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Martial Techniques and Maneuvers

Martial Techniques and Maneuvers

Learning Maneuvers and Techniques
the amount of maneuvers and Techniques you know is shown below

Level Techniques Known Maneuvers Known

1st 0 4
2nd 1 4
3rd 1 4
4th 2 4
5th 2 5
6th 3 5
7th 3 5
8th 3 5
9th 4 6
10th 4 6
11th 4 6
12th 4 6
13th 5 7
14th 5 7
15th 5 7
16th 5 7
17th 5 8
18th 6 8
19th 6 8
20th 6 8

Your Stamina Points (SP) are equal to your proficiency bonus.

Multiple Maneuvers
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You can't perform the same Maneuver more than once per Attack Check or Trigger, unless
otherwise stated.

You can trade your movement and reaction to Bonus action in order to perform maneuvers
and techniques

Maneuver Damage
If a Maneuver deals damage, it deals the same type of damage as the Weapon or Unarmed
Strike you are using to perform the Maneuver, unless otherwise stated.

Save Effects
Some Maneuvers force the target to make a Save against your Attack Check or suffer a
chosen effect. If you force a creature to Save against the effects of multiple Maneuvers that
are apart of the same Attack, the target only makes 1 Save against all Save effects.

Contest Effects
Some Maneuvers force a Contest between you and the target creature. If you initiate a
Contest with a creature against the effects of multiple Maneuvers, you and the target
participate in 1 Contest for all effects.

Spending Stamina
You can spend SP in place of Action Points when performing a Martial Maneuver.

Attack Maneuvers
Attack Maneuvers modify your Martial Attacks with additional damage, range, or targets.
When you make a Martial Attack, you can spend additional AP to perform an Attack
Maneuver as part of the Attack. You must choose to do so before you make the Attack

Extend Attack (Maneuver)

 Action: As part of making a melee attack you can use your bonus action to extend your
melee attack reach for this attack only.
 Effect: Your melee attack range is increased by 5 feet for this attack.

Power Attack (Maneuver)

 Action: When making a melee weapon attack you can use your bonus action to power
your attack.

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 Effect: On a hit, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage.

Sweep Attack (Maneuver)

 Action: When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can spend your bonus action
to make an attack against another creature within 5 feet of the original target.
 Effect: The second target takes damage equals to your weapon damage

Grapple Maneuvers
Grapple Maneuvers allow PCs to perform special slams, throws, pins, and more when they
have another creature Grappled.

Body Block (Reaction)

 Trigger: You are targeted by an attack.
 Reaction: You can use your reaction to reposition a creature you have grappled to
shield yourself.
 Effect: Both you and the grappled creature take half the damage dealt by the attack,
rounded down. You can move the grappled creature to any space adjacent to you
immediately afterward.

Hinder (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make a melee attack against a creature.
 Action: use you bonus action and your movement to perform the Hinder maneuver.
 Effect: The target becomes Restrained. This condition lasts until the end of your next
turn, during which the target's next attack, if made, imposes disadvantage on the attack

Knockback (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You hit a creature with a melee attack.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Knockback maneuver.
 Effect: The target is pushed 5 feet away from you. For every 5 points by which the
creature's saving throw falls short, it is pushed an additional 5 feet.

Trip (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You hit a creature with a melee attack.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Trip maneuver.
 Effect: The target falls Prone. If the attack was successful and the target fails a
Strength saving throw, it is knocked prone; otherwise, it remains standing.

Defense Maneuvers
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Parry (Reaction)
 Trigger: When a creature you can see within 5 feet of you is targeted by an attack.
 Reaction: You can use your reaction to grant the target a +Prof. bonus to their Evasion
Class against the triggering attack.

Protection (Reaction)
 Trigger: A creature you can see within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack.
 Reaction: You can use your reaction to halve the damage dealt to the target, with the
other half being dealt to you instead.
 Note: The damage you take does not benefit from any damage resistance or immunity
the target may have.

Raise Shield (Reaction)

 Trigger: A creature within 5 feet of you, including yourself, is targeted by an attack.
 Reaction: use your reaction to raise your shield.
 Effect: The target's damage from the attack is reduced by an amount equal to your
shield bonus plus your proficiency bonus.

Side Step (Reaction)

 Trigger: You are targeted by an attack.
 Reaction: use your reaction to side step.
 Effect: You move 5 feet to a space that is still within the attack's range. The attacker
has disadvantage on the attack roll against you. If you move behind cover, you do not
gain the benefit of that cover against this attack.

Swap (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You wish to switch places with a willing creature.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Swap maneuver.
 Effect: You and a willing creature within 5 feet of you switch spaces. If this movement
would provoke opportunity attacks against either you or the target creature, any such
opportunity attacks are made against you instead.

