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A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan

in Mathematics 5

I. Learning Objectives

Given the table of examples of percentage, base, and rate, the pupils are
expected to:

A. distinguish percentage, base, and rate with mathematical sentences;

B. be aware of the importance percentage, base, and rate in daily life
C. use percentage, base, and rate to understand a daily life experiences; and
D. solve for percentage, base, and rate.

II. Content

a. Topic
Introduction to Percentage, Base, and Rate
b. Reference
1. Percentage, base, and rate. Retrieved on March 11, 2014 from
c. Materials
1. Table of the “Top 10 countries with most medal in the 2013 Summer
Olympic games”
2. Table of examples of Percentage, Base, and Rate
d. Values
1. Sharing of understanding about the lesson.
2. Finding out how percentage, rate, and base matter to our life.

III. Procedure

a. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings

2. Prayer

3. Classroom Management

4. Checking of Attendance

5. Review of Lesson
IV. Developmental Activities

A. Activity
1. Show pictures of real-life situations wherein percentage, base, and rate
were emphasized.
 Sale products in the mall
 % mark on any product
 Mixture of food
2. Let each from the class choose from sale products or not.
Synthesis will follow shortly to validate their answers.

B. Analysis
1. Post on the board a copy of the table of the top 10 countries with most
medals in the 2013 Summer Olympic Games.
2. Let the pupils count off from 1-3. Using the table, provide questions to
be answered.
3. Share to the class the PBR (Percentage, Base, Rate) triangle.
4. Probe that the answers are Percentage Base and Rate.
5. Ask the pupils to distinguish percentage, base, and rate using the
sample problems presented.
6. Solve the problems on the board and slowly discuss a step-by-step
process in solving.
7. Present the different formula that will be utilized when solving for
percentage, base, and rate.
8. ACTIVITY! (Sample, Sample)
a. Divide the class into two. Call someone from each group from time
to time to answer the missing term in the problem. This is a race
b. Whoever wins must have garnered higher score from the other and
a token/ prize.

C. Abstraction

1. Post on the board two statements with the same quantities but
arranged differently
Example :

6 is 20% of 30 20% of 30 is 6
2. Using the words from the statement, elicit an idea or more regarding
the identification of percentage, base, and rate.
3. Generalize that the number after the word OF is the base, and the
number after or before the word IS it the percentage.
D. Application
1. Allow the students to find their pairs or pair them with their seatmates.
2. Present on the board a table of numerical statements, percentages,
rates, and base. Some box/cell remained black.
3. Give ample time to let the pupils answer the missing terms.
4. Call for volunteers to answer the problem. Evaluate the answers.

V. Evaluation
1. Encourage someone to make/ construct number statements.
2. Instruct the pupil to call for someone to determine the rate, base, and percentage.
Continue if necessary.

VI. Assignment

Prepared by :
Christopher Lavador

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