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International Journal of Coal Geology 85 (2011) 219–226

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International Journal of Coal Geology

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i j c o a l g e o

Development of graphite-like particles from the high temperature treatment of

carbonized anthracites
Sandra Rodrigues a,b,⁎, Isabel Suárez-Ruiz a, Manuela Marques b, Deolinda Flores b,
Ignacio Camean a, Ana B. García a
Instituto Nacional del Carbón, (INCAR-CSIC), Francisco Pintado Fe 26, 33011-Oviedo, Spain
Centro de Geologia da Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua Campo Alegre, 687, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this study is the optical and structural (micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction)
Received 27 August 2010 characterization of particles formed during the high temperature treatment (HTT) of anthracites. Two
Received in revised form 2 November 2010 anthracites of different rank, from the Peñarroya–Belmez–Espiel Basin (PBEB, Spain) (Rr = 2.62%), and the
Accepted 2 November 2010
Douro Basin (DB, Portugal) (Rr = 6.25%), were carbonized at 1000 °C in a tube furnace, under nitrogen flow,
Available online 12 November 2010
and then treated at temperatures of 2000 °C and 2500 °C, in a graphite furnace.
After treatment at these high temperatures, the residues obtained show various graphite structures, namely,
Carbonized anthracites flakes, microspheres and crystalline aggregates, in percentages that depend on type of the precursor
Graphite-like particles (carbonized anthracite) and temperature. These structures grow from the dense particles, which are the
High temperature treatment major component of the studied samples. Flakes, microspheres and crystalline aggregates develop and
Optical properties acquire their properties at 2000 °C, and minor changes occurring with the rise in temperature. Moreover,
Micro-structural characterization theses structures exhibit similar characteristics to those of graphite edge planes.
Micro-Raman spectroscopy Dense particles from both samples show an improvement in their microstructure with the rise in
temperature. This improvement is greater in dense particles from the carbonized DB anthracite. In fact at
2500 °C these dense particles show optical and structural properties similar to those found in natural graphite.
This was not found in the case of dense particles from the carbonized PBEB anthracite. These observations are
also supported by the X-ray diffraction parameters which confer the highest degree of crystallinity for the
carbonized DB sample at 2500 °C.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (Atria et al., 2002; Suárez-Ruiz and García, 2007); (2) the prior
arrangement of the Basic Structural Units (BSUs) with a preferential
Graphitic materials are highly valuable products with many planar orientation in the raw anthracite (Blanche et al., 1995; Duber
industrial applications (Chung, 2002; Pierson, 1993). Nowadays, et al., 1993; Oberlin and Terriere, 1975; Pusz et al., 2003); (3) the
petroleum coke is the main carbon material used in the manufacture presence of planar pores (Deurbergue et al., 1987; Oberlin and
of synthetic graphite. However, efforts are being made to decrease the Terriere, 1975); and (4) the presence of mineral matter that acts as a
dependence on petroleum by searching for other graphitic material catalyst during high temperature treatment (HTT) (Atria et al., 2002;
precursors that graphitize readily. Among these, anthracites were Evans et al., 1972; Garcia et al., 2010; González et al., 2005; Oberlin
found to graphitize easily when heated to temperatures above and Terriere, 1975; Pappano and Schobert, 2009).
2000 °C (Franklin, 1951; Oberlin and Terriere, 1975). These high In a recent work, Suárez-Ruiz and García (2007) identified
rank coals are heterogeneous materials and the graphitization different kinds of particles developed from the graphitization of two
behavior of each anthracite may differ vastly from one another. anthracites of relatively close coal rank (Rr = 2.3 and 3.6%) at different
Nevertheless, certain physical and chemical properties of anthracites temperatures. This included dense particles, flakes, microspheres and
allow them to be considered as potential precursors of graphitic-like crystalline aggregates. However, the authors focused their study on
products, such as: (1) the chemical composition of the raw materials dense particles which are the predominant component of the
materials obtained from high temperature treatment (HTT), paying
less attention to the other components that are present in minor
⁎ Corresponding author. Centro de Geologia da Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de
Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua Campo Alegre, 687, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal.
Tel.: + 351 220402489; fax: + 351 220402490. The present work, which is part of an ongoing PhD thesis,
E-mail address: (S. Rodrigues). complements a study carried out by Suárez-Ruiz and García (2007).

