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Section 6 EXHAUST SYSTEM AND EMISSION CONTROLS Contents Introduetion. 1. General Description 1 Exhaust System ission Controls Oxygen Sensor System syste 3 Exhau » and Emission Control 2. Maintenance. 3, Troubleshooting 1 Basic Troubleshooting Principles, Digitant 4, Exhaust System 4.1 Removing and Installing Exhaust System Removing and Instaling Front Pipe Spring Clamps nstaling Exhaust System ving and Installing Catalyt Checking Catalytic Converter 5. Oxygen Sensor oy Maintenance 4 5.1 Testing Oxygen Sensor System (OXS) Component Locations OXS Quick check Checking OXS Frequency Valve. ‘Measuring Frequency Valve Duty Cycle Checking OXS Control Unit Regulating F Checking Cold-running Enrichment Vacuum Switch Checking Oxygen Sensor Checking Thermoswitch 52 Testing Oxygen Replacing Oxygen Sensor. 5.3. Testing Oxygen Sensor ~ Digifant Replacing Oxygen Sensor inctions. jensor ~ CIS-Elactronic 6. Technical Data, ightering Tora) 1. Oxygen Sensor System (Ci TABLES a. Exhaust and Emission Contro Troubleshooting b. OXS Controt Unit Tests (CIS) ©. Therrnoswitch Specifications. cis. 16 16 12 EXHAUST SYSTEM AND EMISSION CONTROLS = 6-3. Exhaust System and Emission Controls Introduction The exhaust system has two main functions: first, to provide a conduit for expanding gasses of combustion, and second, to quiel the noise and coo! the temperature of the exhaust. On cars equipped witha catalytic converter, the exhaust system and the emission control system remove most af the pollutants resulting from combustion, 1 rapidly Exhaust systern function depends on each component being free from holes, with airtight seals at all joints. Emission control system function depends on proper adjustment of the fuel injection system and the ignition system, as well as on the action ofthe catalytic converter. Any ‘misagjustment ofthe fuel injection or ignition systems can adversely allect the emission control uring operation all eshaust system cormponens are subjected to extremes in temperature and pressure, vibration, and damaging contact with all manner of road hazards. Even though tho exhaust system is designed for relatvely maintenance free operation, the environment 10 ‘which it Is exposed means that regular inepection of the system is warranted. The only scheduled recommended emission control maintenance is the replacement of the oxygen This section covers the maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of the exhaust system and the emission contiois. Special tools aro required to remove and install the front pipe spring larnps on ceriain models, but otherwise only basic hand tools are requited for complete ‘servicing, Testing of the emission contro system requires special equipment and skills you lack the necessary skils or equioment, we suggest you leave these tests or repairs fo an authorized Volkswagen dealer or other qualified and properly equipped repair shop. We especially uige you to consult your authorized Volkswagen dealer service department before attempting ary repairs on a car that may be subject to Volkswagen's warranty coverage. 6-4 Exnaust SYSTEM AND Emission CONTROLS 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 Exhaust System The basic exhaust system components are the exhaust ‘manifoiel meunted to the cylinder head, the main exhaust pipe or "ont pipe", an intermediate exhaust pipe or front mula, and the rear muffler with integral tailpipe, AllU.S. models and some Canada models also have a ratalytie converter. Th manifold is cast iron to withstand the extreme heat, vi bration, and pressure. The corrosion-resistant, alloy steel font pipe mounts to the exhaust manifold at the top, and to the cat alytic converter al the rear. The rest ofthe exhaust system is also mild steel treated to resist corrosion, The converter hous. ingis stainless steel. On Cabriolet from 1990, andall Scirocco 16V, the catalyte converter and the front pipe are one piace, ‘The front end of the system is bolted te the exhaust mani fold, while the mice and raar portions of the system are sus ended fom the underbody by bonded rubber mounts or hangers. The positive but nonrigid mounting allows expan- sion and contraction with changes in temperature and helps to isolate noise andvibration, 1.2 Emission Controls Emission contrals are necessary to reduce harmful exhaust emissions. For all U.S. models and most Canada models, emission controls in the exhaust system