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Short Summary

Globio transforms tough relocations for digital nomad families into smooth adventures with AI &
local expat insights—targeting a $200M ARR in a growing 15M annual mover market.

The Business
Globio crafts AI-driven, expat-verified relocation plans to help migrants settle in new
countries with ease, offering actionable checklists and local insights to save time,
reduce stress, and integrate smoothly.

The Market
6.5M people relocated annually (International Organization of Migration, average annual
for 2015-2020). According to our research, at the moment the number of migrants is
15M+ (Source: International Organization for Migration, Statista, Migration Data Portal,
The Economist, Climate Change and Human Mobility Report (IOM)). From 2021-2023
this number is expected to grow dramatically in the following years because of global
conflicts, popularization of remote work, climate change, and overall economic
deglobalization. For example, the war in Ukraine alone caused over 16M people to
move from their homes. It is important for us to be a support for all these people.

We have nearly 500 sign-ups on the waitlist after people tried the prototype on our
website. Also, we already validated our hypothesis with feedback from over 100+

In 12 months we aim to onboard 2K paid users and hit $60K MRR. In 3-5 years, our
goal is to be the go-to for all life transitions, not only a relocation process. Our GOTM
strategy consists of behaving not only as a campaign creating a mobile application but
as a movement preaching such values ​as cosmopolitanism, freedom of life, and
movement around the World.
By attracting microbloggers as ambassadors and creating a podcast about issues of
human life on the Planet, we will create the right ecosystem for the project.

Globio is a new version of a person who thinks broadly and freely, within the framework
of the entire planet.

We solve a real problem, which is confirmed by 100+ interviews.
Strong user interest with 500 sign-ups pre-launch just for 1 month.
We have a working testable prototype.
We know what we are doing, because we ourselves have lived in 36 countries
Globio is created to unite people around the world in our troubled times.

Why is your team is a winning team?

What makes our team a winning team is our unique combination of experience,
resilience, and our shared passion for solving real-world problems. Our journey began 6
years ago when Maxim took on the challenging quest of swimming across the Dnieper
River in Ukraine during late autumn. It was during this endeavor that Batyr, came to
Maxim's aid by providing a motorboat for safety. This initial encounter laid the
foundation for a partnership.

Maxim's background as an IT nomad, having lived in 36 countries, gives him firsthand

insight into the challenges and needs of migrants. Maxim's impressive 12-year track
record of creating exceptional UX for brands such as BMW, Warner Bros, Binance, and
Longines demonstrates his dedication to excellence and attention to detail. Not to
mention Maxim's extraordinary achievement of completing a 100km ultramarathon in
just 14 hours, showcasing his unwavering determination.

In 2022, Batyr and Maxim, along with their families, faced the harsh reality of the war in
Ukraine, which led to our own relocation. Out of this challenging experience, the Globio
project was born. It's a testament to our team's resilience and ability to transform
adversity into opportunity.

Batyr, a serial entrepreneur, brings a wealth of experience to the table, with a proven
track record of growing companies from the ground up to annual revenues exceeding
$50M. His expertise in scaling businesses and managing teams of over 500 employees
is a valuable asset to our team.

Name: Maxim Shishkin, CEO

Age: 32 y.o.
Email Address:
LinkedIn Profile:
Twitter Handle:
School: Incomplete Alfred Nobel University
Sep 2008 - Jun 2009

Name: Batyr Azimov, COO

Age: 34 y.o.
Email Address:
LinkedIn Profile:
Twitter Handle: -
School: Alfred Nobel University
Master's degree, International EconomicsMaster's degree, International Economics
Sep 2006 - Jun 2012

Interesting facts about Maxim Shishkin

I think it's interesting that as a digital nomad, my family (my wife, two kids, and I) have
lived in 36 different countries over the past 10 years. This has given me a sense of
global self-identity, and even though at Globo we're creating a product to help people
adapt comfortably to new places, my mission is to give people the freedom to think of
themselves not as citizens of specific countries but as inhabitants of planet Earth. I've
also done a solo ultramarathon of 100 km in Egypt and many other challenges related to
exploring myself in the wilds of nature.

