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Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A 10 CFR Ch.

II (1–1–12 Edition)

Single-phase Three-phase

Efficiency Efficiency
(%) (%)

75 ......................................................................... 99.17 150 ...................................................................... 99.08

100 ....................................................................... 99.23 225 ...................................................................... 99.17
167 ....................................................................... 99.25 300 ...................................................................... 99.23
250 ....................................................................... 99.32 500 ...................................................................... 99.25
333 ....................................................................... 99.36 750 ...................................................................... 99.32
500 ....................................................................... 99.42 1000 .................................................................... 99.36
667 ....................................................................... 99.46 1500 .................................................................... 99.42
833 ....................................................................... 99.49 2000 .................................................................... 99.46
2500 99.49.
Note: All efficiency values are at 50 percent of nameplate-rated load, determined according to the DOE Test-Procedure. 10
CFR Part 431, Subpart K, Appendix A.

(c) Medium-Voltage Dry-Type Distribu- age dry-type distribution transformers

tion Transformers. The efficiency of a with kVA ratings not appearing in the
medium-voltage dry-type distribution table shall have their minimum effi-
transformer manufactured on or after ciency level determined by linear in-
January 1, 2010, shall be no less than terpolation of the kVA and efficiency
that required for their kVA and BIL values immediately above and below
rating in the table below. Medium-volt- that kVA rating.
Single-phase Three-phase

20–45 kV 46–95 kV ≥96 kV 20–45 kV 46–95 kV ≥96 kV

efficiency efficiency efficiency efficiency efficiency efficiency
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

15 ........................ 98.10 97.86 15 ........................ 97.50 97.18

25 ........................ 98.33 98.12 30 ........................ 97.90 97.63
37.5 ..................... 98.49 98.30 45 ........................ 98.10 97.86
50 ........................ 98.60 98.42 75 ........................ 98.33 98.12
75 ........................ 98.73 98.57 98.53 112.5 ................... 98.49 98.30
100 ...................... 98.82 98.67 98.63 150 ...................... 98.60 98.42
167 ...................... 98.96 98.83 98.80 225 ...................... 98.73 98.57 98.53
250 ...................... 99.07 98.95 98.91 300 ...................... 98.82 98.67 98.63
333 ...................... 99.14 99.03 98.99 500 ...................... 98.96 98.83 98.80
500 ...................... 99.22 99.12 99.09 750 ...................... 99.07 98.95 98.91
667 ...................... 99.27 99.18 99.15 1000 .................... 99.14 99.03 98.99
833 ...................... 99.31 99.23 99.20 1500 .................... 99.22 99.12 99.09
2000 .................... 99.27 99.18 99.15
2500 .................... 99.31 99.23 99.20
Note: BIL means basic impulse insulation level.
Note: All efficiency values are at 50 percent of nameplate rated load, determined according to the DOE Test-
Procedure. 10 CFR Part 431, Subpart K, Appendix A.

(d) Underground Mining Distribution APPENDIX A TO SUBPART K OF PART

Transformers. [Reserved] 431—UNIFORM TEST METHOD FOR
[70 FR 60416, Oct. 18, 2005, as amended at 71
FR 24997, Apr. 27, 2006; 72 FR 58239, Oct. 12,
The definitions contained in §§ 431.2 and
431.192 are applicable to this appendix A.
SOURCE: 71 FR 24997, Apr. 27, 2006, unless
otherwise noted. 2.0 ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS.
(a) Equipment and methods for loss meas-
urement shall be sufficiently accurate that
measurement error will be limited to the
values shown in Table 2.1.


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Department of Energy Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A

