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Unit 57: Business Intelligence

By Mohammed MGM


Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01


Programme title HND in Business Management

Assessor Internal Verifier

Unit 57 – Business Intelligence


Assignment title

Mohammed MGM

Student’s name

List which assessment Pass Merit Distinction

criteria the Assessor has


Do the assessment criteria awarded

match those shown in the assignment

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade

awarded justified by the assessor’s
comments on the student work?

Has the work been assessed

accurately? Y/N

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Is the feedback to the student:

Give details:

• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment

• Identifying opportunities
for improved performance?

• Agreeing actions?

Does the assessment decision need

amending? Y/N

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if


Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Confirm action completed
Remedial action taken

Internal Verifier
Programme Leader
signature (if required)

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID

Unit Title Unit 57 – Business Intelligence

Assignment Number Assessor

Date Received 1st
Date Received 2nd

Re-submission Date submission

Assessor Feedback:

LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support business decision-making.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 M1 D1


LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence functionality

Pass, Merit & Distinction P2 M2 D2


LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M3 D3


Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been
agreed at the assessment board.

Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Higher Nationals in


Unit 57: Business Intelligence

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as
your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page
Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached for any reason.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing your assignment.

Important Points:

1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the compulsory
information. eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the body except for the before
mentioned compulsory information will result in rejection of your work.
2. Avoid using page borders in your assignment body.
3. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late submissions will not be
4. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
5. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
6. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

7. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply (in
writing) for an extension.
8. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
9. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will then be
asked to complete an alternative assignment.
10. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using HARVARD
referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation and a reference list.
11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be reduced to A
REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own
without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Edexcel UK.

3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of the assignments for this

4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my own, and where
I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way.

5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between
myself and Edexcel UK.

6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached to the

Student’s Signature: Date: 31/12/2023

Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Assignment Brief

Student Name /ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 57: Business Intelligence

Academic Year 2021/2022

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Business Processes and Application of Business Intelligence

Issue Date

Submission Date

IV Name & Date

Submission format

Section A and B

The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business
style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections
as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing
system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is
2,000–2,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Section C

The submission of section C should be a 15-minute individual PowerPoint presentation inclusive of 05 minutes
allocated for questions. The presentation slides and speaker notes should beattached along with Section A and B.
You are required to make effective use of signposting (numbered PowerPoint headings, bullet points and
subsections) in- text referencing as appropriate. Your research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing
system. Please also provide a reference list using the Harvard referencing system. The learner should provide
speaker notes along with presentation slides with recommended word count of 750-1500, although you will not
be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support business decision-making.

LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence functionality

LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies

LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and technologies for effective decision-making purposes
and the legal/regulatory context in which they are used

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support

business decision making

D1 Evaluate the benefits and

P1 Examine, using examples, the M1 Differentiate between
drawbacks of using application
terms ‘Business Process’ and unstructured and semi-structured
software as a mechanism for
‘Supporting Processes’. data in an organization.
business processing.

LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated with business

intelligence functionality

D2 Justify, with specific

P2 Compare the types of support M2 Compare and contrast a
examples, the key features of
available for business decision range of information systems and
business intelligence
making at varying levels in an technologies that can be used to
organization. support organisations at
operational, tactical and strategic

LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and


D3 Provide a critical review of

P3 Determine, with examples, M3 Customise the design to
the design in terms of how it
what business intelligence is and ensure that it is user friendly and
meets a specific user or
the tools and techniques has a functional interface.
business requirement and
associated with it.
identify what customisation has
P4 Design a business intelligence been integrated into the design.
tool, application or interface that
can perform a specific task to
support problem solving or
decision making at an advanced

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Pass Merit Distinction

LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and

technologies for effective decision-making purposes and the
legal/regulatory context in which they are used.

D4 Evaluate how organizations

P5 Discuss how business M4 Conduct research to identify
could use business intelligence
intelligence tools can contribute specific examples of
to extend their target audience
to effective decision making. organizations that have used
and make them more
business intelligence tools to
P6 Explore the legal issues competitive in the market,
enhance or improve operations.
involved in the secure taking security Legislation into
exploitation of business consideration.
intelligence tools.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Assignment Brief and Guidance:


Suppose you have been recently recruited as a Business Analyst to a leading Sri Lankan
Organization. As your initial project, you are required to do a presentation and hand over a
management report to the CEO briefing your understanding on business processes of the
organization and application of business intelligence in the organizational decision-making
process covering the below mentioned sections.

Section A

The report should include a brief introduction and a background analysis of your
organization. Then examine different business processes and supporting processes available
in the organization which are used to maintain an undisturbed supply of goods and services
to the customers. The report should furthermore differentiate the structured and semi-
structured data used in the organization context. An evaluation of the use of application
software as a mechanism for effective business processing also should be included and
your answer should emphasize the benefits and drawbacks of using such a software in
meeting organization’s business objectives.

Section B This part of the report should focus on identifying the managerial levels of your
organization along with the decisions taken by each level. A comparison of the use of
business intelligence tools and technologies to take effective and efficient decisions in each
management level should be included while justifying the key features of the identified
tools and technologies that drives the organization towards its goals. Use examples to
strengthen the answers where possible.

Examine the use of business intelligence in the selected organization with examples and
identify an area in the business that has not been supported by business intelligence tools
and technologies yet. Design a user-friendly tool, application or an interface that is suitable
to cater the identified performance gap in the business and analyse how it will assist the
functioning of the organization. Test your design with a specific user group and customize
it according to the feedback. Provide a critical review on the customizations introduced and
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

how the introduced changes meet the user and the business requirements.

Section C

You are now required to prepare a power point presentation and present it to the
CEO including the following sections

Discuss the importance and the impact of business intelligence tools and technologies that
can be used by the organization for effective decision making within the legal/ regulatory
context of the organization. Further, conduct research to identify the application of
business intelligence tools and technologies by the main competitors of your organization.
Evaluate how you can adopt them to reach your target market expectations and gain
competitive advantages by considering the security legislations relevant to the
organizational context.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

P1 Examine, using examples, the

terms ‘Business Process’ and
‘Supporting Processes’.

P2 Compare the types of support

available for business decision making
at varying levels in an organisation.

P3 Determine, with examples, what

business intelligence is and the tools
and techniques associated with it.

P4 Design a business intelligence tool,

application or interface that can
perform a specific task to support
problem solving or decision making at
an advanced level.

P5 Discuss how business intelligence

tools can contribute to effective
decision making.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

P6 Explore the legal issues involved in
the secure exploitation of business
intelligence tools.

M1 Differentiate between unstructured

and semi-structured data in an

M2 Compare and contrast a range of

information systems and technologies
that can be used to support
organisations at operational, tactical
and strategic levels.

M3 Customise the design to ensure

that it is user friendly and has a
functional interface.

M4 Conduct research to identify

specific examples of organizations that
have used business intelligence tools
to enhance or improve operations.

D1 Evaluate the benefits and

drawbacks of using application
software as a mechanism for business

D2 Justify, with specific examples, the

key features of business intelligence

D3 Provide a critical review of the

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

design in terms of how it meets a
specific user or business requirement
and identify what customisation has
been integrated into the design.

D4 Evaluate how organizations could

use business intelligence to extend
their target audience and make them
more competitive in the market, taking

Legislation into consideration.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01


The Briefing Report

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01


Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) = CAI

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Table of Contents
SECTIONS “A” AND “B”................................................................................................................21
The Briefing Report..........................................................................................................................21
Section “A”.........................................................................................................................................27
1. Introduction................................................................................................................................28
2. Examination of different business processes and supporting processes available in the
Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)............................................................................................32
2.1 What is a business process?...............................................................................................32
2.2 What are core processes of a business?..................................................................................33
2.3 What is the supporting process of a business?.......................................................................36
2.4 Business process at Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)..................................................37
2.5 Supporting processes at Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)..........................................39
3. Differentiate the structured and semi-structured data used in Ceylon Agro Industries
3.1 What are structured and semi structured data......................................................................41
3.1.1 What is structured data?...................................................................................................41
3.1.2 What is semi structured data?..........................................................................................44
3.2 Structured data that can be found in Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)....................48
3.3 Semi structured data that can be found in Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)............49
3.4 Differences between structured and semi structured data....................................................50
4. An evaluation of the use of application software as a mechanism for effective business
processing in Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI).....................................................................52
4.1 What is application software?...........................................................................................52
4.2 Advantages and disadvantages that would be there for Ceylon Agro Industries Limited
(CAI) when using application software........................................................................................55
Section “B”.........................................................................................................................................58
5. Types of support available for business decision making at varying levels of Ceylon Agro
Industries Limited (CAI)..................................................................................................................59
5.1 Three levels of organizational performance of Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)
5.2 Managers at different levels at Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)...............................60
5.3 Currently available decision support systems at Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI). .63
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

6. A comparison of the use of business intelligence tools and technologies to take effective and
efficient decisions in each management level of Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI).............66
6.1 Different types of business information systems and technologies.......................................66
6.1.1 Range of systems................................................................................................................70
6.1.2 Range of technologies........................................................................................................72
6.2 Comparison of tools and technologies to support decision making......................................78
7. Justification of using BI systems with specific examples and key features of business
intelligence functionality related to Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI).................................83
7.1 Benefits and limitations of Business intelligence (BI) systems for Ceylon Agro Industries
Limited (CAI) as well other organisations...................................................................................83
7.1.1 Benefits of Business intelligence (BI) systems for Ceylon Agro Industries Limited
7.1.2 The Limitations of Business intelligence (BI) systems for Ceylon Agro Industries
Limited (CAI).............................................................................................................................84
7.1.3 Benefits and of Business intelligence (BI) systems for other organisations...................86
7.2 Examples of BI systems and applications that can be used by CAI.....................................88
7.3 Some key features of BI functionality that are related to CAI.............................................89
8. An overview of the concept business intelligence.....................................................................92
8.1 Definitions of Business Intelligence.........................................................................................92
8.2 Tools and techniques used in business intelligence..............................................................104
8.2.1 Tools used in business intelligence..................................................................................104
8.2.2 Techniques used in business intelligence........................................................................108
8.2.3 Data visualisation tools available....................................................................................111
9. Design of a business intelligence tool for Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)...............117
9.1 Identification of data sources in Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)....................117
9.1.1 Sources of data.................................................................................................................117
9.1.2 Diagram of how that data would be processed in order to BI tools to get them
9.2 Design of a business intelligence tool for Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI).......120
9.2.1 Registration page.............................................................................................................120
9.2.2 Login Page........................................................................................................................121
9.3.3 Admin Dashboard...........................................................................................................122
9.2.4 Human resources BI tool interface.................................................................................122
9.2.5 Procurement department BI tool interface....................................................................123
9.2.6 Marketing department BI tool interface........................................................................124
9.2.7 Finance department BI tool interface............................................................................125
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

9.2.8 Management department BI tool interface....................................................................126
9.2.9 Feedback page..................................................................................................................127
10. Discussion on user friendliness of the proposed tool.........................................................127
10.1 Registration page..............................................................................................................127
10.2 Login Page.........................................................................................................................128
10.3 Admin Dashboard............................................................................................................128
10.4 Human resources BI tool interface.............................................................................129
10.5 Procurement department BI tool interface.....................................................................130
10.6 Marketing department BI tool interface....................................................................131
10.7 Finance department BI tool interface.........................................................................132
10.8 Management department BI tool interface.....................................................................133
10.9 Feedback page......................................................................................................................134
Section “C”.......................................................................................................................................136
Presentation slides and speaker notes............................................................................................137
List of References............................................................................................................................159

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Section “A”

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

1. Introduction

Introduction of Prima Sri Lanka

Prima Sri Lanka, a subsidiary of the Prima Group, has been a key player in the country's food
business since 1977, with Prima Ceylon (Private) Limited (PCL) serving as its flagship
company. PCL embraces flour as a specialty ingredient and believes passionately in the
transformational power of the appropriate flour in culinary creations. The Trincomalee flour
milling complex, a massive building erected in 1980 that was, at the time, one of the world's
largest flour mills under a single roof, exemplifies the company's long past (Prima, n.d.).

Background Analysis of Prima Sri Lanka

The Prima Group's influence extends beyond flour milling to a wide range of activities. The
Prima Baking Training Centre (PBTC) was established in 2004 to demonstrate the company's
dedication to the industry's growth by providing practical training and promoting new baking
techniques through specialized courses. Ceylon Grain Elevators PLC (CGE) was founded in
1982, initially specializing in feed milling and then expanding its operations to include
chicken hatcheries, commercial farming, and poultry product retailing.

Ceylon Agro-Industries Limited (CAI), founded in 1992, expanded the Prima Group's
portfolio by manufacturing and supplying a variety of value-added wheat and chicken
products. This collection has grown to cover everything from noodles and confectioneries to
processed meat and dairy items.

Prima Management Systems (Private) Limited (PMS), formed in 2006, is a leading IT

solutions firm in Sri Lanka, offering software development, IP-based video solutions, and IT
consultancy. Meanwhile, Prima Ceylon Machinery (Private) Limited (PCML), a subsidiary of
PCL, concentrates on importing and marketing baking equipment and machinery,
contributing to the professional services and automation of bakeries worldwide.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Prima Land (Private) Limited (PLL), which manages the Royal Park Apartments in
Rajagiriya, demonstrates the group's diversification into real estate, providing luxury living
experiences on the outskirts of Colombo.

Prima Group's international footprint is underlined by the Prima Singapore HQ, where its
flour milling journey began in 1961. Over the course of six decades, the business has grown
into a multinational food company with manufacturing bases not just in Singapore but also in
China, Australia, and, most notably, Sri Lanka.

Prima Group adheres to the "3H" principles—traditional core values that have propelled its
steady growth and continue to serve as a compass for the company's progress—guided by a
compelling vision to be a leading international food industrial group and a mission centered
on supporting the food manufacturing ecosystem. Prima Group products are currently
enjoyed on five continents, highlighting its global impact from the Americas to Southeast
Asia, thanks to long-standing alliances and a significant export effort. The philosophy of the
company, represented in the "3H" Principles, connects with its mission to delivering
innovative food items that improve people's lives (Prima, n.d.).

The chosen company in this assignment by the student is Ceylon Agro Industries Limited
(CAI) under Prima Srilanka

Introduction of Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)

Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) is a major actor in Sri Lanka's food and agricultural
environment, methodically designing and distributing a wide range of value-added wheat,
poultry, and dairy products. CAI, which began with a focus to cost, nutrition, and product
excellence, has grown into a multidimensional organization with a significant impact on the
nation's nutrition supply (Prima, n.d.).

Background Analysis Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)

CAI's primary business is divided into five categories: wheat-based products, dairy products,
poultry-based products, trade items, and agricultural products. CAI, the home of some of Sri
Lanka's most well-known household brands, has established itself as an important contributor
to the country's agricultural and nutritional growth.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

The company's manufacturing units, which are supported by modern chemical,
microbiological, and R&D laboratories, adhere to tight quality control standards at every
stage of production. CAI's dedication to high-quality, economical, and convenient products is
mirrored in its distribution network, with the company routinely ranking among the top five
food brands in the country, according to the Kantar-LMRB Household panel poll 2019.

CAI's impact goes beyond traditional food production. The company actively contributes to
the growth of the agriculture sector by giving hybrid seeds to maize producers and offering
information, advice, and training. Notably, recognized brands such as McDonald's, Fab,
Burger King, Domino's, Dinemore, and Subway are among CAI's clients (Prima, n.d.).

Manufacturing Excellence

CAI's cutting-edge, fully automated manufacturing facilities enable a completely integrated

manufacturing process. The Noodles Processing Plant, which is ISO 9001, Food Safety
System Certification 22000, and SLS certified, manufactures the award-winning Prima
Noodles and maintains its market leadership.

The Bakery Plant specializes in high-end bakery products, such as Whole Grain with high
fiber, Enriched White with high protein, Premium Bread with ultra-soft texture, and more.
The Pastry Plant, which is HACCP and FSSC 22000 certified, manufactures buns, flatbreads,
and the famous Swiss Rolls.

The Welimada Dairy Plant promotes the creation of dairy products using 100% locally
obtained fresh milk. The SLS-certified plant manufactures Set Yoghurt, Drinking Yoghurt,
Fresh Milk, Flavored Milk, Cheese, Fresh Cream, and Curd.

The Jam and Sauces Plant, which is Halal and FSSC 22000 certified, adds to CAI's varied
product line by creating numerous jams and sauces.

The Processed Meats division, which has HACCP, FSSC 22000, and Halal certification,
provides a variety of poultry goods, including sausages and meatballs as well as marinated
chicken meat items (Prima, n.d.).

Agricultural Initiatives

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

CAI's agricultural mission includes pioneering the introduction of hybrid maize seeds in Sri
Lanka since 1998. The company provides Chena farmers with a full package that includes
high-quality seeds, fertilizer, farming assistance, and a crop buy-back guarantee.

CAI revolutionizes the dairy business by introducing fodder varieties such as Sugargraze and
Nutrifeed. The corporation actively participates in seed paddy planting programs, aids paddy
farming communities, and collaborates on research with the Rice Research and Development

The Agriculture Research and Development team works with multinational corporations and
the Department of Agriculture to develop improved hybrid vegetable types and offer farmers
with high-quality local vegetable seeds. CAI's specialized seed production farm and contract
cultivation initiatives contribute to the sector's sustainability and technological developments
(Prima, n.d.).

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

2. Examination of different business processes and supporting
processes available in the Ceylon Agro Industries Limited

2.1What is a business process?

A group of tasks necessary to produce a profitable outcome is referred to as a business

process. There will be inputs, procedures, and outputs for any business process. Before the
technique can be used, the inputs must be put in place. Outputs are produced when the
technique is applied to the inputs. An organization, its stakeholders, or its customers can
benefit from a group of related structural actions called a business process. It may be a
component of a more comprehensive process and may incorporate additional business
operations that are necessary for its methodology. Workflows can be considered as business
processes. (uplandsoftware, n.d.).

Here are few examples of business processes

Sales Process

In a wide range of global sectors and businesses, sales processes are essential. Depending on
the nature of the business, some details may change, but the fundamental procedures never
change. Sharing the sales proposal, sending quotes, negotiating terms, collecting orders for
goods or services, updating sales records, delivering the goods or services, creating a bill, and
processing payments are typical actions included in a sales process. Depending on the
particular needs of a firm, the workflow and structure of this process might be modified
(, n.d.).

Customer Service Process

Customer service is yet another essential component of international business operations.

This procedure includes a number of phases designed to efficiently resolve consumer issues.
These actions include receiving customer complaints or concerns via a Customer
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Relationship Management (CRM) system, acknowledging the customer's concern, entering
the issue's specifics into the CRM system, fixing the issue, and informing the customer of the
resolution's progress (, n.d.).

Additional Business Processes

There are a number of additional crucial business operations besides sales and customer
service that are crucial to different sectors of the economy and geographical areas. These
include the hiring process, the billing process, the order processing process, the order
onboarding process, the accounting process, the market research process, and the product
development process. Each of these processes has a distinct set of stages and instructions that
are geared to match the particular demands and goals of the organization concerned
(, n.d.).

2.2 What are core processes of a business?

According to Stewart, (n.d.) A core process is a continuous, comprehensive procedure that

accomplishes organizational objectives. Customer satisfaction and business operations
depend on this procedure, which they are both willing to pay for. The interests of the
customer come first and foremost in a core process since it creates value for them. Your sales
process, research and development procedures, or the creation of new products are a few
examples of core processes. Your organization's main priorities should be its fundamental
procedures. These procedures provide for unambiguous metrics and reporting, which are
crucial for scalability. Creating your core processes will enhance onboarding, performance
management, and staff training while capturing best practices to make them repeatable. Core
process development can also assist you in preserving tribal knowledge within your company
and preventing knowledge loss due to employee turnover. You may strengthen the
organization's quality, production, and communication by concentrating on these procedures.