0166-5162/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
220 S. Rodrigues et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 85 (2011) 219–226

It is focused on the optical and structural characterization of all the 2. Samples and analytical procedures
structures identified during the HTT at 2000 and 2500 °C of two
carboniferous anthracites of different rank (Rr = 2.62% and 6.25%) and 2.1. Samples
geotectonic settings. Two major techniques were applied: optical
microscopy and micro-Raman spectroscopy. The use of both techni- Two anthracites were chosen for this research work. One is from
ques permitted the various particles found in the heated samples to the Peñarroya–Belmez–Espiel Basin (Spain), is named PBEB, and has a
be characterized individually. Moreover, a natural graphite was also vitrinite random reflectance (Rr) of 2.62%, whereas the second one is
selected for comparative purposes. from the Douro Basin (Portugal), is designated DB, and has a Rr of
The optical properties of the materials prepared from the two 6.25%. Both coals come from highly tectonized basins of Carboniferous
carbonized anthracites were studied by means of reflectance- age. In addition, the PBEB anthracite shows the effects of fluids
indicating surface (RIS) characterization, using RIS main reflectance circulation resulting from magmatic activity (Suárez-Ruiz et al., 2006)
axes (RMAX%, RINT% and RMIN%) and the parameters Ram, Rev and Rst , which is not the case of the Douro Basin sample (Pinto de Jesus, 2003).
which had been previously used by other authors to characterize the For the graphitization process the two raw anthracites were
textural anisotropy and structure of BSUs (microtexture) of carbona- previously carbonized at 1000 °C in a tube furnace, under nitrogen
ceous materials (Duber et al., 2000; Kilby, 1988, 1991; Marques et al., flow, at a heating rate of 2 °C/min and for a residence time of 1 h. The
2009; Pusz et al., 2002; Suárez-Ruiz and García, 2007). Additionally, carbonized samples (precursors of the graphitized materials) were
these optical parameters may also be useful to differentiate between then heated to temperatures of 2000 °C and 2500 °C in a graphite
and/or group together the different graphite-like particles developed furnace, under argon flow, at a heating rate of 10 °C/min, and the
during the high temperature treatment of the materials. samples being kept at these temperatures (2000 and 2500 °C) for 1 h.
As Micro-Raman spectroscopy is particularly sensitive to crystal- The materials obtained from the high temperature treatment were
line structures, it allows the structural characterization of graphitic identified by a code that includes the designation of the precursor
materials (Compagnini et al., 1997; Ferrari, 2007; González et al., anthracite, the letter “C” for carbonization process and then the HTT
2004; Katagiri et al., 1988; Lespade et al., 1984; Marques et al., graphitization treatment temperature, (e.g.) PBEBC/2000 or DBC/
2009; Nemanich and Solin, 1979; Suárez-Ruiz and García, 2007; Tan 2500. For comparison purposes, a natural graphite from Mozambique
et al., 2004; Tuinstra and Koenig, 1970; Vidano et al., 1981; Wang was selected. This sample was obtained from the archives of Porto
et al., 1990). In order to assess the degree of structural order of each University, and no geological information is available.
individual graphitic-like particle developed from the heat treated
samples, both regions of the spectra (first and second-order) were 2.2. Analytical procedures
considered. The first-order Raman spectrum is well known in the
literature. Only one band (G band, 1580 cm− 1) is present in highly 2.2.1. X-ray diffraction
ordered graphite (basal plane) (Tuinstra and Koenig, 1970). Discon- The diffractograms were recorded on a Bruker D8 powder
tinuities in the graphite planes (Compagnini et al., 1997; Katagiri diffractometer equipped with a monochromatic Cu Kα X-ray source
et al., 1988; Tan et al., 2004) or other defects in disordered carbon and an internal standard of silicon powder. Diffraction data were
materials may lead to the addition of other bands on the first- collected by step scanning using a step size of 0.02° 2θ and a scan step
order Raman spectrum, such as the D1 band (1350 cm− 1), D2 band of 2 s. For each sample, three diffractograms were obtained, employ-
(1620 cm− 1), D3 band (1500 cm− 1) and D4 band (1200 cm− 1) ing a different representative batch of sample for each run. The mean
(Beyssac et al., 2003; Larouche and Stansfield, 2010; Sadezky et al., interlayer spacing, d002, was evaluated from the position of the (002)
2005). However, most of the studies have been performed on peak by applying Bragg's equation. The mean crystallite sizes, Lc and
graphite basal planes (GBP, ab directions), while only a few works La, were calculated from the (002) and (110) peaks, respectively,
such as those of Compagnini et al. (1997), Katagiri et al. (1988) and using the Scherrer formula, with values of K = 0.9 for Lc and 1.84 for La
Tan et al. (2004) have studied graphite edge planes (GEP, c direc- (Biscoe and Warren, 1942). The average number of aromatic layers
tion). In their experiments the edge planes of graphite produced bNN was determined in the stacks as bNN = Lc/d002, following the
very different Raman spectra to those of the graphite basal planes, procedure described by Laggoun-Defarge et al. (1994). The broaden-
since the D1 band was apparent. Despite not being extensively used, ing of the diffraction peaks due to instrumental factors was corrected
the second-order Raman spectrum is very important in character- by using a silicon standard. Typical standard errors for the crystallite
ization of graphitic materials. In fact, some sharp features such as sizes were 2% and 9% lower than the values reported for Lc and La,
the splitting of the 2700 cm− 1 band into two components, which respectively. The d002 values are much more precise, with standard
indicates the final stages of the graphitization process (Lespade errors lower than 0.1%. This technique gives an indication of the
et al., 1984), and the disappearance of the 2900 cm− 1 band with degree of graphitization (increase in structural order) of the whole
the increase in the degree of structural order (Hishiyama et al., sample.
2001; Sato et al., 1978) make it possible to study changes in carbon
crystallinity. Hence, identification of such features together with the 2.2.2. Optical microscopy
Raman parameters obtained from the deconvolution of the spectrum Optical characterization of the samples to obtain the RIS
helps to evaluate the structural order reached by the various kinds parameters was performed on pellets with randomly oriented
of graphite-like particles developed from the HTT of carbonized particles using a MPV-Combi (Leitz) microscope equipped with a
anthracites. 100× oil immersion objectives in polarized light. The magnification
X-ray diffraction parameters, interlaying spacing (d002), and was chosen to avoid problems due to surface heterogeneity and the
crystallite sizes along the c axis (Lc) and the a axis (La), were also small size of the particles. For each particle three reflectance points
obtained in order to determine the evolution of the structural order of (R1, R2 and R3) were measured by rotating the microscope stage 45°
the whole samples during the increase in thermal treatment. It has from each point (Ting, 1981). The maximum and minimum apparent
been demonstrated that the combined use of both techniques, X-ray reflectances (R′max% and R′min%) were calculated using Ting's
diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, is complementary in the study of equations (Ting, 1981). On the basis of these values the RIS main
the structural order and the degree of ordering of the crystalline axes (RMAX%, RINT% and RMIN%) and parameters (Ram, Rev and Rst) were
structures of carbon materials (Cabielles et al., 2008; Cabielles et al., obtained following the procedures described by Kilby (1988, 1991)
2009; Cameán et al., 2010; Cuesta et al., 1998; Marques et al., 2009; and later modified by Duber et al. (2000). In the case of the graphite
Suárez-Ruiz and García, 2007). the main axes of the RIS were obtained taking in to consideration the
S. Rodrigues et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 85 (2011) 219–226 221