include the catalytic ‘conwvertat and an oxygen sensor. Catalytic Converter The catalytic convertor is similar in appearance to a sinall ‘mufter. ts honeycornbed core contains many smallpassages, the surfaces of which are coated with precious metal catalysts ‘The catalysts promote chemical reactions with the axhaust gasses. Most of the polluting chemical compounds in the ex- aust are transformad into relatively harmiass nitrogen, car bon dioxide and water vapor. The catalytic converter is the final step in exhaust emission conto. Itworks best and lasts longest when the fuel injection’s airftuel muxture is caretuly controled and combustion is as completa as possible, Higher levels of pollutants, created by the wrong aiuel mature andinefficient combustion, wil over joad the converter and impair is ability (o control emissions. Oxygen Sensor System The oxygen sensors part of aclosac-loop leedback system usedto control ue! delivery and emissions. The oxygen lettin the exhaust is an indicator of combustion eficienoy. The sen- 01 reacts to the dfferenes in oxygen content between the ex haust gas and the outside ait A low-voltage signal generated by the reaction bacomes an input te the fuel injection system, ‘The oxygen sensor is mounted in the exhaust manitold orat the inlet to the catalytic converter depending on the model Getting the sensor quickly up te operating temperature is im- portant. On lator modals, the sensors electrically heated, 1.3 Exhaust System and Emission Control Identification Exhaust system details depend on the mods! and the en: ine. Procedures, specifications, and component illustrations 2a often identtied by the engine code for the engine to which they apply. Where no engine code is indicated, it ean be as. ‘sumed that the information appli to all cars covered by this maniual. Fr information on engine codss, soe ENGINE, Emission controls are usually identified by the fuel injection ‘er engine management systom, CIS refers to engine code JI, ‘most 1985-1989 Cabriolets and Scrroccos. CIS-E raters to the Scirocco 18V. Since 1990, all Cabriolets have the Digiant en. ‘gine mnanagernent systern, Also see FUEL SYSTEM. 2. MAINTENANCE Volkswagen species the maintenance steps listed below, to be carried out at particular time and mileage intarvale for proper maintenance of the exhaust system, ‘A cumber in bold type indicates that tha procedure is cov- fered in this section, under that numbered heading. See LU- BRICATION AND MAINTENANCE for injormation about other exhaust system maintenance and for the prescribed maintenance intervals, 4. inspecting exhaust system 2. Replacing oxygen sensor. 5. warnina — * Aleaking exhaust system may allow deadly ex haust gas lo anter the passenger compartment ‘+ Tho exhaust systom should be inspected in mochataly 1 bocomes unusualy no'sy or the onel of exhaust fs novceable inside th car Note — Volkswagon rocommends ingpocting the ox- hhaust system evory 16,000 mils (24,000 kn}, ‘ut iti also good idea to inepect it whonovsr the underside ofthe car is accessible 3. TROUBLESHOOTING Exhaust leakage or excessive noise are pretly obvious ind cations ofa faulty exhaust system, but poor performance or in creased exhaust emissions may have more complex causes. This troubleshooting section addresses problems with the ex hhaust and emission control systems, including the catalytic Converter and the oxygen sensor. Also sae IGNITION, EN- GINE, and FUEL SYSTEMIor additionaltroubleshooting infor ‘mation on driveability and pertermance problems EXHAUST SYSTEM AND EMISSION CONTROLS = 6-5. Table a lists common exhaust and emission control prob- NOTE — lems, probable causes, and corrective actions. The numbers Volkswagen spectos thatthe fist step in any in bold type in the corrective action colurmn refer ta numbered Digilan’ | system troubleshooting must be le hoadings inthis EXHAUST SYSTEM AND EMISSION CON- chook the control units OBD faull memory and TROLS section whore tests and repais are covered. {o fing and correct any laults that are incite, ‘Soe FUEL SYSTEM, 3.1 Basic Troubleshooting Principles ‘Sudden changes in the exhaust noise level are probably 4. EXHAUST SYSTEM ‘caused by damage or by failure of one component, A gradual noice increase probably indicates more general deteioraion _ The exhaust components belt together at welded langes or throughout the system. Noise may inerease suddenly when clamp together at sipoints. Gaskets seal the system at the 