SA For Term 4 GR 11

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Summative Assessment for term 4

I Variant Grade 11 “__”

Name __________________________________________________________


Listen to the speaker and decide if the sentences are True or False

Total [6 / ___]
READING Task. Read the article.

I If you're a younger employee, you may have experienced the struggle of getting noticed for
your work. Do not worry, you have lots of opportunities to champion yourself at work and
point out your victories: in a range of fields. There's a definite art involved in the delicacies of
advertising your accomplishments. If you're always talking about how good you are at your job
and how lucky the company is to have you, you'll come across as selfish. But speak too little of
your work, you could miss out on promotions. If you want to take your career to the next level,
you need to champion yourself at work.
II The first rule of championing yourself at work is to have something worth boasting
about. You need a particular achievement, because going around telling people you're great for
no reason at all makes you sound full of yourself. You should always have something specific,
and it should be measurable. There's a saying in business: “If you can't measure it, you can't
manage it.” We know; things like your team's morale are important too, but the fact is your
boss, your boss’ boss and everyone else has a preference for numbers. Why? Numbers are an
easy handle. Your boss could spend a few hours a week sitting in on the sales team, watching
how many deals are made, and the overall mood of the division for example.
III When you achieve the result you've aimed for, you truly have something to boast
about. However, if you play that victory off the wrong way you'll come across as boastful. So
instead of going around boasting about what a fine job you did, share with the others around
you, how proud they should be of the success the company had. Do what you can to share the
praise: It makes you look like a bigger man and nobody will be confused about who actually
made the win possible.
IV Have you ever had a question for your boss or something to get their feedback on? You
may have even felt unimportant or unappreciated to them. Your boss doesn't mean to ignore
you, he’s just busy. Get a promotion to management, and you'll quickly realise how much work
your boss was dealing with that you weren't even aware of. They have people above them to
answer to, their own work and you and your coworkers on the level below. So don't feel bad if
you get an apathetic reception from your boss, maybe you caught them at a bad time. Keep
bringing up the good things you're accomplishing. Don't give up!
Task 1. Choose appropriate heading for each paragraph (I-IV)
1. Be Persistent ______________
2. Focus On Specifics _____________
3. Present Accomplishments As Company Victories, Not Your Own __________________
4. Champion Yourself At Work _________________
Task 2. Answer the following questions
5. What is the main purpose of the article?
6. What type of information does the article provide?
A. Why B. How
C. Who D. When
Total [6 / ___]
Task. You are a senior student at school and want to enter a university. Write formal
introduction about you to be the best candidate for the university. In your writing include the
following information
 Why are you a good candidate (e.g. excellent academic achievements and personal
 How can the chosen university help you in your future career?
Total [6 / ___]
SPEAKING Task. Be ready to talk about on the following topic
“Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad”

Total [6 / ___]
Total marks ____/24
Summative Assessment for term 4
II Variant Grade 11 “__”
Name __________________________________________________________

LISTENING Listen to the speaker and complete the sentences

Total [6 / ___]
READING Read the article and do the tasks
I If you're a younger employee, you may have experienced the struggle of getting noticed for
your work. Do not worry, you have lots of opportunities to champion yourself at work and
point out your victories: in a range of fields. There's a definite art involved in the delicacies of
advertising your accomplishments. If you're always talking about how good you are at your job
and how lucky the company is to have you, you'll come across as selfish. But speak too little of
your work, you could miss out on promotions. If you want to take your career to the next level,
you need to champion yourself at work.
II The first rule of championing yourself at work is to have something worth boasting
about. You need a particular achievement, because going around telling people you're great for
no reason at all makes you sound full of yourself. You should always have something specific,
and it should be measurable. There's a saying in business: “If you can't measure it, you can't
manage it.” We know; things like your team's morale are important too, but the fact is your
boss, your boss’ boss and everyone else has a preference for numbers. Why? Numbers are an
easy handle. Your boss could spend a few hours a week sitting in on the sales team, watching
how many deals are made, and the overall mood of the division for example.
III When you achieve the result you've aimed for, you truly have something to boast
about. However, if you play that victory off the wrong way you'll come across as boastful. So
instead of going around boasting about what a fine job you did, share with the others around
you, how proud they should be of the success the company had. Do what you can to share the
praise: It makes you look like a bigger man and nobody will be confused about who actually
made the win possible.
IV Have you ever had a question for your boss or something to get their feedback on? You
may have even felt unimportant or unappreciated to them. Your boss doesn't mean to ignore
you, he’s just busy. Get a promotion to management, and you'll quickly realise how much work
your boss was dealing with that you weren't even aware of. They have people above them to
answer to, their own work and you and your coworkers on the level below. So don't feel bad if
you get an apathetic reception from your boss, maybe you caught them at a bad time. Keep
bringing up the good things you're accomplishing. Don't give up!

Task 1. Read the sentences and decide if the sentences are True or False
1.You always talk about how good you are at your job and how lucky the company is to have
you ________
2. The first rule of championing yourself at work is having something specific, and
measurable. ______
3. Sharing with the others around you, how proud they should be of the success the company
had is not the best idea to show up yourself.__________
4.If you have felt unimportant or unappreciated to your boss then it means that your boss
ignore you_________
5. You should try to feel good if you get an apathetic reception from your boss__________
Task 2. Answer the following question
6. What is the main purpose of the article?
Total [6 / ___]
Task. You are a senior student at school and want to enter a university. Write formal
introduction about you to be the best candidate for the university. In your writing include the
following information
 Why are you a good candidate (e.g. excellent academic achievements and personal
 How can the chosen university help you in your future career?
Total [6 / ___]
SPEAKING Task. Be ready to talk about on the following topic
“Advantages and disadvantages of following fashion ”

Total [6 / ___]
Total marks ____/24

My name's Katharine Hamnett. I'm a fashion designer and I've been campaigning on
sustainability for the last 30 years.
In the 1980s we were on a complete roll. We did some research and I thought, 'Ah, it's gonna be
fine.' Cut to the kill. Every single raw material was having a horrendous impact on the
environment. People I've bought hundreds of thousands of metres of cotton from were saying,
'Why should we make it organic cotton since you're the only one asking for it?'
'Choose life' – that was our first T-shirt. 'Save the future', 'Save the bees'.
Clothing purchasing is driven by desire. You know, they've got to be desirable. They can't just
be sustainable. This coat is recycled polyester. Padded silk, because I was trying to find an
alternative to fur, and it actually works.
I think it's important, you know, as well as campaigning, to actually prove that it can be done.

Answer keys

I variant II Variant

6 This article looks at how anyone can
climb the employment ladder and increase
his/her opportunities

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