different graphite planes. The sections parallel to the natural cleavage obtained for DBC/2500 (0.3375 nm) is very close to the value obtained
surfaces (a–b directions, graphite basal planes, GBP) hold the true for the natural graphite (0.3371 nm), which is within the values
RMAX% value (Kwiecinska et al., 1977; Kwiecinska and Petersen, 2004; reported by Kwiecinska and Petersen (2004) for that type of
Marques et al., 2009). While cleavage surfaces which slope towards materials. The crystallite sizes, La and Lc, are higher in the DBC/2500
the basal surface or, in extreme cases, are perpendicular to these (c sample than natural graphite (Table 1), which indicates that the DBC/
direction, graphite edge planes, GEP) reflect the true RMIN%. Since 2500 sample has undergone strong three-dimensional ordering.
graphite is an optically uniaxial mineral, the RINT% RIS axis is equal to
the RMAX% value (Duber et al., 2000; Kilby, 1988) and the RIS 3.2. Development of graphite-like structures
parameters (Ram, Rev and Rst) can be obtained. The optical photo-
micrographs were taken on a Zeiss Axionplan microscope, in oil Optical microscopy showed that when the temperature rises from
immersion, polarized light and with a 1λ retarder plate. Leica 2000 to 2500 °C, different kinds of graphite-like particles develop.
software was used to capture and analyze the corresponding images. These graphite-like particles include dense particles, flakes, micro-
spheres and crystalline aggregates, some of which are present in
2.2.3. Micro-Raman spectroscopy natural graphite (Kwiecinska and Petersen, 2004). Fig. 1 shows that
The Raman scattering measurements were performed on a Jobin flakes, microspheres and crystalline aggregates are present in small
Yvon LabRam HR UV 800 spectrometer using a laser wavelength of percentages in all the samples. However, the percentages in which
Argon 532 nm (24.3 mV). A microscope equipped with a 100× lens was these types of structures are found increase with temperature,
used to focus the excitation laser beam onto the particle and to collect especially in the DBC sample, with a total amount of 30% (vol.) at
the Raman signal. For each graphitic structure two spectra were 2500 °C. However the percentage of the dense particles decreases.
obtained and about ten spectra in the case of dense particles. These This suggests that the structures mentioned above (flakes, micro-
spectra were recorded in the range of 1000–1800 cm− 1 in the first- spheres and crystalline aggregates) grow or are formed from the
order region and from 2300 to 3500 cm− 1 in the second-order region. dense particles (Fig. 2a and c). In any case, the dense particles are the
Each spectrum was subjected to peak fitting with LabSpec software in predominant component in all the analyzed samples at the tempera-
order to resolve the curve using Lorentzian line shapes and/or tures of 2000 and 2500 °C.
Lorentzian/Gaussian combination line shapes. The parameters obtained The flakes and microspheres are particles that have a strong optical
from the decomposition of the spectrum include: the peak position anisotropy. The flakes have an elongated shape (Fig. 2a) while the
(frequency, cm− 1), full width at half maximum (FWHM, cm− 1) of the microspheres are round in morphology (Fig. 2b). The crystalline
bands, and the band area ratios, ID1/IG, IG/Iall (Sheng, 2007), and I2900/ aggregates are very small particles that grow out of dense particles in
I2700 (Zaida et al., 2007). The Raman properties of the graphite were the form of aggregates (Fig. 2c).
evaluated by also taking into account the two crystallographic directions The dense particles appear as irregular plates of variable size, some
of graphite, i.e., graphite basal planes (GBP) and graphite edge planes of which develop porosity. Most of these particles are strongly
(GEP). Several authors (Compagnini et al., 1997; Katagiri et al., 1988; anisotropic (Fig. 2d). However, in the DBC/2500 dense particles, two
Tan et al., 2004) had already identified different features of GBP and main optical features are observed as in the case of graphite: i) basal
GEP in the Raman spectra. Therefore both sections of this mineral planes oriented parallel to the polished surface that have isotropic
were analyzed. The values of the Raman parameters presented in Table 2 optical behavior (Fig. 2e) and are similar to GBP, and ii) sections which
are the mean values obtained from the deconvolution of the spectrum deviate from or are even perpendicular to the basal plane, display an
of each particle. anisotropic optical behavior (Fig. 2f) and are similar to GEP.

