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se FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ‘ts COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION-2024 FOR RECRUITMENT TO | Roll Number fy POSTS IN BS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT LITICAL SCIENC) Sf TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS PART-1(MCQs)_: MAXIMUM 30 MINUTES. ‘i NOTE: () Fitst atiempt PART-I (MCQs) on separate OMR Answer Sheet which - after 30 minutes, - (ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given cre: (ii) There is no negative marking, Al! MCQs must b ted PART-1 (MCQs)(COMPULSORY, Q.1. (@ Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Bor Ml on th Gi) Answers given anywhere else, ather than OMR Answer Sheet, will 1, “Man by nature is.a social and political animal” is the basis of, (A) Plato, (B) Aristotle 2, ‘Leviathan’ is the work of: (A) Hege! (B) James Mill 3, Rousseau’s political philosophy furnished basis for: (A) Popular sovereignty (3) Absolute sovereignty ( 4. How many essentials are required to constitute (AS Three (B) Four: (D) None of these 5. Laissez Faire policy means: over industry (D) None of these. (A) Withdrawal of Some restrictions (B) C 6, Materialistic interpretation of history y folsheviks (D) None of these (A) Trotsky 7. Importance of civil service has (A) Population growth greased state activity (©) Complexity of rules and rege (D) None of these 8 are known as: (A) Anarchists ) Terrorists: (@) None of these 9. In Plato’s Ideal State, of the State order at the age of: (€) 50 (@) None of these 10. : y (C)Z,A.Bhatto (DP) None of these 1. the state” is the statement of: (C) Professor Gamer (D) None of these 12, : lexible in a book titled ‘Studies in History and Jurisprudence? (OT. H. Green (D) None of these 13. ed a derogatory sense: (B) During World War It (C) During the Cold War (D) None of these 14, b oft (B) Al Mawardi (©) Al Farabi (D) None of these 15, mentin Russia wits led bys (By Lenin (€) Trotsky (D) None of these 16. the major theorist of bureaucracy: (A) Rene Descartes, (B) Robert Daht (©) Max Weber (DP) None of these 17. Decentralization is a feature of: (A) Federal System. (3) Autocratic system (©) Unitary system (D) None of these 1X. Separation of Ethics and Politics was the principal notion in the philosophy of: (A) Lenin (B) Marx. (C) Machiavelli (©) None of these 19. A Bi-cameral legislature is mostly suited to: (A) Unitary States (B) Federal States. (C) Theveratic states (D) None of these 20, The principle of Judicial Review means to: rr peers (A) Interpret a faw (B) Rewrite a low C@Restore ataw (Dy None oi!these POLITICAL SCIENCE, Pp. 1 NOTE: @ Paceir a ik : is to be attempied on the separate Answer Bool . uestion Gi) Aucmp: ONLY FOUR questions fom PARTI, by selecting TWO 4 SECTION. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks. i Gil) ya the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place places, {@) Write Q. No, in the Answer Hook in sccordinee with Q, No! inthe Q (©) No Paye/Space be left blank betwsen the answers, All the blank p be crossed. 9D _Extea attempt of any question or any part of the question will SECTION-A Aristotle was a reatist and not an idealist, Elaborate wi 0) of the ends and functions of the ‘state, y Q.No. 2, Q- No.3. Ik it correct to call Machiavelli a ci of all st A : 9) ages? Substuntiate your answer ‘with valid arg 2 No.4. Discuss Montesquicu’s Theory of: ‘Separatj (20) . Afistotlc ofthe 18" centuns? (Q-Ne. 5. Elaborate the Theory of Kingship 0) noeeeemaee FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION aa COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2024 FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL Gov Ls INCE. PAPER-I —t ™ E GHRIE ALLOWED: THREE HOURS TQPART-IMCOs) MAM MARKS: 80 MCQs) = MAXIMUM 30 MINUTES | (PARTI) hich shall be taken back F NOTE: Wy Tat atcmpt PART-I (MICQs) on separate OMR Answer | after 30 minutes. (i) Overwriting/eutting of the options/answers will ie {iit Ther is ne negative marking’ All MCQs must be attemp Box ff on the OMRIAnswer Sheet. (20x1=20) will not be@onsidered_ system of government? jiamentary system (DY None of these ot be given credit d QA. (@) Sclect the best option/answer and fill in the appropeate anywhere else, other than OMR Answer Shee (ii) Answers giv a of the America epublie WT? UAT A Federal Petinnen () 4 Constitutional Monaréhy “(C) A Presidential Stat (D) None of these 3. Germany has a lower house of Parliament known as: (A) Bundesrat B) Bundestag 4. France is classified as being: (A) A Semi-Presidential System (B) A Presidential System utional Monarchy (DyNoneof these political system Executive Powerlisexercised by (A) Parliament £BY-Presidency (©), Senate (D) None of these 6. Which of the following is NOT a member of the United Kingdom? (A) Wales BF Scotland 4 (©) Ireland (D) None of these 7. In the United Kingdom the Monarch is elassified as being: LAT The Head of State {B) The Head of Government (Qfietigadio’ ihe Protestant C Bone of these elles ic recommendations for states which are (A) Structural Adjustments, oe a ny Tee ernie axe NE mendes of the International Monetary Fund? __ (By Nepal rgentina (D) None of | tie highest f the International Monetary Fund? (©) Russia (D) None of these. (B) A Commercial Bank (D) None of these (©) Reichstag (D) None of these (B) General, ii oi ral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade POLITICAL SCIENCE, PAPER-II y institutions classified hat is Part of the agenda being pursued Whieb of the following is an issue thet 4s being part of the Global Civil Seste = eee tor ity Right Fas D) None of these C} Oi! extraction rate Nations is classi The Association of Southesst — iis A) A Politieal-Security ¢ banat (C) A Soote-Cultura -scomciiast F trade is underpinned with whic ical 20; ‘The current plobal system of trae fA ibertarianism —_(D) None of these (A) Liberalism . i PART-I (OTE: Gi) Pard-ll is w be atiempied on the separate Amawer Book, ; ar eee ee ONLY FOUR quetions fom PART-II bygieett@aONi austin eo SECTION. A and THREE questions from SECTIONS. ALL quetions.cley EQUAL marks | Git) Aliso parts (rany) oF etch Question must be atenipted at one ploceinstesd of at different | G) Write. Ne \nswer Book in accordanée with Q. Novin the'QPaper | rey © be left blank between theanswers. Allithe blank pages of Answer Book (i) Extra attempt of any question or any pitt of the question will not be considered. | SECTION-A QNo.2, What re the main charateristics 6 the \United Kingdom's current political 20) system? Has this syst | aM creating efficient mechanisms to ‘ensure adcquate public in the affairs of state? Qo {lave Pabistanis economies With other regional countries improved due to the (20) Tamstructure “devclopmentyprojécts undertaken under the China-Pakistan Economi¢ Gorder component ofthe BRI? = SECTION-B BG. Biers chains with China are ao. istan i Pivotal component of Pakistan’s Forei Policy What arethe primary driving factors in this relationship? ieee 2) , a ae Pakistan's federal approach Been chosen? How successful hac yn eovemment. Why Bas such an (20) ‘elliciency” Tow suoesfl has it been in ensuring administrancy @.No. 6." HaSthe World Trade Organisation WTO) ‘re romans ct mama ott arma i global ay

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