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*This should be on the RHS of the Record

#Seasons Vector
Seasons <- c("2005","2006","2007","2008","2009","2010","2011","2012","2013","2014")
#Players Vector
Players <-c("KobeBryant","JoeJohnson","LeBronJames","CarmeloAnthony","DwightHoward","ChrisBosh","ChrisPaul","KevinDurant",
"DerrickRose", "DwayneWade")

#Free Throws – Free Throw data Vectors for each player for years 2005 to 2014
KobeBryant_FT <- c(696,667,623,483,439,483,381,525,18,196)
JoeJohnson_FT <- c(261,235,316,299,220,195,158,132,159,141)
LeBronJames_FT <- c(601,489,549,594,593,503,387,403,439,375)
CarmeloAnthony_FT <- c(573,459,464,371,508,507,295,425,459,189)
DwightHoward_FT <- c(356,390,529,504,483,546,281,355,349,143)
ChrisBosh_FT <- c(474,463,472,504,470,384,229,241,223,179)
ChrisPaul_FT <- c(394,292,332,455,161,337,260,286,295,289)
KevinDurant_FT <- c(209,209,391,452,756,594,431,679,703,146)
DerrickRose_FT <- c(146,146,146,197,259,476,194,0,27,152)
DwayneWade_FT <- c(629,432,354,590,534,494,235,308,189,284)

#Creating the Data Matrix

FreeThrows <- rbind(KobeBryant_FT, JoeJohnson_FT, LeBronJames_FT, CarmeloAnthony_FT, DwightHoward_FT, ChrisBosh_FT,
ChrisPaul_FT, KevinDurant_FT, DerrickRose_FT, DwayneWade_FT)

#Removing The old Rownames

rm(KobeBryant_FT, JoeJohnson_FT, LeBronJames_FT, CarmeloAnthony_FT, DwightHoward_FT, ChrisBosh_FT, ChrisPaul_FT,
KevinDurant_FT,DerrickRose_FT, DwayneWade_FT)

#Setting New Row Names & Column Names

colnames(FreeThrows) <- Seasons
rownames(FreeThrows) <- Players

#View the Dataset


#Generate CSV File for the Dataset built above

write.csv(financials, file= "NBA_FreeThrowsData.csv", append=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)

#To know the location of the generated CSV file run getwd() command and note the path name


#Function Definition for plotting data graphically

myPlot<- function(data,rows=1:10){
Data <- data[rows,,drop=F]

#Investigating Free Throw Accuracy of Players – Kobe Bryant, Dwight Howard, and Chris Paul. The Function call is made with the appropriate
rows corresponding tho the selected players.
Accuracy of Free Throws is given by the ratio of FreeThrows to FreeThrowAttempts. The function call is used here to plot the
FreeThrow/FreeThrowAttempts. The two matrices are divided and the resulting matrix gives information about the accuracy of Free Throws.
Here the analysis is made regarding the Free Throw accuracy of the players Kobe Bryant, Dwight Howard and Chris Paul. It can be seen from the
visualization shown in Fig. 1 for Free Throw Accuracy that Chris Paul and Kobe Bryant have a consistent accuracy in the range of 80% - 90%
during the period of 2005 to 2014. Dwight Howard had a consistent accuracy of 0% from 2005 to 2008. His Accuracy was in the range of 50% to
55% from then onwards till 2014.

Write the report for the remaining 4 analysis similarly.

This should be on the LHS of the record.

Dataset: Free Throws

Similarly View all the Data matrix using the function View(matrixName) and record a screenshot of the dataset. All datasets screenshots must be
pasted on the LHS of the record book.

All the graphs corresponding to the analysis must be pasted on the LHS of the Record Book. The Figures must be appropriately labelled and
referred to in your report

Fig.1 – Free Throw Accuracy

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