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yo Designation: 845-14 (Reappo a Standard Test Method for 909 Bran ad iy OY oma ese aA BS ROS ai i te ead ited Sasa Tybee Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas Chromatography’ ‘Sema une cs once uae se a tp ae 1. Scope 1 Thiet math cove the detente chemi al conpoiin of ata! anes sia uous res ‘iti the rnge of comporion shown in Tale 1 Thi text ‘thod may be stevie or the analy of lean nate fee conning negli amownis f esuos and ight Byecbons or forthe deeminaon of one ose omponet seule 1.2 The vals sate in SI eis ae 10 be rept at sundae No eho of measreren ae lca a at nda 1.3 Th stondad doesnot purport to adres alo he suf concert fay asociated ithe ae i Be Inipomiliy of he ser of sanded Yo esta apr ‘rte ey, heal ond ernment prctes an fac Ine he apples of repuatary laine pir wre 1 Thr ieratonalsondard ar devclped In ace ance Wit international recone princiler on std ‘stoned i the Deion on Principe for he Devepmen of heemartonl Senda Cuidet ond Recon mendations ue by he World Trade Orgoation Techical Bovis Trae (757) Commitee 21 ASTM Stndade ‘2S Text Mate for Ans of Denathaszed Hydro ‘attn Ligud Mates Cotsng cope ma Carbon Diane by Gas Chromsography (Wide 20167 240 Prati for Paled Colurn Gis Chrome phy 3, Summary of Tt Method 4.1 Compoveas a epresenative sample ae physically sepa y as ceunstogpty (GC) and compared 10 ge aoe in pede a AOE callin it obnned ude ent! operating condions ftom relrence standard mitre of known compen. The ‘merous hey end components of suple abe seeped ints ieplr pnt by reverag he duce of he care at "rough the column sich iso grup the hey ent ‘tes Cy aod Bevin Cy ai ae oC nd hen The oosion ofthe sample i ane by comparing citer the pak Heights rte peak ans or bth with th sore Sponges ctained wa the reference sana. 4, Sineance and Use 441 This test medi of siguiente for proving ata or alaaig ps proper fhe sample ach a esting ‘aaa ey or motrin sonst 5 Apparat 51 Detetor—The ect sl be hema condatviy ‘ye, tts eqvaleat in ste apd tty The ermal Stout etre sent seaitve t produce ‘Sena of ala 05 mV for ol % nae a8 02a simp 5.2 Reconing InsnmensEiber sicher eon ot lestai negro bl, 0 Ga th oped fermpocrts Although a sii reco eo equed te wing elecone negra, Is gly lable fr ‘ates of iret pertormice ‘521 The corde sal Beusch corde with 3 futeage sel ofS mV ress (pretend) The wi of he ch sll be nt less tan 150mm. A mau on ‘espns eo (peered mins ht sed 2010 rnin all be teqaed. Faster spcts ap To ‘ommmin are desiabe if Ue chomiogr st be Inert sing manual metas o tala seme, 522 Blecront or Comping heraors—Prot of pe ‘on aa spose ela oat rs reorder egies {or dapiays ober tan By ch ecrder Baste acing ‘open skim pea deteston 5 comnende 5.3 Arewatr—tt the cronabgran i © be inesiod sing tal mutt, an atesnor must be wed i the ‘tee opt gal 0 main aximum ped wii he ‘cre br range. The seus st be scat ow, O15 senwec he sera a see, Gy 01045 - 14 (2019) ‘Songun ove 54 Sample ies yom 54.1 The sample net system shall be contucted of rome tat ae et ed ordre with pect oe ‘Soopers nthe sump The peared matric Ton sans tet Copper tras, an er cpp eng loys ae enaccepie Tae samp inlet sytem fom Te {ltr vale ote GC clu imate man ot ‘apenare consan 91°C. 32 Provioe mus be mide to intoduce ito the cer gs abead of he wali cau gar pane ape int at fen etappd int ed von oop o lar sce, The Ate lop tr son ll be 50 eons ht the tl “olune, ind ata space, shall aoe sarally exo (Sm 10D AP nce scary of the estes an heavier pons teas reuse sample ie tty te abd (ee