3. Results and discussion 3.3. Evolution of the Raman spectroscopic characteristics in the graphite-
like structures
3.1. Structural order as determined by X-ray diffraction analysis
Table 2 shows the main parameters obtained from the micro-
Table 1 summarizes the results of the X-ray diffraction for the Raman spectroscopy analysis for all the identified graphite-like
treated samples and natural graphite. In the heated samples the effect particles. The exceptions are the microsphere particles in the
of increasing temperature is a reduction in the interlayer spacing PBEBC/2000 sample that, due to their small size, could not be
(d002), and an increase in the crystalline sizes along the c-axis (Lc) and subjected to micro-Raman measurements.
along the a-axis (La), there being also a significant increase in the All the spectra obtained from the flakes, microspheres and
number of aromatic layers (bNN). Despite the improvement in the crystalline aggregates of the studied samples exhibit three bands in
structural organization of the PBEBC samples from 2000 to 2500 °C, as
can be seen in Table 1, these samples are less ordered than the
corresponding graphitized materials obtained from the DBC samples.
In fact, the DBC/2000 sample shows a higher degree of structural
ordering than PBEBC/2500. Furthermore, DBC/2500 results in graphite
material that exhibits properties comparable to those of Mozambique
natural graphite (Table 1). Indeed, the d002 interlayer spacing

