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Brief introduction

The relationship between plants and men have existed since antiquity . Plants
have been mainly used for human wellbeing. Traditional medecine is often
termed alternative or complementary medecine in many countries. Herbal
medecine are the most common form of traditional medecine. In Africa, its use is
very common and this could be due to lack of infrastructures, poverty , lack of
medical personnels or even due to religious or superstitious beliefs. Many
Africans believe in the harmlessnes of plants and used in for health issues, during
pregnancy, childbirth and tye postpartum period.. In the United States, some pregnant
women use Calophyllum thalictroides for its utero-tonic effect . In China, traditional herbal preparations
account for between 30% and 50% of drug consumption. In France, Sophie Barbelet demonstrated the
utero-tonic effect of the essential oil of Syzigium aromaticum . In Ivory Coast, KoffiN’guessan et al. in
2010 highlighted the use of 34 plant species, to facilitate childbirth.Studies in South Africa estimated
that between 43% and 55% of women used traditional oxytocics during pregnancy .Another study in
Nigeria found that 62% of women surveyed had used herbal medicines during pregnancy . .In Cameroon,
few studies have been conducted including those of: Esther Ngadjui et al. in March 2013, on the in vitro
evaluation of the utero-tonic activity of Ficusasperifolia extract in rats. It had found a similar utero-tonic
activity to that of oxytocin .KidikPouka et al. in a study conducted in 2015 highlight the use by
populations of flavonoid plants to facilitate childbirth . Ngene et al. in 2015 identify plants used to
facilitate deliveries

Problem Statement:
The use of traditional medicine in obstetrics is a common practice in Africa, but there is a lack of
scientific evidence regarding its impact on maternal outcomes. This poses a challenge for healthcare
providers and policymakers who need reliable information to make informed decisions about the use of
traditional medicine in obstetric care.

Study Significance:
This study is significant because it aims to fill the gap in knowledge regarding the effects of traditional
medicine on maternal outcomes in obstetrics. By providing scientific evidence on the safety and efficacy
of traditional medicine, this study can help healthcare providers make informed decisions and improve
maternal care practices in Africa.

Research Question:
1. What is the effect of traditional medicine on maternal outcomes in obstetrics?
Research Objectives:
General objective;

To evaluate the effect of traditional medicine on maternal outcomes in obstetrics at cite verte district

Specific objectives

1. To determine the prevalence of traditional medicine practices used by women during pregnancy at
cite-verte district hospital

2. To identify maternal outcomes associated with the use of traditional medicine during pregnancy.

2. To determine the association between traditional medicine practices and maternal outcomes in

Definitions of terminologies
1. Traditional medicine: the knowledge, skills and practices based on the theories, beliefs and
experiences indigenous to different cultures, used in the maintenance of health and in the prevention,
diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness

2. Maternal outcome: The health and well-being of the mother during pregnancy, childbirth, and the
postpartum period.

3. Obstetrics: The branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.

4. Utero-tonic: A substance that promotes uterine contractions.

5. Pregnancy: The condition of being pregnant, during which a fetus develops in the mother's womb.

6. Childbirth: The process of giving birth to a baby.

7. Postpartum period: The period immediately following childbirth, during which the mother recovers
and adjusts to the physical and emotional

Materials and Methods

Prior to conducting the study, informed consent will be obtained from all participants, ensuring that
they understand the purpose of the research, their rights as participants, and any potential risks or
benefits involved.Participants' personal information and data will be kept confidential and anonymized
to protect their privacy. Also, Participation to this study will be voluntary, and participants will have the
right to withdraw at any time without facing any negative consequences.Finally,the researchers will
approach the study with cultural sensitivity, respecting the traditions and beliefs of the participants, and
ensuring that the research does not perpetuate any harm or disrespect towards their culture. To
achieve our goals, this study will be carried out at Cite verte district hospital,
located in the neighbourhood of Cité-verte in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Moreover, this
study will include all women in the early postpartum period, that will be willing to take part to this study
at the cite verte district hospital, and this study will include; All women in the early post partum that
will be willing to take part to this study at Cité-verte district hospital. All women who will be reluctant to
participate to the study and who will not give birth during the period of the research study will be
excluded from the study A sample size of 50 participants will be taken to achieve our goals using a
random sampling technique and a cross-sectional method of study design.A combination of qualitative
and quantitative methods will be used to collect data, such as interviews, observations and a semi-
structured questionnaire. After the data is been collected, it will be analyzed using Excel.Finally,ethical
approval will be obtained from;

- The school administration

- The hospital heads

Expected Outcomes
At the end of this research study, we will be able to

 Evaluate the effects of traditional medecine on maternal outcome in

obstetrics at Cite-verte district hospital

 Determine the association between maternal outcomes and specific

traditional medecines

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