particular person or group to be looked down upon,
scorned, evaluated negatively, or not receive respect from colleagues or peers.
superior. And if working in environments, women or transgender women can
hardly work as senior managers, or have lower salaries than male colleagues in the
same position. According to a report by Vietnam Financial Times, women earn
less than men in all types of occupations, even if they hold senior management
positions. And 12% is the average salary difference between men and women

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