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Instructions: Choose 4 related literature from your proposed action research and do an article review using the answer
matrix in the next section.

Fill in the blanks with YOUR OWN WORDS. To copy directly from the article shows poor comprehension and may also
be considered plagiarism.

Read the journal article and pay specific attention to:

#1- Authors’ last names (year) conducted a study about _________________.

 Read the Abstract; this will give an overview of the study’s (article’s) purpose.
 Read the entire article without trying to summarize it.
 Go back and read the Literature Review or Background section of the article. Toward the end of the section, the authors
should identify gaps in the existing literature and tell the reader how the current study will fill that gap. The authors will
also state their hypothesis (purpose) at the end of this section.

#2 - The participants were/the setting was ___________________________.

 Read the Methods section of the paper. In this section, the authors will describe how the data was
collected, who was included in the sample, and any instruments used.
 A reader might want to consider sample size, demographic characteristics, or any interesting
 It is not necessary to report every fact (i.e., 35% of the participants were male, 71% identified
their race as Asian).

#3 - The findings were _____________________________.

 Read the Findings section of the article.
 Some statistics may be confusing. Pay attention to key words such as “increased”, “decreased”,
“improved”, and “reduced”.
 “No change” may also be considered a significant finding.
 Next, read the Discussion section. The authors will present the findings in general terms.

#4 - The authors suggested _____________________.

 Read the Discussion section and look for comments that the authors made about the intervention
or program such as “Did it work?” or “Should it be continued?”.
 Look for the author’s critique of why the study did or did not produce results. Did anything
unexpected influence the findings?
 The author may suggest a future line of research or “next steps” to improve the body of
Name: ________________________________________________________ Year: ____________ Date: _____________


Paper Title:

a) Define the hypothesis The waste management industry faces several worldwide difficulties. Significant volumes of
b) Explain the importance of the municipal and Every day, industrial wastes are created globally as a result of human activity. It's
hypothesis and what was thought that about Solid garbage from cities and industries totaling 3.4–4 billion tons and the
studied production of up to 300 million tons of hazardous trash yearly across the globe (Nabegu, 2010). As
c) What are the objectives? the loudness and Growing solid waste complexity and environmental risk the waste materials'
d) What was the significance of potential hazards to human health, destruction of ecosystems, contaminating water and soil.
their study?
e) Who benefits from their OBJECTIVES:
study? The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the level of students’ knowledge of solid
waste management, determine students’ attitudes toward solid waste management and find out the
relationship between knowledge and attitudes of students toward solid waste management.

METHODS A. What is their study design? Research Design:

B. What was the context of what The study design used was a cross-sectional survey throughout the research. The design was deemed
is already known about the sufficient because to its was employed to get information from individuals who had comparable
problem/hypothesis? features within a specific geographic zone (North central zone of Nigeria) during a specific period.
C. What are the materials used? The individuals involved were Students pursuing the third section of the Nigerian Certificate in
D. What type of data are they Education Among educational institutions in the Plateau's North Central Zone
targeting to generate? Nigerian state, whose perspectives and understanding of solid waste management was evaluated at a
E. How will they analyze their specific moment. As per Kazdin's (2003) research design, an across-sectional survey is a research
data? project where participants are chosen and evaluated using a at a given moment, current or present
variable of interest. The layout is, hence most appropriate for this research.
Research Tool:
A students’ knowledge and attitudes toward solid waste management questionnaire (SKATSWMQ)
were used to collect data from the sample. The SKATSWMQ consisted of two subscales: Students’
knowledge of solid waste management scale and Students’ attitudes toward solid waste management

Procedure for Gathering Data:

Based on a five-point Likert scale ranging from strongly agree (SA), agree (A), undecided (UD),
disagree (DA) to strongly disagree (SD). The values assigned to the options were 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 for
positive items (from SA to SD) and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for negative items, respectively. Students with
responses or scores of (4.00 and above) on the SKSWMQ and SASWMQ were regarded as having a high
level, (3.00-3.99) as a moderate level of while (0-2.99) was regarded as having a low level.

Analysis Data:
The two subscale instruments were subjected to the scrutiny of three experts in the Faculty of
Education of the University of Jos. The construct validity of each instrument was determined using
exploratory factor analysis while their reliability indices were established as 0.83 and 0.89,

F. What were the findings of Results and Discussion:

their study in relation to their The study established a significant relationship between the knowledge of college of education
DISCUSSION objectives? students and their attitudes toward solid waste management. The results of this study revealed that
G. Limitations of their study? college of education students generally had a low level of knowledge regarding solid waste
H. Summarize their findings management.
I. What was the conclusion of CONCLUSION:
their study? Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that college of education students in North
J. What are the Central Zone of Nigeria, had a low level of knowledge of solid waste management. The students also
CONCLUSIO recommendations? had positive attitudes toward solid waste management. It was further concluded that there
N was a significant relationship between students’ knowledge of solid waste management and their
attitudes toward solid waste management.

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