Quiz #1 - Akisa Gabisan

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Polytechnic University of the

Philippines College of Business

Administration Department of
Marketing Management

Name: Akisa Gabisan Professor: Fernando Belarmino

Section: BSBA- MM 3-3D Subject: Living in the IT Era


Implementing AI Today: A CISO Panel on Using AI for Cybersecurity


Artificial intelligence (AI) is being integrated into a wider range of sectors in the
rapidly changing technology landscape. The webinar "Implementing AI Today" explores the
real-world uses and issues related to putting AI solutions into practice nowadays. This
reflection attempts to break down important ideas from the paper, consider their applications
to ordinary life and academic endeavors, and investigate their ramifications.

The webinar discussion highlights the importance of a strategic approach to

implementing AI, highlighting the need for clear objectives, data quality assurance, and
human oversight throughout the process. It talks about common challenges including
isolation of data, model interpretability, and ethical issues and provides solutions for them.
The webinar also emphasizes how important it is for data scientists, domain experts, and
stakeholders to work together to ensure the effective implementation and continuous
improvement of AI systems.

Watching this webinar is great and useful, I've learned how crucial it is to coordinate
AI projects with corporate goals via strategic planning, placing a strong emphasis on
measurable results and well-defined roadmaps. By addressing biases and inconsistencies in
data sources, it emphasizes the crucial role that data quality assurance plays in guaranteeing
the dependability of AI models. It also highlights the importance of interdisciplinary
cooperation between data scientists, domain experts, and stakeholders to make use of various
perspectives and expert knowledge for successful AI implementation. It is also emphasized
that ethical factors, such as prejudice, privacy, and openness, are essential to the phases of
development and implementation. Integrating these principles improves the efficacy and
moral integrity of AI applications in academic courses and in the workplace, providing
insightful guidance for resolving difficult moral and practical dilemmas.

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) is crucial for marketing students like us
because it transforms marketing strategies through data-driven insights, personalized
experiences, task automation, predictive analytics, and competitive advantage. Students can
acquire useful skills to improve decision-making procedures, maximize marketing tactics, and
obtain a competitive edge in the fast-paced marketing sector by becoming proficient with AI
tools and methodologies.

Even though the webinar discussion provides a thorough summary of the most
important factors when using AI, there are still some areas that might use more research and
development. More specifically, examining more in-depth case studies or real-world
situations could improve how applicable the ideas are. Furthermore, including viewpoints
from a wider range of stakeholders and industries could improve the conversation and provide
a variety of insights into the prospects and difficulties of using AI.
"Implementing AI Today": A CISO panel on using AI for cybersecurity. (n.d.). [2024].

Copyright 2024

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