Here are seven steps to help you identify and improve your core processes:

1. Determine what the buyer is paying for. What is essential to providing that service or
creating that good? What gives you a competitive edge with the consumer? Do you

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

deliver that product or service using more than one major process? If so, enumerate
each of these procedures (Stewart, n.d.).
2. Is there a crucial product development procedure that gives you a competitive
advantage if you sell a product? Prioritize the processes you've discovered if there are
many ones. Which ones give the client the most value? (Stewart, n.d.).
3. Determine the high-level actions necessary to produce or give what the consumer
pays for, working in reverse order. To identify the crucial processes that produce a
satisfrecurring customer, this step may involve getting in touch with customers or
examining customer surveys. (Stewart, n.d.).
4. At each stage, note the actual and desired variations. Variations could include the use
of different forms or procedures by various locations or the use of different scripts by
call center agents. What changes help the process to be better? Who doesn't? (Stewart,
5. Define who is responsible for each process stage. Who should do that step and who
now owns it? Are some people acting in ways they shouldn't be acting? Exist any
voids where nobody is in charge? (Stewart, n.d.).
6. Determine the chokepoints and issue interfaces. How can you get rid of difficulties or
problems at these points? Which steps are sluggish or ineffective in the process?
Why? (Stewart, n.d.).
7. As you go, note any subprocesses that can be prioritized and recorded for later use.
Sub-processes won't be present in every process, and that's okay. If they do, be sure to
save the individual processes for a later revision. (Stewart, n.d.).

Even while you might feel as though you already have a solid understanding of your
organization's fundamental procedures, taking the time to review them deliberately and
carefully might help you validate or update your knowledge. Additionally, it may guarantee
that all leaders in all roles follow the same fundamental procedures. You may assure that your
company is on the path to being a best-in-class operation by gradually optimizing these

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

What are the core processes in a company?

Typically, core processes in a company include the following areas:

Purchasing goods or services, negotiating with suppliers, contract management, and supply
chain optimization are all examples of procurement processes. Production or operational
processes are the activities required to produce goods or provide services. Planning, resource
allocation, quality control, and production management are all part of this. Selling products or
services to customers, managing sales channels, marketing, customer acquisition and
retention, and sales planning are all examples of sales and marketing processes. Customer
service processes include all activities that aim to satisfy and meet the needs of the customer,
such as customer inquiries, complaint management, technical support, and after-sales service.
Finance and accounting processes include managing the business's financial aspects, such as
bookkeeping, financial planning, budgeting, invoicing, payment processing, tax processing,
and compliance. These core processes can vary depending on the type of business. A
company may also have specific industry-specific processes that are relevant to its business
model. The identification, optimization and continuous improvement of core processes is
crucial to increase the efficiency, quality and competitiveness of a company (munich
enterprise software, 2019).

Why is it important to designate the core processes?

To fully leverage its competitive advantages in process performance, each company must
prioritize the development of these core processes. Depending on the competitive strategy,
the organization and processes have different requirements. Management naming core
processes has numerous advantages. Communication is greatly improved, and the project
team is able to focus more effectively. A lack of business process analysis at the start of the
implementation of ERP, CRM, SCM, and SRM systems typically results in inefficient
communication between departments and the project team, poor project quality, and unmet
customer expectations. (munich enterprise software, 2019)

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Knowledge of core processes has 3 key benefits

Knowledge of the core processes has the following 3 advantages for a company:

1. By separating support processes, core and support processes can be streamlined

and clarified.
2. Employees focus on and optimize core competencies, which leads to quality
3. Savings in support processes are possible through more efficient process

2.3 What is the supporting process of a business?

HENSON (n.d.) states that Every part of a company organization has a certain function. The
organization's general functionality and efficiency are influenced by departments, personnel,
and particular processes. While supporting business processes are frequently overshadowed
by core business processes, they are just as important to a company's smooth operation. The
supporting procedures for the fundamental business operations are crucial. The organization's
fundamental activities could fail without them even if they may not directly contribute to the
production or delivery of the important products or services. These processes often include
activities that keep the organization functioning smoothly so that other processes can produce
the best results possible.

Examples of classic support processes include information technology (IT) and human
resources (HR) procedures. They are there to support and improve the operation of the
fundamental processes that do, rather than to directly advance the company's main objective.
While HR focuses on staff recruiting, retention, development, and wellbeing—all essential
components in ensuring that the organization has the appropriate people in the right jobs,
functioning at their best—IT assures the seamless running of the technological infrastructure
(HENSON, n.d.).

Various support procedures play vital roles in ensuring an organization's seamless operation.
Financial procedures are used to precisely manage the organization's finances, including
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accounting, budgeting, and forecasting. Procurement procedures are in place to ensure that
critical products and services are acquired in a timely and cost-effective manner. Logistics
procedures are designed to facilitate the timely and effective delivery of goods and services to
customers. Meanwhile, customer service protocols are meant to ensure that clients receive the
best possible care and support, showing the organization's dedication to providing great
customer service. These support processes jointly contribute to the organization's overall
performance and success (HENSON, n.d.).

For a firm to run successfully, support processes are crucial. They give the key business
operations a solid base on which to run efficiently. The primary business processes couldn't
run smoothly without the support procedures. For instance, the fundamental business
operations won't be able to get the information they require to run if the IT systems aren't
operating effectively. The company won't be able to recruit and keep the top people if the HR
procedures are ineffective. Additionally, the firm won't be able to successfully manage its
finances if the financial processes aren't sound. Finally, although they frequently go
unnoticed, support processes are essential to a business's smooth operation. The productivity,
effectiveness, and profitability of the company can all be enhanced by making sure the
essential business processes receive the support they require (HENSON, n.d.).

2.4 Business process at Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)

Food manufacturing refers to the industrial operations that convert fresh produce into edible
food products. It entails a number of operations such as sourcing, preparation, production,
food packaging, and distribution. Many parts of the food manufacturing process are
comparable to those found in other products such as textiles and automobiles (Palace Foods,

Food manufacturers, on the other hand, devote great attention to issues such as food safety,
flavor, and shelf life. Other major parts of the food manufacturing process that may be found
in Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) are as follows

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

1. Inventory

Many of the ingredients used in the food industry are perishable. Food manufacturers must be
mindful of ingredient sources, labelling, transportation, and storage. Inadequate inventory
management might result in waste or the manufacturing of dangerous products (Palace
Foods, 2022).

2. Production

Washing, chopping, and combining components to create edible items is what food
manufacturing entails. The texture, taste, and appearance of manufactured food should be
consistent. Food products are also dispersed into proper reheating and serving portions
throughout the manufacturing process (Palace Foods, 2022).

3. Packaging

Proper packaging is vital for keeping food goods clean and contaminant-free. Furthermore,
the choice of packaging material influences the shelf life of the product. It is also
advantageous to producers. Effective packaging communicates your company's brand and
draws customers in. However, the fundamental goal of a producer is to achieve neat and safe
packaging(Palace Foods, 2022).

4. Safety and Regulatory Compliance

Prioritizing food safety and hygiene reduces the risk of foodborne illness. Manufacturers of
food should keep their equipment and surfaces clean and clear of extraneous particles such as
glass or plastic (Palace Foods, 2022).

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

2.5 Supporting processes at Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)

Supporting processes are the activities that enable the core processes of a firm, such as
sourcing, production, distribution, and marketing. In this case for Ceylon Agro Industries
Limited (CAI) the supporting processes are
1. Quality management
This procedure guarantees that food and beverage items satisfy safety, quality, and consumer
satisfaction criteria. It includes mechanisms for testing, inspection, certification, and
feedback. Quality management can assist a company in lowering expenses, increasing
efficiency, and improving its reputation. Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) has
advanced chemistry, microbiological, and research & development laboratories that enable
strict quality control at all stages of production1. CAI also has numerous quality certifications
for product quality in Sri Lanka, including ISO 9001, Food Safety System Certification
22000, and SLS Certification. (Prima, n.d.).
2. Innovation management
Creating, developing, and deploying new or enhanced products, services, processes, or
business models are all part of this process. Management of innovation can assist a company
in gaining a competitive edge, responding to changing customer needs, and addressing
environmental and social concerns. CAI is dedicated to diversifying, growing, and
developing its product portfolio and manufacturing facilities. CAI manufactures a variety of
value-added wheat, poultry, and dairy-based food items, including noodles, bakery products,
dairy products, and poultry-based products.(Prima, n.d.).
3. Human resource management:
This process entails a company's human resources being planned, recruited, trained,
motivated, and retained. Human resource management can assist a company in increasing
production, performance, and employee happiness. It also entails monitoring workers' health
and safety, especially during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. CAI has a professional and
devoted crew that is capable of meeting Prima's high quality standards. CAI also provides
hybrid seeds to maize farmers through centers that provide education, assistance, and training
for the country's agricultural development. (Prima, n.d.).
4. Information technology management:
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

This process entails the use of information and communication technology to support a
company's operations, decision making, and communication. Information technology
management can assist a company in optimizing procedures, reducing errors, increasing
transparency, and improving customer service. It also includes the use of data analytics,
artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology to improve efficiency, quality, and
traceability. CAI employs cutting-edge, fully automated manufacturing facilities that enable a
fully integrated manufacturing process. (Prima, n.d.). CAI also has a website and social
media platforms where consumers and stakeholders may get information and participate.
(srilankabusiness, n.d.)
These are some of the supporting processes that Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) uses
to achieve its goals and objectives.

3. Differentiate the structured and semi-structured data used in

Ceylon Agro Industries Limited

3.1 What are structured and semi structured data

3.1.1 What is structured data?

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Data that has been arranged and formatted in a certain way to make it easily readable and
comprehensible by both people and machines is referred to as structured data. This is often
accomplished by using a well-defined data model or schema, which gives the data structure.’
Spreadsheets and databases frequently contain structured data, which is distinguished by its
organization. Each record or row represents a distinct instance of that data, and each data
element is often given a specific field or column in the schema. A client database might, for
instance, have fields for the customer's name, address, phone number, and email address in
each record. Because it can be quickly accessed, queried, and analyzed using a variety of
tools and techniques, structured data is extremely important. This makes it the perfect format
for applications involving machine learning and artificial intelligence as well as data-driven
software like business intelligence and analytics. Structured data formats include XML,
JSON, and relational databases. Unstructured data, on the other hand, has a predefined
schema or framework and therefore be more challenging to analyze and comprehend.
Examples of this include text documents and photographs. Structured data is data that
complies with a data model, has a clearly defined structure, follows a consistent order, and is
simple for a person or computer program to access and utilize. Typically, structured data is
kept in databases or other places with clear schemas. Typically, it is tabular with well-defined
column and row headings for each of its properties. To manage structured data kept in
databases, SQL (Structured Query language) is frequently utilized (ihritik, 2023).

Characteristics of Structured Data

Structured data has unique properties that contribute to its systematic arrangement and
accessibility. Structured data, first and foremost, adheres to a well-defined data model,
ensuring clarity in its arrangement. Structured data, which is often stored in rows and
columns, finds a prominent home in databases, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval.
Data organization guarantees that its definition, format, and meaning are easily understood.
Fixed fields within records or files contribute to the data's structure. Similar items are
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grouped together, producing classes or relations with consistent common attributes. This
standardized structure enables easy data access and querying, making it suitable for usage in
other programs. Furthermore, the availability of addressable data bits allows for quick
analysis and processing, increasing the utility of structured data (ihritik, 2023).

Sources of Structured Data

Structured data comes from a variety of sources, each of which contributes to its organized
and methodical nature. SQL databases are a vital source because they provide a structured
framework for data storage. Spreadsheets, such as Excel, provide a tabular format that is ideal
for representing structured data. By efficiently organizing and processing transactions, online
transaction processing (OLTP) technologies contribute to the structured data landscape. The
information collected via web forms is organized, ensuring consistency in data presentation.
Sensors, such as GPS or RFID tags, produce structured data that is required for location
tracking and identification. Network and web server logs provide structured information
about online activities. Furthermore, data from medical devices is a useful source, giving
organized information that is critical for healthcare and diagnostics. These various sources
add to the richness of structured data available for study and application (ihritik, 2023).

Advantages of structured data

Given its well-defined organization, structured data has various advantages. The simple
format facilitates data storage and access, laying the groundwork for effective data
management. The capacity to index data using text strings and characteristics speeds up the
search process, making it more accessible. Data mining becomes a simple operation, allowing
useful insights to be extracted from structured data. Because of its ordered nature, operations
like updating and removing data are made simple. Structured data enables the smooth
implementation of business intelligence activities such as data warehousing. Scalability is a
major asset, allowing for simple adaption to increased data volume. Because of the clearly

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defined structure and the ease of applying security measures, ensuring data security is simple.
The organized format improves data accuracy and consistency, allowing for simpler
comparison and interpretation of information from many sources. Furthermore, structured
data excels in efficiently storing and retrieving large amounts of data, even with enhanced
security measures in place. The clear lineage or history enables easy tracing of changes and
the preservation of data quality over time (ihritik, 2023).

Disadvantages of structured data

Structured data has a number of drawbacks due to its intrinsic properties. One disadvantage is
its rigidity when adopting new data forms, as any changes to the schema or data model
necessitate significant changes to the database. When modeling complicated real-world
settings, the intricacy of interactions between data elements is frequently constrained,
providing obstacles. Structured data may lack the additional context and information present
in unstructured or semi-structured data, making understanding its meaning and value more
difficult. Relational databases and related technologies required for structured data can be
expensive to design and maintain, adding to the financial strain. Furthermore, the structured
architecture of the data can result in gaps or data that does not cleanly fit into the defined
schema, posing data integrity difficulties (ihritik, 2023).

Overall, structured data has numerous benefits, such as simplicity of use, consistency, and
security, but it also has certain drawbacks, such as complexity and lack of flexibility, which
should be carefully considered when developing and implementing data management
systems. (ihritik, 2023)

3.1.2 What is semi structured data?

According to the research conducted by ihritik,(2023a) semi-structured data is a type of

information that is neither entirely unstructured nor entirely structured. It has some
organization or structure but does not follow a strict data model or schema, and it may

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include components that are difficult to classify or categorize. Metadata or tags that offer
further details about the data elements are frequently used to identify semi-structured data.
An XML document, for instance, might have tags that describe the document's structure as
well as other tags that offer metadata about the content, like the author, the date, or keywords.
JSON, which is frequently used to exchange data between web applications, is another
example of semi-structured data, as are log files, which frequently combine structured and
unstructured data. As businesses gather and handle more data from many sources, such as
social media, IoT devices, and other unstructured sources, semi-structured data is becoming
more and more prevalent. Although working with semi-structured data can be more difficult
than working with rigorously organized data, semi-structured data gives more flexibility and
adaptability, making it an important tool for data management and analysis. Data that has
some structure but does not adhere to a data model is referred to as semi-structured data. It
doesn't have a set or rigid structure. The data that does not belong in a logical database but
has some organizational characteristics is what makes analysis easier. We can store some
processes in the relational database.

Characteristics of semi-structured Data

Semi-structured data has distinguishing properties that distinguish it from both structured and
unstructured data. While it retains some structure, it does not strictly adhere to a set data
model. Semi-structured data, unlike structured databases that use rows and columns for
storing, does not use this tabular format. Instead, it uses tags and components, which are
effectively metadata, to categorize and describe data storage. Semi-structured data entities are
frequently grouped hierarchically, with group members sometimes varied in features or
qualities. The presence of insufficient information makes data administration and automation
operations more difficult. Moreover, comparable qualities within a group may differ in size

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and type. The lack of a defined structure presents difficulties for computer programs
attempting to use and interpret semi-structured data effectively (ihritik,2023a).

Sources of semi-structured Data

Semi-structured data can be found from a variety of sources, each with its own form and
complexity. With their varied content and formats, e-mails frequently contain semi-structured
information. Markup languages such as XML are important because they provide a flexible
structure that allows for both structure and flexibility. Semi-structured data also includes
binary executables, TCP/IP packets, and zipped files, each with its own set of obstacles and
chances for interpretation. The amalgamation of data from several sources contributes to the
semi-structured landscape because the amalgamation may not completely correspond to a
specified format. Web sites, with their dynamic content and varying architectures, also serve
as sources of semi-structured data, emphasizing the data type's numerous origins

Advantages of Semi-structured Data

Several benefits of semi-structured data come from its inherent flexibility. Semi-structured
data, in contrast to fixed-schema data, may adapt to changing requirements, enabling simple
schema adjustments. Its portability and capacity to handle structured data as semi-structured
allow users who may not be SQL experts to handle data with ease. Due to its ability to handle
heterogeneity, semi-structured data excels at handling data from various sources. Due to its
adaptability, it is the best option for incorporating new data types into existing systems. For
managing massive data volumes using distributed computing platforms like Hadoop or Spark,
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this scalability is especially advantageous. In addition, semi-structured data facilitates quicker
processing by providing more flexible options for indexing and querying. It facilitates the
amalgamation and analysis of many data sources, improving data integration by mixing with
unstructured data with ease. Contextual data, such as metadata and tags, are also added to
data analysis to enhance it and produce more precise and contextually aware insights.
Overall, semi-structured data is superior to traditional structured data in a number of ways,
especially when it comes to maintaining and analyzing massive amounts of data that don't
cleanly fit into predetermined data models (ihritik,2023a).

Disadvantages of Semi-structured data

A variety of difficulties can arise while managing semi-structured data. First off, data storage
is made more difficult by the lack of a rigid, set format. Second, because the schema and the
data are not separated, understanding the relationships within the data is difficult. Thirdly,
compared to structured data, queries are noticeably less effective. The problem is made worse
by the complexity of semi-structured data, which makes it difficult to build and maintain data
models and processing pipelines because it frequently consists of a wide variety of formats,
tags, and metadata. Additionally, semi-structured data's lack of standardization and
consistency reduces its quality and accuracy, making cross-source data comparison and
analysis more difficult. Additionally, processing semi-structured data requires more
resources and requires complex indexing and parsing processes, which reduces performance
and increases processing times. In contrast to the abundance of options for working with
structured data, there are few tools and technologies available for working with semi-
structured data. Finally, semi-structured data makes it more difficult to ensure data security
since sensitive information may be hidden in unstructured or less obvious portions of the
data, requiring higher efforts to locate and protect this information from unwanted access

Overall, semi-structured data has various obstacles and constraints that must be carefully
considered when creating and executing data processing and analysis pipelines, even though
it offers numerous benefits in terms of flexibility and scalability.

Problems faced in storing semi-structured data

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Due to its crucial characteristics, semi-structured data storage creates a number of issues. The
data structure's asymmetrical and incomplete nature is a typical issue, with some sources
having implicit data structures, making it difficult to detect the links between distinct data
items. The intimate relationship between the schema and the data adds complexity since
schema updates might affect both parts at the same time. Because of this interdependence, the
same query can affect both the schema and the data. The boundary between schema and data
is frequently imprecise or unclear, causing issues in developing the data structure.
Furthermore, the cost of storage for semi-structured data is higher than for structured data,
adding a financial dimension to the issues connected with its storage(ihritik,2023a).

Possible solution for storing semi-structured data

Using specialized Database Management Systems (DBMS) created expressly for such data
types is a possible alternative for storing semi-structured data. XML, which is widely used for
transmitting and storing semi-structured data, provides a hierarchical format in which users
can specify tags and attributes while keeping a loose connection between the schema and the
contents. Another method is to use the Object Exchange Model (OEM), which depicts data as
a graph structure. Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) can also be used by
first mapping semi-structured data to a relational schema and then storing it in tabular form.
Each of these solutions solves the unique issues given by semi-structured data, allowing for
greater flexibility and efficiency in managing this type of data (ihritik,2023a).

Extracting information from semi-structured Data

Since semi-structured data is diverse and occasionally unstructured, extracting information

from it presents issues. The lack of a consistent structure complicates indexing and tagging,
adding to the task of accessing information. Potential solutions include indexing utilizing
graph-based models such as the Object Exchange Model (OEM). OEM's data modeling
technique makes it easier to store data in graph-based models, which simplifies the search
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and indexing procedures inside this architecture. Another method is to organize the data
hierarchically using XML, which enables for good indexing and searching. Furthermore,
using multiple data mining technologies might help to extract significant insights from semi-
structured data, improving total information retrieval efficiency(ihritik,2023a).

3.2 Structured data that can be found in Ceylon Agro Industries Limited

According to James (n.d.) Structured data is data that has been arranged and formatted in a
way that machines can easily understand and process. Databases, spreadsheets, tables, and
XML files are all examples of structured data. Some examples of structured data found in
Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI), a food and beverage company, are as follows.
Product data
Product data contains information about the products that CAI manufactures and distributes,
such as the product name, category, ingredients, nutritional values, price, barcode, and
expiration date. Product data can assist CAI manage its inventory, track sales, and comply
with food safety requirements (Arena, n.d.).
Customer data
According to Deshpande (2021) Customer data includes client information such as name,
address, phone number, email, order history, preferences, and feedback. CAI can use client
data to better understand its customer base, provide personalized services, and boost customer
loyalty and retention.
Production data
According to Mullins (2018) Production data includes information about CAI's
manufacturing processes, such as batch number, start and end time, temperature, pressure,
pH, yield, and quality factors. CAI can use production data to monitor and regulate
production performance, optimize processes, and ensure product quality and consistency.
Financial data

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According to Mahr (2023) Financial data includes information on CAI's financial
performance, including revenue, cost, profit, cash flow, and budget. CAI can use financial
data to analyze its profitability, plan its investments, and manage its risks.

