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Performance Evaluation of the CellaVision DM96 System

WBC Differentials by Automated Digital Image Analysis Supported
by an Artificial Neural Network
Alexander Kratz, MD, PhD, MPH,1,2 Hans-Inge Bengtsson, MSc,3 Jeanne E. Casey, H(ASCP),1*
Joan M. Keefe, MT(ASCP),1 Gail H. Beatrice, MLT(ASCP),1 Debera Y. Grzybek, H(ASCP),1
Kent B. Lewandrowski, MD,1,2 and Elizabeth M. Van Cott, MD1,2

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Key Words: Image analysis; Differentials; Hematology analyzers; Laboratory automation


Abstract The differential counting of leukocytes, introduced almost

We evaluated the CellaVision DM96 (CellaVision 115 years ago by Ehrlich,1 has remained a clinically important
AB, Lund, Sweden), an automated digital cell and frequently ordered laboratory test.2 Progress in the design
morphology and informatics system for peripheral of laboratory instrumentation has replaced the microscope with
blood smears. Technologists agreed with 82% of the automated cell counters as the instrument of choice for the
instrument’s preclassifications. Correlation coefficients majority of differential counts (differentials) in most laborato-
between final results released from the CellaVision and ries.3 Modern automated cell counters can provide a reliable
results obtained by direct microscopy were 0.96 (all WBC differential count for samples that are normal or that
neutrophils), 0.94 (lymphocytes), 0.88 (segmented exhibit only a quantitative abnormality. Qualitatively abnormal
neutrophils), 0.73 (eosinophils), 0.69 (bands), and 0.67 samples, such as those with immature or abnormal cells, still
(monocytes). After correction for statistically and require the preparation of a slide and microscopic analysis. In
clinically insignificant variations, the CellaVision our laboratory, approximately 28% of differentials are
DM96 had 95% sensitivity and 88% specificity for “flagged” by the automated cell counter and require the prepa-
immature myeloid cells. It was 100% sensitive and 94% ration of a blood smear for microscopic review.
specific for blasts, and 100% sensitive and 97% specific Difficult differentials with unusual or abnormal cells may
for unusual WBCs and nucleated RBCs. Advantages of be a relatively rare event in many clinical laboratories; never-
the CellaVision DM96 over direct microscopy include theless, the significant clinical impact of a wrong diagnosis
the ability to review slides from a remote location, necessitates the around-the-clock on-site presence of highly
consultation and quality control on a cell-by-cell basis, trained personnel for the microscopic review of these blood
and potential labor savings. smears. This increases labor costs, a major issue in today’s
cost-sensitive health care environment. Other disadvantages of
direct microscopic examination of a stained blood smear
include interobserver and intraobserver variation and the fact
that the individual cells used for the differential count are not
easily retrievable for subsequent review. These issues lead to
difficulties in quality control and maintaining interobserver
and intraobserver consistency in interpretations.
Automated image processing systems have been devel-
oped to address these difficulties. These systems generally
obtain digital images of objects on the blood smear and then
use sophisticated software to identify and preclassify cells; the
images are stored for possible later retrieval. A number of such

770 Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124:770-781 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

770 DOI: 10.1309/XMB9K0J41LHLATAY
Hematopathology / ORIGINAL ARTICLE

devices have been developed (recently reviewed by Tatsumi estimation of the platelet count. Advantages of this approach
and Pierre2). Capitalizing on advances in digital photography over slide review with a microscope include possible labor
and data processing and storage, these devices have made it savings owing to the localization and preclassification of the
possible to envision a “virtual blood film” that can be WBCs by the instrument, more reproducible results, and the
reviewed, shared with experts in distant locations, stored, ability to review cases from a remote location or to rereview
retrieved, and rereviewed at low cost.4,5 cells at a later date.
The latest such automated image analysis system to Direct microscopic review of blood smears is a well-estab-
become commercially available is the CellaVision DM96 lished procedure; clinicians and laboratory workers have exten-
(CellaVision AB, Lund, Sweden; distributed in the United sive experience with this method, are comfortable with it, and
States by Sysmex America, Mundelein, IL). The successor have confidence in the results obtained. Introduction of an instru-
model to the DiffMaster Octavia (CellaVision AB),6 the ment for automated image analysis, such as the CellaVision
CellaVision DM96 is an automated image analysis system for DM96, into the clinical laboratory will necessitate a change in

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peripheral blood smears. Barcode-labeled, stained glass slides work habits, retraining of personnel, and increased spending on
are placed into a magazine. The instrument can be loaded with hardware and software. For automated image analysis to replace
up to 8 magazines, each containing up to 12 slides, and oper- direct microscopic review, 2 conditions will have to be fulfilled:
ates with a continuous feed that allows magazines to be added the automated method will have to be shown to be at least as reli-
constantly. By scanning the glass slides at low power, the able clinically as the direct microscopic review of slides, and
instrument identifies potential WBCs and then takes digital there will have to be significant labor savings associated with the
images at high magnification. The images are analyzed by an new method to justify the additional expenditure associated with
artificial neural network based on a large database of cells and the purchase of the equipment.
preclassified according to WBC class. The WBCs and their In this study, we compare the clinical performance of the
suggested classification are presented to the user on a cus- CellaVision DM96 with direct manual microscopy. We also
tomizable computer display for confirmation or reclassifica- show the results of workflow timing studies comparing direct
tion ❚Figure 1❚. The system also provides functionality for microscopy with the CellaVision DM96.
the review of RBC and platelet morphologic features and for

Materials and Methods

Study Site and Personnel

The study was performed in the Clinical Hematology
Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, a terti-
ary care academic medical center serving a large inpatient and
outpatient population, including an active hematology-oncol-
ogy service. All studies were performed by hospital laborato-
ry employees who had been trained in the use of the instru-
ment on-site by a CellaVision company representative. A reli-
ability log for the instrument was kept for the duration of the

