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Energy: Lesson 2

Changes in Energy
Learning Objective
• To calculate changes in energy.

Success Criteria
• To apply the equation for elastic potential energy.

• To recall and apply the equations for kinetic energy and elastic potential

• To recall and apply the equations for gravitational potential energy,

kinetic energy and elastic potential energy.
What’s the Connection?
It is possible to calculate the following: the kinetic energy stored by a
moving object, such as a bicycle; the elastic potential energy stored in a
stretched spring, such as in a bow; and the amount of gravitational
potential energy gained by a raised object, such as a diver on a board.

Key Words
energy; gravitational
potential energy; elastic
potential energy; kinetic
Elastic Potential Energy
elastic potential energy = ½ x spring constant x (extension)2


Ee = ½ke2

Ee = elastic potential energy in J

k = spring constant in N/m

e = extension in m
Elastic Potential Energy
Using the equation Ee = ½ke2, calculate an archer’s elastic potential
energy when his spring constant is 8N/m and his extension is 0.75m.

Ee = ½ x 8 x 0.752

Therefore, Ee = 2.25J (to two decimal places)

Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy = ½ x mass x (speed)2


Ek = ½mv2

Ek = kinetic energy in J

m = mass in kg

v = speed in m/s
Kinetic Energy
Using the equation Ek = ½mv2, calculate the kinetic energy of a cyclist when
her speed is 7.27m/s, her bicycle’s mass is 11kg and her mass is 50kg.

Ek = ½ x 61 x 7.272

Therefore, Ek = 1612.01J (to two decimal places)

Gravitational Potential Energy
GPE = mass x gravitational field strength x height


Ep = mgh

Ep = gravitational potential energy in J

m = mass in kg

g = gravitational field strength in m/s2

h = height in m
Kinetic Energy
Using the equation Ep = mgh, calculate the gravitational potential energy of
a diver when his mass is 60kg, his gravitational field strength is 10N/kg and
he jumps from the 10m platform.

Ep = 60 x 10 x 10

Therefore, Ep = 6000J

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