Taunt (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You want to draw an enemy's attention.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Taunt maneuver.
 Effect: Choose an enemy creature that can see or hear you within 5 spaces. Make an
attack roll or an Intimidation check (your choice) in contest with the target's Wisdom or
Charisma saving throw. On a contest success, the target has disadvantage on its next
attack roll against any creature other than you.

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Weapon Maneuvers
Here's how you might adapt the rules for various weapons and their maneuvers into the
example format you provided:

Axe (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with an axe.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Axe maneuver.
 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus. The target must
make a Constitution saving throw or begin bleeding, taking true damage equal to your
proficiency bonus at the start of their turn. Creatures without blood are immune to this

Style Passive: Bloodied Blow

 Effect: Your attacks with an axe deal additional damage equal to your proficiency
bonus against creatures that are bloodied (have less than 50% of their hit points) or are

Bow (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with a bow.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Bow maneuver.
 Effect: As part of the attack, you can move up to 10 feet away from the target without
provoking opportunity attacks from it. You choose whether to move before or after
making the attack.

Style Passive: Precise Shot

 Effect: Your attacks with a bow deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus
against the last target you attacked since the start of your last turn.

Chain (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with a chain weapon.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Chain maneuver.
 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus. The target must
make a Strength saving throw or drop an object it is holding or wielding. If the object is
held with two hands or the target is larger than you, the target has advantage on the
save. You cannot disarm a creature that is two sizes larger than you. If the target fails,
the object falls to a space of your choice within 5 feet of the target.

Style Passive: Cover Disregard

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 Effect: Your attack rolls with a chain weapon ignore the benefits of shields and half
cover, and you deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus against targets
wielding a shield or behind half cover.

Crossbow (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with a crossbow.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Crossbow maneuver.
 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus and have
advantage on the attack roll.

Style Passive: Quick Reload

 Effect: When you reload a crossbow, you gain 10 feet of movement. Additionally, you
do not have disadvantage on attacks made using a crossbow weapon while underwater.

Fist (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with an unarmed strike (fist).
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Fist maneuver.
 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus, and the target
must make a Strength saving throw or be grappled by you (their speed becomes 0).

Style Passive: Grappler's Strike

 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus against creatures
you are grappling. Also, your hand is considered free while wielding a fist weapon.

Hammer (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with a hammer.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Hammer maneuver.
 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus, and the target
must make a Constitution saving throw or be dazed, imposing disadvantage on the next
mental ability check it makes before the end of your next turn.

Style Passive: Stun Strike

 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus against creatures
that are dazed or petrified.

Pick (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with a pick.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Pick maneuver.

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 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus, and the target
must make a Constitution saving throw or be impaired, imposing disadvantage on the
next physical ability check it makes before the end of your next turn.

Style Passive: Impairing Strike

 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus against creatures
that are impaired.

Spear (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with a spear.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Spear maneuver.
 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus, increase the reach
of your attack by 5 feet, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be
detained, unable to move closer to you. This maneuver can only be used once per attack
roll and cannot be combined with the Extend Attack maneuver.

Style Passive: Follow-Up

 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus against a creature
if it is on a mount or if you move 10 feet towards it immediately before making the attack
roll. Additionally, you do not have disadvantage on attack rolls made using spear
weapons while underwater.

Staff (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with a staff.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Staff maneuver.
 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus, and the target
must make a Dexterity saving throw or be hindered, imposing disadvantage on the next
attack roll or spell attack it makes before the end of your next turn. If the target is already
hindered, it falls prone instead.

Style Passive: Hinder and Strike

 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus against creatures
that are hindered.

Sword (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with a sword.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Sword maneuver.
 Effect: You gain a help die (d8) on the attack roll. Each subsequent use of this
maneuver before the end of your turn decreases the help die by one step (d8 to d6 to

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Style Passive: Duelist's Edge

 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus against creatures
you have attacked (or that have attacked you) since the start of your last turn.

Whip (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with a whip.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Whip maneuver.
 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus, and the target
must make a Strength saving throw or be tethered by your whip. You can release the
target at any time.

Tethered Creatures
 Effect: While tethered by your whip, you cannot use the whip to make attack checks. If
the target is the same size as you or smaller, it cannot move more than the whip's range
away from you. The target is no longer tethered if you let go of the whip.

Pull Creature
 Action: use your bonus actionto make a contested Athletics check against the target.
 Effect: On a contest success, the target is pulled 5 feet in a direction of your choice
within your whip's range and falls prone.

Escape Tether
 Action: The creature can use its action to make a contested Martial check against you.
 Effect: On a success, the target frees itself from your whip.