3.3 Semi structured data that can be found in Ceylon Agro Industries
Limited (CAI)
According to James (n.d.) Semi-structured data is data that is not organized in a specific
manner but has structural elements that can be used for processing and analysis. Web pages,
social media posts, emails, and XML files are all examples of semi-structured data. The
following are some examples of semi-structured data found in Ceylon Agro Industries
Limited (CAI), a food and beverage company
Web data
According to Kelly (2023) Web data provides information regarding CAI's online presence
and activities, such as website content, online reviews, ratings, comments, and customer and
stakeholder feedback. CAI may benefit from web data to boost its brand image, reputation,
and customer happiness.
Social media data
CAI's social media interactions and engagements are documented in social media data, which
includes posts, likes, shares, retweets, hashtags, and mentions on platforms such as Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. CAI can benefit from social media data in order to better
understand its target market, customer preferences, and sentiments, as well as uncover
influencers, trends, and possibilities (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022).
Email data
According to Kelly (2023a), Email data, encompasses information on CAI's email exchanges
and transactions, including as newsletters, promotions, orders, invoices, and receipts. CAI
may use email data to better manage its customer relationships, marketing efforts, and sales
XML data

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CAI exchanges structured and semi-structured data with its partners, suppliers, and regulators
via XML data, such as its product catalog, inventories, orders, shipments, and compliance
reports. CAI may benefit from XML data by streamlining its supply chain procedures,
improving data quality and interoperability, and adhering to food safety norms and
regulations. (Amazon Web Services, Inc., n.d.).

3.4 Differences between structured and semi structured data

According to Vishwakarma (2023) large volumes of data moving quickly and in a wide
variety make up big data. Structured data and semi-structured data are the two types.

Structured data

Structured data has features that can be addressed for efficient analysis. It has been put
together into a database-like style repository. It relates to any information that may be put
into a table with rows and columns in a SQL database. They can be quickly mapped into pre-
designed fields and have relational keys. These data are now processed in the most efficient
and modern manner possible. Relational data, as an example.

Semi-Structured data

Information that is not stored in a relational database but has some organizational
characteristics that make it easier to examine is considered semi-structured data. Although
some types of semi-structured data may be particularly difficult to store in relational
databases, semi-structured data exists to save space. Consider XML data.

Properties Structured data Semi-structured data

Technology The foundation is a It is founded on the

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relational database table. Resource Description
Framework (RDF) and

Concurrency strategies of Transactions are modified

Transaction management many types and mature from immature DBMSs.

Version management Versioning over rows, It is possible to version

tables, and tuples across tuples or graphs.

Flexibility It is less flexible and Compared to organized data,

depends on the schema. it is more flexible, while
unstructured data is less

Scalability Scaling database schema is Scaling is less complicated

really challenging. than with structured data.

Robustness Very robust modern technology, not

widely used

Query performance Complex joining is enabled It's possible to make queries

by structured queries. on anonymous nodes.

4. An evaluation of the use of application software as a

mechanism for effective business processing in Ceylon Agro
Industries Limited (CAI)

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

4.1 What is application software?

Application software (App) is a type of software that performs certain functions for the end
user through direct interaction. Application software's main function is to assist the user in
doing specific activities.

Application software used on a personal computer or laptop includes web browsers such as
Firefox and Google Chrome, as well as Microsoft Word and Excel. There are also
smartphone apps like WhatsApp and Telegram, as well as games like Candy Crush Saga and
Ludo. App versions of major services that people rely on every day, such as weather or
transportation information, are also available, as are apps that connect end customers with
their businesses (Simplilearn, 2022).

Types of application software

1. Customer relationship management (CRM) Software

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system that allows you to manage all of your
company's relationships and interactions with current and prospective customers. The
purpose is straightforward: to strengthen commercial relationships. A CRM system assists
businesses in staying connected to customers, streamlining procedures, and increasing
profitability.CRM is commonly used to refer to a CRM system or platform, which is a tool
that aids in contact management, sales management, productivity, and other areas.CRM
software allows you to focus on your organization's relationships with individual people —
such as customers, service users, colleagues, or suppliers — throughout the lifecycle of the
relationship, such as finding new customers, winning their business, and providing support
and additional services. A CRM solution allows your sales and marketing team to track and
follow a customer's interaction path with your company. By improving each customer
touchpoint, this can improve the customer journey and experience. (Salesforce, n.d.).

2. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software

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According to Anderson (2023) ERP (enterprise resource planning) is a platform used by
businesses to manage and integrate the important components of their operations. Many ERP
software systems are critical to organizations because they help with resource planning by
combining all of the operations needed to manage their enterprises into a single system.
Planning, inventory purchasing, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, and other
functions can benefit from ERP software by streamlining processes, boosting productivity,
cutting expenses, and enhancing decision making. ERP solutions also make it easier for
different departments to communicate and exchange information with the rest of the firm. It
gathers information on the activity and state of various divisions and makes it available to
other areas where it can be used successfully. ERP solutions can help a company become
more self-aware by connecting data from manufacturing, finance, distribution, and human
resources. An ERP solution can remove costly duplicates and incompatible technology since
it connects diverse technologies utilized by each section of an organization. Accounts
payable, stock control systems, order-monitoring systems, and customer databases are
frequently integrated into a single system.

3. Food safety management software

According to Foulis (2021) A food safety management system (FSMS) is a controlled

procedure for managing food safety in order to ensure that all food produced meets quality
standards and is safe to ingest. This includes everything from receiving supplies to shipping
out final items, which means there must be a clear process for each action and function.
Furthermore, an FSMS should adhere to HACCP principles, and it is the duty of each
individual organization to develop processes based on this. In order to comply with food
safety laws, an FSMS is necessary by law. An FSMS is required for food manufacturers in
order to demonstrate compliance with food safety legislation and the production of safe-to-
consume products. It is required by the ISO 22000, BRC Global Standard, and The Food
Safety Act 1990 (UK) regulations and laws. It also ensures food makers that everything,
including workers and suppliers, is managed properly and safely, and that every possible risk
has been considered and planned for. So, to return to the example of getting your chocolate
chip cookies to market, it provides you with a central location to handle all element of their
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creation. This could entail sourcing appropriate packaging, highlighting allergens or potential
allergen exposure, The acquisition of high-quality components, Assuring that the procedure is
broken down into precise phases in order to get a consistent result each time, Credentials of
your suppliers, as well as essential health and safety inspections These are just a few
examples of when you might need to apply the HACCP principles. The methods you
implement will differ from one firm to the next and will be determined by the type, size, and
scale of your organization.

Functions of Application Software

Application software programs are generally designed and developed to help with a wide
range of tasks. For example, Software is critical in many fields, including healthcare, where it
enables seamless connectivity and speedy reaction. It is also an important tool for organizing
information and data within enterprises. The use of software improves the efficiency of
document management and verification across multiple processes. Software is essential in the
creation of Learning Management Systems and e-learning platforms in the field of education.
Additionally, it facilitates in the development of graphics and videos for presentations, as
well as communication during presentations via emails, text messaging, and audio and video
conferencing. Accounting, financial, and payroll administration software expands its
capabilities, benefiting both HR departments and enterprises. Systems such as Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) are critical for
optimizing commercial operations. Furthermore, software plays an important part in project
management, whether small or large-scale, ensuring their success. It helps to improve the
overall efficiency and seamless operation of numerous company processes (Simplilearn,

Examples of Application Software

There are numerous explicit application software applications available to assist you in
managing your work, taking notes, conducting internet research, setting alarms, keeping an
account record, and even playing games. Application software packages are intended to do
specialized duties, streamline workflows, and improve team communication. Several widely
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

used programs, which serve millions of people every day, include a variety of software and
tools. These include Microsoft software suites such as MS Office, PowerPoint, Word, Excel,
and Outlook, which are widely used in a variety of professional situations. Internet browsers
such as Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox are necessary for web browsing. Graphics and
design software, such as Canva, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, and AutoCAD, are essential
in creative efforts. For video and audio calls and messages, real-time online communication
platforms such as Skype, Hangouts, Google Meet, Zoom, and Whatsapp are used. Wynk,
Gaana, MX Player, VLC Media Player, Spotify, and Pandora are examples of multimedia and
music streaming applications. Furthermore, project management tools such as Teams, Asana,
Zoho, Slack, and Forecast are quite useful for official purposes, assisting in effective task and
project administration (Simplilearn, 2022).

4.2 Advantages and disadvantages that would be there for Ceylon Agro
Industries Limited (CAI) when using application software

Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) is a food and beverage company that manufactures
and distributes noodles, pasta, bakery items, dairy products, and beverages.

The use of application software provides several benefits to Ceylon Agro Industries Limited
(CAI). It enables CAI to adjust its operations to match the unique needs and demands of its
business and customers, resulting in increased productivity, performance, and profitability.
Application software plays a critical role in improving customer service by optimizing
procedures, reducing errors, and increasing transparency. It also enables CAI to achieve a
competitive advantage, react to changing market needs, and address environmental and social
concerns through the development and implementation of new or enhanced goods, services,
processes, or business models. Furthermore, application software aids in the monitoring and
management of food hazards, assuring product quality and traceability, and preventing
foodborne illnesses in accordance with food safety standards such as HACCP, ISO 22000,
and FSSC 22000. CAI can accomplish jobs that formerly required human intelligence, such
as food quality determination, sorting, product development, and supply chain management,
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

by leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analytics, and blockchain.
Furthermore, application software enhances client engagement, loyalty, and retention by
providing individualized services, recommendations, and feedback based on consumer data,
preferences, and behavior. (GeeksforGeeks, 2020), (Mavani et al., 2021).

However, there are certain disadvantages to employing application software for Ceylon
Agro Industries Limited (CAI). Developing and maintaining such software can be both costly
and time-consuming, especially if the program is not widely accepted or compatible with
other systems. CAI faces security and privacy threats such as data breaches, cyberattacks, and
unauthorized access if the software is not sufficiently protected or updated on a regular basis.
If the program is not appropriately built or used transparently, ethical and societal difficulties
such as job displacement, human dependency, or bias and discrimination may arise. CAI's
systems might become more sophisticated and vulnerable since application software need
frequent updates, patches, integrations, and maintenance to ensure functionality and
interoperability with other software. Furthermore, diminished human engagement in CAI
processes may have an influence on workers' and managers' creativity, intuition, and
judgment. Finally, if the application software depends on defective or insufficient data,
algorithms, or assumptions, the possibility for inaccurate or unreliable results or
recommendations exists. (admin, 2020) (Mavani et al., 2021) (Wang, Hirai and Kawamura,
2022) (GeeksforGeeks, 2020).

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Section “B”

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5. Types of support available for business decision making at
varying levels of Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)

5.1 Three levels of organizational performance of Ceylon Agro Industries

Limited (CAI)

Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) has three levels of organizational performance
strategic, tactical, and operational (cord360, n.d.).

According to Gizard (2023), the strategic level of Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)
involves the creation of a vision for the future, mission, goals, and strategies. This layer is
critical in driving overall company performance and growth by ensuring proper alignment
alongside market trends and client needs. The strategic level, consisting of top executives like
the CEO, CFO, and COO, provides high-level decisions while also providing guidance and
direction to other levels of the organization. For example they are responsible in conducting
SWOT analyses to identify the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats,
creating strategic plans and policies that accomplish the company's objectives, evaluating the
success or failure of these strategies, recognizing the organization in its entirety to create
strategic plans for multiple divisions and levels, ensuring high-performance decisions, taking
calculated risks to advance the business toward overarching goals, and managing are all key
functions at this level.

According to Gizard's (2023) findings, the tactical level of Ceylon Agro Industries Limited
(CAI) focuses on carrying out and implementing tactical goals and strategies. This tier is in
charge of arranging and bringing together CAI's many departments and processes, including
sales, manufacturing, customer service, finance, and human resources. Middle managers,
such as heads of departments, division managers, and project managers, populate the tactical
level by translating strategic goals into concrete actions and overseeing the progress and
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performance of lower-level units. Developing operational budgets and strategies for assisting
strategic goals, distributing and handling resources (human, financial, physical, and
technological) to accomplish operational goals, interacting and working across lower and
upper levels to make sure alignment as well as consistency, supervising and controlling the
efficacy and quality of operational procedures and outputs, problem-solving, and conflict
resolution are all key tactical functions.

According to Gizard (2023), The operational level of Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)
is concerned with day-to-day tasks and operations. This level is responsible for developing
and delivering products and services to customers, as well as maintaining and supporting
operational procedures and systems. Lower-level personnel such as workers, technicians,
operators, and clerks execute regular and standardized duties in accordance in upper-level
orders and procedures. Operational functions include executing operational strategies and
duties to meet both quantity and quality standards, following to organizational and industry
rules and regulations, recording and reporting operational information for evaluation and
analysis, taking care of operational machinery and spaces, aiding customers and ensuring
satisfaction, and receiving education and training to improve skill and knowledge.
(thepeakperformancecenter, n.d.)

The three levels of organizational performance are interconnected and interdependent, as they
collaborate to fulfill CAI's common goal. Data, information, knowledge, tools, systems, and
procedures are all available at each level for business decision making. The type and amount
of assistance vary according to the choice's complexity and scope, as well as the decision
makers' authority and duty.

5.2 Managers at different levels at Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)

CAI has three levels of organizational performance: strategic, tactical, and operational

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Source (GeeksforGeeks, 2022)
The managers at different levels at CAI are as follows

1. Strategic (top) level

CAI's top level includes significant decision-makers at multiple levels, with the CEO, CFO,
and COO all playing critical roles in determining the company's direction. Cheng Chih
Kwong Primus, the CEO, brings a wealth of knowledge from the international food sector in
managing tasks, driving earnings, and managing organizational strategy. Primus, despite
being an employee, is in charge of reporting to the Company's Board of Directors as well as
ensuring accountability. The CFO is in charge of fiscal health, which involves establishing
finance teams, overseeing financial planning, and advising on strategic moves. CAI's
visionary CFOs provide perspectives on technological advances, logistics, and marketing. As
the second-in-command, the COO is responsible for day-to-day operations and executing the
business plan under the CEO's supervision, handling functions such as manufacturing,
research, and advertising to ensure the smooth implementation of organizational tactics.
Within CAI's corporate governance framework, this collaborative leadership structure
highlights both strategic objectives and effective operational execution (Bloomenthal, 2023)
(NetSuite, 2023). (Hayes, 2022).

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2. Tactical (Middle) level

Effective communication is critical within the structure of the organization for middle
managers, who act as the vital link among subordinates and upper management. Middle
managers, who hold titles like department head, director, or chief supervisor, bridge the gap
between top and lower management by translating general strategic strategies to operational
blueprints with specific goals for the latter. They are critical in developing skills within the
company, providing leadership to implement executive instructions, and assisting first-line
managers in reporting achievement and overcoming obstacles. Primary executives, also
known as deputy managers or shift managers, are solely accountable for ensuring that
company goals and strategies are implemented effectively. They concentrate on internal
issues, identify operational obstacles, and interact with middle management on a regular
basis. Team leaders, a distinct managerial position, are assigned to specific tasks or activities
and report to first-line or middle managers. Their duties include developing schedules,
distributing tasks, offering training, and ensuring team efficiency, with the position
potentially being eliminated once the task is finished. This hierarchical structure prioritizes
efficient interaction and cooperation at all levels of management. (lumenlearning., n.d.)

3. Operational (Lower) level

Individuals such as foremen, supervisors, section officers, and superintendents play critical
roles in effective organizational management at the operational or supervisory level of
management, also known as lower-level management. These managers interact directly with
employees and translate instructions from middle-level managers into operational tasks. Their
duties and powers are derived from top-level management's plans and policies. Managers at
lower levels issue orders, give instructions, and supervise worker performance, contributing
to day-to-day planning and activity assignment. They assist and guide subordinates, handle
grievances, and maintain a safe work environment while encouraging discipline and a
positive environment. Furthermore, they work with middle-level management to select, train,
place, and promote employees, providing valuable insights into company objectives and
employee performance. Lower-level managers additionally promote teamwork by welcoming
feedback, thoughts, and rewarding excellent contributions, thereby motivating employees and
aligning their efforts in organizational goals. (GeeksforGeeks, 2022)
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5.3 Currently available decision support systems at Ceylon Agro Industries
Limited (CAI)

What is a Decision Support System (DSS)?

A decision support system (DSS) is an information system that assists a company in decision-
making activities that require judgment, determination, and a set of actions. The information
system assists an organization's mid- and high-level management by analyzing massive
amounts of unstructured data and accumulating information that can be used to solve
problems and make decisions. A DSS is either human-powered, automated, or a hybrid of the
two (Corporate Finance Institute, 2022).

Purpose of a Decision Support System

A decision support system gathers and analyzes data to generate detailed information reports.
As a result, a DSS differs from a standard operations application, which collects data but does
not analyze it. A DSS is used in an organization by planning departments, such as the
operations department, to collect data and generate a report that managers can use for
decision-making. A DSS is primarily used for sales forecasting, inventory and operations
data, and presenting information to customers in an easy-to-understand format. In theory, a
DSS can be used in a variety of knowledge domains ranging from an organization to forest
management and the medical field. Real-time reporting is one of the most important
applications of a DSS in an organization. It can be extremely beneficial for organizations that
practice just-in-time (JIT) inventory management. In a JIT inventory system, the organization
requires real-time data on inventory levels in order to place orders "just in time" to avoid
production delays and a negative domino effect. As a result, unlike a traditional system, a
DSS is more tailored to the individual or organization making the decision. (Corporate
Finance Institute, 2022).

Components of a Decision Support System

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The Decision Support System (DSS) framework is made up of three major components. To
begin, the Model Management System stores models for managerial decision-making,
particularly in areas such as assessing the organization's financial health and forecasting
demand for goods or services. Second, the User Interface provides tools to help end users
navigate the system. Finally, the Knowledge Base incorporates information from both
internal and external sources, such as data collected in transaction process systems and
newspapers and online databases. (Corporate Finance Institute, 2022)

The currently available decision support systems at Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)
are as follows:
Communication-driven DSS enables CAI managers at various levels and locations to
communicate and collaborate with one another via email, video conferencing, chat, and
document sharing. A communication-driven DSS can help managers exchange
information, brainstorm, negotiate, and reach consensus. CAI, for example, employs
Microsoft Teams (work or school) as a communication-driven DSS, allowing managers to
form and join teams, chat and call colleagues, share files and calendars, and hold online
meetings. (Indeed Career Guide, 2023)
Data-driven DSS allows CAI’s managers to access and analyze large amounts of data
from a variety of sources, including internal databases, external websites, and online
services. A data-driven DSS can provide managers with reports, dashboards, charts, and
tables that can aid in the identification of patterns, trends, and insights from data. CAI, for
example, uses Excel as a data-driven DSS to generate charts and graphs, create and

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manipulate spreadsheets, perform calculations, apply functions and formulas, and
generate charts and graphs. (Indeed, Career Guide, 2023)
Model-driven DSS enables CAI managers to use mathematical models and simulations
to aid in decision making. A model-driven DSS can assist managers in evaluating various
scenarios, comparing alternatives, and optimizing outcomes. For instance, CAI employs
Performance Monitor as a model-driven DSS to monitor and analyze the performance of
operational systems and processes such as CPU, memory, disk, and network utilization.
(Indeed, Career Guide, 2023)
Knowledge-driven DSS provides expert knowledge and advice to CAI managers based
on rules, facts, and cases. A knowledge-driven DSS can assist managers in solving
complex and unstructured problems, diagnosing issues, and recommending appropriate
actions. CAI, for example, employs a custom-built knowledge-driven DSS to assist
managers in selecting and procuring the highest quality raw materials from suppliers.
(Indeed Career Guide, 2023)

6. A comparison of the use of business intelligence tools and

technologies to take effective and efficient decisions in each
management level of Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)

6.1 Different types of business information systems and technologies

An Introduction to Information Systems

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

According to Mukherjee (2023) Computers, software, databases, communication systems, the
internet, devices, and other information technology systems used by an organization to
collect, transfer, organize, and store data are examples of information systems. The
contemporary corporate environment, which is rife with change, has aided organizations in
implementing a diverse collection of new technology into various processes. These IT
applications have brought automation, efficiency, and timeliness to a variety of commercial
processes. The introduction of information technology into business has triggered a chain
reaction among several interconnected processes that has only benefited the organizations by
increasing profits, lowering expenses, and shortening lead times, among other things. As a
result, understanding the expanding relevance of information systems in businesses is critical.

