Excel Syllabus

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Excel syllabus

3rd year
Mr. Busschop
Table of contents

Chapter 1 An Excel file..............................................................................1

1.1 Workbooks and worksheets..............................................................1

1.2 Columns, rows and cells...................................................................1

1.3 Ranges..........................................................................................2

1.4 Selections......................................................................................3

1.5 Cursors.........................................................................................4

1.6 Exercises.......................................................................................5

Chapter 2 Number formats........................................................................7

2.1 Navigating and registering...............................................................7

2.2 Entering and changing numbers or text..............................................7

2.3 Formula bar...................................................................................8

2.4 Using the escape button..................................................................8

2.5 Data types.....................................................................................8

2.6 Number formats.............................................................................9

2.7 Changing number formats................................................................9

2.8 Date format..................................................................................10

2.9 Exercises.....................................................................................11

Chapter 3 Formulas................................................................................13

3.1 Simple formulas............................................................................13

3.2 Formulas using the fill handle.........................................................14

3.3 Percentages.................................................................................16

3.4 Exercises.....................................................................................17

Chapter 4 Layout...................................................................................20

4.1 Column width...............................................................................20

4.2 Row height...................................................................................20

4.3 Merge cells...................................................................................21

4.4 Borders........................................................................................22

4.5 Formatting text.............................................................................22

4.6 Copy layout..................................................................................22

4.7 Conditional Formatting...................................................................23

4.8 Filters..........................................................................................24

4.9 Sorting........................................................................................26

4.10 Exercises...................................................................................27

Chapter 5 Absolute cell reference.............................................................31

5.1 Block a cell with the dollar sign ($)..................................................31

5.2 A mixed or partial block.................................................................33

5.3 Exercises.....................................................................................34

Chapter 6 Functions................................................................................38

6.1 A function in Excel.........................................................................38

6.2 Adding functions...........................................................................38

6.3 IF function...................................................................................40

6.4 The fill handle...............................................................................42

6.5 Exercises.....................................................................................43

Chapter 7 Charts....................................................................................47

7.1 Data range...................................................................................47

7.2 Chart types or diagram types..........................................................48

7.3 Formatting the chart or diagram......................................................49

7.4 Exercises.....................................................................................50

Sources 53
Chapter 1 An Excel file

1.1 Workbooks and worksheets

An Excel file or workbook1 consists of one or more worksheets2. Each

worksheet has a name that can easily be changed by double clicking on the
name. You can also reposition the worksheets by dragging them. By right-
clicking on the worksheet, you have other options that you can perform.

Worksheets in Excel

1.2 Columns, rows and cells

Each worksheet consists of columns (vertical) that are named with a column
letter, e.g.3 column D. The rows run horizontally, indicated by a row number,
e.g. row 23. The intersection 4 between a column and a row is called a cell. Each
cell has a cell address, consisting of the column letter and the row number, e.g.
cell D23. At the top left (in the “Name box 5”), the current cell address is always
being displayed. You can also enter a cell address here so that you automatically
go to this cell.

The cell address “C3” of the selected cell

short for exempli gratia, which means "for example”
1.3 Ranges

Multiple cells together are called a range6. The range from cells B4 to B19 is
indicated by B4:B19 (note the colon7). A range can also contain multiple
columns, e.g. A7:C9. If you want to include several cells in a range that are not
next to each other, we use the semicolon8, e.g. D2;D9;F6. Below are some
examples of ranges.

B2:B8 (From cell B2 to B8)

A2:C3 (From cell A2 to C3)

B2;C5 (Cell B2 and C5)

B3;B5;B8;D3:D5 (Cell B3, B5, B8 and cells D3 through D5)

1.4 Selections

 Full worksheet: To select a complete worksheet, click on the triangle in the

top left corner of the worksheet.

 Full column: Click on the column letter.

 Full row: Click on the row number.
 Multiple rows or columns: Adjacent9 columns or rows can be selected by
dragging over the column letters or row numbers or by clicking on the first
and last column or row while holding the SHIFT key. You can select
individual rows or columns by holding down the CTRL key.
 One cell: Click on the cell.
 Individual cells: Select with the CTRL key held down.
 Multiple adjacent cells: Highlight the first cell and hold down the mouse
button, drag to a certain direction and release. Make sure you use the correct
cursor. In this case, it's the white-filled plus cursor that appears when you
hover over the centre of the cell.