Table 1
X-ray diffraction parameters of HTT materials at 2000 and 2500 °C and natural graphite
(not submitted to any thermal treatment).

Samples d002 (nm) La (nm) Lc (nm) bNN

PBEBC/2000 0.3467 8.0 4.1 12

PBEBC/2500 0.3438 10.9 5.7 17
DBC/2000 0.3420 29.0 8.0 23
DBC/2500 0.3375 47.4 27.3 81
Fig. 1. Development and evolution of the graphite-like structures during the high
Natural Graphite 0.3371 32.1 24.3 72
temperature treatment (HTT) of PBEBC and DBC carbonized anthracites.
222 S. Rodrigues et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 85 (2011) 219–226

Fig. 2. Optical photomicrographs of different kinds of particles found in the graphitized samples. Images were taken in oil immersion (50×), polarized light and with a retarder plate
of 1λ. a) Flakes from the DBC/2500 sample; b) Microspheres from the PBEBC/2500 (see white arrow); c) Crystalline aggregates from the DBC/2000 sample; d) Dense particles from
the PBEBC/2500 sample; e) Isotropic dense particle from the DBC/2500 sample; f) Anisotropic dense particle from the DBC/2500 sample.

the first-order region, two major G and D bands (Table 2) and a well PBEBC samples tend to become narrower and to move to the lower
defined D2 band (1620 cm− 1). However, additional bands of low frequencies (Table 2). Moreover, a decrease in the band area ratio ID1/
intensity that represent structural defects appear at 1500 cm− 1 (D3 IG and I2900/I2700, and an increase in IG/Iall ratio were observed
band) in the flakes and crystalline aggregates spectra of the PBEBC/ during HTT (Figs. 3 and 4). These results show an improvement in the
2000 sample. Moreover, there is another band at around 1278 cm− 1 degree of structural ordering of the dense particles in the PBEBC
(D4 band) which was only observed in the flakes spectra from PBEBC/ sample with thermal treatment.
2000 sample. The defect bands (D3 and D4) tend to disappear with The DBC/2000 dense particles show similar Raman spectra to those
increasing temperature. The second-order region displays four bands of the PBEBC graphitized samples (Figs. 3 and 4). The Raman
at around ~ 2460 cm− 1, ~2700 cm− 1, ~2940 cm− 1 and ~3240 cm− 1 parameters revealed that the dense particles of the DBC/2000 sample
in the spectra of the above mentioned graphite-like particles. have values close to those of the dense particles in the PBEBC/2500
No correlation was found between the micro-Raman parameters sample (Table 2). This suggests that the DBC/2000 dense particles
and the increase in temperature for flakes, microspheres and already have a high degree of structural organization even at lower
crystalline aggregates (Figs. 3 and 4). In fact, a homogenization of temperatures.
the values of the Raman parameters and an approximation towards The Raman spectra of the dense particles from DBC/2500 were
the values of the natural graphite edge planes (GEP) was observed for obtained bearing in mind the orientation of the particles relative to
these structures (Table 2). the polished surface, that is, particles (basal plane) parallel to the
The Raman spectra of the dense particles from the PBEBC/2000 and polished surface and dense particles perpendicularly orientated to the
PBEBC/2500 samples exhibit five bands in the first-order region, the basal plane. The D1, G and D2 (1620 cm− 1) bands are present in the
D1 and G bands (Table 2), D4 band (~ 1160 cm− 1), D3 band first-order region. However, the basal dense particles of DBC/2500
(~1570 cm− 1) and D2 band (1620 cm− 1), and four bands in the have other striking features that deserve mentioning such as a very
second-order region (Table 2) at similar positions to those already low intensity D1 band and a narrow G band (Table 2, Fig. 3). The
mentioned for the particles described above. With the increase second-order Raman spectrum of the DBC/2500 dense particles
heating temperature, the D1 and G bands of the dense particles in the exhibit four bands: 2460, 2700, 2940 and 3240 cm− 1. Once again,
S. Rodrigues et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 85 (2011) 219–226 223

