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Presented by Ms.

Trang Vo


I – Read the following sentences with their different translations. For each sentence, there is one
translation that isnot as appropriate as the others. Please point it out and explain why.
1. Nhiều học sinh thường gặp khó khăn khi tìm việc làm sau khi tốt nghiệp
(1) Many students often meet difficulty after they graduate
(2) Many students often have difficulty getting a job after graduation
(3) Many students often have problems finding work upon graduation
(4) Many university graduates struggle to find work
2. Có một vài lợi ích cho việc học các môn nghệ thuật ở trường
(1) There are several advantages to studying arts subjects at school
(2) There are several benefits to the introduction of arts-based subjects within a school environment
3. Theo ý kiến của tôi, sẽ tốt hơn nếu các học sinh đi học tiểu học khi chúng được 5 tuổi
(1) It seems to me that/ In my view, it would be better if primary school students start school when they
reach five years of age.
(2) It seems to me that/ In my view, it would be better for primary school students to start school at the
age of five
4. Không dễ cho đa số các bạn trẻ khi tìm việc làm ở các thành phố lớn
(1) It is not easy for all young people to find work in big cities.
(2) Finding work in a big city has never been easy for young job seekers.
5. Trẻ em có thể có được nhiều kinh nghiệm thực tế nếu chúng đi làm sớm
(1) Children can gain a great deal of real/practical experience if they start work from a young age.
(2) Children can gain several real/practical experiences if they start work from a young age.
6. Trẻ em nên được dạy cách tự lập từ bé.
(1) Children should be taught to be independent when they are young.
(2) Children should be taught to be independent from a young age.
(3) Children should be trained in life skills from a young age
7. Sẽ có lợi cho người già nếu họ tập thể dục thường xuyên
(1) The elderly (old people) will stay healthy if they exercise regularly
(2) It would be beneficial for the elderly to exercise on a regular basis.
8. Thị trường lao động ngày càng cạnh tranh khiến nhiều người không có bằng cấp khó có thể tìm
được công việc tốt.
(1) The labour market is becoming increasingly (formal hơn dùng more and more) competitive, which
causes many people who do not have any qualifications to find it difficult get a good job
(2) The labour market is becoming increasingly competitive, which causes many people without any
qualifications to struggle to get a good job.
(3) An increasingly competitive labour market means that many people without any qualifications struggle to
get a good job
(4) An increasingly competitive labour market means fewer job opportunities for recent graduates.

Example 1: Many women are choosing to have children when they are older.
1. Thay đổi từ đồng nghĩa
Presented by Ms. Trang Vo

Many -> a large number choose -> opt

when they are older -> later in life
 A large number of women are opting to have children later in life
2. Thay đổi cấu trúc câu
Câu gốc nói về xu hướng phụ nữ thay đổi thời điểm sinh nở
 There is an increasing tendency for women to have children later in their lives

Example 2: The government should create more employment opportunities for young people.

2.1. Bắt đầu câu với IT

 It is important for the government to create more employment opportunities for young people.

2.2. Bắt đầu câu với THERE

 There is a need for the government to create more employment opportunities for young people

2.3. Bắt đầu câu với WITH

 With the labour market becoming increasingly competitive, the government should create more
employment opportunities for young people.

2.4. Bắt đầu câu với V-ING

 Creating more employment opportunities for young people should be done by the government.

2.5. Câu bị động

 More employment opportunities for young people should be created by the government.

 More employment opportunities should be created by the government as a way to support young job

 Young people should be given more job opportunities by the government.

2.6. Bắt đầu câu với AS

 As the labour market becomes increasingly competitive, the government should create more
employment opportunities for young people.

2.7. Bắt đầu câu với IN ORDER TO

 In order to support young peope, the government should create more job opportunitites for them.

3. Thay đổi loại từ

Example 3: This adversely affects the marine ecosystem
 This has an adverse impact on the marine ecosystem

Exercise 1: Paraphrase the following sentences:
Presented by Ms. Trang Vo

1. In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing.

2. People are consuming more and more sugar-based drinks.
3. The position of women in society has changed greatly in the past 20 years
4. Some people think that parents should teach their children how to be good members of society
5. Some people believe that car emissions have a massive impact on the environment
6. The amount of fish consumed in the world has increased dramatically
7. Some people believe that environmental protection is the responsibility of politicians, not individuals as
individuals can do too little.
8. In many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to reduce crime.
9. In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food, clothing or medicine.
10. Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive impact
on our lives in the near future.
Presented by Ms. Trang Vo

Exercise 2: Read one sample for the topic below and rewrite intro and body paragraphs by
paraphrasing. Then please write a conclusion on your own.

Topic: Some people believe that students should take a gap year after finishing school and work or travel
during this period. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?

1. Introduction
(1) Many students are choosing to take a gap year after finishing school. (2) I accept that there are good
reasons for this, but I believe that they should go to university right after high school instead.
2. Body
(3) Certainly, it is reasonable to study when they are older for some reasons. (4) It is true that a gap year is a
great time for students to become more aware of themselves. (5) Therefore, a part-time job at this time might
be helpful later when a person needs to choose a course that is suitable for them. (6) In addition, a person can
gain a lot of experiences and knowledge during a gap year. (7) My friend decided to go to many places in
Vietnam before going to university. (8)This helps him to learn more about the cultures, which is helpful for his
(9) However, I believe the drawbacks of taking a gap year are greater than the benefits. (10) Firstly, students
might want to leave school but then do not want to go back. (11) Many people get into the habit of spending
money when they have a job; as a result, they find studying is less attractive than working. (12) Secondly,
some students tend to spend a gap year relaxing rather than learning something useful because they usually
do not know how to manage their time effectively. (13) In fact, some of these people spend a lot of time doing
unhealthy things such as video games instead of taking part in useful activities such as playing sport or
attending social clubs.
Presented by Ms. Trang Vo

3. Conclusion

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