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Note: Each correct answer earns 0.2 points.

A. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. year B. ear C. fear D. bear

2. A. wear B. bear C. tear D. hear
3. A. pear B. idea C. area D. theatre

B. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

4. A. effect B. caution C. swelling D. sweetener

5. A. lavender B. turmeric C. arthritis D. remedy

II USE OF ENGLISH (4.2 points)

A. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.

6. Sue __________ have some honey and lemon because she has a sore throat. I really think she
needs to.
A. must B. has to C. should D. ought to

7. A drink with ginger before you travel lowers your chance __________ becoming car sick.
A. for B. of C. from D. on

8. You __________ go hiking in the countryside if you get hay fever.

A. mustn't B. oughtn't to C. don't have to D. had better not

9. Doctors advise a diet low in salt for people with high blood __________.
A. pressure B. ache C. disease D. sickness

10. John and his sister __________ go to school because they both have bad colds; it’s not a good
A. mustn't B. don't have to C. shouldn't D. doesn't have to

11. Bryan suffered __________ acne as a teenager but he’s fine now.
A. from B. at C. by D. of

12. Harry started with a sore __________ and soon after it became the flu.
A. fever B. swelling C. throat D. infection

13. Hanging __________ with your friends can improve your mental health.
A. on B. up C. out D. in

14. Andy has had a __________ nose all week after catching it from Oliver.
A. tender B. sneezing C. itchy D. runny

15. Tell your brother that he __________ be late for his appointment at the doctor’s.
A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. ought not to D. doesn’t have to
B. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

16. Ella can’t use face cream because it bothers her skin and she comes out in red pimples.
A. makes her upset about
B. causes a lot of pain on
C. makes her worry about
D. causes a problem for

17. A bad diet not only make you ill, it can also change your mood and make you depressed.
A. damage your health
B. prevent you feeling happy
C. make you feel different
D. cause you to feel anxious

C. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

18. Coffee is commonly drunk by lots of people but it can make you feel nervous.
A. mainly
B. rarely
C. directly
D. independently

19. Ginger is one of the natural remedies that we can find in many ordinary kitchens.
A. unique
B. traditional
C. complicated
D. nutritious

D. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.

20. Visiting hours are 10 am to 2 pm; no one oughtn’t enter the building without permission;
they have to report to reception first.

21. Ben had better cut down on sugary drinks and fatty foods and replace them with healthy
food choices; his doctor told him to control his weight.

E. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.

Hospital visits are between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm

[in style of a notice]

22. What is TRUE according to the sign?

A. The hospital doesn’t want too many visitors.
B. Doctors see their patients in the afternoon.
C. Visitors have to stay in the hospital for two hours.
D. Patients can only have visitors for two hours.
Hey Lacy,
Guess what? My chest felt bad two days ago and I started
coughing. The doctor said I’ve got a chest infection. I’m taking
medicine, but it tastes awful! I hope you didn’t catch anything
when I saw you last week. Write back and tell me how you are.

23. Emily is worried about __________.

A. Lacy being ill
B. visiting the doctor
C. having to go to hospital
D. the taste of the medicine

F. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes
in each of the following exchanges.

24. Student A: “You really must cut out all those fizzy drinks. They’re no good for you"
Student B: “_________ , but I don’t like drinking water. "
A. I'm not sure
B. I guess
C. I don't know
D. You may be right

25. Student A: “I think we should be able to eat junk food at school."

Student B: “_________ Junk food may taste nice, but it’s unhealthy."
A. Not sure it's possible that.
B. I'm not sure I agree.
C. That doesn't sound good.
D. I don’t think.

26. Student A: “I think we’re lucky to live in this century with all its medical developments."
Student B: “_________ "
A. Sounds good.
B. I guess so.
C. It seems to me.
D. Great idea.

III. WORD FORMATION (0.8 points)

Write the correct form of the words in brackets.
27. My aunt lives in the countryside and uses lots of __________ remedies. (HERB)
28. Dan can’t eat __________ food because it gives him a stomachache. (SPICE)
29. The __________ of this throat medicine is simple; just mix honey with hot lemon. (PREPARE)
30. I was so __________ we lived near a hospital when my grandma was ill. (THANK)
IV. READING (3.0 points)
A. Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks.