What Are Information Systems And its Importance?

According to Mukherjee (2023) An information system is a collection of data sets that

ensures business operations run efficiently, embraces change, and assists businesses in
reaching their objectives. A computer system or group of components for gathering,
producing, storing, processing, and sharing information, according to the definition. Without
the assistance of information technology (IT) systems, the information system is incomplete.
An information system is not primarily related with technology or an information technology
system. It is instead concerned with how technology is used to meet the requirements of
individuals, communities, or organizations. The relevance of information systems is growing
in the digital era because they standardize the process of passing, collecting, storing, and
accessing information or data for individuals or businesses. There are various sorts of
information systems that assist individuals and businesses in using information to their
advantage. In the following section, we will go over numerous types of information systems
in depth.

Six Types of Information Systems and Their Application

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According to Mukherjee (2023) Although different information systems provide various
benefits, most firms rely on these five applications. Whichever information system you
choose to implement in your company, the benefits it will provide are as follows: it will
stimulate innovation in business activities through research and development, it will enable
automation, reducing the steps required to complete a task, and it will help keep the
hardware, software, data storage, and networking system safe and up to date. Now that we
understand the changes that information systems can bring about in an organization, let's look
at the types of information systems that have the ability to influence business processes.

What Are the Types of Information Systems?

1. Knowledge Work System

An organization may use various knowledge management systems to ensure a continual flow
of fresh and updated knowledge into the company and its activities. A knowledge work
system (KWS) is a type of knowledge management system that facilitates the incorporation
of new information or knowledge into corporate processes. Furthermore, KWS aids and
resources for a variety of knowledge generation methodologies, artificial intelligence
applications, and group collaboration platforms for knowledge sharing, among other things. It
also uses images, pictures, and other forms of media to deliver new information. Some of the
applications that work on the key concepts of KWS is mentioned below. Computer-aided
design systems (CAD) are frequently used by designers to automate and improve their design
processes, streamlining operations and increasing efficiency. Financial workstations are
critical in evaluating large amounts of financial data, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to
extract important insights and enable educated financial decision-making. Virtual reality
systems find use in scientific, educational, and business fields, where they use visuals and
various technology to show and interact with data in novel ways. These technologies have
evolved into indispensable tools in their respective professions, enabling breakthroughs and
efficiencies in design, finance, and data visualization (Mukherjee, 2023).

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2. Management Information System

The management information system plays an important role in assisting managers by

automating formerly manual operations. It helps with business operations like measuring and
analyzing business performance, making educated business decisions, developing business
plans, and designing workflows. Furthermore, by analyzing roles and duties, the system
provides vital input to managers. The management information system, recognized as an
important application, delivers various benefits to managers. It improves the company's
overall efficiency and production while providing a comprehensive picture of the
organization's performance. Furthermore, it contributes to the value addition of existing
products, promotes innovation, and enhances product development processes. The system
improves communication and strategic planning for business processes, giving the
organization a competitive advantage in the market (Mukherjee, 2023).

3. Decision Support System

A decision support system is an information system that analyzes business data and other
enterprise-related information in order to automate decision-making or problem-solving. It is
used by a management when faced with adversity when running a firm. In general, the
decision support system is utilized to collect data such as revenue, sales numbers, or
inventories. It is employed in a variety of industries, and the decision support system is a
well-known information system (Mukherjee, 2023).

4. Office Automation System

The office automation system is an information system that is meant to automate numerous
administrative tasks in an office setting. Documentation, data recording, and office
transactions are examples of these procedures. The system is designed to handle both
managerial and clerical tasks, providing a complete solution. This information system's key
business tasks include email administration, voice mail handling, and document processing.
The office automation system streamlines office operations, improves productivity, and

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contributes to a more organized and productive work environment by automating these
critical functions (Mukherjee, 2023).

5. Transaction Processing System

The transaction processing system automates the collection, modification, and retrieval of
transactions. This sort of information system is notable for improving the performance,
dependability, and consistency of commercial transactions. It enables firms to run their daily
operations easily and efficiently. Understanding the application of different types of
information systems becomes simple if you are familiar with them. As a result, in the final
section of this essay, we will look at how information systems can be used (Mukherjee,

6. Executive Support System

The Executive Support System (ESS) is a significant tool for top-level executives, assisting in
organizational planning, workflow control, and decision-making. The ESS, while similar to
the Management Information System (MIS), has different properties customized to executive
demands. It provides executives with comprehensive information by providing robust
telecommunication capabilities, better processing skills, and effective presentation
alternatives. The system provides executives with on-demand information access via static
reports, graphs, and textual data. Furthermore, the ESS is critical in assessing performance,
tracking rivals' strategies, and anticipating future trends, all of which contribute to informed
and strategic decision-making at the highest organizational levels (Mukherjee, 2023).

6.1.1 Range of systems

The following are the range of systems

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According to Rouse (2023), a transaction process system (TPS) is a system that collects,
modifies, and retrieves all transaction data. A TPS is notable for its performance, reliability,
and consistency, and it frequently has to do with transaction processing or real-time
processing. TPS and transaction processing are frequently contrasted with batch process
systems and batch processing, which execute multiple requests concurrently without the user
interaction required by the former. Delays in obtaining results, arranging requests, and
carrying out them are introduced by batch processing. Transaction processing, on the other
hand, provides immediate availability of results, reducing the likelihood of errors during the
processing delay. While errors in transaction processing are uncommon and tolerable, they do
not necessitate system shutdown. A data warehouse must have easily accessible data, backup
procedures, and a recovery process in place to ensure performance, reliability, and
consistency in the event of system failures, human errors, viruses, software issues, or natural
disasters. TPS is critical in CAI's operations, overseeing the entire cycle from raw material
receipt to packaging, ensuring quality and maximizing output. TPS can benefit dairy
operations by monitoring milk intake, processing temperatures, and packaging details in
order to guarantee traceability and optimize production schedules for efficiency (Prima, n.d.).

A management information system (MIS) is a critical tool for organizations, providing

managers with the information they need to make operational decisions. These systems
gather and analyze data from different places, tailoring information to managers' and their
teams' needs. The overarching goal is to provide managers with accurate and timely
information, which is critical for success in today's volatile business landscape, allowing
them to monitor indicators of performance, identify trends, and make informed resource
allocation decisions. (Coursera, 2023). CAI's MIS is critical across departments, providing
real-time insights to the Sales and Marketing teams, enabling modification of advertising
initiatives, optimization of pricing strategies, and effective distribution channel management.
In Financial Management, the MIS incorporates data from different financial systems,
providing a single dashboard for tracking key metrics such as revenue, cash flow, and
allocation of resources, allowing for more informed investment, budgeting, and cost control
decisions. Furthermore, in the area of human resources, the Management Information System
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(MIS) supports HR procedures by effectively handling employee data, payroll, and job
performance evaluations, simplifying administrative tasks, encouraging cross-departmental
communication, and facilitating growth in talent initiatives (Prima, n.d.).

According to Segal (2022), a decision support system (DSS) is a computerized program that
assists companies in decision-making, judgment, and action planning by sorting through and
analyzing large amounts of data. This includes revenue targets or projections, revenue
numbers, previous information from different periods of time, and other stock or operations-
related data. CAI can employ Decision Support System (DSS) tools effectively in a variety of
agricultural applications. The DSS analyzes data from soil sensors, drones, and weather
stations in Precision Agriculture, allowing farmers to optimize irrigation, fertilizer
application, and pest control in real-time. This method increases crop yields while
minimizing environmental impact. CAI's DSS for Livestock Nutrition assists nutritionists in
developing optimal feed rations for poultry based on factors such as age, breed, and growth
stage, ensuring proper nutrient intake and minimizing feed waste. Furthermore, CAI's DSS
examines data on transportation routes, fuel costs, and warehouse facilities in Supply Chain
Management to improve logistics, reduce transportation costs, reduce delivery times, and
preserve product freshness throughout the supply chain. (Prima, n.d.).

According to Rouse (2022), an executive information system (EIS) is a type of decision-

support system (DSS) intended to assist upper management in decision-making through
offering easy access to critical data necessary for achieving strategic objectives within
the organization in this case CAI. Originally, EIS were mainframe-based computer programs
that provided business descriptions, sales figures, and market research data to senior
executives only. However, as technology advances, personal computers and local area
networks (LANs) now make EIS data available to employees at all levels, allowing them to
contribute relevant information and ideas. A typical EIS, which consists of hardware,
software, a user interface, and telecommunications, serves multiple functions, with CAI's EIS
proving useful in strategic planning. It provides senior management with a comprehensive
view of key performance indicators (KPIs) across different divisions, allowing them to make
informed decisions about business growth, diversification, and long-term investment plans.
The EIS is also important in managing risk because it integrates data from various sources to
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identify possible hazards, allowing for the proactive development of mitigation plans for
business continuity. Furthermore, CAI's EIS facilitates performance monitoring, allowing
senior management to track progress toward strategic goals and objectives, visualize key
metrics, identify areas for improvement, and assess the effectiveness of their decisions.
(Prima, n.d.).

6.1.2 Range of technologies

The following are the range of technologies

An automated production line is made up of interconnected workstations that are controlled

by an electrical system and perform particular tasks in a predefined sequence, allowing for
step-by-step product processing. Human involvement in the operation is minimal in a fully
automated setup, and machinery and computers handle the production process. Rather than
direct control, this shift in tasks emphasizes the role of humans in system design, adjustment,
and operation supervision and monitoring. (RNA Automation, n.d.). CAI might
be using automated production lines to process a variety of products, including wheat,
poultry, and dairy products. These cutting-edge systems ensure efficiency as well as
consistent quality of product throughout the manufacturing process. Automation allows for
greater precision in tasks such as ingredient mixing, portioning, as well as packaging,
reducing errors and increasing overall efficiency. Through automation, standardized and
repeatable processes reduce variability in the end result, guaranteeing uniform quality in each
batch and meeting CAI's stringent standards for its wheat, poultry, and dairy offerings
(Prima, n.d.).

According to Chai (2020), CAD (computer-aided design) is a type of computer-based

software that engineers and designers use to improve design processes. It allows for the
creation of two-dimensional (2-D) drawings as well as three-dimensional (3-D) models,
thereby maximizing workflows, boosting efficiency, and improving design quality. CAD
software generates electronic files that are essential for manufacturing processes, which are
frequently integrated with electronic manufacturing. CAI's innovative strategy for designing
and developing new food goods and packaging includes the incorporation of Computer-

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Aided Manufacturing (CAM) technology. CAD allows for the development of detailed digital
models, which aid in the visualization and refinement of ideas prior to production. This
integration guarantees that CAI's product development meets both aesthetically and
functionally. CAM works in tandem with CAD to convert digital designs into physical goods,
simplifying the product development lifecycle and increasing efficiency. CAI's use of CAD
and CAM technology demonstrates the company's commitment to staying on the cutting edge
of innovation, creating appealing food products with optimized packaging solutions (Prima,

Refrigerating food such as processed meats at optimal temperatures is critical for food
safety because it slows the reproduction rate of microorganisms that cause decomposition and
potential health hazards. Lowering storage temperatures, particularly for perishable foods
such as bread, slows organic matter metabolism, preventing altering processes and avoiding
deterioration. CAI understands the value of industrial freezing and refrigeration in its
manufacturing process in order to maintain product freshness and safety all through the
supply chain. This technology extends the lifespan of dairy and poultry products by
maintaining optimal the temperatures, reducing the risk of spoilage. Industrial freezing is
especially important for preventing microbial growth and ensuring food safety during storage
and distribution. CAI's use of these processes demonstrates its commitment to providing
consumers with high-quality, safe food products (INTARCON, 2020) (Prima, n.d.).

CAI's renewable energy initiative entails investigating and implementing sustainable

practices to reduce its environmental impact. The emphasis is on harnessing solar power
along with additional renewable energy sources as alternative and sustainable energy
solutions. CAI intends to generate clean energy by incorporating solar power, reducing its
reliance on traditional, non-renewable sources and reducing environmental impact. This
transition aligns with broader sustainability goals, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and
encouraging a more environmentally friendly approach to agricultural operations. The use of
energy from renewable sources not only demonstrates CAI's commitment to environmental
stewardship, but also places the business at the forefront of incorporating creative and
sustainable agricultural practices. CAI's commitment to environmental management, energy

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efficiency, and the pursuit of greener alternatives in its operations is reflected in this strategic
move. (United Nations, 2023) (Prima, n.d.).

Waste management refers to a variety of waste-handling and disposal strategies, such as

discarding, destroying, processing, recycling, reusing, or controlling materials to reduce
environmental hazards. Collection, monitoring, regulation, and disposal are all activities that
are frequently provided by local governments. Landfill compaction and incineration are
common methods, with a focus on reducing volume and converting solid wastes into gas,
steam, ash, and heat, though concerns about air pollution persist. Recycling, reprocessing,
and reuse are encouraged, particularly for biodegradable organic wastes used in agriculture.
CAI is actively involved in waste management, implementing processes to reduce waste
generation and encourage recycling. Across its operations, the company prioritizes handling
of waste, reduction, and repurposing strategies. Material segregation, recycling, and
environmentally responsible disposal methods are among these efforts. CAI's dedication to
waste reduction matches worldwide environmental goals, aiming to optimize resource usage,
reduce landfill contributions, and promote agriculture's circular economy. This proactive
approach demonstrates CAI's commitment to sustainable agricultural practices and
environmental responsibility. (Biology Articles, Tutorials & Dictionary Online, 2022)
(Prima, n.d.).

Automated Feeding and Watering Systems are critical in CAI poultry management. These
systems ensure optimal nutrition for maximum growth and feed efficiency by dispensing feed
tailored to the age, breed, and growth stage of the birds. Simultaneously, the automated
wagering systems regulate water consumption, preventing waste and ensuring proper
hydration for optimal bird health. The incorporation of sensors in these systems simplifies the
collection of data on consumption patterns, providing valuable insights. This data-driven
approach enables adjustments to optimize feed rations and water flow, improving overall
poultry farming efficiency. (Hajana et al., 2020).

Environmental Control Systems are critical in CAI's poultry farming because they ensure the
well-being and productivity of the birds. These automated systems keep poultry houses
climate-controlled by regulating temperature, humidity, and ventilation, resulting in a
comfortable and healthy environment. These systems also include lighting control features
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

that supplement natural light or extend daylight hours to stimulate growth and egg
production. The incorporation of sensors in these systems enables air quality monitoring and
the tracking of parameters such as ammonia levels. The ventilation systems are activated
when necessary to maintain a healthy environment, prevent respiratory issues, and ensure
optimal conditions for poultry. (Prima, n.d.) (livipoultryequipment, 2018).

1. Hardware
According to Rouse (2020) Hardware (H/W) refers to the physical components that make up
a computer or electronic system, such as the monitor, hard drive, memory, and CPU. These
physical components work with firmware and software to enable the computer's
functionality. While desktop computers and laptop computers share core components, their
differences stem from factors such as size, heat dissipation capabilities, and power
requirements. Despite these differences, hardware is still required to run critical software. It's
a broad term that encompasses all of the physical components of a computer, with internal
components critical for functionality and external peripherals improving user experience. The
motherboard is a critical internal hardware component that functions as the system's power
and control hub, as well as the foundation for linking various other parts and external

Aside from the motherboard, several common internal hardware components are essential in
a computer system. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is in charge of data processing,
converting input into output, while Random Access Memory (RAM) provides high-speed,
volatile memory for quick calculations. Storage drives, such as hard disks and SSDs, are non-
volatile storage devices used for temporary or permanent data storage. The Power Supply and
Heat Sink provide power to all components by converting it from the power outlet. The
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), also known as the video card, is responsible for processing
images and videos and rendering graphical input for display on devices such as monitors.
Likewise, the Sound Card converts audio input into sounds that can be heard through
speakers or headphones. Another type of hardware is peripherals, which include common
devices like the mouse, keyboard, display monitor, webcam, headphones, microphone, USB
flash drive, speakers, printer, scanner, and gamepad or other controllers. These external
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

components extend a computer system's functionality and allow users to interact with and use
the machine for a variety of purposes. Hardware is only one component of a computer
system; firmware is embedded in the hardware and directly controls it. There is also software
that runs on top of the hardware and interfaces with it via the firmware. Although software is
required to run a computer, the overall speed of the system is largely determined by the
hardware installed. As a result, many users tend to replace some components over time in
order to upgrade their "rigs" and boost their performance. The introduction of cloud
technologies and virtual machines (VMs) in recent years has enabled hardware virtualization.
A hypervisor establishes virtual versions of internal hardware within an operating system in
order to share and efficiently use resources. The physical computing components are
abstracted in this way through software, allowing them to lend their capabilities to other
consumers. In infrastructure as a service (IaaS) models, hardware virtualization is used to rent
hardware resources over the internet.

2. Software

According to Rosencrance (2021) A set of instructions, data, or programs used to operate

computers and carry out specific tasks is referred to as software. It is the inverse of hardware,
which describes a computer's physical components. Software is a catch-all term for
applications, scripts, and programs that run on a device. It is the variable part of a computer,
whereas hardware is the invariable part. Application software and system software are the
two main types of software. An application is software that solves a specific problem or
performs a specific task. System software is intended to run the hardware of a computer and
to provide a platform for applications to run on. Programming software, which provides the
programming tools required by software developers; middleware, which sits between system
software and applications; and driver software, which operates computer devices and
peripherals, are examples of other types of software. Early software was written for specific
computers and sold alongside the hardware on which it ran. Software began to be sold on
floppy disks in the 1980s, and then on CDs and DVDs. Most software is now purchased and
downloaded directly from the internet. Software can be obtained from vendor or application
service provider websites.

3. Networks
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

According to Abdulnour (2023) To create and maintain computer networks, network
technology combines hardware, software, and communication techniques. It ensures that
digital information flows smoothly, that resources are shared, and that applications are
accessible between computers. Businesses today rely heavily on these technologies to provide
seamless in-office communication without being tied to a specific location. Network
technologies pervade many aspects of our daily lives, from personal home setups to complex
corporate systems. They have not only streamlined but also accelerated numerous processes,
increasing the efficiency of our interconnected world. A network technology is a group of
technologies that are used to send and receive data over a computer network. It allows two or
more computers to communicate with each other via the Internet or other networks by
allowing data transmission between them. Routers, switches, cables, wireless access points,
and hubs are examples of network technology. It also includes protocols such as Ethernet and
TCP/IP, which are used to connect various types of network devices. File transfer, media
content streaming, email sending, remote access to applications and systems, VoIP telephony,
online gaming, and instant messaging and communication services are just some of the things
it can do. Its applications' versatility makes it a vital asset for a variety of functions that cater
to a variety of user needs. Network technology is crucial in enabling remote use of
applications, guaranteeing secure storage of information, and efficiently distributing various
forms of media. This indispensable technology is an essential part of our modern lives,
proving to be critical for businesses in today's highly connected world. Network technology
ensures the smooth flow of information and effective communication by enabling seamless
data transmission across computer networks. Network technology, which incorporates
various software and hardware applications, manages controls and configures connections
among computers and devices, encouraging a connected, efficient environment.