Tet Meted DSS. The sample woume ‘ut be repro sich ta sucetve rns ae witha Ton cach component A wing sample it rye is seca long wconty los se cuted for sete 1 tn ee gun ey af ae ‘eat Seay Sed drm sy 543 An optical masiold amangenent for exieing vost Spe shown Fg. 55 Column Temperatare Cont 55.1 lothemet™When botermal operation ie usd, ‘ulti the analy clumon 24 tp cone 0 (13°C dang he coun of th sale run td consent ‘erence 352 Tempera Programmig—Tenperatie prog aga be wel fea Tox ove teresa hl not (2th eoeended emgertini fee ti 16 Detector Temperature Cool—Malsin the detector leoperte a a tmpertre cont 03°C ding te reo the sample on a the onespoodageferecerat- ‘The duet tempratuesalbog 0 este hte ‘naxnom colon enpertre. ‘87 Carrier Gat Conroli—Mhe insane sll be nipped withsutable aces evi sow ears ‘tough he tla sett ow hat cont 101 tioughout he clas of he sample nd he ference Sands To pry ofthe cai at may be Improve by owing theca gs too lives pro ey ‘noe chomp 58 Colima: 51 The columns hal be coma of aera hat we Ine sd vonuorpve i expat oh empoont in he Sample, The plored mater wf conaracion wiles Stel: Copper td copper ering yr re nacre 542 An aon ype clena and ain col- wna be wed to mae the lei. ‘S821 AdtorpionColamn—Ti colo ost completely separate orygen, mop, thane ATSX moll ‘Seve BVI mesh ecramenel for dct jection. A SA ‘Seren hyeoearone Hs cre aed, the eo ‘ttre the acne bomen ech essen pee ie ‘clon (2) must 1S or pest elated ie falling eqn ‘cou Pome 0.1 SugutedHantltAangmart a nro Yew See eee res Qy os sina) Sgt, © rf xe otion ine ny swe pt wt hier teats orton FS {eects ce ion ern am. R27 Portion Corin coun pr eh ag tog ens nd ve ie ech ier pn mateo ee ine ee a {pane nd coring es ot bu ne win? cf lien fer cmos hen. ot ‘epue wih mesoeen eg te senin sf FEE Scumon of en neuate tet a Ss sme sos Oot con ie frie culmea res The rctn (8) Inti Serpscrascaimied he bv qm Te ‘Spano wld be conse win 0 mi nc ‘el ef wafer pene Yel oop ron ‘hes nd vr comments ig ecale f Chromaopane Oba! me oe nae eon sou 383 Goat cr pking mails at po vie ascension fe a Sed(eeFig) nulnlona plants pete ‘etn kth fhe es orion Ree on eos Space nots yo oa 39 Dries war ska 20 rei ss 9 ir ms te oie te mpl ng ‘Seem shea of th sao ves Te er te ent ose ot ovine compo eS mie ine na 5.10 erates er sample spliters, of both, we qr wo emit schig, ockstng offer itaneaas - 14 019) 5.11 Yawn Gauge—Any pe of vacam gage my be veel whieh hase slaon of 016 Pr bern covet he range of Ot 120 or ag, 5.12 Yc Panp—Mat ie theca of rodacing ‘svncvum of 14 1B abate es, 6. Preparation of Apparts (61 Linearity Check—Toexabih lnaty of reps for the teal conc Saeco steer ompete “1 The major compooeat fete methane or ara sis charg othe chematoengh byway of ie sae Sample lop a pra rsa ements OF 13 Paro (3 {0 10 Kb rhe peeing simp peste 1.2 The tga ek panes rh se eared a ‘acho the presi icemests ae plod vee el parl bresare Gee Fig 9) ‘GL The plod resus shoud yield sig ln. A prety our eyome weal ply a nigh lat 43° Mle wing the tpt vale G14 Any cued ne indents te Bad Ylune sample loop so lA sl ops shuld ele the elie loop an 61:1 ou shal be epee ee Pie). 