1.5 Cursors

Cursors are cues10 from your mouse on the computer screen. Different types of
cursors allow different actions to be performed.

Select Change size

Click to select one cell or click and Click and drag to shrink or enlarge
drag to select multiple adjacent cells. rows or columns. Double click to fit to

Move Autofill

Click and drag to move cells. Click and drag to fill cells according to
the pattern of the selected cells.

1.6 Exercises


Open a new, empty file using Microsoft Excel. We call such a file a workbook.
Such a workbook contains one or more worksheets.

Save this document as 1.1 Workbook – firstname lastname.xlsx

 Worksheet 1: Selections
1. Rename the first sheet to “Selections”. (Tip: bottom)
2. Select the entire B column and colour it yellow. (Tip: Click on the column
letter and use the paint bucket)
3. Select row 2 and colour it green. (Tip: Click on the row number)
4. Select row 4 to row 7. Colour these purple. (Tip: Using the SHIFT key or
by dragging you select contiguous11 rows or columns)
5. Select column E through G. Colour these gray.
6. Select row 12, 14, 17 and 19. Colour these blue. (Tip: We select non-
contiguous rows of columns with the CTRL key.)

 Worksheet 2: Red
1. Create a new worksheet or select a worksheet that you have not used yet.
2. Name this worksheet “Red”.
3. You can select an entire worksheet by clicking on the top left corner. This
is useful when, for example, you want to delete all contents of a
4. Colour the complete worksheet red.

 Worksheet 3: Pupil
1. Create a new worksheet or select a worksheet that you have not used yet.
2. Name this worksheet “Pupil”.
3. Put your name in cell A1.
4. Put your class in cell A2.
5. At the bottom of the worksheet, drag “Pupil” so that it is on the far left
(i.e.12 the first worksheet).

 Worksheet 4: Ranges
1. Create a new worksheet or select a worksheet that you have not used yet.
2. Name this worksheet “Ranges”.
3. Select range D2:D9. Colour this blue.
4. Select range B11:E14. Colour this green.
5. Select range G3;G7;H1 (i.e. these are single cells and we do this with the
CTRL key). Colour this yellow.

an abbreviation for the phrase id est, which means "that is"
Chapter 2 Number formats

2.1 Navigating and registering

In addition to navigating with your cursor, you should also use the following

 Enter: Registers the value you were entering into the cell and moves down
one cell or row.
 Tab: Registers the value you were entering into the cell and jumps one cell to
the right.
 Arrows: With the arrow keys you can also navigate between cells. The values
are also registered. Note: When you double click on a cell, you can only
navigate within the cell with the arrow keys.
 Escape: Cancels the changes you make to a cell. If the cell was empty
before, it will be empty again. If the cell already contained content, it will
restore the original content.

The different keys listed above.

2.2 Entering and changing numbers or text

You enter a value13 (number or text) into a cell by selecting the cell and typing
in the value. If you want to partially 14 change the value, you can do this by
double clicking on the cell. If you click only once, you will overwrite the value.

2.3 Formula bar

The formula bar15 at the top is especially applicable16 when working with
formulas and functions. You can also use it when entering or changing a value in
a cell.

The formula bar with value 45 from cell A1.

2.4 Using the escape button

When you type a number or text in a cell, but want to cancel this, you can simply
push the "Esc" (Escape) button. This button always allows you to leave a cell and
undo changes. The red cross to the left next to the formula bar does the same.

Cancel button.

2.5 Data types

Numbers and text are aligned differently. A number is aligned to the right in
the cell and text is aligned to the left. When you have a combination, e.g.
"5A&IT", this is also plain text. In short, Excel can only perform calculations with
numbers and not with text.

Note: In the Dutch version of Excel, it is important that a comma number is

never written with a period17. If you do this, then Excel recognizes it as text and
you are not able to perform calculations with these values (Correct form: e.g.
14,8 - incorrect form: e.g. 14.8).

van toepassing
Text is aligned to the left, numbers to the right.

2.6 Number formats

Numbers can be represented in many different ways. We call this number

formats18. The number entered in the cell is preserved 19, but the cell displays it
in a different way.