1 part ofthe system, weakened by corrosion, finally fails. ‘yiinder head, and atthe joint between the exhaust manifold and the front pipe. The pipe is fastened by spring clamps or by Exhaust restriction or backpressure helps the engine pro- bolted flange, depending on tho engine. Exhaust manifolds ce power smoothly over awide range ofengine speeds, but and on pipes are shown in Fig. 4-1 and Fig 43. Behind the ‘damage that increases backpressure may decrease perfor- catalytic converter, the pipes slip together and are secured fu rough ding andstaling. Tao much unburned —_with clamps, as shown in Fig. 4.2 and Fig 4-4 or any leaded fuel, will cause harmful chemical reactions that mnay plug the catalytic converter ‘The front pipe and catalytic converter are made of special corresion-resistant materials for long life. The rest of the sys- ‘The onygen sensor plays an important rola in engine man- tern is more vulnerable because moistufe in the exhaust contr of fue! injection, ignition and exhaust emis- _streamcondenses more readily on the cooler parts and oven. sons. Pedormance, driveabilly or emissions problems may _ tually causes corrosion. if one part of the system is perforated be caused by faut or msadjustmantinthese other systems. by rus, tis ikely that other parts are too. Digifant | (Cabriolet from 199%, California only) 4.1 Removing and installing Exhaust System Boginning in 1991, cars bul for sale in California have a al version of the Digtant engine management systam called Diglant |. Builtn on-board diagnostic (08D) crcuty montors the range of systam valuas in notmal operation, dax tects unusual valves and atherfauhs, and stores fault informa o later recall Sea FUEL SYSTEM ‘freplacing only part of the systern, ty to make sure that the ‘new parts wil ft properly before removing the old ones. Parts from ditlerent sources may not mate properly. For partial re- placement of an original system, genuine Volkswagen parts froman authorized Volkswagen dealer are more certain to ft ‘Table a. Exhaust and Emission Control Troubleshooting ‘Symptom i Corrective action 1. Hissing. ating | Exhaust system oaks 1 a: Exam ot yt onts (se LUBRIGATION AND iu nee cueing | MAINTENANCE! Repiace uty components 41 eceorbo .tmematy daragad momar or catyte. |. Repac tauty components 4.1 2. Exmast assem | a Exhaust system oul of aignment | a: Rwwhgn eahaust system 44 rans Missing or broken rubber evneust |. Reptce retaining eng). 44 System cetarng ring | S.Resiced aower. | a. Ogen sensor sytem fautyout of |. Test oxygen sensor sytem urcton,reslace faulty components poor mie scjusment \*3 Hestation on intel | Excossive backeressiro dum to |, Replace catahle convener. 422 svedteraton. ough | plugged cate corweter ae «. Excessive backpressure dve to «Insect compen and replace as equ. 4.1 | samages mater or pes | 4. Gok une 8. Fauly oxygen sencorthonmasmich |. Tect ane replace # necessary. 5.1 | Deaton, siting at | (CS) ide | Sra ersscns et | a, Onur senor yan taynt of | Testa and plc dy components. § | sere | |b. Camyte converte ated 2 Reptace cate conver. A2 L oy ae cai 6-6 EXHAUST SYSTEM AND Emission CONTROLS EXHAUST SYSTEM AND EMISSION CONTROLS = 6-7 6-8 ExHaust SYSTEM AND Emission CONTROLS Now clamos and fasteners are always recommended. The ‘chance of getting the old ones off in reusable condition is slim anyway. On cars so equipped, the nuts that mount the frant pipe tothe exhaust manitald are sett-locking nus. They are de- signed te be used only once and should always be replaced. I the front pipe is disconnected trom the exhaust ranitald, the ‘gasket should also be replaced. WARNING — Use eye protection andheavy gloves when Wark ing on the rusty pats Of the oft exhaust sysiom. Removing the front pipe on cars with the JH engine (+986. 1889 Scirocco and Cabriolet) requires a special tool set to sately rernove the front pipe spring clamps. The procedure for using these tools is described below. The rubber retaining rings alow some movemeant—perhaps lencugh to remove frent components without completely re: wving the rear for example, Penetrating oil applied to all fas- teners and sip joints several hours ahead of time will make disassembly easier Removing and Installing Front Pipe Spring Clamps On JH engines, spring clamps fasten the front exhaust pipe tothe exhaust manifold. A set of e'amp-expanding wedges ‘uquired to rernove and install tho clamps safely. The tool set shown here is Volkswagen special tool 3140A (order no. 103, 140 A00 197EL). See Fig. 45 caution — Volkswagen part numbers and special took order numbers ar listed in this manuel for reference ‘only. Always rly an an authorized Volkswagen osler Parts deparimant forthe most accurate ‘and up-to-date information (place erly # damaged or aking) Fig. 4-5. Exposed we of ton! pipe tennection wh spring WARNING — Due fo the spring tension in the clamps, serious nay may rest from improper Manin ar tram afempts fe remove or instal the clamps wnout broper tools. To remove: |. Push the tront pipe to one side to expand the opposite clamp. Insert one stort wedge in the expanded clamp as shown in Fig. 4-6, Push the pipe the opposite way to fexpandithe other clamp and insert the other short wedge. caurion— When insezing wedge into spring clamp be ure itis completely inserted. The shoulders of Ine wedge should butt agains! the edge of the clamp WARNING — Use era cauton when hanaling the expanded spring clamps. Spring tension can expel tho wodges wit considerable force and may cause serious injury. Wear safety goggles oF safely glasses Fig. 4.6, Shovi wndige bang installs expan Push the front pipe to one side, and use a pair of lacking lets to grasp the clamp and wedge on the opposite side and remove thom as a unt 3, Repeat the operation to remove second clamp and wedge. 4. ithe old clamps are to be reused, the wedges should romain in the clamps until they are reinstalled. Hi is necessary to replace the clamps, place the oid clamp with the installed wedge between the jaws of a vise, as shown in Fig, 47. Open the jaws of the vise approxi ‘ately 15 min (¥en) EXHAUST SYSTEM AND EMISSION CONTROLS Fig. 4.7. Longe staring wecge bang used io warove short svodige rom cam Use a soft fared mallet to drive the longer starting wedge into the clamp next to the short wedge, to further expanct the clamp. 6. Tun clamp over, knock out the short wedge, then knock ‘out longer starting wedge. Repeal this process to re: move the weoge from the other clamp. WARNING — he wedige will be expelod with considerable force Provsion shoukd be made 10 catch the wedge in sale carta or rap fo averd nary To install: 4. tthe spring clamps are boing replaced, place a new clamp on its side in vise jaws and, using a soft-aced mallet, drive the longer starting wedge into clamp until t 's spread enough to allow insertion ol the short wedge next tothe starting wedge. Drive in the short wedge unt its shoulder butts against the edge of the spring clamp. WARNING mm Bo not atampt to insert the abort wage unl est spreading the clamp wih the staring wedge. jou INury an toa! net clamp Gamage may rest. 1 the clamp over and knock out the starting wedge, ‘eaving the short wedge in place. Repeat the operation for the second clamp. 3. To insta the clamps, position the front pipe against the exhaust manifold. I'the gasket has been removed, it should be placed in postin at this time. Push the pipe toone side and installan expanded clamp and wedge on that ede. 4. Push the pipe tothe other side and instal the remaining clamp and wedge on that side. With the pipe in this position, somave the first wadige from its camp. Use the mallet necessary 6-9 ‘5, Push the pipe to the other side and remove the second wedge. Installing Exhaust System Loosely install anc align the complete system before tight ening any clamps or mounting bolts. Antiseze compound sed on al joints and threaded fasteners will extend serviee ite and make any future replacement easier. Make sure that 90 par of the exhaust system contacts any part of the car body, and that the rubber mounts are sight and unstressoc 2s shown in Fig. 48. it necessary, adjust the muller or exhaust pipes by twisting or by pushing ina longitudinal direction, Fig. 4-8, Aignment of niobec mounts Ater the system is loosely installed and aligned, tighton the bolts and clamps, Torque values are given in Fig. 41 through Fig. 4-4 abovo. After completing the installation, start the en- gine and check for any exhaust leakage. Some slight smoking land odor as the new parts bacome hot for the frst time are normal. System alignment can be checked by driving the ear ‘over @ rough road and Istening for sounds of the exhaust system strking the body, 4.2 Catalytic Converter Allof the cars covered by this manual which have an oxygen sensor system also have a three-way catalytic converter in the ‘oxhaust system. Fig, 4-9 shows the construction of the catalytic ‘converter and illustrates the chemical reaction that tums harm: ful compounds into nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water. The catalytic converter is designed to be maintenance free, land under normal operating conditions it should last at least £60,000 mites (96,000 km), However, conditions which result elevated temperature in the converter can cause damage and Wve the catalvic converter partially plugged or inoperative. ‘Some of those conditions are: inootTect ignition timing, incor rect fuel injection CO adjustment, engine misting, proionge: iding, prolonges high load such as towing, and the use of leaded gasoline. 