11.5 The layover he rng of ier mut be now Ioreach component rue const eta he seapote factor devnion In conglog conceal, (Soe ‘ible? and Tabi 3h {616 I shald be noted ht lrogee, methane, sod ene xii ess than 1 compres at amospher peer ‘ter natura gas compenens exit «gia on ‘esbly a prose ls th anne 1.7 Most compovscs tat have vapor press of les than 10 KPa cao be se a rep for ie cre thy wil ot exhib sult vapor presse fr actom gauge renin to 100 Ka. For hee componente 3 ‘mina wit open or tte canbe wed 0 eels ¢ 4 Seen stseen—, eS Qy or045- 14 2010) (COLUMN: 2 meter Type 13% molecular ‘Seve, 80-100 mesh eran SAMPLE SIZE: 0.25 mt, CARRIER GAS: Hefum @ 30 mL/min nates 0.3 Sopurton Conn or One, Moen an tan (Se Aan Seer a Soo Seer een 2 de 6 4 2 0 Minutes "a4 Cvomstagam ot aul GHEE Can (me Ans A) cil presse hat can exe he ol presto 100K Usig Tale for vapor gresarer at 38°C, calla the nina peste ich given component been = uo o Po toeannen o Seon ema epern80088 Qos - 14 2019) count: avonoc Pa 2008510 coment, Nm 8 nL i COW: IDR meter 4OME Smiter Base! SURE SE: 05m. i (ARBIER AS: Hata @ 75:7 min. FH i nates 62 Proce for Laity Chek: 621 Coane the purecompooent source to the sal airy system Ewcute he sampler sem and obec the vacuum gauge for haks (See Fig. | for Hggetd Ianold arangemen) The sampieency eset Mat be vem Gat Srp gaat eT 5 (Srna Le ge Nth pid 622 Cuetuly open te ec valve to adi the pure components 1013 KP fpr peso 623 Record the exit pari! pret and ste he sample valve place th sample ct he Sam, Record oe Pra ae of he pr compos. Gp or04s-14 2010) 2 meter 3m mek sve 1 @ 50% ‘ago care @ 40 mini. i Datecor @ 100 mA yeu G0 Seputon of aman Hyeopen 624 Repent 23 for 26,3952 65,75, snd 91 kPa onthe 62.6 An alermve method i obese ssesum gage, rcotng the enka cbinined for sample components and chug the snp bop tl eso vet ‘als each of tee pres. ‘te ange of treat sen vale the mite “623 vibe wea da (ws) ves the pt pesares canbe tied wil methane rey giving remot cones fr (ai omar raph a shown in Fig. 9. ile componens:Waraing—ICt so pose oan eRe aes ene era carectterrnmamniatuanth ots Gp or045- 14 zor 7.0 tty of Detector Response {HOLE 2 Uren Eaton of Mane ‘nfrmaion oe tener of he avalible gt comatogaps dct for al ofthe est gs compote ee asin ‘eeueent he Inet ha ue be eed fra at Compre ht exosdscmcenrtio of ma Ch. {zag ae nt aly ner over wide concen ranges aod ‘nc shld be eae over te ang fine) 1, Reerenee Standards 71 Molsure-iee ga mires of town compotion se rogue for compstion with Be tet amie They. ast Soraya aay ra ‘om Uae gms Dre rp ein THOLE Lint Eaton fr Mvogen ea fv aR a a H ese contin inva perens of the capone, except onyee0 (Se 5 ht ao beeen th uown stale Al ‘Srmponcts nh een stir mabe Homopsns n the vopor sate athe ine of se Toe conenaton of 8 ompooet isthe referee sandal gi shoud ote es ee hl ce more ta wie th canst of eee ‘ponding componei ine tg ‘eth tdaa pve fen ange Hip a BEg*| Mp 01045 -14 2019) a 5 ecu yn tie ti. 12. Preperation rence std ay be ropes ening pure component Died 8a, v's able Sndard fer oygen td nope = 18 {1 Intent Preparation Pac th prope coat) i ‘pues node forthe ied (a ei eer EU'33 er 80). Adjust he pean codons nd allow he rcp sail i ee exanes hight, heat be supe op Non at man cng ie ale ne ht ‘epee cme ogy commended seo ESE Se Ne eto 1.12 Aer he aseumen as appre sd, ake cect runs the reference tant eth iret ‘epeaailiy Tew ooscuve checks mst ape wane ‘efeatably Ime for he mol Se nun eset of ch omooteat Ee he average of he two comecave check, cee iat hk pig win pe so ‘elacnce sandd for all scberjnt raw wil tere Shae iret peting conor, Dayton, 12 Sample Prpraton—It desi type sie ay eremoved bya leat vo methods (oe Aen A), 821 Preparation and Durodion of pes roast be euler he aorery at 110 30°C above the {our tmpeue of held taping. Tho higher te ‘epee Ie scr te egeliton me pprocinitly hor anal smple citar of 300 wi) Tit ‘Bove enained iui I the hysocatbonSewpsn fe Sample wn be lower ha he lowest