Ancient Egypt

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Study Guide for Ancient Egypt (Chapter 2 How to study for your Assessments; ate suo Ose mar soy wenger hae Ue erst a hp eg he mae dent 2a hha ee n,n ning tt en eee mae Hh marl yun ne, See eg ene GOVERNMENT TARGETS ‘The earlest rulers were vlage chefs. Overtime, 2few song chefs united groups of vilages ito small kingdoms. the strongest ofthese kingdoms ‘eventual overpowered the weaker ones By 4000 8.C, Egypt was made up of two large Kingdoms. Inthe Mle delta was Lower Egypt. Tothe south, ‘river, ly Upper tayo ‘Narmer: Narmer, as known as Menes, was king of Upper Egypt whe tok contro of Lower Egypt and combined the two kingdoms int one. Narmer ruled from Memphis, tho capital city he bul onthe border between the two kingdoms. To symbolize the Kingdom's unity, Narmer wore double ‘rown: the helmet ke white crown represented Upper Egypt, and the open ed erown represented Lowe Egypt. Alter his death, members of hs family [aseed the ring power from father to son to grandson. such linea ers trom one family called a dynasty, When one dynasty dled ot, another tookits pace. Overtime, ancent Egypt would be ruled by 31 dynasties, which together lasted about 2,80 years. Htorians group Egypt's dynasties into three main time periods called kingdoms. The earliest period, the Old Kingdom, was followed by the Middle Kingdom and then the New Kingdom. Each ‘marked along period of strong leadership and stably ‘Pharaoh: The pharaoh was a all powerful ruler who guided Egypt's every atvty. Ms word was aw, andi had tobe obeyed without question. Egyptians willingly serve the pharaoh because they belleved the unity ofthe kingdom depended on strong leader, and because they considered the pharaoh tebe the son of Re (FAY) the Egyptian sun god. The Egyptians thought thelr pharaoh was ago on eath who controled Egypt's welfare and ‘ated out rita tat were thought to benefit the kingdom, ‘td Kingdom: 2600 8.©.-2300 8. During those years, EEyp established thir ization, grew, and prospered. The Egyptians bul cies and expanded trade, and thir kings called pharaohs sot up a strong government The Old Kingdom ended when the pharaohslest control of Egypt as nobles bated ane another for power. ‘Middle Kingdom: 2050 8.c.- 1670 B.. During this time, Egyptians enjoyed a golden age of tai, prosperity, and achievement. They moved thet expt south om Memphis to acy called Thebes. The Middle Kingdom camete an endin 16708.C. Nobles were again poting o take power fom the pharaohs. Then the Hyksos, from wester Ala, attacked Egypt using horse-drawn chariots and weapons made of bronze and ion, The Egyptian et Fighting on foot with copper and stone weapons, andthe Hyksos ruled Egypt fr about 350 yers. AN Egyptian prince named Ahmose led an uprising that drove the Hyksos out af Egypt ‘New Kingdom: 1550 9.C.10 1080 B.C. Pharaoh Ahmose's reignin Egypt began a period known asthe New Ki height of ts glory becoming even richer and more powertul. ‘Pharaoh Amenhotep IV: With he help oFhis wie, Nefertiti, Amenhatep (alto called Akhenaton) red to change Epypt from a plytheistic society tht ‘worshipped many gods tea monothelsti scclety that wershipped only ene god, caled Aton Cayptsriests and peopl were not happy with his change. ‘Pharaoh Tutankhamen: (ako called "king Tut") Athenaton’s on-naw inherited the throne at age 10. He restored the ol eliion and ued for any ine years before djing unexpectedly. A Bish archaeologist, Howard Carter, found his tomb and teasures in AD. 1922. Carters find was athling ‘discovery, Because most royal tombs in Egypt were looted by robbers lane age. ‘Pharaoh Ramses I He reigns for 66 year. Daring this time, Cgyptian armies regsined lands inwester Ala and rebuilt the empire, Archaeologits ‘icinamed the pharaoh "Ramses the Grant” Becaure of fae onthe Batlefed his constriction and estoration of bullding and monuments, and his popularity amang the Egyptlan people [After the New Kingdom: Egypt came under the rule of one outside group after another. The st conquerors were the Libyans fom the wes. Then the ‘eople of Kush, from Nubia nthe south, seize power and ruled Egypt forthe next 7 years rom the cy of Napa. Next, Egy was taken ove by the ‘Assyrians who invaded