 Example 1: 0,50 or 0,5 or 50% or € 0,5 or …

 Example 2: 15/05/2021 or Saturday 15 May 2021 or 15.05.21 or …

2.7 Changing number formats

 Option 1: Tab “Home” (“Start”) > Group “Number” (“Getal”).

 Option 2: Right click on cell > “Cell properties” (“Celeigenschappen”) >
“Number” (“Getal”) tab.

Group “Number” in the Home tab.

2.8 Date format

Working with dates is not always easy. The easiest way is to type the date as
short as possible, e.g. 14/03/2018 or 09/01. Excel now treats this value as a

Note: When you insert a date, Excel actually treats it as a number. Each number
corresponds to a date. For example, the number 1 is represented by the date
1/1/1900, the number 2 becomes 2/1/1900, the number 32 becomes 1/2/1900,
the number 40107 becomes 10/21/2009, and so on. This gives us the great
advantage that we can calculate with dates.
Chapter 3 Formulas

3.1 Simple formulas


 Always start a formula with an equals sign '='.

 Always work with cell addresses in your formula, e.g. C4+C5. If the values in
these cells change, your result will be automatically recalculated 20 by Excel.
So never type a number in your formula.
Tip: Once you've typed the equal sign, you can click on cells to insert it into
your formula. Typing cell addresses is also possible, but is cumbersome 21.
 All math rules apply. Use parentheses22 when necessary.
 Use the following math symbols to perform basic operations:

Symbol Meaning Example

+ (plus sign) Add up 3+3

Subtract or 3-1
- (minus sign)
make negative –1

* (asterisk) Multiply 3*3

/ (slash) Divide 3/3

% (percentage) Percentage 20%

Exponentation23 (raise to
^ (caret) 3^2
a power)

Formula with cell addresses in cell A3. The formula can also be found in the
formula bar at the top.

3.2 Formulas using the fill handle


As with numbers and text, we can also drag a formula with the fill handle24.
What is special is that the cell addresses used in the formula automatically

 To apply the fill handle, pull the small square at the bottom right of the cell in
the desired direction.
 The fill handle can be applied in one direction only.
 You only have to enter the function once. Then use the fill handle.

The first cell was always pulled down using the fill handle.

The first and second cells were always selected first before filling using the fill

Pull the formula in C1 down using the fill handle.

3.3 Percentages


 “%” stands for divided by 100, e.g. You can therefore also display 50% as
0.5. 5 then stands for 500% and vice versa26.
 You can adjust the display/number format in the tab “Home” (“Start”) >
Group “Number” (“Getal”).

Buttons to display more or less digits after the decimal point.

Button for converting a number to a percentage.

3.4 Exercises


Open a new, empty file using Microsoft Excel.

Save this document as 2.1 Number formats – firstname lastname.xlsx

 Worksheet 1: Data types

1. Name the first worksheet “Data types”.
2. Enter the following information one below the other in the A column:
 3MT
 432kg
 12.7
 10%
 10 meters
 IT
 26/10/2021
3. Give all values that Excel considers numbers a green background colour.
(Tip: Look at how the values are aligned27 (left or right)).
4. Give all values that Excel considers text a blue background colour.
(Important: Remember that Excel can only perform calculations with
values that only consist of numbers)

 Worksheet 2: Number formats
1. Provide a second worksheet called “Number formats”.
2. Add the following data one below the other in the A column:
 The number pi to five digits after the decimal point (3,14159). Now
make sure that this number is rounded28 to two digits after the decimal
point (3,14).
 23/07/2022. Make sure the date is shown as “zaterdag 23 juli 2022”. If
necessary, make the column larger.
 30/01/2022. Make sure the date is shown as “30-01-22”.
 199,95. Show this as €199,95.
 45. Show this as $45,0.
 3599,95. Show this as $3,599.95.
 0,6. Show this as 60%.

3.5 Exercises


Solve the questions using simple formulas. Add symbols where necessary.

Open and save 3.1 Simple formulas – firstname lastname.xlsx


In this exercise you calculate how much money each person has earned for a
charity run29. For every kilometre the runners receive a sponsorship.

Open and save 3.2 Formulas using the fill handle – firstname

een loopwedstrijd voor een goed doel

In this exercise you complete the football ranking with the correct formulas.
Read the explanation below so that you use the correct formulas.