4. Data

According to Adam (2019) Data technologies are used to manage ever-growing data sets all
over the world. Every year, humans and machines generate massive amounts of data.
Companies require appropriate technologies to control and profit from data. The DataTech
sector assists in the management of large data sets, the development of data management

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solutions, and the integration of data from various sources, including online (websites,
landing pages, mobile apps) and offline (surveys). Collected information stored in one
location is extremely useful in discovering business insights or analysing human or machine

6.2 Comparison of tools and technologies to support decision making

Organizations rely on information systems and technologies to support business processes
and decision-making. They are divided into three categories: operational, tactical, and
y Operational Level Tactical Level Strategic Level
TPS is critical to CAI's
day-to-day operations,
as it oversees the entire TPS provides real-time TPS aids strategic
manufacturing cycle, data on manufacturing decision-making by
from raw material processes, allowing for providing past trends
receipt to packaging operational adjustments and data that enable
materials. It guarantees and efficiency gains. It CAI to identify long-
Process System
quality control, enables traceability and term manufacturing
maximizes output, and optimization of patterns, anticipate
monitors critical production schedules in market demands, and
parameters in dairy dairy operations, for plan resource
operations such as milk example. allocation.
intake and processing
Management MIS aids operational At the tactical level, Strategic MIS helps
Information decisions by providing MIS helps with senior management
System (MIS) real-time data to Sales, resource allocation, make informed
Marketing, Financial budgeting, and cost decisions about
Management, and control decisions. It business expansion,
Human Resources improves cross- diversification, and

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

departments. It
departmental long-term investment
improves ad campaigns,
communication and plans. It offers a unified
pricing strategies,
supports talent view of key
financial tracking, and
management growth performance indicators
human resource
initiatives. (KPIs) across divisions.
Precision agriculture,
livestock nutrition, and DSS aids strategic
supply chain decision-making by
management all make DSS helps refine identifying trends,
use of DSS tools. To agricultural practices, potential risks, and
Decision Support optimize agricultural improve feed areas for improvement.
System (DSS) practices, feed rations, efficiency, and optimize Long-term planning is
and supply chain logistics to reduce costs supported in areas such
logistics, they analyze at the tactical level. as sustainable
data from soil sensors, agriculture and risk
drones, and weather management.
EIS aids strategic
By providing a
decision-making by
comprehensive view of
tracking progress
KPIs, performance At the tactical level,
toward goals,
monitoring, and risk EIS enables mid-level
visualizing key metrics,
Executive management, EIS managers to contribute
and evaluating the
Information assists senior relevant information
effectiveness of senior
System (EIS) management in and ideas, fostering
management decisions.
strategic planning. It cross-departmental
It improves long-term
combines data from collaboration.
investment strategies
various sources to make
and business continuity
proactive decisions.
Automated CAI's operational Tactical automation By ensuring uniform
Production Line efficiency and quality improves production product quality,
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

control rely on
meeting stringent
automated production
standards, and
lines. They reduce
positioning the
human intervention efficiency, reduces
company as an industry
while ensuring precise errors, and ensures
leader in innovative and
and consistent standardized processes.
efficient manufacturing,
processing of products
automation contributes
like wheat, poultry, and
to CAI's strategic goals.
dairy offerings.
CAD and CAM make a
strategic contribution
CAD is used to create
On a tactical level, by ensuring that CAI's
detailed digital models,
CAD and CAM product development
optimize workflows,
Computer-Aided improve the meets both aesthetic
and improve design
Design (CAD) and visualization and and functional
quality. CAM
Computer-Aided refinement of product requirements. They
streamlines the product
Manufacturing concepts prior to keep CAI at the
development lifecycle
(CAM) production. They forefront of innovation
by converting digital
increase the efficiency by developing
designs into physical
and quality of design. appealing food products
with optimized
packaging solutions.
Refrigeration and Refrigeration and Refrigeration and Strategically, the use of
Freezing freezing technology is freezing technology refrigeration and
Technology critical for keeping optimize storage freezing is consistent
dairy and poultry conditions, reducing the with CAI's commitment
products fresh and safe. risk of spoilage and to providing high-
It increases shelf life ensuring product quality, safe food
and inhibits microbial quality at the tactical products while
growth during storage level. demonstrating
and distribution. environmental
stewardship and

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

sustainable agricultural
CAI's use of renewable
energy, particularly
solar power, is
Renewable energy
consistent with its
initiatives strategically
commitment to At the tactical level,
position CAI as an
environmental renewable energy
Renewable Energy sustainability. It initiatives help to
conscious agricultural
Initiatives reduces reliance on reduce operational costs
industry leader,
nonrenewable and reduce
contributing to long-
resources, reduces environmental impact.
term sustainability and
greenhouse gas
corporate responsibility.
emissions, and shows a
commitment to greener
Waste management
CAI actively practices strategically
participates in waste demonstrate CAI's
At the tactical level,
reduction and recycling commitment to
waste management
strategies that align sustainable agricultural
practices in agriculture
Waste with global practices and
are focused on reducing
Management environmental goals. environmental
waste generation,
Practices Across operations, responsibility, thereby
optimizing resource
material segregation, contributing to a
usage, and promoting a
recycling, and positive corporate
circular economy.
responsible disposal are image and long-term
prioritized. environmental impact
Automated At the operational level, Data from automated Strategically, these
Feeding and these systems are systems inform tactical systems help CAI
Watering Systems critical for poultry adjustments to feed maintain its position as

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

management, ensuring an industry leader in
optimal nutrition, feed poultry farming by
efficiency, and water rations and water flow, ensuring high-quality
regulation for bird improving overall products and efficient
health. Data-driven efficiency and resource resource management,
insights enable utilization. all while aligning with
optimization of poultry long-term sustainability
farming efficiency. goals.
These automated
systems maintain
Strategically, these
climate control in Environmental control
systems contribute to
poultry houses, systems, at the tactical
CAI's reputation for
ensuring that birds live level, prevent
poultry welfare by
Environmental in a healthy respiratory issues,
ensuring productivity
Control Systems environment. To maintain optimal
and aligning with the
stimulate growth and conditions, and monitor
poultry farming
egg production, they air quality for poultry
industry's long-term
regulate temperature, well-being.
sustainability goals.
humidity, ventilation,
and lighting.

7. Justification of using BI systems with specific examples and key

features of business intelligence functionality related to Ceylon
Agro Industries Limited (CAI)

Business intelligence systems combine data collection, storage, and knowledge management
with advanced data analysis to transform complex data into useful, actionable information.
This process contributes to more effective strategic, tactical, and operational decision-making
insights. Business intelligence environments include a variety of technologies, applications,

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

processes, strategies, products, and technical architectures that are designed to help with the
collection, analysis, presentation, and dissemination of internal and external business
information. In the context of Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI), this comprehensive
approach supports decision-making and improves organizational performance. (heavy,n.d).

7.1 Benefits and limitations of Business intelligence (BI) systems for Ceylon
Agro Industries Limited (CAI) as well other organisations

7.1.1 Benefits of Business intelligence (BI) systems for Ceylon Agro Industries Limited

1. Identifying trends

This technology can analyze data to identify market trends. That entails keeping an eye on
changing consumer demands and preferences, tracking purchasing patterns, and staying
current on industry trends, both old and new. When Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)
can detect changes in consumer behavior and market dynamics, it will be able to proactively
adapt strategies and products to meet changing demands. (Williamson, 2023).

2. Optimizing operations

Another way BI systemss assist Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) is by providing a real-
time bird's eye view of operational processes within the organization, from supply chain
management to manufacturing processes. As a result, Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)
will be able to quickly identify inefficiencies, streamline workflows, and effectively reduce
operational costs. (Williamson, 2023).

3. Forecasting product demand

Accurate demand forecasting is critical for Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) since it is
in the food and beverage industry due to the fact that it helps organizations like Ceylon Agro
Industries Limited (CAI) prevent situations like overstock or stockouts and ensures that
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

products are available where and when demand requires. BI tools use data points like
historical data, market trends, and so on to provide the necessary demand and market
forecasts (Williamson, 2023). This enables efficient inventory management, the reduction of
food waste, and the availability of products to meet CAI's customer demands. (usman, 2022).

4. Tracking competition

Another compelling advantage of BI in the food and beverage industry is that it enables
Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) to keep a close eye upon the market competition.
Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) can use BI tools to track and analyze competitors such
as Nestle Lanka PLC, Maliban, and Keells Food Products PLC in regard to new product
launches, pricing models, market positioning, marketing strategies, and much more. The
knowledge gained can be used to make informed decisions about one's own strategies, such
as product development, pricing, marketing campaigns, and so on. (Williamson, 2023).

7.1.2 The Limitations of Business intelligence (BI) systems for Ceylon Agro Industries
Limited (CAI)

1. Data Quality and Availability

The availability of high-quality and accurate data is critical to data analytics. Obtaining
reliable data can be difficult for Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI), a food industry firm,
due to fragmented data sources, inconsistent data formats, and data privacy concerns. As a
result, ensuring data quality and implementing appropriate data governance processes are
critical for effective analytics (usman, 2022).

2. Data Integration and Compatibility

Integrating data from various systems and platforms can be difficult, particularly when
dealing with legacy systems or different data formats. Incompatibilities between different

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

data sources may hinder the smooth flow of data for Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)
and necessitate additional data integration efforts (usman, 2022).

3. Data Security and Privacy

The food industry deals with sensitive information, such as customer information and
proprietary recipes. It is critical to ensure data security and protect customer privacy. Ceylon
Agro Industries Limited (CAI) must follow data protection regulations and put in place
strong security measures to protect its data (usman, 2022).

4. Analytical Skills and Resources

Implementing data analytics requires the use of skilled professionals with analytical expertise
and field knowledge in the food industry. As a result, Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)
may face difficulties in attracting and retaining talent with the necessary skills. Furthermore,
acquiring and maintaining the necessary technological infrastructure and resources for data
analytics can be expensive (usman, 2022).

5. Interpretation and Actionability

The first step is to extract meaningful insights from data. For Ceylon Agro Industries Limited
(CAI), interpreting the analysis results and translating them into actionable strategies may be
difficult. To effectively apply the insights to business operations and decision-making
processes, data analysts and domain experts must collaborate (usman, 2022).

7.1.3 Benefits and of Business intelligence (BI) systems for other organisations


Nestlé stands to gain a number of advantages by utilizing Business Intelligence (BI) tools in
Sri Lanka. To begin, BI allows Nestlé to identify emerging consumer trends, such as the
growing demand for healthier and plant-based alternatives, allowing the company to adjust its
product offerings and marketing strategies in real time. Second, by fine-tuning inventory
levels, streamlining production processes, and identifying bottlenecks, BI systems can

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

optimize Nestlé's supply chain management in Sri Lanka, resulting in cost savings and
improved efficiency. Third, accurate demand forecasting is made possible by BI tools that
analyze historical sales data, seasonal trends, and competitor activity, allowing Nestlé to
optimize production schedules while avoiding stockouts or overproduction. Finally, BI
enables Nestlé to monitor competitors such as Keells and Ceylon Agro in the Sri Lankan
market, keeping track of their activities, new product launches, pricing strategies, and
marketing campaigns. Nestlé's competitive strategies and product development decisions are
influenced by this valuable information. (Williamson, 2023) (usman, 2022) (Nestle, 2019).

Keells can gain a variety of benefits by implementing Business Intelligence (BI) tools. For
starters, BI allows Keells to understand changing local food preferences and identify potential
market niches, such as organic produce or regional specialties. This data-driven insight
guides Keells' decisions on product placement, sourcing, and promotional campaigns across
their supermarkets. Second, BI provides Keells with real-time insights into store operations,
allowing them to optimize staffing levels, manage perishable inventory more effectively, and
reduce shrinkage. As a result, customer service and overall profitability improve. Third, BI
enables Keells to forecast demand for popular items at individual stores, ensuring shelves are
consistently stocked with customer-preferred products, reducing lost sales, and increasing
customer satisfaction. Finally, Keells can use BI to compare its performance to competitors
such as Nestlé and other major players in the Sri Lankan food industry. Keells identifies areas
for improvement and develops differentiated strategies to attract and retain customers by
analyzing competitor pricing, promotions, and product offerings. (usman, 2022) (keellsfoods,


Nestlé faces several constraints when it comes to implementing Business Intelligence (BI).
For starters, the company's diverse operations may result in fragmented data across
production, distribution, and sales, potentially introducing inaccuracies that impede decision-
making. Second, combining data from legacy systems with newer platforms for e-commerce
or marketing campaigns can create compatibility issues, limiting the scope of comprehensive
analyses. Third, complying with stringent data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA
necessitates significant investment in cybersecurity to avoid breaches and potential brand

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

reputation damage. Fourth, in Sri Lanka's data-driven market, the demand for skilled data
analysts to interpret complex datasets and translate insights into actionable strategies creates a
competitive hiring environment. Finally, converting data-driven insights into concrete
business actions necessitates close collaboration between data analysts and various business
departments to ensure a consistent approach to implementing product development,
marketing, and supply chain optimization strategies. (usman, 2022) (Nestle, 2019).

Keells is limited in his ability to implement Business Intelligence (BI). To begin, challenges
arise in achieving data quality and availability due to siloed data from various store locations,
supplier networks, and loyalty programs, which has an impact on inventory management and
understanding customer preferences. Second, integrating data from disparate sources such as
POS systems, supplier databases, and CRM software presents challenges that necessitate
additional resources and expertise. Third, prioritizing data security is critical for safeguarding
sensitive customer information, and any lapses may result in trust erosion and legal
ramifications. Fourth, Keells may face challenges related to analytical skills and resources,
necessitating investment in training or outside expertise in order to fully utilize BI tools.
Finally, to avoid valuable insights going unused, ensuring actionable insights necessitates a
well-defined plan for implementation across departments, such as adjusting store layouts or
personalizing customer experiences. (usman, 2022) (keellsfoods, n.d.).

7.2 Examples of BI systems and applications that can be used by CAI

1. A data warehouse, also known as an enterprise data warehouse (EDW), is a

comprehensive enterprise data platform that allows for the analysis and reporting of
structured and semi-structured data from various sources such as point-of-sale
transactions, marketing automation, and customer relationship management. This
analytical database contains critical components and procedures for spontaneous
analysis, custom reporting, and data pipelines. It efficiently consolidates and
integrates large amounts of current and historical data, providing a unified and long-
term view over time. Data warehousing's capabilities have positioned it as a critical
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

component in enterprise analytics, enabling informed business decision-making.
Implementing a data warehouse for CAI can streamline data integration from various
sources, such as transaction processing systems and external databases, resulting in a
centralized repository. This not only ensures a single source of truth, but also a
historical context for business processes and performance, improving data quality and
reliability. (Google Cloud, n.d.) (Prima, n.d.)

2. Data mining is which is the process of searching and analyzing large amounts of raw
data in order to identify patterns and extract valuable insights. Companies use data
mining software to gain a better understanding of their customers, allowing them to
develop more effective marketing strategies, increase sales, and cut costs. Data
collection, warehousing, and computer processing are all critical components of the
process. Implementing a data mining tool that uses statistical and machine learning
techniques to discover patterns, trends, and relationships within large and complex
datasets becomes critical for CAI. As a result, CAI can provide descriptive and
predictive analytics to aid in decision-making and problem-solving. Identifying
customer segments, preferences, and behavior, predicting demand and sales, and
optimizing pricing and promotions are some examples (Prima, n.d.) (Twin, 2023).

3. For efficient data analysis, data visualization tools, that vary from easy-to-use
applications to more complex systems, render information into visual formats such as
graphs, charts, or heat maps. These tools simplify the comprehension of large
datasets, allowing users to make data-driven decisions without having to deal with
raw data complexities. Whether they emphasize simplicity or require advanced
technical skills, these tools all share the goal of simplifying data interpretation and
utilization. Implementing a data visualization tool that includes graphical and
interactive elements such as charts, graphs, maps, and dashboards is critical for CAI.
This approach enables CAI to provide visual and intuitive analytics, allowing for a
better understanding of data and information. Furthermore, it improves
communication and presentation, allowing for effective performance and results
sharing with stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and regulators. (Treasure
Data, n.d.) (Prima, n.d.)

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

4. Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a software technology that is used to
analyze various business data from various perspectives by combining information
from multiple sources. Organizations that track product details and customer
purchases, such as a retailer, benefit from OLAP's ability to categorize and combine
datasets. OLAP, for example, can provide insights into product popularity based on
color or assess the impact of product placement on sales. CAI can use OLAP tools
designed specifically for multidimensional analysis to provide users with a dynamic
and interactive platform for exploring data from various perspectives such as time,
product, region, and customer. This allows for more in-depth analysis by allowing
users to manipulate and investigate data based on their preferences. Furthermore,
these tools allow CAI to conduct what-if analysis and scenario planning, which aids in
evaluating the potential impact of various alternatives on its profitability and
competitiveness (Amazon Web Services, Inc., n.d.) (Prima, n.d.).

7.3 Some key features of BI functionality that are related to CAI

1. Data integration is the critical process of unifying data from disparate source
systems in order to create coherent and standardized datasets for operational and
analytical purposes within an organization. This essential component of data
management aims to generate clean, consistent datasets that meet the information
needs of various users. The integrated data is used for a variety of purposes, including
operational applications in transaction processing systems and data warehouses and
data lakes for business intelligence, enterprise reporting, and advanced analytics.
Various data integration methods, such as scheduled batch integration and real-time
integration, are available to meet the needs of various use cases. Specifically, for CAI,
this feature allows the extraction, transformation, and loading of data from various
sources into a data warehouse. This promotes data quality and reliability while also
supporting solid data analysis and visualization capabilities. (Stedman, n.d.) (Prima,

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

2. The first phase of data analysis, data exploration, entails using data visualization
tools and statistical methods to reveal basic features and patterns within a dataset.
This method visually examines raw data, recognizing similarities, patterns, and
outliers, and establishing connections among variables using a combination of manual
workflows and automated data-exploration techniques. This statistical technique, also
known as exploratory data analysis, delves into the broad characteristics of raw
datasets. The data exploration feature of CAI involves finding patterns, trends, and
relationships in large and complex datasets using statistical and machine learning
techniques such as data mining, categorization, grouping, association, and prediction.
This capability assists CAI in generating valuable insights and knowledge to support
choices, solutions, and the discovery of hidden information within data. (Hanna, n.d.)
(Prima, n.d.).

3. Data interpretation is an important step in the analytical process that involves the
use of various analytical methods to review data and draw relevant conclusions.
Researchers use this process to categorize, manipulate, and summarize data, providing
answers to critical questions. Proper data interpretation is critical, especially because
data often comes from multiple sources and may enter the analysis process in a
haphazard order. Because data analysis is subjective, the nature and goal of
interpretation vary from business to business, and are often dependent on the type of
data being analyzed. While different processes are used depending on the type of data,
the two broadest categories are "quantitative and qualitative analysis." The data
interpretation features of CAI entails presenting and communicating data and
information in a clear and engaging manner, using graphical and interactive elements
such as data visualization, dashboards, and reports. This capability assists CAI in
facilitating stakeholders' understanding, action, and effective communication of its
performance and results. (Prima, n.d.) (Calzon, 2018)

4. Data manipulation is an important process for arranging and organizing data in order
to improve interpretability. Using a specific database language known as data
manipulation language (DML), this method involves coding to reorganize data within
its database program. Aggregation, classification, mathematical formulas, regression

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

analysis, and filtering by row and column, including string concatenation, are all
common operations. The data manipulation feature in the context of CAI goes beyond
basic operations; it enables the analysis of data from various perspectives and
dimensions via multidimensional techniques such as online analytical processing,
aggregation, slicing, dicing, drilling, and pivoting. This capability enables CAI to
provide flexible and customized views of data and information, allowing for what-if
analysis and scenario planning. Users can assess the consequences of various
alternatives and options, assisting in strategic decision-making for CAI's profitability
and competitiveness. (Eads, 2023) (Prima, n.d.).

8. An overview of the concept business intelligence

8.1 Definitions of Business Intelligence

According to Stedman
(2023) Business intelligence
(BI) is a technology-
driven method for data
analysis and information

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

delivery that aids managers, employees, and executives in making wise business decisions. In
order to make the analytics results available to business users for operational decision-making
and strategic planning, organizations collect data from internal IT systems and external
sources, prepare it for analysis, run queries against the data, and create data visualizations, BI
dashboards, and reports. Better business decisions that help enterprises boost revenue, boost
operational effectiveness, and gain a competitive edge over rival companies are the ultimate
goal of BI projects. In order to accomplish that, BI combines analytics, reporting, and data
management technologies with a number of different data management and analysis
approaches. However, Frankenfield (2022) states business intelligence (BI) is known as the
procedural and technological framework that gathers, saves, and analyzes the data generated
by a company's operations BI is a broad phrase that includes descriptive analytics,
performance benchmarking, process analysis, and data mining. Business intelligence (BI)
organizes all the data that a company generates into manageable reports, performance
metrics, and trends.

12 Useful Business Intelligence Examples to Learn From and how CAI can use BI for
their functions

According to Kowieski (2023) A business professional must stay current on industry

developments and innovations in order to remain competitive. Business Intelligence (BI) is
one of today's hottest business buzzwords. Business intelligence enables firms to obtain a
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

better understanding of their operations and to use data to develop successful strategies. It's
no surprise that more firms in every area are beginning to embrace this powerful tool to
increase productivity and boost data-driven decision making across their organization.
Discover the top 12 ways BI can be used to benefit your business.
1. Sales forecasting

Many data executives utilize business intelligence to estimate sales performance—better resource
allocation, inventory levels, and pricing. The insights gained from examining vast amounts of
historical internal or market data can aid in making better informed decisions. That was the case
with Flyer, a Norwegian airline that rocked the legacy airline industry during the height of the
epidemic by focusing on the business intelligence insights it could glean from its data. "Our
biggest challenge was going to be understanding demand," Flyr Vice President of Data and
Analytics Martin Stangeland remarked. "When customer demand began to change across our
flight routes, we needed to react early and take appropriate action." It was critical for us to build
our data infrastructure and analytical environment the right way on our first try.” (Kowieski,
2023) CAI's sales forecasting can involve a thorough examination of historical sales data,
market trends, and weather patterns in order to forecast future demand for the company's
products. This predictive analysis is used to improve production planning, inventory
management, and pricing strategies. For example, by utilizing business intelligence tools,
CAI will be able to forecast Seed Paddy demand during the planting season, ensuring
proactive measures such as maintaining adequate stock levels to meet anticipated
requirements (Prima, n.d.).

