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Lajo, Mary Queen C.

BSN 3-YB-9


Yes, we all know that politics in our country is trash. The word "dirty" always
sticks in my mind when we talk about politics in the Philippines. Most of us
Filipinos lack knowledge of how politics really works or where politics revolves.
So, what is politics? It is any activity related to the government of a country or
other region, especially a debate or conflict between individuals or political parties
seeking to hold or gain power.

We Filipinos have a habit that is different from ours every campaign: when the
candidate is famous or when the candidate's parents are known, that is where our
attention is focused. That's the standard for the rest of us; we don't look at or
analyze the other candidates' platforms, what they want to happen, or why they
should be voted for. We set aside the credentials and the experiences of the
candidates; we don't look at what they have done or contributed to our country
because that's what our politics is used to. Why don't we do a background check on
those currently sitting in government? Are they all qualified to be leaders? Let's
say that our future depends on ourselves and the decisions we make in our lives,
but it makes me think that because our future is secure, like we can finish school
and get a job, isn't everything in the hands of the government? Low wages,
unemployment, and high prices and fees. The standard of applying for a job like a
cashier's crew in our country is even higher than the standard of choosing the
leader of this country. Let's not go too far, because the last election is a good
example of this. Imagine there was a debate, but only a few lucky candidates had
the courage to face the people's questions, and only a few fought. In short, in the
selection of the leaders of our country, there must be a proper process and a basis
for why they should be voted for. All leaders should have transparency so that the
people know if their vote was correct or went to the right one and was not wasted.
How can there be change in our country if we keep repeating our wrong decisions
when it comes to choosing a candidate? I hope we learn from the election that took
place today and what is happening in our country today so that we can select a
good leader who is not only good at words but also at work responsibilities.

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