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As the Philippines’ antitrust authority, the PCC is mandated to

exercise the following powers and functions, among others:
In this microsite, the Philippine Competition Commission
(PCC) has assembled information that would better equip law (a) Conduct inquiry, investigate, and hear and decide on cases
graduates or bar examinees with the knowledge of Republic involving any violation of this Act and other existing
Act No. 10667, or the Philippine Competition Act (PCA), and competition laws:
help prepare them for the Bar examinations. As such, the
information is organized using the outline contained in
a. motu proprio
Supreme Court Bar Bulletin No. 7, series 2020.
b. upon receipt of a verified complaint from an
interested party
c. upon referral by the concerned regulatory agency,
SCOPE AND APPLICATION OF THE and institute the appropriate civil or criminal

WHAT IS THE PHILIPPINE COMPETITION ACT? (b) Review proposed mergers and acquisitions, determine
thresholds for notification, determine the requirements and
procedures for notification, and upon exercise of its powers to
The PCA is the primary law in the Philippines enacted to review, prohibit mergers and acquisitions that will
promote and protect market competition. The law defines, substantially prevent, restrict, or lessen competition in the
prohibits, and penalizes anti-competitive practices, with the relevant market;
aim of enhancing economic efficiency and promoting free and
fair competition in trade, industry, and all commercial
economic activities. Its key prohibitions include entering into (c) Monitor and undertake consultation with stakeholders and
anti-competitive agreements, abusing a dominant market affected agencies for the purpose of understanding market
position, and forming anti-competitive mergers and behavior;
acquisitions (M&As).
(d) Upon finding, based on substantial evidence, that an entity
For the declaration of policy, see PCA Chapter 1, Section has entered into an anti-competitive agreement or has abused
2. For the definition of terms used in the law, see Section 4 its dominant position after due notice and hearing, stop or
redress the same, by applying remedies, such as, but not
limited to, issuance of injunctions, requirement of divestment,
and disgorgement of excess profits under such reasonable
parameters that shall be prescribed by the rules and regulations
WHO AND WHAT ARE COVERED BY THE implementing this Act;
(e) Conduct administrative proceedings, impose sanctions,
The PCA covers any person or entity engaged in trade, fines or penalties for any noncompliance with or breach of this
industry, and commerce in the Philippines. The law also Act and its implementing rules and regulations (IRR) and
applies to international trade that may impact trade, industry, punish for contempt;
and commerce in the country. The law, however, does not
apply to collective bargaining agreements or arrangements (f) Issue subpoena duces tecum and subpoena ad
between workers and employers and activities to facilitate testificandum to require the production of books, records, or
collective bargaining agreements in respect of conditions of other documents or data which relate to any matter relevant to
employment. the investigation and personal appearance before the
Commission, summon witnesses, administer oaths, and issue
For more information, see PCA Chapter 1, Section interim orders such as show cause orders and cease and desist
3 and Chapter 8, Section 48 orders after due notice and hearing in accordance with the
rules and regulations implementing this Act;
(g) Upon order of the court, undertake inspections of business
PHILIPPINE COMPETITION COMMISSION premises and other offices, land and vehicles, as used by the
entity, where it reasonably suspects that relevant books, tax
WHAT IS THE PHILIPPINE COMPETITION records, or other documents which relate to any matter
COMMISSION (PCC)? relevant to the investigation are kept, in order to prevent the
removal, concealment, tampering with, or destruction of the
The PCC is an independent quasi-judicial government agency books, records, or other documents;
mandated to implement the national competition policy and
enforce the PCA. It has original and primary jurisdiction over (h) Issue adjustment or divestiture orders including orders for
the enforcement and implementation of the PCA and its IRR. corporate reorganization or divestment in the manner and
under such terms and conditions as may be prescribed in the
The OFC under the Department of Justice (DOJ-OFC) shall rules and regulations implementing this Act. Adjustment or
only conduct preliminary investigation and undertake divestiture orders, which are structural remedies, should only
prosecution of all criminal offenses arising under the PCA and be imposed:
other competition-related laws.
(1) Where there is no equally effective behavioral remedy; or
For more information, see PCA Chapter 2, Sections 5 &
13 and Chapter 7, Section 31 (2) Where any equally effective behavioral remedy would be
more burdensome for the enterprise concerned than the
structural remedy. Changes to the structure of an enterprise as