2. Market analysis

Business intelligence allows firms to acquire a more precise understanding of their target
markets and consumer preferences. Companies can use BI technologies to better understand
their market by analyzing current trends, rival activity, and client feedback (Kowieski, 2023).
CAI can conduct market analysis by vigilantly monitoring competitor activity, continuously
tracking industry trends, and in-depth analysis of customer feedback to identify emerging
market opportunities. Business intelligence tools are critical in providing insights into
customer preferences, enabling CAI to fine-tune its product offerings to meet changing
demands. For example, by leveraging BI, CAI can identify a rising demand for gluten free

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bread, allowing the development of new products tailored to this specific market segment
(Prima, n.d.).

3. Customer relationship management

By giving insights into client behaviour, business intelligence tools can help firms develop
stronger customer relationships. Companies can use data from surveys and other sources to gain
an understanding of what their customers want or need from their products or services, allowing
them to tailor their offers accordingly. Consider American Express, which leverages client data to
provide a consistent customer experience. In a recent episode of The Data Chief, CDO Pascale
Hutz stated the following: “We have this wealth of information… You could almost think of it as
a burden, but it really isn’t—it’s an amazing asset. The magic behind that [customer experience
lies] is stitching all the data together—sifting through all of that [data], pulling in your customer
behavior and where you’ve been. And at that moment you are calling in, being able to synthesize
all of those events to predict why you’re calling and be ready with information to solve your
problems.” (Kowieski, 2023) CAI can use BI for customer relationship management (CRM) by
carefully tracking customer interactions, purchase history, and preferences in order to personalize
marketing campaigns and boost overall customer satisfaction. CAI will benefit greatly from the
integration of business intelligence (BI) in identifying and recognizing loyal customers, allowing
the company to provide them with targeted discounts or promotions. A practical application of BI
in this context is for example CAI can use it to send personalized crop protection product
recommendations based on a customer's previous purchases and the size of their land (Prima,

4. Risk management

Business intelligence assists firms in identifying and managing potential hazards in their
operations. Businesses can build methods to prevent future risks by examining data from
previous incidences of fraud, security breaches, and operational failures (Kowieski, 2023). CAI's
risk management can involve the comprehensive analysis of data pertaining to poultry diseases,
pest outbreaks, and weather events in order to proactively identify potential production threats.
CAI can develop targeted mitigation strategies using business intelligence (BI), effectively
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minimizing financial losses. An example of BI application is CAI can use it to predict the
likelihood of a drought, allowing the company to advise farmers on water conservation
techniques and contribute to sustainable agricultural practices (Prima, n.d.).

5. Data visualization

Businesses can also use business intelligence to visualize data in relevant ways. Using visuals and
charts, businesses can quickly spot critical patterns and make educated decisions about their
operations (Kowieski, 2023). CAI can use bi for data visualization by presenting complex data in
a clear and concise manner using charts, graphs, and dashboards. This allows employees and
decision-makers to make well-informed decisions by facilitating quick comprehension of key
trends. CAI, for example, could use data visualization to create a dynamic dashboard that
provides real-time insights into sales figures, inventory levels, and customer feedback across
multiple regions (Prima, n.d.).

6. Predictive analytics

BI tools can evaluate historical data to forecast the results of future occurrences. Understanding
customer behavior allows businesses to modify prices, manage resources, and develop products
or services that match consumer wants. Consider Accern, whose no-code artificial intelligence
(AI) platform enables users to quickly deploy and configure pre-trained financial service models
that extract insights from massive volumes of unstructured data. According to Cristian Felix,
their VP of Product: “Data makes decisions easier and more accurate. It gives you the power to
choose smarter.” (Kowieski, 2023) CAI can use predictive analytics by using historical data and
machine learning algorithms to forecast future events such as feeding times, equipment failures,
and market prices. CAI can optimize its operations and make data-driven decisions thanks to this

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predictive capability. CAI, for example, could use predictive analytics to forecast the yield of a
specific crop variety by analyzing soil conditions and weather data (Prima, n.d.).

7. Cost reduction

Businesses utilize business intelligence to cut costs by increasing operational efficiency.

Businesses can use predictive analytics to identify areas where they may be overspending and
change accordingly (Kowieski, 2023). CAI's cost reduction strategies can include identifying
areas of waste and inefficiency in the supply chain and manufacturing processes. Business
intelligence (BI) is a useful tool in this process, assisting CAI in optimizing operations and
reducing costs. CAI, for example, could use BI to monitor fuel consumption in its delivery
vehicles, allowing it to identify more fuel-efficient routes and contribute to overall cost
savings (Prima, n.d.).

8. Inventory management

Data leaders utilize BI tools to track inventory levels in order to decide when orders or
commodities need to be sent. Businesses can better manage their supply chains and reduce
expenses associated with excess inventory or missed shipments by examining their data. That
is the case for Chick-Fil-A, one of the largest fast-food companies in the United States. This
data-savvy company, known for its drive-through efficiency, relies on self-service business
intelligence to accelerate time-to-insight and manage its supply chain. Chick-Fil-A has
provided their front-line business users real-time insights on product delivery information,
case counts, and more, allowing each store to continue delivering the quality of service that
customers have come to expect (Kowieski, 2023). CAI prioritizes efficient inventory
management, which includes monitoring raw materials, finished goods, and spare parts to
avoid stockouts or overstocking. Business intelligence (BI) is critical in improving CAI's
inventory practices, assisting in stock level optimization and cost reduction. By analysing
historical sales data and lead times, CAI can establish effective reorder points for its raw
materials, ensuring a streamlined and cost-effective inventory management system (Prima,

9. Fraud management

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Business intelligence additionally serves to identify and avoid financial or product order
fraud. Companies can detect suspicious activities and limit risk by using predictive analytics
(Kowieski, 2023). Fraud prevention is an important aspect of CAI's financial security, and it
involves examining financial transactions and customer data to detect any suspicious
activities. Business intelligence (BI) is a valuable tool for protecting CAI's financial interests
and maintaining customer trust. CAI can use BI to effectively monitor for unusual purchase
patterns or potential attempts to use stolen credit cards, enabling proactive measures to
prevent fraudulent activities and ensure the integrity of financial transactions (Prima, n.d.).

10. Performance tracking

Businesses utilize business intelligence systems to measure crucial data such as sales
numbers, customer satisfaction ratings, and employee productivity over time. Businesses may
readily identify areas for development and fix them before they become more serious issues
with the help of BI solutions (Kowieski, 2023). CAI's operations include performance
tracking, which includes monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales,
production, customer satisfaction, and employee productivity. Business intelligence (BI) is
critical in this process because it allows CAI to identify areas for improvement and assess the
effectiveness of its initiatives. For example, BI can be used to track the sales performance of
a new product, providing insights that allow CAI to adapt and refine its marketing strategy to
achieve the best results (Prima, n.d.).

11. Process automation

Business intelligence software is used to automate mundane processes like order processing
and customer service. Companies can reduce expenses and improve operational efficiency by
optimizing these processes. This is the true future of business intelligence, as Jon Kowieski
noted in his list of 2023 data and analytics trends. The transition to cloud-based business apps
with open APIs allows for a more closed-loop insight to action approach (Kowieski, 2023).
CAI can prioritize process automation, which involves the streamlining of routine tasks such
as order processing, data entry, and reporting. CAI can aim to free employees from repetitive
tasks by leveraging business intelligence (BI), allowing them to devote more time to strategic
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and value-added activities. In practice, this approach could involve using BI to automate the
generation of sales reports, significantly reducing the time and effort expended by employees
in this process (Prima, n.d.).

12. Competitive intelligence

Businesses utilize business intelligence to achieve a competitive advantage by studying rival

performance, pricing tactics, and market share data. Businesses can use BI tools to swiftly
identify chances for differentiation in the industry and make educated decisions regarding
product development or marketing efforts (Kowieski, 2023). CAI's strategy includes vigilant
monitoring of competitor activity, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns, which
includes competitive intelligence. CAI can gain insights from business intelligence (BI) in
order to identify opportunities for differentiation and, ultimately, to secure a competitive
advantage. A practical example of this approach could be using BI tools to track the launch of
new products by competitors, allowing CAI to formulate timely and effective responses to
maintain its market position (Prima, n.d.).

Case Studies: Real-World Examples of Business Intelligence at Work

According to Morris (2021) Rapid, data-driven decision-making can propel success. Because
of high customer expectations, worldwide rivalry, and low profit margins, many firms of all
sizes and sectors seek to BI for a competitive advantage.

What is an illustration of business intelligence? firm intelligence can be used to provide

targeted adverts based on browsing history, provide contextual KPI data access to all
employees, and centralize data from throughout the firm into one digital ecosystem so
procedures can be more thoroughly evaluated. Here are some case studies that demonstrate
how BI is helping businesses all across the world:

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

1. BI Increases Company Revenue

With 13 million customers, is Korea's largest online shopping mall.

 Challenge: With over 1 million visitors per day, company executives wanted to know
why shoppers abandon shopping carts.
 Solution: The marketing planning team's deputy general manager introduced
customer experience analytics, the first online behavioral analysis system used in
Korea. The management used the data to better analyze client behavior, execute
customized marketing, and redesign the website.
 Results: After one year, there was an increase in client loyalty and a $10 million
boost in sales because to the new BI analytics program's insights. The adjustments
resulted from identifying and correcting the causes of shopping cart abandonment,
such as a lengthy checkout procedure and unexpected delivery timeframes.

2. Cementos Argos: BI Improves Financial Efficiency

Cementos Argos is a cement manufacturer based in the United States, Central and South
America, and the Caribbean.

 Challenge: The organization sought an overall competitive advantage as well as a

means to promote better decision-making.
 Solution: Cementos Argos established a business analytics center. The corporation
invested in talented business analysts and data science teams and leveraged data
through BI.
 Results: The company streamlined the finance process and used big data to acquire a
more in-depth understanding of client behavior, resulting in a higher degree of
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

3. Baylis & Harding: BI Provides Decision Making Process Support

Baylis & Harding is a wholesale distributor that specializes in high-quality toiletries and gift
packages sold through big and independent retailers.

 Challenge: To make better decisions and build the business, the company needed to
provide managers and executives with greater access into financial, customer, and
sales data.
 Solution: Managers and executives created conventional and ad hoc reports using
business intelligence tools.
 Results: Executives and managers at companies now have fast access to the business
data they require to act effectively. They can build bespoke dashboards with key
performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to their areas of concentration and
communicate the goals and performance data with their teams without having to seek
a specific report from IT.

4. Sabre Airline Solutions: BI Accelerates Business Insights

Sabre Airline Solutions provides booking tools, revenue management, web and mobile
itinerary tools, and other technology to airlines, hotels, and other travel organizations.

 Challenge: The travel sector moves at a breakneck rate. Sabre's clients also required
sophisticated technologies that could deliver real-time data on customer behavior and
 Solution: Sabre built an enterprise travel data warehouse (ETDW) to store its massive
volumes of data. Sabre executive dashboards offer near real-time data in user-friendly
interfaces, as well as a 360-degree view of business health, reservations, operational
performance, and ticketing.
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 Results: The scalable infrastructure, graphical user interface, data aggregation, and
ability to collaborate have resulted in greater income and client satisfaction.

5. Spear Education: BI Streamlines Internal Processes and Workflow

Spear Education is a pioneer in dental continuing education.

 Challenges: Spear's phone system lacked capabilities that would allow its customer
support representatives to work more efficiently and give better service. Their phone
system, for example, did not log calls and was not linked to a customer relationship
management (CRM) program.
 Solution: Following some study, Spear linked its call center software with its BI
solution in order to keep more detailed customer interaction records and provide a
comprehensive view of client interactions.
 Results: Spear enhanced agent efficiency and saved the company 35 hours of rep
time per week after installing a new solution for their contact center. Every week,
Spear's agents reinvest that time by making 4,000 more outbound calls.

Use Cases: Examples of Business Intelligence Strategies Prominent Companies Use

According to Morris (2021) The most successful businesses employ business intelligence to
boost revenue, customer loyalty, operational performance, ad delivery, shareholder value,
predict customer behavior, and develop new business prospects.

Examples of How Leading Companies Use BI to Propel Their Success

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What businesses make use of business intelligence? The most advanced and profitable firms
in the world use BI, from financial institutions like American Express to social media giant
Facebook and outdoor retailer REI. Here's how some people are leveraging business
intelligence to fuel their success.

1. American Express:

In the banking industry, business intelligence is essential. American Express has used the
technology to create new payment service solutions and promote them to customers.
Experiments in the Australian market have shown that the corporation can identify up to 24%
of all Australian customers who will close their accounts within four months. American
Express uses this information to retain customers. BI also assists the organization in
accurately detecting fraud and protecting clients whose credit card information may have
been hacked.

2. Chipotle Mexican Grill:

The restaurant franchise has almost 2,400 locations globally. It used business intelligence to
track operational effectiveness. Chipotle can now monitor the operational performance of
each location and provide extensive information in dashboards. Chipotle was able to create
universal KPIs for measuring and sharing improvement and success stories by standardizing
reporting and working from the same data ecosystem. This method saves the company
hundreds of hours.

3. Coca-Cola:

Coca-Cola benefits from social media analytics because it has 35 million Twitter followers
and 105 million Facebook admirers. The corporation can detect when images of its drinks are
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posted online by using AI-powered image recognition technology. When combined with the
power of BI, this data provides the firm with critical insights into who is drinking their
products, where they are, and why they mention the brand online. The data assists in serving
more customized advertising to consumers, which is four times more likely to result in a click
than a general ad.

4. Delta Airlines:

Big data and business intelligence help to improve customer service and differentiate the
Delta experience. Flight attendants now have the ability to thank and honor loyal corporate
travelers directly. Positive client experiences, along with innovative programming, enable
Delta establish itself as a market leader in business travel. While any Delta customer is
eligible for personal appreciation, the airline goes above and beyond to help corporate
customers and medallion members. This improvement expands the number of ways to thank
flyers and promote consumer loyalty.

5. Ellie Mae:

The organization handles 35% of all mortgage applications in the United States. Due to
historically low interest rates, there was a considerable demand for loan processing. Ellie
Mae created a hosted data warehouse architecture to make data more accessible to lenders.
This model allows lenders to examine data by connecting a BI application directly to their
systems rather than copying the data to a local data warehouse. That data can be used by
capital market teams to navigate unpredictable markets, allowing them to deliver outstanding
service and handle loans for their consumers.

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8.2 Tools and techniques used in business intelligence

8.2.1 Tools used in business intelligence

What are BI Tools?

Business intelligence (BI) tools are proprietary or open source application software that
collects, processes, analyzes, sorts, filters, and reports large amounts of data from internal and
external systems in order to transform raw data into useful information for business purposes

Why use business intelligence tools?

According to (Haije, 2018) data discovery, which was previously limited to the expertise of
advanced analytics specialists, is now something that anyone can perform using these tools.
Not only that, but these technologies provide you with the information you need to achieve
things like growth, resolve pressing concerns, collect all of your data in one place, estimate
future results, and much more. Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI), for example,can use
BI tools to analyze sales data from various regions, identify trends in consumer preferences,
and optimize their product lines and marketing campaigns, allowing CAI to remain agile in
the volatile agricultural market (Prima, n.d.).

How do Business Intelligence Tools Work?

To facilitate the extraction and ingestion of vast amounts of raw, diverse data into data
warehouses, which can subsequently be queried, business intelligence platforms leverage a
range of different approaches, procedures, technologies, and structures. BI tools analyze and
prepare raw data for analysis, as well as make it easier to create reports, data visualizations,
and dashboards. Dashboards in BI and visualization tools can be customized to display the
most relevant information first. What-if scenarios can help business managers mitigate risk
and guide real-time choices. Machine Learning algorithms can assist in forecasting future

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trends, and existing data can be cross-referenced to discover recurring tendencies. Data
integration with mobile interfaces allows corporate users to examine reports at any time, from
anywhere in the world, allowing for real-time decision making. BI data visualization
solutions seek to simplify the analysis process so that even the most inexperienced user can
view, comprehend, and draw conclusions from their data. The outcomes enable firms to
inform and speed decision making, detect trends and revenue potential, improve efficiency,
establish KPIs, and uncover business prospects. (heavy, n.d.). CAI may use BI tools such as
dashboards and data mining to track poultry feed production efficiency, forecast demand for
wheat-based products, and identify cost-cutting opportunities. CAI can use these tools to
make data-driven decisions, which improves their overall operational effectiveness. ( Prima,


Types of Business Intelligence Tools

Dashboards, infographics, reporting, data mining, ETL (extract, transform, load), and OLAP
(online analytical processing) are all examples of business intelligence technologies. These
tools include spreadsheets that organize data in a tabular style, dashboards that provide real-
time visualizations, and data mining tools that use AI, machine learning, and statistics to
uncover trends. Ad hoc data analytics allows for real-time analysis, whilst OLAP allows for
multi-dimensional analytical queries. Other aspects include mobile BI, which optimizes
desktop intelligence on mobile devices, real-time BI, which delivers up-to-date information,
operational BI, which integrates real-time analytics into operational systems, and SaaS BI,
which uses cloud-based, subscription-based models. Open source BI does not require
software licenses, collaborative BI combines BI with collaboration tools, and location
intelligence connects company data to spatial surroundings. Pattern discovery is aided by data
visualization software, and data manipulation is facilitated by reporting and query software.
Business intelligence tools also include self-service data preparation, data warehousing tools
for integrated data retrieval, unified modeling language for software systems, business
performance management for goal efficacy assessment, and process mining for operational
process analysis. (heavy, n.d.)
A few examples of bi tools for CAI are

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1. Agricultural weather forecasting tools
CAI can make informed decisions about its farming practices thanks to agricultural weather
forecasting tools that incorporate meteorological data and predictive analytics. These tools
provide advanced forecasts of upcoming weather patterns, allowing planting schedules to be
adjusted to align with favorable conditions and optimize agricultural activities for increased
crop yields. Furthermore, they contribute to strategic water management by predicting
rainfall patterns, improving water usage efficiency, and reducing unnecessary consumption.
This approach not only helps to conserve resources, but it also aligns with CAI's commitment
to sustainable agricultural practices. In addition, accurate data collection and dependable
technology are required for agricultural weather monitoring and forecasting. IoT sensors are
critical because they collect a variety of weather data and wirelessly transmit it to a cloud
server. These sensors, which include optical, electrochemical, and mechanical varieties,
allow for real-time monitoring of crops, soil, and environmental conditions, promoting
precision agriculture and improving overall agricultural efficiency. Advanced technologies
such as AI and ML analyze the collected data further, improving forecast accuracy and laying
the groundwork for robust agricultural weather monitoring systems. (Luchko, 2023) (Prima,
2. Supply chain management tools
Supply chain management tools are software applications that allow companies like CAI to
plan, execute, and track the various processes involved in managing their supply chains.
Inventory management, order management, transportation management, demand forecasting,
supplier collaboration, and analytics are all included in these tools. These tools can enable
CAI to monitor the movement of raw materials and finished products throughout the entire
supply chain in a systematic and efficient manner. CAI will be able to track transportation,
handling, and storage in real time, ensuring timely deliveries and minimizing delays that
could impact production schedules. This proactive approach not only improves overall
efficiency but also helps to reduce costs by minimizing logistical expenses. Furthermore,
using supply chain management tools promotes resilience, allowing CAI to respond quickly
to problems and challenges, resulting in a more robust and adaptable supply chain that
ensures a continuous and reliable flow of materials for the company's operations.
(Bhattacharjee, 2023) (Prima, n.d.).
Examples of Business Intelligence tools
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According to Gaenger (n.d.) examples of Business Intelligence tools include
1. Power BI
Microsoft's Power BI is a business intelligence tool whose key advantage is that it integrates
with Excel, Azure, Access, and other Microsoft products. While these integrations are
beneficial to many, Power BI has proven to be challenging to grasp for some—and it has
some peculiar idiosyncrasies.

