George & Gracie

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reputation for playing the gunslinging heavy that NBC refused to Burns, if you will, to Dr. McCoy's Gracie. The Kirk/Spock relation-
let Gene ,Roddenberry hire him as the Star Trek doctor for the first ship might have been the Lone Ranger/Thnto, but Spock/McCoy
pilot, argUing that audiences would never be able to accept him as was definitely Martin and Lewis, Gleason and Carney, or my
a "good guy." 1ty to picture, if you can, the lovable Dr. McCoy favorite comedy team of all time, Abbott and Costello. Abbott was
sneering as he cold-bloodedly shoots a dog! That's the kind of role the cool straight man, and Costello the irrational "human," and
De was known for.) He'd also worked with Gene on several pro- most ofthe amusing exchanges between Spock and McCoy are vari-
jects; at the time Star Trek was just getting started, De was working aLionsof that wonderful routine, "Who's on First?" Th liberally para-
in another television pilot for Gene called Police Story, playing a phrase:
crabby but lovable criminologist.
De's Dr. McCoy became a very valuable addition, bringing a spe- COSTELLO:(frustrated) Now, wait a minute! When the first
cial chemistry to the show and further helping to define the char- baseman gets his paycheck, who gets the
acters of Kirk and Spock through the acid observations of that good- money?
hearted curmudgeon, McCoy. McCoy and Spock evolved into ABBarT. (calmly) That's exactly right. "Who"gets the
verbal sparring partners-with the good doctor taking the human- money.
ist stance and Spock <1>1995PARAMOUNT PICTURES

the side of logic-but The joke all rides on the fact that
there was:" "always poor Costello simply can't under-
a strong undercur- stand that the first baseman's name
rent of friendship and is Who, and Abbott certainly isn't
mutual respect. doing much to help clear up his
From the very first confusion. Let's face it, it's not a
moment he appear- very far stretch to rewrite this par-
ed in "Corbomite," ticular bit for the good doctor and
De had that special his Vulcan friend.
twinkle in his eye;
he knew from the McCOY: (frustrated) Now wait
start how to approach a minute, Spock! When
the character of Mc- the first baseman gets his
Coy. Soon the writers paycheck, who gets the
would begin injecting money?
humor into the scripts SPOCK: It is only logical that
by taking advantage he should do so, since he
of McCoy's cantanker- provided his services.
ous emotionalism and McCOY: Who did?
Spock's ability to take
any comment liter-
al1y. Spock was the "I.
"Now, lei lilt: Rt:llhis s/raiRhl . , ,
"1 ..
sll"llighl IIIHII nOOl"14e I ~kl 1/11/1)J.:/;/s till' 1//()/W.lI"

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