temper o ‘len he smple es een expo, rs otc 1 est esampe (Gt aes Sim Oe Seo ype 8 EA 5 (Spaeth Ned 1.2.2 Coanctions om te spl conser oh sample int ofthe rte! should te made wih nese ‘ith hort peer of THE ascaron Cope oy oe ‘ber enmetons ar not aorple Heelies my be ‘estar for high hyroaton eon sags. 13 SanplehrodutionToe eo the apna ‘othe comatose counts sl ot ened 05 mihi ‘ll sample ts it ceary © oan» Bnew detector ‘pans fr methane) Sunt ssury can bs! fr the dent fal bt the mins conrien byte of is ample i. When icesed sponse oqed fre ‘ceinaon of componews pest In coaenraens aot ‘xecting $ mol, Is pela w ue sample and Feerece standard volumes nt excedg 8 (Aoi Ietadaeton of bq in the ample sym) 13.1 Pung Method~Open thou vave ofthe supe nora 1 Parton Colum Ru for Bhane and Heavier yo cbs and Corben Diese Th si ade ent eet Satiom orindogen te cari ga te han eal oduct eer se, Sele ual ue gs for (ha dear Sekt sane ae incre ih 1 eter Ute samp an! backache component when sr pop ‘Me. Obtainacoresponing respons oh ees Sana ‘S41 Methane may alo be Jemined oni colar be column wil spurte the mene om ezogen an xyzee (coh as wt aicone 2050 shown ia Fg 3) sd the 5 dvorpion Colin Run fr Oren, Neogen nd Mathane~Ake is son wing r bydonen the ‘ine gan The sample ste mnt teen 0 fee (Gieittion Gf te, En fe sarge td ttn 8 ‘spose though meta (Noe 3). Lies, btn re {ome onthe reference nr or nitogs Sorcha, ‘bain response on ry a fr niogen td oxygen, if ‘esr "The air mst be ele eel stan acutely nese eed presse, oie seed miata Qos 5.1 A mire cotining pprocinately 1% of oxygen canbe prepared by pressing conor of yrs Stnesptes rss? MPa at pare lim, Thi presue ted ot be teamed pecs Ge commento of og othe mints pepe most be tend by enpario antropen inh ference sada The eset "ogee r malipie by 0.268 to obtain he mole peo ‘rye ory 0.280 obtain te me pre al ony snd argon. Do oo lyon oxygen snare ta have been ‘repute ha Tew ys Hie permis fo 3 16 Adtran Clann Bun for Helin and Hyogen— ake hs on ring eer rope o argon she ce ‘mera mi tmgle and sod te respons for bel, fatlowed by hyropn, whch wl be ast thead f exygen (Note 3). bua a conespuning fespoae oa 2 reference Std coming Sli conenrations of am aad yop (ee Fe. 9, Caletation 21 The number of sigan digs welnd for te quae: ‘ive vale of each cope sal be sch tsa eke sted exagueated. Te expe numeral Valeo at cmponest eth sample shoal ob presi {0 be mor ssc than te conespondig cried Yale of {tt componen in th slbaion sandr. 92 Bera Standort Meo: 921 Penanes and Lgher Components—Meszare the eight of each component pak for pentane and phe, ‘envert these utensa fr erpmding comport inthe sample ad reference stan a acl the So. Cention ofeach componente samp a follow c= sx) C= compen: concennton inthe sample, 0 ‘A. pe gh of component inthe ste wm ‘2 peak py of component in he Sanam: and 5S Cnponea cocenaton i the seferee Handa, 9211 Hairs ten rn at reduced pet or ony oF tropes ciation or bt, oes the equ fr peau lows co sxuunxiese) wher: P= fe barometric pressure daring the rn, with both ries bang eesti the sue ni, 92.1.2 Use composion vais of 78.1% niuogn sod 219% oxygen for ry nba argon shee ith oxygen ‘na molec ees clus ude he roa ooo ‘hee met Sets pert nay ray ‘Opener ne gmt Ne dd = 14 019) 922 Hexaes and Heir ComponenteMeste the a catof he bexanes orton snd th hpes ed ee poon ‘ofthe tevestow pk ae Antex AL Pig ALT aed 3.0), ‘Aso measure th ae of toh rename pion the sp ‘ronstogran, sod sj all ensured areas te sae ‘onto aia 92.3 Callie comet seo the ever Row peak 2s follow whee A= average