Sample Selection and Preparation

Routine patient samples on which WBC differentials had
❚Figure 1❚ Computer screen on which WBCs preclassified by been ordered by the clinician and on which a microscopic
the CellaVision DM96 are presented to a reviewer for slide review was necessary were used in the study. In our lab-
approval or reclassification. The reviewer can enlarge single oratory, the determination that a microscopic slide review is
cells as needed and can leave individual cells in the necessary is made when a sample fails criteria for the direct
categories suggested by the instrument (accept the release of results from an ADVIA 120 Hematology System
preclassification) or move individual cells into other groups (Bayer HealthCare, Diagnostics Division, Tarrytown, NY).
(reclassify the cells). Digital images and the actions taken by These criteria have been set to conform with the manufactur-
the reviewer are stored by the instrument and can be er’s recommendations and the clinical needs of the patient
reviewed later for quality control, confirmation of diagnosis, population seen at our institution. All samples that were
consultation, or comparison with later findings. included in the study had been screened by the ADVIA 120

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124:770-781 771

771 DOI: 10.1309/XMB9K0J41LHLATAY 771

Hematology System and flagged for microscopic review. The performance of the CellaVision DM96. These cases included
use of cases prescreened by an automated cell counter was slides with increased numbers of immature WBCs and the
intended to mimic the standard workflow in a hematology lab- presence of abnormal WBCs and some cases with very low
oratory, where usually only cases flagged by the automated WBC counts. All slides had required a full microscopic differ-
cell counter are subject to slide review. Wedge blood smears ential count.
were prepared manually with the push-pull method with a Three laboratory employees (2 certified laboratory tech-
spreader slide or with a semiautomated method, the Miniprep nologists [J.E.C. and J.M.K.] and 1 certified medical laboratory
blood smearing instrument (Geometric Data, Wayne, PA), air technician [G.H.B.]) were asked to participate in this part of the
dried, and stained with a Sakura Stainer RSG-61 (Sakura study; they were selected for representing the range of expertise
Fineteck USA, Torrance, CA) with a Wright-Giemsa stain.7 in the performance of manual differentials found in the labora-
tory. Expertise of employees was determined by their level of
Manual Differential Counts (Reference Method) formal training (certified technologists vs certified technicians),

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Manual differentials using standard microscopic tech- the length of their work experience (between 1.5 and 35 years),
nique were performed following the laboratory’s standard and whether the employee was training new employees in the
operating procedure, which is based on National Committee performance of WBC differentials and was a designated
for Clinical Laboratory Standards guidelines.8 resource person in the laboratory for difficult WBC differential
cases. Each employee was asked to perform manual differen-
Analysis With the CellaVision DM96 tials on 40 slides with the microscope and approximately 1
After analysis by direct microscopy, slides were labeled week later on the same 40 slides with the CellaVision DM96.
with a barcode and loaded into the CellaVision DM96. This
instrument scans slides, identifies potential WBCs, takes digital Manual Differential Timing Studies
images of them, and uses artificial neural network–based soft- Ten slides that had required full microscopic differential
ware to analyze the cells. Digital images of preclassified cells count were used for a manual differential timing study. Five
are presented to the technologist on a computer display (Figure technologists and a technician, representing the range of
1). The technologist is asked to review the images and to accept expertise in the performance of manual differentials found in
the preclassification provided by the software or to reclassify the laboratory, were timed while performing manual differen-
cells. For this study, technologists using the CellaVision DM96 tials on these slides with the microscope and then approxi-
were provided with the same information about the cases as was mately 1 week later while performing the same task with the
available to them during direct microscopic analysis. This CellaVision DM96. Cases were considered completed on
included the results from the automated cell counter on the pres- finalization of the results in the laboratory information system
ent sample and previous CBC counts, WBC differentials, and or on conclusion of analysis with the CellaVision DM96.
clinical results for the patient, if available. Technologists also
were asked to evaluate whether the areas presented by the Standard Workflow Timing Studies
CellaVision DM96 for the evaluation of RBC and platelet mor- We used 236 additional randomly selected cases on which
phologic features and platelet count were adequate. a manual slide review was necessary for a workflow study.
Approximately half of these slides required the performance of
Studies Performed a full microscopic differential count; the other half required
Three sets of studies were performed: a clinical perfor- only microscopic review (“scan”) for confirmation of the results
mance evaluation, a manual differential timing study, and a of the differential obtained from the automated cell counter.
standard workflow timing study. The clinical performance These cases first were analyzed by a medical laboratory techni-
evaluation was intended to determine the performance of the cian (G.H.B.) with 1.5 years of experience in reading blood
CellaVision DM96 in difficult cases; for this study, cases that smears (n = 160 cases) or a very experienced technologist
met certain criteria (eg, low WBC count, unusual WBCs) were (J.E.C.) with 35 years of experience (n = 76 cases) with the
obtained during a 2-month period and used for this study. For direct microscopic method as part of their normal work assign-
the manual differential timing study, 10 cases of average diffi- ments in the clinical laboratory. The employees then were asked
culty were selected. Last, for the standard workflow timing to reanalyze the same samples with the CellaVision DM96.
studies, a random sample of cases for which slides were pre- These employees also had participated in the other studies.
pared in the laboratory during the study period was used.
Statistical Analysis
Clinical Performance Evaluation Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel
We selected 120 slides with abnormal blood smear find- software (Microsoft, Redmond, WA). Two-tailed paired t tests
ings thought to be difficult cases for evaluation of the clinical were used to evaluate differences between the time needed for

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772 DOI: 10.1309/XMB9K0J41LHLATAY
Hematopathology / ORIGINAL ARTICLE

fully manual differentials with the CellaVision DM96 and ❚Table 1❚

with direct microscopy. Clinical sensitivity and specificity of Adequacy of Images From the CellaVision DM96 for WBC
and RBC Analysis According to Slide Preparation Method*
the CellaVision DM96 were defined as its ability to obtain
positive and negative results concordant with the results Manual Method Semiautomated
obtained by direct microscopy. Images Inadequate for (n = 90) Method (n = 30)

WBC analysis 10 (11) 1 (3)

RBC analysis 18 (20) 10 (33)
* The manual method refers to slides prepared with the push-pull method with a
Results spreader slide; the semiautomated method refers to slides prepared with the
Miniprep slide preparation instrument. A total of 120 slides were analyzed.
Numbers represent the total number of slides. Data are given as number
System Reliability (percentage).