Style Passive: Long-Distance Strike

 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus against creatures
that are more than 5 feet away from you.

Certainly! Here are the adapted rules for a blunderbuss, musket, and flintlock pistol,
formatted as per your example:

Blunderbuss (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with a blunderbuss.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Blunderbuss maneuver.
 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus. you can make a
single attack against all creatures within 5 feet of a point you can see within range.

Style Passive: Scattershot

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 Effect: Your blunderbuss attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
Additionally, you deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus against
creatures within 5ft. of you.

Musket (Maneuver)
 Trigger: You make an attack with a musket.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Musket maneuver.
 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus. If this attack hits
and reduces the target to half or fewer hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, the target is also Exposed (Attacks have ADV.) until the end of
its next turn.

Style Passive: Piercing Shot

 Effect: Your musket attacks deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus
against creatures wearing light or no armor. Additionally, you ignore half cover when
targeting creatures with your musket.

Flintlock Pistol (Maneuver)

 Trigger: You make an attack with a flintlock pistol.
 Action: use you bonus action to perform the Flintlock Pistol maneuver.
 Effect: You deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus. If this attack hits,
you can force the target to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target is
pushed 10 feet away from you, and if it hits a solid surface, it is knocked prone.

Style Passive: Snap Shot

 Effect: You can draw or stow a flintlock pistol as a free action. Additionally, you deal
additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus with your flintlock pistol when you
have not made an attack with it since the start of your last turn.

When a creature you can see within 5 ft. is targeted by an Attack, you can use your reaction
and 1 SP as a Reaction to become the new target of the Check, and choose to switch
places with the original target (if it's willing). If the Check is accompanied by a Save (as with
a Dynamic Attack Save), you make the Save instead of the original target.

Technique Enhancements
 Steadfast Forbearance: If multiple creatures within 5 ft. of you (after switching
places if you choose to do so) are targeted by the same Check, you can spend 1 SP per
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additional target to become the new target of its Check as well. You take the collective
damage of all protected creatures against the Check.

 Immense Defense: You can spend 2 SP to gain Resistance against all damage taken
using this Technique.

Heroic Bash
Using a Melee Weapon (or Unarmed Strike), you can use one of your attack action and 1 SP
to attempt to send an enemy hurling through the air. You make an Attack against a target
within 5 ft. of you, and it makes a Str Save. You cannot Push a creature that is two sizes
larger than you

Attack Hit: The target takes your Weapon's (or Unarmed Strike's) damage.

Save Failure: It’s pushed back horizontally up to 15 ft.+ 5 additional ft. for every 5 it fails
the Save by.

Airborne: You can choose to knock the enemy vertically into the air. When you do, they
move half the total distance and may be subjected to fall damage.

Knock Prone: After the result, you can choose to reduce the total distance the target is
pushed by 5 ft. to knock them Prone instead.

Technique Enhancements
 Extended Knockback: You can spend 1 SP to increase the distance the target is
pushed by 10 ft. and increase the damage by Prof..
 Painful Knockback: You can spend 1 SP to increase the damage by 2 x Prof. .
 Bash & Smash: You can use your bonus action and 1 SP to change the target from
one creature to every creature within 5 ft. of you.

Daring Leap
Using a Melee Weapon (or Unarmed Strike), you can use one of your attack action and
movement and 1 SP to perform an exceptional leap and assault a creature. You gain up to
your Speed in Spaces and increase your Jump Distance by 5ft. on the next Long or Vertical
Jump you make. You leap into the air and make an Attack Check against the EC of a target
within 5 ft. of where you land, and it makes a Dex Save.

Attack Hit: The target takes your Weapon's (or Unarmed Strike's) damage.

Save Failure: It falls Prone.

Technique Enhancements

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 Brutal Leap: You can spend 1 SP to transfer the Falling damage five times your level
in martial classes to the target instead.
 Far Leap: You can spend 1 SP to increase your damage by Prof. and your Jump
Distance by 10ft.
 Heroic Slam: You can use your bonus actionand 1 SP to compare your Attack Check
against the EC of all creatures within 5 ft. of you (instead of a single target).

Aegis React
Trigger: You or a creature you can see within 5 ft. are targeted by an Attack.
Reaction: You can use your reaction and 1 SP to grant the target a +prof. bonus to its EC
until the start of its next turn.

Technique Enhancements
 Breakaway: You can spend 1 SP to allow the target to Disengage after the attack and
move up to half its Speed.
 Full counter: You can use your bonus actionand 1 SP to compare your Attack Check
against the EC of all creatures within 5 ft. of you (instead of a single target).

Slip Away
Trigger: A creature misses you with an Attack Check.
Reaction: You can use you reaction and 1 SP to take the Dodge Action and move up to
your Speed.