Egypt with on weapons. They drove the Kusites bake thei homeland inthe south, Mate invades followed them, dhs wouianen om. During this tine, Egypt reached the "RET Geni Rw i avant wd Gonos pn Gai, easy rasp sede Equal: Pharaoh Hatshepsut -the fst woman tule Egypt 2 pharaoh. Because the postion of pharaoh was usually passed from fatherto son, man's. Justice: Athough males dominated the legal system in ancient Egypt, records indicate that females enjoyed considerable rights under thew. Upon an individuals death, property was often dvded equaly among both male and ferlecilren. Women cauid own and wil property, le lwaus, be witnesses in cout an file or divorce. Women cee acountable for crimes they committed and would have stand athe sami as any man. Chen and the poor had considerable legal rights, and even slaves wore allowed to own property under certain circumstances. i 3 EE | ftseut att prove ta steers ood ender Sheen warmers ett conics he eo that he oushande nt had sys Been Ba Inthe USA today cizens of both genders are considered equal under the law andhave the same rights and response. n ancient Egypt, men had treater rights and responsible, Although they never had the same rights a5 males, an eyplan woman could own preperty inher own name andhold Dreessions that gave her eccnomic freedom fom male relatives (women could practice medile, handle money and make ea estate transactions). Responsbties: In both ancient Egypt and the USA, people had to pay taxes, and might posib be forced to do military serve In ancient _ypt people were sometimes forced te work on projects that served the community such as large-scale iigation projets, ‘The Pharaoh had absolute power ovr alot his subjects in ancent Egypt. Inthe USA, eens are allowed to question the dedons of auras, and those rulers ean be held responsible for hee ations CULTURE TARGETS myo jo sows TARGET: can explain how cual Belts Unt the Mesopotamians whoimasined a goon Ife after death, the Eyptons belived in an aterlife that would be even beter than eon farthFollowinga longjourmey, the dead would reach apace of peace and plenty. ‘ustom/traitions The yptians developed a process called embalming to protect the body after death. The wrapped body was known a5 a mummy, The Eytions bul stone pyramids a tombs for thee phareohs. These ganic structres protected the bodes of dead pharaohs fom floods, wild animals, and grave robbers. the piramids also held supplies thatthe pharaoh might need inthe spit word inching dlthing, uritur, jewelry, and food Language Eeytions developed thelr own system of wrt, Called hieroglyphic, it was made up of thousands of picture symbos, Some symbols stood for objects and ideas Unerature ‘ne af the most important manuscits writen in ancient Egypt was the Book ofthe Dead, This was acallction of spells and prayers tht Eeytians studied to obtain fe after death Ancient Egyptians also wrote poetry and stores, ate During the Middle Kingdom, arts, erature, and architecture thrived. Painters covered the wal of tombs and temples with colorful scenes ofthe deities gods) and dally fe. Sculptors crated large val carvings nd statues af he pharaahs, showing them as ordinary Deople rather than god figures, Poets wrote ove songs and tutes to the pharaohs. ‘Anew form af tomb architecture was also created Instead of uilding pyramids, pharachs had ther tombs eut into elifs west af the Nile River. This area became known a the Vale of the Kings this soclety he define this group and give them u ives, Joyne4oq uo suanyuy sos 05 TARGET: an iovestigate how social institution inthis society responded to human needs, sructuredsotiey, and influenced behavior fami, Inancient Egypt. the father headed the family. However, Egyptian women had more rights than females in most other early ‘ulzations. In Egypt, women could own and pass on property. They could buy and sell goads, make wil, and obtain divorces. Upper ‘dass women were in charge of temples and could perform religious ceremonies. Few Egyptians sent their children to school. Mothers taught their daughters to sew, cook, and un a household. Boys learned farming or skilled trades from thelr fathers. Egyptian children hhad time for fun, as well They played with board games, doll, spinning