2. Chartio
Chartio (Hello there!) is a business intelligence application that aims to make data accessible
to everyone. What distinguishes it from the competition is its low cost and ease of setup and
use, even for those with no coding skills.

3. Looker
Looker is a strong data modeling tool that uses its own proprietary language, LookerML,
although it has restricted visualization and data input features. It was acquired by Google
Cloud Platform in 2019, bringing it into the Google walled garden, which means it may be
integrated with Google Data Studio in the near future, as discussed in detail here.
4. Google Data Studio
Google Data Studio is a Google data visualization tool that integrates easily with the whole
Google ecosystem, from Google Analytics to Google Sheets to BigQuery. The amount of
integration and the fact that it is free make it more accessible to more people, although its
graphics and formatting are frequently insufficient. Furthermore, Google's acquisition of
Looker has some wondering about the future of Google Data Studio.

5. Tableau Desktop
Tableau Desktop is a standalone data visualization application from Tableau, a business
intelligence software firm. Tableau was one of the first BI tools to decrease the barrier to
entry into data visualization, but its older feature set meant for large, experienced data teams
keeps it out of reach for the typical corporate user.

8.2.2 Techniques used in business intelligence

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Types of Business Intelligence Techniques

According to Misiuro (2022) Data mining, data warehousing, and data visualization are the
three types of business intelligence approaches. Data mining is the process of searching
through a company's data to identify useful information, such as insights on client
demographics or operational problems. Data warehousing is the process of gathering raw
data and storing it in a centralized database. Data visualization entails converting acquired
data into understandable graphs and charts. Each of these business intelligence techniques is
examined in greater detail below.

Data Mining
The process of deriving meaningful insights from raw data is known as data mining. It's a
typical strategy in business intelligence, especially when it comes to extracting insights from
transactional data. Data mining can assist you in understanding several areas of your
organization, such as client demographics, product sales, and employee performance. Data
mining is an excellent business intelligence tool if you work in a field that relies on
transactional data, such as retail, banking, healthcare, or hospitality. It can help discover
unnoticed operational problems and customer service concerns, as well as buying trends and
patterns. Ceylon Agro Industries Limited's (CAI) business strategy includes data mining. CAI
cam carefully analyzes consumer purchasing trends for their diverse product range, which
includes wheat, poultry, and dairy offerings, by employing advanced data mining techniques.
CAI can use this information to identify popular items, identify potential new markets, and
fine-tune their product positioning. Furthermore, the company uses data mining to optimize
their agricultural support program, looking at things like crop yields, farmer demographics,
and fertilizer effectiveness. This granular analysis contributes to increased program efficiency
and fosters greater farmer success. (Prima, n.d.) (Misiuro, 2022).

Data Warehousing
Data warehousing is a strategy for gathering raw data from diverse sources, such as sensors
and IoT devices, and storing it in a centralized database. This database is typically built

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around a preset schema that allows you to query the data in a variety of ways to uncover
important information. Companies that collect a large amount of data may use data
warehousing. They range from social media platforms to internet service companies. Data
warehouses are often large and expandable, allowing businesses to collect as much data as
possible. The primary function of data warehouses is to store data ready for subsequent
analysis and insight extraction, such as consumer demographics and purchase trends.
(Misiuro, 2022). The central data warehouse, an effective storage system that combines
information from various sources, shows CAI's commitment to seamless data integration.
This includes information from manufacturing plants, distribution networks, and agricultural
collaborations. CAI can conduct comprehensive analyses of their operations using this
comprehensive approach, identifying obstacles in the supply chain and inefficiencies in
resource allocation. The centralized data warehouse is a strategic tool for CAI, allowing for
data-driven decision-making throughout the organization (Prima, n.d.).

Data Visualization
Data visualization typically entails translating data into more understandable graphs and
charts. Non-technical people can now access raw data thanks to this business intelligence
technique. From product sales to employee performance, data visualization may assist offer
insights about practically any topic. When utilized appropriately, data visualization may
transform complicated and difficult data into easily digestible information. It is especially
beneficial for management and executives who may be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of
data provided(Misiuro, 2022).CAI stands out as an example of effective communication in
the field of data visualization. Data visualization techniques can be used by the company to
simplify complex insights for stakeholders. Key metrics such as sales figures, production
trends, and farmer engagement metrics are displayed in interactive dashboards. These visual
representations provide a comprehensive and intuitive understanding of CAI's performance,
empowering decision-makers across departments (Prima, n.d.).

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics is a type of advanced statistical analysis that enables you to generate
predictions based on historical data. This method is widespread in marketing, where
predictive analytics can be used to identify future buyers based on their behavior and
demographics. Furthermore, it is employed in insurance and health care. Predictive analytics
may help any company optimize its marketing potential by creating focused marketing
campaigns and individualized offerings, identifying potential dangers and reducing the
possibility of them occurring (Misiuro, 2022). CAI's forward-thinking approach extends to
predictive analytics, a key component of their business intelligence strategy. The company
can use predictive analytics to forecast future demand for their products, allowing them to
optimize production schedules, manage inventory levels, and anticipate raw material needs.
CAI also applies predictive analytics to agricultural practices, predicting crop yields based on
weather patterns and soil conditions (Prima, n.d.).

Advanced Statistical Analysis

Advanced statistical analysis is a business intelligence technique that uncovers patterns in
data by employing complex mathematical calculations. Advanced statistical analysis works
best when combined with other forms of business intelligence. It enables you to explore
deeper into your data to uncover previously unseen patterns and relationships (Misiuro,
2022). CAI demonstrates a commitment to optimizing their poultry farming operations
through advanced statistical analysis. CAI examines correlations between factors such as
poultry feed composition, egg production rates, and bird health using advanced statistical
methods. CAI can refine feed formulas as a result of this detailed analysis, improving overall
poultry farm performance and contributing to sustainable and efficient farming practices
(Prima, n.d.).

8.2.3 Data visualisation tools available

What Are Data Visualization Tools?

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Data visualization tools are software applications that display information in a visual format,
such as a graph, chart, or heat map, for the purpose of data analysis. Such tools facilitate
understanding and working with huge amounts of data. People may make data-driven
decisions using excellent data visualization tools instead of wasting time trying to wrangle
raw data into an interpretable manner. facts visualization software, when properly designed,
does the work for you, sifting through massive collections of information to provide only the
most interesting, relevant data. Data visualization software can differ greatly. They range
from software that focuses on simplicity and ease of use to more complex platforms that
necessitate a greater level of technical and data science expertise. However, the final goal is
largely the same across tools: making data easier to understand and act on. (Treasure Data,

Why Data Visualization Tools?

The right data visualization tools may make data analytics accessible to almost any person in
an organization. Data visualization technologies allow vast amounts of data—from
proprietary to external sources—interpretable and actionable across multiple lines of
business, from marketing to finance to HR and other departments. Making data more
meaningful to people throughout your organization has a lot of marketing possibilities. This
technique results in data-driven decisions, pattern recognition, enhanced efficiency, and fresh
insights. (Treasure Data, n.d.).

What Do the Best Data Visualization Tools Have in Common?

All of the data visualization technologies currently on the market share some characteristics.
The primary advantage is their ease of use. You will most likely come across two types of
software: those that are simple to use and those that are really tough to see data with. Some
include good documentation and tutorials and are built in a user-friendly manner. Others,
regardless of their other characteristics, are lacking in specific areas, removing them from any
list of "best" tools. The program should be able to manage massive amounts of data and
different types of data in a single display. The best software can also generate a wide range of
charts, graphs, and maps. Obviously, others in the market will portray the facts in a somewhat
different way. Some data visualization tools specialize on a single chart or map type and
excel at it. Those instruments are also among the "best" on the market. Finally, there are
financial issues to consider. While a higher price tag does not automatically rule out a tool, it
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

must be justified in terms of increased support, features, and overall value. (Simplilearn,

Examples of data Data Visualization Tools

1. Tableau

Tableau is a popular data visualization tool for two reasons: it's simple to use and extremely
powerful. You may connect it to a variety of data sources and build various charts and maps.
Salesforce owns Tableau, which is widely utilized by many people and large corporations.

Tableau provides desktop, server, and web-based versions, as well as some customer
relationship management (CRM) software.

Tableau effectively creates visuals and graphics from enormous, constantly-evolving datasets
used for artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Big Data applications by integrating
with advanced databases such as Teradata, SAP, My SQL, Amazon AWS, and Hadoop.

The Pros and Cons of Tableau

Tableau has a number of remarkable benefits that contribute to its popularity. The most
notable of them are its superb visualization capabilities, which enable users to construct
visually engaging data representations. Its user-friendly design makes it accessible to those
with less technical knowledge, delivering a pleasant user experience. Tableau is known for its
superior performance, enabling efficient and quick data processing. The software can connect
to a wide range of data sources, increasing its adaptability in processing various datasets.
Tableau is also mobile-responsive, letting users to access and engage with visuals on a
variety of devices. Tableau also has a vibrant and informed community that encourages user
participation and knowledge exchange. Tableau is a powerful tool for data visualization and
analysis because of these qualities.

Despite its benefits, Tableau has certain downsides to consider. One significant point of
worry is the more higher pricing, which may hinder budget-conscious individuals or smaller
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

enterprises. Another drawback is the lack of auto-refresh and report scheduling options,
which could have an impact on the efficiency of automated data updates and report
generation. While Tableau is well-known for its visualization capabilities and user-friendly
interface, these disadvantages highlight areas where users may meet difficulties or restrictions
in their data analysis and reporting operations (Simplilearn, 2020).

2. Dundas BI

Dundas BI provides highly customisable data visualizations such as interactive scorecards,

maps, gauges, and charts, making it easier to create ad hoc, multi-page reports. Dundas BI
streamlines the complicated procedure of cleansing, examining, manipulating, and modeling
large datasets by giving users complete control over visual elements.

The Pros and Cons of Dundas BI

Dundas BI has a number of benefits that contribute to its popularity in the field of business
intelligence. Notably, the platform stands out for its excellent versatility, giving users a wide
range of possibilities for customizing their analytics and reporting processes. Dundas BI
offers a wide range of data sources and charts, which increases its adaptability to different
data types and visualization requirements. Furthermore, the platform has a plethora of built-in
tools for easy data extraction, display, and change, expediting the overall data analysis
experience. These characteristics combined establish Dundas BI as a strong and adaptable
option for businesses looking for dynamic and comprehensive business intelligence

While Dundas BI has many advantages, it is not without restrictions. One significant
disadvantage is the lack of a predictive analytics option, which may be a detriment to those
looking for advanced forecasting and trend analysis capabilities within the platform.
Furthermore, Dundas BI does not support 3D charts, which limits the visual representation
options for some data sets. These restrictions indicate places where users may encounter
constraints while applying Dundas BI's advanced analytical features and visualization
techniques (Simplilearn, 2020).

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

3. JupyteR

JupyteR, a web-based program, is one of the best data visualization tools, allowing users to
create and share documents with graphs, equations, narrative prose, and live code. JupyteR is
an excellent choice for data purification and transformation, statistical modeling, numerical
simulation, interactive computing, and machine learning.

The Pros and Cons of JupyteR,

Jupyter has a number of advantages that contribute to its appeal in data science and coding.
One major strength is its fast prototyping capability, which allows users to quickly iterate and
experiment with code. The technology also generates visually appealing outcomes, which
improves the entire presentation of data insights. Furthermore, Jupyter makes it simple to
share data insights, encouraging user engagement and information exchange.

However, Jupyter has some limitations, including difficulties in collaboration, as the platform
might be difficult to cooperate on for multiple users at the same time. Furthermore, code
review can become sophisticated at times, providing possible stumbling blocks in the
collaborative coding process. Despite these drawbacks, Jupyter remains a popular and
adaptable data science and coding platform (Simplilearn, 2020).

4. Zoho Reports

Zoho Reports, formerly Zoho Analytics, is a comprehensive data visualization tool that
merges Business Intelligence and internet reporting services, allowing for the easy
development and distribution of large reports in minutes. The high-quality visualization tool
also enables Big Data ingestion from various databases and apps.

The Pros and Cons of Zoho Reports

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Zoho Reports has various benefits that add to its popularity as a business intelligence
solution. Notably, the platform excels at easy report creation and customization, with users
benefiting from a user-friendly interface for streamlined data analysis. Zoho Reports also
includes important features like email scheduling and report sharing, which improves
accessibility and sharing of insights. The platform has plenty of data storage space and can
handle enormous amounts of data efficiently. Furthermore, Zoho Reports provides timely
customer support, guaranteeing that users can get help when they need it.

However, there are certain downsides to the platform, including the need for enhanced user
training to maximize its potential. When dealing with enormous amounts of data, the
dashboard might become complicated, offering a challenge to users in terms of data display
and interpretation. Despite these restrictions, Zoho Reports remains an important tool for
businesses looking for simple reporting and data analysis solutions (Simplilearn, 2020).

5. Google Charts

Google Charts, one of the leading participants in the data visualization market, is well-known
for its capacity to make graphical and pictorial data representations. It is coded with SVG and
HTML5. Google Charts supports zooming and has unrivaled cross-platform compatibility
with iOS, Android, and even older versions of the Internet Explorer browser.

The Pros and Cons of Google Charts

Google Charts has a number of benefits that make it a popular choice for data visualization.
The platform is well-known for its user-friendly interface, which offers an intuitive
experience to users of all skill levels. Data integration is easy, allowing users to add datasets
into their visualizations with ease. Google Charts' data graphs are visually appealing, which
improves the overall presentation of information. Furthermore, the platform is compatible
with other Google products, which streamlines the workflow for users within the Google

There are some drawbacks to consider, however, such as the requirement for fine-tuning in
the export feature. The platform lacks proper tool demos, which may impede user knowledge
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

and utilization. Customization options are extremely restricted, putting customers who want
more specialized visualizations at a disadvantage. Notably, network access is necessary for
visualization, which may be an issue in some cases. Despite these disadvantages, Google
Charts is still a popular alternative due to its user-friendly interface and seamless data
integration (Simplilearn, 2020).

Data Types and Potential Applications of data visualization tools for CAI

Crop Yield and Performance

Crop yield and performance can be analyzed using CAI by visually representing data on crop
productivity, variety performance, and environmental factors. This data visualization process
can help CAI analyze complex data more efficiently, gain insights into areas for
improvement, optimize resource allocation, and make accurate predictions about future
harvests. CAI can identify patterns and trends that inform decision-making by collecting and
visually interpreting data on factors such as crop yield, variety performance under varying
conditions, and environmental variables. This visual approach supports CAI's commitment to
data-driven, efficient agricultural production by optimizing farming practices, increasing
productivity, and mitigating risks (Prima, n.d.).

Soil Health and Nutrient Management

At CAI, soil health and nutrient management can entail the visualization of detailed data on
soil nutrient levels, pH, and organic matter content. This data visualization will enable CAI to
create tailored fertilization plans that address the specific needs of various agricultural areas.
CAI can make informed decisions to optimize nutrient levels, promote balanced pH, and
increase organic matter content by visually interpreting soil health indicators. This method of
nutrient management allows for precise and efficient nutrient management, ensuring that
fertilizers are applied strategically to maximize crop growth while minimizing environmental
impact. CAI's commitment to resource efficiency, sustainable agriculture, and data-driven
decision-making is bolstered by the visual representation of soil data (Prima, n.d.).

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

9. Design of a business intelligence tool for Ceylon Agro
Industries Limited (CAI)
9.1 Identification of data sources in Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI)

9.1.1 Sources of data

Nowadays, in order to support better business decision-making, organizations use a variety of

data sources that are not limited to age-old sources such as ERPs and CRMs. Let's take a look
at some of the most recent data sources. (FutureLearn, n.d.).

Internal data

Internal data includes information captured by organizational processes and, in the case of
Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI), data generated by its own operations. This could
include data generated by machines, such as sensors or devices used in manufacturing, or
data recorded by products themselves, such as smartphones or IoT devices. Transactional
data (customer purchases and staff pay), email marketing metrics (email opens, click rates),
information in customer profiles (names, addresses), records of customer interactions (email
queries, support calls), and online activity (placing items in an online shopping cart) are all
examples of internal data for CAI. CAI can effectively monitor and optimize various aspects
of its operations, such as production volumes, costs, revenues, profits, inventory, and quality,
by utilizing this internal data. It also aids in measuring and improving customer satisfaction,
problem resolution, and evaluating and rewarding employee performance. (FutureLearn,

External data

External data, ranging from historical demographic data to market prices and weather
conditions to social media trends, is used by organizations to analyze and model economic,
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

political, social, or environmental factors influencing their business. External data refers to
information obtained from sources outside the organization, such as market trends,
competitor analysis, customer demographics, industry benchmarks, government regulations,
and weather forecasts. CAI is able to understand and anticipate market demand, assess and
differentiate its products, target and segment its customers, comply with and adapt to the
legal environment, and strategically plan and mitigate risks thanks to these diverse data
sources. External data sources for CAI include open sources such as, social
media data from platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and paid sources such as
Thomson Reuters or Westlaw. (FutureLearn, n.d.).

Open data

Open data, which is available to everyone and is free to use, may pose difficulties if it is high-
level or heavily summarized, making it less relevant or difficult to interpret. Government
platforms such as (US), (UK), and (AUS) are examples of
open data sources, as are health and scientific data from organizations such as the World
Health Organization (WHO) and, and social media data from Google Trends,
Yahoo Finance, and Twitter. Although open data can be a valuable resource, making it usable
may take some time and effort. Open data includes information that is freely accessible from
the sources such as the World Bank, the United Nations, the Food and Agriculture
Organization, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, and the Department of Census and Statistics,
according to Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI). This information assists CAI in gaining
an understanding of global and local economic, social, and environmental factors affecting its
operations, such as GDP, inflation, poverty, population, health, education, agriculture, and
trade (Future Learn, n.d.).

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9.1.2 Diagram of how that data would be processed in order to BI tools to get them

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9.2 Design of a business intelligence tool for Ceylon Agro Industries
Limited (CAI)
9.2.1 Registration page

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9.2.2 Login Page

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9.3.3 Admin Dashboard

9.2.4 Human resources BI tool interface

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9.2.5 Procurement department BI tool interface

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9.2.6 Marketing department BI tool interface

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9.2.7 Finance department BI tool interface

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9.2.8 Management department BI tool interface

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9.2.9 Feedback page

10. Discussion on user friendliness of the proposed tool

10.1 Registration page

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If the user does not already have an account, the user should first register and create an
account by providing the necessary information. After entering all of the required
information, the user will be able to sign up for the system. This will greatly assist the user in
viewing the system's features. Users can easily log into the system by using this signup page.

10.2 Login Page

Using this login page, users can log into the system with their admin-approved username and
password. The user should be able to log into the system successfully using the credentials
provided. If a user ID and password are required, the system should make it possible for users
to request and receive them. The user may be able to operate the framework in an appropriate

 Email – Enter email (The email is

 Password – Enter password (The password is cai@mgmmohammed)

 Login – Login button (Login to the application)

 Sign up – Sign up button (Sign up to the application)

10.3 Admin Dashboard

The user will be able to effectively view the machinery performance, total wastage, raw
material inventory, and overall job progress in the above dashboard. The user and the
chief operating officer will be able to easily analyze and monitor each department
throughout the process using the dashboard shown above. The system must be easy to
use for both the user and the chief operating officer. The user may be able to operate the
framework in an appropriate manner, and the chief operating officer should be able to
store and maintain data in the system. The chief operating officer and the user should be
able to navigate the interface that has been created.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

As a result, a developed admin dashboard is more appropriate to be injected into Ceylon
Agro Industries' newly designed BI tool. For example, if the chief operating officer
grants a person access to this dashboard in the bakery plant, he or she can simply enter
credentials and gain access to it. Once connected to the system, the user can easily
access the dashboard and continue the analysis.