Technique Enhancements
 Diving Attack: You can spend 1 SP to make an Attack Check against a creature
within 5 ft. of you as part of Slip Away. You make this attack before the creature makes

Sunder Armor
When You making an attack you can use your bonus action and 1 SP to Ignore the
Creatures DR.

Technique Enhancements
 Armor Shred: You can spend 1 SP to further increase the damage done by an amount
equal to the target's DR.

 Broken Armor: You can spend 1 SP to reduce the DR of the target by half of you prof.
(round up) for the rest of the Combat. A creature can’t be affected by this again until the
effect ends.

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Requires: Ranged Weapon with out loading properties You can use your action and 1 SP to
launch a volley of projectiles. Choose a point within your Weapon’s range. Make a single
Attack Check and compare it against the EC of all creatures of your choice within 5 ft. of the
chosen point.

Attack Hit: You deal weapon damage + prof. damage of the Weapon’s type to each

Technique Enhancements
 Impairing Volley: You can spend 1 SP to force each creature within the area to make a D
Save. Failure: It’s Impaired (DisADV on Physical Checks) until the end of your next turn.
 Blanket of Arrows: You can spend 1 SP to increase the area to 15 ft. from the chosen
 Line of Arrows: You can spend 1 SP to also target each creature occupying a Space in a
Line between you and the chosen point.

Whirl Wind
Using a Melee Weapon (or Unarmed Strike), you can use your action and 1 SP to make a
single Attack Check against the EC of all creatures of your choice within 5 ft. of you.

Attack Hit: You deal your Weapon (or Unarmed Strike) damage to each creature.

Technique Enhancements
 Blood Whirl: You can spend 1 SP to cause each creature in Range to make a Con Save.
Failure: They begin Bleeding (Prof. True damage at the start of their turn until DC 10
Medicine Check use their action).
 Wide Swing: You can spend 1 SP to increase the Range of Whirlwind by 5 ft..
 Throwing Finisher: If you’re wielding a Melee Weapon, you can choose to spend an
extra 1 SP at the end of the Whirlwind to throw the Weapon at a target within 25ft. Use
the same single Attack Check against this target as well. The weapon lands within 5 ft. of
the target (GM discretion).

Blunderbuss Techniques
Scatter Shot
Maneuver: You can use your attack action and 1 SP to fire a wide spread of shot from your
Blunderbuss, making a single Attack Check against all creatures within 15 ft. cone.

Attack Hit: Each creature takes your Blunderbuss's damage.

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Technique Enhancements
 Devastating Spread: You can spend 1 SP to increase the range of Scatter Shot by 5 ft..
 Ricochet: You can spend 1 SP to make Scatter Shot ignore obstacles and hit creatures
behind other creatures in its area.

Blunt Force
Maneuver: You can use one of your attack actions and 1 SP to deliver a powerful blow with
your Blunderbuss. Make a Grapple Check against a target within 5 ft. of you.

Grapple Success: The target takes your Blunderbuss's damage and is knocked Prone.

Stunned Silence
You can spend 1 SP to cause Blunt Force to also force the target to make a Con Save.
Failure: They're Stunned until the start of your next turn.

Crushing Blow

You can spend 1 SP to cause Blunt Force to deal an additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage to
the target, as if your Blunderbuss has unleashed a massive amount of force.

Shrapnel Blast
Maneuver: You can use one of your attack action and 1 SP load your Blunderbuss with
shrapnel and fire at a target within your range. Make an Attack Check against the target.

Attack Hit: The target takes your Blunderbuss's damage and must make a Con Save.
Failure: They're Impaired (DisADV on Physical Checks) until the start of your next turn.

Technique Enhancements
 Devastating Shrapnel: You can spend 1 SP to make the Shrapnel Blast become a 5ft
radius circle AoE.
 Ricochet: You can spend 1 SP to make Shrapnel Blast ignore obstacles and hit
creatures behind other creatures in its area.

Powder Keg
Maneuver: You can use one of your attack action and 1 SP to load your Blunderbuss with
extra gunpowder and fire at a target within your range. Make an Attack Check against the
target. You cannot push a creature that is two sizes larger than you.

Attack Hit: The target takes your Blunderbuss's damage and must make a Con Save.
Failure: is pushed back 5 ft. for every 10 points of damage dealt.

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Technique Enhancements
 Explosive Powder: You can spend 1 SP to increase the range of Powder Keg by 5 ft..
 Concussive Blast: You can spend 2 SP to cause Powder Keg to also force the target to
make a Con Save. Failure: They're Stunned until the start of your next turn.