The CellaVision DM96 was in use in our laboratory for 2

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weeks. During this time, a “critical oil error” required 5 min-
utes for resolution by priming the immersion oil pump to the microscopic method (Figure 2). There were 11 cases
remove air bubbles. There were 4 rack jams; each of these (9.2%) with fewer than 20 cells counted when using the man-
incidents required approximately 1 or 2 minutes to resolve; 2 ual method; the CellaVision DM96 differential was based on
of the jams were caused by trying to load slides not appropri- fewer than 20 cells in 7 cases (5.8%). Among the 11 cases in
ate for the instrument. There were 3 cases of software failure which the manual differential was based on fewer than 20 cells,
that required the viewing program to be restarted, leading to in 5 cases the CellaVision DM96 was able to find more than 20
the loss of approximately 1 minute per incident. In total, cells per slide. There were 2 cases in which the CellaVision
approximately 12 to 20 minutes were lost in these 8 downtime DM96 differential had to be based on fewer than 20 cells per
incidents during 2 weeks. slide, whereas the manual differential was based on more than
20 cells per slide. Because of the limited reproducibility of dif-
Ability of the CellaVision DM96 to Present to the ferential results based on such low counts, the 13 cases in
Reviewer WBCs That Are Qualitatively and which the manual differential, the CellaVision DM96 differen-
Quantitatively Adequate for a Differential Count tial, or both were based on fewer than 20 cells per slide were
We used 120 cases that required a full microscopic differ- excluded from subsequent analysis.
ential to evaluate the clinical performance of the CellaVision
DM96. A laboratory employee first performed a differential on Ability of the CellaVision DM96 to Provide Images
these cases using the microscope; the same person then per- Adequate for Evaluation of RBC and Platelet
formed a differential on the same slides using the CellaVision Morphologic Features and the Platelet Count
DM96. The slide readers were asked to note when they thought The CellaVision DM96 allows the user to evaluate RBC
that the images presented by the CellaVision DM96 were of and platelet morphologic features and to estimate the platelet
insufficient quality to allow them to perform a differential.
Such a notation was made in 11 (9.2%) of the cases. For 10 of
these 11 cases, the same technologists had been able to do a 70
full 100-cell differential with the microscope; in the remaining
case, the microscopic differential also was inadequate (it was
based on 5 WBCs). Of the 11 slides, 10 had been prepared with 50
No. of Samples

the manual push-pull method with a spreader slide; 1 had been 40

prepared with a semiautomated method, the Miniprep blood
smearing instrument ❚Table 1❚. These 11 cases in which no dif-
ferential was available from the CellaVision DM96 were 20
excluded from subsequent correlation analysis. 10
The precision of a WBC differential is affected negatively
if only a few cells are counted.9,10 We compared the total num- 0
<10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 >100
ber of cells found by the technologists when performing WBC
Counted Cells
differentials using the microscope with the number of adequate
WBCs presented for review for each case by the CellaVision ❚Figure 2❚ Total number of cells used by technologists for WBC
DM96 ❚Figure 2❚. The ability of both methods to find identifi- differential counts when using the microscope (white bars) and
able cells on a blood smear was similar, with a slightly higher the CellaVision DM96 (black bars). Only objects classified as
number of cases with very few (< 20) WBCs encountered with WBCs by the technologist were included in the analysis.

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count by producing an overview image consisting of 35 ❚Table 2❚

patched areas of the slide. We asked technologists to indicate Percentages of Cells Correctly Preclassified by the CellaVision
whether they thought that these images were adequate for the
evaluation of RBCs and platelets. In 28 cases (23%), the tech- Correct All Verified Results
nologists thought the images did not allow them to adequate- Suggestions by Suggested Correctly
Cell Class CellaVision (%) by CellaVision (%)
ly evaluate RBC and platelet morphologic features. The use of
a semiautomated slide preparation method was associated Segmented neutrophils 92.5 82.8
(n = 3,510)
with a higher percentage of inadequate slides (33%) than the Band neutrophils (n = 868) 57.1 54.2
manual push-pull method (20%) (Table 1). When reviewing Lymphocytes (n = 2,585) 96.4 95.3
Monocytes (n = 763) 81.4 74.8
the same slides with the microscope, the technologists thought Eosinophils (n = 231) 63.2 93.6
in 100% of cases that they were able to find areas allowing Basophils (n = 50) 80.0 85.1
them to adequately address RBC and platelet morphologic Blasts (n = 395) 65.1 84.8