The control panel can also be used by the chief operating officer to identify customer
trends and adjust their strategies accordingly. That is why it is interesting to measure
these metrics over time and visualize them in a single graph to gain a more global
perspective of society's evolution. As a result, this user interface can assist the chief
operating officer and the user in a variety of ways, including providing a critical design
review in terms of meeting business or user requirements and identifying customization

10.4 Human resources BI tool interface.

The increasing competition to hire the best talents across industries has led businesses to
elevate the importance of their workforce management initiatives. Making sure employees
are happy and comfortable in the office can have a significant impact on productivity and
profitability. Therefore, paying close attention to this area can reap big rewards in the long
run for CAI. HR dashboard helps with that goal by offering a mix of high-level metrics for
the CHRO, CPO and other executives with a quarterly focus. The dashboard is divided into 4
categories: absenteeism, overtime hours, training costs and overall labor effectiveness.
Offering a 360-view of all employee-related aspects that are important for the development of
the organization as a whole. The first section of this dashboard, referred to as absenteeism,
displays the average yearly absenteeism for CAI which 7.7 days the average absenteeism rate
which is 3.4 % and the combines chart with shows the absenteeism days and the absenteeism
rate over a period of 5 years of 2012 to 2017 which is declining with 8.6 days – 6.6 days and
4.1 % - 2.1% respectively meaning that its employees are satisfies and like to come to work
in CAI

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Moving on to the overtime hours section, we get insights into the average overtime per week,
the yearly avg overtime hours over a period of 5 years and the avg overtime by age group
ranging from 25 – 55 ranging overtime per week is 1.5 hrs the yearly avg overtime hours over
a period of 5 years goes 89 – 76 and the avg overtime by age group is the lowest of 0.80
hours for age 55 and above and highest being 2.3 hours for 25 -35

10.5 Procurement department BI tool interface

The procurement KPI dashboard provides an overview of the various indicators used by
Ceylon Agro Industries Limited's procurement department. The first KPIs displayed are some
supplier statistics. Among the 804 suppliers, 61% are contracted, which means they agreed to
the contracting company's compliance contract, while 39% preferred not to settle on basic
agreements - but still work with the company as unlisted vendors. These fundamental
agreements cover a variety of requirements such as delivery time, response time, special
discounts, and so on. The contracted suppliers are then classified and assigned a partner status
such as gold, silver, or bronze - usually awarded to those who provide the company with
favorable terms of agreement, interesting discounts, and who take care of the company's
relationship. The costs and savings trends over the last five years are shown on the right. We
can see that suppliers account for over $2000,000 in spending, but the procurement
department managed to save more than $96,000. The second KPI displayed on the
procurement KPI dashboard focuses on the compliance rate per category: the first category,
which also has the most suppliers, has the highest compliance rate, with a 75% rate of
contract compliance for 610 of them. The fifth category has the lowest rate of contract
compliance, with 9% for 29 suppliers. The final metric on this procurement KPI dashboard is
an illustration of the average procurement cycle time expressed in days. This cycle time
encompasses the entire ordering process, from order placement to confirmation, order
delivery, and finally invoicing. The overall average is 7.2 days, with the time between order
confirmation and order delivery for the invoice being the longest (5.2 days). Working with an
interactive dashboard summarizing the procurement department's activities and relationships

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

with suppliers, or highlighting procurement's actual results, will not only aid in the
management of the department, but will also aid in the development of its CAI brand. These
dashboards are extremely beneficial to top management decision-makers and strategy
developers. CAI will be able to optimize its procurement process by having an overview and
monitoring the entire process, from purchase order management to knowing your different
types of suppliers.

10.6 Marketing department BI tool interface

This CAI marketing dashboard emphasizes the importance of high-level metrics designed for
the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). Marketing executives frequently lack the time to
conduct in-depth research or monitor low-level KPIs such as the clickthrough rate of a
display campaign. They must stay on top of the marketing insights required to ensure
consistent progress. That is where a CMO dashboard comes into play. The CMO dashboard
shown above is intended to provide CAI marketing executives with an overview of whether
they will meet their current month's goals. On top are four number-charts displaying the cost
per lead, cost per MQL, cost per SQL, and cost per customer for the first 22 days of this
month. Additionally, you can see the current number of users, leads, MQLs (marketing
qualified leads), SQLs (sales qualified leads), and customers in CAI's marketing funnel. For
each key performance indicator, you can see how it compares to the previous month as well
as the monthly goal. In the case of leads, CAI has set a 10% increase in the number of leads
as their target, but based on their current performance, they will most likely fall short by 6%.
On the other hand, we can see that their current performance is 4% higher than the same
period last month. Following that, a more detailed depiction of these metrics, expressing the
costs and net income for the aforementioned KPIs over time. Each metric compares the
current month to the previous month. We can see the total costs as well as a visual of each
day depicting the monthly trends in an area chart that also shows the net income. This is one
of the best marketing dashboards for c-level executives who need to monitor the strategic
outcomes of high-level marketing metrics, control customer costs, and determine whether the

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quality of generated leads matches their sales goals. CAI can easily improve its marketing
performance by utilizing automated marketing reports and this professional CMO dashboard.

10.7 Finance department BI tool interface

This is the CAI CFO's (Chief Financial Officer) dashboard. As shown in the dashboard, the
CFO typically focuses on high-level metrics that extend beyond a purely financial focus, such
as employee or customer satisfaction metrics. The dashboard focuses on four primary areas
that the CFO will find relevant and interesting: costs, sales goals, gross profit, and levels of
customer and/or employee satisfaction. We can easily connect to another dashboard within
and add specific areas of interest such as market indicators, customer analysis, investor
relations, cash management, and so on. The top left of this financial analysis dashboard
displays key metrics such as revenue, gross profit, EBIT, operating expenses, and net income.
As a result, the CFO will have a clear picture of the financial performance during the first
quarter of the year. CAI can examine how they have performed in comparison to
predetermined targets and conclude that operating expenses are actually higher than
anticipated. CAI can then easily delve deeper, begin asking questions, and analyze why this
occurred in order to avoid similar scenarios in the future. The dashboard includes simple
gauge charts that allow CAI to quickly determine whether the metric is developing well or is
in the "red zone." The dashboard's right side displays a breakdown of costs, with an
additional tab focusing on revenue. We can see that sales have generated the most costs in
this quarter, followed by general and administrative. This can provide the firm with an idea of
where their expenses are allocated and whether they have the opportunity to reduce them as
much as possible. Three new metrics have been added: economic value added (EVA), berry
ratio, and payroll headcount ratio. These three metrics will demonstrate CAI's true economic
value, as well as whether they are losing or making money, and how many employees
support CAI's payroll efforts. Finally, we can zoom in on the bottom part of the dashboard to
see details on employee and customer satisfaction levels, as well as a 3-month trend. Because

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the trend in employee satisfaction is negative in this case, CAI may want to investigate what
happened and how they can change it.

10.8 Management department BI tool interface

Management dashboards are extremely useful for CAI when strategic decision-making
processes require the summarization of often complex data into actionable insights and
reports. This is easily accomplished by utilizing reporting software that provides the CEO of
CAI with detailed visibility of business performance across key metrics using factual and
real-time data. The information obtained will enable CAI's high-level managers to gain a
clear picture of the organization, identify business opportunities, determine what type of KPI
management improvements are required, and, as a result, generate more revenue and profit.
The management dashboard focuses on total revenue as well as revenue at the customer level,
as well as the cost of acquiring new customers. It provides this information to the CEO of
CAI by providing data on total revenue and average revenue per customer, as well as
statistics on the number of new customers and customer acquisition cost (CAC). One of the
most important KPIs for each manager is the actual revenue generated during a given period,
as compared to the company's target revenue, as well as an overview of how the revenue has
developed over the previous months. As seen on the management dashboard, there are simple
and easy-to-understand visualizations comparing actual revenue to target revenue; this
information is provided numerically to provide an effective and comprehensive picture of the
firm's operations. Most revenue indicators use net revenue, which excludes VAT charged to
customers. Often, comparing revenue within a given period to the same period the previous
year provides a good indication of how the business has developed; this is why the
management KPI dashboard above displays revenue comparisons against the previous year
for more effective business monitoring. A successful business must obviously meet their
target revenue goals; however, the real-time visualizations in this management dashboard are
critical for constantly monitoring the firm's situation and addressing any discrepancies. These
metrics can be easily implemented with intelligent alarms that will notify CAI if something

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goes wrong by developing a comprehensive management report. We'll continue with average
revenue per customer, which provides information about the success of up-selling and cross-
selling activities as well as the overall value that a product or service generates for the
customer. Furthermore, pricing has a significant impact on this metric. The customer lifetime
value (CLV), an important metric for investors and the overall success of the business model,
is directly related to the average revenue per customer. The correct calculation of customer
lifetime value includes all future revenues minus the cost of generating these revenues,
discounted by a defined interest rate and taking upselling and customer churn into account.
The customer acquisition cost (CAC) is visualized at the bottom of this management
dashboard. This KPI accounts for all marketing and sales expenses incurred during the
acquisition process and represents the average cost of acquiring a new customer. CAC is
another crucial figure for investors; when combined with CLV, it indicates whether or not a
business model is viable. A basic rule is that the CLV must be greater than the cost of
acquiring a customer, because if more money is invested in acquiring new customers than
their patronage is repaid, it is not worth the effort, and business efforts should be directed

10.9 Feedback page

Above shown is the feedback page for the BI system which has a few question from the IT
department and the employees who use the system have answered the questions to address
their concern with the system. This also show the user friendliness of the system however it
does need improvement

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Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Section “C”

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Presentation slides and speaker notes

Slide1- Good Morning everyone, I am Mohammed MGM and I am here to present to you
about Leveraging business intelligence tools for improved decision- making and competitive
advantage in the legal/regulatory context at Ceylon Argo Industries Limited (CAI).

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Slide 2 - This is my Table of content

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Slide 3

Slide 4 –
Business intelligence (BI) is the process of gathering, analyzing, and transforming data into
meaningful insights that can aid in decision making and organizational performance.
Business intelligence can be used in a variety of areas, including marketing, sales, operations,
finance, and customer service. Business intelligence can also help companies gain a
competitive advantage, identify new opportunities, and optimize their processes and
Because of the market's complexity and dynamic nature, business intelligence is especially
important in the food industry. Many challenges face the food industry, including changing
consumer preferences, food safety regulations, quality standards, environmental
sustainability, and global competition. Food businesses must understand their customers,
products, suppliers, competitors, and market trends in order to survive and thrive in this
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

industry. Food businesses can benefit from BI by receiving relevant, timely, and accurate
information to support their strategic and operational decisions.

Slide 5

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Slide 6

Business intelligence tools can help Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) make better
decisions by providing interactive and visual dashboards that display relevant and real-time
data and metrics. Managers and executives can use BI dashboards to monitor and analyze
various aspects of their business, such as sales, production, quality, inventory, customer
service, and finance. Business intelligence dashboards can also assist them in identifying
patterns, trends, and anomalies, as well as making informed and timely decisions based on
data-driven insights.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Slide 7
First, consider how CAI can use BI dashboards to make more informed decisions. The quality
dashboard can be used by the quality manager to ensure and improve the quality and safety of
their products and processes. The quality dashboard can display key performance indicators
(KPIs) such as defect rate, compliance rate, customer complaints, and audit results. The
dashboard can be used by the quality manager to monitor and control the quality and safety
standards and regulations, as well as to detect and resolve any issues or risks. And, finally,
The marketing dashboard can be used by the marketing manager to track and improve the
effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and strategies. Key performance indicators (KPIs)
such as market share, customer acquisition, retention, and satisfaction, brand awareness, and
return on investment (ROI) can all be displayed on the marketing dashboard. The dashboard
can be used by the marketing manager to compare the performance of different products,
channels, and regions, as well as to identify best practices and areas for improvement.

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Slide 8

Slide 9
The Personal Data Protection Act No. 9 of 2022 (PDPA) is Sri Lanka's first comprehensive
data protection law, aiming to protect individuals' personal data rights while also facilitating
digital economy growth and innovation. The PDPA applies to anyone or any entity that
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

processes personal data in Sri Lanka, provides goods or services to Sri Lankans, or monitors
Sri Lankan behavior. The PDPA requires data controllers and processors to obtain data
subjects' consent, provide them with information about the purpose, scope, and duration of
data processing, ensure data accuracy, security, and confidentiality, respect data subjects'
rights to access, correct, delete, or restrict their data, and comply with Sri Lanka's Data
Protection Authority's standards and regulations. CAI should ensure that its BI tools comply
with the PDPA when collecting, analyzing, or sharing personal data of its customers,
employees, suppliers, or partners.

Slide 10
Two laws govern the use of electronic and telecommunication devices and systems in Sri
Lanka one is the Telecommunication Act No. 25 of 1991 and the decond is is the Evidence
(Special Provisions) Act No. 14 of 1995. The Telecommunication Act delegated sole
authority to the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) to
manage and allocate radio frequency spectrum, issue licenses for the operation of
telecommunication systems, enforce technical standards and procedures, and resolve disputes
between operators and users. The Evidence (Special Provisions) Act allows audiovisual
recordings, computer evidence, and affidavit evidence to be admitted in civil and criminal
proceedings, subject to certain conditions and safeguards. When using telecommunication

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devices or systems, or producing or presenting electronic evidence in court, CAI should
ensure that its BI tools comply with these laws.

Slide 11 & 12
The Information and Communication Technology Act, No. 27 of 2003, and the
Intellectual Property Act, No. 36 of 2003 are two laws in Sri Lanka that promote and
protect information and communication technology (ICT) and intellectual property (IP)

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development and innovation. The ICT Act creates the National Committee on ICT, the
Task Force on ICT, and the ICT Agency of Sri Lanka, which are in charge of developing,
implementing, and monitoring the country's ICT policy and action plan. In addition, the
ICT Act modifies the Customs Ordinance and the High Court of the Provinces (Special
Provisions) Act to provide for the prevention and prosecution of ICT-related offenses.
Patents, industrial designs, marks, trade names, layout designs of integrated circuits,
unfair competition, undisclosed information, and geographical indications are all covered
by the IP Act. The IP Act also creates the National Intellectual Property Office of Sri
Lanka, which is in charge of the registration, control, and administration of intellectual
property. When developing, using, or sharing ICT or IP in Sri Lanka, CAI should ensure
that its BI tools comply with these laws.

Slide 13
Privacy issues are ethical and social concerns that arise as a result of BI tools collecting,
analyzing, and using personal or sensitive data. Respect for the dignity, autonomy, and
identity of individuals, protection of their personal or confidential information, prevention
of unauthorized or harmful access, disclosure, or use of their data, and promotion of their
trust and confidence in data controllers and processors are all examples of privacy issues.
CAI should ensure that its BI tools respect data subjects' privacy and adhere to the
principles of transparency, accountability, fairness, and data minimization. CAI should

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

also implement privacy-enhancing technologies and practices like encryption,
anonymization, data protection by design and default, and privacy impact assessments.

Slide 14
Data protection/security issues are technical and operational challenges that arise as a result
of BI tools storing, transmitting, and processing data. Data protection/security concerns
include ensuring data availability, integrity, and confidentiality, preventing data loss,
corruption, or breach, detecting and responding to data incidents or threats, and adhering to
data standards and regulations. CAI should ensure that its BI tools protect and secure its data,
and that they adhere to data governance, risk management, and security management best
practices. CAI should also implement data protection/security technologies and measures
such as firewalls, antivirus software, backup and recovery, authentication, authorization, and

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Slide 15

Slide 16
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Nestlé Lanka is a subsidiary of Nestlé, the world's largest food and beverage company, which
manufactures and sells a variety of products including dairy, confectionery, beverages, and
infant nutrition. Nestlé Lanka has used business intelligence tools to improve product quality,
innovation, and sustainability. Nestlé Lanka, for example, has implemented Tableau, a BI
platform that allows them to visualize and explore data from various sources such as
production systems, quality systems, and environmental systems. This assists them in
identifying and resolving quality issues, developing new products, and minimizing their
environmental impact.

Slide 17

Keells Food Products is a leading manufacturer and marketer of processed meat products in
Sri Lanka, offering sausages, meatballs, nuggets, and ham. Keells Food Products has used
business intelligence tools to boost operational efficiency, productivity, and profitability.
Keells Food Products, for example, has implemented SAP Business One, a BI solution that
allows them to streamline and automate their business processes such as accounting, finance,
sales, purchasing, and inventory. This enables them to reduce costs, increase revenues, and
improve customer service.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Slide 18

Slide 19
CAI can use business intelligence to segment its target audience based on dietary preferences,
health consciousness, lifestyle choices, and purchasing power. CAI, for example, can use BI
to identify customer segments who prefer organic, gluten-free, vegan, or halal products and
offer them products that meet their specific needs. CAI can also use BI to identify customer
Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

segments concerned about their health, fitness, or weight and offer them products low in fat,
sugar, or calories. CAI can also use BI to identify customer segments with different lifestyle
preferences, such as busy professionals, students, or families, and offer them products that are
convenient, affordable, or nutritious. CAI can also use BI to identify customer segments with
varying purchasing power, such as high-end, middle-class, or low-income, and offer them
premium, value-for-money, or economical products.

Slide 20
CAI can use business intelligence to broaden its target audience by discovering new markets,
niches, or opportunities for its products. CAI, for example, can use BI to analyze market
trends, customer behavior, competitor actions, and environmental factors in both domestic
and international markets, as well as to identify gaps, demands, and challenges in the food
industry. CAI can then create value propositions that attract and retain new customers by
developing new products, services, or solutions that address market needs. CAI, for example,
can use BI to identify opportunities for exporting its products to other countries such as India,
China, or the Middle East, as well as to adapt its products to local tastes, preferences, and
regulations. CAI can also use BI to identify opportunities for product diversification, such as
adding new categories, flavors, or varieties, and to innovate its products to meet changing
customer needs and expectations.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Slide 21
CAI can use BI to engage its target audience by creating and delivering content and messages
that are relevant, personalized, and timely in order to capture and maintain their attention and
interest. CAI, for example, can use BI to collect and analyze data from a variety of sources,
including social media, web analytics, customer feedback, and surveys, in order to better
understand the customer journey, pain points, motivations, and emotions. CAI can then use
business intelligence to optimize its content, channels, and campaigns, as well as measure and
improve its marketing performance and outcomes. CAI, for example, can use BI to create and
deliver content and messages that educate, inform, entertain, or inspire its customers, such as
recipes, tips, stories, or testimonials, and to reach and engage its customers through
appropriate channels such as websites, blogs, newsletters, or videos. CAI can also use BI to
create and deliver content and messages that persuade, motivate, or incentivize its customers,
such as offers, discounts, coupons, or loyalty programs, and to reach and engage its
customers through appropriate channels such as email, SMS, or social media.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Slide 22

Slide 23

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

The PDPA requires data controllers and processors to obtain data subjects' consent,
provide them with information about the purpose, scope, and duration of data processing,
ensure the accuracy, security, and confidentiality of data, respect data subjects' rights to
access, correct, delete, or restrict their data, and comply with the standards and
regulations issued by Sri Lanka's Data Protection Authority. When collecting, analyzing,
or sharing personal data of its customers, employees, suppliers, or partners, CAI should
ensure that its BI tools comply with the PDPA. The use of BI tools also entails some legal
issues that CAI should be aware of and comply with, such as The Personal Data
Protection Act No. 9 of 2022 (PDPA), Sri Lanka's first comprehensive data protection
law aimed at protecting individuals' personal data rights while also facilitating growth and
innovation in the digital economy. The PDPA applies to anyone or any entity that
processes personal data in Sri Lanka, provides goods or services to Sri Lankans, or
monitors Sri Lankan behavior.

one of the BI tools that CAI can use to enhance or improve their operations while keeping
security legislation in mind, Qlik Sense is a cloud-based business intelligence solution
that allows users to integrate and analyze data from multiple sources, as well as create
interactive and visually appealing dashboards and reports. CAI can benefit from Qlik
Sense to improve its supply chain management, inventory control, demand forecasting,
and customer loyalty programs. Qlik Sense can also assist CAI in meeting PDPA
compliance by offering features such as data encryption, data masking, data retention, and
data deletion. Qlik Sense can also assist CAI in meeting the requirements of the
Telecommunications Act and the Evidence (Special Provisions) Act by providing features
such as data security, data integrity, and data auditability.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

slide 24

slide 25

Finally, Business Intelligence (BI) is critical for Ceylon Agro Industries Limited (CAI) in
navigating the complexities of the food industry. While BI improves decision-making, legal
and ethical concerns must be prioritized. It is critical to follow regulations such as the PDPA,

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

the Telecommunications Act, and others. Concerns about privacy highlight the significance
of ethical BI practices. Tools such as Qlik Sense, Tableau, and SAP Business One provide
features that comply with security legislation and ensure data integrity. Case studies of
competitors show the effectiveness of BI in optimizing operations. CAI will be able to use BI
not only internally, but also externally in the future. Innovation and customer engagement can
be driven by segmentation and targeted strategies guided by BI insights. In conclusion, within
legal and ethical boundaries, BI is critical to CAI's strategic growth, operational excellence,
and customer-centric approach in the volatile food industry.

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Slide 26 & 27

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

Slide 28

Thank you, any questions?

Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01

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Mohammed MGM Unit 57: Business Intelligence Assignment 01


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