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1 短所を教えてください。 (What are the cons?

-My weakness is that i am shy. When i was in high school when I am asked to speak in class, I am
worried about what others will think of me, so I usually refrain from speaking. now I'm trying my best to
socialize with other people and I'm answering in class without being shy. I want to overcome it with all
my best.


2 長所をおしえてください。 (What are your strengths?)

-My strong point is that I am a hard worker.

When I was in high school, I always aimed to be the best in my class. Therefore, after class, I would study
at home, review what I learned during breaks, and watch videos of online lectures. Thanks to that, I was
able to graduate from high school with excellent grades.



3 ストレスや不安などがたまったら、どのようにしますか。 (What do you do when stress or

anxiety builds up?)
-When I'm stressed, I usually sleep or watch movies, or I go out of the house and wander around. I
don't think about stress because it makes me more stress I just entertain myself by doing what I want to
do. I will use my hobbies to relax and relieve stress, as this is how I deal with stress.


4 日本に来ると不安(心配)な事は何かありますか。

-my worries when I come to Japan is that I will get lost because the place is big and I haven't
memorized it yet. but maybe the longer I spend in Japan, the more I will master the places and not get
confused. That's all I worry about in Japan.

5 日本のイメージ(印象)は ありますか?

-my impression of Japan is that Japan is a very safe country without much crime and the japanese
people are very hardworking and very polite. that is also one of the reason why i want work in Japan.


6 どうして、日本で働きたいですか?

-I heard that there is an urgent need for caregivers in Japan. I would like to be one of those people
who can help.


7 どうして、介護の仕事がしたいですか?介護の仕事はどんな仕事だと思いますか。

-I want to work as a caregiver in because I want to help people in need. I really want to take care of the
elderly because I didn't take care of my grandparents because I was too young that time, so I want to gain
experience taking care other people even if I'm not related by blood as long as it helps and I will treat
them as if they were my own grandparents. Caregiver is a hard job and tiring job but i want to help
elderly. But when I see the person I'm helping is happy, all the tiredness and hardship will disappear.

自分の祖父母のように大切に扱いたいです. 介護は大変で疲れる仕事ですが、お年寄りのお手伝

8 日本でやってみたいことはありますか? (WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO IN JAPAN AND

-I want to go to a hot spring because there are many things that are good for the body and it refreshes
my mind.
- 体にいいものがたくさんあって、心がすっきりするので、温泉に行きたいです。


-The place I want to go in Japan is Shibuya Sky in Tokyo. I can fully enjoy the beauty of Tokyo, and
I also like sightseeing, so I think it's the best place to relax and enjoy the beauty of Tokyo.


10 日本に、どのくらい住みたいですか.

-I would like to live in Japan for about 5 years, but if I get a job offer, I would like to return to Japan
and live there for a long time.

-5 年くらい日本に住みたいと思っていますが、内定が出たら日本に戻って長く住みたいです。

11 日本のいい所はなんだと思いますか?日本のいいところは ありますか?

- I think the good things about Japan are that it is a highly technological, safe and convenient country.
That's why it's a great place to live and work.


12 フィリピンのいい所を教えてください.

-The good thing about the Philippines is that it is convenient and people are very friendly and helpful.


13 Where is the best place to go to the Philippines?

-the best place to visit in the Philippines is Cebu. it has beautiful waterfalls, historical sites and many
famous beaches. Especially in January, the Sinulog festival is held which is very fun and is the most
famous festival in the Philippines.

ります。特に 1 月にはシヌログフェスティバルが開催され、とても楽しく、フィリピンで最も
14 日本の食べ物が好きですか

-Yes, of course especially the ramen and tonkatsu ar

15 一日、何時間日本語の勉強をしていますか?(HOW LONG DO YOU STUDY JAPANESE PER

-I study Japanese for 8 hours on weekdays and 3-5 hours on weekends. I always review previous
lessons, memorize vocabulary, and write kanji on paper many times.

-平日は 8 時間、週末は 3~5 時間日本語を勉強しています。私はいつも前のレッスンを復習


16 日本語の勉強はどうですか.

-My Japanese studies are going well. It's challenging, but I'm trying my best to learn and I'm enjoying


17 ご両親は、日本で働くことを どうかんがえて いますか?

-My family supported my decision to go to Japan. Since working in Japan is a dream of mine and
something they support, my parents are happy for me. My parents are looking forward to me being a good
caregiver in Japan.


18 ご家族の仕事について教えてください。

-My family runs a business and it's a simple business.


19 大変そうだと思う介護の仕事は なんですか?
-. I think the hardest part of nursing work is lifting the elderly when transferring from bed to
wheelchair and bath assistance. But I'm training myself to lift heavy things like gallons of water, lifting
piles of books and so on so that I won't have a hard time when I arrive in Japan.


20 いままでで 一番うれしかった事はなんですか。

- what has made me happiest so far is that I passed the JFT N4 exam. I know I worked hard for it, and
it paid off, so passing the exam made me very happy.

-JFT N4 試験に合格したことは、今までで一番幸せでした。これまでの努力が実を結んだこ

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