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Immature myeloid cells (n = 627) 53.2 63.8
features and to estimate the platelet count. Nucleated RBCs (n = 165) 86.7 79.9
* The percentage of correct suggestions is the percentage of the cells in the various
Correlation of the CellaVision DM96 Preliminary groups, as preclassified by the CellaVision DM96, in which the technologist agreed
Classifications With Final Classifications by Medical with the instrument’s preclassification (ie, the percentages of original suggestions
that were correct); the percentage of all verified results suggested correctly is the
Technologists and Technicians percentage of cells in each group released by the technologist that were
preclassified correctly by the CellaVision (ie, percentages of final results
The CellaVision DM96 presents, on a computer display, preclassified correctly by the CellaVision). A total of 9,194 cells were analyzed.
WBCs preclassified according to cell type. The technologist
has to review every cell and can move a cell to a different cell
class (reclassify the cell) or can leave the cell in the category
suggested by the instrument by taking no additional action CellaVision DM96 to identify the presence of several clinical-
regarding the cell. ❚Table 2❚ shows the percentages of the var- ly important abnormalities with the results of direct
ious cell types preclassified correctly by the CellaVision microscopy. These abnormalities included the presence of
DM96. Overall, the instrument preclassified 82% of all cells immature and abnormal WBCs and of nucleated RBCs. As
correctly (86% if band forms were not differentiated from seg- shown in ❚Table 3❚, a significant number of cases showed an
mented neutrophils). The percentages of correctly preclassi- abnormality on review with the CellaVision DM96 that were
fied cells were highest for mature cells and lowest for imma- not reported on direct microscopy; some cases did not show an
ture and abnormal cells. abnormality on review with the CellaVision DM96 that were
reported on direct microscopic review. When direct
Correlation of Direct Microscopic WBC Differential microscopy was used as the reference method (“gold stan-
Results With Final Results From the CellaVision DM96 dard”) against which the results of the CellaVision DM96
After review and, if necessary, reclassification of the cells were compared and when all discrepant results were included
presented by the CellaVision DM96, a reviewer releases the in the analysis, the specificity of the CellaVision was 82% to
final differential results to the laboratory information system. 93%; sensitivity was 25% to 91% ❚Table 4❚.
Differential results obtained by direct microscopy were com- To resolve the significant percentage of false-positive and
pared with the final results released by the same technologist false-negative findings of the CellaVision DM96 compared
for the same slide from the CellaVision DM96. The correla- with direct microscopy, digital images from the CellaVision
tion graphs for neutrophils (including segmented neutrophils DM96 and microscopic differentials were rereviewed by the
and band forms), lymphocytes, monocytes, and eosinophils medical director of the laboratory (A.K.) for all cases with dis-
are shown in ❚Figure 3❚. The correlation coefficients were crepant results. As shown in ❚Table 5❚, ❚Table 6❚, and ❚Table 7❚,
highest for total neutrophils (0.96), lymphocytes (0.94), and most of the discrepant cases were due to small variations with-
segmented neutrophils (0.88). For eosinophils, the correlation in the 95% confidence interval of the cell count (eg, most
coefficient was 0.73. The lowest correlations were observed cases with a discrepancy involving nucleated RBCs showed 1
for band forms (0.69) and monocytes (0.67). nucleated RBC/100 WBCs with one method and none with
the other method).
Ability of Digital Image Analysis by CellaVision DM96 to Some other discrepancies were due to a slight difference in
Identify Clinically Important Abnormalities nomenclature without clinical relevance (eg, the same technolo-
In clinical practice, the ability to identify the presence of gist would call cells “blasts” with one method and use the
an abnormality on a blood smear, for example, the presence of expression “other cells; immature myeloid cells, query blasts”
blasts, is an important determinant of the reliability of a differ- with the other method). In 15 of the discrepant cases, rereview of
ential counting method. We compared the ability of the the digital images showed that the discrepancy was due to

774 Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124:770-781 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

774 DOI: 10.1309/XMB9K0J41LHLATAY
Hematopathology / ORIGINAL ARTICLE


100% 100%
90% 90%
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%

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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


70% 100%
50% 70%
40% 60%
30% 40%
20% 30%
10% 10%
0% 0%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


70% 25%

40% 15%

30% 10%
0% 0%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

❚Figure 3❚ Correlation of neutrophil (A), segmented neutrophil (B), band form (C), lymphocyte (D), monocyte (E), and eosinophil
(F) counts on direct microscopy and on the CellaVision DM96. A, y = 0.9451x + 0.0091; R2 = 0.9563. B, y = 0.8658x + 0.0067;
R2 = 0.8771. C, y = 1.188x + 0.0247; R2 = 0.6852. D, y = 0.9597x + 0.013; R2 = 0.9393. E, y = 0.7701x + 0.0257; R2 = 0.6658.
F, y = 0.7999x + 0.002; R2 = 0.73.

misidentification of cells by the initial reviewer. There were only on direct microscopic review. A repeated standard microscopic
3 cases in which the discrepancy could not be resolved by statis- differential also did not show these immature myeloid cells on
tical variation, differences in nomenclature, or misclassification the slides. When a third direct microscopic differential based on
of digital images presented by the CellaVision DM96; in these up to 300 cells was performed, populations of immature myeloid
cases, there were clearly cells consistent with immature myeloid cells (between 2.3% and 8%) were identified.
cells (promyelocytes, metamyelocytes, and/or myelocytes) pres- As noted in the preceding paragraph, most of the discrepan-
ent on the CellaVision DM96 images that had not been reported cies were insignificant statistically (within the 95% confidence

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124:770-781 775

775 DOI: 10.1309/XMB9K0J41LHLATAY 775

interval of the cell count) or clinically (slightly different ❚Table 3❚

nomenclature without clinical relevance). We therefore reana- Identification of the Presence of Abnormal Findings on a
Blood Smear*
lyzed the data and omitted these cases. The results of the
reanalysis are given in ❚Table 8❚. Sensitivities for the various CellaVision DM96
abnormalities now were between 95% and 100%; specificities Manual Microscopy Positive Negative
varied between 88% and 97%.
>3% Promyelocytes, myelocytes, and/or metamyelocytes
Positive 21 2
Timing Studies on Fully Manual Differentials Negative 12 61
An important issue in the evaluation of a new technology Blasts
Positive 12 2
is its cost-effectiveness. For an instrument like the CellaVision Negative 7 75
DM96, a major determinant of cost-effectiveness is the Other unusual WBCs, eg, promonocytes, plasma cells,
amount of time it takes for a technologist to perform a manu-

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Positive 1 3
al differential. To compare the time needed to perform fully Negative 6 86
manual differentials on the CellaVision DM96 with direct Nucleated RBCs
Positive 9 5
microscopy, 10 slides that required a full manual differential Negative 15 67
(as opposed to a review of the slide and release of the automat- * Based on the analysis of 96 blood smears. Data are given as the number of blood
ed differential from the cell counter) were analyzed by 6 tech- smears positive or negative by the respective method.
nologists with a microscope and with the CellaVision DM96.
It took the technologists, on average, 1.3 minutes longer
per manual differential when they were using the CellaVision time, these 2 reviewers had received more extensive training in
DM96 than when using the standard microscopic method (P < the use of the CellaVision DM96 than the technologists partici-
.01) ❚Table 9❚. pating in the timing study involving only manual differentials.
All slides used for workflow timing were prepared with the
Standard Workflow Timing Studies Miniprep blood smearing instrument.
The timing studies using fully manual differentials do not As shown in ❚Table 10❚, there was no significant differ-
adequately reflect the usual workload of the differential work- ence in the average time per slide for the very experienced
station of a clinical hematology laboratory. At our institution, technologist. The technician with no special expertise in WBC
only approximately 50% of specimens that are flagged by the differentials, in contrast, was 25% faster using the CellaVision
automated cell counter and have a slide prepared require a full DM96 than using the manual method. The average time per
manual differential. The other 50% of the slides are reviewed slide for the first 77 slides that the technician analyzed with
(scanned) by the technologist, and the WBC differential results the CellaVision DM96 was 3.1 minutes; for the last 83 slides,
of the automated cell counter are released, without need for a her average time per slide using the CellaVision DM96 was
full manual differential. To capture this aspect of the normal lab- 2.8 minutes. The reviewers thought that in all 236 cases, the
oratory workflow, 2 technologists (J.E.C. and G.H.B.) were images presented by the CellaVision DM96 for the WBC dif-
timed on randomly selected slides. These slides consisted of ferential were adequate.
cases that required a full manual differential and of scanned
slides that were reviewed only by the technologist. The 2 tech-
nologists selected for this study were a senior technologist with
a special interest in manual differentials who is the designated
trainer for the differential workstation for new employees and The CellaVision DM96 is an automated digital image
an employee who had joined the laboratory more recently and analysis system. Routinely prepared peripheral blood smears
who had no special expertise in manual differentials. By this are scanned at low power, WBCs are identified, and digital