TABLE 2.1—TEST SYSTEM ACCURACY rent in the windings for four hours before the
(b) The temperature of the insulating liq-
Measured quantity Test system uid has stabilized, and the difference be-
accuracy tween the top and bottom temperature does
Power Losses ........................ ± 3.0% not exceed 5 °C.
Voltage ................................... ± 0.5% 3.2.2 Dry-Type Distribution Transformers.
Current ................................... ± 0.5% Record the winding temperature (Tdc) of
Resistance ............................. ± 0.5% dry-type transformers as either of the fol-
Temperature .......................... ± 1.0 °C lowing:
(a) For ventilated dry-type units, use the
(b) Only instrument transformers meeting average of readings of four or more ther-
the 0.3 metering accuracy class, or better, mometers, thermocouples, or other suitable
may be used under this test method. temperature sensors inserted within the
coils. Place the sensing points of the meas-
uring devices as close as possible to the
3.1 General Considerations winding conductors. For sealed units, such
(a) Measure or establish the winding tem- as epoxy-coated or epoxy-encapsulated units,
perature at the time of the winding resist- use the average of four or more temperature
ance measurement. sensors located on the enclosure and/or
(b) Measure the direct current resistance cover, as close to different parts of the wind-
(Rdc) of transformer windings by one of the ing assemblies as possible; or
methods outlined in section 3.3. The methods (b) For both ventilated and sealed units,
of section 3.5 must be used to correct load use the ambient temperature of the test
losses to the applicable reference tempera- area, under the following conditions:
ture from the temperature at which they are (1) All internal temperatures measured by
measured. Observe precautions while taking the internal temperature sensors must not
measurements, such as those in section 3.4, differ from the test area ambient tempera-
in order to maintain measurement uncer- ture by more than 2 °C.
tainty limits specified in Table 2.1. (2) Enclosure surface temperatures for
3.2 Temperature Determination of Windings sealed units must not differ from the test
and Pre-conditions for Resistance Measurement. area ambient temperature by more than 2 °C.
Make temperature measurements in pro- (3) Test area ambient temperature should
tected areas where the air temperature is not have changed by more than 3 °C for 3
stable and there are no drafts. Determine the hours before the test.
winding temperature (Tdc) for liquid-im- (4) Neither voltage nor current has been
mersed and dry-type distribution trans- applied to the unit under test for 24 hours. In
formers by the methods described in sections addition, increase this initial 24 hour period
3.2.1 and 3.2.2, respectively. by any added amount of time necessary for
3.2.1 Liquid-Immersed Distribution Trans- the temperature of the transformer windings
formers. to stabilize at the level of the ambient tem-
perature. However, this additional amount of Methods
time need not exceed 24 hours.
Record the winding temperature (Tdc) of 3.3 Resistance Measurement Methods.
liquid-immersed transformers as the average Make resistance measurements using ei-
of either of the following: ther the resistance bridge method, the
(a) The measurements from two tempera- voltmeter-ammeter method or a resistance
ture sensing devices (for example, meter. In each instance when this Uniform
thermocouples) applied to the outside of the Test Method is used to test more than one
transformer tank and thermally insulated unit of a basic model to determine the effi-
from the surrounding environment, with one ciency of that basic model, the resistance of
located at the level of the oil and the other the units being tested may be determined
located near the tank bottom or at the lower from making resistance measurements on
radiator header if applicable; or only one of the units.
(b) The measurements from two tempera- 3.3.1 Resistance Bridge Methods.
ture sensing devices immersed in the trans- If the resistance bridge method is selected,
former liquid, with one located directly use either the Wheatstone or Kelvin bridge
above the winding and other located directly circuit (or the equivalent of either).
below the winding. Wheatstone Bridge Conditions
(a) This bridge is best suited for measuring
Make this determination under either of resistances larger than ten ohms. A sche-
the following conditions: matic diagram of a Wheatstone bridge with a
(a) The windings have been under insu- representative transformer under test is
lating liquid with no excitation and no cur- shown in Figure 3.1.


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Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A 10 CFR Ch. II (1–1–12 Edition)

Where: (b) In the measurement process, turn on

Rdc is the resistance of the transformer wind- the source (Vdc), and adjust the resistance
ing being measured, ratio (Ra/Rb) to produce zero signal at the de-
Rs is a standard resistor having the resist- tector (D). Determine the winding resistance
ance Rs, by using equation 3–1 as follows:
Ra, Rb are two precision resistors with resist-
ance values Ra and Rb , respectively; at R dc = R s ( R a /R b ) ( 3-1)
least one resistor must have a provision for
resistance adjustment,
Rt is a resistor for reducing the time con- Kelvin Bridge
stant of the circuit, (a) This bridge separates the resistance of
D is a null detector, which may be either a the connecting conductors to the trans-
micro ammeter or microvoltmeter or former winding being measured from the re-
equivalent instrument for observing that sistance of the winding, and therefore is best
no signal is present when the bridge is bal- suited for measuring resistances of ten ohms
anced, and and smaller. A schematic diagram of a Kel-
Vdc is a source of dc voltage for supplying the vin bridge with a representative transformer
power to the Wheatstone Bridge. under test is shown in Figure 3.2.



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Department of Energy Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A

(b) The Kelvin Bridge has seven of the

same type of components as in the Wheat-
stone Bridge. It has two more resistors than
( R a /R b ) = ( R a1/R b1 ) ( 3-3)
the Wheatstone bridge, Ra1 and Rb1. At least (c) The Kelvin bridge provides two sets of
one of these resistors must have adjustable leads, current-carrying and voltage-sensing,
resistance. In the measurement process, the to the transformer terminals and the stand-
source is turned on, two resistance ratios ard resistor, thus eliminating voltage drops
(Ra/Rb) and (Ra1/Rb1) are adjusted to be equal, from the measurement in the current-car-
and then the two ratios are adjusted to-
rying leads as represented by Rd.
gether to balance the bridge producing zero
signal at the detector. Determine the wind- 3.3.2 Voltmeter-Ammeter Method.
ing resistance by using equation 3–2 as fol- (a) Employ the voltmeter-ammeter method
lows: only if the rated current of the winding is
greater than one ampere and the test current

R dc = R s ( R a /R b ) ( 3-2 ) ,
is limited to 15 percent of the winding cur-
rent. Connect the transformer winding under
as with the Wheatstone bridge, with an addi- test to the circuit shown in Figure 3.3.
tional condition that:



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Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A 10 CFR Ch. II (1–1–12 Edition)