cel weight of be Cy ad ton, ‘Son 7th ate 9s aly ety a ee ue ten swe ep al ama ‘SShopiamaer tase ar tache ttn orate aera ‘Sicha ncn sean Ae 924 Cael te concent of the to tos the sanpe as folows Ma Ce (nso, a) heave xl iC, 4nC, Mist, Mt G+ = amend ws) o Aloe Cyc CNC a) 92.41 I he ee pce of Ky Cy bes ben dee sine by spate on ws ole se amp is ae 1923 The ele reverse ow ara maybe atin his ‘manera Cy sd ese, ora Ca heavier shold the Caner greta ke made afer bane. Te mead ea ‘Shui be const singe erage meslr igh the ene revere flow compoosns fi the vale Of. The tte pret sg aren oe Cy al Cv fw peak af tm Neely sad sample af flene andar (eof ‘devi sll thea be sd fr eas he al le cet ale 92.6 Normale the mole pet values by maipyn cach vale By 100s ving 9 he sum ofthe ong “al The Ses 0 the egal ler sald ot ie rn {O00 y mor than 1.0%. ‘9217 See ump eclatons ie Append X2. 18, Preiion 111 Precion—nepesion cis ex mtd ete tae by the satis exaoen of he araboty tes Feo, for os samples of plpeise gual 38 Nin ea 101! Repetaliy—Te eteeace between to se sive routs obtained by the ste pear whe ae “pyres under const pean canon oneal tt yiF/ | Ay o1088- trisha be consid upc if they ifr by ore than he foowing ancun: 10.12 Repraucily—The ditereceRewees Wo rs mained by diferent operat in ifn abort 02 “Sema to ine soul be sone eupet hey Sie by move than he foowing mouse 14 2019) HL. Keywords 111 gas mals gs chomp; mtr gs conpe- ANNEXES (Standntry norman AL Anas for Only Propane and Heavier Components ‘AL. Tis determination can be made in 10t0 15min un ime by abegcalumn conditonr to seprte propane. Sobuare, vane, opeaane, -petne, hexane td epanes, and env, bu drepucingSeparon on ane sma ger AL12 Use a 5 m bis Q0-mehoretion) ety (BEE) colame a sbot 30°C or sulle length a enter Parking column ha wl parte progan hough pentane about min ser 2110S spe th cola ‘evese caer gs flow afer pentane pred Oa 2 comeipendng chromatogram othe referee Rane ‘sh can te ctomplhed not S min ne ere ‘0 need revere the Rom onthe ffenestr. Make ‘Seulson in he same manner as fo the comple als neh [ALLS A determination of propane, iobeane, tans sd penaes sever an bee nao Ss ie by evering ie caiengs fw ae tae. Howere is teasry fo kw the verge mulealr welsh of the ‘te dhe Compo AL2 Single Run Analy for thane and Heavier Compo- ‘AL21 i many es,» age pron un wing sample smn rer of 1105 mlb deg or deeming ‘Ml componsns excee methane, which cane be eemined tecartly sing thie size sample with peak. height Pecreent, Bate of igh toca Sard eg Th 001 8g ‘N12 Bera 103ml samp in he paon column and oversee carer gs ow arenas epr (Ouinscenespontngctonaiogan of he reeene fe Mesure the peat eights of tae ooh pete ‘Sethe sear ofthe pein peu of he sacar Make fslaaon en siane an Rear compooets the sane Imaoer as frie comple amiss method. Methce sed Tipe ay be expres ste diese betwee 00 she im fhe datrnined component ‘ALS Specie Analysis to Determine Hexanes and Heavier Companents| A131. Astor pain columacaa be wal avantagnly to separa hearyend compote on bina mee eed Imenldows on posto ofthe eveeRow facto. Tas Ieormston proves sity dt = Ha fr clang ign proper sch a molar weit ote fe {A132 Fig Alisa chonatognm hat shows components ‘tte Sepa by 0? BME ln i 20 mi To ae {Sed overe the ner pu afer separation fm pine “Mensre sear ops hte afer pentane, Co ech ek rea tothe mo as by avn ech peak ene fede weight of te componci. A vale of 120 may te (Sof forthe meleculr weight of te ocean and ear Tove ow peak: Calculate le pret of he Mess tnd ever Eongcet ang he one wa od Gy vre4s- 14 aor @ wl i z Pot emir} 157 enn —t—— 254 dvnn ——? GAL Component Hees ae Hear racton ‘2. PREPARATION OF COLUMNS AND DRIER 2.1 Preparation of Couns Se Pcie F240, 422 Preparation of Dri—Fils 10 mm dante by lod lag gs be wih raul pops pene ‘emmgresion perch, tring al rope sey ca ‘ows Mout regia 1 ry the sample Replace te Sing ‘ge fer Sut ne a ofthe tera hae Bosse spent 23. Removal of lydogen Sui 22.31 For sampe cotining mare ten bos 300 pm by mass bydeope se, remove te Bycogen elie By cn sesiagsbe of soem hye sre! Ase) sa of the sample cooainer ing raping Fshead of he dng ‘uke when ering tbe tangle Iso te omatogap, Ts Procedure ap removes crtoe owe, ab the raul 0 ‘ned wit be on the alg fe ba ‘423.2 Hydogen sede my ao be removed by comet ings tbe of pumice tht has ben inpegn wh cape ee on, ‘uta in he ie ypseeam of tot he ebvmogagh and ying tube Tis procedure il remove sll oan of yop soe whe having bt unum elton he cron ocd a et 24 Column Arangement—For analyses in which sates and heavier components ae 10 be Serine. ip {A2T thowr ap amangeen wry cones cua be Qi ‘nd csly changed bythe ten of 8 selec ele. Tw Sus te acer 1 deere sl of the components ‘overed in is est etd Howeey, shoud lang pron alums. provide be eu of tee pron sumn leet, y ng the eter sg o in sees. Te cone tin Beneeo Vy ad Vs in Fi AZT should be ts ose (ma spr) a minimise de pce between fhe columns when a Insite al cols te chose a (jetta the sae tmpertre, hen salzaton tne be. ‘een caging clrmn willbe rine. Gp 01045 - 14 2019) {LONG paarrrion vy) ‘COHN ‘seo panriTion "COUN (For Supplmantry Use ony) APPENDIXES ‘Nonmandatns Iatematin Xt Preparation XIL.LI Gas mites ofthe following piel compos wil efor ure rene tance for mot tay ‘gsiemens (oe XII) XL12 A well metod for pepion of x referee sunk weit a fal XI.121 Otis e flowing euipment a materi Pree Cnet, two 100m (Aa 8) Bale, 2000 g capac, serait of 10 mg Pre Components, mete tough rena, and atom ee ‘ode The pre component sold De 594% pe. Methane Shoal be im'n TL eying a 10 MPa) peste. Ras ‘hromaigram of ech componet wo check i given emposton XL122 Bvacome te 20 L ele for seve hous vane 100 ml Cylinder A, aid bin ie ve igh (Coes Cider At a yin of pte mena with 3 ‘etl conscon of ected lenght conn apoxinately ‘heamoun of pentane ob aoc Fah comes rah ‘tempetase ty lonseing the ga he ave on Cider ‘A Tighe he Bing Cle the nsenane cinder le and ‘pen Cylinder A valve 10 aime wpetae fom te tnoson ad te cls th vv CyindarA cone Sta weigh Cyne can the eight of pentane ted X1L123 Similar, add sopesne, ue, soba, prope tae, nf earbon do, oa ede a dese, ‘nh fence wand Weigh Cynder {serach acon ‘oobi te weight ofthe componet ade, Cooet Caer ‘ve the crane 20 L clr ih asst 8 cea St haneer connector spose. Op he veo 20 [glad open th rate on Ge Ty wl lt 1a be tater of tel of te vote Cyc Ao the 20 opine, Clee te epic vale. dace and ‘weih Cline Ao determi he weg of este ha wat Tox tanta oe 30 Leyes XL124 Bvacawe ad weigh 10 ml Cylinder B. Then Cylinder 9 with Blam and hydogen pete to te resies rue Yo prove te deed concen Gp o1015-14 aor) tee componens inthe fables Helium nd hyaogen ae ejred md mene peal from the eter compen {o peveat el pressures, whe a the 100 eye, fom fauing coteeuioe af the higher Ryrocatone) ‘Weigh Cline afer each action o obtain te Weg of Be emponent added Cnet Cylinder B othe 20 L elder ‘ri sss 3 cin, snal-ate comer ax pose (pen the ave on thc 20 yn thn open the valve oe hiner hich wl en the wee ccly lf be ‘stents of Cylbker nto ie 20 Lela Cee te ‘hinder aves aconcagua 0 Oban te Weise a the mice