it existed before the infringement was committed would only
be proportionate to the substantial risk of a lasting or repeated Anti-competitive agreements include agreements between or
infringement that derives from the very structure of the among competitors that substantially prevent, restrict or lessen
enterprise; competition. Such agreements may be in the form of a
contract, arrangement, understanding, collective
(i) Deputize any and all enforcement agencies of the recommendation, or concerted action, whether formal or
government or enlist the aid and support of any private informal, explicit or tacit, written or oral.
institution, corporation, entity or association, in the
implementation of its powers and functions; Also known as cartels, anti-competitive agreements between
or among competitors involve collusive conduct to fix prices,
(j) Monitor compliance by the person or entities concerned rig bids, limit output, or allocate the market.
with the cease and desist order or consent judgment;
Under the PCA, there are anti-competitive agreements that
(k) Issue advisory opinions and guidelines on competition are per se prohibited (Section 14[a]) and there are agreements
matters for the effective enforcement of this Act and submit that are prohibited for having an anti-competitive object or
annual and special reports to Congress, including proposed effect (Section 14[b] and [c]).
legislation for the regulation of commerce, trade, or industry;
For more information, see PCA Chapter 3, Section 14
(l) Monitor and analyze the practice of competition in markets
that affect the Philippine economy; implement and oversee
measures to promote transparency and accountability; and
ensure that prohibitions and requirements of competition laws WHAT ARE PER SE VIOLATIONS?
are adhered to;
These anti-competitive agreements that are inherently illegal
(m) Conduct, publish, and disseminate studies and reports on and require no further inquiry into their actual effect on the
anti-competitive conduct and agreements to inform and guide market or the intentions of the parties who engaged in the
the industry and consumers; illegal act or agreement. The Philippine Competition Act
classifies price fixing and bid rigging as per se violations.
(n) Intervene or participate in administrative and regulatory
proceedings requiring consideration of the provisions of this See PCA Chapter 3, Section 14 (a)
Act that are initiated by government agencies such as the
Securities and Exchange Commission, the Energy Regulatory
Commission and the National Telecommunications
(o) Assist the National Economic and Development Authority,
in consultation with relevant agencies and sectors, in the Price fixing involves restricting competition as to price, or
preparation and formulation of a national competition policy; components thereof, or other terms of trade. This happens
when competitors agree on the price of goods or services,
(p) Act as the official representative of the Philippine rather than independently setting their respective prices.
government in international competition matters;
Illustrative case:
(q) Promote capacity building and the sharing of best practices
with other competition-related bodies; In 2007, the European Commission fined three Dutch brewers
for price-fixing of beer in the Netherlands. Heineken, Grolsch,
(r) Advocate pro-competitive policies of the government by: and Bavaria paid a total of 273.7 million Euros while a fourth
brewer, InBev, did not receive a fine as it participated in the
Commission’s leniency program.
(1) Reviewing economic and administrative regulations, motu
proprio or upon request, as to whether or not they adversely
affect relevant market competition, and advising the concerned The Commission found that between 1996 and 1999 at least,
agencies against such regulations; and the four brewers held numerous unofficial meetings, during
which they coordinated prices and price increases of beer in
the Netherlands. Evidence adduced, including handwritten
(2) Advising the Executive Branch on the competitive
notes, confirmed the dates and places of these unofficial
implications of government actions, policies and programs;
meetings. The companies were determined to have
coordinated prices for both “on-trade” (consumption on the
premises, such as bars and pubs) and “off-trade” (sale through
(s) Charging reasonable fees to defray the administrative cost supermarkets and the like) segments of the beer market in the
of the services rendered. Netherlands. They also coordinated occasionally on non-
pricing aspects, such as conditions offered to individual
While it has original and primary jurisdiction in the customers in the on-trade segment. The Commission further
enforcement and regulation of all competition-related issues, found evidence that the brewers were aware that their actions
the PCC works with relevant sector regulators on matters were illegal, as they tried to conceal their activity through the
where their expertise and knowledge on the sector are critical. use of code names and hotels/restaurants as venues for their
For more information, see PCA Chapter 2, Section
12 and Chapter 7, Section 32 For more information, see Case COMP/B/37.766 — Dutch
beer market