Table 2
Raman parameters from the first- and second-order Raman spectra of individual particles developed during HTT (2000 and 2500 °C) of two carbonized anthracites (PBEBC and DBC),
and natural graphite (not submitted to any thermal treatment).

Particles Sample D1 Band G Band First-order 2700 Band 2900 Band Second-order
ratios ratio

Frequency FWHM Frequency FWHM ID1/G IG/Iall Frequency FWHM Frequency FWHM I2900/I2700
(cm− 1) (cm− 1) (cm− 1) (cm− 1) (cm− 1) (cm− 1) (cm− 1) (cm− 1)

Flakes PBEBC/2000 1346 41 1580 21 1.08 0.40 2699 63 2936 91 0.27

PBEBC/2500 1352 38 1584 20 1.54 0.37 2704 73 2943 76 0.29
DBC/2000 1350 38 1583 18 1.12 0.44 2704 77 2945 66 0.20
DBC/2500 1349 39 1581 21 1.52 0.37 2700 75 2942 72 0.26
Microspheres PBEBC/2500 1350 40 1583 21 1.48 0.37 2702 75 2940 81 0.30
DBC/2000 1350 40 1584 20 1.52 0.37 2701 80 2942 76 0.34
DBC/2500 1348 38 1581 21 1.43 0.38 2699 76 2941 71 0.27
Crystalline aggregates PBEBC/2000 1348 37 1582 24 1.21 0.41 2699 54 2940 80 0.22
PBEBC/2500 1349 38 1583 21 1.33 0.39 2702 76 2941 73 0.27
DBC/2000 1349 40 1583 20 1.04 0.45 2703 69 2943 71 0.21
DBC/2500 1349 37 1582 23 1.15 0.44 2699 60 2942 71 0.20
Dense particles PBEBC/2000 1353 53 1589 40 2.25 0.25 2696 95 2944 109 0.43
PBEBC/2500 1351 42 1586 37 1.34 0.34 2696 68 2944 86 0.26
DBC/2000 1353 42 1587 38 1.33 0.38 2699 73 2944 95 0.36
DBC/2500 Basal Plane 1349 38 1582 25 1.65 0.35 2698 68 2941 77 0.31
DBC/2500 Basal Plane 1348 35 1580 16 0.48 0.65 2719 36 2943 68 0.13
Natural graphite GEP 1348 42 1582 23 1.75 0.33 2700 79 2940 81 0.35
GBP – – 1580 13 0.00 1.00 2719 32 – – 0.00

PBEBC — carbonized anthracite from Peñarroya–Belmez–Espiel Basin (Rr = 2.62%). DBC — carbonized anthracite from Douro Basin (Rr = 6.25%).
DBC/2500 Basal plane — dense particles perpendicularly oriented to basal dense particles. DBC/2500 Basal plane — basal dense particles.
GEP — Graphite edges planes (section of natural graphite perpendicular to the basal plane). GBP — Graphite basal plane.

