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Endurance Testing

when Load testing done for longer amount of time

Spike testing

IN this testing we suddenly incerease the user. Suddenly increase the no. of user when increase the user
during the festive session in Ecommerce website

Test plan / Thread group / thread

Test Plan -IT IS Collection of multiple test cases

Thread Group : It is test case. It is collection of multiple step

thread- In jmeter , we call user as thread

11. Different type of test Steps

Samplers : with the help of sampler we can sent request to thte server .

Listener : Listener are used to generate report.

Assertion : Assertion are used to validate the value coming from the server with the actual VALUE. uSED
for validation .

Timer : Timer are used to make any delay betweeen the request;

Controller (Logic Controller ): we can controller the flow of the execution.

Config element : used to perform some configuration. want to read the csv file before running the test.
like user_name, password

Preprocessor : before sending any particular samplar , if any configuration requird

Postprocessor : after getting the response from the server.

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