Where: being tested. Also the meter’s specifications

A is an ammeter or a voltmeter-shunt com- for accuracy must meet the applicable cri-
bination for measuring the current (Imdc) in teria of Table 2.1 in section 2.0.
the transformer winding, 3.4 Precautions in Measuring Winding Re-
V is a voltmeter with sensitivity in the mil- sistance.
livolt range for measuring the voltage 3.4.1 Required actions.
(Vmdc) applied to the transformer winding, The following guidelines must be observed
Rdc is the resistance of the transformer wind- when making resistance measurements:
ing being measured, (a) Use separate current and voltage leads
Rt is a resistor for reducing the time con- when measuring small (< 10 ohms) resist-
stant of the circuit, and ance.
Vdc is a source of dc voltage for supplying (b) Use null detectors in bridge circuits,
power to the measuring circuit. and measuring instruments in voltmeter-am-
meter circuits, that have sensitivity and res-
(b) To perform the measurement, turn on
olution sufficient to enable observation of at
the source to produce current no larger than
least 0.1 percent change in the measured re-
15 percent of the rated current for the wind-
ing. Wait until the current and voltage read-
(c) Maintain the dc test current at or
ings have stabilized and then take simulta-
below 15 percent of the rated winding cur-
neous readings of voltage and current. Deter-
mine the winding resistance Rdc by using
(d) Inclusion of a stabilizing resistor Rt (see
equation 3–4 as follows:
section 3.4.2) will require higher source volt-
R dc = ( Vmdc /I mdc ) ( 3-4 ) (e) Disconnect the null detector (if a bridge
circuit is used) and voltmeter from the cir-
Where: cuit before the current is switched off, and
Vmdc is the voltage measured by the switch off current by a suitable insulated
voltmeter V, and switch.
Imdc is the current measured by the ammeter 3.4.2 Guideline for Time Constant.
A. (a) The following guideline is suggested for
(c) As shown in Figure 3.3, separate current the tester as a means to facilitate the meas-
and voltage leads must be brought to the urement of resistance in accordance with the
transformer terminals. (This eliminates the accuracy requirements of section 2.0:
errors due to lead and contact resistance.) (b) The accurate reading of resistance Rdc
3.3.3 Resistance Meters. may be facilitated by shortening the time

Resistance meters may be based on constant. This is done by introducing a resis-

voltmeter-ammeter, or resistance bridge, or tor Rt in series with the winding under test
some other operating principle. Any meter in both the bridge and voltmeter-ammeter
used to measure a transformer’s winding re- circuits as shown in Figures 3.1 to 3.3. The
sistance must have specifications for resist- relationship for the time constant is:
ance range, current range, and ability to

measure highly inductive resistors that Tc = ( L tc /R tc ) ( 3-5)

cover the characteristics of the transformer


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Department of Energy Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A
Where: waveform distortion in the test voltage. Any
Tc is the time constant in seconds, power loss not measured at the applicable
Ltc is the total magnetizing and leakage in- reference temperature must be adjusted to
ductance of the winding under test, in hen- that reference temperature. The measured
ries, and load loss must also be adjusted to a specified
Rtc is the total resistance in ohms, consisting output loading level if not measured at the
of Rt in series with the winding resistance specified output loading level. Test distribu-
Rdc and the resistance Rs of the standard tion transformers designed for harmonic cur-
resistor in the bridge circuit. rents using a sinusoidal waveform (k=1).
(c) Because Rtc is in the denominator of the 4.2 Measurement of Power Losses.
expression for the time constant, increasing 4.2.1 No-Load Loss.
the resistance Rtc will decrease the time con- Measure the no-load loss and apply correc-
stant. If the time constant in a given test tions as described in section 4.4, using the
circuit is too long for the resistance readings appropriate test set as described in section
to be stable, then a higher resistance can be 4.3.
substituted for the existing Rtc, and succes- 4.2.2 Load Loss.
sive replacements can be made until ade- Measure the load loss and apply correc-
quate stability is reached. tions as described in section 4.5, using the
3.5 Conversion of Resistance Measurements. appropriate test set as described in section
(a) Resistance measurements must be cor- 4.3.
rected, from the temperature at which the 4.3 Test Sets.
winding resistance measurements were (a) The same test set may be used for both
made, to the reference temperature. As spec- the no-load loss and load loss measurements
ified in these test procedures, the reference provided the range of the test set encom-
temperature for liquid-immersed trans- passes the test requirements of both tests.
formers loaded at 50 percent of the rated load Calibrate the test set to national standards
is 55 °C. For medium-voltage, dry-type trans- to meet the tolerances in Table 2.1 in section
formers loaded at 50 percent of the rated 2.0. In addition, the wattmeter, current
load, and for low-voltage, dry-type trans- measuring system and voltage measuring
formers loaded at 35 percent of the rated system must be calibrated separately if the
load, the reference temperature is 75 °C. overall test set calibration is outside the tol-
(b) Correct the measured resistance to the erance as specified in section 2.0 or the indi-
resistance at the reference temperature vidual phase angle error exceeds the values
using equation 3–6 as follows: specified in section 4.5.3.
(b) A test set based on the wattmeter-
R ts = R dc ⎡⎣( Ts + Tk ) / ( Tdc + Tk ) ⎤⎦ ( 3-6 ) voltmeter-ammeter principle may be used to
measure the power loss and the applied volt-
Where: age and current of a transformer where the
Rts is the resistance at the reference tem- transformer’s test current and voltage are
perature, Ts, within the measurement capability of the
Rdc is the measured resistance at tempera- measuring instruments. Current and voltage
ture, Tdc, transformers, known collectively as instru-
Ts is the reference temperature in °C, ment transformers, or other scaling devices
Tdc is the temperature at which resistance such as resistive or capacitive dividers for
was measured in °C, and voltage, may be used in the above cir-
Tk is 234.5 °C for copper or 225 °C for alu- cumstance, and must be used together with
minum. instruments to measure current, voltage, or
power where the current or voltage of the
4.0 LOSS MEASUREMENT transformer under test exceeds the measure-
4.1 General Considerations. ment capability of such instruments. Thus, a
The efficiency of a transformer is com- test set may include a combination of meas-
puted from the total transformer losses, uring instruments and instrument trans-
which are determined from the measured formers (or other scaling devices), so long as
value of the no-load loss and load loss power the current or voltage of the transformer
components. Each of these two power loss under test does not exceed the measurement
components is measured separately using capability of any of the instruments.
test sets that are identical, except that 4.3.1 Single-Phase Test Sets.
shorting straps are added for the load-loss Use these for testing single-phase distribu-
test. The measured quantities will need cor- tion transformers.
rection for instrumentation losses and may Without Instrument Transformers.
need corrections for known phase angle er- (a) A single-phase test set without an in-
rors in measuring equipment and for the strument transformer is shown in Figure 4.1.