Dear Caleb,
How are you doing? Thanks for your email. I’m sorry that you feel upset that you’ve put on weight.
The same thing happened to me last year, so here’s some advice that worked for me.
Firstly, you should try swapping unhealthy snacks for healthier ones. You (31) _____ give up your
favourite snack. You just need to make sure you have it rarely. For example, you can swap crisps or
biscuits for fruit or vegetables. Choose a superfood snack such as blueberries, avocado, almonds or
a little bit of dark chocolate instead. It’s (32) _____ but it’s both delicious and nutritious. These
healthier snacks are higher in vitamins and minerals than crisps and biscuits, and they are lower in
calories, too. It was difficult for me at the beginning, but I love these foods now!
Secondly, make sure you drink plenty of water each day. Not only is it very good for the body, but
it also stops you feeling hungry. Often, when we feel hungry, it’s our body telling us we need more
water. Drinking lots of it can reduce weight (33) _____.
Finally, it’s a great idea to do daily exercise. Experts recommend (34) _____ at least 60 minutes
each day. But if that seems like too much, you can start off with smaller amounts and do more over
time. You don’t have to go to the gym to workout, though, you can play sports, go swimming at the
pool or beach, or even walk the dog. All of these activities will help you stay active and help you
lose some weight.
So, eat healthier snacks, drink lots of water and be active as this will help you lose some weight and
feel better. (35) _____ positive! I know you can do this.
Let me know how it goes,

31. A. mustn’t B. had better not C. ought not to D. don't have to

32. A. bittersweet B. sugary C. fatty D. junk
33. A. increase B. gain C. rise D. growth
34. A. exercise B. to exercise C. exercising D. having to exercise
35. A. Stay B. Take C. Get D. Make

B. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

A Gift from the Bees

Honey comes from our tiny friend, the bee. People use it around the world for a lot of different
reasons. Some people call it ‘liquid gold’ because it has so many amazing properties. It can be a
natural sweetener for food as an alternative to sugar, a medicine or even a beauty product for your
Honey is a natural remedy people can use at home when they have a cold or the flu. Honey and
lemon is a popular combination for those feeling unwell, too, since honey can help a variety of
illnesses by reducing swelling and the lemon contains vitamin C which helps boost the immune
A lot of people also use honey to treat a cough. In fact, Pennsylvania State University carried out a
study on of 105 children which showed that a little honey worked just as well as cough medicine in
reducing night-time coughing, showing that it really does have huge benefits.
In addition, honey has anti-bacterial properties - this means that no bacteria or germs can grow
inside it. It can be used on the skin to help clear up bacterial skin infections, or even to help heal
burns and sunburn whilst lowering the risk of infection.
As a beauty treatment, honey can be used to clean skin and stop it becoming dry. Some people mix
it with milk, before applying it to their skin. In fact, people say that even Cleopatra in ancient Egypt
took baths in honey and milk to keep her looking fresh-faced and beautiful. Have you used honey
for any of these reasons?

36. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. The first use of honey was using it instead of sugar.
B. Honey was the first natural remedy for illnesses.
C. We use honey from bees in a variety of ways.
D. Some types of honey are as valuable as gold.

37. In a study, Pennsylvania State University found that __________ .

A. honey and cough medicine can have the same effect on coughs
B. honey is the most effective natural remedy for children
C. cough medicine has no benefits when taken at night
D. cough medicine mixed with honey worked the best

38. What is NOT true according to the passage?

A. People used honey on their skin in ancient Egypt.
B. Honey can prevent the growth of bacteria.
C. We can use honey in food instead of sugar.
D. Honey treats colds because it’s high in vitamin C.

39. What can be inferred according to the passage?

A. Honey is more popular now than ever before.
B. People knew about honey’s benefits long ago.
C. Honey can help us more than modern medicine.
D. People should use honey instead of suncream.

40. Which phrase is closest in meaning to fresh-faced in paragraph 5?

A. clear and bright
B. clean and natural
C. lively and energetic
D. young and healthy

C. Read the following passage. For each of the questions, from 41 to 45, write T if the statement
is TRUE, F if the statement is FALSE and DS if there is no or not enough information to know if
it is true or false.