6-10 EXHAUST SYSTEM AND EMISSION CONTROLS “2 Patinten corde cero nou Mounting farge Fig. 4.9. Jew of cates: caer asta wma compendia to erm roger Reduced power, staling at ile, rattles in the exhaust sys- tem, ana measured excessive emissions are at possible ind cations of a fauity catalyte converter. The converter can be removed and visually inspected if converter falure is sus pected. See Checking Catalytic Converter beiow. Removing and installing Catalytic Converter Tho catalytic converter is one of the companents of the ‘exhaust system and can be removed and installed wih the rest of tre system as descnbed in 4.1 Removing and Installing Exhaust System. On 16:valve models. where the converter iS _an integral part of the front pipe, removal of the froat pipe is requited to thoroughly inspect the converter Checking Catalytic Converter ‘To check a one-piece font pipe and converter, remove the pipe and otc it vertically withthe outlet down, Firmly tap the fend on a block of wood, then turn the pipe over and tap the jther end in the same manner. A knocking sound inside the Converter Rousing indicates thatthe ceramic core has become: distodges. and the converter should be replaced. In addition to the check above. a separate catalytic con verter can be visually inspected by holding up toa strong light, {and looking through both ends. the core appears broken oF melted down as shown in Fig. 4-10, the converter should be replaced. Fig. 410, Buarees of ros showy, eve melon (et anni meson 5. OXYGEN SENSOR The oxygen sensor provides information about combustion officieney by measuring the oxygen content in the exhaust. tis constructed of cararne matenal coated with platinurn. Inside the sensor, one surface Is exposed to the exhaust gas, while the other is exposedto atmosphere. The difference in oxygen content betwaon the two surtaces results in achem- ical reaction that generates a low-voltage signal (100 to 1000 mmlvots). This signal is monitored by an electronic control unit which, in tur, signals for changes in the airfuel ratio inthe fuel injection system. Since precise contro! of fuel delivery relies on the oxygen ‘sensor’ low-voltage signal the systemis very sensitive to cor rosion and poor cannections. Making suro that the electrical ‘connections are clean, dty and free of corrosion may solve driveabiity and performance problems easily without the neod for more compicated testing. ‘The different fue! injection and engine management sys- tems covered in this manual process the oxygen sensor signal iferantly, so the copair information inthis section is organized according to fue injection type. For help in identifying the fuel injection system, see FUEL SYSTEM, ‘Oxygen Sensor Maintenance Onygen sensor replacement is scheduled maintenance. See LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE for more informa- tion on servicing the axygen sencer. For 1986-1987 cars, a mileage counter signals the replace- ‘ment interval by illuminating a light on the instrument panel ‘Whenever the oxygen sensor is replaced, the fight must be re- set. The resetting procedureis also coveredin LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE. Nove — Emission contole, including tho cxygon sonser system, aro covered by an oxtonded warrant ‘Seo LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE {or maintenance requirements, Consult an auth eed Votkswragen dealor about warranty cover {ag@ belore boainning any repair. ExHausT SYSTEM AND EMISSION CONTROLS = 6-11 5.1 Testing Oxygen Sensor System (OXS)-—CIS (1985-1980 except Scirocco 16V) CIS fuel metering is determined mainly by regulating and sting fuel pressure n various parts of the system. The oxy fensor and oxygen sensor contro! unt also manipulate fuel pressure, The frequency valve, maunted in afuel line near the fue! d stnbutar, opens