Open and save 3.3 Formules with cell addresses and numbers – firstname

For your information:

 The number of matches lost: To find out how many times a team has lost,
reduce the number of matches played by the number of matches won and
 Number of points: A team gets 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0
points for a loss.
 Goal difference: This is the difference between “Number of goals for” and
“Number of goals against”.


 Use the fill handle for each column so that you only have to enter the formula
 For one formula you will not only work with cell addresses, but also with a

In this exercise you will learn to work with percentages in Excel. Add symbols
where necessary.

Open and save 3.4 Percentages – firstname lastname.xlsx


In this exercise you will complete a sales table of a clothing store.

Open and save 3.5 Formulas EXTENSION – firstname lastname.xlsx

Chapter 4 Layout
The proper layout of an Excel document provides a clear overview30 and has a
positive influence on readability31.

 To functionally format32 an Excel document with a well-chosen layout.

4.1 Column width

 You can easily change the column width 33 by dragging the line between two
column letters.
 You can make the column width exactly as wide as the longest value in the
column by double clicking on the line between two column letters.
 If you want to give multiple columns the same width, you can select these
first together with (CTRL or SHIFT) and then change one column width. The
other columns will then automatically adjust34.
 Sometimes a cell is displayed as in the image below. This means that the
column is not wide enough to show this specific value. Make the column

Column not wide enough.

4.2 Row height

This works the same as with the column width.

4.3 Merge cells

Sometimes you want to merge cells so that a value is placed across multiple

 Select the cells you want to merge.

 Click the button “Merge and centre“ (“Samenvoegen en centrereren”).
 If you want to separate35 merged cells, select the merged cell and press
“Merge & Centre” again (“Samenvoegen en centrereren”).

Merging cells.

4.4 Borders

You can add boxes or borders to cells with the “Borders” (“Randen”) button.

Borders button with multiple options.

4.5 Formatting text

Text formatting can easily be changed in the “Home” tab (tab “Start”).

Home Tab - Formatting Options.

4.6 Copy layout

It often happens that you want to give cells the same format in a document.
Just think of adding a euro sign, adjusting the number format to a percentage,
putting the cell contents in bold, adjusting the background colour ...

If you already have a cell that has been formatted, you can copy and paste the
formatting to another cell or range with the corresponding button. This button is
depicted36 with a paint brush.

1. Select the cell with the desired format.

2. Click the “Format Painter” button.
3. Select the cell or range to which the formatting may be pasted.

Tip: Double click the “Format Painter” button if you want to format multiple
cells in turn according to the copied format. Press the ESC key to stop.

In the Home tab – Group Clipboard you will find the Format Painter button.

4.7 Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting makes it easy to highlight certain values or make

particular cells easy to identify37. This changes the appearance of a cell range
based on a condition38 (or criteria).

The Conditional Formatting button in the Home tab.

To apply conditional formatting:

1. Select the range of cells, the table, or the whole sheet that you want to
apply conditional formatting to.

2. On the “Home” tab (tabblad “Start”), click “Conditional Formatting”

(“Voorwaardelijke opmaak”).

3. Select one of the options from the list.

Example 1: Temperature information with conditional formatting applied that

shows top 10% and bottom 10% values

Example 2: Temperature information with 3-color scale conditional formatting

4.8 Filters

To filter a range of data:

1. Select any cell within the range.

2. Select the tab “Data” (“Gegevens”) > Filter.
3. Click the “Filter” button.
4. Select the column Filter arrow and select one of the options from the list.

The Filter button in the tab Data.

You can click the column Filter arrow at the top of your column to start filtering.
When filtering, you can add a text or number filter depending on the cell values.
4.9 Sorting

To sort a range of cells:

1. Select a range you wish to sort.

2. Expand the selection if necessary! You will get a warning (screenshot
3. In the “Home” tab (“Start”), click the “Sort and filter” button (“Sorteren en

The Sort and filter button in the Home tab. Notice the Filter button within the

When there are more columns with data, select the first option to make sure all
data for each row remains next to each other.
4.10 Exercises


Open a new Excel document and build a table with your personal info like the one
shown in the screenshot underneath. Your personal info does not have to be real.

Save this document as 4.1 Layout table - firstname lastname.xlsx


 “My data” is a merged cell in which the text is centred.