tops, and stuffed leather balls. Social Classes [At the top were the pharaoh and his family. Beneath that level was a small upper cl ists, army commanders, and nobles. Next ‘came larger base of skilled middle-class people, such as traders, artisans, and shopkeepers. At the bottom were the largest group: Lunskiled workers and farmers. Religion Like the people of Mesopotamia, the ancient Egyptians worshiped many deities, or gods and goddesses. The Egyptians believed these deities controlled the forces of nature and human activities. The main Egyptian god was the sun god Re. Another major god was Hap, who ruled the Nile River. The most important goddess was Iss. she represented the loyal wife and mother, and she ruled over the dead with her husband Osiris. Egyptians worshiped eats because they associated them with the goddess Bastet, She represented ‘motherhood, grace, and beauty, and often appears in paintings and statues as a woman withthe head of acat. Unlike modern churches, temples, and mosques, Egyptian temples did not hold regular services Instead, most Egyptians prayed at home. They considered the temples as houses forthe gods and goddesses Priests and priestesses, however, performed dally temple rituals, washing statues ofthe deities and bringing them food. The temples also served as banks. Egyptians used them to store valuable items, such as gold jewelry, sweet smeling ol, and finely woven loth Education Inancient Egypt, ew people could read and write. Some Egyptian men, however, went to special schools located at Egyptian temples to study reading and writing and learn to become scribes. Scribes kept records and worked forthe rulers, priests, and traders sounsoyayunyn jo eda TARGET: inhow interactions between this spdety and others ed te confit compromise, ration, ont Pharaoh AmenhotepV: With he help of his wife, Neer Amenhotep tried to lead Egypt in anew direction. Amenhotepreazed that Egypt's priests were gaining power atthe expense ofthe pharaohs. In an attempt to maintain hs own power, Amenhtep introduced anew felon that swept aay ‘he old gods and goddess. inten only one go, called Aton, wasto be worshiped, When Egypt's press rested there changes, Amenhotep removed ‘many rom their postions, seized their lands, and closed temples. He then changed his name fo Akhenaton, which means spitt of Aton.” He began ‘uling Esvpt rom a new ety. To most Egyptians Akhenato's attacks onthe gods seemedto be an tack on Eeypt tl. They refused to acct Aton 35. ‘the only god. Meanwhile Alnenaton became so devoted to his new religion that he neglected his duties as pharaoh, the administrators he appointed ‘were nota experienced athe priests they replaced and Akhenaten took no action when enemies from what snow Turkey, the Mites, attacked Ear sre ae ost me ts landing ene Aen tems tcansE om patheie secety toa monotheltc society were net sucess ompromise/cooperation Eyota pharaoh Thutmose sen is armies into nubian the 1400 8. Aer 40-year the ngdam of kerma clupse, and the yin ook contol of mh of Nubia They rledthe Nbians fr the nes 700 yet. During ne, the peopl of Nba adopted many Eyton way. They beeen to worship Eeyptian gos and goddess slang wth thelr own. They esnedhow to work copper andbonze and change eyelanNtopNphs {thei onnlangune As people and goods canine pats between Nubia and Egypt, the two cures mid ECONOMICS TARGETS tog momento TARGET can explain how scarcy required this cvization to make dechions about how to wie producive resources, Scarcity of water: Most of Egypt i dese, andthe main source of water theres the Nile River. The Egyptian tok advantage ofthe Nik’ floods to become succesful farmers, They planted wheat, barley, and fax seeds nthe wet ich sl, sifu farming le to surphues-extraamounts-of fod. This {reed some people to work as atten instead of farmers. They wove lath, made pottery, carved statues, or shaped copper inte weapons and tool. \itin Egypt, the pharaohs added more waterways and dams. They increased the amount of land being farmed and bul 2 canal between thee River andthe Red Sea ‘Scary of rom ore: Egypt licked ion ore and had to buy ron weapons from ater places at an expensive price. The high cost ofthe weapons madeit

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