Bid-rigging involves fixing prices at an auction or any form of
bidding, including cover bidding, bid suppression, bid
rotation, and market allocation, among others. Bid-rigging MARKET SHARING
usually occurs when parties participating in a tender
coordinate their bids rather than submit independent proposals.
Market sharing is a collusive agreement by two or more
competitors which divides or allocates the market. Market
Illustrative case: sharing not only includes territories, but also customers,
volume of sales or purchases, and type of goods or services,
In 2013, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice fined a Japanese among other considerations.
automobile parts company CAD5 million for conspiring with
other suppliers to rig the bids for the supply of parts to the Illustrative case:
2001 and 2006 Honda Civic models fabricated in Canada.
Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., a supplier of electrical boxes (i.e.,
fuse boxes, relay boxes, and junction blocks) used in motor In 2011, two pharmaceutical companies admitted to dividing
vehicles, was among the pre-qualified suppliers of Honda the market between them in providing prescription medicines
Canada. When Honda called for supplier quotes, Furukawa to care homes in England. From May to November 2011,
coordinated with its Japan-based competitors regarding their Tomms Pharmacy, a trading company under the subsidiaries
price quotations or bids. These meetings resulted in an of Hamsard 3149, and Lloyds Pharmacy Limited, agreed to
arrangement whereby Furukawa would earn the contract for distribute medical products in their pre-assigned markets only,
the tender. Consequently, Furukuwa was awarded the contract resulting in limited choices of prescription medicines for
to supply the automobile parts of the 2001 and 2006 models of consumers. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) found that the
the Honda Civic. From 2000 to 2005, the estimated sales arrangement breached the 1998 Competition Act of England.
amounted to CAD16.5 million. The Competition Bureau The OFT fined Hamsard the amount of GBP387,856;
learned of the international bid-rigging conspiracy through its however, under its Leniency Program, OFT granted 100
Leniency Program, where Furukawa offered to help the percent reduction to Lloyds for disclosing the agreement.
Bureau in the investigation of the case, which started in 2009. For more information, see Decision of the Office of Fair
For more information, see Canada’s Competition Bureau. Trading. Market sharing agreement and/or concerted practice
April 4, 2013. CAD 5 million Fine for a Japanese Supplier of in relation to the supply of prescription medicines to care
Motor Vehicle Components. Court File No. 13086 homes in England. March 20, 2014. Case CE/9627/12.

Not per se violations are other anti-competitive agreements
prohibited by the law which have the object or effect of Agreements not falling under Section 14(a) and 14(b) of the
substantially preventing, restricting, or lessening competition. PCA that have an anti-competitive object or effect, but
Since these agreements are not per se illegal, the PCC needs to nevertheless contribute to improving production or distribution
conduct inquiries to determine whether they restrict of goods or services within the relevant market, or promoting
competition and violate the PCA. technical and economic progress while allowing consumers a
fair share of the resulting benefit may not necessarily be
considered anti-competitive. (Note: This only applies to
See PCA Chapter 3, Section 14 (b) and (c) Section 14 (c) of the PCA).

SUPPLY RESTRICTION For more information, see PCA Chapter 2, Section 14


Supply restriction is an agreement by two or more competitors
which sets or limits production levels and create an artificial It is not illegal to have a dominant position in the market;
supply shortage, thereby raising prices. Similar forms of anti- however, it is illegal to abuse one’s dominance.
competitive agreements include restrictions in markets,
technical development, or investment.