and clases ata variable rate te finaly ‘adjust uel pressure, and therefore fuel delvory, ‘The onygen sonsor provides an accurate signal only whan ‘uily warm. When the engine is colda thermo-time switch inter rupts the circus. The eystamn reverts to a fixed or “open-loop” mode, bypassing the oxygen sensor until it has hada chance: ‘to reach operating temperature, For more information on CIS ‘us njection, see FUEL SYSTEM, Component Locations The oxygen sensor control unit on Sciteccos is mounted in the frash air plenum, infront of the windshield under the hood. The Cabriolet contro’ unt, shown in Fig. 5-1, is inside behind tha glovebox trim, The oxygen sensor isal the back side al the fenging, mounted in the exhaust manifold. The thermo-time switch ig mounted in the cylinder head cootant outlet at the front ofthe engine, Fig. 5-1. Fasteners soctrtng Geboiet OXS conte unt. To remoue loosen sew 4 abou two tine, then re roe scams Bane OXS Quick-check equency valve gats its name from the pulsed contral Lunt signal that aycles i rapidly on and off (open and closed). You can quicdly check basic systern function with the engine running, a in the few seconds thatthe fuet pur runs alter ac: (wating the starter. Listan atthe valve tora clicking or buzzing d, and fae! to make sure iis vibrating slighty. the valve jt buzz and vibrate, check the frequency valve itself bo ot funations Checking OXS Frequency Valve Requirements: * fuel pump fuse OK ‘Checking the frequency valve also requires bypassing the tuel pump relay to operate the fuel pump without sunning the engine, Ses FUEL SYSTEM. ‘CAUTION — ‘Avoid running the fuel pump any loogor than fomcossuary foreach fost With the fuel purnp running, the valve should click orbuzz. It not, disconnect the frequency valve harness connector and measure resistance acrass the valve terminals with an ohm ‘meter, shown in Fig. 5-2. Frequency valve: ‘resistance 2103chme Cus 1115 Fig. 5:2. Fisquoney vole resstance being checked at Vie, tage fom OXS contro _un re ‘eacked a hamnase connector with LED test ight Itresistance ts OK, use an LED test light to check fora vot age signal at the connector. With the fuel purap running, the LED should ight. tinot, check the fuel pump fuse, the fuolinjec. tion power supply relay, the wiring hamness between these ‘components, and the control unit ground connections. See ELECTRICAL SYSTEM for wiring diagrams, To replace the frequency valve, cloan and disconnoct the ‘uelline unions. Loosen the mounting clamp bolt and press the valve cut ofthe rubber bushing in the clamp. Installation is the reverse of removal, Always use new sealing washers, WARNING — Fue! will be expelled as tho fines are isconnect fe Do not smoke or work naar heaters or ether Ire nazar. Have a fa extinguisher hardy 6-12 ExHaust SYSTEM AND EMISSION CONTROLS Measuring Froquency Valve Duty Cycle The pulsed signal from the OXS control unit determines the ‘amount of time the vaive is open, This is called its duty eycle. Duty cycle is used to check the signals from the OXS control Unit tis measured with a duty cycle meter or a dwell meter ‘A duty cycle mater such as the Siomrans 451 measure duty eycle as a percentage of time, from 0 to 100%, With a simple conversion, duty cycle can also ba measured with an ordinary ‘dwail mater, such asthe Sun TDT-11, The O1090° (é-cylinder) soaie of a dwell mater corresponds te tha 0 to 100% scale of a duty eyc'a meter. Multiply duty eyele by 0.9to get an equivalent "dwell reading, Either meter gets ts signal from the duty cycle tor, in the engine compartment near the ignition coil, with biue/white wire. Volkswagen special tool US1112 (order no. UT 112 000 00 HAN) is an adapter that will help make an easy, postive connection Checking OXS Control Unit Regulating Functions, Rlaguirements: * frequency valve OK + {uel pump celay bypassed to operate fuel pump * auty cycle meter or dwell meter connected CAUTION — Avoxd cunning the fuel pump any fonger than necessary for sch tost th el up for OX8 contol uit oats ss conracto’s Band € csournectad stan (om duly $887) shown, with tw nectar ©, ares at $ control unitrequlating tunctions as deseribedin table b. tthe duty cycle is not as specified, check for faults in the witing harness to the control unit and check contro! unit {round connections. See ELECTRICAL SYSTEM far wiring diagrams. i no other faults are found, the contro! unt is faulty sand should be repiaced Table b. OXS Control Unit Tests (CIS) Test ConditionsiStops Duy eale Emergency unring] ~ themoswich cscoonected | 50%» as rump roms | ig 53) Geena tineton ~ epee fl pump dive mote) {open a : Ful: trotle themoowich dscomected sehen 53) | ssre2% ~ Spero tut pump and | (68.5) actuate tetie swich (Goo FUEL system) Noma warm thermeswich disconnected running onygon | (Fg 53) sensor reguaing | ~ dsconncct oxygun sensor | » 07% function ~ touch hamess connector | (creasing) (osed000) {Green wire) ecrund, ‘Suite max Iban shal ~ touch hamass connoetor sida ot 1S vet batty | <20% "dot ground). to | Fseeroasing) Simulate rich sign Gakdcunnng | themmoswitch disconnected nnchment Fas3) 20% 2% {wo techy 1997) | — bridge thormoswitsh con- | (72" secors ath jamper we pera uel pump Cald-unning | ~ thermoswioh sconnacted erichment o'33) eer 2% fom ty 1807) | ~ conmect single connector | (58.5) {browned wire) to ground ‘porate fue! pump bridge thermoswitch con- actors wth jumper wie {not connected to ground) ‘sconnect oxygen sensor slartongine (fun at ile) *touty yoo rverts to Dpenogp (-50%), chock ‘ole-running enrichment vvecatim sitch + eisconnect cold running ‘onnichment vacuum svtch hhamess cannoetor (Fg. 6-4) reconnect harness connector sdsconnect vacuum hose (Fig 58) sth ignition off reconnect vacuum hose = reconnect orygon sonsor disconnect od wire from SSstributor cap and connect to ground with jumper wie thermoswith connectors bridged! ‘acute starter * it duty oyco rverts to ‘pon-ioap (~£0%), check old-start srvichmont (olay (and relay wing) ‘Soe FUEL SYSTEM, ‘Soo wiring alageams in ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 50% + 2% sy 50% 2% “sy 5% 42% (3's) while cranking EXHAUST SYSTEM AND EMISSION CONTROLS Checking Cold-running Enrichment Vacuum Switch {from July 1987 only) Engine manifold vacuum normally closes the switch at idle to complete a thermeswitch ground circuit for cold-running en ‘chment. Off idle, when manifold vacuum is low, the switch ‘opens. Its purpose is to interrupt cold-running enrichment above ile, The switch ie shown in Fig, 5-4, Fig. 64, Solc-1unning. vicina aceai AO (2) a front intake manos vcusan swe (1) tamase contwctor (3) et Roquirernents: ' oxygen sensor disconnected + thermoswitch connectors disconnected and bridged with jamper wire «+ duty cycle mater or dwell meter connected + engine running atidie Itresults are not as speciied in table b, disconnect the har- ness connector and btidge the connector terminals with a jumper wire. If tha duty aycte is 60% + 2% with the connector disconnected and 65% + 2% with the terminals bridged, the vacuum switch or vacuum hose are faulty and should be re: placed I not, check for poor ground connections or faults in the wiring hainess, Checking Oxygen Sensor Requirements * engine at normal operating temperature ~ radiator cooling fan cycled on and off atleast ence + idle speed OK + fuel purnp relay byp: NOT connected + caygen sensor connected * thermoswitch connected * OXS contro! unit regulating functions OK + duty cycle meter or dell meter connected 8 oF other remote switch 6-13 To check oxygen sensor (CIS): 1. Start the engine and let tile for at least two minutes, 2. Clamp off the hose from the idla speed boost valve and disconnect the crankcase ventiation hose, See Fig. 56. Fig. 5-5. fe sosed boost valve hose (1) clamped shut ane crankcase vention hose (2) dacornected ‘anc! phagged In preparation for checking oxygen 8, Note the duty cycle reading, then plug the crankcase ventilation hose, “duty eycle should drop, then rise and fluctuate ‘fret, oxygen sensor is faulty and shouldbe replaced Installing: * apply ant-seize compound (threads only) ening torque 50 Nm (37 ft.) caurion — * Do not ot ant-seize compound come into can. tact with tho sit portion of te sonsor body. * Grip only the hex-shaped part ofthe sensor. © Uae tools that mi not damage the sensor wire, Checking Thermoswitch ‘The thenneswiteh is shown eatlier in Fig. 5-3. Use a mutt meter (ohms scale) to measure resistance across the switch terminals. See table e. When installing, always use a new sealing washer. Chack the coolant level and adel coolant as necessary. See LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE. Table c. Thermoswitch Specifications BatNo. "Temperature: ‘Specification ‘eas 018 960 0 ‘open Os amex oar a8 pen below $8°F (15°0) | 05 srmax 86010 2698 | above 108°F (40°C) | open below 86°F (60°C) || 05 Cmax.

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