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Date:10/10/23 Period: 2 Subject Integrated Science

Time:8:30-9:30 STRAND : Diversity of matter

Class: 6 Class size: Sub-strand: Living and non-living things

Content Standard Indicator: Classify plants based Lesson

on their root system.

Performance Indicator: Learners can identify the main types of root Core Competencies and Subject Specific
system in plants Practices: Critical thinking and Problem-
Solving Communication and
Collaboration Creativity and Innovation

Key words: Roots, taproot, fibrous root

Phase/Duration Learner activities Resources

Phase1: Starter (preparing Ask learners to uproot some plants around the school Facilitator
the brain for learning) compound and name the parts.
Drill learners on the correct pronunciation and meanings of the
10 minutes new word

Phase 2: Main (new learning Learners in groups should work together to classify each root Uprooted roots
including assessment) as fibrous or tap root. from the school
Each of them should identify any differences between the tap compound
40 minutes and fibrous root systems

Phase 3: Plenary/ Reflections Let them share their findings with the rest of the class.
(Learner and teacher)

10 minutes

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