Illustrative case:
In 2010, the Builders’ Association of India filed a complaint
against the Cement Manufacturers’ Association (CMA) and
the cement manufacturing companies involved for engaging in In determining the control of an entity, the Commission may
a cartel arrangement. Competitors were alleged to have consider the following:
discussed various confidential business information through
the CMA, such as prices and quantity of production, which led Control is presumed to exist when the parent owns directly or
to an agreement of controlling the supply of cement products indirectly, through subsidiaries, more than one half (1/2) of the
in the region. After investigation, ten cement manufacturing voting power of an entity, unless in exceptional circumstances,
companies were found guilty of artificially restricting their it can clearly be demonstrated that such ownership does not
output which led to price hikes of cement products across constitute control. Control also exists even when an entity
India. The Competition Commission of India found the parties owns one half (1/2) or less of the voting power of another
guilty of breaching the 2002 Competition Act of India and entity when:
imposed penalties amounting to INR63.17 billion.
For more information, see Competition Commission of India. (a) There is power over more than one half (1/2) of the voting
August 31, 2016. CCI imposes penalties upon cement rights by virtue of an agreement with investors;
companies for cartelization. Case No. 29/2010. (b) There is power to direct or govern the financial and
operating policies of the entity under a statute or agreement;
(c) There is power to appoint or remove the majority of the Examples of conduct constituting abuse of dominant position:
members of the board of directors or equivalent governing
body;  Selling goods or services below cost to drive
(d) There is power to cast the majority votes at meetings of the competition out of the market;
board of directors or equivalent governing body;  Imposing barriers to entry or committing acts that
(e) There exists ownership over or the right to use all or a prevent competitors from growing within the market;
significant part of the assets of the entity;  Making a transaction subject to acceptance by other
(f) There exist rights or contracts which confer decisive parties who have no connection to the transaction;
influence on the decisions of the entity
 Setting prices or other terms or conditions that
discriminate unreasonably between customers or
For more information, see PCA Chapter 4, Section 25 sellers of the same goods or services;
 Imposing restrictions on the lease or contract for sale
or trade of goods or services concerning where, to
whom, or in what form a good or service may be sold
DOMINANT IN THE MARKET?  Making supply of particular goods or services
dependent upon the purchase of other goods or
services from the supplier;
A dominant position refers to a position of economic strength
that an entity or entities hold which makes it capable of  Imposing unfairly low purchase prices for the goods
controlling the relevant market independently from any or a or services of marginalized service providers and
combination of the following: competitors, customers, producers, such as farmers, fisherfolk, and micro,
suppliers, or consumers. small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs);
 Imposing unfair purchase or selling price on
competitors, customers, suppliers or consumers; and
For more information, see PCA Chapter 1, Section 4
 Limiting production, markets or technical
development to the prejudice of consumers.
Dominance can exist either on the part of one firm (single
dominance) or of two or more firms (collective dominance). In
For more information, see PCA Chapter 3, Section 15
determining whether a business has a market dominant
position, the Commission will consider the following factors:

