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L E A D I N G W I T H O B E YA Reference card


L E A D I N G W I T H O B E YA Reference card



Where are we headed and what do we How well are we doing in terms of What tough problems must we work on? What’s our plan to deliver value to our How do we address issues that arise when
need to get there? stuff that’s important to us? organization & customers? doing the work?
When an indicator shows that we
In this area we lay the fundamental Now it’s time to identify and to keep consistently fail to reach our ambition Our plan shows what steps we need to take Working on a plan sounds good, but we
framework for all other activities in the track of progress and performance levels, we might have reached the edge of as a team in order to reach our goals. never know what tomorrow might bring.
Obeya. The team’s goal or purpose is our towards the strategic direction. Here we our knowledge threshold. We recognize Within these steps, we determine how our Therefore, a flexible and adaptive way of
starting point. Based on that we determine determine indicators that show how problems that we don’t have a clear scarce means and people can best be working is key. At this area the team
the necessary capabilities in order to well we are performing. The ambition solution to. In solving them, we want to deployed to create value. Both value for addresses problems, requests and new
achieve that goal and start setting out levels set by the team us what is going avoid bias and assumptions. Therefore, a customers (external) as well as the developments that arise from within the
our strategic course. This creates a well and what challenges remain. This structured problem-solving method is used development of the organization and team organization. This may lead to problem
complete overview of everything that helps us prioritize on the right things. to tackle the root cause of problems. (internally). The value of our actions resolution, new policy decisions or actions
matters to us, allowing us to identify Key results will be visible here. becomes visible through milestones and for the team to support the teams that are
objectives to work on. smooth workflows in our core processes. doing the valuable work.

The functioning of our organization as a system is influenced by a variety of aspects. Always on the lookout for ways to improve our workflow. Continuous
These aspects are closely linked to one another. We make all aspects insightful, to improvement isn't something we just talk about. You will find it in our daily
understand how the system works and how it reacts to our decisions. In the Obeya we activities, way of thinking and in the results hanging on the wall in the Obeya.
Think in systems
assign each aspect to an owner (visually) - every aspect has its own ‘representative'. Keep improving

& ownership

By making all important information visually approachable, we make use of our strongest To learn from daily reality, we are going to take a look where it all happens. This
sense. This aids effective finetuning and mutual understanding. In this way we try to way, we immediately see the impact of our policies. A great way to avoid
Visualize shared prevent assumptions and thinking errors. By visualizing problems, we come to better discussion and bad policy decision-making, which are solely based on
context & problems insights. Go & see assumptions.

All teams are interconnected; top-down, bottom-up, throughout the whole

organization and it's core processes. Following this chain of teams, clearly
By respecting ourselves and each other, we continuously develop ourselves individually outlines the red thread of the organizational strategy. In every Obeya there's a
and as a team, in order to grow our capabilities in overcoming obstacles. We are representation of this parent strategy. All teams are connected by well-timed
Develop people consciously working on our development by adapting new ways of thinking and acting. dialogues. Important cases can easily be transported from the workplace on to
Cascade & connect
the board table.

We make sure to have the right meeting at the right time, to keep our finetuning and As a team with a common goal, we respect each other and let the Obeya work for
reactive capacity high. Meanwhile, we stay focused on the bigger picture. Our meetings us. We accept the things we do not know, and support each other in staying
get more effective by the day, because we discuss the right subjects at the right time. By focused to avoid thinking errors. We make an effort to improve our results. We
Rhythm & Routine
showing up disciplined and well prepared for every meeting, working with the Obeya take the time to understand each other and to reflect on our main actions to get
becomes more effective over time. This way we save ourselves some valuable hours. See, learn & act together closer and closer towards our strategic goals.
L E A D I N G W I T H O B E YA Reference card



Once every quarter Once every two weeks Once/twice a week Once every other two weeks Three times a week

The team discusses: The team discusses: Improver & coach discuss: The team discusses: The team discusses:

• If they are still on the right path with • New insights as to how to expose • If they understand what must be • What valuable milestones will be • Problems blocking our planned
regards to the purpose or higher goal performance of key areas of our achieved (the challenge). delivered? actions or daily operations.
• What the plan looks like for the organization • What they learned about the current • What are the key steps we must • Requests that benefit performances
upcoming quarter • The ambitions they set in relation to situation and where to improve first take to achieve our goals? or clarify policies.
• How they function as a team today’s reality • What experiments to undertake to • Which problems are hindering our • Policy decisions we have to take in
(reflection) • Identify problems and how to solve get to a better understanding and plan and how do we deal with order to reinforce execution.
them. improvement of the situation them? • Context that might be worth sharing.
• What they learn while improving • Which steps to take next • What do we learn whilst walking
performances. down this path together.

The Representative
The person (or persons) that take(s) the lead developing the capabilities and corresponding indicators
on behalf of the team, so that the team improves their performance in the area of this capability.

The Coach
The Team The coach observes thinking and behavioral aspects of the individuals and the team as whole.
The team working together in the Obeya to determine the strategic course and make sure it comes The coach has the permission to do interventions. To avoid conflict with the work of the facilitator, the
to fruition. coach must carefully decide what type of intervention is appropriate and when.

Setting goals together and working towards them. They follow the routines of the Obeya and take

responsibility for continuous improvement of the Obeya and their workflow, to make it work for The Improver
them. Person inside or outside the team that is actively involved in taking next steps to solve the ‘Tough
The Senior Leader Problems’. The person will follow a structured problem-solving method such as Toyota Kata, in which
The role reporting (on behalf of the team) to a senior leadership level in the organization (if there will be a member of The Team that is the Coach following the Coaching Kata.
applicable). Supporting Participants
This goes for large teams (think 10+), where not all team members will be directly involved in every
This role implements organizational policy and ensures alignment and execution of organizational
dialogue in the Obeya. These members do take interest, directly or indirectly, in the conversations of
the Obeya sessions, but not as an active participant. They do not always have to be present. They can
The Facilitator add topics to the agenda, such as problems or requests.
The role facilitating effective dialogue by the team during Obeya sessions. Guests
People who are not part of the team and don't participate in Obeya sessions. This could be someone
The coaching takes place by fixed routines. It's important that the facilitator does not mingle in the from an operational team to illustrate a certain problem, or it can be a visitor wanting to learn more
content of the discussion. about Obeya sessions. For example, it could be a director, explaining background of new policy being
L E A D I N G W I T H O B E YA Example Obeya: The Bike Factory


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