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Yağmur Çay



1. To give an example, some states in the USA consider it illegal for commercial
companies to collect and use people's data without their consent, and in such a
case, people are given the right to sue. In my opinion, users should be warned in
advance about where this data can be used, otherwise they should be given the right
to sue.

2. A survey can be conducted to users regarding this issue. According to the survey
results, company employees can resolve their disputes according to the opinion of
the majority. Thanks to facial recognition technology, many personal data can be
accessed today. There are different views on the ethical and moral aspects of
accessing this data without permission. Ethical review authorities do not see any
harm in using public data such as facial recognition research without anyone's
permission. Some scientists do not find it ethically and morally right to collect data
sets without people's permission or to use them in any research.

3. If I were a leader at Innovax, I would adopt the principle of honesty and ensure
that users are given the necessary information about this technology. My primary
goal will be to respect the privacy of users, to prevent the misuse of data obtained
about them through this technology and to take the necessary precautions in this

4. The commercial goals of biometric technology companies providing the data sets
often override ethical concerns. In my opinion, we should prioritize ethical and
moral concerns rather than material interests. There are many examples in the past
of ensuring customer satisfaction, improving standards and greatly increasing
business success based on the principle that good ethics is good business.

5. If users are informed in advance about the data that can be obtained with facial
recognition technology through a contract, their trust in Innovax will increase.
Prioritizing respect for users' private lives will also meet the legal requirement.
6. Innovax should continue to be used if it provides good financial returns, provided
that users' privacy is protected. It is also an important software for the advancement
of this technology.

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