Musket Techniques
Precise Aim
Maneuver: You can use your action and 1 SP to take careful aim with your Rifle, increasing
your Attack Check by + 2 times prof.

Technique Enhancements
 Sniper's Eye: You can spend 1 SP to increase the range of your weapon by 10 ft.
 Steady Hand: You can spend 1 SP to gain Advantage on your Attack Check with Precise

Bayonet Charge (If mounted with a bayonet)

Maneuver: You can use one of your attack actions and 1 SP to charge forward with your
Rifle, using it as a spear. Make a Grapple Check against a target within 10ft.of you.

Grapple Success: The target takes your Rifle's damage and is knocked Prone.

Mortal Wound

You can spend 1 SP to cause Bayonet Charge to also inflict a deadly wound on the target.
The target must make a Constitution saving throw or begin bleeding, taking true damage
equal to your proficiency bonus at the start of their turn. Creatures without blood are immune
to this condition.

Tactical Advance
You can spend 1 SP to move an additional 10ft. without provoking opportunity attacks after
using Bayonet Charge, allowing you to quickly reposition and catch your opponents off

Rapid Fire
Maneuver: You can use one of your attack action and 1 SP to fire 2 shots from your Musket,
all targeting different targets, making an Attack Check against targets within your range, at -3

Attack Hit: The target takes your Musket's damage.

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Technique Enhancements
 Burst Fire: You can spend 1 SP to increase the number of shots fired by 1.
 Aimed Shot: You can spend 1 SP to ignore the penalty.

Leg Shot
Maneuver: You can use one of your attack actions and 1 SP to aim for the target's leg with
your Musket. Make an Attack Check against the target.
Attack Hit: The target takes the full damage from the Musket and is forced to make a Con
Save. Failure: They become Impaired (DisADV on Physical Checks) until the End of your
next turn .

Technique Enhancements
 Weak Point: You can spend 1 SP to add +2 to the Attack Check of Leg Shot.
 Disabling Shot: You can spend 1 SP to cause the target's leg to become badly injured,
imposing Disadvantage on all physical saves for 1 hour. Additionally, if the target is
already Impaired, their speed is reduce to half for 1 hour or until healed to full HP.

Flintlock Pistol Techniques

Snap Shot(Reaction)
Maneuver: As a enemy enters your range, You take a quick, unaimed shot as a reaction
spend 1 SP at a target within your Pistol's range. Make an Attack Check against the target,
but take a -2 penalty to your roll.

Technique Enhancements
 Quick Reflexes: You can spend 1 SP to increase the range of Snap Shot by 5 ft..
 Lucky Shot: You can spend 1 SP to gain Advantage on your shot.

Double Tap
Maneuver: You can use one of your attack actions and 1 SP to fire two shots in quick
succession at the same target. Make two separate Attack Checks against the target, each at
-3 penalty.

Technique Enhancements
 Rapid Reload: You can spend 1 SP to immediately reload your Pistol after using Double
Tap, allowing you to use Double Tap again on your next turn.
 Deft Hands: You can spend 1 SP to gain Advantage on one of your Double Tap Attack

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Pistol Whip
Maneuver: You can use one of your attack actions and 1 SP to use your Pistol as a club to
strike a target within 5 ft. of you. Make a Grapple Check against the target.

Grapple Success: The target takes your Pistol's damage and is knocked Prone.

Technique Enhancements
 Concussive Impact: You can spend 1 SP to cause Pistol Whip to deal an additional 2d4
bludgeoning damage to the target, as if your pistol has shattered their bones.
 Tactical Reload: You can spend 1 SP to immediately reload your Pistol after using Pistol

 耐力等于你的熟练加值,并在每次战斗时刷新

 除非另有说明,否则你不能在同一攻击检定或触发器上执行相同的技巧超过一次。

 你可以用移动和反应来交换以执行技巧和战技的附赠动作。

 如果技巧造成伤害,它造成的伤害类型与你用来执行技巧的武器或徒手攻击相同,除非另

 某些技巧迫使目标对你的攻击检定进行豁免,否则会受到选择的效果。如果你迫使生物对

 某些技巧迫使你和目标生物之间进行竞赛。如果你与生物对多个技巧的效应发起竞赛,你

 你可以在执行技巧时用耐力点代替行动点。

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Martial Techniques and Maneuvers
 攻击技巧通过额外的伤害、射程或目标来修改你的武术攻击。当你进行一次武术攻击时,