Maxine’s Health Blog

Hey everyone! Today, I want to talk about a health problem that I’ve had since I was 13: acne. As
I’m sure you know, acne causes spots on the skin. It’s a common problem. In fact, around 85% of
British teens have had some form of acne. But adults can have acne, too – 11.5% of British adults
are dealing with the problem right now.
Why does acne happen? Basically, there are around 5 million tiny holes on our skin called pores,
and our body releases sweat and oil through them so that our skin doesn’t get dry. Acne happens
when our pores get blocked. Sometimes, old skin cells or dirt block the pores. Usually, though, we
get spots when our body releases too much oil through the pores.
Washing your skin is important because it gets rid of dead skin cells and dirt – but don’t wash
yourself too often or your skin will become really dry. What about diet? Studies show that when we
eat foods high in carbohydrates and sugars, our body releases more oil through the pores, causing
more spots. In my experience, diet helps a lot. When I cut out sugar, I had far fewer spots on my
Most importantly, though, I advise visiting a doctor. I had acne for two years before I finally went
to one, but I wish I went earlier. She gave me a cream that I use every day, and it has really helped
my acne. All in all, having acne can be difficult so get the help you deserve today!

41. Maxine was worried about her acne when she was a teenager. _____
42. More adults suffer from acne than teenagers in the UK. _____
43. Washing your skin will not help the problem. _____
44. Maxine lost weight when she stopped eating sugar. _____
45. Maxine visited a doctor soon after she first got acne. _____

V. WRITING (1 point)
A. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.

46. Patients make appointments before arriving at the medical centre. It’s a rule. (MUST)
→ ____________________________________________________________

47. It isn’t necessary for Amy to see a doctor for her cold. (HAVE TO)
→ _________________________________________________________

48. It’s not a good idea for us to spend a lot of time in the sun without wearing a hat or applying
suncream. (OUGHT TO)
→ ________________________________________________________________

B. Rewrite the sentences with the words in the correct order.

49. it / caution / acne / mustn’t / use / lotion / though, / it / on / as / make / you / worse / can
→ __________________________________________________________________

50. you / while / the / learning / at / don’t / are / eat / think / foods / should / start / we /to/ school /
right / ?
→ __________________________________________________________________

VI. LISTENING (1 point)

Listen to the conversation and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
51. Nora arrived at the hospital at midnight. _____
52. One of Nora’s teammates caused her injury. _____
53. Nora’s ankle didn’t hurt until he went home. _____
54. A doctor put a bandage on Nora’s ankle. _____
55. Nora wasn’t going to take part in the match at the weekend. _____

Mike: Hi, Nora. I tried calling you yesterday evening, but you didn’t answer. Did something
Nora: Sorry, Mike. I went to the hospital, and I had to wait a couple of hours before a doctor
examined me. It was really busy. In the end, I didn’t get out of there until midnight.
Mike: Oh, no! What happened?
Nora: Well, I had a football practice with the team that afternoon, and I sprained my ankle. It was
really unlucky because there were no other players around me at the time. I couldn’t stand up then.
Mike: Sounds painful!
Nora: Well, at first, it felt OK, so I just went home. An hour later though, my ankle became
swollen and it was badly bruised. So, my mum suggested that I should go to the hospital.
Mike: Did they put a bandage on it?
Nora: The doctor said it wasn’t necessary. He was 100% sure that it was a sprain and not a break. I
guess he was right because I can walk on it comfortably today, though, it still hurts a little.
Mike: That’s good. But you’d better be careful. I don’t think you should return to football anytime
Nora: You’re right. We’ve got a match on Saturday, but I’ve already told my coach that I won’t be
available. I don’t want to make my ankle worse. It’s a shame because I was looking forward to
Mike: There will always be more matches. You need to make sure your ankle gets better.


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each
of the following questions.

56. Paul has a lot of acne these days. He __________.

A. mustn't see a doctor at all
B. shouldn’t wash his face
C. had better not apply a cream
D. ought not to touch his face all the time

57. Simone was working on her laptop all day and, ________ .
A. to sum up, she should get more sleep
B. furthermore, her eyes were tired
C. as a result, she had a bad headache
D. for instance, her back was hurting

58. Sue has a sprained ankle. She __________ .

A. has to start walking on it
B. mustn’t tell the doctor
C. ought not to stay at home
D. had better rest it for a few days

59. You don’t have to stay in bed with a stomachache; ________.

A. it’s prohibited
B. it isn’t necessary
C. you aren’t obliged to
D. it’s a rule

60. When you have an earache, __________ .

A. you don't have to take ear drops without a prescription
B. you ought not to get some rest
C. you mustn’t try home remedies as it could be an infection
D. you had better not see a doctor

***End – Of – Test***

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