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Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A 10 CFR Ch. II (1–1–12 Edition)

Where: (b) Either the primary or the secondary

W is a wattmeter used to measure Pnm and winding can be connected to the test set.
Plm, the no-load and load loss power, re- However, more compatible voltage and cur-
spectively, rent levels for the measuring instruments
Vrms is a true root-mean-square (rms) are available if for no-load loss measure-
voltmeter used to measure Vr(nm) and Vlm, ments the secondary (low voltage) winding is
the rms test voltages in no-load and load connected to the test set, and for load loss
loss measurements, respectively, measurements the primary winding is con-
Vav is an average sensing voltmeter, cali- nected to the test set. Use the average-sens-
brated to indicate rms voltage for sinus- ing voltmeter, Vav, only in no-load loss meas-
oidal waveforms and used to measure urements.
Va(nm), the average voltage in no-load loss With Instrument Transformers.
A is an rms ammeter used to measure test A single-phase test set with instrument
current, especially Ilm, the load loss cur- transformers is shown in Figure 4.2. This cir-
rent, and cuit has the same four measuring instru-
(SC) is a conductor for providing a short-cir- ments as that in Figure 4.1. The current and
cuit across the output windings for the voltage transformers, designated as (CT) and
load loss measurements. (VT), respectively, are added.

4.3.2 Three-Phase Test Sets. Without Instrument Transformers.

Use these for testing three-phase distribu- (a) A three-phase test set without instru-

tion transformers. Use in a four-wire, three- ment transformers is shown in Figure 4.3.
wattmeter test circuit. This test set is essentially the same circuit


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Department of Energy Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A
shown in Figure 4.1 repeated three times, strumentation system of a three-phase test
and the instruments are individual devices set without transformers may consist of a
as shown. As an alternative, the entire in- multi-function analyzer.

(b) Either group of windings, the primary and for line-to-line measurements for delta-
or the secondary, can be connected in wye or connected windings.
delta configuration. If both groups of With Instrument Transformers.
windings are connected in the wye configura- A three-phase test set with instrument
tion for the no-load test, the neutral of the transformers is shown in Figure 4.4. This test
winding connected to the test set must be set is essentially the same circuit shown in
connected to the neutral of the source to
Figure 4.2 repeated three times. Provision
provide a return path for the neutral cur-
must be made to switch the voltmeters for
(c) In the no-load loss measurement, the line-to-neutral and line-to-line measure-
voltage on the winding must be measured. ments as in section The voltage sen-
Therefore a provision must be made to sors (‘‘coils’’) of the wattmeters must always
switch the voltmeters for line-to-neutral be connected in the line-to-neutral configu-
measurements for wye-connected windings ration.