 动作:作为进行近战攻击的一部分,你可以扩展你只有这次攻击的攻击范围。
 效果:你的近战攻击范围增加5英尺。

 动作:当进行近战武器攻击时,你可以选择加强你的攻击。
 效果:击中时,目标额外承受1d6的伤害。

 动作:当你用近战攻击击中生物时,你可以花费你的附赠动作对原始目标5英尺内的另一
 效果:第二个目标受到的伤害等于你的攻击修正(最少1点伤害)。

 擒抱技巧允许玩家在擒抱另一个生物时执行特殊的撞击、投掷、压制等。

 触发:你被攻击目标。
 反应:你可以用你的反应重新定位你已经擒抱的生物以保护自己。
 效果:你和被擒抱的生物各自承受攻击造成的伤害的一半(向下取整)。你可以立即将被

 触发:你对生物进行近战攻击。
 动作:使用你的附赠动作和你的运动来执行阻碍技巧。
 效果:目标变成受限状态。这种状态持续到你的下一个回合结束,在此期间目标的下一个

 触发:你用近战攻击击中生物。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用击退技巧。
 效果:目标被推向远离你5英尺。对于生物的豁免投掷失败的每5点,它被额外推向5英

 触发:你用近战攻击击中生物。
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 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用绊倒技巧。
 效果:目标倒地。如果攻击成功并且目标未能通过力量豁免投掷,它将被击倒;否则,它

 触发:在你5英尺内可以看到的生物被攻击目标。
 反应:你可以用你的反应给予目标对他们触发攻击的回避等级+prof.的加值。

 触发:在你5英尺内可以看到的生物被攻击击中。
 反应:你可以用你的反应将对目标造成的伤害减半,另一半伤害由你承担。
 注意:你对伤害的承受不会从目标可能拥有的任何伤害抗性或免疫中获益。

 触发:在你5英尺内的生物(包括你自己)被攻击目标。
 反应:使用你的反应举起你的盾牌。
 效果:目标从攻击中受到的伤害减少,减少量等于你的盾牌加值加上你的熟练加值。

 触发:你被攻击目标。
 反应:使用你的反应侧移。
 效果:你移动5英尺到仍然在攻击范围内的空间。攻击者对你的攻击检定有劣势。如果你

 触发:你希望与一个愿意的生物交换位置。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用交换技巧。
 效果:你和一个在你5英尺内的愿意的生物交换空间。如果这次移动将对任一你或目标生

 触发:你想吸引敌人的注意力。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用嘲讽技巧。
 效果:选择一个可以看到或听到你的敌人生物,在5个空间内。进行攻击检定或恐吓检定

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 以下是你如何将各种武器及其技巧的规则适应到你提供的示例格式中:

 触发:你用斧头进行攻击。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用斧头技巧。
 效果:你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值。目标必须进行体质豁免投掷,否则开始流

 效果:你对流血(生命值少于50%)或流血中的生物用斧头攻击时,造成额外的伤害,等

 触发:你用弓进行攻击。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用弓技巧。
 效果:作为攻击的一部分,你可以在不引发来自它的反击机会的情况下远离目标最多10英

 效果:你用弓攻击上一个目标(自上回合开始以来)时,造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练

 触发:你用链武器进行攻击。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用链技巧。
 效果:你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值。目标必须进行力量豁免投掷,否则放下它

 效果:你用链武器进行的攻击检定忽略盾牌的好处和半掩体,并且你对持盾或在半掩体后

 触发:你用弩进行攻击。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用弩技巧。
 效果:你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值,并且在攻击检定上拥有优势。

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 效果:当你重新装填弩时,你获得10英尺的移动。此外,在使用弩武器进行攻击时,你在

 触发:你用徒手攻击(拳头)进行攻击。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用拳头技巧。
 效果:你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值,目标必须进行力量豁免投掷,否则被你擒

 效果:你对被你擒抱的生物用拳头攻击时,造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值。此外,

 触发:你用锤子进行攻击。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用锤子技巧。
 效果:你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值,目标必须进行体质豁免投掷,否则在下一

 效果:你对眩晕或石化的生物造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值。

 触发:你用镐进行攻击。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用镐技巧。
 效果:你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值,目标必须进行体质豁免投掷,否则在下一

 效果:你对被削弱的生物造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值。

 触发:你用矛进行攻击。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用矛技巧。
 效果:你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值,增加你的攻击范围5英尺,目标必须进行

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 效果:如果目标在坐骑上,或者在进行攻击检定之前你向它移动了10英尺,你对生物造成

 触发:你用法杖进行攻击。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用法杖技巧。
 效果:你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值,目标必须进行敏捷豁免投掷,否则在下一

 效果:你对被阻碍的生物造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值。

 触发:你用剑进行攻击。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用剑技巧。
 效果:你在攻击检定上获得一个帮助骰(d8)。在你回合结束之前,每次连续使用这个技