 The share of the entity in the relevant market and

whether it can fix prices on its own or restrict supply Illustrative case:
in the relevant market;
 The competitors’ shares in the relevant market; In a Statement of Objections filed in March 2019, the PCC
 Existence of barriers to entry and the elements which Enforcement Office charged Urban Deca Homes (UDH)
could change both the barriers and the supply from Manila Condominium Corporation and 8990 Holdings, Inc.
competitors; with abuse of dominance. This was due to UDH’s imposition
 Existence and power of competitors; of a sole internet service provider (ISP) on its residents,
 Credible threat of future expansion by competitors or preventing them from availing themselves of alternative fixed-
entry by potential competitors; line ISPs. The Enforcement Office, the PCC’s investigative
 Market exit of competitors; and prosecutorial arm, found that UDH’s exclusive partnership
 Bargaining strength of customers; with Itech Rar Solutions prevented the entry and access of
 Possibility of access by competitors or other other providers in UDH Manila. It also found that UDH
enterprises to its sources of inputs; Manila’s property manager blocked other ISPs from installing
 Power of its customers to switch to other goods or fixed-line internet on units and from marketing their services
services; to interested residents. The probe was triggered by numerous
complaints posted by unit owners and tenants of UDH Manila
 Recent market behavior;
in PCC’s Facebook account. The complainants claimed they
 Ownership, possession, or control of infrastructure
were prevented from getting other ISPs even if the in-house
which are not easily duplicated;
Fiber to Deca Homes service was slow, expensive, and
 Technological advantages or superiority, compared to unreliable.
other competitors; For more information, see PCC breaks condo-internet
 Access to capital markets or financial resources; exclusivity deal
 Economies of scale and scope;
 Vertical integration; and
 Existence of a highly developed distribution and sales
For more information, see PCA Chapter 1, Section 4(g); PCA
Chapter 5, Section 27; and PCA Implementing Rules and Any conduct which contributes to improving production or
Regulations, Rule 8 distribution of goods or services within the relevant market, or
promoting technical and economic progress while allowing
consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit may not
necessarily be considered an abuse of dominant position.
ABUSING ITS MARKET DOMINANCE? Additionally, the acquisition, maintenance, and increase of
market share does not violate the PCA if:
The PCA prohibits entities from abusing their dominant
position in the relevant market by engaging in conduct that  It is acquired through legitimate means, such as
would substantially prevent, restrict, or lessen competition. having superior skills, rendering superior service,
producing or distributing better-quality products,
having business acumen, and using and enjoying incentive to block entry or expansion of other players in the
intellectual property rights; and market. Also, other payment options (e.g., cash) limit the
 It does not substantially prevent, restrict, or lessen market power which Mynt may exercise. Alipay is owned by
competition in the market. Ant Financial Group, which provides a digital platform for
For more information, see PCA Chapter 3, Section 15 (a), (d), financial services. Mynt operates G-Xchange Inc., which
(e) and (i) handles the “G-cash,” a micropayment service making the
mobile phone into a virtual wallet; and Fuse Lending Inc,
PROHIBITED ACTS: ANTI-COMPETITIVE which is a tech-based lending company.
For more information, see Efficiency gains of digital finance
Anti-competitive mergers and acquisitions (M&As) refer to
transactions that substantially lessen, restrict, or prevent WHAT ARE THE THRESHOLDS FOR COMPULSORY
competition in the relevant market as determined by the PCC NOTIFICATION OF MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS?
in the exercise of its power to review such transactions.
Parties to a merger or acquisition agreement where the size of
See PCA Chapter 4, Section 20 transaction and size of person/party exceed the thresholds set
annually by the PCC are required to notify the Commission of
such agreement before consummating the transaction. The
annual adjustment of thresholds for compulsory notification is
based on the Philippine Statistics Authority’s official estimate
Illustrative case: of the nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of the previous
The PCC blocked the merger of two sugar millers in Southern
Luzon—Universal Robina Corporation (URC) and Central In September 2020, the values of the size-of-party and size-of-
Azucarera Don Pedro, Inc. (CADPI)-Roxas Holdings, Inc. transaction thresholds, which were then set at PHP 6 billion
(RHI). In a Commission decision issued in January 2019, the and PHP 2.4 billion, respectively, were further adjusted
PCC found that URC’s buyout of its only competitor in the pursuant to Republic Act No. 11494 or the Bayanihan to
sugarcane milling services market leads to a monopoly in Recover as One Act. Section 4(eee) of the said law exempts
Southern Luzon. The PCC’s Mergers and Acquisitions Office mergers or acquisitions from compulsory notification with
earlier raised competition concerns on URC’s proposed transaction values below PHP 50 billion if entered into within
acquisition of CADPI and RHI assets. In response, the two (2) years from the effectivity of the law on 15 September
merging parties submitted their proposed voluntary 2020. The said section was enacted as part of the
commitments, but failed to sufficiently address competition government’s economic recovery measures, and for the stated
concerns raised by PCC. URC’s sugar mill is in Balayan while purpose of “promoting business continuity and capacity
CADPI-RHI’s milling facilities are in Nasugbu. While both building.”
mill operators are in Batangas, the monopoly to be created by
the merger will substantially lessen competition in the sugar For more information, see PCA Chapter 4, Sections 17 and
milling services market not only in Batangas, but also in 19 (a); PCC Rules of Merger Procedure; PCC Memorandum
Cavite, Laguna, and Quezon. The PCC’s market investigation Circular No 18-001; and PCC Commission Resolution No. 02-
earlier showed that farmers stand to lose the benefits of 2020
competition due to the merger, especially in terms of planters’
cut in sharing agreements, sugar recovery rates, and
For more information, see Sugar milling merger-to-monopoly

Under the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the PCA

(IRR), the notifying entity/entities refer to the following
 The acquiring and acquired parties to the notifiable
M&A agreements which substantially prevent, restrict, or M&A and their ultimate parent entities.
lessen competition may be allowed if the parties are able to  In the formation of a joint venture (other than in
prove that (a) the concentration has brought about or is likely connection with a merger or consolidation), the
to bring about gains in efficiencies that are greater than the contributing entities shall be deemed acquiring
effects of any limitation on competition that result or are likely entities, and the joint venture shall be deemed the
to result from the merger or acquisition agreement; or (b) a acquired entity.
party is faced with actual or imminent financial failure and the
agreement represents the least anti-competitive arrangement See PCA Implementing Rules and Regulations, Rule 4,
among the known alternative uses of its assets. Section 2

