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Q#1: MCQ’s
1) For total assessment of uncertainty in the final result obtained by multiplication and division
(a) Absolute uncertainties are added
(b) Percentage uncertainties are added
(c) Fractional uncertainties are added
(d)Both b and c
2) Which is correct record for the diameter of wire when measured by a screw gauge of least count
a) 2.3cm b) 2.31cm c) 2.312cm d) 2.3124cm
3) If A+B=A-B then angle between A and B is
(a)0o (b)45o (c)90o (d)180o
4) If the vector A has components Ax and Ay are halved then what is the effect on direction
(a)Remains same (b)change (c) both a and b (d) none
5) The initial velocity of projectile is 40 m/s, its angle of projection is 30o with horizontal than the time to
reach its maximum height is
(a) 2s (b) 3s (c) 4s (d) 5s
6) What will be the force applied on a 2kg object move with a initial velocity (2,-1)m/s and after some time
t, velocity become(4,-2)m/s and cover a displacement of 5m in direction of force
(a) 5N (b) 7N (c) 3N (d)50N
7) The ratio of moment of inertia of hoop and sphere is
(a) ¾ (b) 1/2 (c) 1/4 (d) 2.5
8) The value of g at the height equal to radius of earth from its surface is
(a) g (b) g/2 (c) g/9 (d)g/4
9) A 4m tall cylinder is full of water has 4 identical small holes at height 1.8m, 1.2m, 0.6m 0.2m speed of
efflux is maximum from the hole of height
(a) 1.8m (b) 1.2m (c) 0.6m (d) 0.2m
10) The Law of conservation of mass of the fluid can be expressed by:
a) ρAv=constant b) ρA/v=constant c) ρ/Av=constant d) ρv/A=constant

11) A particle moves in simple harmonic motion according to x = 3cos(50t), where x is in meters and t is in
seconds. Its maximum velocity in m/s is:
a) 100sin(50t) m/s b) 100cos(50t) m/s c) 100 m/s d) 150 m/s

12) If the speed of sound in air at given pressure is “v” then by increasing the pressure to double , the new
speed becomes,
a) Double b) half c) zero d) remain same

13) Velocity of sound in vacuum is:

a) Zero m/s b) 333m/s b) 1000m/s d) 3×108 m/s
14) The thermal efficiency of petrol engine is.......
a) 15% b)30% c) 50% d) 70%
15) Characteristic gas constant of a gas is equal to........
a) Cp/Cv b) Cv/Cp c) Cp-Cv d) Cp+Cv
16) The Focal length of lenses of telescope of magnifying power ‘10’ consist of two lenses 44 cm apart, is:
a) (40cm,4cm) b) (44cm,8cm) c) (48cm,4cm) d) none of these

17) When one mirror of a Michelson Interferometer is moved a distance of 0.5 mm we observe 2000 fringes.
What will be wavelength of light used?
a) 500nm b)5000m c) 5000A0 d) None

Q#2: Attempt any eight questions.
i. Define Radian and steradian.
ii. According to Einstein mass-energy equation. Find the energy of mass 1kg.
iii. Can a body rotate around its centre of gravity under action of its weight
iv. What is the unit vector in direction of vector A(4,3)?
v. Prove that addition of two non-zero vectors A&B is assossiative.
vi. What is meant by solar constant write its value and unit?
vii. A disc and a hoop start moving down from top of an inclined plane at the same time. Which one is
moving faster on reaching.
viii. State Torricelli’s Theorem.
ix. What is difference b/w laminar and turbulent flow?
x. Show that velocity of mass spring system at mean position is maximum and at extream position is zero/
xi. Does the time period of mass spring system depend on amplitude?
xii. Find the length of pendulum of 2 sec time period?
Q#3: Attempt any eight questions.
i. Briefly describe the principle of superposition.
ii. Write the condition of constructive and destructive interference.
iii. Describe the effect of pressure on the speed of sound.
iv. What is the velocity of sound in air at 200C ?
v. State Newton’s second law of motion in term of momentum.
vi. What is an isolated system? State law of conservation of linear momentum.
vii. Find the height of projectile.
viii. What is escape velocity and its mathematical expression?
ix. What is meant by moment of inertia? And its significance?
x. Explain what is meant by centripetal force and why must it be furnished to an object to follow a circular
xi. Define artificial gravity. Write down expression for its frequency.
xii. A 200gram ball moving at speed of 10m/s strikes a 200grams ball at rest. What will be the speed of both
balls after collision.
Q#4: Attempt any six questions:
i. Is it possible to construct heat engine that will not expel heat into the atmosphere?
ii. A thermos flask containing milk as a system in shaken rapidly. Does the temperature of milk rise?
iii. Specific heat of gas at constant pressure is greater than the specific heat at constant volume. Why?
iv. Is it possible to convert internal energy into mechanical energy?
v. Why would it be advantages to use blue light with compound microscope?
vi. A magnifying glass gives five time large image at a distance of 25cm from lens. Find, by ray diagram,
the focal length of lens?
vii. Draw the ray diagram of compound microscope?
viii. Can visible light produces interference?
ix. Write two steps of huygen’s principle.

Note: Attempt any three questions:

A) If the potential difference of V=5.2±0.1V applied across the conductor and as the result 0.84±0.005A current
pass through the conductor then determine the total uncertainty in resistance?

B) Estimate the average speed of nitrogen molecules in air under stander conditions of pressure and
A) What are the differences b/w scalar and vector products? Explain.
B) A projectile launch at 25o with initial speed 20m/s. What is magnitude of velocity?
A) Explain Absolute gravitational potential energy with its expression.
B) the wavelength of radio transmitted is 1500m and frequency 200 kHz. With what speeds the radio wave
A) Prove that the law of conservation of energy is satisfied for the object executing simple harmonic motion?
B) the eart rotates around its axis once a day. Suppose, by some process the earth contracts so that its radius is
only half as large at present. How fast it will rotating then?
A) Describe the young double slit experiment for determination of condition of constructive and destructive
interference of light.
B) Sodium light of wavelength 589nm is used to view an object under a microscope. If the aperture of the
objective is 0.90cm. find the limiting angle of resolution.

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