 效果:自上一个回合开始以来,你对被你攻击(或攻击过你)的生物造成额外的伤害,等

 触发:你用鞭子进行攻击。
 动作:消耗附赠动作来使用鞭子技巧。
 效果:你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值,目标必须进行力量豁免投掷,否则被你的
 效果:当被你的鞭子束缚时,你不能使用鞭子进行攻击检定。如果目标与你大小相同或更

 动作:使用你的附赠动作对目标进行一次对抗运动检定。
 效果:在竞赛成功时,目标被拉拽5英尺到你选择的方向,并且在你的鞭子范围内倒地。

 动作:生物可以使用它的行动来对你进行一次对抗武术检定。

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 效果:在成功时,目标从你的鞭子中解脱出来。

 效果:你对距离你超过5英尺的生物造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值。


 触发: 你用雷筒进行攻击。
 动作: 消耗附赠动作来使用雷筒技巧。
 效果: 你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值。你可以对范围内你能看到的5英尺范围内

 效果: 你的雷筒攻击忽视半掩体和四分之三掩体。此外,你对距离你5英尺内的生物造成

 触发: 你用燧发枪进行攻击。
 动作: 消耗附赠动作来使用燧发枪技巧。
 效果: 你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值。如果这次攻击命中并将目标的生命值减少

 效果: 你用燧发枪攻击时,对穿戴轻甲或无甲的生物造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加

 触发: 你用燧石手枪进行攻击。
 动作: 消耗附赠动作来使用燧石手枪技巧。
 效果: 你造成额外的伤害,等于你的熟练加值。如果这次攻击命中,你可以迫使目标进行

 效果: 你可以作为一个自由行动拔枪或收枪燧石手枪。此外,当你自上一轮开始以来没有

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 当一个你5英尺内可以看到的生物被攻击目标时,你可以使用你的反应和1点耐力点作为反

 坚定守护:如果在你5英尺内(如果你选择这样做后交换位置)有多个生物被同一检定目

 岿然不动:你可以花费2点耐力点,使用这个技术时对所有承受的伤害获得抗性。

 使用近战武器(或徒手攻击),你可以使用你的攻击动作和1点耐力点尝试将敌人抛向空

 攻击命中:目标承受你的武器(或徒手攻击)的伤害。

 豁免失败:它被水平推开最多15英尺+每5点失败豁免额外的5英尺。

 浮空:你可以选择将敌人垂直抛向空中。当你这样做时,它们移动总距离的一半,可能会

 击倒:在结果之后,你可以选择减少目标被推开的总距离5英尺,以将其击倒。

 排山倒海:你可以花费1点耐力点将目标被推开的距离增加10英尺,并增加伤害至熟练

 痛击:你可以花费1点耐力点将伤害增加至2倍熟练度。

 势不可挡:你可以使用你的附赠动作和1点耐力点,将目标从一只生物改为你身边5英尺内

 使用近战武器(或徒手攻击),你可以使用你的一个攻击动作和移动以及1点耐力点进行

 攻击命中:目标承受你的武器(或徒手攻击)的伤害。

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 豁免失败:它倒地。

 坠星击:你可以花费1点耐力点将坠落伤害转移给目标,伤害为你的武术等级的五倍。

 凌空虚渡:你可以花费1点耐力点增加你的损害熟练度和你跳跃距离10英尺。

 神龙摆尾:你可以使用你的附赠动作和1点耐力点比较你的攻击检定与你落地点5英尺内的

 触发:你或你5英尺内可以看到的生物被攻击目标。
 反应:你可以使用你的反应和1点耐力点,直到它的下一轮开始,为目标提供一个+熟练度

 游刃有余:你可以花费1点耐力点允许目标在攻击后脱身,并移动高达它速度的一半。

 反戈一击:你可以使用你的附赠动作和1点耐力点比较你的攻击检定与你5英尺内的所有生

 触发:一个生物用攻击检定未命中你。
 反应:你可以使用你的反应和1点耐力点进行闪避,并使用你剩余的移动速度来进行移

 回马枪:你可以花费1点耐力点,在战术转移时对你身边5英尺内的生物进行攻击检定。在

 当你进行攻击时,你可以使用你的附赠动作和1点耐力点忽略生物的DR。

 削铁如泥:你可以花费1点耐力点将对目标造成的伤害增加,数量等于目标的DR。

 摧枯拉朽:你可以花费1点耐力点将目标的DR减少为你熟练度的一半(向上取整),直到


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 需要:具有非装填属性的远程武器。你可以使用你的行动和1点耐力点发射一连串的投射