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Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A 10 CFR Ch. II (1–1–12 Edition) Test Set Neutrals. ing voltmeter, to the transformer. Take the
If the power source in the test circuit is readings of the wattmeter(s) and the aver-
wye-connected, ground the neutral. If the age-sensing and true rms voltmeters. Ob-
power source in the test circuit is delta-con- serve the following precautions:
nected, use a grounding transformer to ob- (1) Voltmeter connections. When cor-
tain neutral and ground for the test. recting to a sine-wave basis using the aver-
4.4 No-Load Losses: Measurement and Cal- age-voltmeter method, the voltmeter con-
culations. nections must be such that the waveform ap-
4.4.1 General Considerations. plied to the voltmeters is the same as the
Measurement corrections are permitted waveform across the energized windings.
but not required for instrumentation losses (2) Energized windings. Energize either the
and for losses from auxiliary devices. Meas- high voltage or the low voltage winding of
urement corrections are required: the transformer under test.
(a) When the waveform of the applied volt- (3) Voltage and frequency. The no-load loss
age is non-sinusoidal; and test must be conducted with rated voltage
(b) When the core temperature or liquid impressed across the transformer terminals
temperature is outside the 20 °C ± 10 °C using a voltage source at a frequency equal
range. to the rated frequency of the transformer
4.4.2 No-Load Loss Test. under test.
(a) The purpose of the no-load loss test is (b) Adjust the voltage to the specified
to measure no-load losses at a specified exci- value as indicated by the average-sensing
tation voltage and a specified frequency. The voltmeter. Record the values of rms voltage,
no-load loss determination must be based on rms current, electrical power, and average
a sine-wave voltage corrected to the ref- voltage as close to simultaneously as pos-
erence temperature. Connect either of the sible. For a three-phase transformer, take all
transformer windings, primary or secondary, of the readings on one phase before pro-
to the appropriate test set of Figures 4.1 to ceeding to the next, and record the average
4.4, giving consideration to section 4.4.2(a)(2). of the three rms voltmeter readings as the
Leave the unconnected winding(s) open rms voltage value.
circuited. Apply the rated voltage at rated NOTE: When the tester uses a power supply
frequency, as measured by the average-sens- that is not synchronized with an electric


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Department of Energy Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A
utility grid, such as a dc/ac motor-generator After correcting the measured no-load loss
set, check the frequency and maintain it for waveform distortion, correct the loss to
within ±0.5 percent of the rated frequency of the reference temperature of 20 °C. If the no-
the transformer under test. A power source load loss measurements were made between
that is directly connected to, or syn- 10 °C and 30 °C, this correction is not re-
chronized with, an electric utility grid need quired. If the correction to reference tem-
not be monitored for frequency. perature is applied, then the core tempera-
4.4.3 Corrections. ture of the transformer during no-load loss Correction for Instrumentation measurement (Tnm) must be determined with-
Losses. in ± 10 °C of the true average core tempera-
Measured losses attributable to the ture. Correct the no-load loss to the ref-
voltmeters and wattmeter voltage circuit, erence temperature by using equation 4–2 as
and to voltage transformers if they are used, follows:
may be deducted from the total no-load
Pnc = Pncl ⎡⎣1 + 0.00065 ( Tnm − Tnr ) ⎤⎦ ( 4-2 )
losses measured during testing. Correction for Non-Sinusoidal Applied
(a) The measured value of no-load loss Where:
must be corrected to a sinusoidal voltage, Pnc is the no-load losses corrected for wave-
except when waveform distortion in the test form distortion and then to the reference
voltage causes the magnitude of the correc- temperature of 20 °C,
tion to be less than 1 percent. In such a case, Pnc1 is the no-load losses, corrected for wave-
no correction is required. form distortion, at temperature Tnm,
(b) To make a correction where the distor- Tnm is the core temperature during the meas-
tion requires a correction of 5 percent or urement of no-load losses, and
less, use equation 4–1. If the distortion re- Tnr is the reference temperature, 20 °C.
quires a correction to be greater than 5 per- 4.5 Load Losses: Measurement and Calcula-
cent, improve the test voltage and re-test. tions.
Repeat until the distortion requires a correc- 4.5.1 General Considerations.
tion of 5 percent or less. (a) The load losses of a transformer are
(c) Determine the no-load losses of the those losses incident to a specified load car-
transformer corrected for sine-wave basis ried by the transformer. Load losses consist
from the measured value by using equation of ohmic loss in the windings due to the load
4–1 as follows: current and stray losses due to the eddy cur-
rents induced by the leakage flux in the
Pncl = ( 4-1) windings, core clamps, magnetic shields,
tank walls, and other conducting parts. The
P1 + kP2 ohmic loss of a transformer varies directly
Where: with temperature, whereas the stray losses
vary inversely with temperature.
Pncl is the no-load loss corrected to a sine-
(b) For a transformer with a tap changer,
wave basis at the temperature (Tnm) at
conduct the test at the rated current and
which no-load loss is measured,
rated-voltage tap position. For a transformer
Pnm is the measured no-load loss at tempera-
that has a configuration of windings which
ture Tnm,
P1 is the per unit hysteresis loss, allows for more than one nominal rated volt-
P2 is the per unit eddy-current loss, age, determine its load losses either in the
P1 + P2 = 1, winding configuration in which the highest
losses occur or in each winding configuration
2 in which the transformer can operate.
⎛ Vr ( nm ) ⎞ 4.5.2 Tests for Measuring Load Losses.
k=⎜ ⎟ , (a) Connect the transformer with either
⎜ Va ( nm ) ⎟ the high-voltage or low-voltage windings to
⎝ ⎠ the appropriate test set. Then short-circuit
Vr(nm) is the test voltage measured by rms the winding that was not connected to the
voltmeter, and test set. Apply a voltage at the rated fre-
Va(nm) is the test voltage measured by aver- quency (of the transformer under test) to the
age-voltage voltmeter. connected windings to produce the rated cur-

(d) The two loss components (P1 and P2) rent in the transformer. Take the readings of
are assumed equal in value, each assigned a the wattmeter(s), the ammeters(s), and rms
value of 0.5 per unit, unless the actual meas- voltmeter(s).
urement-based values of hysteresis and eddy- (b) Regardless of the test set selected, the
current losses are available (in per unit following preparatory requirements must be
form), in which case the actual measure- satisfied for accurate test results:

ments apply. (1) Determine the temperature of the Correction of No-Load Loss to Ref- windings using the applicable method in sec-
erence Temperature. tion 3.2.1 or section 3.2.2.