 Your email address may automatically turn blue and clickable.
 When the 0 in front of your phone number disappears, put a single quote (')
in front of it.

You will receive an Excel document for this formatting exercise. You are free to
format this, but make sure that your layout presents the data clearly. You have
the image below as a possible example.

Open and save 4.2 Data layout – firstname lastname.xlsx


 Display a euro sign where necessary.


 Add filters to your table using the “Filter” button.

 Apply the first filter: Sort “Office” alphabetically.
 Apply a second filter: The Salary should be higher than $200.000.

Open and save 4.3 Sort and filter – firstname lastname.xlsx


Use conditional formatting like in the screenshot below:

 For column “Score”:

o Data bars39
o Icon sets40
 For column “Time in seconds”:
o Bottom41 10% > green colour.

Open and save 4.4 Conditional formatting – firstname lastname.xlsx

Chapter 5 Absolute cell reference
Formulas in Excel can be easily copied with the fill handle. When the fill handle
autofills cells, the cell addresses in the formula adjust 42 automatically. There are
a lot of situations where we don't want the cell addresses to change. For this
we use the dollar sign ($). We call this absolute cell reference43.

In this chapter you will learn:

 To fully or partially lock cell addresses in formulas using the dollar sign
(absolute cell reference).

5.1 Block a cell with the dollar sign ($)

When you use the fill handle to autofill, sometimes you don't want some cell
addresses to change. For this we are going to change our cell addresses with the
dollar sign ($).

In the example below we want to create a price list for receipts. The price is
determined at the top of the table. We want to show the price per number of
vouchers. To do this, we multiply the price by the number of vouchers.

The formula with cell addresses A11 and B7.

If we would autofill this formula with the fill handle to the next row, the cell
addresses A11 and B7 would automatically adjust. The cell address A11 becomes
A12 and the cell address B7 becomes B8.

This is necessary for the cell address A12, because we want to multiply the
following number of receipts by the price.

absolute celverwijzing
However, cell address B7 may not be changed, this cell contains our price. The
cell address must therefore absolutely not be changed to B8. To avoid 44 this
change, we put a dollar sign ($) in front of the B and the 7, so we get $B$7. This
will lock (or block) this cell address and will not be changed when we continue
using the fill handle.

Cell address B7 is blocked using dollar signs.

A blocked cell address does not change when using the fill handle.

5.2 A mixed or partial block

By placing a dollar sign in front of the column letter, you block the column.
Placing a dollar sign in front of the row number blocks the row. Since we didn't
change columns in the previous example, we basically shouldn't block the B
column. It was enough to change the cell address to B$7.

Since you are only working in column B, it’s not mandatory 45 to block the column
letter as well.

You do not make a mistake to block both column and row, but there are
situations where you are forced to block only column or row.

Additional information:

You can easily block a cell completely or partially with dollar signs with the F4
key. Place your cursor in the cell address to be blocked and press F4. Each time
you push, the block type changes:

 =A1
 Press F4
 =$A$1 (both column and row are blocked)
 Press F4
 =A$1 (only the row is blocked)
 Press F4
 =$A1 (only the column is blocked)

5.3 Exercises


You are asked to make a price list for a party. We make sure that we can enter
the price of one voucher at the top, for example 2 euros. Our table will then
automatically be filled with the correct prices.

Open and save 5.1 Dollar sign.xlsx


 First, make sure that the “number of vouchers” column contains a range from
1 to 20.
 In cell C7 you type the correct formula that we can autofill with the fill handle.
For this you’ll need a dollar sign.
 Test if everything works by changing the price of a voucher to 3 euros.

You are keeping track of the hours you have worked during your holiday work.
Calculate per week how much you have earned and at the end add up your total
earned wages46.

Open and save 5.2 Dollar sign with functions.xlsx


 Choose your hourly wage yourself and ensure that this is shown in euros.
 Use the SUM-function to add up your number of hours worked per week.
o =SOM(select the cells after typing this, then close with another
o e.g.48 =SOM(A1:A5)


In this exercise you will get an overview of the visitors to different European
amusement parks. Per quarter you see the number of visitors per amusement

In this exercise, each amusement park has to pay 1.5 euros per person as a
tourism tax every quarter49. Calculate in the second table how much tax this is
per quarter per amusement park.