 摄人箭雨:你可以花费1点耐力点迫使区域内的每个生物进行Dex豁免。失败:它在你的

 天网恢恢:你可以花费1点耐力点将区域增加到从所选点开始的15英尺。

 追魂箭:你可以花费1点耐力点还针对你和所选点之间占据空间的每一只生物。

 使用近战武器(或徒手攻击),你可以使用你的一个攻击动作和1点耐力点对你身边5英尺

 攻击命中:你对每个生物造成你的武器(或徒手攻击)的伤害。

 血雨腥风:你可以花费1点耐力点使范围内的每个生物进行体质豁免。失败:它们开始流
血(在你的回合开始时承受熟练度的真实伤害,直到使用行动进行DC 10医学检定)。

 旋风斩 :你可以花费1点耐力点将旋风的范围增加5英尺。

 暴风投掷:如果你手持近战武器,你可以选择在旋风结束时额外花费1点耐力点将武器投

 技巧:你可以使用你的攻击行动和1点耐力点从你的雷筒发射广泛散射的弹药,对15英尺
 攻击命中:目标受到你的雷筒的伤害,并必须进行体质豁免投掷。失败:它们在你的下一

 覆盖射击:你可以花费1点耐力点将散射射击的范围增加10英尺。

 弹跳射击:你可以花费1点耐力点使散射射击忽略障碍物,并打击其区域内其他生物后面

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 技巧:你可以使用你的攻击动作和1点耐力点用你的雷筒进行强力打击。对你身边5英尺内

 擒抱成功:目标受到你的雷筒的伤害并被击倒。

 震荡打击: 你可以花费1点耐力点使钝力迫使目标进行体质豁免投掷。失败:它们在你的

 势如破竹: 你可以花费1点耐力点使钝力对目标造成额外的2d6钝击伤害,就好像你的雷

 动作:你可以使用你的攻击动作和1点耐力点,用你的雷筒装填额外的火药,并向你范围

 攻击命中:目标受到你的雷筒的伤害,迫使目标进行力量豁免投掷。失败:被推开,每10

 烈性火药:你可以花费1点耐力点将火药桶的击飞变为 每5点推开5英尺。

 震荡冲击:你可以花费2点耐力点使火药桶还迫使目标进行物理豁免投掷。失败:它们在

 机动: 你可以使用你的行动和1点耐力点(SP)仔细瞄准你的燧发枪,使你的攻击检定增
加+2 倍熟练加值。

 鹰眼: 你可以花费1点耐力点将你的武器射程增加10英尺。
 稳健之手: 你可以花费1点耐力点在使用精准瞄准时获得攻击检定的优势。

 机动: 你可以使用你的攻击动作和1点耐力点向你的燧发枪冲锋,像使用矛一样。对你身

擒抱成功: 目标承受你的燧发枪伤害并被击倒。

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 狠毒一击: 你可以花费1点耐力点使刺刀冲锋也对目标造成致命伤害。目标必须进行一次

 乘胜追击: 你可以花费1点耐力点在使用刺刀冲锋后额外移动10英尺,不引发机会攻击,

 机动: 你可以使用你的攻击动作和1点耐力点从你的燧发枪两发子弹,所有子弹瞄准不同

攻击命中: 目标承受你的燧发枪的伤害。

 火力压制: 你可以花费1点耐力点将发射的子弹数量增加1。
 精准射击: 你可以花费1点耐力点忽略处罚。

 机动: 你可以使用你的攻击动作和1点耐力点瞄准目标的腿部用你的燧发枪射击。对目标
进行攻击检定。 攻击命中: 目标承受燧发枪的全部伤害,并被迫进行一次体质豁免。失

 弱点洞悉: 你可以花费1点耐力点将腿部射击的攻击检定增加+2。
 致残射击: 你可以花费1点耐力点使目标的腿部受到严重伤害,对所有物理豁免投掷造成

 技巧:当敌人进入你的射程时,你作为反应迅速、不瞄准地射击,花费1点耐力点对手枪

 快速反射:你可以花费1点耐力点将快照的范围增加5英尺。

 幸运一击:你可以花费1点耐力点在你的射击上获得优势。

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 技巧:你可以使用你的攻击动作和1点耐力点对同一目标迅速连续发射两枪。对目标进行

 弹指之间:你可以花费1点耐力点在使用了双击后立即重新装填你的手枪,允许你在下一

 眼疾手快:你可以花费1点耐力点在你其中一个双击攻击检定上获得优势。

 技巧:你可以使用你的攻击动作和1点耐力点使用你的手枪作为棍棒打击你身边5英尺内的

 擒抱成功:目标受到你的手枪的伤害并被击倒。

 震荡冲击:你可以花费1点耐力点使手枪鞭打对目标造成额外的2d4钝击伤害,就好像你的

 战术装填:你可以花费1点耐力点在使用了手枪鞭打后立即重新装填你的手枪。

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