❚Table 4❚
Clinical Performance of the CellaVision DM96 Compared With Direct Microscopy as the Reference Method, Including All
Discrepant Cases

Cells Identified on a Slide Specificity (%) Sensitivity (%) False-Positive (%) False-Negative (%)

>3% Promyelocytes, myelocytes, 84 91 16 9

and/or metamyelocytes
Blasts 91 86 9 14
Other unusual WBCs 93 25 7 75
Nucleated RBCs 82 64 18 36

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❚Table 5❚
Rereview of Cases With Positive Findings by the CellaVision DM96 and Negative Findings by Direct Microscopy (False-Positives
on the CellaVision DM96)*

Case No. Resolution Category

Presence of immature myeloid cells (>3% promyelocytes, myelocytes, and/or metamyelocytes) on CellaVision DM96 differential and
not on manual differential
004 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
016 4% immature myeloid cells present on CellaVision differential; 2% immature myeloid cells present on microscopic 1
019 Original review and rereview of CellaVision images showed presence of 17% immature myeloid cells; original 4
microscopic review and first rereview showed no immature myeloid cells; third microscopic differential based
on 200 cells showed 6.5% immature myeloid cells
039 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
056 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3

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071 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
076 Original review and rereview of CellaVision images showed presence of 4% immature myeloid cells; original 1
microscopic review showed 0% immature myeloid cells; microscopic rereview of the slide showed 2%
immature myeloid cells
098 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
104 Original review and rereview of CellaVision images showed presence of 13% immature myeloid cells; original 4
microscopic review and first rereview showed no immature myeloid cells; third microscopic differential showed
8% immature myeloid cells
118 Cells classified as promyelocytes by CellaVision classified as “Others, immature myeloid cells” on the microscopic 2
119 Original review and rereview of CellaVision images showed presence of 4% immature myeloid cells; original 1
microscopic review and rereview showed no immature myeloid cells
120 Original review and rereview of CellaVision images showed presence of 8% immature myeloid cells; original 4
microscopic review and first rereview showed no immature myeloid cells; third microscopic differential based
on 300 cells showed 2.3% immature myeloid cells
Presence of blasts on CellaVision DM96 differential and not on manual differential
013 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
047 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
051 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
070 Original review and rereview of CellaVision images showed presence of 1% blasts; microscopic review and 1
rereview showed no blasts
083 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
090 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
108 Blasts had been classified as “Other, immature myeloid cells” on manual differential 2
Presence of unusual cells on CellaVision DM96 differential and not on manual differential
046 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
085 Original review and rereview of CellaVision DM96 images showed presence of 1% plasma cells; microscopic 1
review and rereview showed no plasma cells
094 Original review and rereview of CellaVision images showed 1% prolymphocytes; microscopic review and rereview 1
showed no prolymphocytes
101 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
109 Cells classified as “Other, immature myeloid cells” on CellaVision classified as blasts on microscopic review 2
110 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
Presence of nucleated RBCs (nRBCs) on CellaVision DM96 differential and not on manual differential
019 1 nRBC/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
027 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
033 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
051 2 nRBCs/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
052 4 nRBCs/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
062 1 nRBC/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
065 1 nRBC/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
072 1 nRBC/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
078 1 nRBC/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
083 3 nRBCs/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
098 2 nRBCs/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
099 4 nRBCs/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
104 1 nRBC/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
118 1 nRBC/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
120 2 nRBCs/100 WBCs on CellaVision; no nRBCs on manual differential 1
* Category 1, the discrepancy could be explained by random variation (ie, results of both methods were within the 95% confidence interval of the number of cells counted);
category 2, cases with essentially identical diagnoses (eg, the technologist used the expression “blasts” with one method and language such as “other cells; immature myeloid
cells, query blasts” with the other); category 3, rereview of the digital images obtained by the CellaVision indicated a misclassification by the technologist of cells shown on the
images; category 4, an abnormality identified by one method was not identified with the other and the discrepancy could not be explained by random variation within the 95%
confidence interval, differences in nomenclature, or misclassification of cells on digital images. Analysis was performed twice for all cases listed (once as part of the original
analysis and then as rereview of cases with discrepant findings between direct microscopy and the CellaVision). As described in the “Results” section, a third microscopic
review then was performed on cases 019, 104, and 120 to resolve the remaining discrepancy.

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124:770-781 777

777 DOI: 10.1309/XMB9K0J41LHLATAY 777

❚Table 6❚
Rereview of Cases With Negative Findings by the CellaVision DM96 and Positive Findings by Direct Microscopy (False-Negatives
on the CellaVision DM96)*

Case No. Resolution Category

Presence of immature myeloid cells (>3% promyelocytes, myelocytes, and/or metamyelocytes) on microscopic differential and
not on CellaVision DM96 differential
046 3% immature myeloid cells present on CellaVision; 4% immature myeloid cells present on microscopic 1
052 Misclassification of CellaVision images by technologist 3
Presence of blasts on microscopic differential and not on CellaVision DM96 differential
052 No blasts seen on CellaVision; 2% blasts seen on microscopic differential 1
109 Blasts classified as “Others (immature myeloid cells)” on microscopic differential 2
Presence of unusual cells on microscopic differential and not on CellaVision DM96 differential
089 “Others (immature myeloid cells)” called blasts on the CellaVision 2