For more information, see PCA Chapter 4, Sections 21-22

Illustrative case:
In 2017, Alipay Singapore Holding Pte. (Alipay) proposed to STILL REVIEW IT?
acquire Globe Fintech Innovations, Inc. (Mynt). After its
Phase 1 review, the PCC flagged a potential competition
The PCC has the authority to review or investigate, motu
concern in the non-bank electronic money market. However,
proprio or on its own initiative, any transaction that may result
following a Phase 2 review, Mynt was found to have no
in substantial lessening or restriction of competition in a For more information, see Voluntary Commitments by
market. Motu proprio means that, even without notification, merging flat glass manufacturers
the PCC may commence a review of the proposed transaction.

Additionally, an agreement consummated in violation of

compulsory notification requirement shall be considered void WHAT ARE THE EXCEPTIONS TO COMPULSORY
and subject the parties to an administrative fine of one percent NOTIFICATION?
(1%) to five percent (5%) of the value of the transaction.
Joint ventures of private entities formed for both solicited and
See PCA Chapter 2, Section 12 (a) and Chapter 4, Section 17 unsolicited public-private partnership (PPP) projects may be
exempted from compulsory notification. The PCC however
can modify or rescind, among others, the transaction value
threshold and other criteria subject to compulsory notification
and the exceptions or exemptions from the notification
Illustrative case: requirement.

In April 2018, the PCC began a motu proprio review of the For more information, see PCA Chapter 4, Section 19, PCC
acquisition by ride-hailing service provider Grab Holdings, Memorandum Circular No. 19-001and PCC Memorandum
Inc. (GHI) and MyTaxi.PH, Inc. (MTPH) of its competitor, Circular No. 20-002
Uber B.V. (UBV) and Uber Systems, Inc. (USI). The PCC’s
Mergers and Acquisitions Office issued a Statement of
Concerns (SOC) in May. The competition concerns flagged by
the SOC included price increases and service deterioration
arising from the merger of the country’s two biggest ride- Coverage of Compulsory Notification in Land Acquisition:
hailing apps. Amid the review, Grab offered to address the
competition concerns, which was the basis of the PCC’s A land acquisition not for the purpose of obtaining control by
subsequent decision clearing the merger subject to conditions. one (1) or more entities through contract or other means is not
subject to the compulsory notification requirement under the
For more information, see Merger of dominant ride-hailing PCA and its IRR. A land acquisition is not for the purpose of
firms obtaining control when the following requisites are present:
1. The acquiring entity will not obtain control over an
acquired entity as a result of the acquisition; or
2. The acquiring entity will not obtain control over a
WHAT IS THE RECOURSE IF A PROPOSED M&A IS part of an acquired entity as a result of the

If it finds that the M&A could substantially prevent, restrict, or (i) The land to be acquired does not contain improvements that
lessen competition in the market, the PCC can prohibit the constitute an operating segment as defined under Section 6
transaction or impose conditions before the transaction can be that will result in a horizontal or vertical relationship between
consummated. Alternatively, the merging parties can propose the Notifying Group of the acquiring and acquired entities;
voluntary commitments meant to curtail the anti-competitive and
effects of the transaction. If the Commission accepts these
commitments, then the transaction can proceed, on condition (ii) The land to be acquired does not contain improvements
that the PCC will monitor the parties post-merger to determine that may be considered as an essential facility, as defined
if they have complied with those commitments. under Section 7.

For more information, see PCA Chapter 4, Section For more information, see PCC Clarificatory Note No. 19-
18 and PCC Rules of Merger Procedure 001

Coverage of Compulsory Notification in Consolidation of

Illustrative case:

