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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Business Administration

Department of Marketing Management

Name: Akisa Gabisan Professor: Joel Agacita

Section: BSBA- MM 3-3D Subject: Fundamentals of Predictive Analytics


One of the topic that we have discussed is about Data Validity. Sir Agacita mentioned that
"Data is not always valid when you first encounter it." The data we collected can be deceiving.
The validity is not guaranteed or accurate. So, we may proceed with caution, doubt, and an
objective eye. Because of this, it's crucial to examine data critically, challenging its methodology,
source, and applicability before drawing inferences or making judgements based on it.

In addition, I've also learned about differentiating Business Intelligence from Big-Data
Analytics wherein BI is defined as building a model that answers specific business questions. It’s
about providing the infrastructure for searching your data and building reports. Basically,
Business intelligence (BI) includes historical and predictive perspectives for operational analysis
based on structured data, such as financial records or sales transactions. In the other hand, Big
Data Analytics focuses on unstructured sources like social media or sensor networks. It utilizes
innovative techniques to gain tactical understandings which promote creative thinking and long -
term planning. Big Data analytics enables strategic decision-making, while business intelligence
(BI) improves operational efficiency. Overall, these two methodologies work well together.

Lastly, we also watched a video presentation about "6 V's of Big Data". I've learned the 6
V's of Big Data—Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, Value, and Variability. This presentation
stated that volume serves as an indicator of the huge quantity of data being generated every
second, which poses a challenge to conventional techniques of processing and storing. Velocity,
on the other hand, emphasizes how real-time processing is necessary to quickly extract insights
from flowing data sources and facilitate quick decisions in changing circumstances. In short, the
6V's of Big Data highlights extracting actionable insights (value), the importance of ensuring data
quality (veracity), diverse nature (variety), amidst the constant evolution of data (variability). As
a marketing student, I believe learning the 6V’s of Big data is essential as it will guide us on how
to efficiently utilize the data to make strategic decisions and maximize marketing initiatives.

Thank you, Sir Agacita, for a fruitful discussion. I look forward to our upcoming

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