Open and save 5.3 Dollar sign for row and column.xlsx


 You may only enter one function that you autofill with the fill handle
horizontally and vertically.
 Afterwards, make sure that the euro sign is added everywhere.


In this exercise you will fill a table with prices of products. You get the prices in
euros, but you will convert them into different currencies. In other words, you
will have to find out the price of a laptop in US dollars, the price of a pair of jeans
in Swiss Francs, and so on.

Open and save 5.4 Dollar sign partially for row and column.xlsx


 You will only be allowed to enter one function, namely in cell D8. You can
then drag this function horizontally and vertically. Think carefully about how
you are going to place the dollar signs.
 Afterwards, make sure that each column contains the correct currency.
(British Pound £, Swiss Franc CHF, …)
Chapter 6 Functions
Functions in Excel help us calculate complex formulas. Add up a large range,
calculate averages50 or even add logic with the IF function.

In this chapter you will learn:

 To use functions. (Sum, average, max, min, count and if).

 To find and insert other functions.
 To enter functions using the fill handle.

6.1 A function in Excel

A function always looks like this: =FUNCTION(parameters).

Some examples:

 =SOM(B4:B23) : The sum of all numbers in cells B4 to B23 are added.

 =SOM(B3:C5;D5) : The sum of all values in the range B3 to C5 as well as the
cell D5 is made.
 =GEMIDDELDE(A10:A20) : The average is calculated from the numbers in
cells A10 to A20.

Parameters in a function

A function needs data that it can use to calculate a result. The data that we give
to a function are called parameters and are enclosed in parentheses. Depending
on the function, there may be zero or more parameters.

For simple functions, you usually need to provide the range of numbers that the
function will use, e.g. “A1:A25”.

6.2 Adding functions

1. Select the cell in which the result is to be placed.

2. Type in the function or select the function you need from the function list
(see next page).
3. After inserting the function, you usually need to enter the parameters to
be used in the function. Close with another parenthesis.
4. Press enter to display the result.

Select a function.

The function list

If you want a function other than sum, average, max, min or number, you can
select "More functions..." or press the "Insert function" (“Functie invoegen”)
button next to the formula bar. The "Insert function" dialog will appear with all
functions broken down into categories.

Open the complete function list.

Select a function.

After selecting a function you will get a "Function parameters" dialogue. This
states which parameters (data) the function needs in order to work.

6.3 IF function

The IF function51 is a very handy and powerful function. Depending on the

value in a cell, you can display a certain value in another cell.


The IF function usually contains three parts (or three parameters).

The three parts are separated using a semicolon. Notice the text in bold is the
parameter you are now filling in.

Logical test or comparison53: What is to be compared? E.g. Is cell B5 greater

than 20? (This then becomes B5>20).

logische test of vergelijking
Equation54 true?: If the logical test is true, e.g. cell B5 is greater than 20, what
text should appear? E.g. "Warm".

Equation not true?: If the logical test is not true, e.g. cell B5 is not greater
than 20, what text should appear? E.g. "Cold".

Attention: Use double quotes (“”) if you would like your answer to be text. Don’t
use quotes if you are registering another cell address (A2).

Example: If a cell that displays the "Number of degrees" has a number greater
than 20, you can display the text "Warm" in another cell. If the value is smaller
than 20, you can display the value "Cold".


If you want to compare cell addresses or values, you have the following
comparison operators:

= equal to

> greater than

< less than

>= greater than or equal to

<= less than or equal to

<> different from

6.4 The fill handle

As with normal formulas, you can also drag functions using the fill handle. All cell
addresses (e.g. ranges) in the function will then change.

The fill handle was used to autofill the rest of the column with the IF function.
6.5 Exercises


In this exercise, you are responsible for the order of a barbecue. Complete the
document as follows:

1. The price for one piece of meat is 2.5 euros. Make sure to add the euro
2. Calculate how many pieces each person has ordered. Do this with a
function and then use the fill handle.
3. For each type of meat, calculate the total at the bottom. Do this with a
function and then use the fill handle.
4. Calculate with a simple formula how much each person has to pay. Use
the cell that contains the price for one piece of meat.
5. Calculate how much money you should have when everyone has paid.

Open and save 6.1 Adding columns and rows.xlsx


Analyse the running data of an athlete using some common55 functions.