Unusual things
Maxim completed a 100km ultramarathon in 14 hours in Egypt and many other
challenges across the Globe. Wrote a book about it.
Also an IT nomad, lived in 36 countries with his wife and 2 kids.

Batyr, a serial entrepreneur, brings a wealth of experience to the table, with a proven
track record of growing companies from the ground up to annual revenues exceeding
$50M. His expertise in scaling businesses and managing teams of over 500 employees
is a valuable asset to our team.

Startup Description
For newcomers relocating to new countries, Globio offers personalized, AI-driven
checklists enriched with local expat insights. We alleviate the stress of adaptation,
providing tailored recommendations for housing, paperwork, and more.

Product Demo Video

Team introduction
Pitch Deck URL

Competitive advantages
Delivering 90% of a full-service value at 10% of the cost. Our users will get concise and
verified info with local insights packed into a super user-friendly and intuitive interface.

Why is a right timing?

Rising global migration due to conflicts, remote work, climate change, and economic
shifts makes our solution timely.

Customer acquisition strategy

In the beginning stage, we are promoting Globio through dedicated telegram groups,
travel micro bloggers. Later we will be leveraging SEO, social media, partnerships, and
word-of-mouth from satisfied users.

5-10 goal
To be the go-to platform for managing complex life events with personalized,
step-by-step guidance.

How is your solution new, distinctive, or unique?

Globio is a unique solution because there are no technological products in the market
that provide a clear and verified relocation plan. There are either relocation agencies
that handle everything for a high price or the complete opposite, where migrants have to
research and sift through the chaos of public information themselves. We offer a verified
and structured plan similar to what agencies do, but at a much more affordable price,
because we utilize technology.

In a few sentences, what can this eventually become?

Recognizing the fact that the migration market is rapidly growing, we address the basic
phase of relocation, where we are useful for newcomers. The next step is to be helpful
for those who have handled the basic adaptation tasks and are now facing more
nuanced relocation challenges, such as feelings of loneliness and finding oneself in a
new country.
Company name


Describe what your company does in 50 characters or


AI-driven relocation plan verified by local expats

Company url, if any:

What is your company going to make? Please describe

your product and what it does or will do.

Globio offers personalized, AI-driven checklists, enriched with local expat

'tweets', to ease migrants' adaptation to new countries.

Newcomers often feel stressed, lost, and in need of support. Globio

provides easy-to-follow recommendations tailored to their specific needs.

Our platform not only solves urgent and formal questions such as housing,
immigration paperwork, taxes, schooling, etc., but also encourages
adaptation in a broader sense including socializing and exploration of local
events and places.
It turns a tedious and daunting integration process into an engaging

15M people relocate annually (International Organization of Migration,

average annual for 2015-2020). This number is expected to grow
dramatically in the following years because of global conflicts,
popularization of remote work, climate change, and overall economic
deglobalization. For example, the war in Ukraine alone caused over 16M
people to move from their homes.

We interviewed 100+ migrants and identified a common challenge:

migrants are extremely stressed within the first 4 months of their adaptation
and waste up to $3K due to inexperience.

Our mission is to be a rock-solid support for everyone in migration and help

people be true citizens of the world.

Where do you live now, and where would the company be

based after YC?

Alanya, Turkey / San Francisco, USA


Please record a one minute video introducing the

Who writes code, or does other technical work on your
product? Was any of it done by a non-founder? Please

At the moment, Maxim (CEO) does all the technical work.

Are you looking for a cofounder?

Yes, we are looking for a CTO.


How far along are you?

We have strong 500 sign-ups on the waitlist after people tried the prototype
on our website in just 3 weeks. By Demoday, we aim to onboard 2K paid
users, generating $60K MRR, and launch the following relocation
destinations: USA, Portugal, Thailand, Spain, Canada. We already
validated our hypothesis with feedback from over 100+ migrants.

How long have each of you been working on this? How

much of that has been full-time? Please explain.

In June 2023, we founded Globio when we did research and refined our
vision into a product concept. This September, we started building a
prototype. Before starting Globio, Maxim (CEO) had been experiencing
relocation challenges for 9 years, which inspired him to found the company.

We work full-time on Globio, while still working part-time and consulting

other companies to finance Globio’s product development.

Are people using your product?


Do you have revenue?


