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Describe the procedure for preventing pollution by noxious liquid


 Minimizing Discharges: This involves strategies aimed at reducing the release of NLS
waste into the ocean. Examples include optimizing cargo loads to minimize residues and
employing closed transfer systems during loading and unloading to prevent spills.

 Promoting Reception Facilities: Encouraging the use of designated onshore facilities for
proper disposal of NLS waste ensures its safe and responsible treatment rather than
disposal at sea.

 Safe Handling: Guidelines are established for the entire lifecycle of NLS, covering
aspects such as proper storage in labeled and well-maintained tanks, safe transport
practices to prevent leaks, and thorough training for crew members on handling NLS

 Categorization: NLS substances are categorized based on their level of hazard, with
specific discharge restrictions and handling protocols assigned accordingly.

Category X (Most hazardous) - Strict discharge restrictions and specific handling procedures.

Category Y (Moderately hazardous) - Less stringent restrictions but still require careful handling.

Category Z (Low hazard) - May have some discharge allowance under regulations.

And other substances

 Operational Measures: Crews undertake various practices to minimize NLS residues

before discharge, including thorough tank cleaning with appropriate solutions, pre-
washing in port before departure, especially for highly hazardous substances, and
ensuring proper ventilation during cleaning to remove NLS vapors.
2 . Describe the impact of noxious liquid substances on the marine

 Toxicity : Noxious liquid substances (NLS) pose a significant threat to marine life due to
their toxicity, affecting organisms at various levels of the food chain. Even plankton,
foundational to marine ecosystems, can suffer harm or death from NLS exposure. This
disruption extends to fish, shellfish, and marine mammals, disturbing the ecosystem's

 Bioaccumulation : Certain NLS compounds have the troubling ability to bioaccumulate,

becoming increasingly concentrated as they move through the food chain. This
phenomenon endangers top predators, including species consumed by humans, and can
disrupt hormonal and reproductive functions in affected animals.

 Habitat Destruction : NLS spills have the potential to suffocate critical marine habitats
such as coral reefs and seagrass meadows, which are slow to recover from such damage.
The smothering effect impedes the growth of corals and essential organisms, leading to a
loss of biodiversity and the vital ecosystem services these habitats provide.

 reduced Oxygen Levels: Decomposition of NLS in water consumes oxygen, creating

"dead zones" where oxygen levels are too low to support marine life. These zones can be
extensive and have a profound impact on fish populations and other organisms reliant on
oxygen for survival.

 Disruption of Ecosystem Function: NLS pollution disrupts essential processes like

nutrient cycling and food webs, crucial for sustaining life in the ocean. This disruption
weakens the overall health and resilience of marine ecosystems, exacerbating their
vulnerability to further environmental stressors.

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