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Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A 10 CFR Ch. II (1–1–12 Edition)
(2) The conductors used to short-circuit losses with the auxiliary devices connected,
the windings must have a cross-sectional determine the losses associated with the
area equal to, or greater than, the cor- auxiliary devices, and deduct these losses
responding transformer leads, or, if the test- from the load losses measured during test-
er uses a different method to short-circuit ing.
the windings, the losses in the short- Correction for Phase Angle Errors.
circuiting conductor assembly must be less (a) Corrections for phase angle errors are
than 10 percent of the transformer’s load not required if the instrumentation is cali-
losses. brated over the entire range of power factors
(3) When the tester uses a power supply and phase angle errors. Otherwise, determine
that is not synchronized with an electric
whether to correct for phase angle errors
utility grid, such as a dc/ac motor-generator
from the magnitude of the normalized per
set, follow the provisions of the ‘‘Note’’ in
unit correction, bn, obtained by using equa-
section 4.4.2.
tion 4–3 as follows:
4.5.3 Corrections. Correction for Losses from Instrumen-
Vlm Ilm ( βw − βv + βc ) sin φ
( 4-3)
tation and Auxiliary Devices. Instrumentation Losses. βn =
Measured losses attributable to the p lm
voltmeters, wattmeter voltage circuit and
short-circuiting conductor (SC), and to the (b) The correction must be applied if bn is
voltage transformers if they are used, may outside the limits of ±0.01. If bn is within the
be deducted from the total load losses meas- limits of ±0.01, the correction is permitted
ured during testing. but not required. Losses from Auxiliary Devices. (c) If the correction for phase angle errors
Measured losses attributable to auxiliary is to be applied, first examine the total sys-
devices (e.g., circuit breakers, fuses, switch- tem phase angle (bw ¥ bv + bc). Where the
es) installed in the transformer, if any, that total system phase angle is equal to or less
are not part of the winding and core assem- than ±12 milliradians (±41 minutes), use ei-
bly, may be excluded from load losses meas- ther equation 4–4 or 4–5 to correct the meas-
ured during testing. To exclude these losses, ured load loss power for phase angle errors,
either (1) measure transformer losses with- and where the total system phase angle ex-
out the auxiliary devices by removing or by- ceeds ±12 milliradians (±41 minutes) use
passing them, or (2) measure transformer equation 4–5, as follows:

Plcl = Plm − Vlm Ilm ( βw − βv + βc ) sin φ ( 4-4 )

smaller than the true phase angle, thus ef-

Plcl = Vlm Ilm cos ( φ + βw − βv + βc ) ( 4-5) fectively increasing the measured power,
bv is the phase angle error (in radians) of the
(d) The symbols in this section ( voltage transformer; the error is positive if
have the following meanings: the secondary voltage leads the primary
voltage, and
Plc1 is the corrected wattmeter reading for
bc is the phase angle error (in radians) of the
phase angle errors,
current transformer; the error is positive if
Plm is the actual wattmeter reading, the secondary current leads the primary
Vlm is the measured voltage at the trans- current.
former winding,
(e) The instrumentation phase angle errors
Ilm is the measured rms current in the trans- used in the correction equations must be spe-
former winding, cific for the test conditions involved. Temperature Correction of Load Loss.
Plm (a) When the measurement of load loss is
φ = cos −1 made at a temperature Tlm that is different
Vlm Ilm

from the reference temperature, use the pro-

cedure summarized in the equations 4–6 to 4–
is the measured phase angle between Vlm and
10 to correct the measured load loss to the
reference temperature. The symbols used in
bw is the phase angle error (in radians) of the these equations are defined at the end of this
wattmeter; the error is positive if the section.

phase angle between the voltage and cur- (b) Calculate the ohmic loss (Pe) by using
rent phasors as sensed by the wattmeter is equation 4–6 as follows:


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Department of Energy Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A

Pe = Pe( p ) + Pe(s )
Tk ( p ) + Tlm Tk (s ) + Tlm
= Ilm
( p ) R dc ( p ) + Ilm
( s ) R dc ( s )
Tk ( p ) + Tdc Tk (s ) + Tdc
⎡ Tk ( p ) + Tlm ⎡ N1 ⎤ 2 Tk (s ) + Tlm ⎤
= Ilm
(p) ⎢ R dc ( p )
+ ⎢ ⎥ R dc(s ) ⎥ ( 4-6 )
⎢⎣ Tk ( p ) + Tdc ⎣ N 2 ⎦ Tk (s ) + Tdc ⎥

