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To those who do not believe we sent men to the Moon...

Why did/would the US fake 9 manned missions to the Moon?

So the United States made 9 fully scripted, 6 to 12 day, media rich productions to
imitate manned voyages to the Moon and back? Nine productions that employed 24 on
camera players to execute. We won't even layer in the scores of other production
personel -set construction, audio/video techs, script writing, other actors (voice
mostly) etc. required for it to all come together nicely as we've all witnessed. Oh
right, they did space the stars. Doh! Oddly, never fired the dude that kept
screwing that detail up.

Apollo 8-
6 days, 3 hour mission sending 3 men to orbit the Moon for 20 hours (10 orbits).
Film and photograph the Moon. Return them to Earth. The men who agreed to
participate in the grand deceit: Jim Lovell, Frank Borman and William Anders

Apollo 10-
8 day mission. 3 men to the Moon. Make 31 lunar orbits. Put 2 men in the lunar
module and take the LM down to 8 miles from the lunar surface, then return to dock
with the command module. Return to Earth. 3 more men agree to this grandest of
hoaxes: Thomas Stafford, John Young and Eugene Cernan

Apollo 11-
8 day, 3 hour mission. Send 3 men to orbit the Moon. Send 2 men down to the lunar
surface for 21 hours. 2.5 hours of extravehicular activity. Return to Earth with 47
lbs of lunar material. Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins and Neil Armstrong sign off on
faking the world after years of training for the real thing

OK. At this point we're at 9 individuals "on board" with acting rather than
"astronauting" making the pledge of keeping the secret for the rest of their
lives. By this point the US has faked going to the Moon twice and actually fake
walking on it once. Mission accomplished right? No. They keep rolling the dice on
"hush-hush" by making the "keeping the secret" part exponentially more problematic
by creating more fake missions. Bold! Most would say damn stupid in the hoax
construction world.


Apollo 12-
10 day, 4 hour mission. Send 3 men to the Moon. Make 45 lunar orbits. Send 2 men to
the surface. Spend 32 hours on the lunar surface to make 2 EVAs totaling 7 hours
outside of the LM. Return to Earth with 75 lbs of lunar material. The 3 new
actors/fakers: Pete Conrad, Richard Gordon and Alan Bean

Apollo 13-
6 day production of sending 3 men to the Moon with a serious, vehical debilitating,
life-threatening explosion occuring on the way to the Moon. And the men are
returned to Earth after swinging around the back side of the Moon. Jim Lovell gets
another chance to work on his acting/script reading skills, new guys John Swigert
and Fred Haise agree to the huge ruse and play the role/the lie of "Moonman" for
the rest of their lives
Apollo 14-
9 day Production. Send 3 men to the Moon. Make 2 EVAs (9+ hrs) on
lunar surface. Return to Earth with 95 lbs of fake lunar rock and soil. "First
American in space" hero Alan Shepard is good to fake I mean, and so are
Stuart Roosa and Edgar Mitchell.

...we're now at 17 astronauts on the bald-faced NASA hoax roster. But why stop

Apollo 15-
12 day, 7 hour production of manned mission to the Moon. Bring a 4 wheeled rover
for the 4 EVAs that total over 19 hours for the 2 astronauts. Return to the Earth
with 170 more pounds of imitation moonrock and soil for the scientists of the
world. David Scott, Al Worden and James Irwin say..."ok, count us in"

Apollo 16-
11 day, 1 hour production of manned mission to the Moon. 20 hours of lunar EVA
time. Return to the Earth with 210 pounds of faux lunar material. John Young makes
an encore, but NASA veterans Ken Mattingly and Charles Duke make their debuts as
fake lunar travelers.

Apollo 17-
12 day, 13 hour production of manned mission to the Moon. 22 hours of fully video
covered EVA time, including 22 miles of lunar rover travel. Return to Earth with
243 lbs of faux lunar rock and soil to be studied worldwide. Ron Evans and Harrison
Schmitt take the oath of life-long secrecy, and Eugene Cernan returns to close out
this epic, with his exit stage left on this completely fabricated tale of humans
traveling to the Moon.