the DBC/2500 basal dense particles show features that are not 2500 and DBC/2000 dense particles; and (iii) the flakes, microspheres,
observed in the dense particles perpendicularly oriented to the basal crystalline aggregates from all the samples, and the DBC/2500 dense
plane. These included: i) the 2700 cm− 1 band split into a doublet, particles which are perpendicular to the basal dense particles.
indicating a dislocation to higher positions (2720 cm− 1, Table 2) with The micro-Raman results show that: i) the increase in tempera-
a shoulder at 2680 cm− 1; and ii) a very low intensity 2900 cm− 1 ture from 2000 to 2500 °C, leads to an improvement in the structural
band. These two features are indicative of a higher degree of structural organization of the dense particles; ii) the rise in temperature during
ordering of the materials (Cuesta et al., 1994; Ferrari, 2007; Hishiyama HTT also promotes an improvement of the structural and textural
et al., 2001; Lee, 2004; Sadezky et al., 2005). Thus, sections of the characteristics of the flakes and crystalline aggregates of the PBEBC/
dense particles of the DBC/2500 sample which are perpendicular to 2000 sample as reflected by the removal of the D3 and D4 defect
the basal plane exhibit values of micro-Raman parameters close to bands; iii) the micro-Raman properties of the flakes, microspheres
those obtained for the flakes, microspheres, crystalline aggregates and crystalline aggregates tend to approach those of GEP in natural
and the GEP of the studied natural graphite. However, the basal graphite; iv) the DBC/2500 dense particles show a higher degree
sections reveal micro-Raman structural properties similar to the GBP of structural order, and have two paths with respect to their
(Figs. 3 and 4). orientations on the polished surface, one in the direction of GBP,
The micro-Raman parameters make it possible to group the corresponding to the dense particles parallel to the polished surface
various graphite-like particles into three main groups (Figs. 3 and 4): with basal planes characteristics, and the other in the direction of
(i) the DBC/2500 basal dense particles; (ii) the PBEBC/2000, PBEBC/ GEP, represented by the dense particles perpendicular to the basal

Fig. 3. Relationship between Raman parameters of the first-order spectrum, G band FWHM (cm− 1) and the band area ratio IG/Iall of the graphite-like particles, and the GEP and GBP
of natural graphite (not submitted to any thermal treatment). The association between particles also permitted the discrimination of three groups.
224 S. Rodrigues et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 85 (2011) 219–226

Fig. 4. Relationship between Raman parameters from de first (G band FWHM) and the second-order (band area ratio I2900/I2700) of Raman spectrum of the graphite-like particles
and the GEP and GBP of natural graphite (not submitted to any thermal treatment).

plane; v) in the basal dense particles of the DBC/2500 sample, the The dense particles from DBC/2000 experience an improvement in
splitting of the 2700 cm− 1 band and the very low intensity of the their microtexture (structure of BSUs and spatial arrangement of
2900 cm− 1 band show that these materials have acquired a BSUs, i.e., texture) at lower temperatures treatment when compared
tridimensional order; and vi) the two last features are also supported with the same particles from PBEBC/2500 at 2500 °C (Fig. 5).
by the values of the X-ray diffraction parameters obtained for the In view of the similarities that the dense particles share with
DBC/2500 sample. graphite (e.g., optical features, micro-Raman characteristics and the
tridimensional features which can be seen by X-ray data) the RIS
3.4. Evolution of the optical properties in the graphite-like structures parameters from DBC/2500 dense particles were calculated using
the same criteria as for the graphite. The projection of the R′max and
The optical properties that characterize the RIS of the various R′min values of the DBC/2500 dense particles onto the Kilby cross-
graphite-like structures are presented in Table 3. It was not possible to plot make it possible to separate sections with different optical
obtain the RIS parameters for the flakes from PBEBC/2000 and for the behaviors due to the different orientations relative to the polished
microspheres from PBEBC/2000, PBEBC/2500 and DBC/2000 due to surface. The dense particle sections parallel to the plane of
their small size and/or because of their absence. No optical data were measurement (basal planes) have very high R′max% and R′min%
obtained for crystalline aggregates due to their peculiar morphology and, thus, low bireflectance values. These particles contain the true
(see Fig. 2c). For the flakes and microspheres, the values of the optical RMAX% value. The sections that are perpendicular to the basal plane
parameters change only slightly with the increase in temperature. sections have high R′max% but very low R′min% values. Consequently
Indeed, they all tend to exhibit similar values at both temperatures they have very high values of bireflectance, and hold the true RMIN%
(Table 3, Fig. 5). Because of the lack of enough data no statistical value (Table 3).
conclusions can be obtained. Similar results were obtained when the two planes of natural
The PBEBC dense particles evolve with the increase in temperature graphite (GBP and GEP) were projected. Basal planes (GBP) hold the
of the thermal treatment. In fact, there is an increase in the values true RMAX% value whereas the cleavage surfaces (GEP) comprise the
of the RMAX% and the anisotropy parameters, Ram, B and [(RMAX% − true RMIN% value (Table 3). Similar values were found for the dense
RMIN%)/RMAX%)], and a decrease in the Rev values. All of these results particles from DBC/2500 and natural graphite, as Table 3 and Fig. 5
are related with an improvement in the structural and textural shows.
organization of the materials that seems occur at 2500 °C (Table 3, Taking into account the optical properties obtained for the various
Fig. 5). These findings are in good agreement with those previously structures identified (Table 3, Fig. 5) it is possible to group together
reported by Suárez-Ruiz and García (2007) for dense particles in the particles with similar optical parameters, as follows: (i) dense
same range of temperature treatment. particles from DBC/2500; (ii) dense particles from PBEBC/2000,