(c) Obtain the stray loss by subtracting the (d) Correct the ohmic and stray losses to
calculated ohmic loss from the measured the reference temperature for the load loss
load loss, by using equation 4–7 as follows: by using equations 4–8 and 4–9, respectively,
as follows:
Ps = Plc1 − Pe ( 4-7 )

Tk ( p ) + Tlr Tk (s ) + Tlr
Per = Pe( p ) + Pe(s )
Tk ( p ) + Tlm Tk (s ) + Tlm

⎡ Tk ( p ) + Tlr ⎡ N1 ⎤ 2 Tk (s ) + Tlr ⎤
=I 2
lm ( p )
⎢ R dc( p ) + ⎢ ⎥ R dc(s ) ⎥ ( 4-8)
⎢⎣ Tk ( p ) + Tdc ⎣ N 2 ⎦ Tk (s ) + Tdc ⎥

(e) Add the ohmic and stray losses, cor-

T + Tlm rected to the reference temperature, to give
Psr = ( Plc1 − Pe ) k ( 4-9 ) the load loss, Plc2, at the reference tempera-
Tk + Tlr ture, by using equation 4–10 as follows:

Plc 2 = Per + Psr

⎡ Tk ( p ) + Tlr ⎡ N1 ⎤ 2 Tk (s ) + Tlr ⎤
= Ilm
(p) ⎢ R dc ( p )
+ ⎢ ⎥ R dc(s ) ⎥
⎢⎣ Tk ( p ) + Tdc ⎣ N 2 ⎦ Tk (s ) + Tdc ⎥
⎦ ER27AP06.025</MATH>

⎡ ⎡ Tk ( p ) + Tlm ⎡ N1 ⎤ 2 Tk (s ) + Tlm ⎤ ⎤ Tk + Tlm

+ ⎢ Plc1 − Ilm ( p ) ⎢ R dc( p )
+ ⎢ ⎥ R dc(s ) ⎥⎥ ( 4-10 )

⎢ ⎢⎣ Tk ( p ) + Tdc ⎣ N 2 ⎦ Tk (s ) + Tdc ⎥ ⎥ Tk + Tlr

⎣ ⎦⎦

(f) The symbols in this section ( have Pe is the ohmic loss in the transformer in
the following meanings: watts at the temperature Tlm,

Ilm(p) is the primary current in amperes, Pe(p) is the ohmic loss in watts in the primary
Ilm(s) is the secondary current in amperes, winding at the temperature Tlm,


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Pt. 431, Subpt. K, App. A 10 CFR Ch. II (1–1–12 Edition)
Pe(s) is the ohmic loss in watts in the sec- the load loss power measurements were
ondary winding at the temperature Tlm, made, then adjust the corrected load loss
Per is the ohmic loss in watts corrected to power, Plc2, by using equation 5–1 as follows:
the reference temperature,
Plc1 is the measured load loss in watts, cor- 2
rected for phase angle error, at the tem- ⎡P ⎤
perature Tlm, Plc = Plc 2 ⎢ os ⎥ = Plc 2 L2 (5-1)
Plc2 is the load loss at the reference tempera- ⎣ Por ⎦
ture, Where:
Ps is the stray loss in watts at the tempera-
ture Tlm, Plc is the adjusted load loss power to the
Psr is the stray loss in watts corrected to the specified energy efficiency load level,
reference temperature, Plc2 is as calculated in section,
Por is the rated transformer apparent power
Rdc(p) is the measured dc primary winding re-
(name plate),
sistance in ohms,
Pos is the specified energy efficiency load
Rdc(s) is the measured dc secondary winding
level, where Pos = PorL, and
resistance in ohms,
L is the per unit load level, e.g., if the load
Tk is the critical temperature in degrees Cel-
level is 50 percent then ‘‘L’’ will be 0.5.
sius for the material of the transformer
5.2 Total Loss Power Calculation.
windings. Where copper is used in both pri-
mary and secondary windings, Tk is 234.5 Calculate the corrected total loss power by
°C; where aluminum is used in both pri- using equation 5–2 as follows:
mary and secondary windings, Tk is 225 °C;
where both copper and aluminum are used Pts = Pnc + Plc ( 5-2 )
in the same transformer, the value of 229
°C is used for Tk, Where:
Tk(p) is the critical temperature in degrees Pts is the corrected total loss power adjusted
Celsius for the material of the primary for the transformer output loading speci-
winding: 234.5 °C if copper and 225 °C if alu- fied by the standard,
minum, Pnc is as calculated in section, and
Tk(s) is the critical temperature in degrees Plc is as calculated in section 5.1.
Celsius for the material of the secondary 5.3 Energy Efficiency Calculation.
winding: 234.5 °C if copper and 225 °C if alu- Calculate efficiency (h) in percent at speci-
minum, fied energy efficiency load level, Pos, by
Tlm is the temperature in degrees Celsius at using equation 5–3 as follows:
which the load loss is measured,
Tlr is the reference temperature for the load
⎛ Pos ⎞
loss in degrees Celsius,
η = 100 ⎜ ⎟ ( 5-3)
⎝ Pos + Pts ⎠
Tdc is the temperature in degrees Celsius at
which the resistance values are measured,
and Where:
N1/N2 is the ratio of the number of turns in Pos is as described and calculated in section
the primary winding (N1) to the number of 5.1, and
turns in the secondary winding (N2); for a Pts is as described and calculated in section
primary winding with taps, N1 is the num- 5.2.
ber of turns used when the voltage applied 5.4 Significant Figures in Power Loss and
to the primary winding is the rated pri- Efficiency Data.
mary voltage. In measured and calculated data, retain
enough significant figures to provide at least
5.0 DETERMINING THE EFFICIENCY VALUE OF 1 percent resolution in power loss data and
THE TRANSFORMER 0.01 percent resolution in efficiency data.
This section presents the equations to use
in determining the efficiency value of the 6.0 TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION AND
transformer at the required reference condi- CERTIFICATION
tions and at the specified loading level. The Maintain and calibrate test equipment and
details of measurements are described in sec- measuring instruments, maintain calibra-
tions 3.0 and 4.0. For a transformer that has tion records, and perform other test and