Super job NASA!...and it only took 24 different people to cast the leads for this

Navy Captain Jim Lovell- Wife Marilyn, 4 children

Air Force Colonel Frank Borman- Wife Susan, 2 children

Air Force Major General William Anders- Wife Valerie, 6 children

Air Force Lieutenant Thomas Stafford- 1st wife Faye, 2 children, 2nd wife Linda
('88), 2 children

Navy Captain John Young- Wife Barbara, 2 children

US Navy Eugene Cernan- Wife Barbara, 1 child

Air Force Colonel Buzz Aldrin- Married three times, div. '74,'78 & '88, 3 children

Air Force Major General Michael Collins- Wife Patricia, 1 child

US Navy Neil Armstrong- 1st wife Janet, 2 children, 2nd wife Carol

Navy Captain Pete Conrad- 1st wife Jane, 4 children, 2nd wife Nancy

Navy Captain Dick Gordon- Wife Barbara, 6 children

Navy Captain Alan Bean- Married twice, 2 children (from first marriage)

Air Force Captain Jack Swigert- Bachelor

Air Force Captain Fred Haise- 1st wife Mary, 4 children, 2nd wife Patt

Navy Rear Admiral Alan Shepard- Wife Louise, 3 children

Air Force Colonel Stu Roosa- Wife Joan, 4 children

Navy Captain Edgar Mitchell- Married twice, 5 children (2 adopted)

Air Force Colonel David Scott- 1st wife Ann, 2 children, 2nd wife Margaret

Air Force Colonel Al Worden- Married twice, 3 children

Air Force Colonel James Irwin- Wife Mary Ellen, 5 children

Navy Rear Admiral Ken Mattingly- Wife Elizabeth, Children ??

Air Force Brigadier General Charles Duke- Wife Dorothy, 2 children

Navy Captain Ron Evans- Wife Jan, 2 children

Geologist Harrison Schmitt- Wife Teresa

24 men committed to the BS'ing of mankind for whatever reasons. They had/have 33
wives and 67 children between them. How many siblings for the fake space travelers?
Conservatively...around 50 maybe?

Parents that were alive and vital during, and for some years after their faked
missions? IDK? 20? 30?

We are now nearing 200 immediate family members that they have to lie to, over and
over and over for decades, that (insert astronaut name) trip to the Moon was real,
"here is my recounting...".

This give or take "200" is just a number for "immediates". Now add in close life-
long friends? 50 more loved ones that they had to repeatedly keep up the false

Every birthday, barbeque, wedding, funeral, graduation, "had too many drinks" event
or depressing night at a bar for 30, 40, 50 years they are asked about their great
Moon adventure, by girlfriends, aunts, uncles, cousins, grand kids, co-workers,
strangers..."so what was going to the Moon must have been incredible!".
It never stopped/stops, yet they never admit the truth.

Financial rewards for secrecy? A confessional book deal's numbers would've been
Death threat? Simple and easy I guess. So let's imagine in 1999 Ken Mattingly or
Gene Cernan comes out with his lucrative tell all book about how the US hoaxed it,
then a month later he dies under suspicious circumstances. Problem solved? Everyone
in world then moves back to believing it was all real ...right. Killing the
squealer doesn't save the's over. The jig would be up.

Or.. some of them did spill the beans to a wife, a father, a son or daughter, a
dear friend...well? Not a peep yet.

Come on. Think about it.... really think about it.

So the final numbers were 9/24. -9 missions. 24 astronauts. If those numbers don't
give you any pause on your hoax belief, what numbers would have? 12/29? 18/34? Any

A few final questions for the moon hoax believer who actually bothered getting to
the bottom of this page-

- If somehow you were born many decades earlier than you were, and your life path
had you working in the 60's for NASA or many of the other sub contractors or just
that your professional where-with-all would be needed to aid in the execution a
moon hoax by the United States, and you were asked- "Will you participate? And,
will you absolutely keep your particpation a secret for the rest of your
life?" ...what would your reaction to such a proposal? "OK., but what's in it for
me"? ..."Ahh?..I'm freaking out!"? ..."Sure, let's fake this MFer"? What's your
guess? And if you do think you'd subscribe, do you think you could keep it a secret
until you're dead?

But what do you think happens if you say ..."this proposal is so f*** up, no way
I'm cooperating"? What happens next (for you) as far as the powers that are adding
to the Moon Hoax team is concerned?

That leads me to a final question.

-According to you, 24 astronauts agreed to building/selling the hoax by hook or by

crook... so what became of the one's that said "no", or do you think NASA batted
1000 with the requests? All the "offered"?

What an awkward, dangerous, felonious situation NASA/others would be face with, if

after they'd faked a mission or three, and then one of the new recruits says after
the moon hoax outline presentation, (astronaut or other) "WHAT THE F***! This is
messed up...I quit!!!"

If you're honestly searching for the truth, I think the 30 thousand foot view might
serve you well, from time to time

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