In 2017, the PCC accepted voluntary commitments from

A merger or acquisition involving several entities controlled
TQMP Glass Manufacturing Corp. (TQMP) as a precondition
by the same natural person(s) is not covered by compulsory
to TQMP’s acquisition of AGC Flat Glass Philippines, Inc.
notification if there is no change in control, post-transaction.
(AGPH), the sole domestic manufacturer of clear and bronze
flat glass. The said commitments prevent TQMP from
engaging in anti-competitive conduct such as restricting If there are other shareholders who own or control shares in
supply to competitors of its related entities. The PCC found the holding company which will have the ability to control the
that, after acquisition of AGPH, TQMP and its related entities combined entities after the consummation of the transaction,
would control more than 50 percent of clear and bronze flat the transaction will be covered by the compulsory notification
glass supplied in the Philippines either via importation or requirement.
domestic manufacture. The PCC also noted that TQMP had
the ability and incentive to increase prices of clear and bronze For more information, see PCC Clarificatory Note No. 18-
flat glass supplied to competitors of its related entities post- 001
acquisition, as TQMP had related entities involved in the
downstream industries of glass processing and distribution. DETERMINING THE RELEVANT MARKET
The PCC approved the said acquisition based on the
commitments offered by TQMP. WHAT IS A RELEVANT MARKET?
The relevant market refers to the market in which a particular general interest of the country may be deterred by
good or service is sold and which comprises two dimensions: overzealous or undue intervention; and
the relevant product market and the relevant geographic  Assess the totality of evidence on whether it is more
market. Each aspect is defined as follows: likely than not that the entity has engaged in an anti-
competitive agreement or conduct, including whether
(1) A relevant product market comprises all those goods the entity’s conduct was done with a reasonable
and/or services which are regarded as interchangeable or commercial purpose such as but not limited to
substitutable by the consumer or the customer, by reason of phasing out of a product or closure of a business, or
the goods and/or services’ characteristics, their prices and their as a reasonable commercial response to the market
intended use; and entry or conduct of a competitor.
For more information, see PCA Chapter 5, Section
(2) The relevant geographic market comprises the area in 26 and PCA Implementing Rules and Regulations, Rule 7
which the entity concerned is involved in the supply and
demand of goods and services, in which the conditions of FORBEARANCE
competition are sufficiently homogenous and which can be
distinguished from neighboring areas because the conditions WHEN CAN THE PCC EXERCISE FORBEARANCE?
of competition are different in those areas.
The Commission, motu proprio or upon application, prior to
The following factors help determine the relevant market: its initiation of an inquiry, may forbear from applying the
provisions of the PCA and its IRR, for a limited time, in whole
or in part, in all or specific cases, on an entity or group of
 Possibilities of substituting goods and services with
entities, if in its determination:
other domestic or foreign products, considering
technological possibilities, availability of substitute
products to consumers, and the time required for such  Enforcement is not necessary to the attainment of the
substitution; policy objectives of the PCA;
 Cost of distribution of goods and services, along with  Forbearance will neither impede competition in the
its raw materials, and supplements and substitutes market where the entity or group of entities seeking
from other areas and abroad, considering freight, exemption operates nor in related markets;
insurance, import duties, and non-tariff restrictions;  Forbearance is consistent with public interest and the
the restrictions imposed by economic agents or by benefit and welfare of the consumers; and
their associations; and the time required to supply the  Forbearance is justified in economic terms.
market from those areas;
 Cost and probability of users or consumers seeking Provided, that forbearance will be granted for a maximum
other markets; and period of one year. Any extension to the period will have to be
 National, local or international restrictions which expressly approved by the Commission. Any extension of the
limit the access by users or consumers to alternate duration of an exemption shall not be longer than one year.
suppliers, or the access by suppliers to alternate
consumers. For more information, see PCA Chapter 5, Section
See PCA Chapter 1, Section 4; Chapter 5, Section 28 and PCA Implementing Rules and Regulations, Rule 9
24; and PCA Implementing Rules and Regulations, Rule 5





In determining whether an anti-competitive agreement or

conduct exists or has been committed, the PCC shall:

 Define the relevant market allegedly affected by the

anti-competitive agreement or conduct, following the
principles laid out in Section 24 of the PCA;
 Determine if there is actual or potential adverse
impact on competition in the relevant market caused
by the alleged agreement or conduct, and if such
impact is substantial and outweighs the actual or
potential efficiency gains that result from the
agreement or conduct;
 Adopt a broad and forward-looking perspective,
recognizing future market developments, any
overriding need to make the goods or services
available to consumers, the requirements of large
investments in infrastructure, the requirements of
law, and the need of the Philippine economy to
respond to international competition, but also taking
account of past behavior of the parties involved and
prevailing market conditions;
 Balance the need to ensure that competition is not
prevented or substantially restricted and the risk that
competition efficiency, productivity, innovation, or
development of priority areas or industries in the

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