a configuration of windings which allows for measurement quality assurance procedures

more than one nominal rated voltage, deter- according to the following sections. The cali-
mine its efficiency either at the voltage at bration of the test set must confirm the ac-
which the highest losses occur or at each curacy of the test set to that specified in sec-
voltage at which the transformer is rated to tion 2.0, Table 2.1.
operate. 6.1 Test Equipment.

5.1 Output Loading Level Adjustment. The party performing the tests shall con-
If the output loading level for energy effi- trol, calibrate and maintain measuring and
ciency is different from the level at which test equipment, whether or not it owns the


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Department of Energy § 431.203
equipment, has the equipment on loan, or Subpart L—Illuminated Exit Signs
the equipment is provided by another party.
Equipment shall be used in a manner which
assures that measurement uncertainty is SOURCE: 70 FR 60417, Oct. 18, 2005, unless
known and is consistent with the required otherwise noted.
measurement capability.
6.2 Calibration and Certification. § 431.201 Purpose and scope.
The party performing the tests must: This subpart contains energy con-
(a) Identify the measurements to be made, servation requirements for illuminated
the accuracy required (section 2.0) and select exit signs, pursuant to Part B of Title
the appropriate measurement and test equip- III of the Energy Policy and Conserva-
ment; tion Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6291–
(b) At prescribed intervals, or prior to use, 6309.
identify, check and calibrate, if needed, all
measuring and test equipment systems or de- § 431.202 Definitions concerning illu-
vices that affect test accuracy, against cer- minated exit signs.
tified equipment having a known valid rela-
tionship to nationally recognized standards; Basic model means all units of a given
where no such standards exist, the basis used type of covered product (or class there-
for calibration must be documented; of) manufactured by one manufacturer,
(c) Establish, document and maintain cali- having the same primary energy
bration procedures, including details of source, and which have essentially
equipment type, identification number, loca- identical electrical, physical, and func-
tion, frequency of checks, check method, ac- tional (or hydraulic) characteristics
ceptance criteria and action to be taken that affect energy consumption, energy
when results are unsatisfactory; efficiency, water consumption, or
(d) Ensure that the measuring and test water efficiency.
equipment is capable of the accuracy and Face means an illuminated side of an
precision necessary, taking into account the
illuminated exit sign.
voltage, current and power factor of the
transformer under test; Illuminated exit sign means a sign
(e) Identify measuring and test equipment that—
with a suitable indicator or approved identi- (1) Is designed to be permanently
fication record to show the calibration sta- fixed in place to identify an exit; and
tus; (2) Consists of an electrically pow-
(f) Maintain calibration records for meas- ered integral light source that—
uring and test equipment; (i) Illuminates the legend ‘‘EXIT’’
(g) Assess and document the validity of and any directional indicators; and
previous test results when measuring and (ii) Provides contrast between the
test equipment is found to be out of calibra- legend, any directional indicators, and
tion; the background.
(h) Ensure that the environmental condi-
Input power demand means the
tions are suitable for the calibrations, meas-
urements and tests being carried out;
amount of power required to continu-
(i) Ensure that the handling, preservation
ously illuminate an exit sign model,
and storage of measuring and test equipment measured in watts (W). For exit sign
is such that the accuracy and fitness for use models with rechargeable batteries,
is maintained; and input power demand shall be measured
(j) Safeguard measuring and test facilities, with batteries at full charge.
including both test hardware and test soft-
[70 FR 60417, Oct. 18, 2005, as amended at 71
ware, from adjustments which would invali- FR 71372, Dec. 8, 2006; 76 FR 12504, Mar. 7,
date the calibration setting. 2011]
[71 FR 24999, Apr. 27, 2006, as amended at 71
FR 60662, Oct. 16, 2006] TEST PROCEDURES
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 71 FR 24999, Apr. § 431.203 Materials incorporated by
27, 2006, appendix A to subpart K of part 431 reference.
was added, effective May 30, 2006, except for
section 6.2(f) and section 6.2 (b) and (c) which (a) General. The Department incor-
contain information collection requirements porates by reference the following test
and will not become effective until approval procedures into subpart L of part 431.
has been given by the Office of Management The Director of the Federal Register
and Budget. has approved the material listed in


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