Open and save 6.2 Common functions.xlsx

► EXERCISE 3. IF Function

Use an IF function to display a message depending56 on the age.

The age is entered in B2. If the age is 16 or older, the blue cell (A4) will display
"You may ride a moped57". If this is not the case, the message "Please wait a
little longer" will be displayed.

Open and save 6.3 IF function.xlsx


In this simple game, 40 players choose a number from one to twenty with which
they can win a prize. When the winning number is entered, the third column
shows the word "Winner" if the player guessed correctly. Otherwise, "What a
pity58" is displayed.

Open and save 6.4 IF function with fill handle.xlsx


 When you have written the IF function, drag it down using the fill handle.


 Use conditional formatting to give cells with the winning number a colour.

wat jammer

Open and save 6.5 Self-test IF function.xlsx

With the IF function, you can easily create a test. Let’s test our knowledge of the
capital cities. Go through the following steps to do the exercise correctly:

 In the C column, add the IF function to compare the answer given with the
correct answer from the E column. Depending on the answer, the message
"Correct" or "Incorrect" is displayed.
 When the IF function is finished, hide59 the E column.
 Now test your knowledge of the capitals.


 Use conditional formatting to give cells correct answers a green colour,

incorrect answers a red colour.
 Try to use the Count IF function (“AANTAL.ALS()”) to see how many answers
you got correct.

Chapter 7 Charts
A long list or large table of figures 60 and other data can sometimes be difficult to
interpret. Diagrams or charts in Excel offer the solution for this. With a clear and
well chosen chart, a user will be able to understand certain data much quicker.

In this chapter you will learn:

 To insert and format charts or diagrams in Microsoft Excel.

7.1 Data range

When you want to create a chart or chart in Excel, you first need to determine
what data it should be based on. The data that should be shown in the chart is
called the data range.

Some tips:

 Select the data range before adding the chart.

 Select all data to be included in the chart, including the titles!
 If you do not need all data, you can select the correct data by using the
 If you still want to change the data range, you can do this while editing your
chart. There is no need to delete the whole chart.

A selected data range of two columns using the CTRL key.

7.2 Chart types or diagram types

Once you have selected the right data, you need to choose between the different
chart or diagram types available. This is an important step in determining how
your data will be visually represented.

A column chart or a column diagram.

Types of diagrams or charts

You have a lot of choice of chart or chart types. Always choose a chart that
effectively clarifies your data. Some examples are:

 Column chart: e.g. for comparing numbers.

 Line chart: e.g. to show data over a certain period of time.
 Pie chart: e.g. to show the difference in percentage.
 Map chart: For example, to display data on a world map.
A map chart with countries from Europe.

7.3 Formatting the chart or diagram

Each chart type or diagram type has the option to further customise the layout.
You can change the titles, change the colours, add extra labels, and so on.

You can set this before you insert the chart or after it is in your document.

At the top right of your inserted chart, you can find 3 buttons to filter or format.

A menu will open up if you click “more options” or double click on your chart.
7.4 Exercises


Create the following pie chart.


 The legend is on the right.

 Adjust the colours.
 The percentages are displayed in the pie chart.

Open and save 7.1 Pie chart.xlsx


Add the following column chart that shows the total number of points per quiz
team. Use the CTRL-key to select the split range. Include the names and total
scores in your chart.


 The title of the Y-axis: "Score".

 The title of the X-axis: "Team name".
 The title of the chart: "Quiz results".
 Colour the columns cyan.
 Make sure the background of the chart is somewhat blue.

Open and save 7.2 Chart with split data range.xlsx


Create a line chart showing the number of passenger cars in the last century.


 Try to match your chart with the one underneath.

 Provide the axes with titles.
 The values on the X-axis start from 1930 to 2016.
 Give the line a red colour.
 Add square symbols on your line chart.


 Double click on a specific part of your chart to start formatting. If the

menu opens up, clicking once on other parts is enough in order to select

Open and save 7.3 Line chart.xlsx

Excel en Spreadsheets. (2020, 21 augustus). Informaticalessen. Geraadpleegd
op 7 januari 2022, van https://informaticalessen.be/spreadsheet-rekenblad/

Microsoft. (2022). Sneltoetsen in Excel. Geraadpleegd op 1 april 2022, van


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