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090 Review and rereview of CellaVision differential showed no unusual cells; 1% prolymphocytes seen on 1
microscopic differential
108 “Others (immature myeloid cells)” called blasts on the CellaVision 2
Presence of nucleated RBCs (nRBCs) on microscopic differential but not on CellaVision DM96 differential
094 No nRBCs seen on CellaVision, 1 nRBC/100 WBCs seen on microscopic differential 1
095 No nRBCs seen on CellaVision, 1 nRBC/100 WBCs seen on microscopic differential 1
106 No nRBCs seen on CellaVision, 2 nRBCs/100 WBCs seen on microscopic differential 1
109 No nRBCs seen on CellaVision, 1 nRBC/100 WBCs seen on microscopic differential 1
112 No nRBCs seen on CellaVision, 1 nRBC/100 WBCs seen on microscopic differential 1
* See Table 5 for an explanation of the categories.

images of these cells are taken at high magnification. An ❚Table 7❚

Summary of Rereview of Cases With Differing Results on
artificial neural network analyzes the pictures and preclassi- Manual Microscopy vs CellaVision DM96*
fies them according to WBC class. Preclassified WBCs are
presented to a reviewer for confirmation or reclassification Category

(Figure 1). 1 2 3 4
We compared the clinical performance of this system
CellaVision false-positive cases
with the standard direct microscopic method. In 11 (9.2%) of Immature myeloid cells 3 1 5 3
120 cases, the technologists thought the cells presented by the Blasts 1 1 5 0
Unusual cells 2 1 3 0
CellaVision DM96 were inadequate for a reliable WBC differ- Nucleated RBCs 13 0 2 0
ential. Such a high rejection rate would seriously interfere CellaVision false-negative cases
with the ability of a clinical laboratory to report differentials Immature myeloid cells 1 0 1 0
Blasts 1 1 0 0
in a timely manner; however, 10 of these 11 cases had been Unusual cells 1 2 0 0
prepared with the manual push-pull method with a spreader Nucleated RBCs 5 0 0 0
slide; only 1 of the cases had been prepared with a semiauto- * Data are given as number of cases. See Table 5 for an explanation of the categories.
mated slide maker. In the standard workflow timing studies,
the technologists were asked to use the CellaVision DM96 to
review 236 slides prepared with the semiautomated method. decreases the number of cases with inadequate digital images
They thought that for all cases the images presented for the presented by the CellaVision DM96 and allows the perfor-
WBC differential were adequate. This indicates that the use of mance of the overwhelming majority of manual differentials
an automated or semiautomated slide maker significantly using the CellaVision DM96.

❚Table 8❚
Clinical Performance of the CellaVision DM96 Compared With Direct Microscopy as the Reference Method, Excluding
Discrepancies Due to Statistically Insignificant Variations (Within the 95% Confidence Interval of the Cell Count) and
to Clinically Insignificant Variations in Nomenclature

Cells Identified on a Slide Specificity (%) Sensitivity (%) False-Positive (%) False-Negative (%)

>3% Promyelocytes, myelocytes, 88 95 12 5

and/or metamyelocytes
Blasts 94 100 6 0
Other unusual WBCs 97 100 3 0
Nucleated RBCs 97 100 3 0

778 Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124:770-781 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

778 DOI: 10.1309/XMB9K0J41LHLATAY
Hematopathology / ORIGINAL ARTICLE

❚Table 9❚ The CellaVision DM96 presents preclassified WBCs to a

Average Time per Slide for 6 Technologists Performing 10 reviewer for approval or reclassification. We found that the
Fully Manual Differential Counts With the Microscope or the
CellaVision DM96* instrument overall correctly preclassified 82% of all cells.
Preclassification of WBCs was most accurate for segmented
Technologist Microscope CellaVision neutrophils (92.5% correctly classified), lymphocytes (96.4%),
A 3.6 4.5 and monocytes (81.4%); it was less reproducible for basophils
B 4.5 5.0 (80.0%) and for eosinophils (63.2%) (Table 2). A study based
C 4.7 5.8
D 4.9 6.6 on images of WBCs sent to 2,400 laboratories in surveys of
E 5.9 7.5 the College of American Pathologists and classified by human
F 7.2 9.0
Average for all technologists 5.1 6.4
observers was published in 197712; 99% of segmented neu-
trophils, 96% of lymphocytes, 87% of monocytes, 95% of
* Times are given in minutes.
basophils, and 96% of eosinophils were identified correctly by

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the participants. This indicates that the ability of the CellaVision
DM96 to preclassify segmented neutrophils, lymphocytes,
It is possible that in laboratories that decide to maintain the and monocytes is similar to that of the human observer,
manual push-pull method for slide preparation, feedback provid- whereas improvements to the neural network are needed for
ed to technologists will improve the quality of smear preparation. eosinophils and basophils.
The importance of the enforcement of rigorous quality standards After the WBCs presented by the instrument are reclassi-
for slide preparation was recently stressed by Sandhaus and fied or confirmed by the user, final results are released. We
coworkers.11 Among cases with an appropriate smear quality, the compared the final results obtained with digital image analy-
ability of the CellaVision DM96 to find a sufficient number of sis to differentials from direct microscopy. The correlation
WBCs suitable for a reliable differential was at least equivalent if coefficients for differential counts for the WBC classes found
not better than the direct microscopic method (Figure 2). in blood samples with a qualitatively normal differential were
The number of cases in which the instrument provided between 0.67 and 0.96 (Figure 3). Koepke and colleagues13
images inadequate for RBC and platelet analysis was high evaluated the performance of differential WBC counting by
(23%) and did not improve with the use of a semiautomated 73 technologists and technicians in 5 different laboratories in
slide maker. By using the microscope, the reviewers were able a large medical center by comparing them with differentials
to find areas appropriate for the evaluation of RBC and platelet performed by referees. Correlation coefficients were lowest
morphologic features on 100% of these slides. It is possible for basophils (0.32) and monocytes (0.41) and highest for
that the percentage of slides with inadequate RBC areas pre- lymphocytes (0.73), eosinophils (0.83), and segmented neu-
sented by the CellaVision DM96 can be decreased by better trophils (0.87). The correlation coefficients for the cell counts
slide preparation, better training of technologists in the use of from the CellaVision DM96 compare quite favorably with
the CellaVision DM96 for this purpose, and/or adjustments in these results. Correlation for the various cell classes with the
the CellaVision DM96. Otherwise, laboratories using the direct microscopic differential also was very similar to the
CellaVision DM96 may have to decide not to provide informa- findings reported by Swolin and colleagues6 for the
tion on RBC and platelet morphologic features as part of their DiffMaster Octavia, the predecessor of the CellaVision
standard manual differentials, unless there is reason to suspect DM96. The low correlation for band forms might be due to the
an RBC or a platelet abnormality (ie, an RBC- or a platelet- known high variability in band counts.14
specific flag from the automated cell counter). Such a develop- There was a significant percentage of cases that were
ment would be in line with the fact that already, neither RBC false-positive or false-negative for clinically significant abnor-
nor platelet morphologic features are reviewed microscopical- malities on the CellaVision DM96 compared with the results
ly for differential samples that are reported without preparation of direct microscopy. Similar findings were reported by
of a slide directly from the automated cell counter. Koepke and coworkers,13 who found that the sensitivity of