tt wan ot tattered 1 the 20 XL125 Weigh 1 L oid conning pre methine x sot 10 MPa pesue Taser te ean wo te 20 1 ‘ner ult pesure exuazes Weigh he 1 Lcylindr 6 ‘itemin the weg of thane nse, X12 Therouely mix he contents fhe 20Lellader ty bang atthe boom by» caovenlene mean cha ot ‘wir ort Rat lamp, ad eving he ellie Psion fo ates 6 be XL1.27 Use the weighs and pues of ll components ded to alte te weight composton of te mix Covet te weigh pent me perce ‘X12 Calibration wth Pare Components X11 Us bum aegis vlan of 2500 mn ts snren con, proving etn £30 iP ani iron a 10 APs aba pres. Rast mle fhe and mie 70 Pa pete nd bn ester mean an age. X12 te et oes spn rab pho SSOSS Senn mente ime 1.22 Change their a to mgn or ngoge td ae te bn eh satan re spe fps el st 1ips ace pee recording the oak a enon tat allowsmecimom peat bight. Ran sul be mite {70K stole pes an ota he eon pe 31123 Swich othe parton column wih helium clr su, ann be uo re TOKP stole pres Then Snitsampl of pre tow and propane 6 ase Prem, nd be, ene, aod Con re 3 KPa solue esa X1.23 Cao the campos ofthe pepe pt i wr fons 1251 Comet peak Reig a al pre component th rect conpeens inte end hese enon ioe ki X1.252 Calta te concen of ah componat too i = over oy Sechameaeragre terse eran ‘Sm gr ee ind C= compooen ceearaion el, ‘5. = peat hep of component end > peak hip of pure component 2, © fresare st when bled fran, 1%, = fess whch comporent rn, KPA ane 1 ‘elu facion of pure ompacent ‘X12 Nonaize vero 100.0%, X13 Calvan wing Relive Moar Response Values X13. Rela respas as can be dried rom ine iy daa an used fer ealaing pone factor Thi i= us te ted fr 2 sulconporent sandr ford ‘bai. The et metacafe ed 0 a) cheat [Bayh using eral ado ce heraiterdectoe X1.32 Ofain a blend tat backets te expected ence ‘ein te insten Wl be tala The mje compen (Geta) wd a he Dl at ad may al alow he ‘pce voncenton Ts conpocet preset ine Sly ation sandr sad nas i seed fom previous X13 Inject the sample at poe pens using te appari in Pig 1 Fg a hae ga nde in Tepes peak reas obit 90,7560 25,50 a 15 ‘of absalie presi For 100 EP tbe presi we 9) hy, 75 KP 60 KP, 4S, 3032 15 Pa 1.34 Plt he ro ight (emai athe eight be eferececonponat Yeu concentration a cleae ‘he soe of be in by te lent sexes meio. Give ne gut of the ne a Y= ayy where Yep {ie beet points nd X tbe ection pat, The oe Ssasimed io ieret ough he origi andy =. The ope ean cle by X13. Rabo the ops o te efrenced compaoen (0 the ope of be retrence components) sein the dl) ‘ciratonsundard,This gives e Relive Molar Respose Tete (EN Tor component () The reence componeré matt be preset the same inuecsltesuene ep osanes) a be relented composts ori, po fn canbe te een component fr fe bute tnd lanes if pope Se prt the ane sau in he Sine segues the tte nd pentans Ear ct bee Sco ar coon doris The sme sea cn be rae ‘tendo propane orl reo tbody of he ‘nda X16 For diy catrain, foucomponet saad is sal catsiing itopen, retin, stan and prope The Teer compen lie ce flat robles esis tre acute and can be Deol a higher pete The Ieferened component’ respons tr a acl fro ‘he coment veftnte acre Relais Mla Response te Mp o1945 - 14 (2019) eS gene ene) = MOE, 03) <3 — aa a Mae ( Oi oe soa Riores tt Ratmive Malar Response (AMA) = ise rarealr] 8) ts "RV? Ggose io X17 Periodic checks of the RMIR relationship ls recom- BBRE GEIS 0 Rowntree fos sopra soremesia sie ad caer gow of ene et a hss Serre _ asso ‘Sly od the called respons fact ht cont {np Soe Tbe XL. and Fig Xl sod Table X12 fate Following i design of he as aetna carpe of tering a Reave Mola