School Seal

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How important is the breastplate of

righteousness? God promises great rewards

to those who follow the path of
righteousness: “Riches do not profit in the
day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from
death. The righteousness of the blameless
will direct his way aright, but the wicked will
fall by his own wickedness. The
righteousness of the upright will deliver
them, but the unfaithful will be caught by
their lust” (Proverbs 11:4-6).
God is our shield – our hope, our future and
we should depend on His strenght
Our lives revolve on hope, faith and love
Love is the wisdom that knowledge should be put into

Love is the character and commitment that holds

relationships together
Love brings a unity to everything by establishing a meaning and a
purpose for all that exists.
Faith is an assurance and belief that God will do what He’s promised. Faith
accesses heaven and brings its reality to earth. Faith actually turns our hope
into substance and looks into the heavenly realm to provide what is needed.
Faith is determined and aggressive and relentless in its quest. So when hope
is not present, faith has nothing to grab on to. And likewise, hope without faith
is simply a wish.

Hope comes alive and gains strength as the love of God is poured into our
Hope is an expectation of something good anchored in a trustworthy God.

A. Girl’s Uniform
I. Daily Uniform
- yellow gold baby collar dress with green, white and yellow gold
chechered at the hem.
- with checkerd ribbon
- with ESCAI seal on the left collar
- Leather black shoes with white knee sock
- yellow gold baby collar blouse with green, white and yellow gold
checkered on the left body and checked butterfly ribbon.
- ESCAI seal is on the left collar.
- overlap pleats yellow gold skirt with 2 pleats checked on the
front and other 2 pleats at the back
- Leather black shoes with white knee sock
- yellow gold sport collar blouse with green, white and yellow
gold checkered piping at the edge of collar and in pop up short
- checked neck tie with ESCAI seal at the center.
- checked pleated skirt
- Leather black shoes with white knee sock
II. Friday - P.E. Uniform (Boys & Girls)
- yellow Tshirt with ESCAI logo at the front and P.E. and
NURSERY word at the top of back
- brown jogging pants with NURSERY name at the right leg of
- rubber shoes with white sock
- Light green Tshirt with ESCAI logo at the front and P.E. and
KINDER word at the top of back
- Emeral green jogging pants with KINDER name at the right
leg of pants
- rubber shoes with white sock

- aqua blue Tshirt with ESCAI logo at the front and P.E. and
Prep word at the top of back
- Royal blue jogging pants with PREP name at the right leg of
- rubber shoes with white sock
B. Boys’s Uniform
I. Daily Uniform
- yellow gold polo with sport collar and green, white and yellow
gold checkered piping around the collar .
- with ESCAI seal on the left pocket
- yellow gold shorts with piping at the pocket
- Leather black shoes with white sock
- yellow gold polo with sport collar and green, white and yellow
gold checkered on the right body.
- ESCAI seal is on the left pocket.
- checked shorts with yellow gold folded at the edge
- Leather black shoes with white sock
- yellow gold polo with checked sport collar
- checked neck tie
- ESCAI seal at the right pocket.
- checked shorts
- Leather black shoes with white knee sock


1. Come to school on time
 Take a bath
 Eat youe meal before going to school
Be in school 5min. Before your scheduled time.
2. Come to school in complete uniform
. wear your ID
- avoid wearing jewelries – you may break or lose them.
3. Keep yourself clean and healthy
4. Come to school prepared
 Do your homework at home
Ask your parents to check your work
Make sure your school materials like notebook , pencil eraser are
inside your bag.
5. Keep your things neat and clean
 Your name, level and section are written on all your school materials.
 Your notebooks and workbooks are all covered and labeled
 Always fix your own things before you leave the classroom.

6. Care for the things of others

 Pick up papers or trash on the floor and throw it on the trash bin.
Do not write on the wall , table, chairs and chalkboard with your pencil
and crayon.
 Give to teacher the things you find that don’t belong to you.
7. Use bathroom properly
Use the toilet paper to wipe yourself
 Wash your hands with soap and water after urinating\
Turn off the light and water faucet before you used.
Dry your hands with your towel
8. Be polite
Use the magic word : Good Morning or Good Afternoon, I’m sorry,
Excuse me, May I? and Your Welcome
Knock at the door before you open
Wait your turn in the line, in classroom and comfortroom.
9. Behave in classroom
 Keep quite
Sit properly
 Listen to the teacher
Raise your hand if you want to speak
Dont speak if your not called.
10. Play nicely
Share the toys
play the toys properly and carefully
put the toys back in thier place after playing
1. Photocopy of Birthcertificate from NSO
2. 2 pcs of 2x2 I.D. pictures
3. Age
 3- 3 1/2 years old by june 30 – Nursery
 4 – 4 ½ years old – Kinder
 5-5 ½ years old – Prep
1. Attendance
a. Regular attendanceis importantif the child is to profit from
daily activities in class.Attendance is required of all pre-
b. A pupil who has been absent – present an excuse letter.
2. Punctuality
a. Pupils are encouranged to develop the habit of punctuality.
3. Dismissal
- Parents or guardian should fetch thier child 5min
before the dismissal time.
4. Suspension of Classes
- Suspenssion of the classes due to natural calamities
such as typhoon is governed by the DEPED or City
- Typoon Signal No. 1 classes automatically suspended
for pre-school pupils.
- Special Announcement will be posted on the gate of
a. The I.D. card is an im portant document that identifies the child
as registered pupil of ESCAI
b. If the child come to school without I.D. the parent will make an
excuse letter.
6. Payments
a. Parents should pay the registration, books, uniforms and I.D.
upon enrollment if the mode of payment is installment
b. If the mode of payment is cash for the entire year 5% will be
given as a discount.
7. Field Trip
a. Field trip is part of the school activitie, Thay are very important
in the growth and developmentof every pupil. Therfore every
pupils is expecated to join this acativity.
 Expose the pupils to the world outside the school
 Provide direct experience of the things learned insife the
 Make this outside world an extnsion of thier classroom.
 Socialize with classmate outside the school.
b. The management will inform the places to be visited, time
departure and arrival, proper attire and things that can bring.


The following activities are celebrated every school year. They are
integrated ewith the different subject areas and thematic in approach.
1. Nutrition Week – held in July to instill health consciousness for
the children and to realize the importance of eating a well balance
2. Filipino Week – held last week of August to instill love of country
and commemorate Manuel L. Quezon “Ama ng Wika”.
3. English Week – held lat week of September to instill love for
reading and develop oral and written communication skills in
4. Educational Field Trip – held before semestral break in October to
let the children experience that education is not only confined the
four walls of the classroom. With venues and activitiers for fun
and learn something worthwhile.
5. Math Week – held on November to develop skills, interest and
love for Math. To have fun and games in Math
6. Christmas Program – held on 2nd week of December- To expose
thier talents like singing, dancing and to develop stage personality
7. Science Week – held on February- increase interest in Science
world and discover some knowlege.
8. Recognition and Moving –up Rites – held on last week of March –
to affirm and appreciate them for thier ability, hard work and
sense of responsibility.
- Gold Medalist
- pupil/s who are fast learning; fast to read both
English and Filipino, fast to count, add and subtract a
simple numbers. Fast to write
- Silver medalist
- Pupils know to read, count, add or subtract
- Bronze Medalist – pupils has a special learning areas

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