❚Table 10❚
Average Time per Slide Using the Standard Workload of the Differential Workstation (Approximately 50% Fully Manual
Differential Counts and 50% Scanned Slides With Release of the Automated Differential Count)

Staff Member/No. of Slides Microscope CellaVision DM96

Very experienced technologist with special expertise in WBC differentials (n = 76) 1.4 1.5
Technician with no special expertise in WBC differentials (n = 160) 4.1 3.0

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124:770-781 779

779 DOI: 10.1309/XMB9K0J41LHLATAY 779

slide review by technologists ranged from 34% to 100%, To evaluate the impact of the CellaVision DM96 on labor
depending on the abnormality. Review of the discrepant cases costs, we performed 2 studies. First, we timed 6 technologists
in our study showed that the majority of discrepant cases were performing 10 fully manual differentials with the microscope
due to variation that was not statistically significant (within and with the CellaVision DM96. It took the technologists, on
the 95% confidence interval of the number of cells on which average, 5.1 minutes per slide to perform a manual differential;
the differential was based) or to clinically insignificant varia- the time required with the CellaVision DM96 was longer, 6.4
tions in nomenclature (eg, blasts vs other cells, query blasts). minutes. The limitations of this study are that the technologists
When we corrected for these statistically or clinically insignif- had years of experience in performing differentials with a
icant discrepancies, the sensitivity of the CellaVision DM96 microscope; in contrast, the CellaVision DM96 was new to
was between 95% and 100% and the specificity between 88% them, and they lacked any prolonged experience on this instru-
and 97%, depending on the abnormality. ment. It therefore is possible that with increased exposure to the
The remaining discrepancies were mostly (16/19 dis- CellaVision DM96, the average time per manual differential

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crepant cases) due to misidentification of cells on digital would have decreased. The second limitation of this study was
images by the technologists. In the remaining 3 discrepant that it addressed only fully manual differentials; the usual work-
cases, cells that were clearly present on the digital images flow at the differential workstation in our laboratory consists of
obtained with the CellaVision DM96 had not been reported on approximately 50% manual differentials and 50% slides that
direct microscopy. A rereview of these slides by experienced only need to be reviewed for release of the differential results
reviewers at first did not allow the visualization of these cells from the automated cell counter (scanned slides). It is possible
with the microscope. When an additional microscopic differ- that the major labor saving that can be derived from the
ential based on up to 300 cells was performed on these slides, CellaVision DM96 will be from these scanned slides, for which
the immature myeloid cells seen with the CellaVision DM96 the technologist is conveniently presented with a large number
were seen with the microscope. Therefore, these discrepant of WBCs on a computer screen that can be reviewed quickly for
cases were most likely due to random variation outside the the presence of any abnormality, with subsequent release of the
95% confidence interval of a 100-cell differential count. differential results from the automated cell counter.
As described in the preceding paragraphs, when we found To address these possibilities, we performed a second tim-
discrepancies between the findings with direct microscopy ing study, in which 2 employees were trained more extensively
and with the CellaVision DM96, we rereviewed the digital in the use of the CellaVision DM96. They were asked to result
images provided by the CellaVision DM96 and determined randomly selected cases with the microscope and to process the
that in a number of cases, the initial reviewers had misidenti- same cases with the CellaVision DM96. These cases consisted
fied cells. This episode underlines a strength of digital image of both fully manual differentials and of slides that required
analysis compared with direct microscopy: we were able to do only a scan. As shown in Table 10, it took a very experienced
quality control on a cell-by-cell basis, identify errors, correct technologist approximately the same time per slide to result dif-
them, and perform corrective action by educating the technol- ferentials from the CellaVision DM96 (1.5 minutes per slide) as
ogists who had made the misidentification. Such interventions from the microscope (1.4 minutes per slide). However, a less
are much more difficult or impossible using direct experienced employee was faster using the CellaVision DM96
microscopy. Even after correction for misclassified cells, there (3.0 minutes per case) than using the microscope (4.1 minutes
were more positive findings on the CellaVision DM96 than on per case), indicating that after training on the CellaVision
direct microscopy. Most of these false-positive findings DM96 and with a caseload similar to the normal workflow in
involved very small populations of cells (<5%). Since the the laboratory, an average technologist is likely to be more pro-
presence of abnormal WBCs will only be recognized with ductive using the CellaVision DM96 than using the microscope.
greater than 95% certainty in a 100-cell differential if the per- The possibility of a learning curve was also indicated by the fact
centage of the abnormal cell population is at least 5%, random that the less experienced employee was 10% faster using the
variation is the most likely explanation for these “false posi- CellaVision DM96 when analyzing the second half of her
tives.”15 Another possibility is that some cells were misclassi- assigned slides than when analyzing the first half.
fied or missed on direct microscopy. Finally, it is very plausi- The cost-effectiveness of the CellaVision DM96 will be
ble that some of the positive findings identified with the determined by a variety of factors. Our data indicate that the
CellaVision DM96 and not reported on direct microscopy instrument may allow some labor savings by decreasing the
were due to the fact that it is not possible for the technologist time for technologists trained in the use of the instrument to
to “skip” cells on the CellaVision DM96. Every cell has to be release a differential. Increased efficiencies also could be
classified (and this classification remains subject to rereview), achieved by centralizing the expertise for morphologic diag-
leading to a higher likelihood of reporting rare or unusual cells nosis and by making it less time-consuming to obtain confir-
when using the CellaVision DM96. mation of abnormal findings by referees. These cost savings