Response factor Pe Xivand able sowing how sponse tae ela (bk X12 ousis saost0 017 ones >ma> som 0150 03m aas0 ammo 0780000 1.000 Mole % 0.214 Exam of Dring ene Mair Response Facer gr: Toe 3 se mermmpocw abasic ots ores -14 2010) ‘HOLE 1.2 Ceten Response Factors Ung ave Rasps tae fees Ree atau -— 2 FS = = 1X2, SAMPLE CALCULATIONS (SEE SECTION 9) ‘1 to inne = ae = ois Fi = a = i erereane = eer acura Smears nes 00 rams icea Tee eaue eos ‘Stamey Crm Ape eee nes id, terme 88 Gp or015 14 2019) 1X3, PRECAUTIONS FOR AVOIDING COMMON CAUSES OF ERRORS X31 Herane and Heavier Content Change XG. Toeamouns often conpoodsin tr pa treaty Compe avg ndlg ed sing of semper {ie serualyenoneas low or igh waves Concent Tse conponen ar bo bred 1 ei ero cats eons of colkcion of heavier compact he ‘ample oop ung purine fhe ste, Te ace et of Sl acer tg st searing cle and mnt ese ia thespian erring sytem when ompoets evi ha pentane ae ob deemiped. An sccuration oy fn inthe sampling sem geay aguas is from A, th fiber te gs the nose Be probe, Penal check C, abd heave repel appar {us by malog seve beck rns on te sme sample Te ep et asap contig sore ean an heir fer peso chaking: When eniaement of the hey ed eat x mote torongly cea he sampling ave ad ep ‘th sceooe This touble bet been expec wih some inet ssems oven whoa ean and wi he specie simple Toop six This contmizacon cane miniszed by sch technique a pr wth ict a, hea the samp op. sig acum ste, or aber such ete meas X22 Add Gat Content Change X321 Thecafon dose hydrogen sue coment of usa cal ae crag sampling nang I sples Entaining carbon die or heogen sli, bth, ao te ake, ue compel dy sample cline, connections, ones. as owe wil altvely bur apreiae Iams of te eld gies. I hjropen spree, ae min ns set, sherman ne Bycopen Side Yr the etn, aes, ee, ad onan, X33 Sample Dew Point XS. Nomeprseuative samples eae cro bee ef conteraon of Ue, Manta al smples nove the Iyetcaron dew pit If cole blow thi best 10°C ot ‘ore tae th ep forever Bors oui th ew pin saloon, beat nove be sampllag eager, X04 Sample Inlet Sytem XG. Do not we rab of plate hat may preferly ior sample components. Keep tbe sen shor ad He ‘her salto minize he pring equ. XLS Sample Size Repetaity 13.5.1 Varying bck peste on te sample lop may npn sample Se pet X52 Malet apace to mae all reve fw dates ston the same Caer now deston Al single ek ‘cosmintions ad cresponlgfefetece rss il ea be tan inthe ue carers fw econ. a ee ee XG. Be rare tha he int ier i in god candi. ‘Moisi one column wl elege th reve How pk X35. 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Tht ue eer geomet contraction ime, bt do oot incre: Ween» plume wed ‘fly mate several cing nde verge, Chest Sergey 8 ucon roo oe. 2X8 Mikelaneoar XS. Moisture te caer pt would cate eoble othe evens Sow maybe meg sg yt ‘hevigeof lecular sever an of te insert Usa 1m of 6 men ting packed i 30 to Oe lect ‘leverage iehanged with ch olde of ae Bt XS.82 Check te cars fiw system prod for XG.83 Use elec coma comer othe ste ay conc eine X34 Peat wi square ope wh omson of sal poks cate uy sen reer oan cit Gp v1048- 14 2019 SenOMARY OF CHANGES CCommines DOS as Wns the locaton of seed changes 10 this sndard shee che ls ue (1945940010) wi my pact the we fs andar (1)Seoeson $1 was eyriten to alow the use of any (B)Reterenes vo prs in shave been removed and ‘acaum gage loin merry msometer ‘epaced with th Stunt Puc iF. Fret (S)AlT poe unis removed. Satara ae reese acces memes cer a et seperate miesonnermey tee oh ranean 380

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