SA For Term 4 10th Gr.

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Summative Assessment for term 4

I Variant Grade: 10 _
Task. Read the article below and mark the statements YES / NO / NOT GIVEN.
Sustainable architecture – lessons from the ant
Termite mounds were the inspiration for an innovative design in sustainable living
The extraordinary Eastgate Building in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital city, is said to be the
only one in the world to use the same cooling and heating principles as the termite
This is all possible only because Harare is 1600 feet above sea level, has cloudless skies,
little humidity and rapid temperature swings days as warm as 31C commonly drop to
14C at night. ‘You couldn’t do this in New York, with its fantastically hot summers
and fantastically cold winters,’ architect Mick Pearce said. But then his eyes lit up at the
challenge. ‘Perhaps you could store the summer’s heat in winter somehow.’
The engineering firm of Ove Amp & Partners, which worked with him on the design,
monitors daily temperatures outside, under the floors and at knee, desk and ceiling level.
Ove Amp’s graphs show that the temperature of the building has generally stayed
between 23C and 25C with the exception of the annual hot spell just before the
summer rains in October, and three days in November, when a janitor accidentally
switched off the fans at night.

Pearce, disdaining smooth glass skins as ‘igloos in the Sahara’, calls his building, with its
exposed girders and pipes, ‘spiky’. The design of the entrances in based on the
porcupine-quill headdresses of the local Shona tribe. Elevators are designed to look like
the mineshaft cages used in Zimbabwe’s diamond mines. The shape of the fan covers,
and the stone used in the construction, are echoes of Great Zimbabwe, the ruins that give
the country its name. Standing on a roof catwalk, peering down inside at people as small
as termites below. Pearce said he hoped plants would grow wild in the atrium and
pigeons and bats would move into it like that termite fungus, further extending the whole
‘organic machine’ metaphor.

1.Mick Pearce was a designer of Eastgate Building. __________

2. Mick does not see any perspectives of using the termite mound system of cooling and
heating other parts of the world. ________
3. It is easier to build something similar to Eastgate in countries with warm climate rather
than cold one. _______
4. Ove Amp’s data suggest that Eastgate’s temperature control system functions well for
most of the year. _______
5. Some elements of Eastgate Building reflect important features of Zimbabwe’s history
and culture. ________
6. Pearce believes that his building would be improved by better protection from harmful
organisms ________ Total [6]
Task. Choose ONE of the topics and write two body paragraphs of an essay.
 Support your ideas with arguments for and/or against;
 Give reasons or examples;
 Use appropriate punctuation marks;
 Follow the structure using appropriate linking devices.
Topic 1. Is it better to eat healthy or exercise to be healthy?
Topic 2. Should the government spend money on building sustainable cities?
Total [6]
Task. You have 1 minute to prepare and 2-3 minutes to speak.
1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word “future”?
2. Do you think the future will be good? Why?
3. What do you think future cities will be like?
4. Would you prefer to live in the future or in today’s world? Why?
5.What would life be life without money?
6. What is the most interesting thing you know about space? Total [6]
Task. Listen to the recording and make right sentences.

1.big, a ,is ,universe,The place._____________________________________________

2.I ,anyone, how, understand, just, big. don’t can,
3. ends The, never. universe, ever ____________________________________________
4. talk, the universe of use strange, Another, word, is that people their universe about
5. say funny ,It’s, they , scientists, when, want, of, universe, unlock , the to secrets the.

6. impossible. there out, are ,secrets ,many, too ,way There That’s,.
________________________________________________________ Total [6]
Summative Assessment for term 4
II Variant Grade 10_

Search for Supernova
Sometimes a star explodes. The explosion is called a supernova. Supernovas are the
biggest explosions that happen in space. They are one of the most powerful events in the
universe. Usually, changes to planets and stars happen very, very slowly. For example, it
took millions of years for our solar system to form. That is a very long time. A
supernova, however, happens very quickly. The explosion lasts only about 15 seconds.
In Galaxies Far, Far Away
A galaxy is a system of millions of stars and the planets that circle them. Our solar
system is in the Milky Way galaxy. In galaxies like ours, there are two or three
supernovas every hundred years. There are many, many galaxies in the universe.
Scientists can usually observe a few hundred supernovas every year.
Ingredients for Planets
Supernovas are important for shooting elements into the universe. Everything in the
Universe is made of matter, and matter is made of elements. Huge stars are kind of like
factories. The burning
core of a star cooks up the elements needed to make everything else in the universe.
When a star explodes, it shoots the elements into space. Eventually, the elements form
new stars and new planets. These become solar systems, which make up galaxies. The
elements are ingredients for making planets, moons, and even us!

Task. Read the questions and choose the best option A, B, C or D.

1. Which question is answered in the section "Search for Supernovas"?
A. What causes supernovas?
B. Who can discover supernovas?
C. Where do supernovas happen?
D. Why do scientists study supernovas?
2.What information do you get from the section "Ingredients for Planets"?
A. details about what kinds of stars can eventually become supernovas
B. facts about how long most supernovas last
C. details about what causes supernovas to happen
D. facts about how supernovas help make other things in the universe
3. Which detail from the article BEST states its MAIN idea?
A. A galaxy is a system of millions of stars and the planets that circle them.
B. Everything in the Universe is made of matter, and matter is made of elements.
C. There are many, many galaxies in the universe.
D. Supernovas are one of the most powerful events in the universe.
Task. Explain what these numbers state in the text.
4. millions years _________________________________________ [1]
5. every hundred years _______________________________________ [1]
6. 15 seconds _______________________________________________ [1]
Total [6]
WRITING Read the beginning of the story and continue it. Open the brackets in the
final sentence correctly.
It is the year 3034. We are on our way to visit unknown planet Bibblebop in a faraway
galaxy. Our huge spaceship flies for months past planets, stars and galaxies. At last, we
have arrived. We open a door and look out – this planet is very green. There is an alien
behind the tree. He is very scary… (why he feels some terror, what happened next)
(Express your feelings to this planet and people, write the end of your story)
If we (decide) to make a living at this planet some years ago, we (have) so many
problems now.
Total [6]
Task. Listen to the recording and make right sentences.
1. given The universe, that is, has , an adjective, in English,
2. something, say, we , sense, When universal is, it doesn’t make.
in is, size, It,
3. takes , happens That’s we’re it, place, because, saying, or happens all around the
4.universe, when, in fact, it only on Earth.
5.sad., collapsed, say ,Sometimes universe they their when happened something
6. universe, Scientists even, our brain, a mini ,call.
_______________________________________________________ Total [6]
1. Would you like to travel into space? Why or why not?
2. What do you think about space tourism?
3. How important is learning about space?
4. Will humans ever travel to different solar systems? Why or why not?
5. How is the Earth unique in our solar system?
6. Do you think life exact on other solar systems?
Total [6]
Total 24 points

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