780 Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124:770-781 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

780 DOI: 10.1309/XMB9K0J41LHLATAY
Hematopathology / ORIGINAL ARTICLE

might be offset partly by the costs of the instrument, its asso- * Ms. Casey received an honorarium from Sysmex for a

ciated software, and necessary updates in information systems scientific presentation.

infrastructure. Our prediction is that the CellaVision DM96 Acknowledgments: We thank Amy O’Carroll, Nancy Zhang,
will be cost-effective in high-volume laboratories, where and Barbara Pereira for participating in the timing study; Svetal
Patel, Hemali Patel, and the other staff members of the
small gains in the time spent per differential can translate into Massachusetts General Hospital Clinical Hematology Laboratory
major labor savings. It also may lead to significant labor sav- for their help and advice. We also acknowledge Lisa Palm, Pat
ings in small laboratories that presently have to maintain LaMothe, and other staff members of CellaVision AB, and Debora
expertise in microscopy and that would be able to rely on Low, Sysmex America, for help in data collection and analysis.
experts in remote locations by using the CellaVision DM96.
Our study did not address a number of advantages of the
CellaVision DM96 that do not lend themselves easily to quan-
titation. Use of the CellaVision DM96 will allow laboratories 1. Ehrlich P. Histologie und Klinik des Blutes. Berlin, Germany:

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August Hirschwald; 1891.
to store and easily access digital images of WBCs from previ-
2. Tatsumi N, Pierre RV. Automated image processing: past,
ous differentials, allowing comparison of present findings present, and future of blood cell morphology identification.
with historic data for a patient. The ability to determine on a Clin Lab Med. 2002;22:299-315, viii.
cell-by-cell basis how a technologist classified a cell should 3. Simson E, Groner W. The state of the art for the automated
make training, competency assessment, quality control, and WBC differential. Lab Hematol. 1995;1:13-22.
corrective action easier and more effective. Digital images of 4. Riley RS, Ben-Ezra JM, Massey D, et al. The virtual blood
film. Clin Lab Med. 2002;22:317-345.
cells can be reviewed remotely, allowing the concentration of
5. Beksac M, Beksac MS, Tipi VB, et al. An artificial intelligent
expertise in one location (which can be as close as in a differ- diagnostic system on differential recognition of hematopoietic
ent room or building of the same medical center or thousands cells from microscopic images. Cytometry. 1997;30:145-150.
of miles away) and easy consultation with experts in the field. 6. Swolin B, Simonsson P, Backman S, et al. Differential
These developments should improve patient care in ways that counting of blood leukocytes using automated microscopy and
a decision support system based on artificial neural networks:
are difficult to quantify but no less important. Clinicians, who evaluation of DiffMaster Octavia. Clin Lab Haematol.
may like to review their patients’ blood smears, could do so 2003;25:139-147.
more easily from their own computer workstations, without 7. Brown BA. Routine hematology procedures. In: Hematology:
the burden of preparing additional blood smears and the Principles and Procedures. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott;
repeated search for rare diagnostic abnormalities. Further
8. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.
studies in a setting in which the CellaVision DM96 is in clin-
Reference leukocyte differential count (proportional) and
ical use will be necessary to explore such impacts of this new evaluation of instrumental methods; Approved document
technology. Such studies also will allow determination of H20-A. Villanova, PA: NCCLS; 1992.
intraobserver and interobserver variability in WBC differen- 9. Bain BJ. Performing a blood count. In: Blood Cells. A Practical
tials performed by technologists and pathologists. Guide. 3rd ed. Oxford, England: Blackwell Science; 2002:16-51.
10. Rumke CL. Imprecision of ratio-derived differential leukocyte
Automated analysis of slides is already in daily clinical use
counts. Blood Cells. 1985;11:311-314, 315.
in cervical cytology, providing significant savings in labor costs
11. Sandhaus L, Dillman CA, Clement R, et al. Errors in the
and more reproducible clinical results.16,17 This precedent shows hematology laboratory: why do they occur and what can we do
that such systems can have an important role in a modern clini- to reduce them? Lab Hematol. 2004;10:197-199.
cal laboratory. Our evaluation of the CellaVision DM96, a new 12. Koepke JA. A delineation of performance criteria for the
automated digital image analysis system for the clinical hema- differentiation of leukocytes. Am J Clin Pathol. 1977;68:202-
tology laboratory, showed it to have performance at least equal
13. Koepke JA, Dotson MA, Shifman MA. A critical evaluation
to that of direct clinical microscopy. Further studies in a live clin- of the manual/visual differential leukocyte counting method.
ical setting will be needed to determine the impact of this instru- Blood Cells. 1985;11:173-186.
ment on the workflow in the clinical laboratory, on cost, on the 14. Cornbleet PJ. Clinical utility of the band count. Clin Lab Med.
overall quality of differential results and clinical care, and on the 2002;22:101-136.
education of laboratory employees and clinicians. 15. Rumke CL. Statistical reflections on finding atypical cells.
Blood Cells. 1985;11:141-144.
16. Parker EM, Foti JA, Wilbur DC. FocalPoint slide classification
From the 1Department of Pathology, Division of Laboratory
algorithms show robust performance in classification of high-
Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and 2Harvard Medical grade lesions on SurePath liquid-based cervical cytology slides.
School, Boston; and 3CellaVision AB, Ideon Research Park, Lund, Diagn Cytopathol. 2004;30:107-110.
17. Wilbur DC, Prey MU, Miller WM, et al. AutoPap system
Address reprint requests to Dr Kratz: Clinical Hematology detection of infections and benign cellular changes: results
Laboratory, Division of Laboratory Medicine, Massachusetts from primary screener clinical trials. Diagn Cytopathol.
General Hospital, 55 Fruit St, GRJ 235, Boston, MA 02114. 1999;21:355-358.

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124:770-781 781

781 DOI: 10.1309/XMB9K0J41LHLATAY 781

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