Table 3
Optical properties of individual particles developed during HTT (2000 and 2500 °C) of two carbonized anthracites (PBEBC and DBC), and natural graphite (not submitted to any
thermal treatment).

Particles Flakes Microspheres Dense particles Natural

Sample/HTT PBEBC/2500 DBC/2000 DBC/2500 DBC/2500 PBEBC/2000 PBEBC/2500 DBC/2000 DBC/2500

RIS characteristics
RIS axes RMAX% 9.81 11.32 9.10 8.35 8.89 9.21 13.60 18.20 20.57
RINT% 3.41 2.99 3.30 3.42 7.73 8.51 12.09 18.20 20.57
RMIN% 0.09 0.45 0.13 0.10 4.28 2.80 3.18 0.08 0.16
RIS parameters Ram 0.429 0.445 0.419 0.404 0.132 0.198 0.225 0.331 0.330
Rev 1.45 2.47 1.58 1.40 6.65 6.03 8.06 3.00 4.05
Rst 10.37 17.07 9.65 6.36 − 16.04 − 24.27 − 22.33 − 30.00 − 30.00
Anisotropy parameters B% 9.72 10.87 8.97 8.25 4.60 6.41 10.42 18.12 20.41
(RMAX% − RMIN%)/RMAX% 0.99 0.96 0.99 0.99 0.52 0.70 0.77 1.00 0.99

PBEBC — carbonized anthracite from Peñarroya–Belmez–Espiel Basin (Rr = 2.62%).

DBC — carbonized anthracite from Douro Basin (Rr = 6.25%).
S. Rodrigues et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 85 (2011) 219–226 225

Fig. 5. Relationship between Ram and RMAX% RIS parameters of the graphitized particles (except crystalline aggregates) and the natural graphite (not submitted to any thermal
treatment). The association between particles allowed the discrimination of the three groups to be done (see text).

PBEBC/2500 and DBC/2000; (iii) flakes (from both samples and at Basin, namely pressure. However, the nature of the mineral matter
both temperatures) and microspheres from DBC/2500. may also have had an influence on the ease with which DB anthracite
The results presented above show that: i) the increase in can be graphitized. Ongoing research may or may not clarify these
temperature treatment from 2000 to 2500 °C leads to an improve- points. In summary, the results obtained for the DB anthracite show
ment in the microtexture of the dense particles: ii) the high that this coal as could be used as a precursor of graphitic materials.
temperature treatment of the previously carbonized anthracites Moreover, the knowledge acquired about the individual properties
changes the microtexture of the flakes and microspheres particles of the components present in the graphitized samples may suggest
slightly, but more importantly, it leads to an increase in the amount of ideas for future applications.
these particles; iii) the DBC/2500 dense particles show an evolution
towards the characteristics of natural graphite, which suggests they
have a higher degree of structural order than the PBEBC/2500 dense Acknowledgments
particles; and iv) this is also supported by the values of the X-ray
diffraction and Raman parameters, which show that the DBC/2500 S. Rodrigues benefited from a PhD scholarship financed by FCT —
sample has the highest degree of crystallinity and display values Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal, Ref: SFRH/BD/38126/
similar to those of natural graphite. As stated above, both techniques 2007. This author is also grateful for all technical support given by
make it possible to differentiate between various kinds of particles INCAR – Instituto Nacional del Carbón (CSIC, Oviedo, Spain).
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