If you are applying with the same idea as a previous batch,

did anything change? If you applied with a different idea,
why did you pivot and what did you learn from the last

This is our first application to YC.

If you have already participated or committed to

participate in an incubator, "accelerator" or
"pre-accelerator" program, please tell us about it.


Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain
expertise in this area? How do you know people need what
you're making?

Since 2014, Maxim (CEO) has lived in 36 countries with his family. After
wasting over $20K in total, “reinventing the wheel” of adaptation each time,
it became clear that this was far from ideal.

Because of the war, Batyr (COO) had to leave Ukraine. This showed us
that relocation, no matter if it's planned or sudden, often ends up causing
stress, losing money, and feeling lonely.

So, we decided to use our 27 years of combined experience in product

design and business development to create a solution at the intersection of
human experience and innovation. In 2023, we asked 100+ migrants to
validate our hypothesis.

Who are your competitors? What do you understand about

your business that they don't?

Our competitors: (1) service companies (,, relocation

agencies, etc.), (2) local communities (facebook groups, messenger chats,
forums, bloggers,, etc.) and (3) knowledge base
companies (,, etc.).
Some of them offer turnkey solutions, but it comes with an expensive price
tag. On the other hand, you can do everything by yourself for free, but it
means being overwhelmed with tons of information and investing a lot of
time to process it. But what migrants really need is clear action checklists
enriched with up-to-date insights from expats, that would allow them to
save time for their families and other activities.

Our research proved that spending thousands of dollars on relocation

services is too expensive for most of respondents, though they would be
happy to spend $200-300 to get a clear action plan for their adaptation.

In essence, we aim to offer 90% of the value at just 10% of the cost
compared to our competitors.

How do or will you make money? How much could you


It´s a freemium business model with (a) free access to basic checklists and
(b1) a $29.99 monthly subscription fee or (b2) a one-time payment of
$199.99 for customer-tailored checklists per country.

Our goal is to have at least 10% of 15M people migrating annually as our
paid customers, that would result in $200M in ARR.

Furthermore, our platform will become a preferred hub for expats for
offering paid consultations. We plan to take a 10% cut on their earnings,
this additional revenue could contribute significantly to our income.
Where will most of your initial users be located?

United States

Which category best applies to your company?

Travel & Tourism


Have you formed ANY legal entity yet?


Have you taken any investment yet?


Are you currently fundraising?


If you have not formed the company yet, describe the

planned equity ownership breakdown among the
founders, employees and any other proposed
stockholders. If there are multiple founders, be sure to
give the proposed equity ownership of each founder and
founder title (e.g. CEO).

Core team shares are distributed as CEO 51%, CОО 49%.

Also, we will allocate 15% for equity stock options.


If you had any other ideas you considered applying with,

please list them. One may be something we've been
waiting for. Often when we fund people it's to do
something they list here and not in the main application.

As we began developing Globio, we realized that we are interested in

continuing to revolutionize how people interact with information, with
complex life events for individuals, such as child birth, parenting, home
construction and real estate acquisition, career transitions, education, and

We were brainstorming a solution that would tackle all these complex life
stages by breaking down the issue into steps, where each step contains a
"tweet" from someone who has already solved that problem.
What convinced you to apply to Y Combinator? Did
someone encourage you to apply? Have you been to any
YC events?

We were advised to apply to YC by our friend and mentor.

No, we have not participated in any YC events before.

How did you hear about Y Combinator?

Maxim (CEO) from our friend. Batyr (COO) known before.

Description for TIkTok, Youtube Shorts and Reels

Enjoy our funniest relocation memes and join the Globio waitlist for a
stress-free adaptation!


TAM: 15M migrants, $2,4B
SAM: 8M migrants, $1,2B
SOM: 1,5M migrants, $240M

Market research source:

What motivates you to build this business? *

My motivation for building Globio stems from personal experience and a deep
understanding of the challenges faced by migrants. Having lived in 36 countries, I've
firsthand encountered the stress and complexities of relocating. This inspired me to
create a solution that eases the adaptation process for others. My drive is fueled by the
desire to help people navigate life transitions smoothly, making the world more
accessible and connected. It's about transforming a typically stressful experience into
an empowering journey, aiding people to become true global citizens.

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